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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 1968, p. 8

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SThé Canadian Stateaman, Bewmanvlle, MÈy 15, 1988f SPORTropîcs IBy Frank Mohun 623-7234 SOFTBALL, SOCCER AND BASEBALL BEGIN With the tennis season off to ita carliest start ln many years, the Green Gaels showing great early lacrosse iorm (as usual> anti the golf courses the scene of much activity, summer sports are already well underwey. This week the local sports scene reelly moved into high pear, as the expanded eight team Darlington Senior Soccer League kicka off their 1968 season tonight (Wed.) on three frônts. The next scheduled gamet go Saturday night, starting et 7:30 ln SSauna, Bowmanville andi Salem. Regular schedule action will be on Wednesday and Saturtimys throughout the campaign, with several contests alateti for Mondays. Bath Bowmenville softhaîl leagues openeti up the new seàson, with the Junior Town League havlng playeti Monday and again tonight. Town League action began Tuiesday and continues Thursday, with ail gamnes at the' Memoriel Park. Double-headers will be playeti in bath leagues, the juniors regularly on Monday and Wednésday, with the senior circuit slated for Tuesday andi Thursday nights. First game wlli get underway et 6:45, with the second encounter, under the lights, at 8:15. Each club will play a 24 game schedule, ln bath leagues, ,with ail the same tennis back again f'or the '68 campaign. In the Junior League, It will be Frenk's Varlety, Ellis Shoes, Chertran's Clothing anti Whyte's Upholstering. The Town League will be compriseti of the following entries:. Stephen Fuels, Ken's Men's Wear, Kramp's Furniture anti Walter FPrank Real Estate. Once again Jim Clarke will be reporting the Junior League activit%, with "Tim" Cox providing the farts andi 11gures for the seniors. Meanw,.hile Oshawa Green Gaels are playlng most ni their home schedule on Mnnday nights, only mnissing that reguler cvening on June 3rd, July lat and 22nd. The other home dates are Wednesday, July 3rd and Thursday, July 25th. Ladies Major Bowling League Holds Clc The tennis courts, Incated et the Lions Centre, arc open, practlcally throughout the summer, including lights for night k play. Bath players an I nterested on-lookers would be more « then welcame. Largely through the efforts ai Fred "Buck" Cowle, Inter-k inediate besebaîl is an Its way back, after an absence ai ferý too many years. Sponsored by several public-spirited merch- On Monday evening et Memorial Park Clubhouse, the e anta, the BnwmanvIlle entry will play their home gamnes et1rnembers of the Ladies' Major Bowling League heid Etche Rotary Park off Simpson Avenue. Most dates et the local their annual ciosing banquet when trophies and prizes Willia dlamonti are slated for Seturday aiternoons. were prosented to top bowlers. The teama above won Bawmenville will make its first appearance, a iveek___ fram Sunday - Mey 26th. when they make the tnpt L Pet.erborough, Further details about the Intermedietes wl W ins $5 0 Sa lv C r 1 . . -- ----r 1 - - - -- . /tW Ar a- r - be prlnted ln next week's rolumn. The Bowmanville cntry in the Durham Ladies Softheli League, opencti the season Monday in Port Hope anti will play hast ta Cobourg tonight. Most home gemes this year will be playeti on Wednesday nighta et Lord Elgin School. t t 1t t t' THE BIG RACE Still plenty ai prartice time until the big skateboard races get underway on Saturdey, May 25th et two o'clock. But boys anti girls interestcd ln campeting, shoulti get their entry forma completeti as soon as possible. They must be in by 1 p.m. the day af the race or at the letest, registration may he madie at that time, et Bruce Colwell's home. 14 Meadowview Blvd. Scene oi the competition, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club, will be the anea of Meadowview, Hilltop and Sunni- Mret. t t . t i. A LITTLE BIT TOO MUCH championship, f rom 1 er, Marion McKnigh ams, Marion Wiseman TI the past few weeks we've seen a golfer preventeti Van',LeeuenSttitiie23 from possihly winning because he signeti the wrong score Oyler, 728-4720. card anti a horse relegateti ta a lest place finish, after cntiing Sno Rfrei h up frst becuseit ws dscovredtha he ad een ive .. ......Jim Denhiolm, 723-355. a u . f r t be u e it as d s o re i t a he h t be n g v nJu nior R eferee ln C I a drug.Ron Clemens, 263-8465. In hockey gemes we have seen goals scoreti, whIrh the Publirity DIrectar - goal-jutige misseti anti the officiels tidn't sec, but it woultifl Oyler, 728-4720. have been unthinkable for the final score being chengeti. ----f JUNIOR SCHEDUL. First aofal, ln the case oi Roberto DeVincenzo, It woulti Winner of the Golden Legionnaires annuel Stanley Cup Draw this year was have been different hati he been cheating - but here was Obre"zi"WlimSmsnAeuwogesdtetm h inn 1968 Season antiy hig pa th penaty byve uimngeteragnaryk goal would be scored. He received a cheque for $500 from Morley Etcher, right, Thura., May 16- an a apytepnlyb onigteIaiayDraw Chai'ran, while President Bill Orme looked on. Tyrone et Newcastle swing. Mis correct score was listeti at the officiel score- Courtice et Hempton board, anti everyane - TV, reporters anti fans, knew thet ~l i Tues. May 21- he wes tieti for the leati, anti a playoff wes necessary. Newcastleet Salin Then sutidenly he was out ofi t - forreti ta caunt ea Tlyro)ne 4()~ _ ~etaine stroke he didn't take. With ail the officiais arounti ta make - e ,F a k i pn r hr. a 3 absolutely sure the golfers are honest, why do the rules W h t s yron require a wrang score ta be raunteti? Zo n ioutc Inhosercigeer pecuio l a tken, making IIn 1 termu eclicte S o'f tLbcil Tues, May 28- m b s o u t e y l l e g i t a t m i n s t e r s t i u l a t s r t e n q i l î e r sH a m p t o n e t N e w c a s t l e absluelyilegl t aminstr timlats r raquIIzrsby Jim Clarke player, crreketi out five af the drive base bit ln the lest oi Caurtice et Zion whirh would in eny way affect the outrome ai a race. g WyesUhosey andwlnners 12 safeties. Bob Hel- the seventh, enableti Frank's hr.Ma30 However Dance's Imae was isqualfied fom winnn ranks lemtyDoogmeMcopnetlarsouBarryetVeriBaty taaslip tasli t Ellis Shoesoe hoeerck anDer'sImae tws disolifiet irom iedn r1 ksVeit camtioe-Oliver, Howle Bryan, 'Woody' '8-7, ln the nightcep. Bishop's Tyrone et Hampton theKenuck Drby whn t wa dscverti he heliai ng vîctanles, as the Intermeti- Lee, Dick McLean and Beau- clutch blow, (his second o! Zion et Saline been given a dr ug - the m ain iunction ai w hleh w asq ta kili iate M ens' Softbaîl League pr e o n d ou W h t st e ga ), ui d a f ne e- T s. J n 4 pain. There la nothing illegal In tioing sa, but you Must not apeneti thein 1968 schedule blrieroniei u Wytshit- e gameb, Hrold aMiener-s., oc4 admnite an Pcnlbtazne acerai tmeprir a heMonday night's double bill. 1 ingn Bale!r , yHa rl Mcheson. - Coortice et Newcastle adinstr nyPenlbtaona erai tmepie tlte nthe apener, Whytes ne- Larry Perrîs, making bis KnBkrjworleet tn- Saline at ZMon race - 48 bours or 85 boors apparently the most papuler ceiveti a strang, five - bitter tiebut an the maunti for Char- .er Harvey Webster after 21/ times, depentiing whIrb iaws you are under. irom Rantiy Beauprie, ta leati trans, receiveti his lumps l in s threer ar tefnl Zios.n e Hapto Lau Cavelenis, the trainer, dlaims thet he bati a veterîn- his mates ta an 11-8 victary, the apening frame. He was trehte vrtefnl Mna apo aven the perennial doormats, nailed for four rons. three ý4 2/3 innings, while allowing Newcastle et Coortire arien etiminister the drug, 150 hours before the race, which Chartran's Mens Wear. Burns hits ant i ssueti thnee waiks. two nons anti whiffing four. Tues.,Jone Il- neens no trace shoolti exist. Either enother pill waa given MacMillan, an ex-ChartranChartrans roareti back with a Stv akrsoe lny Nwcastle et Coortice ta Dancer's Image, leten ln the xveek by soernone, or as 1 five-run replv, in the top of f ole fon rt Helaser, _bi Tynone at Hampton ceyeraI eminent veteinarians now believe - the consider- lai the sacn. iath by Terry Ba- c d six rons, during 3 '/ fnamn-iThurs., Jonc 13- lLRUIEand GaOR Lintoni, alongj ableuseof ce-acks cold aus thePheylbtazne t LA IES M A ORIwîth Perris' sacrifice fîy anti es, glving up four bits anti Hampton et Zion remain in the honse's system for e longer penioti than usuel. May 2, 1968 four walks, shoveti the Men s'fanxing four, however hisý Coortice et Saline But wby shoult Iit matten et ail, whetben traces of thîs Ai erages Wvear club Iinto a 5-4 leati. mae hutbshacs ih Tues., June 18- drug - wbich Is legal ta use, existetioranent. That is - nt F. Bi-lce ------- 193: W1iuves came back, with sinu-:t stie-wnafe Tyrone et Newcastle lalgla ln syu tpbfr -crantie-oB 1 ake -----1871 gle runs lin the third, tourtlî - Hedûnafe himac lampton at Saline arl se loeg s't wi. A.oBatef1871aandrtaftb, ta -earIf-5. Ing only one mare errai' aven AhT . Matiele---- -- 181 ad ifTy tanladt7for5. r the final 3 2/3 Innings, as Thuns., June 20- "ur ors dosn' wi. M.Marindle 81,Theyunlade for mre.Miche Ison took aven for El- Hampton et Courtice As recently as eight years ego a barse wan the Ken- R. Vanesse 178 lin the last o! the sixth, ta h aid lis' on tehl.Zo tTrn tucky Derby wbich lied been on "Bute". How do tbey knaw N. Sheeban 177 a cammanding 11-5 etige.' h il io tTrn conluivly ha FrwntiPesthene wnnr, as'tonM. Westover- 175 They rappeti Terry Baker, WLtb Franks ln front 3-1, Tues., Jonc 25- mélsiel tatFowad as, hene wnnrwan' M Gray .-- 175 who toak aver !rom Perris. Ellsi chaseti starter, Harvey Zian et Hampton the drug, aiter the time limit. The hanse came second - H.~ Simnîck U. -17 for five bita anti were aitieti Webster fromn the mnoont, in Saline et Newcastle and wasn't testeti - anly the winner was. J. JBurton _.--- - - ------ 163 by two raatly Chantrens en- the thirt iinnlng, breaking Thora.,Jonc 27- But why la such a rule ncccsaary anyway? Either ea G. Murdoch.....- 161 nons. The lasers, managetiae base for four runs. ta teke a . dtrug iu legal or net. M. McNuiltv *' - 154, amal. three non. scventh -9-3 leati. Franks struck for Tyrone et Saline Sa er wehae agoferani ahasebah wnnngG. High Triple farne rally. wlth pincb-hitten, three rons in the last ai the Courtire et Zian Sn pr wehae àgoferan aherebot wnn'gG.Downev - 669 Den nis Tiernny. slamming aliauntb, ta regain the lead, 6-,5. Tues., July 2- ad forceti ta arrpt bas, because ai what thîs reporter con- High Single twa- non triple. In addition ta Ellis moved n front 7-6. as Tynonestet aZia po eiders, uinfair noies. G. Downe% 2671 Tierney's blow, Jlm Clarke, they scoreti twice in the fifth. ewatetHmpo But what oi a sport içurh as hockey ? Tbey savyou Over 200- Games- Terry Baker, Larry Pernis anti After twa were out, Lloyd Thora., Joly 4- can't~~~~~~~~ chneG.rsi netegaebsbe lytat Downey ---------- 267212 Genth Linton, roontiet aut Staînton bunteti safeiy. An in- Hampton et Tyrone cant cang th reultonc th gae hs ben layd, ndM. Westaven ---- - - --. 234 the lasers feeble, five-bit et- fieldi error anti successive sin- Saline et Zion If a golfen has ta caut an Imaginany stroke, anti a hanse M. Martintiale 230 teck.1 gles by Bill McLein anti "Dor" Tues., July 9- doesnt knaw bow to tell the tîme, it lits right ln that a F. Bruce .. 223 In bis five lnning, relief Adams were the big blows. NwcseetZn goal rannot be counteti, even after it la proveti that the M. Gray -___ --.- ------ 211 chore for Chertrans, Tenry B e-ecatFra Zo puck titi enter the net. M. Blake ---------------_209: ker was nicked fan seven rons ns e thestage ion Thns., Jodyame On icothr eni, î he enok Dery esot enA. BateT ----tandings 206and nine bits, while walking -hi eet nigda Hampton et Saline On th othr had, i the entuky Drby esul can eam tandngs tweandi fannlng one. ,l inctheasith, a ie thoe rnTrn tCut be chengeti twa or thnce days later anti the M asters iscore No. 4 Sheehan ---- 29 pts. errons by C batra s ad t hexh t h game, T yron., et Courtir y amena, mae7-7. Brien Bratie's dobl esJ 1.- can be alteneti, when conclusive proof shows that apock No, 3 Bate .... - ------ - 29 pts. 1 Pennis' anti Beker's mound hti' - a ysedaroe, Nwate tCut resll wasor ws ne ln he nt, _____ chngeBtéshop'e o.t1Br-c 26 is.newofkpthe equelizerclt 'nas Don quBishapas Salineop o etn Tyronen in hockey?No2Blk25ps DnBso'tw-u scoreti aiter welklng. Thons., July 18- t j t t t A A19- I 0a M---- MOSPORT CONTRACT DEADLOCKE» h CndinMixea Major Leaigue glTe gtbr saugt ith th aiee Negatiations between Mospnt Park andti eC hogot wt oi1Zna resuitintenamilcOlectlng eight bita Tues., July 23- Moda evening brougbt thelwas really in there with eu f-lh n Fek aut ecsl tTrn a ch e tu led C A S C ev e n ts h v in g b een cth e r e -set fo r are - i n n n m b t rb d l s r p e i e b o w lin g , P eg g y . p r e yi t e bw es e t to h e a te C utae enS l n W oo ad a r a n c e lle ti a lto g e th e r . i m i a b a ttle o r L e g u e C h a m p s T i v e i g b o u b a a w i t e t n e b ite la w te : T h n s , u y 2 5 1967-68. The two contentiers fclos iurny lesat thankra air i nsafeties anti the Saline et Hampton ai bw1g e wa ot a k g m in.g R I e h Newcastle et Saline Theonl dte irmd p, t he ometle une15,hwee Ptfilds tem (lst The Statesman staff for their beoaoa the geme. but Bnian Tues. July 30- whentheUSA Inty CampCarsinvde owmavile a-1schedule) anti Heynes' temnfill a-operetian anti a job Bradley also suPpleti e pair out for the annuel Telegram Tropby rare. 1(2nti achedule)., well done. af bits anti acaunted for Courtice et Tyrans Mosport had wantied ài contract te run the Canadien I Bath teams bowled furnuý-f N.B. -Bowling Banquet et three RBI's. For the lasers Zion et Newcastle .jGP and the Can-Am events, on a six-year basis. ly until tic endti wtb Hayneç' the Legi pn Hall, 6 p.m. May ",Doc" Adams anti Gond Wel-' Thons., Aug, 1-- Solnihrsd abudging. teem comng oui on top wiÎh 251h..H'ope ta see everyone lace repped out a Pair af bits Hampton et Newcastle o rnihrad 83238 for total plus. Pegg there. PiOs. Courties et Tyrone SPORTO PICS BOWMANVILLE GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB The excellent facilitiez nt the Bowmanville*Golf et Country Club are certainly paylng off as the membership 19 really growing. As we have mentioned on several previ lus occasions - the facilitiez amd beautiful decor of the club are condurive 4M te a fine friendly atmosphere - and rank at least on a par with sonne of the more exclusive Country Clubs around. This Monday, May 20th, the first tournament of 1968 wiUl be a members mixed four bal. On Saturday, June lat 6 will be the men's golf day. with the openIng dance slated for one week ]ater - Saturday, June 8th. The junior golf set-up appears to be coming along very )sin , Ba que Int rmedate well, and manager Larry Heftering was telllng us that ho expecta to sonn have the ladies division organized. Softball LeagueHAYDON Al second tames played U.C.W. May* meeting wasl Henry Ashton. under lIghte held at the home of Mrs. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Ros "~ton May- Ashton; President Mrs .J. and family called on Mr. and Mon. 13: Whvytes vsl Chartrans Jones in charge. Meetingi Mrs. Lloyd Ashton on Sun- Elis ~vs Franks opened with hymn 16 and the'Iday. Wed15Frak~v. Wht d 's Prayer. The Mroio- 11s. Mv. Bertrim and Birdie Ch.5:Farns v ts RI was taken by Mrs. Jnes,' visited Mr. and Mr. George Charrans vs Elig and included hymns 494 an d!Bertrim nd family, Taunton. Mon. 20: Franks vs Chartrans 639 and prayer. Clothing for on Saturday. Ellis vs Whyter, the bale la ta be Ieft at Mr. . M.adMs.Lsi r Wed. 22: Franks vs Ellis Cameron's by June 15th. ThheMi.had a phone rail fr Chartrans vis Whytes' program was In charge tfheir aphnecannro Mon. 27. Ellis vs Ohartrans Mrs. Lloyd Siemon and <con-' i . sDa.Jm Veeyedn Whytes vs1Franks sisted of a vers byM. a Wid2. Whytes vs EliFSeons en by Mrs.) Mr. and Mi-s. Morris Pol- .... Chartrana vs FranksC. Garrard, and solo by AI - 1lr n am] pn h Charran vsFran la Aston accmpaiedb 1weekend with Mrs. Pollard's Jiine- ChIan lAhton. ccMpatniedls Yiparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Cheryl AahtoProMeetingtclos Mon. 3: Whytes vs Chartrans ed and lunch was served. Los rtnSain Ellis vs Franks Sundey school and churchý Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashtoni yi serice wend family visited Miss Emma Wed. 5: Franks vs Whytes, sevc ill be withdrawn onWerry, Toronto. Chartrans vsl Ellis Sunday on accaunt of Anni M a Mon 1: ra ks s hatrnsversary Services at Tyrone M . a d Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ellis vs Whytes and Enniskillen. Rnl n a eeSna Mr. nd Ms. AchieWhitdinner guests of Mr. and Mrï. Wed.12: rans vsElil *'Ivan Sharp and family, En- Chartrans vs Whytes mec, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs.j nskiîîen. Mon. 17: Ellis vs Chartrens W. Bennett, Bowmanvîlle'ýM dMq hmsrnt Whyte va Fanka were Saturday visitors et M r n Mr.'TomsPot IWed. 19: Whytes vs Ellis and Mrs. D. Caeron's. ao Grahaedmr.and M rs. t I Chartana vaFrank~ Mr. and Mrs. M. Elford Io rhm an aiyt iMon. 24: Whytes vs Chartrans Port Perry, callcd on Mrs. K.1 an ad ntiqu ca ettCap Ellis vs Franks Cowling on Saturday. be1 odo udy Wed. 26: Franks vs Whytes Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Black- MsK.Cwigrtne Chartrans vs Ellis burn, Newcastle, visited Mr home from hosptal on Thura- and Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn!dy- __ Jilly- on Saturday evening. '~Mon. 1: Franks vs Chartrans, Mr. and Mrs. Ron MorrisnI UE l Ellis vs Whytes and femily, Oshawa, Mr. asn Wed. 3: Franks vs Ellis Mrs. Ken Urwin, Oshawa' Chartrans vs Wyes visited Mrs. M. Bertrim on1 M W R eft ta rig ht, Captain Onieý Mon. 8: Ellis vs Chartrens ',Mothcr's M W R t, Luci lie Bowers, Mabe] W Whytes vs Franks Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright, i and bsent ilda S rnnic . e 10: W hytes vs Ellis ! O shaw a, w ere Thursday sup -, C O N T T H -i a d a se n H il a S ,.- ni ck 1 C art a ns v s F ran k si p er guests of M r. and M rs .l O N T H ______Mon. 15: Whytes vs Chart;rens1 Ross Ashton and femily. - ~Ellis vs Frenks 1 Mr. and Mrs. Cîcyton Rend! FUURE TiA~ou~i~ppek* Wed. 17: Franks vs Whytes and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Wayneq DA LI GT NChertrens vs Ellis Piggott, Bowmenville, werc: O YAI Mo.22: Franks vs Chartrans dinner guests ai Mr. and ON VUII ISO CElFlis vs Whytes Mrs. Arthur Rend on Sunday. OCCE We. 2: ~ha~aT~ ll~yte Motherr Day callers and Chatrns s hy 1 istor, r.G. R.Thompsoni LEAGUE Mon. 29: Ellis vs Chartrans s Carleton Place,Mr. L. . Game Time-7:30 p.m. until Wd.1 Whytes vs Ellis Thompson, Hormto, Mr. R) Aug. lst, end 7:15 p.m. there-: Chartrans va Franks M. Thampson, Leskard, off aiter until the play-oiis rom- iMrs A. Thampson. mence. Four Clubs will be In the, Mr. Mrs.A. Osmond, 1. Ail cancclled games ta belpa-fs Bowmýanville, Mr. and Mrs. J. re-scheduled by mutuel agree-ý Semni-Finals between the Ist Abbott end Steven, Burketon, ment of bath teams involved. and 3rd, 2nd and 4th placef Mrs. R. Thompson, Hampton,f It s epetedtht al.teams will be 3 out ai 5 Ilr- Mr. D. K. Tbompsan, Eastl 2. ts xetdta ales '. . players play t last 50% Mils. Beach, Mr. nd Mvrs.E.R alI league games ta be eligible Al gameç wll be playedl Thompson and Cynthia were' Model 7251 for play-off games. at the Memorial Park, i suna iior t M gare a 6:0 .m. 2n gane Thompson's. She msa had hYfAmak.,sof.JMnaem 3. Where two tennis oai g;ame et16:30 .m. ndgm her grandchildren, Donald and £Wnni*.OuthoadMofoem lier colars are playing againi f oet15p.m. f Thampson, Heather and Val.: eech other the visiting teeam Pspoe games wlll be, crie Bowmanville, Sendra i R shall wear white T-shirts in playeti Sunday afternoon be-~ Thomipson, Carleton Pa B O K fore nCK'S B Pgam place o! their reguler calors. niext3 ..M. n r.P Sa ce' time eagu gem, gae1 M . nOsw. PP.neh623anti League Secretary - Jake! easpaym. Dianna, Te osha fwa.c 1e Teams» levin - "&Ipr l i re iPhonoi 623-5487ec ligh ts will pav $1.00 per tearn 1 !n the church an Suinday werei 20 King St. E., Bowmanville -John pcr night. in memory af Mr. and Mrs.' ýhief- OUR STOCK WILL TOTAL 75 THIS MONTH Harry a'IIGD IY1 O DCOC Now You Can BuY a Specially.- Equipped Pontiac at Specially.- Roduced Price 1 COME IN TODAY 1 SAVE $ $ $ FOR EXAMPLE - DEMONSTRATOR 1968 Pontiac Parisienne 2 -Dr. Hardtop V-8, power steerint, power brake., Shade-Lite windshleld, 3-speed Hydromatie transmission, wheel dises, white wali tires, eiectric dlock, customn radio wlth rear seat speaker, full wldth front and rear rubber floor mats, black vinyl top. f Oniy 4,000 original miles. Factory New Car Warranty. Lie. L4565. - SUGG. LIST $4,374.55 YOU SAVE $949.55 - NOW ONLY ..... 32 You Can Buy a 1968 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF Wlth the 9 Pontiace Sale Options SUGG. LIST $3,885.00 - For Only$3 2 YOU SAVE - $760.00$3 2 DON'T HESITATE 1 During this PONTIAC SALE ws can offer you a Brand New 1968$2 5 PONTIAC- for as Iow as ............................s 35 Your Trade -in plus GMAC Convenient Monthly Payments of as litti. as $76.79 par Month for 36 rnonths ..Corne in Todayl1 CONTACT ONE 0F OUR SALES STAFF S. Preston, Sales Mgr. Ray Lathangue Weldon Brown - "Mitch"' Kennedy 166 Kng St milPhone 623-3396 LE ---s e eý mi 1 Draw

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