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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1968, p. 8

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. .......... ††††~ Is d IS s 9 p The Canadian Statesman, Bownmnvle, May 8, 1968 I SPORTopICSI WATCH OUT FOR BIG JMAN The way Jean Beliveau lu going lni Uic Stanley Cup playoffs, Gordie Howe anid Maurice "Rocket" Richard mlgbt find thefr names removed from Uic post-scason record book. Howe stili leads with Uic most playoff points, scoring 85 goals and addlng 91 assista for a 156 total, but Beliveau has narrowed Uic margin, collccting il points on sevexi goals and four assists. The "Rocket"' for thc lime being has a firm grasp on third spot with 126 points, eight more thaxi Bernie Geoffrion. Delvecchio la fiftb, followed closely by Moore. Thexi cornes Lindsay, Kelly and Henri Richard. Mau.rice Richard bas registered the most playofi goals -82, wlth Beiveau baving passed Howc for second place. Gordie has 65, Geofirion - 58, Lindsay - 47 and Hull - 40. As everyonc knows, the "Rocket" was ln a clase by hiniself when it came to oventime, notchixig a record six markers. Ironically neither Beliveau, Howe nor Geoffrion have sconed in overtime. Mel Hill bad three to his credit, with Frank Mahovlicb, the only active player wilh a pair. lI case you're interested, Howe la also the leader i penalties wllb 216 minutes, a record wbich seema fairly safe, as Beliveau la some 40 minutes behind. Other penalty leaders lni order are Lindsay, Maurice Richard, Shore and Horner, with Bellveau fifth. "Red" Kelly bas put together a fantastic record o! appear- Ing li the playoffa for 19 years. Since 1948, Kelly bas nissed only once - in 1959. Howe has 18 years to, bis credit, startlng I '47, and missixig 1959, '62 and '67, the latter two when Kelly was with the Leafs. Kelly has partlcipated in the moat playoff games - 184, followcd by Howe wlth 150 and Marcel Pronovoat - 134. The "Boomer" holds the record for niost consecutive years lni the playoffa, stretching from. 1951 to 1964. "Turk" Broda leads the goal-tenders ixi two departmenîs with 13 shulouts lni 101 games played. Tenry Sawcbuk bas enIy played a couple o! games leas and has a dozen shulouts. """Toe" Blake holda the record o! coacbing the most Stanley Cup cbamplonship teanis. Blake coachcd the Cana- diens ta seven, not INCLUDING THIS ýYEAR, startlng with the firat li 1956. The record for niost Stanley Cups by a manager is shared by thrce mexi, each with seven champioxiships. The late Tommy Gorman, Conn Smytbc and the laIe Jack Adams. Over the last 25 years, only one team bas ever fliishcd lni fourtb place and won Lord Slaxley's basin, and that wa. last year's Toronito Maple Leafs. Detroit cnded fourtb on seven occasions, reachlng tbe final four limes. Leafs arc also the winxingest thlrd place club, having wound Up in that position ten tumes, and captured the cup ail three times they reached the finals. xIn fact, lni that 25 ycar spart, oxly one other team bas ended thlrd and won - Chicago Black Hawks. Toronto la tbrce for four in Stanley Cup victories, follow- Ing a second place finish, whilc Montreal lu tbrce for seven as these are the only two teams to wlnd up second and wir the cup. Leafs have only. wound up firat twice li the last 25 years, and both times, skatcd off witb the Stanley Cup - 80 It appears that once they make the finals, Toronto la the teain to beat. Overaîl they have won nine limes lni il appear- ance. Montreal has won ten lni 16 finals, with Detroit takixig Itl ive times la 13 final series. While Leafs arc a good bet in the finals, another odds on favorite, wben they aren't playixig Toronito, is naturally cxiough, the club that ends up on top cf the standings. Canadiens have captured the cu.p seven ies ln eight finals, while ending in firat place on 13 occasions. Detroit has won ln ilfve out of six attempts, after finlsbing as league leaders, ten times. Now - so you can fmpress your friends the next tume the playoff quiz appears on your televialon screen, here are a few records, whlch we trust won't be outdated by the tinie this columx islaprnted:- MOST POINTS, ONE PLAYOFF YEAR - Stan Mikita lI 1952. Six goals and 15 assista lxi 12 games against Montreal anid Toronito - 21 points. MOST GOALS, ONE PLAYOFF' VEAR - Maurice Rich- ard, durixig nine games agaînsl Toronto and Chicago lni 1944 - 12. MOST ASSISTS - MIKITA lni 1962 - 15. MOST POINTS BY A DEFENCEMAN IN ONE YEAR - TiMr" Horton, Toronto, lxi 1962. Three goals, 13 assista lni 12 games agalnst Rangers and Hawks - 16 points. The 13 assista are also a record for a defexicemaxi. MOST GOALS BY A DEFENCEMAN IN ONE YEAR - ]CARL SEIBERT, Chicago, li 1938, durixig 10 games against Moxtreal, New York Amenicans and Toronto and "RED" KELLY, Detroit, lxi 1954, duning 12 games against Leafs and Canadiens. Now bere's one they bad on the other night, but the old scribe couldn't impress anyone, becatise we bappened to watch the gaine ail alone. MOST POINTS BY ONE UINE - GORDIE HOWE, EARL REIBEL and TED LINDSAY, Detroit, durlng Il games againal Toronto and Monîreai lIn 1955. Howe had nine goals, Il1 assista; Reibel - five goals and seven assista, and Lindsav scored seven anid earred 12 assista. MOST POINTS IN FINAL SERTES - HOWE lxi 1955. Scored five goals and seven asssisalni seven games ngainat Canadiens - 12 points. MOST GOALS IN FINAL SERTES - BELIVEAU scored sevexi limes in five gaines against Detroit la 1956. ~~ KINSMEN BRING THIS SPECIAL 1/2 PRICE PASS FOR TWO TO THE FRIDAY, MAY 10 1968 KINSMEN CYSTIC FIBROSIS BINGO aittie PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE $9,OOO IN PRIM teS ui »rand New 1968 AMDASSADOR Sedan or 12,M00in Ceai'; $1000 HI-Le Garne; SaiitSuowbil 1$00.00 (il am.); Mta Snewball $1,106.00 (61 nos.) PLUS A BIG FEATURE SIARE THE WEALTH GAME SM0 reguiar gaines $M56 peclal gans plus f EarI7 BMrdGaris (Sha tere siatb) nt 7:39 D«,st forget te buy the paek fer vaine snd Save mrney. KANT 128 A» VALUABLE DOOR PMIES n ...-..-..- On Saturday at Memorial Park Clubhouse, the Men's Major Lerague bowlers held their closing ban- quet and presentation of trophies and prizes. Top picture shows the winning IGA team from lef t to right, Bill Orme, Murray Tighe, Fred Thomson, Capt. Maurice Annaert, Roly Coombes and Bud Henning; middle photo shows the runners up, the Whyte Bros. team, Garf Clark, Brian Martyn, Capt. Jack Bond, Walter Hately, Bruce Milne; absent, Russ Hately. Individual prize winners are pictured in the bottoni photo: high single, Lowell MacDougall, tied withý Mike Murphy; Ai Osbornie who won the high aggre- gale, Bruce Milne, high triple and Ernie PEretth combined average. The Men's Major League 1582; 3rd, Maurice Richards D. Oke, B. Milne, R. Van Meer Ive Is as follows: Past Pres., held their annual banquet at and Howard Bromeil 1534. and J. Lander. 3rd, E. Leslie, Clarence Oke; Pres., Bob Law- the Memorial Park Club House The wlnners in the teams D. Bagnell, L. Wiseman, L. ton; Vice-Pres., B. Milne: Sec- on Saturday. May 4th, 1968. were: lst, R. Oke, J. Houck, W. Annaert and S. Oke. retary, AI Osborne; Treasurer, The ladies of the Memorlal Hately, A. Samells and Norm The clection of officers took Fred Cole. Directors, Elton Park Association served the Henning 3451. 2nd, L. Piper, place and the 1968-69 execut- Brock, Dave Reynolds. bowlers a deliclous roast beef dinner. Bob Kent thanked 0O the ladies on behaîf of the bowlers. R ce to e iw President Clarence Oke wel- comcd the sponsors, replace- Minor Basebali League Lord Elgin Park Ia situated at Gerald Brunt, Dan Brock, Len1 ment bowlers and guests. It The Departmcnt of Recrea- Fourth and High Streets, just Hone, Jim Beers. was a capacity crowd. tion Minor Basebaîl Atom Off Scugog Road. Memorial ASTROS - Tim Corneil, AI Osborne recelved the Series will start the regular Park ia located at LibertY Tom Nowland, Randy Master- Merit Pin from Ontario Bowl- schedule this coming Satur- Street and Ontario Street. son, Dale Carey, Ron King, crs Conzress for his contribu- day, May 1 lth, 1968, at Me- Lord Elgin Park Teams Steve Cole, Barry Living- tion to the success of the Men's moial Park and Lord Elgin METS - Brian Stoneburg, stone, Larry Hcarl, Wayne Major League. This was pre- parks. Ted Shantz, Richard Kraken- Thiele, Greg 8runt, Rod Mca- sented by C. Oke. Bob Lawton gave the high. Boys living on the north berg, Doug Farrow, Gerald chin, Alan Spencer. single trophy to Mike Murphy aide of King Street will play Hcydens. Alan Slute, Ed. Vis- GIANTS -- Wayne Holroyd, and Lowell MacDougal. Both at Lord Elgin Park and boys ser, Ron Burgess, Ted Tru- Barry Brunt, Ricky Hoger- bowlers bowled 383. on the south aide of King deau, Dan D a v es, Jeff vorst, Tim Buttonshaw. Barry Ernie Perfect presented the Street at Memorial Park. Brooks. Beers, Tom Mullenix, Bill high triple trophy to Butch DODGERS - Bob Shantz, Irvine, John Crosscy, Chris Mine for bis big 918 score, m Joey Burns, Sid Van Abbema, Marchant, Rick Stacey, Alan AI Osborne, Dr. Kcith Slem- L AW N u 1 Richard James, Don Farrow, Brunt, Robert Ormiston. on and Murray Tighe called Jon De Vries, Ron Visser, Atom Series Schedule on Roly Coombea to accept the mfu w Glen Fallis, Mike Reynolds, Memorial Park Atom Ser- rnost improved bowler trophy. IotUUW * Bob Brooking. James Pocock. ies achedule for Saturdav Dr. Shemon was the donor. BRAVES - Gerald Leddy, morning. May llth, 1968 - OshrnePe ctombn e aeag P IIIT U en y be, RGerlVisMori usv adias imn Esbrnere ct wned avhe els T Tim Mrtyn. Roert VMier,;Custsvsarins, Diao- trophy. Elton Brock mnade the O son, Doug Shearer, Chuck onsto v Ga2s.Da presentation. Ernle averaged FUATURES Babich, Ken Auger, Harold mnd 2areIn need of coaches 24nl for 96 games. Bain, Scott Seedsbury, John for some of our Atoni teams: The high aggregate trophy UVMR McGuey. ayn neetdsol a was won by AI Osborne for bis ON YlIU LA J One more team at Lordanye neret ie shoud2ca- 2278 9-game total. Bruce4 Elgin Park is requlred. Boys 3h1 ecetinOfieat.3 Milne handled the presenta- FINGERTIPS... under 10 ycars of age and 3114.oftal tlon. seven years as of January îst GrsSfbl The food boys from I.G.A. of the current year who want The Department of Recrea- won the John M. James teani to play baseball and live in tion Girls Bantam Softball champlonship trophy and also the North Ward area rnay do League (13 and under 16 the crests froni Ontario Bowl- sn by contacting the Recrea- years of age as of the current ers Congress. The champs tion Office at 623-3114. year) will hold a practice on are: Capt. Maurice Annaert, Saturday's Schedule Saturday morning, May ltb. Fred Thomison. Murray Tlghc. 9:00 a.m.-Mets vs Dodgers, 1968, at Central School Roly Coombes, Bud Henning Diamond 1, Lord Elgin Park; grounds starting at 10 a.m. and Bil Orme. 9:00 a.m. - Braves Practice, The Girls Pee Wce Softball The runner-up trophy went Diamond 2, Lord Elgin Park. League needa coaches badly. to Whyte Bros. The greatest Meinorlal Park Atom Sertes There will be six teams in team In bowling hlstory werc oe 2 J em this group and we would like Capt. Jack Bond. Brian Taito have two coaches to a Martyn, Walt Hately, Russa t«M«ojow CUBS - Jim Lewis, Jet! tcam. Anyone intercsted in Hately. Bruce Milne and Gar! - Wno*Oubod flr Payne, Brian Hcnning, Terry coaching, please contact thc Clark. Sarginson, Ralph Pflanzer, Recreation Office at 623-3114. The winners of the Men's Arthur Bonds, Ed. Robertson. Girls interested In playing Major League Tournament Brian Leaman, Joe Nowland, the Bantam series as shown A.r slo85: S2ndLarry CBOC YS 8 ar iNASoxnVn- e.and M s.ob arep hat l atr A.r Osiorn s5: SindLs..-lt f ar iNASonete. an-above sh obreprhaolMr. Piper 830- 3rd, Georize Piper Phone 623-5487 tone, Paul Passant, Dave Central grounds, 10 a.m., Sat- 822. Doubles-I at. Fred Cole Payne, P a u 1 Cascagnette, urday, May llth. and C. Oke 1629: 2nd. U»ke 20 King St. E., Bowinanville Steve Larmer. Doug Bird, Teama - Pe# Wee Sertes Murphy and Dave Reyidda Chria Stainton, Ktith Seveu,l QUZENS -M~ebbie MiZMuI- lexi, Capt., Sharon Noble, Nancy Jackman, Carnie Pear- son, Wendy Rivera, Christine Joncs, Judy Carter,, Judith Paterson, Sandra Noble. CRACKERS - Kim Bur- gess, CapI., Linda Whitebead, Susan Spry. Margaret Spry, Janet Wilson, Bonnie Rendell, Cindy Thomison, Bey. Tay- lor. Nancy Stevens. BELLETTES - Curt Van- stone, Coach; Wendy Mount- joy, Capt., Robin Martyn, Sbclly Vanstone, Julie Pear- son, Lyndia Burgess, Gail Palmer, Vichie Cowle, Sbelly Fry, Marilyn Harvey, Dory- Anne Hubbard. JETS - Jane Marsal al, Capt., Teresa Payne, Donna Hayncs, Lee Anne Milner, Danla Sellers, Joan Perfect, Linda Taylor, Wendy Harvey, Penny Piper. Cindy Kowal. PHILLIES - Chuck Kil- patrick, Coach; Debbie Bro- med, Capt., Joy Rosa, Carol Shane, Donna Reader, Bonnie Woodward, Cindy C o wle, Carol Carlson, Joanne Mac- Donald, Debbie Henderson, Julie Luxton. ROYALETTES - Joe Piper, Coach; Susan Davie, Capt., Colleen Cooke, Judy Mickclson, Gloria Chisbolm, Sherry Vanstone, Karen Pi- per, Nancy Hubbard, Mary Davey, Lee Anne Parker, Jeanie Hogervorat. Games for Next Week Monday, May 13 - Queens1 vs Jets. Wednesday, May 15-Crac- kers vs Phillies. Friday, May 17 - Bellettes vs Royalettes. Ail games at Central School grounds, 6:30 p.m. Court Venture Planning for Rummage Sale The regular meeting of Court Venture L1892, Canadian Order of Foresters. was heid April 24th in the Nightingale Centennial Temple. President McReelis thanked Sisters Jean Devitt and Edna Baker who counted the money received In the recent Cancer campaign, and other membera who provided lunch for the canvassers. Sister Dorothy Bond re- quested that articles for the rummage sale be brought to her home, or arrangements be made to have the items pick- ed up. Coffee and cookies wlll be served as well. President McReelis gave ani excellent report on the East-. ern Ontario Provincial As-1 sembly held In Toronto on1 April 20th. She spoke of the1 excellent job donc by twol f i. i. t t i SKATEBOARD RACES Don't forget the Skate Board Races sponsored by th> Kiwanis Club to be held at Meadowview, Hilltop and Sunni-' crest Streets starting at 2 o'clock, Saturday, May 25th. Separate classes of competitlon will be held for boys and girls. Entry forma will be distributed ln the publie achools this week and must be ln before 1 p.m. the day of the race4à Registration rnay be made at 1 o'clock at Racing Impressarir Bruce Colwell's home, 14 Meadowview Blvd. members of the Court. - SIster held lni Belleville ln April. Jean Devitt as President of 1969. the Assembly, and Sister Joan Sister Joan Gibson won the Gibson as Conductor. Sis. 50-50 draw and Sister Mc- McReelis was elected RegIstrar Reelis the apron draw follow- ONCE IN A LIFETIMEN PONTIA SALE Now Y'ou Cen Buy à Specially - Equipped Pontiac et Specielly - Reduced Prico I COME IN TODAY 1 FOR EXAMPLE SAVE$$$ - DEMONSTRATOR 1968 Pontiac Parisienne 2 - Dr. Hardtop V-8, power steering, power brakes, Shade-Lite windshild, 3-speed Hydromatie transmission, wheei dises, white wali tires, electri e dock, eustom radio wlth rear seat speaker, full width front and rear rubber floor mats, black vinyl top. Oniy 4,000 original miles. Factory New Car Warranty. Lic. L4565. PONTIAC SALE PRICE --____3 4 2 1968 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF 4-DR. SEDANS "'327" V-8 engine, 210 li.p. on regular fuel, automatie transmission, power steering, power brakes, custom radio, rear seat speaker, rear defroster, remote controi outslde mirror, deluxe seat beits and shouldeui harness, throw-in rubber mata for front and rear. Brand New. PONTIAC SALE PRICE - $312 1968 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-DR. SE DANS "132711 V-8 engixie, 210 hàp. on regular fuel, automatie transmission, power steerinar, power brakes, custom radio, rear seat speaker, rear defroster, remote control outside mirror, deliii.&st beits sud shoulders hamneas, throw-in rubber mats for front and rear. Brand New. DON'T HESITATE 1 During this PONTIAC SALE wS con offer you a Brand New 1968$ 5 0 PONTIAC - for as Iow as ........................... 255 CONTACT ONE 0F OUR SALES STAFF S.Pelton. Srownur Ray Lathangue lé K- <'Mi-Mt ch K nn d 0 WL TD.Br S6KinSt. :OWANPhVe23-39 s B 1~ SPORTOPICS MOST ASSISTS IN FINAL SERIES - BERT0 STEAD with Montreal in 1956, collected elght; assists in fIve gamea. MOST POINTS IN ONE GAME - DICKIE MOOR, Montreal, ln 1954 at the Forum, Moore had two goals and four assista during 8-1 win over Boston. In the first period Moore scored twice and set up two others for four pqInts, to share the record for MOST GOALS IN ON'E PEM)D with "ROCKET" RICHARD. The Canadien ace had three goals and an assist in the third period as Montreal downed Toronto 10-3 at Montreal lni 1945. MOST GOALS IN ONE, GAME - Everyone knows the answcr to this one. The fabulous "Rocket" scorcd ail five goals on March 23rd, 1944 as Canadiens defeated Leafs 6-1. MOST ASSISTS IN ONE GAME - Four players are ticd with five. "Toc"l Blake, lIn that March 23rd game; Maur- Ice Richard, who lronically didn't score as Canadiens wbipped Rangers 7-0 lin 1956; Olinstead and Boston's Don McKenney. MOST GOALS - ONE PERIOD - HARVEY "BUSHER" JACKSON, Toronto against New York, scored three in the third pcriod lin 1932 as Leafs won 6-4. And who cIsc but the "ROCKET" wvbo turned the trick three times. The first time was the nigbt he scored five, three lni the second period. One year later, in 1945 he counted three lin the third and then lin 1957, Richard showed bc stili knew how to put the puck lin the net, tallying the three goals lin the zniddle session. TED LINDSAY also hit for threc lni the second period as Detroit downed Montreal 7-1 in 1955. Richard, the greatest playoff goal-scorer the game has ever known, has scored hat-tricks on no less than seven occasions, Includlng two games of four apiece and the record setting five goal contest. Bernie Geoffnion and Norn Uliman have bagged hat-tricks three tumes, while Ted Kennedy counted four goals once and three lin another game. Doug Bentley and 'Toc" Blake have two bat-tnlck games. Bentley turned lin his three goal performances ln consecutive games, as Chicago defeated Detroit 7-1, Marcb 28tb, and 5-2 on March 301h, both at the Detroit Olympia in 1944. FASTEST TWO GOALS - NORM ULLMAN dicked at 17:35 and 17:40 o! the second period againat Glenn Hall Rs Detroit defeated Chicago 4-2 at Detroit on April 11, 1965. FASTEST GOAL FROM START 0F GAME - GORDIE HOWE beat Harry Lum-ley, after nîne seconds of play lni Detroit lin 1954, as Wings went on to win 4-3 ln overtime, KENNY WHARRAM tied the record hast ý ear at Maple Leal Gardens, scoring on Terry Sawchuk, as Chicago won 4-3. FASTEST TWO GOALS FROM START 0F GAME - DICK DUFF clickcd at 49 seconds and 1.08 on April Dth, 1963 at Toronto, with Leafs going on to win over Detroit 4-2. And flnally, probably the most fltting way to end our statistical story, is wlth yet another set by Maurice Richard. On two separate occasions, the "Rocket" scored lni cight consecutive playoff encounters. The final streak started March 27, 1945 at Toronto and ended in the following year's play. offa on Apnil 2nd, 1946 at Montreal. Dunlng that span. Richard had seven one goal gamea and another with four. The second streak started April 5, 1951 at Detroit, and ended In 1952, March 27tb to be exact at Montreal. He scored one goal ln each of seven games anid two lni another. TENNIS OPENING The officiai opening of the Bowmanville Tennis Club foi the 1968 season will be held this Saturday. Round robin play will get underway at two o'chock, with lunch and refrcsh- ments served following the action. AhI present members and Interested prospective players Men 's Major League Bowlers Hold Annual Banquet t'. "t .4 "k. 4- i... *~4 .4- k,.' 4- 'e, 4- 4- 4- '4- '4- *0... e e 4. e de 4- e- '4- 4- 4- 4. 4- 4- '4- 4- 4- a. '4- .4- .4- '4- .4- ta. .4- .4- k" .4- '-k 'a. 4- i 4, 4. 4. 4- i "Mtch" Kennedy 1

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