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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1968, p. 11

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Convention Entertainer Miss Tina Kozub One of the highlights of the Liberal Nominatic Convention in Cobourg last Friday was the enterta:i ment provided by Miss Tina Kozub and her acco dion. She played several numbers that drew conside able applause from the large audience. Miss Kozub the daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. George Kozul R.R. 2, Newcastle. The other two people in the pictui are James Clarke, President of the Northumberlan( Durham Liberal Association and Mrs. Clarke. flewcast/e S cital a nc 1 (£Jeorsonal ' Newcastle - Mrs. H. Alli-Ithat first dip. The Lions Clu Json. Port Hope, visited wlthJton is in readiness for a buý her daughter, Mrs. Newton summer Includlng their annu Selby, over the weekend. iCarnivai. This year, in pla( Mr. Albert Naylor attended of the Go-Go girls, they wi the Midiand Regiment reunion hoid a Beauty Contest an -held Saturday, May 25h nthjs is open to girls from1 .ý-'ampbelIford. to 21. years of age. The gÉ Miss Francis Stinson, Tor- chosen, Miss Apple Quee onto, spent some time at her will win $75 in cash as we cottage at the lake during the as ether valuahie prizes. A! weekend getting it ready forisisting the Newcastle Lior the umme season.Club in sponsoring this cer the umme seaon.test is the Ontario Appr Mr. and Mrs. Chas. CowanlProàucers Marketing Boar( attended the Curl-Warburton :Durham Growers Co-Operê wedding at Courtice Churchitive Storage and McAlliste on Saturday. ýFiower Shop. Girls are invite Mrs. Florence Ferguson andto dress in the costume mr5 Mrs. Marie I. Gartshore en- nattering to themselves, miri joyed a bus trip to Upper skirt, formai or bathing su! Canada Village on Sunday. Also. appearing in persor Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago, stage and television star, ve: Mrs. Sam Powell and Dorrene triloquist Chuck Mack. Ti Powell were Sunday guests of promises to be a fun night fo Mrs. Maurice Couiter, Downs- all Plan now to attend. view. te red egb Officers and staff of! eiOur finsand niho Newcastle O.P.P. DetachmenUi eoiiHoptlan with their wives or husbands Lloyd Alldread, Mrs. Eleano enjoyed a ladies night at the Bourne, Mike Itaminiuk, Mne home of Cpi. and Mrs. Sid Vera Rewe, Mrs. Florec Pappin on Wednesdav even- Rowe, Mrs. Jane Shaw, Mns ing. Following a lovely buffet, Maria Speziale, Mrs. Petn sent In by cateners, a lucky Vanhoof, Mrs. Alva Voutt an( draw was made on two sum- Mns. Ethel Young. Rev. anc mier chairs, the flrst being won Mns. Robent Hayne are nom by Mrs. Jim Woods cf 'Bow- both home from hospital anc mnanville, with the second bath àre much Impnoved. Mr lucky winner being Mns. Gary Gordon Laklng is in Toroni( Brunton, Newcastle. The even- Gnra osial ndTI Speaks at Cobourg Rotary TheCanadian Statesm man a vle, 3une 5. IDS Problems of Feeding World FFor Safer GoIfmge Days PhM 98-4181 Knew and obey the uis aier posible danger areas If cmiser would pull up aIongRc WnsTo Id by L ibera I Candidate sre roIegon rls6 fyou biht gos at an lside and asic the ridera to dis: ec ivOS Ws . for the gane. fairway. use speclal cautiolf mu t an athe Owa.P.P- Hali th- world's pp ia re 15 ember Nt essen- tre imes i -st'-- ofthe tra when rtleigyour ball. ge nd thbken wae thge 0 poua- 15 b NtinPtre nsed ~2. Rsetyour elowplay-.erlvn office and the riders wouldi tian go te bcd hungry. By the tially comprising ail the world ditional two. en! hy allowIng pîenty of room Yield to persans playlng that have ta walk for a day or so. year 2000 the -world's popula- except the communist block- FAO has aaved the cattle ln when playlng off the tee. Keep falrway. Return ta yaur fair- These wamnngs are undoubt- ien will more than double There la a professional staff cf dustry of Bolivia. Inyu itneadai tirswya ana a-aepa. edly given by parents as weîl reaching the 7 billion mark. Ta agricultural scientists, engin- more tîian aqe-third aoî-tfotesm hn o r dyu ht asBechlsan polce dote aewhnyu r e orIh !as tacher and olice butlfeed sa many people global eers and ecanomnists ai about ivia's 2.6 million cattie died drlving. Be careful when t.ak- 7. Nover shoot to a gree n' whnte on od hyfood supplies mut be Increas- 3000 of which 900 are at the fram vaius diseasaad the n prccesig d e-utlhep ayes ahead o whe tey o e ood teyed by five titaca the present headquarers ln Rame and the estlmated annual. la . 26 rmain l o sted pa.asn eyourhaveleft h pn&-re. their awn good. aalbeaetinodrtabaacae ggdl nfilmillilon dollars. FAO veterin- ;0 sor pa. ut". leave the green as qulck.I' Mn. and Mrs. Alex Hendmy no one wil sufer from malnu- prejects around the world. amy projects and assistance in 3. Neyer play until the ièd- îy as possible. Players whor adfiyateedtend-tritien. ThLs I. the prime ob- Canada supplies about15oflbrtie, ecnqsad Yi la.Alwpays an aiyatne h rd1jective in the world war thesel 5 flbrtretcnqe adwyi la.Alwpaesremain on the green ta taly uation o! Miss Patricla Ryan. . trained personnel have stem.- ahead ta hit second shots or their scores not only are dIs-' in Klngston Ont., an atur- againt hunger -a struggle The annual budget of the mcd this loas.unithyaeutodrvn cutasbtalo nrea in Kngstn, Ot., n Saur-that must unite ail creeds and FAO is about 70 million dol- Projects in Afnica. India, ln range before making your shot. cthe chance s o ln hit. Th cotGmu Cmîte classes ln the next critical 30 lars and Canada's contribution the Carîbbean, indeed ail oven .Awysflo the a .Pr ca s sve n. years." This was the ke state-(i 4.3% amounts te about 3 the world, are ln aperation by ditional practice af playlng the efr n er tan u metonSatmdy ttenon. t en o!Rusei C rOney's ni14ion dollars. Canada la the FAO te end the presene of bail that la farthest froni the careles operation can cause an wihtime Chairman Bll Caîl addrcss te the Rotary Club in flfth, iargcst contributor atter famine. "We are involved ta- hale. Remain cîcar aofoohers accident-if turned sharply or resîgned from his position. Cobourg at thein w cckly m eet- the Unitcd States, the U nited d y m r h n e e e o e I h r w n i g c u D l r d t e n s e p I ci e r I z ýAnother resîgnation was hand- lng last wcek. Mr. Honcy was Kindm, Germany, France. dymr hnee .eael h r wnigcusfrdie nsepicie rli ed in by Ron Lowry, assistant speaking about the actîvîtica a cnnscious effort ta mnake this fairway shats. raugh arcas, they are prane t6~ 'Scout Master, who alsa made o! the Food and Agriculture Mr.> Honey cited the success earth a habitable home, whcre 5. lwysbe lr o id4 mention that Bob Shearer, Organization af the United ofFAO's attempts te enable the hungry are fed, where the * ots oto e raen y on 9 t toem wild tipf.rino Scout Master, would retire Nations. He attended the Or Malaysia te) become self suffi- naked are clothed and where Bhot youefurwa. Co- 9 Atthe firs so ram tra Sous l te aî an gnlaton' Cnfre cint n-ieproduction by the homelesare sheitered. It the om micottselnîtth Se n- Riaein'sNovem er 1967. 1970. FAO reseach workcrs in la aur rcsponsibility ta ensur ee very wcll reprcsented ut take shelter. Lightning strikei iwasnowthikin ongoi Rom inNovmbe, 167 lin tennational co-operation dev-ithat ail peoples have an equal l~voue gathenings, and that most often during the muggy: Ith Comitee Wih te SonThe Canudian Delegation to loped a new "miracle" nice share in the opportunitie to!e current pregram has been luil preceding nain. Standiii ion Scouts going up into Ven- the Rome Conference was led 1R8 ttc be uveedlite" oHfdd deaigned toaussiat youth te in the open, the galfer Is ofteyn' tuners, this would enable the by the Minister of Agriculture, thtcaib hn se if, r, oney cancluded. ain and maintain strong the higheat abject la the area leaders te make one troop out On May 27th, Lieut. R. G. the Honoebie J. J. Greene. Chlitian faith. -naking hlm a perfect target * of the youner Scouts. It Is Hendry o! Newcastle success- Mr. Honey was the other Par-J f ~~ on lightning. The nearesV- hopd ha Sou Mstr infully completed the îîadanlamentary Representative adJ h v h s îtne ses n dîscussing te teme of lone tnee, the classic llghtnineg Cellier wili take an as hcad Armed Forces Eiectronic 5ys'- the balance of the Delegation "Athc ndussemb arentMn. ersithe tlaaboytp.Tk etf the Venturers with assist- teims Officer Course at the Air consîsted of Civil Servants and fI~" rn aaprn atesheiter la a building or crouch. ance ceming from Les Bur- Navigation School in Winnipeg- Advisors. Pio nfl w on er nc wonld today towand faithiesa- in a ditch on sand trap. roughs. Sceuts would be led He received his Wings tramw ness. Jehovah's witnesses, on- * by Roy Hopkins and Bob Captain (N) J. L. Neveau, CD, The Fond and Agriculture thc other hand, are nealizing Slerrfor as long as Mr. Deputy Chie! o! Staff Persan- Organization was founded in Oshawa area has been thening One Anothen ta Re- strongen faith as a resuit of Shearer stayed on with the nel, Training Command Head- Quebec City at its fimst Con- chosen as the location for the main in the Falth." adequate ussembling together CtCs oa Troo. Itwas mentioned by quartera, Canadian Forces ference in 1945 and Canada's ferthicoming conference of Stanley Kerr, prcsiding min- for faith strengthening dis-W .M. opkin that help would Base, Winnipeg. former Prime Minîster, the Jehovah'a witnesses. The Cour- isten in Ritson congregation, cussion and fellowshlp." Cern- For Old Applialices be eeedinthefal.Nohig LeuenntHenryebaiedRight Honorable Lester B. tice Secondlary School on the one ot three congregations in menting on the purpose of the s has neteen ud for the fal o his hLight schn o educoainut Pearson, was the Firat Chair- cerner o! Courtice Road and Oshawa, expnessed rnuch en- meet, hie said, "The program tIhrougIî hSout ndb e use aso the ianehigh School prca ier a man. The permanent head- Nash Road, east et Oshawa's thusiasm over the decisien te is designcd te aasist ail attend- Scsteageplce, anduteyasae a rkeinln g h he RAF ndr thequartera are in Rome. There clty limits. will serve as the have 14 othen coagnegations ai ens to rtity thein !aith in 9 T A T E 8 M A N stil lokig ad i sne eedReglarOfice Trinig Panmeeting place on June 14th, Jehovah's witnesses as gucats such a way that they also wili C L A 8 S 1 F 1 E D 9 Isilof place. Tenqustoeneewas lar eptembn 96.ratn d-nglPlanA1 V 9th and l6th. The thre days for three days. Mn. Kerr aise be effective in asalsting othens again ralsed as getting the oylMlitary Coilegg in .J.JBITARY 6f religlous discussion will referred to youth, und stated Increase thein taith by thein hn 6380 scares hichCub ineste Kîgato fo for yers.Forave as its thenie "Streng- that young people have always mJ.nistry." last fali were stili wlthout and the past year he has been un- T .TB GOVERMANT INSPC D.N - -m - with new boys ceming lnto dergoing Intensive ground and Tl-- 4-L- -"ccýrr2d on May +0 "-~~ Cubs next tail, scarves will air traning as a student Eiec- 28th, 1968, at the Memniial, NATURALLY AGED BONE11ESS ROUND be needed. One Cub Master, tranic Systems Officer.Hoptl Bwmnie. !1 * Mns. Bruce Tilison, annaunced Hoptl, Bwavil, o she would net take hem pack Lieutenant Hendmy will pro- Thomas Henry Tabb, Mill St.,'. into the district panade in Sep- ceed te 404 Squadnon Green- Orono. The deceased who had" t. tember if hem Cuba had to go wood, N.S. te take up flying been la poor health si.nce lat,ý & ie such a panade unrecog- duties with Maritime Cern- November, was la hia 76thy nNedcaste P a c olnmotion a tHe mndparents. M.YedM . Am. rnDecemben 6th, 1892, at E SlbOCA V then made ta donate $10) te W. Hendry reside la Newcastle. Bad Axe, Michigan. the de-, ESY OCA V or- :the Guides towards thein ex- ceased was the son ai the late, er-ipenses foliowing the panade ln John Tabb and Livinia Cow-' isl the village when they scnved C L ( *ling. He was marnied Februaryfr light retreshmente ta evcnyone South ourice 5th 95 o h a Evelynr who panticipated. There belng Mary Stevens and on June 12th -RM OS ire:no urther usinessai HIdt1946, to the late Cannie Blanche x 'dýtime. the meeting adjourned 'CmusaderU ol mBown. The deceased was a'T ESSEX RN A IYPC ring with ail invested Scouts RLu.1a Umnanville Foundry, Dominion ~~L uaighm aesdain c ce H k ra nd Piano Co., and'fl U __ - ain om apr dain y~gGdyear Tire ad Rubber DPkg.DM E 6 'with the future Scout Camp Co ~ - W to be held ini July. Parents For many days1,DO INIeSmai Ce.N are requested te edteemmesa h ot ourtice Betore retiring In 1953 he'sfpW O FDNE papers and etuma theni as Public Schooi Crusader Cyclelaperated a woodwanking shop u i SO UHCNIEC! D MNO ' W RN quickly as passible. Ventumema Club had been planning and la Tymone for 23 yeans. He was if A o.d MfIMsld a jhm were te gel underway this exercîsing. la 'resident in Orono for Il u h m, &au .W hsg s-1- M :week te divide the aider and One evening, a gmoup. whiie yeams prIer ta his death. pg yone esworking on traffic reguations, Mn. Tabb is survived by a" - 53 Those Cuba who passed the rode eîght miles and last Fri- daughter, Mrs. MaleolmnElford FE RUI required events fer their bad- day eveaîng rode 15 miles in (Ivy) et Pont Penny, and thrce FREHGRUD -IELFR A-B lub ies attercn titcDypeaainfnten mtbgsons, Harold et Mevagissey. E and Wade theieen lds Da y ep Sunday far theirfrbig Crwday!gadMrayo !siy:lwere, froni "A" Pack, Danny hike. Cona1 nlad umyo al a d WdShedDnyHp udywstebg a!Bowmanvllle and Lawrence CUKSEK9 l ce klls, Tom Couch, Jeif Lowry, Pupila hustled home fmomno Courtice. Doal ill ano sungt h colcort rs, msvNnmane Cosslacutt' OM ASBRN o UASSPR AU nd nWilks, Danny Quinney, churcb (many af theni had PESSW OD'SCOMPSNormNanr LUAS SPER ALU ýnd ria Hogkap. illandjust sn nte colcor(mily) and Ms hre rs 6 Tima Nicholson, Calvin Allun, at St. Paui'a Church in Bow-ctt(lybah tBomn iTim Blaken and Robin Waltan. manvilie) and hastily prepar- ville; two brothero, Johmn o ~n[rm"B" Pack, Robin Duetta, ed for the big eveat. Trn n rdo uktn eh IFred Nichels, Alan Freethy, By 1:30 a gmaup ot 12 pupilsTrnudFedoBukt; L-g 's-Rabbie Kidd, Bob McKiver, and three adulta peddied off. eight gandchiidren and four & nsBihl Pernin. David Rowley, The exciting route, knawn great-grandchildren. He was 9rlRNS-1 -. oteSV 17 1Dnî iîonadBa re- .t ît h~pîc predeceased by two brothers, " ~ I-O.ioteS E17 HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS d, thy. pal. who had planned the hikeo!o y ron e and George 10 MCEAS- ail iz ub AV 4 .a- (and went the full distance) The funal service. conduc- T M I A S P g o U >MCEN aiySz ueBV 4 Eer 'ncludcd new pavement, brok- ted by Rev. B. Long, minis- e YE L VEiLl±J1 end piavengravel akd , td er et Orono United Church, Maxwell House Bonus Pack - 12-oz, Jar SAVE 10a TIVVIIUrMJI95 wn os rve od n heid a the Northcutt 5 n- Pesnatont.Nwiweaeven a horse trail north cf o Fnea Hm, o- N Johnlson & .Johnson - 14-oz. Econ. Size Tin SAVE 210 ii-1 rtoa o av yen 'u il e Grove West. EllittI ea oeBw N TANT LUI I Lt1*79 E U lit A rw f vr10 el h route on twa manville, on May 31st. Inter- Cn, wishers gathered on Friday pasttMaple Grae West and enen C night aI the Yelvertn Chumch nothwàd te Solna.P in Bae t ead e rsxne- MITCHELLS CHOICE -4MAISTnSAE le B YPOW D are R 88TueSAEc9 i's Hall tohnrnewlyweds Mn. Some hilîs wemc a reai test PalibeareRoyre indLodeh '~-4o.TnSV oand Mns. Gary Bristew (nec of tamina but the other aide Prescott, LEoJUmEn3 orr1.0uHAaRnRESSNG 79 I Faye McG iii). The evening aiways pnoved a fast and ex- Russell Tabb. %ý9A P E J I E3fr10 A R D E S N 9 ýr5 was pleasantly passed listen- citing ride for these experi-ý The large number a!fielrali r.ling or dancing te musie sup- enced cyclisîs. tiue niae h ihFAMN OKDTn SV 0 rs Potpol ae trs O the villag-et_ Hamptonan esteem la which the dcceased a .u m r ,I 1t'fanks ta the musicians who T. W. DOWN District Council wlll sponsor I* erven.tuhealsevicsircTeoor amlyplclctabhecl 1 S.A. Canada Fancy Grade - Crisp and Crunchy Florda Grown the Fruit with the Tangy Flavour evnig.Fnealsrvcefo hedoeOrono Park. jf(AU I A1l r On Saturday eveaîng a gath- S.WLeiel Down,.o! QuecriaAn invitation was received 1GRA [iY SITHlf APPILES FR E SH LI1M E S ering o! 'teenyboppers" o a 4,198.awhao edftdayta attend a social day at Nes- this and adjacent commuai- edfo heHnrnFatieton la July la coanection Size a acot a Size tins was held at the home of hena! Hometon Mnday, Man- with the Initiation et mcm- dz Mm ndMs GnldMG l7h He Rvon ron aluMa- bers ai al men's Courts la the 100's 5 o 5C54's o . 9 en r o. GVaughnMc- I2tn e fcitd trc. Gr alndiàt.Court BowmanvIlle__________________________________________________ Bornaut Coîbomne and cdu- tond the Installation a! new AMPLE FREE PARKING On Wednesdav evcniag, May cated ut Napance, he was the otticers o! the Court, ta be foi- . Values Effective Until Closing, Saturday, June 8, '68, in Bowmanville 29th, Reeve Wýilson Heaslio, son af the late Rev. J. Wesley lowed by lunch and a socialv Mrs. Heaslip and your cor- Dowa and the former Eliza- evenîng. Brc i All Merchaudise Is Guazante.d To Give 100%1oSatisfaction respondents the Harvey Mai- beth Tom. Prier ta ceming te itn hreyBok lli W EEV HERG TT1IMTQ A TTE icalma attended the Wardeii's Lakcfleld In 1939, ho lived la act us chaîrmun a! a commit- i ERSR ET ERG TT II U N II Banquet in Cobourg Pavilion Tynone and Bawmanville. tee ton the faîl dance, ussist- li1 as gucals of thc tawn et Ca- He was a memben ai the cd by Sisters Dorothy Bond , O e h r.a d Fr.N g t fl9 p m bourm tabaon this ycom's Lakcfield United Church, and a put Marshall and Gwen Dca- O e T u s a d F1.N g ts'i 9 pm Wurden, the genlul Wib. oust master o! the Clemnenti njs. eongratulated on provlding Lukcfield. He wus ulso a mcm- ta convene a bake sale I'la r ýuch a lmeei dinner and such ber of the Lakefield volunteen June, assisted by Sisters Betty1 an interesting evening. nhe fine dcpartment, and since 1939 Wcstlake, Shirley Brock and guest speaker, a Methodist was cmploycd as a mechaaîc Helen Allen. minister. the Rev. Ricd ad t 'Frank S. Coyle Ltd. Reports worm made on the' Joncs praved to be bath la- Mn. Down i. survived by hiii recent sprlng dinner and dance, teresting and amusing. i wife, the fariner Margaret and the rummage sale. IMarie Moore, anc daughtcr. A letter was noceived rne O IINST U IIE Anumber inem this con-iICurolyn af Edmonton, one son, the district Red Cross t ank-1 O MO T ALM E rnuitvwen prsen uttheWilliam o! Tonante. two ais- Ing thc members o! thie Court. ig~a "At Hiome" on Saturday, June tors. Mn,. Laura McLauchiin for providing and scrving thet K n St. an S m so venue H g w y N .2 Ea t ;ti. honaring Mr. and Mmiofe!Tarante and Miss Florence lunch ut Uic recent Blood Clin- iHenry Jakeman of Bethany; Down ai Lulceficld. anc brother te. 1 --N mNmRM10qlqq l l0g lIlq1 1 oqgI npn0qI on their 60 yeanu Of wedded Arthur af Ottawa, and two, The June meeting will takeP bliss. May thev be sparcd for gr-ndc.hildrn j the terni af a pot luck supper -v1 6 W& Oo uWI Vo rW W Wa uN Fq s"nlmarc happy years to- i Burial was at Lakefield cern- foilowed by the business mcci- get.her. ietery. 'ing. to b. h.Id in Newcastle, Ont., Saturday, June 22nd, 1968, et tihe Newcastle Lions Carnivai. C7~flflCASH TO THE WINNER, PLUS $75eOOOTHER AUBEPIS Name _______________ Address Age Phone KMILTES ENTiT TO: RFR UE1b BOX 2M ,NEWCASTLE, ONT.I]BFR UN 5h

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