ne n- nt, j .~.10,t4 t' Ai V AI EX V, 'J. -E '4 -+ . IAILCr 1uyears, at hn jtption, a Rotarian could givd -ýùp his classification but cor 'liÇnue as a Ratarian with al M ghts, privileges and responst -ilities. At the end of 15 year: a ewould automatically re inquish his clasication, bul ~continue as a full member. ThT âlub vated "Yes" en this sec ion. 3. There would be a pro- "Vision for memberilp based iilther on a man's place cl "business or that of residence, IThe vote was "Yes". SWING INTO SPRING 1 with these terrifie Interest rates SWING UP TO . .. (mnmm monthly balance) 414%CHEQUING 4I~ACCOUNTS low service charge min. 1/j yearly balance) 5 Y.oars 710/v G.I.C.'s 7% 1 - 4 Yrs. G.I.Cs SWING DOWN TO .. LOWER COST PERSONAL LOANS and MORTGAGES Swing Your Account NOW Into CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 231 5009 S. W., gowmonvii. 823-2527 l Simca. St. If. 723-5221 ISOURS. Mon to.Tburs. 9 ta 33 Fri. 0Ute a Sct. 9 to 4 elderly gnleanwilo lives in Bawmanvillc and wond- ered If you could help me. He wee la Toranto et the currýed'an Sunday, May 5 1968, et the Oshawa Generel Hospital, tollowing an ilînes of 12 montls. rs ena oi aprii ineriewng Son of the late Mn. and ton a secretary toaeccampeny -Mns. Thomas Albert Reid, he e-hlm on a world cnuuse. Ap- was barn in Bowmanville, itpancntly tbe Interview didn't an eevdbseuaini e work out ad he le still look- ank ,eivdhseuaini c- ng for someone. He struck CareTownship Scilools. On up aconersaionwithtwoMay 18, 1938. lie married the friends of mine and eskedfomrGay lnWdis dthem ta get la taucil with who survives. f hlm If they kaew anyone Mr. Reid hed been a resi- e.who mlght be Intenested la dent of Orono for 20 yeans -the position. Tbey exchang- and before maving thene lived cd business carde, but ca't et Crooked Creek. For 25 find them now. Wc'vc been yeers he was self-emplayed, tnying ta tind someone ln during which he cerried on Toronto wha knowe hlm, operetions as an auctioneer, but no luck. fermer and horsemen. A suc- ThisIs he nforatin Iceseful fermer, he was widely Tus te iforatin Iknown through hie services have on him: eldcnly, fetrly as auctioneer. He wes a mcm- wealthy, a widower, ardent ber of Orano United Church. Trudeau supporter, curreat- He was also a member of ly writlng two books. and Durham Lodge A.F. &A.M., geaerally a pleasant man. the Canadien Trotting Asso- If you happen ta know ciation end of the Canadien 1tileman. cauld you please Standard Bned Association. cither pase this letter along Surviving are bis wife, ta him or send me bis namne Ileen; a daugilteir, Petsy; and and l'Il, write hlm? He a son, Charles, aIl of Orano,. seemed tai be qulte chetty Mn. Reid rested et the and so I assume someane Ia Nortbcutt Eiliott F u a e r e 1 Bowmnville muet know Of Home, Bowmnville, with hlm. funeral service coaducted by« Til job sounide like a Rev. Basil Long, tram Orona dream, and I'm very anxlous United Church on Wednesdey, ta follow It up. I ca't thlnk May Stb. Interment wes ila of any other wey ta get la Orono Cemetery. taucil wlth hlm. If you Honorery palîbearers werel could belp In any wey. 1 the Hon. Earl Rowe, Messrs.1 would very mucil eppreciete Bill Rowe, Ernest Werry, Bil It. Armstrong Sr., and Charles Yours truly, Armstrong. (Miss) Carol Sellers. Palîbearers were Messns. Lawrence Hooey, Lawrence Herris, Doug Dawney, Doug MADPEGROVE Pelmer, akDWt an- Junior West, Sunday being Mother's Dayl' Among the meny beautiful aur pastor Rev. J.P. Romenil hional tnibutes, evideace of the delivered a wonderful sermon hgh esteemn in which the de- based on "Mother's Days";î ceased wes ild, wcre those elso the two children of Mn. tram the Ontario Hernese and Mrs. L. Jacobs, Deboah Eorseman's Association, Can- June and Leonard Andre, adien Standard Bred Associa- wene beptised. tion, Canadien Trotting As- Don' foret te U..W.sociation, Jockey Club, Dur- - Dont fnge th U..W.hem Lodge No. 66, A.F.&A.M., meeting on Thursday even- Orono Harseman, O sh aw a ing, May l6th, in the C. E. Driving Club, H a mi il taon Hall et 8 Township Drivîag Club, Glo- Mns. W. H. Browna wasj bal Life Insurence Ca., Clerke hostese ta a numiler of Maple Township Progressive Con- Grave ladies ta afternoon tee senvative Association, Non- lest Tueedev ta meet Miss thumberlend & Durham Pro- Lyna Bradley and hen mnothen gressive Consenvative Asso-- M ns. Carl Bradley, Hampton ciation, and Durheam County R.R. 1. We extend aur con- Progressive Consenvative As-7 gratulatians ta Mn. and Mns. societion.- NOc MIL-K c 'AY, MAY 2Oth k Delivery on: >AY, MAY 21 st t'io memnerUC, LVM1is Mvarler Gibson, an Intermediate men ber, Mns. 1Gardon Lamor Senior Leader, Mies Conn Bradcy, Intermediate Leade Mrs. D. Bradley, and Mi Marilyn 'Bradley, an Intel mediate Inember. Senior Presideat Lewis pn( pased tile Toast ta the M( there, and Mrs. Morley Var stone responded on behaîf, ail the mothers. The Toast n the Deughters was propose by Mrs. Russell Oke. Min Merlene Mecklia on behalf c the C.G.I.T. neplied. Mise Ormistan, the M.C maved a vote of tbanks t the Trnity U.C.W. for thei kindacess ia prepaning, seri ing, and donetiag sucil a de ectable banquet. Miss OrmL- ton was tîhe leader ton thi enjoable eiagsong. Senior Leader, Mrs. Lamon presented C.G.I.T. Perfect AI ttndance Awerds to thnY Seniors, Miss Debbie 0kt Mise Patricia Gibson, arn Miss Malene Mcklin. Inte: uness Directory Accounîancy 1 RAY 5. DILLING Chartered Accounant 93 Churcil Street 623-3861 -WM. ..H GN Chertercd Accountant 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmeanvll Phone_623-3612 WÜIAM C. HAjjL B.Comm. Chantcrcd Accountant 361/ King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 BURROWS, SELBY&CO Chartered Accountants 323 King Street West Oshawa, Ontario 725-6451 - 728-7554 Willam A. D. Sciby, C.A. *G. Edmond Burows, C.A. C hiroprac tic Gý.-EDWIN MANN, D.C. Office: Chirop nectar 15 Elgin St., cor. of Harsey St Phone 623-5509 Office Maure: By eppointment 75 King St. E. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - 623-5790 Re-. Phone Newcastle_987-4261 DR. C. F. CATTR-AN, D.D.S. 75 King St. E. Bowmenville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. deily Closed Saturday and Sunday Phone 623-5459 DR. E. W. SIS SON L.D.S., D.D.S. Office la hie home 100 Liberty St. N., Bawmaaville Phlone 623-5604 Office Haurs: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Wedncsday - Seturday DR. STANLEY GERTZ 67 King St. E., Bawmanville Office Maure:; 9 ani. ta 6 p.m. Mondey through Thursday 9 a.m. ta 4 p.m. Friday Cloeed Saturday and Suaday Phone 623-7662 Insurance DONALD A. M8CGREGOR Life, Auto, Home Isiaurance 52 KIn St., Bowmanvlille Phone 623-5962 Mlorigages SADIE RAMILTON - oRoNo Phone, 983-5115 First Mortgage Funds Residences PaFrmi Business Poete Oplomeiry KEJTH A.ILLEIT, 6M--. Optometniat 43 lgSt E. - Bowmnanvakl ~1fco our: y appolntment Tonelephne623-3252 Mo.-Tes.- Thurs. - r. 9 a.rm.ta 5 p.m. W& and Sat - 9- 12 r, Miss Elaine Annis, Toronto, Mrs. C. M. Love, Hamilton. the1 ss and Miss Charlotte Annie, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Macnab, fathe r- Peterboro, spent the weekend Charlene, Janet and Gardon Syd' with their parents Mr. and visited an Sunday with Mr. ening -- Mrs. Lorne Annis. and Mrs. Ron Stephenson and and o- Mr. Bill Nash and Steven girls, Orono, to help cele- famil n- visited on Sunday with Mr. brate Michelle's birthday. Mr o>f and Mrs. Wm. Axford. Steven. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcalf famil tn has a new baby sister In Osh- and Mr. Ross Metcalf visited Syd d awa Hospital. on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. noon. ss Mr. Herbent Johnston, North Glenn Metcalf, Oshawa. ML Of Bay, visited his sister, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. M e r win Noral Win. Axford and Mr. Axford. Mountjoy visited Mr. and Mns. party Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ax- Rabel, Whitby. on Si .0 ford and Melanie, Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. Harold Avery aurc ýin called on Mr. and Mrs. Ax- and girls, the Union, visited versa v- ford on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin 14aunt- gar 1 e- Mns. Amy Burrows, Ajax, o. ast Tuesday. Mr spent Mother's Day withMn Mr. and Mr ons. Frd Gir.oia e and Mrs. Burnows, Mr. and adM.Crih nn; i Mrs. Rudy Jammer, Clint and ~Kurt, Port Ferry, alsa visit- 'ed at the Burrow's home on ee Mother's Day. e, Recent callers on Mn. and id mrs . A. W. Pnescott were, on ETuesday, Mns. John Malette, -Mrs. Glen Malette and Marie, Newcastle; on Thursçiay, Mn. Jacob KeWËleî' and Miss Amy Kessler, Êolton; on Saturday, Miss Dianne Prescott, Enfield. 8 ohéd ~bv 1141 0864AWA WHOLISA[E LIJITIS - Mn. and Mrs. Laverne Cle- ..app1Y prorma., deffdnft. mens visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albin Clemens, Bowmanville.SAEO A number of Hamp to0n r HAT EÜYA -friends Mn. and Mrs. Dave Hall and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. »w lié 099111 towi éu ePu Il AI H Il utON (111 lAIT"MS le Blanchard visited with Mn. PLUS MIESE EXTRA SAVIHOSI and Mns. Edgar Horn, et Cae- IKOHOM! SIZ - sarea on the occasion of their 15h edig nvy herPLASTIC mndeHamton esfriende are BANDAGES extededto issDoreen Bry- - ant on being crowned Queen CLAE10 NtANTUAPTIt of Countice High School. i CA Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bryant TROPIC TAN e et ohUIM I46 89( and family have moved ta \LADY PAýTRICIA1 A O A. 69, I their farm at Hantley. HETAPN.lA Mr. and Mrs. Bob McQueen, Tammy and Shannon, Stoney Cneek; Mrs. Bill Cowle and ONU fhlmT zDianne, Bowmanville, spent BRlIQUETS M.IneA45 c Mothers Day with Mrs. Eul- een Smale. IG1CTUP 2 39c Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Ball- IA C TU ,le ar ndfmiyspent Mother'TR Dywith MsHry Apple. U ton. Whitby. US A » 2 moi49c *Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ball- rI TH tard, Columbus, visited the Ralph Ballards on Saturday. DA YCS We are sorry ta report that Mr. Harold Wilkins le ln Osh- -awa Hospital unden observa- H E E IF tion. Keep the carde rolling CAMUDAN 2 --:69c efriends. SUCES Mr. and Mrs. Les Hoskin, SA la Thornton's Corners; Mr. and CHIEZ SPREAD 69c yMrs. Harvey Balson, Osh- F11005005Sc U awa; Mr. Gerald Balson, Dr. MOACMARGARN ..-3 -and Mns. Keith Balcon, Mary 7Jean and Steven, Bowman- cville, wene Mother's D ay~ COUPON SAVINGS guests with Mrs. Stella Bal- son. clis I il ig o Mr. nd rs.J. . Cvery, F.Il à 4 Pt. fiG Mn. nd Ms. J D. aveiyc[ SETrNS lity I1.99 Linda, Mark and Gail and IL ICamuis Fil COMPLET ES PIELU Mns. Sudds, Bowmanvi lle, were Sunday dinner guests PEILCI CILII with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cav- .84lC iT III erly. Miss Ruby Dewell, Oehawa; I V. ENTE! Mn. and Mrs. Goschl and LI children, Oshawa, were Sun- fY- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell. Mr. and Mrs. Allison Lea- man will be moving from aur village and new people are AN planting the garden._________ Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hogarth on F2998 sAND 1DONC and family, Pickering; Mr' HIoýu o OUTMINuf Jim Blunt, Bowmanville Mr. MXT and Mrs. J. B. Wilcox and Donald, Cobourg, visited with lESIJIAR OR SALT & VINEGAI Mns. Jas. Hogarth on Moth- nTre i ers Day. [HOS>LESS CHIPS 9U Mr. and Mrs. 'R. Farrow. Marilyn and Gloria, visited Mrs. Victor Farrow, Stark- XAIw 'f &Mm5 1 ville, on Fniday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. Farrow and girls visited on Sunday with u 'reua a~ Mrs. B. DeHart and with Mr. and Mrs. Ross, Brooklin, on Sunday. ~FE FE On Sunday afternoon a rI FREE FE3RI family gathering was heid at GIFYTS IATON FOOD the home of Mrs. Fred Hol- ~~* ~~~ royd, Sr., ln honour of the tenth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Bih] Holrayd. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Lamb, Darla, Donna, Gall and Pat- ridia, Ennisklflen; ;Mr. and Mns. Fred Holroyd and Lyn- Mri. L. Hickey, Kelly, Kthy, Bwa Allin. MIchael and Mark, Mr. Frank Holroyd, aâil of Bow- manville. Mr£. T. S. moiidun.oysln 'Me Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanvllle, May 13, 1968'Don Brown (nec Lyn Erad- ley) on their marniage 'i t e ,D a g trta q e Saturday. They wil reside in: M oteDghe Ba qt Rotarians Vote onfl Mrand Mm. Barry BleekL!edby 'niiy Prp sd C a g sini Mrs. W. H. Brown, and ai " I tended her brother Don's P rwo e h n e ednd iTh~e anul Mothers and mediate Leader Miss Connie ta her. Ail the C.G.I.T. mm i weddînfg. comun. Dauher anquet held by Bradley presented the Perfect bers sang the C.G.I.T. Hyma, ftem bership R ules tyi etndto r.HàrvTrninty United Churcil C.G. Attendance Awards ta two and Miss Patricia Gibson was Walke andfamily in thýe .T. in thle Sunday School Hall Intermediates, Miss Donna the piano accampaniet. On Thursday at the Bow- 4. There would be only'anc passing of her husband.. Mrs. on a recent evening was a Lewis and Mies Marene Gib- Mr. Ward'presented an in- manville Rotary Club luncheon type of membenship, I.e. active, Walker (nee Elsie Collacutt ) most enjayable eveat. Each son. Each recipient of these spiring message ta the Cana- meeting In the Flylng Dutch- aithougil there would still be was a former resident of mather was presented with a awards rcceived a silver caf- dian Girls In Training. He mnan Motor Inn a six member provision fon honorary merm- Maple Grave in hen yaunger carnation by her daughter, tee spoon engraved with the concluded with this quota- Panel dlacussed p r o p a s e d bership. This ballot resulted days; she alea taught scilool and the M.C., Mies Bonnie letters C.G.I.T. as a gift. tion: "There are loyal hearts. changes in membership regu- ln a "No". ýhere at ane time. Our sym- Orm~iston w eIc o me d the World Friendship Badges There are spirits brave. There lattons that wil be decided at 5. There would be pro- pathy Is aiea extended ta Mr. gueste, the Rev. G. K. Ward, were presented ta Mise Don- are souls pure and truc. Thea the 1968 oatry International vision of electing a former and Mns. Leslie Collacutt in and mothens of the members. na Lewis, Mies Debbie Mc- give ta Vthe world the beet Convention ta be held In member of aay Rotary Club the passing of their cousin.. The tables were arranged Mullen and Mise Cindy For- that You have and the beet ~exIcoClty.who laeleigible for relinquish- Mn. and Mrs. Collacutt, who in a hanseehoe shape wîth the sey by Mies Bradley. wCame do."M.Wr SThose who took part Ia the Ing classification. This result- wene accompanied by hie cis- head table in the centre lac- An Impressive graduation gave the benediction, kogam er PrsidntAIedla esvo. ter and husband Mn. and Mrs. ing the stage. It was centred service followed. Thsws TeC....Snor and ln- '"'herspoon, and the Magazine Art Belîman, Bowmanville, with a lovely arrangement of apened with a prayer and a termediate Chair, canducted ,nd Rotary Information Com- After the compietion of bal- attendcd the tunenal ls ikan ht oeswtlap erad by Mrs. Lamant. by Miss Bannie Orniieton and mlttee: Chairman, Dr. Keith loting on the five questions Thursdey. pretty blue Japanese fan and Thene were four graduates, Miss Coanie Bradley, sang %0llett, Forbes Heyland, Dr. G. separately an Inclusive vote on three white candles. Tall blue Mise Sylvia McDonald, Miss three selections, "Ontario, ýXIwin Mannanad Rex Walters, them ail was takea. Despite Mn. and Mre. Harry Free- tapers la crystal caadîesticks Weady Lewis, Miss Marlene "I've Gat Jay Joy Down in My ,ýfl past presidents of the club. the tact that the item by Item men accompanied their deu- îiglted the head table end Bradley, and Miss Mary Jane Heart"', and "Amen". Miss Eah rsetd acgaudvoting ilad resulted In three ghter and husbaad, Mn. and similar tapers in crystal hold- Kilpatrick. Peggy Clark played "Green-. Eachorma tadatied ac-grun "Yeas" and twa "Nays" the Mrs. Morley Flintoff, and husen esoared heoer Psetinswe made ta sleeves" as a piano solo. auta crans ctin ail embraciag resolution pro- sisten Mn. and Mrs. Leslie tables. Tiay Japanese para- each graduate by Mrs. Non- An amusing skit, "The Case lhe entire subject. It wae iadcda*N",atogli acksmoontipBowmavileona sois eahanced the place carde. man Gibson of a card of con- ofth Mutilated Unifonni, pointed out that aiter the a close vote. mndtarotnp ta NiagaraeFls O Canada was sung with gratulatione, a C.G.I.T. Gra- was preeented by Iatenme- -Iôcal Rotarians expressed their The bîrthdays of tw ast darondaec ton bs-E Mise Marlene Gibson playing dyiatian Pin, and an engraveTd diate girls, Mise Barbara Van.1 0 ii n byvotngDo Mo- pesient, elt JaksFree s m anasoMhad e piano accampanirnent. siver eIooa. The graduates stone, Mise Marlene Gibson, 5i, a past president, would be BbSensweclebrated R.G Freeman Grace was said by Mn.rd. repeated "The C.G.I.T. Pur- Miss Donna Bradley, Mis enpowered ta nepresent thle by their fellow Rotaians. i-, St. Catharines, hast Fni- A deliciaus hot meal aspse iuno.Jne Ctrn Me Aaa ~omnil oayCu tPlans ton the Rotanians Fire- , donated and served b h Whlle Mrs. Gibson recited Brookîng, Miss peggY Clark, tJhe International Convention Wonks Display on Maaday a.Tinity United Church Wo- "Hold Hiqh The Torcil." ma Mies Cindy Forsey, Miss Deb- >nd ta cast its vote on the evening, May 2th, were dis- Mrs. Roy VanCamp, Mn. mea with Mrs. James Martin poemn, U.C.W. President Suni- bic lVTMullen, and Miss Di- imatter. cussed. and Mrs. Sam VanCamp, Mis- as the coavenor. eretord ligilted a white candie anne Puk. A s 1it lenot kaown whether ses Susan, Lorie and Lisa Mrs. Jack Lyna, Intenme- tamdhned tapeneonthristal plea eing piasno solo wa the entire subject including VanCamp, Base Line, spent diate Leader, introduced those adainded it t Cheris tia n heby is CidysForey. Xive questions will be voted on the weekend at their cottage at thle head table: Mn. Ward EuainCmiteRpe Te h eirgrspe - r sasnl rsltoo in Lae istro Tiny United sentative Duan, wha passed it scnted a Fashion Show en- ýr if there wlll be a ballot an Nx udywl eMs Ch urch (Mrs. Wand was un- toae graduate, and it was pas- titled "Spring Fling". Miss tach ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nx 0fthutvedheloalspaerilet be Misst- eno sed by hand ta hand ot three Marilyn Bradley was the remb o ers ag eedtatke lal ote ndy;guet sp rbesid ent W enL ei r.graduates and then held by Commeatator. The n adeI En bth ays.By his eti- ~Rev. Fred Bayliss, missionaryKnSmtr President o h outl hi a epa-wneMs edy Lewis, Mi es fdMn o rriwas B ih bebeta-% o on iurlough from Korea. Trinityumrf.. Mn o. ed until each of the graduates Marlene Macklin, Mise Sylvia ,vote acarding ta the club's ANYBOIDY KINOW HLM? Lewis, Miss Donna Lewis, un hl alwie lgtdMDnlMs ayJn majority opinion, whatever ffTTT1~ Intermediate member, Mrs. taDer. Kilpatrick, Mise Debbie Oke, #ystein s uced. 155 Balliol St., OBILUAI1I Jack Duna, the representa- Mns. Sumereford addreesed Mies Patricia Gibson, Mise 1. Any Rotary Club could Apt. 1102, tive of the Christian Educa- othe graduates n th m en Ng analcy maa nd Mis kect three members tram cach Toronto 7, Ont., JOHN ALBERT REID tion Committee. Miss Bannieotasigigtlths enNacHopr Ormiston, the M.C., Mrs. Non- eration. Mrs. Dunan rcalled For a finale ail the C.G.I.T.t business or professianal classi- May 6, 1968 The death of! a weîî-known man isn Senior Leader er personal xeine nmmer ondi red fication Inetead of anc. The Dean Sir: area citizen, John Albert Reid, Miss Patricia Gibson, a Sen- the C.G.I.T., and their value ship, Cincle_ and sang <'Tape". Vote result, "No". rtvnct naAnaed 2ves<,Onnn- and Rus Tre, awa Mr. m Brai on and n.igt Ral and awa Mn. Tru Mrs Mrs Mrs Tyi You Cali( Ha. cd 1 ing M Tor( ors Sma lens Sma Jas. al l M gan vieit on .1 M Tor( afte. une] ens. M Fig-g Hos] Mrs. awa o11e, day and 0i Clan Mrs. Lakt Doui Mn. thefi geon M: werE gues TLA BLERITE-CAHA DA GRA DE ""A" EVISCERA TED-% CHICI 52t0L.3O.0 "MIl- itttlaITt -. CAK A CHICKEN iNAÀ 1 ILB 'MPAR WIENRS .49C DINNER HAMS MA 2240. 9 ~ Deinpster's Twist Rolls '-32c CMrstie's Fudgy-O-Bar .35c IJ SWIFI'S STEW ':2"'99 _______ DRINK MIX PRIXWILINIO5 lot49c IiMARSHMALLOWS xý21,,149C CLEMONADE2 Mtc 2 .. 29c s .TOKELY ?[AS aL&mut53C FLORIDA ORANGES *110SH STIX t' 1.P FLOID CLEY 2< RAVY & MUAT S= ià.fl3, 1 À -a a Ê î 2 c o i 'A ,I a I 1.0 0 . tA n A e 'MP,"RT D >C'Et'L0 CAÀR ROT S ~29t, MPON £ SlaVE WHIP TOP sa 29C VmS ml mUIUHOOTlLu U AAIOIO. PHILCO COLOUR M. VaG[t - NEWCASiTtI- ONTARIO M. LAUTENACH- JORDAN -ONTARIO iville IGA Foodline BOWMAN VILLE 1Mxi. Harvey Hardy and Wardens, which was held ln rone Mr. and Mr. D_ Hall. ssl. Bowmanville; Mrs. the Chateau Hotel, Cobourg (Hampton, Mr. and Barry ,vail and Mns. James, Oeil- Mn. and Mrs. Hoeken Smith Clemens, awere recent visitons with called an Mn. and Mne. Frank Mrs. Bruce Baker and Pamel%, .and Mrs. Elxner Wilbur. Smith, Columbus, an Sunday Toronto * Mi. L. Hal, Bro 4n. and Mrs. Clare n c e afternoon. lin, Mn. Fred Partner, Oro*W idley, Bawmanville, called _________ M. and Mrs. G. Baker, Ann, Mn. and Mrs. Earl Luke, Ruth and Garry, Mrs. May 1ail wcat out for SuadayI Johns, Mn. and Mrs. John ht suppen. UDITUAflI Baker, Ricky and Steven were Ens. Hilton Petens and Mn.ý Sunday dianer guests of Mn. [h Petens, Toronto; Mr. VICTOR HAROLD CORBETT and Mrs. Keith Goble and 1Mrs. Keitil Peters, Oeil- Bnian tollawing the christen- a;Mise Mary Peters and The death occurred May 9, ing service in Tyrone church .Will Taylor. Bowman- 1968, et Hillsdale Manor, Osh- Sunday morning when Briag, e;Mn. and Mns. Lorenzo awa, fallowiag a very short Keith Goble, Pamnela Gionir il, Bowmanvllle; Mn. and sickness. of Victor Harold Baker, Steven David Baker sChas. Johns, Mn. and (Bud) Corbett. He was in hie and MargaTret Gable were s.Henry Goschl, Oshawa; 90th year. baptized. sMurray Yeo and tamily, Bora November 3, 1878, la Mrs. Cccii Heel and child- rone, Mn. and Mrs. Bob Binmlngham, England, the de- ren, Embnoc, were Sunday ang, Nestîcton, were tecent ceased was a son of the late dinner guests of the Kovacs. ers with Mr. and Mrs. Mn.eand. Mrs. John Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyc rold Selter. We are pleas- Marrîed la Birmingham Dec. were Sunday supper gueste of to repart that Mns. Salter 25. 1897, he had been a resi- Mn. and Mrs. C. Penwaren. owly but steadily imprav- dent of Canada for 66 years. t M la healtil. He spent some tîme la Ren-* oiryto areporat Mr. Tami gr. and Mre. Kurt Loscil, tnew, Ont., and had lived ina Pleasance got his hand caught 7ont. wre weked vsit-Oshwa or 4 machinery Friday evening, ~nta wee wekea viit-Oshwa tn 4 yers.neediag 35 etitches to closq with Mn. and Mrs. Jas. A former cmployee o! Gea- the cut. ales. Sundey atternoon cal- eral Matons and Ontario Mo- iwere, Mn. and Mns. Bob tan Sales Limited, he was a ales and Mrs. Knepp, Mr. member of St. George's Me- Smales Jr., and Camenon, marial Anglican Churcil and from Oshawa. was a former memben of Ir. and Mns. John Cànnl- Local 222, UAW and o! the and Douglas, Oshawa, Independent Onden of Oddi ted et the Prescott home Fellows. Ir.ady vei. Aci at Pnedeceesed Aug. 20, 11, r. a d Mr. An hie art by bis w ife. the form er Sa a bh ~ rnta, visited on Sundey Alice Hobley, Mn. Corbett is ýrnoan with bis aunt and survived by three daugilters, e, Mn. and Mrs. Bert Stev- Mns. Ralph Bonehani (Alice),0 ir. an Mrs. urray Me-ns. Delbent Rallias (Thelma) r. ~~~~~and MnsrunyM-adMs. Violet Fice, ahi of lan, Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Oshawa, and thnee sans, Lea s- . ;ka, Cobourg; Mn. and of Hespelen, Jack o! Bow- * LoydJohsto, Oil-manville, and Clarence of T l 'mai. iMn. and Mrs, Wm. Nicil- Oshawa. TI llusab u Bowmanville werc Thuns- diner guests with Mr. Also suviving are a br-i Mrs. Clarence Tink.Ms ther, George of Prt Hope; 21ý your insu rance b Sunday,Mr and Ms grandchildrea and 16 great- rence Tink visited Mn. andi grandchildren. p o l m ;Don Goode and family, The memorial service ws Itaa xtfield. eld t Il a.m., May il, at It lys pays Io get sound, r. and Mns. Glenn Smith, the Armstrong Funerel Home, sensible and periodic advice iglas and Shenyl visited Oshawa. Burial was in Mount on your insurance program. and Mns. Gea. Yeo et Lawn Cemetery. Rev. R. G. Icottage on Lake Stur- Brooks of St. George's Chucil Just cali us. We'l1 review n. conducted the service. your insurance needs, make r. and Mrs. Thos. Wray . whatevcr reconimendations ,eMothen's Day dinner eTTT efe o hudcnie sts with M. and Mrs. Sam LONeb eep yopr shura cnier îe, Oshawa. LONG S ULTtekepyorinurn- i [ster Terny Lyons spent t a.Adteesn wekend with hie grand- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson pa.Adteesn în, M. Syd Kerscy. Mn. and Linda, Janetvile, Mrs. charge or obligation. Krsey was a Sundey ev- Fletcher and M. Jack John- ig dinnen guest with Mn. son, Oshawa, wene Mothen's Mrs. John Lyas and Day guets ot their parents, ly, Curtice. Mr. and Ms. Bert Johnson. [and Mrs. McCunceand Mn. and Mrs. Rose Lew, STUARA 8. ly, Oshawa, visited Mn. Whîtby, wene Saturday even- Kersey an Suaday atter- ing guests of Mn. and Mrs. a.Sidney Cornish. JAMES Ises Minnie Horn and Mn. Albert Murphy, Bow- ah Horn ettcnded the manvile, Mn. and Mrs. Harold ; held et William's Paint, Murphy, Mergoaend Trevor GENERAL INSURANCE *unday aiternoon, la hon- visited tileir mother Mrs. of the 15th wcddiag anni- Editil Murphy, and M. and 2 itS.X emniI ;ry of M n. and Mre. Ed- Mrs. Roy M cLeugh ia, Black- 2 I ~ S. E e m n ll 'Horn. stock, Sundey atternoon. Office Residence and Mns. &. L. Blancil- Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gable 623-5681 623-5093 attendcd the dinner and and Bruce, Mn. and Mrs. Les- i1 eveaing for former lie Gable and Margaret, Ty-, de ve nl uofe moi A Mm%ý - - 1 -1 .41C HAMPTON