lng cafers at Mr. and ?&o.! 1hIe hirease enluefr en¶pl to Canadlan poli- iheCnda ttsnn omnllMy1.18 Mr.tereste nineteenth consecutive' cybo de Bters ytec!paes K. taMcpGIIs. Rateun ear a "comeback" trend be-;wih nefecntttsaGo d e r B i Ma u r. a n d1 9 8 Mn i n ý s tGo ers . a v B t h - G7e a a rd i l e a m e C n - s a s C o e w o a s o p i t day supper guests at Mr.9 1ndeturn reached the low est' insurance. In point of fact.:, da"s so e producer o t e u h t se ~ c b e b li g l Ph n 2 - 3 3Mr. . a tn r . R l h La b point in 135-year history f life insurance now costs less: the las yeao nty e and ca, theref re, carr ne-.and Ls MywreS. Ralph supm..the life insurance business in ini Canada than at any other th inaltones Il and L~~pe gesyofwer.Sandy sp- Insurance Canada. Perlod in history." qv ..J.m eulmncotgS15 ilonhveroas nlnerx- M rr.gand MorMr. TdherraThe 948 rte war3.29per n e Association estimates : C IIO d i I .S iI I p at ts Bowm anvlle, Ona o, i es Alla Wra, Bomanvlle.~ rherateof iteret earned, cent, reports the Association. that the net cost of an o-pat h hne a' eti onto, was Sunday guest of Mr. Shelle and Jacqu eRoine, oPraiie r.te nd th f r al M. ack a d a r a y C n da lfe.tp r c nfr- a g d 3 o a s 9 8 T e frt I salai n o a es srtc h n o dn r o d eapsa k r, S 3 0 a*nSMrse. D Jckon lv SdlgreweeCoke ng vSit. ad Orono, and the funeral insurance companies *uin Commenting on the figures,' about 20 per cent less than it i steel cable conveyor beltlng lI beltlng. a smaller a:e sr-tp 18 ls~pnStreet. lth Mrs. F. ook. King oSt Miss Annie Nebtt New, 96I du89pe enrprng1 A.-H.emmon, president of'wsi 98 n ieprcn aaincrovse asqle o prto fte At h ovrin en '(I.and Mrs. Wm. Hamble- East. Sunday visitors ,f 97 a 58 th !eors teA sscitin.Las: Te'ls thn 198.nnb pr entaCden c argoeted On Cada mach orln er hc atint ton 0fok Roche.std Mr.,tNY.,l. hae eaadies. CooksrawereheAMr.iaand. Mrs: tonville.an 158.e CanadiantedonLCnfeamansuranceic teon oRhslte ,MissE sve e Frank Cook, Mrs. Edith Mitch:- Mther's Day guests o! Mrs.1 Association. :higher rate of investmenti. "These figures are trul.ylSteamshlp Lines' 18.000-tonr the beltils tension. ias~ egnee ySehn-dm i arigsbl sbtatai o mrsiv" sa emon'bukcareriTudesas liCok, odyarsIsn aufctrngCmpn Temperance Street. ell, Mr. and Mrs. George Mut- F. Toms were Mr. and Mrs.1is sa nrae f i nnsePs usanilY t* P . sve"sys conmoYor10fcaCanadaThLtdeBathein ooeî wtii Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hall to n e!l.M. n r E. TrewIn, Doreen and Don-I hs sanIcraa f.0ýreduce the cost of life inu-"when viawed ini the conte;t final stages of conversion ta beltlng products aeingb aal !ulalgca Edwin Cook, Mr. and Mrs.Iaid for dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Per cent from the return of ance to tne Canfadiaen policy- 1 o! rising costis for virtually a self -unloader at Port Arthur, manager. t30tosprhuanag 0ndChthahisp. mothe. Mweae Ln, rkadMr.Ro . Slemon. Susan and Frd 5.79 per cent recorded by the holder. Tne rate o! return ls everY other product and ser- Ontario,1 This provides moren aeli rgt o rnosa ,0 companies. ine. r 196Lnd6.. ndMr. onl reflected in higher dividendsi vice bought by Canadiens."r The beltlng la supplied byl e hold for stowlgcaortnsnhu. Jae al.Lbrt .N Broome and Kelly', Town, Mr.!Haydon, for supper. copne iI96 and Mrs. Cyril Smith. Fleet- r Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn,ý Mr. and Mrs. George Lake wood. Mrs. John Ovenden and 'Miss Susan Wearn, Mr. Jfimi i and Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Randy. Hampton. Mr.an Swaln, were Sunday visitors at Thornhilll, called on Mrs. Gyeo. Mrs Lloyd Parker, Oshawa; 'Mr. and Mrs. Don Wearn"s. W. ame, ingSt. Est, lstand on Monday, Mr, and Mrs. Dundas, celebrating Mother' Frlday. 'Frank Westlake. Solna,. and Day and a birthday. Mr. and Mms. Gordon C. 1 Mr George Marlow o! 'Osh- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rowlands Martin vlslted bis brother andi awý. and Michael, Scarborough, afster-in-law, Mr'. and Mrs., _________ wera Saturday elening visit- Allan A. Martin, Port Credit,ý ors with her mother, Mrs. E. Saturday evening. iiptiL irth[] Page. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kohl,' ~1l~ rn a Sunday visitors wlth Mrs. Rohete.NI.hveben Page were Mr'. and Mrs. Ed vistng Mr. and Mrs. Norm.* Coombs and girls, Miss Clara ' Hannan and Mr'. and Mrs. Page, Toronto, Mr'. and Mrs. ' Frank Calver. Duke Street. Ross Page, Sauina: Mrs. How- Don't forget ta phone lI ther ard Bradley, Maple Grove.À narnes o! your guests over the' Mrs. Earl Trewin and Dor- rm comi.ng long holiday weekend, e en were guests at the Charles- and se Information o! your Martyn wedding at DunhartonOM vis1ts out o! town. Dial 3-3303. United Church Saturday aven- ,3 R Z. E B B Mr'. and Mrs. Ed. Copper- M n dg..W . abe thwalta o! Peterborough, spe M.adMs.W.Hml- OPRHR Mother'sDay withber mot ton, Rochester, N.Y., were NE SAR er r.Em aseand Monday afternoon visitors at Q omlt.a, ny am lBaobl uso uuot' ue, Mr.emorde mtn. 'Edgar Wrlght's untiLD.A. mg $oe Eude b.otobd uncle, Mi'. George Kempthorn. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewln, Ii altbXpmiIdbfl frplrbfl aa Mr.an Ms.Gerg Mt-Doreen and Donald attended W ein K 2 TTIr' >R'qDto mitb £iifVOSWMATqaI~ fr ton, Albert St., enjoyed the te Sh edlg nivrar t Boata. Sd is omltsPiuciai. ai. wekeidflhlg t edStnecelebration o! Mr. and Mrs. C. AY l Lake, Haliburton. brlnglng PM.E on a ter t ~I home a nice catch o! lake -.4caa trout. adWilliams Point. Congratula- ~ Mr.an Mrs. Edwin KI Miss Marie Draper and ber Glet Smlt. TirdSt.,wer wek Imother, were hostesseg to a end guests o! Mrs. Smith'm ie hwra hi hm n i h u r sister and brother-ln-law, Mr. day evening for a bride-to-be,li and Mrs. W. Dyke, Scarbor- Miss Muriel Griffin o! Oshawa, O H ough. when a number o! relativesSP A DE D R N MrIn r.Clfodak and frlends attended. R S fin, Flett St,. spant the week- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, end et the Statier-Hilton, Bu! r Ane mî Ronald and Ray, Haydon; Mr'.1, Mrs. Anie Smit falo, N.Y., as weekend guests j J. R. Ormîston, Mr'. and Mrs., o! radio station CKLB, Osh- About 35 friends gathered:A. Sharp were Mother's Day . awa. iat Mr'. and Mrs. R. Saverysidinnai' guests at Mr'. and Mrs.ý Mr'. and Mrs. D. Cameron,- home, Starkville, on Saturday I. Shar',. Oshawa, and Mr-. and Mrs. laffernoon to celebrate with See Coming Events regard- were Sunday visitors w1th Mr. i blrthday. Mrs. Joe Bothwell and supper the next day. "Ufmnn npk s Jamleson's mother. Mrs. Mary (nee Saveryl was in charge of!' Mr. and Mrs. Harold 5kin- _____ Jamieson, Silver St. thp tea and helped see thatlller, Bowmanvil]e; Mr-. and- 2segtroSpe Mr n r.LvreCe-everyone was servedi. Pictures 1 r. A. Sharp, were Sunday Leug.lst5c o ens Hapto, ad M'. ndwere taken o! Mrs. Smith and! supper guests of Mr'. and Mrs. Mrs.Norai' lerens nd er blrthday cake. LaterM.R Sharp and family. Kelth Scarborough, werýe Mo. ;and Mrs. Savery took Mrs.; The teachers and pupils o! ther's Day visitors with Mr'. Srith to the Acres for din- ;Enniskillen Public School and Mrs. Albin Clemens, Con- ner. would like to thank ail par- 3,:sB cession St.r Mrs. Smith moved to Eliza- ents and friands for assistance- St.baflville from Peter'borough and patronage in their recent Mrs. J. Newman, SiverSt when Mr'. Smith dled a num- bake and rummage sale. The M C I spending a weak wlth her w1thth late Mn., V. Walters wlth the expenses o! oui' busM CR NT m daughter, son - li - law andsumrwnsh excursion. Thank you ana andCr mR n e faiyM' adMr.Rger ýwent to Ilve with Mr. and ail. Hayes. Gary, Peter and Den- Mr.Sv1,be lc n Mr. and Mrs. R. Howe and . ~ ~ - roie r l--a e xis, St. Catharines. nephew. !amily visited ini Beaverton on «f. l" 089 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C.' - __ _ __ _ __ _ Saturday, with relatives and! -L V L G A E As Mrs. Alec C. Martin and fam- c NTM' oe aetM' n ew 1~S~ it17 ily, Newcastle, vlsited Mrs. EN IS IL E Mrs. Harvey Howe. 3 Dental r a Frank Blngham and famlly,! Mr. and Mrs R. Howe and ' ' Si'E &D' - Toronto. on the weekend to M' n r.H cil ee!ml pn Mother's Day Son - -n clbaeDeanne Bingham's SuT'day guest.s o! Mr'. andlwith Mi's. Howe's parents, Mr' ~' . 149 Value forjilCu h o G i bitdy Mrs. Ralph Vîrtue and family. and Mrs. Thom. Dickson, in HaïArlibl Shrmplub Mrs. Morley Vanstone and Mr'. and Mrs. George Peth- Bwle.15 oz. Regular or Hard-t-IId orrttganbheng lcToronto, were Saturdayl Pleased to report Mr'. R. J. detlpae Ma~bers, Misses Helen and ik i.adMs nxh. 'tre oe!o daroa h is~fitor at M.adMs K n d ML rtr.Edgao romI < JEJhU&.rs0 Braa Vanstone, B le e c hPtic .the hospita].Wlgt, T-%T ~~: ., o!e. M r Vast esstereeandrMia.dands.MEgarRWssghLa. Mi'.2_ AveM. wregstes lastean Mrad s.Rs Le , -Miss Betty Wright, Mr. Law. O I ' T SS' brother-ln-law, Mr'. and Mi's. ron; Mr'. Frank Lee, Oshawa;lraneW'gt iaHahrs T. C. Gordon, Gait. Mr. Arthur Stainton, w, era eWigt is ete Mr ndMs.Bia at~ Mother's Day guests of Mn. Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Murray %il, elo Aqua, M Mr ad r. rin ats ln Ms.Ala Wrr. I Axford and Melanie, were iRNWR<W Long Branch, Mrs. CharlesanMr.AanWr'. Mothei"s Dyget tM' "'~1s8ml .4fer Wtts and Jimmy MacDonald, M. and Mrs, M. * ito n Mrs. Jim Muîîer's and ~ HAIR COLOR Raxdala, Miss Margaret Pick- calle on Mrs. Ada Tamblyn'Darryl. ard.Petrboo. nd i'.andand Mrs. Ethel Ashton at Sun-, _______~~~J~~~oocRuaiyr~m Mrs. Bruce Colwell, Town set Lodge and ware tea guestsi ims 0. weeSunday guests !M.o r n Mrs. Elwyn DickeyEIA~ T~ ?Y .o and Mrs. Howard Pickard. 'a'i VlaBomavll. lLfVILLE ~ ~ f2 l Mrs. Alex Thurston, Fenelon!by 'a51 8 Mr'. and Mrs. Peter Auch Falls, bas returnad home aliter' Church services wera heldLiro Beld daugver nC.hel Anespendlng a week wlth Mr'. and'hera on Sunday. The young 500 ,*a t-i Bele Rve, Ot.,hae benMrs, Lorne Lamb. folk put on a special Sunday Si guests o! ber parents,Mnar Mr. and MsFotrSow- school service. Tt consisted o!'sg.kt8e 7 Mrs. Les. Coombes, Mrs. Auch dan, Brooklin, wera recent din- mýusical numbars. The lead- IDAtt A TRD E A O and Chenyl An eanig erust-s at Mr,. and Mrs. ers wera Mrs. James Muldrew oa----iISwthcrtiy frafui'thei' vîsit. They wl11 Rov McGIs. and Garry Fowler with Misses Su.* MI W Teunda eleRie.nxt Mi'. and Mrs. Wm. Hambla-liEvelyn Beatty, Sharon, JonIl L S A Y S~6 c w . j 6saigegs A. W. Sue Holroyd, C.F.S, ;Elsie Oke, Bowman ville, were fn ler n them leading I the Hgei h4r eua rMnhlII Shlbre.NS. set atoSndaRocestai't N.;ndMis.!siform wîth Tewon the plat- r' ew Diaes --- îs 9C ,g.' weekend et home withhan F.,Dorland's. i ware without music and soma 1307 UNITED CHURCH l day A report !i'om the sck 5oz. aa** Evey undv 30pan. 9:45 a.m. 'committee was given by Mrs. f(/.f~IfO0~AK-ETE MAPLE GROVE TI w.Sunchdas lth Mn. saedfer peu» of/o t f 0-Everyone Welcome f UNITED CHURCH M.ad1r.V.Paoc 2 f .5' stae ____ ____ ____ ___ Mi's. V. Peacock, Oshawa, -11:00 a.m. Mi'.sY"andffl sm25"souls 7 antertalned Mi'. and Mrs. R. Po-? W ;M. and Ms. . Quantrih]ft 12 TRINITY UNITED (HURCH aan ns. E . unl. i ~,.'~FuPo.V Orono and Mn.ar Mn.Jh Minste - ev.Geoge . WrdB.A, BD. Currier, Port Hope, on Sun- 7 !Miîstr Re. Gorg K. ard B.A, BD. day. Organlst- Mr. William M. Findlay, B.A., Mr. and Mrs. J. Dekoker, A.C..O.,A.T..M.Oshawa, and Mr. and MrS. A.C..O.,A.T..M. Robent Westheuser, Bownian- ville ware with the Thicksons SUNDAY, MAY 19, 1968 ion Sunday. iMr. and Mns. Steen MacLjean LIFE'S PERPLEXITIES andd ater fOha fwa, haAvEXM cGEGR DUG 11:00 am. and Drand Osaw Ma, hva ee LIFE'S PERPEXITIES andtrMfor anwd Mrs. M. McAllis- 0 iMr. and Mrs. Geo. Cawker THE SANCTUARY" entertained bis mother. Mrs. ,T. W. Cawker, Bawmanville, CHLJRCH SCROOL over the waekend. PRESCRIPTIONS 1. D. A. REMEDIES SMr. and Mrs. H. Muld.new, 9:30arn - unir, Iteiedite d ýMrs. Maggle Muldrew werel Junir, Itemdiat an Seior wlth Mr'. and Mrs. R. Avorys,' 11:0 arn - eginer:Oshawa, Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. B. MacIntosh and boys, Cold- a5 KI GATR ET W E T HO 11:20 a.rn. - Pirna and Kixidergarten sprlngs, were also thars?. Wh:le thene t.hay visited Mns, L Muldrew i Oshawa Hospital. S 1,, -1.14 1- .w4