Two Streaks Stay Intact RECREATION 1REVIEWS Hranks Win ootn 'James D eth nlmetwa Ellis Lose w7th St rai ghtof Atm res, ed t eat then wlnn L oe r'ssixrun Sentl In- o t Ucsoen . It îî . follown jOOdy ngh's In-lng. Newcom'er Bob Thomp- For Franks, Don Smith had i In the Mets-Braves gaine, termnediate Men's S o f t b a il son also had three hîts for the a double and single, as the ýBilan Stoneburg, Barry Shac- doubleheader. Frank's Variety winniers. For Els, Rae Wal- wininers oollected only fiveikleton and. Gerald Heydens Witti a 7-2 Winl over Chart- lace had tour of1 their nine bits off Chartrans' hard-luck1Icollectcd 3 bits and 3 Urnes at ranf'a on SuJiday and Rn 8-0 safeties and a pair of R.B.I. 's. loser, Terry Baker. "Booeri bat, while Ted Shantz and Ed Whitewaé. Monday. cxtended ~~ osdasldgine, annigVisrbneou2snge their imbeategi run tb seven. In Sunday teonasc Se oi ae aii isrbne u ige An entlrely dierent treal n gaine, Kenny Baker flung seven, although allowing si-xleach. Other bitters for the was kept alive by Els, loa E glistening three hitter, as walks. Garth Linton, one of Mets were Doug Farrow, Rlch- ing Sumday to Whytes 15-9, front runntng Franks dump- Chartrans' steadier perforin- ard Krakenberg, Dan Davies and ttien belng blanked in ed Chartrans Mens. Wear 7-2. ers tliis season (in addition aod Alan Slute. The winnlng ayevenlng's nightcap. It The winners soored twlce ln to bis round-trlpper) pulled pitcher, was Bilan Stoneburg Wonthe 1967 champion Shoe t irst. Don Blshop led off off a spectacuuiar first inning who pltched a one bitter. Bob Mils seventui straight loss. wlth a double and scored on catch on "Sain" Snowdesx's Donoghue of the Braves col- Jerry Falls' two bagger. Samn sinking fly bail. lected the lone Brave bit. In Sunday's Ioosely played Snowden's sariic fy chas-. On Monday night, Wbytes The Dodger-Met gaine, Bob flrst garne, Whyte's Uphols- ed Faits borne. TPhe rains maintained a solid grip on Schantz, Joe Burns, Rlck Jamn- terY Pouinded out 14 hits, roll- came, balting the gaine afler second place, whipping Car~-. es were the standouts for theý Ing to a 15-9 win over Ellis. two frames. After a short de. trans 9-7 ini the opener. Terry Dodgers, while Uie Mets stars :Howle Bryan plcloed up thc lay, the two clubs coonpleted Baker, despite being touched were Gerald Heydens, Rich- Win, ln relief 0f starter Randy 1 th' gaine, with Franks build. for only six bits, took the loss. ard Krackenberg, Ted Shantz faeauprie. He forkd 4 1/3ing up a 5-0 lead after four Six free passes and six boots and Ed Visser. frnisalowngfor un1innings. Baker, until the In Uic field burt the Men's In Uic Memoril Park Atoin and five bits, whlle fannmng f ifth, had a no-hitter going Wear club's chances in a League, Astros bounced Card- ±Our and allowing two walks. for hlm. Ron Etcber's lead ad-ogt mac. R n als 17 to 6 and the Cubs 10 Eoth clubs were aloppy afieid, ofad-l rikhicsel nBadfuprie ath.e ranyto 4 wblle Cardinais toppled comritting seven errors each. Uich top of the fifth. Etcher combined Ito limit Uic losers Glants 16 ta 8. For Whytes, Dick McLean was erascd on Bob Tugwood's t0 seven bits. The Astro-Cardinai gamne and Dennis McFeeters sc- fielder's choice, but Garth Trailing 5-1, Chartrans rai-i featured the big bats of the counted for three R.B.I.'s Linton clubbed a homer ta lied for four runs in the i Astros ln Randy Masterson, aiece. McFeeters had Uiree account for Ohartran's anly fourth to tie the game. John Tom Nowlan, Wayne Thiele, doujbles, wbile McLean siam-1run of Uic game. Franks add- Connors' deep flY-out tii cen Barry Livingston, Larry Hearl ___________________________________________tre field brou.ght in two runs Allan Spencer, while the stand- outs for the Cardinals were *Whytes replled wlth three Tim Vanstone, Chris Stanton runs in the top of the fifth, and etSvrn Intermediate Dasebail Sch edulk to lead 8-5. Three errors, plus Th-e Cub-Astro gaine was due three walks, shoved Whytesl oe hnte cr niae in fontonce again. The 1 with Wayne Thiele, Tom Now- Ail Home Games To Be Player at Soper Creek (Rotary) Park scrappy Men's Wear crew ian, Alan Spencer, Gerald Sunday, June 9 - Kingston at Peterborough - 7:00 came back witb two runs Of Brunt leadlng the way for the Wedncsday, June 12 - Peterborough at Belleville - 8:00 their own in Uie fifth, to Astros, whlle Terry Sarginson, F.rlday, June 14 - Belleville at Oshawa - 8:00 trail 8-7. Ralph Pflanzer playing weii Wl.ytes scored a single run for the Cubs. Saturday, June 15 - Peterborough at Bowmanviile - 2:00 in the sixth, ending the scor- The Cardinal - Giant gaine Sunday, June 16 - Peterborough at Kingston - 4:00 ing. Dennis McFeeters, Howie saw Tim Vanstone, Jef! Mas- Saturday. June 22 - Kingston at Oshawa - 2:00 Bryan, Doug MecF e et er , ters, Geraid Brunt, Chris Saturday, June 22 - Peterborough at Orillia - 2:30 "Wcoody" Lee, Randy Beau- Stainton, Jim Beers, Paul Cas- prie and Mike Healey ail had cagnette and Doug Bird lead Sunday, Juiio 23 - Oshawa at Kingston - 4:00 safeties for Wbytes. Wrayr the Cardinal bltting, wbile Sunday, June 23 - Orillia at Belleville - 7:00 Randeil and George Michel- John Gibson, Tlm Corneil, Tuesday, June 25 - Oshawa at Bowmanville - 6:15 son had two bits each for Chris Marchant, Tom Mullenix Wednesday, June 26 - Kingston at Belleville - 8:00 Ohartrans. Jin Clarke, of and Rlck Stacey were stand-' Fridy, Jne 8 - eterorogh a Oshwa 7: Uich Men's Wear crew, 'con- outs for the Giants. Frlay.Jun 28- Pterorogu t Ohaw - :30tinues in Uic depths of a Pro- In a Pce Wee gaine piayed Saturday, June 29 - Kingston at Orilla - 2:30 longed slump (4 for Z5). Ter. on Mon., May 27th, the Aces Sunday, June 30 - Oshawa at Peterborough - 7:00 ry Baker, after a good start, defeated Uic Klngs by a 7 to Monday, JulY 1 - Belleville at Peterborough - 6:00 has also been ln a minor 5 score. The Aces scored 7 Wednesday, JulY 3 - Eawmanville at Belleville - 8:00 drought o! late at the plate runs off three hits and five Sundy, uly7 -Petrborughat ington(0 for 11). Baker, however, walks. The ieading bitters Suda, ul 7- etrbroguatKigson - 4:00 bas been Chartrans wark- for the Aces were Robbie Sunday, July 7 - Belleville at Orillia - 2:30 herse on Uic mound and de- Brough wlth a double and Jin Tuesday. July 9 - Bowmanviile at Oshawa - 6:15 spite several good efforts, Lewis, Brad Almond wlth a (Alexander Park) erraors and a lack of consistent single each. The Klngs scored hàtting by Chartrans, have 5 runs off two bits and.six -Wednesday, July 10 - Peterborough at Belleville - 8:00 ailowed saine deserving pitch- walks. The leading bittersa-joy Saturday, July 13 - Kingston at Bowmanvilce - 2:00 ing victories ta, elude him. the Klngs were Doug Sevr Saturday, July 13 - Orillia at Peterborough -.:0 Havy W7051blikdan ati id Sunday, July 14 - Belleville at Kingston - 4:00 Elis Shoes in a tbree bit, In the Pee Wee Sertes, Wedesdy, .ul 17- Kngson t Blleill - :00standout Performance la Mon- defeated the Clippers1O Weneda, ul 1 -KigsonatBeleile 80day niglt's second gaine. The wlth Pete Nowian,, J ÀDl Saturday, July 20 - Orillia at Kingston- 4:00 Variety club chalked iiian erson, Gerry ma#&"ri~ Saturday, July 20 - Belleville at Bowmanville 2:00 easy 8-0 victory against the Ferris. David A Sunday, July 21 - Kingston at Peterborough I :0fleigti-nesWbtrSellers and ker 70 arece iveclent rsppoebster the Aces hltting,. Wednesday, July 24 - Belleville at Peterborough - 8:00 Uicefiedexaslesntsportei Livingstone, Z en Tbrsa, uy 5- Oshawa at Bowmanville - 6:15 solidly defensively. Harold Inreatherbst a Saturday, Juiy 27 - Belleville at Kingston - 4:00 Michelson, nicked for only Softball ee ý, July 28 - Peterborough at Kingston - 4:00 six bits by thc winners, was on Friday, eyd the vlctim o! bis teain-mates' ettes defeatdd 1 a Date o, b arrnged- Bomanvlle t Osawa iscues la the field and feeble Io, with - Jets 18 1taý Dat to be arr ng d - Bow an iil.a.. s aw bitting. For Franks, K enny A nne P ar h* ýA vie, Lee Cryderman continued bis bot gervorsk, ' 1 tJeanle Ho- bittlag spree cf late, plcking wilie S5, g 3 bits, up a double and single and Rayalettes ~ye topped tbe Appearing at..* two R.B.I.'s. In addition to a bits. Foô *i&1 gWith four fine night at the plate. Cry- fect led .; 3ta Joan Per- derman played an efficient Marshall, P'3 bits and Jane - game in centrefield. Darla SIJanna Haynes and "ers collected 2 bits' BOWMANVILLE lnyo Acinn Darlinglon 0cce - -~A ful late of action saw' DI C K PARK FOuU R svn games played :t ad Wayn:Jordan cnnected League last week. 1n aleni 4-1. but od isae Pino Bss rusTrmp&gaines Zion shut out available on the gaine. Plan, BssDrunsTrupe~2-0 in Hampton, Three shutouts were record- Qyler scoring both, cd Saturday night. Hainpton For Your Listening and Dancing Pleasure Ornie Vanderluit -bianked Mapie Grave 2-0 on shutout. Sauina, o goals by Warncr Wairoff and home, doubled .h,:' t Ron Clements, the shutout gyo- t, Iwi wl ww ýyer1iking Uicediffrenc-e-. - SUNDAY 0O0JUNE l6th Dad wiII enjoy his favorite sports on Color Teievision .and it'saàgift the entire family can *njoy, toc, 1 Cnadian Statesman, BowmanvMfe, âmwe 5, 1968 ~~gP ~ri. 71 0F FACTORY MANUFACTURED Kitchen Cabinet Alil styles on display ae the new Beaver Store; 246 King St. Fs-I CHAINLINK AROUND YOUR HOME I y~ 'I-f COMING TO YOUR HOME' The New Beaver Catalogue la On' Its Way To Your Hoine ...One Hundred and Twenty Pages Packed With New Ideas and Products and Savlngs ln Full Colour. LOOK FOR IT 1 If By Mischance You Don't Recelve Tour Copy Visit or Phono Beaver 5 For our Froec Copy. Â G- SAVE 5.00 F, ENC I N G PowerSaw GAVANIZED 48" and 42" HEIGHTS RPEg. 29 FA?IC COVERED 4891 and 42" HEIGHTS 34.95 299 GATE KITS, FENCE POSTS. ASK FOR AN ESTIMATE TO GIVE YOU e MAINTENANCE-FREE ENCLOSURE. M SAVE!e SAVE! 'YES We Sel opes INDOOR - OUTDOOR TYPE KITCHEN or BATHROOM Luxurious Deep-Piled Crpe or Livng. C Rpe or ms. SON DISPLAY 4 AT BEA VER9"e SAVEle SAVE SBEAVER SLUMBER STORES STEP OUTDOORS Simple to bulld deck that's an attrac- tive addition to your homo. Decks in cedar or ipruce wlth or without side prlvaey sereen. See the plana at Beaver ... Ideal for homo or cottage. PATIO DECK Big Outdoor Llvhng-Room qize 12' x 141 ONLT 144. Complet. Materls FEEL FREE TO VISIT OUR NEW STORE AT A NEW LOCATION 246 King St. E., Bowmanville OUR MERCHANDISE IS EXPANDED TO ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, PLUMBING, LIGHT FIXTURES and MANY MORE. 0 0 0 TOP TRADE - IN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR PRESENT SET PLUS I E WE I 20 KING MBE GUARANTEED FOR 2 YEARS ILYEAR ON PARTS and SERVICE WHAT WE SELL (OURSELVES). vLocke TV 80 WMAN VI LLE As cana'ias as theBseavz How To Plan Your FeninI L*m COME OUI TO BEAVER WHERE THE FENCING IS READY TO GO! ! 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USE YOUR CREDIT' THNE BEST s NEXT wlsy walt ... open a eaver charge account TO YOUR HOME!! or convenlent budget plan Now st Beaver a selection of over___________________________ 20 garages ln single, car and a haIt or two car modela lai 3 styles, Econ- omy, Residentil or Cadet. Easy te E AE follew blueprint plans that anyone ma use. . .. omplete matorial Pack- L~ age delivered or erection ammre L UMBWER STO STAIT NOW U Monday - Thursday: 8 .-S.-30; Frldy: 8 - ; DUEJNG GOOD 1 9Saturday: 8 .4L Pbm 833M8 WEATHER .. 1" *~'~' AU LOW A * 246 KING ST. E. IOWMAN~IILLR Iw iw i w 1 PRIXAC AL A& À& ÀL ÀL m 'IV Mr IqF Ivr Ivr Iqqr '9 1. 1% it fi, m W., el. -&. A& àk- ---- --- SAVE! 1 'SAVE . J