10 11he Canadian Statsgmai' Ewm"&y1. a15, 1968 Huge St. Mary'ps Cernent Plant WiIl Soon be Ready to Start Production The above two pictures of the' St. Mary ef Bowmanvil]e were taken on the weekend while Ca], working round the dlock to cornplete the bank of 1E silos. The tremnendous size of the silos may be judged the cemzent trucks at the base. The seccond picture s array of buildings and silos that will be brought into begins in the flot too distant future. STARK VILLE Miso Donna Souch. Toronto,iAMr. Tobin and chiidren, Los pent t.he weekend at home. Angeles, California. Mrs. Warren* Carson enjoy- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ruthven,i ed a two week holiday with IZion, were dinner guests withý lier daughter. Mrs. P. Tobin,liMr. and Mrs. Liew HaIloweli,! Attention Farmers For Barn Repairs & Remodelling CALL PORT HOPE HOME IMPROVEMENTS COLLECT 883-4796 PORT HOPE ilo- BOX PLANTS!1 BOX PLANTS!1 BOX PLANTS! - AT - H AmPI GA R DE You will find the largest selection of BOR P ETUNIAS in a dozen different colours MARIGOLDS in different PANSUES SNAPDRAGONS and ail FESTIVAL PLANTS W. Also Carry a Good Lino of.,. * SOFT ICE CREAM * GROCERIES * CIGARETTES * CANDIES * SOFT DRINKS * MILK *FR1 ANf *HOI *APP *BRI *ETC Hampton Gar AT CORNER, 0F TAUNTON AND SCI Perf ect location for an af ternoon or even OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK: from 9 &M PHONE 26 21 ilners will be givrn later. '.7 " IMr. and Mrs. Hatr'hrr F'ý- ter. Mr. andi Mrs. Allen Fos- Cartwright Cou ncil teadM.adMs atn A special meeting of Cart ýtion of two mills for gc'neri of thcir nicc'c, Miss Joan Biol- wrighl Counci was called forifunds and an increase of one lock. Friday evening at Buf- the evening of April 23rd and ýmiIi for Counities and same as falo. attended by ail members, withpI1967 for education. This woiildý Mr. and Mcaý. -lic'hrr Fos- Reeve Malcolm in the chair. ýbe tentativeiy 18 mills, 17 and!' er were dinner guc'ats Sun- - ~The question of certain Fire 66 ttloreuton r10da vigwih Mr. and1 Costs being, billed to the cor-mls Mca. Carruthers ai Bowcnanj poration were discussed and a Besides budgzet.iing for a ville. iember of the local Fice Bni- deficit, $4.000 wouid be with- Mi-S. Rny P'nsterMs .A!-1 Sgade was concerned that theirdawn oui of reserves for a fer, Foster and Mr. rap budget wouid be washed out municipal project. Kennedfy visiter! in the Si- before sorne planned improve-:- coe district Suindavi for a diay -ys Cernent plant southwest ments werz met.1 or two. Mrs. Rny Fostpr wa a peCntuto rw e ýA bill from Bowmanville 1II with hr r nts rM. and - Fîre Dept. for $180 for the: ie n C u r.Vr1nStrei n 80' high concrete storage lcaîl made by outsiders. to the' Allen Foster and fane were iby comparing them with Cëhrlstmas tree facms ravagedZ I Bookton and brooght Mrs. hows part of the complex Iby tire in the south easternO pens Season'.JIIMariaIt home. ,ouea on spouto corner of the township wasý Rev. Sngrove held a hap- oueasonaprucondiscussed, and moved paid 50ý The Bowmanville Raç-ng t ismal service on Mnthpr's _______________per cent, the local ire depart-1 Pigeon Club flew their first; Day at the srviena ment not being called untilirace of the 1968 season froni mnrning. Thle following were Saturday, and guests with iBowmanville had called lin!Brantford. Ont., on Saturday,~ baptized: Shawn Cordon, soný ýMrs. Dobson, Sunday, follow- Port Percy which does have May 4th, an air uine distancei of Mr. and Mrs. Cordlon banfZ. Ing service at Shiloh. ýan agreement with the Corp- o! 95 miles .10 Bowman ville.I sta ff; Kicnherlyý Ann, ditizh- Many attended the chapel ocation. ýThe bairds made very good ter of Mr. and Mrs. Carcv and service for Mr. Jack Reid, By-Law No. 1159 being the' tîme as tbis was the first lime Campbell; Charle Roy, soný 1Orono, lest week. revised Building By-Law was this year they were ail liber-.of Mr. and Mrs. David Mer-' Mr. nd rs.Charie oltgiven third reading and pass-1 ated together with birds from cor, Richard James, son o! Toroto, nd M. an Mr ed on motion of Hamilton and, the Peterborough, Cobourg,1Mr. nd Mrs ..Jac k Fonk; John Stone visitedi Mrs. Stone, Asste.PrHoBwanle, Osha- Cheryl Louise amidJudiv Ma- Sunday. The Restricted Area By- wa and four clubs f rom Toron- rie, daughter s of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robin- Law No. 1137 having been1 ta. Following are the resultsi Orval Zealand; and William son, Doris, Marie and Gordon, discussed and given a reading In yards per minute. James. son of Mr. and Mrs. were guests with Mr. and Mrs. amending samne, was ocdered Igt, L. Richards, 1201.13;1alph Gca(-h. Mrs. Kathvi R. Austin, Wesleyvîie. held until pcesented to Dept. 2nd, Roy Forrester. 119 6.35; Mercer and Mcrs. Cheryll Miss Donna Barnes, Hamp- of Municipal Affairs for recomn- 3rd. Brown Bros., 1189.2.5; .4ùi Camipbell were also hapti7ed». ton. was a weekend guest mendations. Michael Carmen, 1179.85; 5th, MYrs. George Mercer lias' ýwith Mrs. Victor Farrow. Councillor Gettins presented 1. Piper 1114.20; 6th, Ron lotke finîshrr the enumerating for Service et Shiioh Sunday the Firemen's Association wish 1113.06; 7th, Johni Tuccotte, Ibis district,. afternoon vas weli attended for a new lire hall location. 1111.55; Sth. Don Sîaint.on wlth the message for Mothers No known lots are available 1085.85; th. Dave Woolner Day, "The Christian Home» and the Clerk was Instructed 1083.90; lth, Earl Luke by Rev. T. J. Snelgrove. Spec- ta contact adjacent ]and owfl- 1029.30; Ilth, Keith Woolner, lail music with Mrs. Llew Hal- ers seeking a favorable reply 973.07; 12th, Jack Bridger, loweli, pianist. was pcovlded with regards to a new Fire 705.25;l3th, ClaePcrigoe. by the 16-voice choir of chlld- Hall location. Thiq was by The Bowmanville Ractng cen and wvas greatly enjoyed. motion o! Gettins and Wright Pigeon Club flew the second Mc. Sncigrove gave a littie with Deputy Reeve Hamilton race o! their schedule on cegisterîng opposition. Saturday, May 1l, from loge.,r- The Treasurer having pre- sol Ont., an air line distance pared a tentative budget of of 126 miles bo Bowmanviile. Revenue and Expenditure for The birds made very good 1968 showing a small surplus, time with good returns of the ~~&L5.iI HI14~ with a similar mili rate for birds sent to the race. Resuits 1968 as for 1967 except for theinyrsprmutasfl additional one miii for County lowys: prmnt sfl purposes, the Reeve feit thatlos with the usual Increases rais- lst, Brown Bros. Il179.8,1 cd b suplemntar aa~s_-yds. pec min.; 2nd. L, Rich- ments that Council would b r114.; 1h, n uerl Lok wise to lower the municiae 133;4hRnLk 18 rate. .85; 5th. Roy Forrester Il118.70; A motion by Councillora .I'6h. Piper 1117.83; 7th, Dave Cettins and Wright approvcdi Woolner 1107.50; Sth, Keith " the Treasucer adjusting the Woolner 1104.78; 9th, Clare -budget and drawing up th, Peigne 1088.45; l Oi, John Taxing By-Law for a redue-1Tu rcott e 1076.97; Illth Jack . __- - _ iBridger 1013.22; 12th, Don message for the children Stainton 1009.72; 13th, Midi. about a youog man on his'aci Carmen 1000.07. graduation day, showing ap- preciation and honor tohilsr moîher as he gave hec thel B R E O goid medal that had just been: pccsented ta hi and attribut- Much syrnpathy la extenrie! ,Mr ad Ms.Clifford Fonk Ccahan-i in the passing o! a presbapdthirsmal. te 1loig husband and father. tecuhinmemory of Mr.c guests of Mc. and Mcs. A. C. Jack Reid. iStevenson and family. Mc. and Mrs. Orme Falls1 Mrs. W. Bryant made a wece guests at the Morris - business trip to Oshawa and X PLNTS Weddeli wedding In Orono was a supper guest of Mr'. and X PLNTSSaturday afternoon. Mrs. Orval Greer and girls. Mc. and Mrs. Maurice Hal- M. D. Prescott spent Fni- Single and Double lowell, Michele and Scott were day in Lindsay. Sunday eveniog dinner gucsts Mr .and Mrs. Sami Grant et Mc. Llew Hallowell's. and famîly spent Mother's colours Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls Day with Mcs. R. Davey. and Harvey wece guests with Mc. and Mrs. C. Cooper, !Mr. and Mrs. Don Hart, Toc- Oronn, visited with Mrs. W. VIOLAS onpdsnd:v.evening, 1.8 Bt rsi. Raymnon Davey en week, Mcs. Brian Caswell was Friday efterrnon in Lindsay. 5. Etc., Etc, hostesç foc Shiioh U.C.W. et Mr. Humnphrey Hewitt of hec home with an attendance Toronto was a weekend guest of 18 and the president, Mrs. o! Mr. and Mrs. John Archer Carl Todd In charge. The and famiy. guest speaker, Mrs. Wacd, Master Billy Ram:aay ac- Bowmanville, gave an Infocm- cidently feil out af a tree and ESH FRUIT i atIve taik on cancer and Mr. is hospitalized foc x-cays. Clarence Bell, also o! Bow- D VEGETABLES manville, showed lovely pic- ~~EY ~tures an Canada. A piano soloX ND L wsgiven by Beverley Cas- PL CIDER well. During the business Sunday, MotAer's Day, was pprtin, acommIttee, Mcs. EA M1orrow. Mrs. John Stark and quite an unpleasant cainy' ADMrs. Llew Haiiowell. was ap- day. Hawever, the rein was XETC. pointed ta arrange foc music badiy needed. for the anniversary, June 16. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Cou- i Rev. Sneigrove assisted with roux and Lynn spent the the devotional message for the weekend at their cottage at ý ÀM even ing. Mris. Caswell served Lake Kushog and entertained obopin tpace let Yo ur f ingers do the walking tFrough fe YELLQW PAGES s I I I I I I I I I i c SE VIN insecticide îs on your side. SEVIN Carbary Insecticide protected the appfe on the right from the Red Banded Leafroller. SEVIN provides a similar outstanding control of many other trea fruit insects including apple mag- got, codling moth, oriental fruit moth, pear psyl la, plumn curculio and grape berry moth. SEVIN is also effective for thinning apples when used 10 to 25 days after full bloom. SEVIN Carbaryl Insecticide gives you a combi- nation of advantages unimatched by other insec- icides - Its economical, sale, effective and de pendable. When It cornes to safety, SE VIN really takes your side. Not only is It safe to handie and use, but ln normal application, spray drift onto forage and feed crops is flot a problem beca use the residues of SEVIN Insecticide do flot show up in milk or meat. In addition, SEVIN breaks down quickly and does not leave persistent residues in the soil. See your local agricultural chemnic.al supplier and insist on SEVIN Carbaryl Insecticide. a AGRICULTURAL PRODUCT UN/ON CARM/E CANADA L/MITED: Chemkalsa s &ns e* &fb r.a s Prudue MeW& 4C&bm 4 *Pias.UcProducLs * Consumer producta. EMFELD <ntended for iast week> Mr. and Mrg. Donald PiW rott and family attended a !amily gathering at the homne M.and Mrs. Hoskin Smith, Hampton, to celebrate Mrs. Smnith's birthday. Elainp and Garth Davey hait their tonsils removed Mr. Edgar Prescott is hom., much improved aiter a 11% days ln hospital. The famiiy of Mrs. R. Gril- fen gathered nt the Samis home to celebrate her 8th birthday. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cowling. Whitby'; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wotten. .Janice. Jean, Harold and Ken; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wotten and childre.n: Mr. and Mrs. St-an Wotten and chîldren; '"uMr. Terry Smith. Mr. Don Grifin; Mr. and Mrs. Phii Conlin. all ot Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Smith and famiiyColumbus; Mrs. Vin. dings and friend, Terry and Tony Reddings of Pefferlaw; Miss April Rice, Hampton;, Mr. and Mrrs Fred Griffin and sons and Miss Judy Lee. Con- gratulations Mrs. Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Les visitepd ati Mr. Elgin CowlIng's, Peterborough Mr. and Mrs. Ray Taylor, lipather and Donnie, Mr. and Mrs. Jlack B3rown and Robbie. Oshawa, visited Mrs, T. Tay. lor. Mr. and Mrs. Treswlck, Tor- onto. were weekend guests at the Baliski home. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hartman, ýý.Enterprise, stayed a few days at Mr. Ailan Taylor's. Mr,;. Donald Davey, Tyrone, visited at the Pascoe home. pwwmqý UNION