VOLUME 114 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1968 .50 Per Copy~ NUMBER: Garnet Rickard Withdraws I Alcau, Oam,~,vrr!e, r~1 20 PCs. Elctom erHam pion History'Tecicher -F. Dorval Mayor as Their Candidate John R. Pratt, a former M.P. for a Montreal riding, is the Progressive- Conservative candidate for Northum- berland-Durham. He was chosen at the large P.C. Nomination Convention ............. ..in Port Hope High School on Tuesday evening. Wilbur N. Crandail, Port S Hope, who was the Social Credit can- didate here in the last f ederal election, was the only other contender. Garnet B. Rickard, Bowmanville, was also nominated but declined. Harry Bradley, a forniorjinations and election of a can- M.P. for Nothumberland, didate Harvey Brent, Cobourg, The saciau gymnsium f Por Hopehigh ehoolI 25t. Thecandiate i show abov seatdMat.ightaomtnaednMr Prat, andClarewas te charman ThIpcosgmaimo otHp ihsho 5h h addt ssonaoesae trgt Winslow, Cavan, was the sec- Mr. Bradley nominating Mr. was used for the North umberland-Durham Prugres- alongside his wif e Louise. At lef t is his daughter-in-londer: Mr. Crandals nomin- Pratt said that this candidate, sive Conservative convention last night when an law, and his son John, a teacher at Trinity Collegeýator was J. Rowden, Port was M.P. for Jacques Cartier-i estimnated 800 to 1,000 people elected John Robert Pratt 'School, Port Hope. iHope, and his seconder was La Salle froni 1957 to 1962.î as her tanar bare fr hefedra eecton JneRobert Everson, a former He spoke of Mr. Pratt's suc-' as__ __stadar_____ forthe_____lel_______ne Mayor of Port Hope. 1 (-uRN TO PAGE TWO) The President of the North- Organizers Delighted With Response 6 nrns urnberandDurham PC.o Ps Ofc the P.C. Candidate in the two last federal electionis, waI Audtio 70 You g P opl fo InBik Ro eo demnt Bod IH enivCshourglose on Threwee68 entries in the seoctorv r.KathDayet me Rige F stiv l of ArtsDarhngton Townshp Bicycle Bowmanville._During the nom Mine Rid e F stial f A ts sso. Aïl entrants were frorn FIREWORKS WARNING l Grades 5 and 6, Darlington Post Office hours for Public Schools. Storekeepers are advisedi Victoria Day, Monday, May Platform Gue Nearly Hit1 Falling Scent The new PC cané John Pratt and other the piatform at the N4o 'e convention last '.iere nearl clobbered ,':çction of scenery bi he curtain started i forward. It fell within eight fe the platforen before squea;s from the aui e%ýlerted the piatform ir "o.George Hees, Alex Carruthers, M~ President Garnet Ri( and others caught It b It landed on the guests shoved It back into pi. There was no sugge o! any foui play by opp parities. Employment- The spotlight was on vouth dents for the strength. For- Instructors were Wallact s aS t Sastlda alld Sunay attunately one adult has been Pitt, James Cryderman. Law. itc h ecsl alwe 0 interested in the festival from; rence Roberts, Bert Martin Shigh sehool and universityf its inception and will be par- Wayne Gougli, Malcolm Stew. by tudntsaudtioedfor the, ticipating in the shows,. rt Frank McQuay. Victoi b company of "The Great Pine With this youth talent ex- Smith. Stephen Bylsma. San. y jRidge Festival of the Arts;." plosion, rehearsals get underdra Murphy, Ruther Petrie àrY From dawn to away afterlway thIis weekend for the&Bruce Lush, Enic Bari-, Bil B dusk the directors, Roy Hig-f festival and will build in ex-! Barton, Stan H-oy and OPP ginsaodJoanBen ett ,vr' citement to the big o pening ^SafetY Officer Constable John ididate kept busy with interviews date in August. Cha1mers. rs o n and scenes from the plays! List of students chosen for, Sponsors included Oshawa port chosen for the festival. The' the' Festival: ýWood Produets, Roy W. Nlch- night company comprised of you ng Froni Bowmanville: Johnols, Dar7lngtonl'eachers'Assr, xvhen italent from the whoie areaiMcGuirk, Anne Mackenzie, 1 Smith Beverages. Hamib 1: echind lias been chosen, and number-.R andy Sallows, Donna King,!Beverages. Tony Refreshment faling ing over 7n' makes it one of f Muiray Twist. Louise Marno, Service and Srnart's E~.e the largest theatrical com-! Charles Ewert, E 1 i z a b e t h vice Centre. reet or! panies in Ontario.! Peter, Jerome Billett, Ted 1 Names of the winners will Sthe îhn nterviewed this weeký Wiggins, Margie Bell, Jenbe found under the photos ap- dîence Miss Bennett and Mr. Hlgginsi Bell. Cindy Wisener, Andrea pearing elsewhere In this edi- guests. said they feit they hadl dis-' Ewert. Diane Hoar and Cathy tion. M.rPl covered somne new exciting Blaker. Bowmanville has the _________ n.. young talent within this area. iargest representation of act-~ [ekard Mr. Higgins added. "It is our~ ing talent of any communityl OPEN COMMITTEE ROOIM leoepolicy to irjlude experienced In the festival. efr aduit actors in the companyi From Orono: Bob Simpsnn,ý So fan the Liberals are land. this year so the young people John Milne, Majorie Mur- the only ones who have op- esincao gain froni their experi-' phy, Don McKenzie, Jlm Bas- ened a committee room in rsonence and guidance" Fe kerville, a n d Leslle-Anne Bowmanvllle. It Is located Posing adults were available and wej Stevenson. on King St. West,.In the will be relying on the stu- (TURN TO PAGE TWO> p remises formenly occupled ------ -by Goheen's Handy Store. eached 650 Man Peak No information has been released on cmwhere the nther Construction of buildings a St. Manys Cement Company'z huge new plant here is sub-, tednowK4 ClIub Electh Elght large storage silos, eaclî 180 fet1Çi ere iise New Officers Company, Limlted. is in change of construction. Walter Frank was clected, More than 650 men xere President of the K 40 Club ernployed during the peak for the coming vear at a' penbod. and about 5.50 con- struction xorkers are stil, meeting held on Tuesday employed thiere. cvening at bis somimer home The plant is located on 40 in Kendal. Others elected for acres, and the rest of the 7 00 1968-69 were Vice-President acres owned by St. Mary's George Mutton. Secretany- Cernent will be used for quar- Treasurer Murray Cain. and rylng. three Directors, Lorne Mc- Openatbons wlll be started Quarrie, Don Wright, and Os-' In one section of the plant, borne Williams. The Past the crushing department. in President is Ray Lathangue.1 August. and it Is expected that thene wlll be about 30 Hub Hooper, a guest at the mnen on the St. Mary's Cernent event, played the accompani- Company paynoil by October. ment for the singsong on bis St. Mary's Cernent Companv piano accordion. The songt staff now at the plant include leadérs were Art Hooper and Plant Manager Ken Mackenzie. Irvine (Jake) Brown, a past Plant Engineer John Downi. Kinsmen District Governor. Production Superinten d e ii t Bill Kilpatnick was the' Bill Wilson, Plant Chemlist w~inner of the horse shîoel Lorant Jenvay, Master Mech- pitching contest. A delicious TUftN TO MAGE TWO) buffetsupper was served. toparties wlll have their rloo ms. ft ,vould appean that there will, be no Social Credit candidate in this rldlng. The forni e r Socred candidate Wilbur Randaîl was nomin- ated at . the Conservative convention 'n Port Hope Tuesday night. The 1967-68 M ar a th on 1967-68 Marathon B n id g e: ' Brigehel 1 te Wme'swere« announced today by ý Fo.-pitpal Auxiliary wvas en- Mrs. Macaulay and Mrs. Ma-j j-yed by 56 people in two son as follows . Afternoon« g-ouis. Play slarted in Oc- Gnoup: Mrs. Alan H. Osborneý toben and continued during and Mrs. Robent Kent. The. the following six months., rtinners,.-up were Mrs. A. L' Thîe auxiliary president, Mns.r Hooey, Mrs. H. R. Moses, Mrs ]Lloyd Ayre. said today that1J. O'Neill. MIrs. R. Morrison, ..~ti'Marathon Bridge, whichiMrs. George Young, and Mrs.' .j or many years lias been onc Wesley Cawker. of the rnost poptlar of the The Evening Gnouip pnîze ââxiliary*s nrojects, was aga'nwinnens: Mns. S. R. James and 4W outrtanding success this'Mrs. L. W. Dippel]. The runi- Bowmanville's Kinsmen Club members accumnu-E &%son, and s'he congratujlated nens-up in this group 'vere lated an amnazing assonimnent of unusual articles thats the co-convenors of the event. Mrs. Keith Jackson. Mrb. 4- went on the block at their Cystic~ Fibrosis auction lasta Mai. E. L. Macaulay and Mrs.. B. Rundle. Mrs. D. S. Fergu. Satudya h amno lb ag rw a Lawrence C. Mason, a pastson, Mrs. L. T. MeLaughlin.trdyateBa ito ClbAlrgcow ws presidnt. Mr. K. MQuireand x~'in attendance and appeared to be enjoyin thexei The Prim wanma o f the. J Louis De&M;. ence, offering goocl prices for the items. School teach, to read thýe -to wn's -b e concerning the sellin v- fireworks. An advertisE n,ýappears in this issue. On Tuesday evenin thie Goodyear dam, youngster set off a ji cracker inside a n o1 p youngster's jacket. con fl ely ruining the garmn no t injuring the other Police Chief Bernard ney this morning issu warning to parents in hpe that lhey will do y utmost to prevent any Itther Caccidents or . ~ig of sement ing at 1'on e fire- riiplet- it, butI rboyx. -d Kit- -ued a n the otheir iy fur- At their convention in Port Hope last week, the Northumberland-Durham' New Democratic Party was unanimous in1 its choice of 32-year-old Wilmer Hill of Hampton as candidate for the June 25th federal election. Mr. Hill, a history teacher at Donevan Collegiate, Oshawa, and bis wife Marjorie, sons John 7, 'Mark -I ' nd daughter Beth, 5, were pho tographed on Saturday outside their home. » 1 Wilmer Hill, a 32-year-oldlthe banner for the New Demo- a graduate of the University V_ý roD , em Fn g e Oshawa hlstory department1cratic Party ln the June 25 of Waterloo's school of engin- head of Donevan Col legiate1 Dominion election In the new eering who had taken up a ("i I LgA Institute was selected lastiredistribution riding of North- teaching position at Cobourg 31. ifl hl ~ijP I L rfY In Wednesday at a nomination1 umberland-Durham. hlgh school this faîl. Mr. Mal. r W NR W~ VW W W~ EE meeting In the Dr.. Powersl The only other candidate by declined the nomination. school in Fort Hope to carry nomlnated was George Malby, Mr. Hill, a native of Gana. noque near Kingston has been 'To e Plyéd unda ýNa resident of the Darlington Township village of Hampton for the past fine years. Born This Sunday. members ofIsponse that the contract was in Leeds County, Mn. Hill was ,St. John's Church will hearlfsigned in January 1966 withi I S I E , a long awaited sound, for it: the Principal Pipe Organ çtinucationa Seoly a y Gan. ýwill be the first Sunday on' Company of Woodstock. rqeHg col asdo fwhich t'he new organ will be A fire in the factory in ONE WORD - It has been called to our attention aoque H0 igh srh o Ga n played. Italy destroyed the newlyr by Donald Krain of Canadian Christmas Decorations a farm1 iesono rath o a. Io 1963 it was realized th-ioded pipes; this and twof Limited that in an attempt to be helpful we neally arship to attend Queen's Uni- theoldorgn o 195 ws fother urnxpected problenis of e i t theoldorgn f 105 asbe- supply delayed installation ai causedhs tff and about 150 applicants consider- versity where he graduated 'coming incneasingly unreli- iv'hIole year, so that even no able difficulty and inconvenience. To give immediate tryIs15hon o e n hiso- able and windy. In Septei-ý a few of the pipes may stillýimeu to an advertisement for hl at the new tr.J 98h o od ber 1965 it was decided to! to be tuned next week. ! pt eieueda tmi help row Win um ilsoniversitywh ta o order a oew organ, using the ý The Dedication by the Ri ght pa ,w nldda tmi hsclunavsn mi ovnlyweeh old pipes. togethen with a fewf Rev. F. H. Wilkinson, retired girls that summrer employment was available. It obtalned bis master's degree. new pipes, and the fund was! Bishop of Toronto, is sche-'1 turns out that Mr. Krain wanted permanent staff wo te nsaum of1959nh state wih ucha oodre 1dued for 7:00 p.m. on May 26. not summer. Our plg to ail concerned. That's ,orKeintn and h auminu rn n what we get for shoving our nose into somebody ýbegan to teach at Donevan else' busiess.Collegiate Institute. He moved Spree at Kinsmen Auction elesbsns.T to Hampton ln June, 1960. He joined the NDP the followlng WINNER - Don Brooks, Oshawa, won the $50 ycar. Kin Investment Draw witb numnber D249. Next Married to the fouiner Marj. Tuesday the $1,000 draw will be held to close orle Young, the Hilîs have the urret seies.three chlldren, John 7; Beth, out tecre-n eis 5 and Mark, 1I. T T +He has been departzment, jWEEKEND - If you are looking for excitement 1 head at DCI in Oshawa for, over the weekend, there will be a big Rotary Fire- Ontario New Dernocratie works show at the High School grounds on the Party leader, Donald C. Mac- holiday and earlier in the day, the village of Bethan y DonaId, speaking before an will ho]d its annual Sports Day, starting with the audience of neanly 100 NDP usalbg aad.supporters at Dr. Powers, usualbig arad . e.(TURIN TO PAGE TWO) er, turned auctioneer Harvey Webster excelled him- self in squeezing out the hast cent from buyers with a ingo that was quite professional. lie is shown here, auctioning off an old time telephone being held byI Lorne Traves.. STRIKE - Members of Local 189 at Goodyear and the office union are stili picketing the local plant with no immediate signs of any settiement. It is understood the company and the New Tor-. onto union are meeting regularly but reports on progress have been few and far between. No doubt once agreemnent lias been reached at at Toronto, efforts will be concentrated on the Bowmanville situation. In the meantime, strik- ing employees here are on strike pay that is considerably less than they were drawing while working. It is hoped that next wveek's edition will include a more op timistic picture. SCHOOLS- Students ai BHS wilI be showing their Home Ec., art and industrial art skills tonight, starting at 7 and tomnorrow the musicians will take over the Fashion Show portion of the program. This week's Statesman contains quite a few pictures of the Open House and Fashion Show at Courtice Secondary School. Visitons were thrilled at the beau- tiful classnooms and the interest shown by the youngsters in their activities. Things certainly have changedi in the past few years, the kids know more, have more poise and confidence than most of us aduits did at th eir a ge. NOMINATION - The NDP and the Progressive- Conservatives have now chosen their candidates for the June 25tb election, but no date lias yet been announced for the Liberal nominating con- vention. It probably wilI be held in Port Hope sometime during the last week of May, accord- ing to reliable sources. An ainenacement slould be forthcoming for next we.k. In the mueagtbar. the orgauizational efforts are goang fenrd for aJi parties snd, the caiipal4guag wI» boln in emffl.t .&l> in Jww.- LIFE SAVING SEMINAR f Elected officlals, c iv ief leaders, service clubs, mun- j icipal fine and police chiefs. etc., have been invited to attend a Resuscitation Sem.-i Inan ln the Armories at Co- bourg on Wednesday, May 22nd. Organlzed hy the Emer- geocy Measures Organiza- f' lion and the Safety SupplY Company, it is being held ta, stimulate lnterest InbIlfe saving throughout the Uni- ted Cou nties. The Serninar will Include an information film, a medi- cal panel, discussion peniod and a display of resuscita- tion equipment. B7s'Y BEAVERIS The sudden rush of ralny weather hasn't helped the staff at Beaver Lumber ln their efforts to transfer ail their materials from their present location to the new building on King Street East. They have hlterally been working like beavers ta complete the move auquick-. ,y as possible. Sorne.of the office staff, rIot accustomed to slugglng 1t out on the Ilifting, havýe learnd thaï they havisachtng muscles tbey dldiVt kriow exiuod., It tg'hoped toheve th end"restock sbt$d Iwithi 4 the next tew dpy", wisn It fl, bbu si Large Conservative Convention Elects Federal Candidate 20, w~ilI be as follows: The Post Office ivili be <'iosed ail day. There wili be no Rural Mail Service, or Street Letter Carrier Delivcry. There wiil be no Street Letter Box pick-up on Sun- day, May 19. There wiIl be one Street Letter Box pick-up on Monday, May 2th at 3:00 p.m. There will be no des- Patch of mail on Sunday, May l9th. Despatch of mail on Mon- .dqay, May 2th: West 6:00 .mE'ast 7:00 p~ aw11- -I Cernent Plan t Nearly Readyý Star t Crushîng in August1 Large Crowd Has Buying Hospital A Announces 0f Marathi uxiliary Winners ,on Bridge - - __ --ri -RE 1- i i