Powell of the Oshwa Police orce wl] present a film and I The Orono Ne s Ihrflefcs ij .CW meeting will bo can- Mrs.ROYFulordandsonandMrs. Ketth Taylor. Bonnie celled until June 26th. ,--'evin ROY of Whtehorse, and Nancy at Brampton. 125 boys and 13 leaders at- "U~ukon. arrlved two weeks ago Congratulations to Mr. Roy tended the Tyro Sigma-C Rai. VtO visit her parents, Mr. and Wlnter when bis wlfe Margaret ly held at Darlington Provin- Mm., Lawrence Harris and deait hlm a perfect (29) hand cial Park. Orono Slgma-C won Week y her husbond las- of crlbbage last Sunday even- the Maurice Bradley Memorial wee byherhusandMr.Fui- ing - for the first time after Trophy, Hampton Tyro's won ford and they wl ho visiting playlng cribbage for over 30 the Ebenezer Trophy and $16 his parents at Meaford. years. was donated to "Oporation Mrs. Stan Smlthers of Maid- i Mrs. Vera Millson of Toron- Beaver", received by Rev. -.,watone, England, arrlved at the to and Mrs. W. T. Downer of Chas. Catto, Hampton. Groupa 'Toronto International Airport Mount Pleasant were week- attended from North Minster On> Sunday t0 spend twoi end guests of Mrs. Ivan Far- Churcb. Oshawa, Orono, Ham- roonths wlth her cousin Mr. row. pton, Ebenezer, Bowmanville Reg. Sutn and Mrs. Sutton,! Mr. Thomas H. Tabb. ageland Tyrone. Leader of Tyro's Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gray' 75, passed away aI Memorial from Tyrone was Mr. Alfred alnd David. Hospital, Bowmanville, on Knwt n n im- e Miss Agnes Ferguson of Ro Tuesday, May 28th. Funeral ers were Mr. Adrian Haines chester, N.Y., arrived on<Mon was on Friday. Intermentland Mr. Glen Rundie. day to spend three weeks with lni Bethsa Cemetery. 1 Sunday morning the Orange lier sister end brother-in-law, Miss Dale Challice and Mr.1 Parade and service was well Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson, Dave Farrier of Bolton visitad1 attended. Mr. F. L. Byam read her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. the Scripture, Galations 3. Miss Josephine Armstrong of Milton Chailice. Millbrook, on The choir sang an anthemn West Dennis, Mass., U.S.A.. is Sunday. with Miss Grace Smith as or- staying wIth ber sister Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hardy ganist. Rev. D. Northey based Thornton Wilson, also visitîng were Saturday dinner guests his message on "Good Reasons other relatives and frIends. 0of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mc- For Being Protestant." Mrs. MVrs. Hector Bowen who Arthur, Jo-Ann. Brent and W. Park and Mrs. James Wood- bas been a patient for several Barry, Oshawa East. iey on behaîf of the Centen- Bweks iemorialHoapietl, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hooey niai Committee served refresh- Bowanvîie i no a atintand daughter Jili of Toronto ments after the service. Guests In the Toronto Generai Hos- spent the weekend with Mr. were able to see the histarical pilail. 1and Mrs. Horace Best and displays created for the occa- Starting on Sunday. June J on sion. Fiowers ln the church 9th the service will be at 9:30 Mr, and MrsI. Mort. Sahin of Sunday morning were ln 10v- arn. at St. Saviour's Anglican Rochester,. NY.. werie din ner Ing m emory of Mr. Arthur Chuhoth nSudyf guests of Mr. anid Mrs. Alex Rahm, by bis famlly. June. Juy, August and Sep- Watson on Monday. i Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Young- tember. Mrs. Margaret Ruth Squair iman, Jim, Roy and Betty, at- Mrs. Russell Major has re- Moffat, age 72. wife of William 1 tended the Gradaution Cere- turned ta tbe Oshawa Generai S. Moffat. passed away aler montes at Queen's University, Hospital. a iengthy Illness aI the Me- Kingston, on Saturday, for Mrs. Alvin Jones o! Port marial Hospital. Bowmanvilie, their son, Ailan. Hope was a weekend guest o! on Thursday, May 3th. Fun- Miss Lynne Stainton, Toronto, Mrs. John Morris. eral was from the Orono Unit- spent the weekend at bier Mrm. Aldine Hamlln and ed Church on Sunday after- home. Mr. Stanley Tweedie of Clark- noon. Interment Orono Ceme- Mr. and Mrs. S. Hall end son spent Sunday wltlh Mr. tery famiiy*, vlsited ber motiher, and Mrs. Jim Middleton who Five Units of Orono United Mrs. Arthur Rahm at the home were ceiebrating their 48th Church Women heid their of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rahmn wedding anniversary. Con- June meetings on Tuesday. Blackstock. gratulations. Two ln the âfternoon were: Mr. and Mrs. Walt.er Rahm Mrs. Geo. Morton and Mrs. Unit 5. at the home of Mrs. attended the Bryant-Griffin Jack Williams attended the Percy Wer'ry; Unit 7, ln the wedding aI Trinity United shower aI Kirby for the form-1 Uppe r C.E. Auditorium, and Churcb, Bowmanville. er's granddaughter Miss L nda îhree ln the evening were: Caliers of Mr. and Mrs. W. Harris, bride-elect, of June 15. Unit 1 ln the Main Hall, Unit Rahm, Saturday, were Mr. Mr. Jim Buckley o! Leskard 3 at the home o! Mrs. Wm. and Mrs. Alex Perger, Stoney returned to Memorial Hospital, Siater and Unit 4 ot the home Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bowmanville, last week. of Mrs. John Shetier. On Whittaker, Hamilton, Mr. and Mr'. and Mrs. Douglas Bar- Wednesday afternoon, Unit 2 Mrs. Wilfred Banks, Misses rabali recentiy moved ta re- at the home of Mrs. A. A. Grace and Beryl Banks and cide ln Peterborough. Drummond. friends, Maple, Mrs. Marshall Chatterton re- Friday evening there were turned home on Sunday from 13 tables of progressive euchre, visiting afew days with Dr. T R N prizes as foliows: Mrs. Neilie TYRONEClark, Mrs. W. Mafley, Mr. William Stevens, Mirs. John Centennial At !Yome will he Ovenden, Mrs. Edlth Mitchell, held at Tyrone Uniited Cburch, Mr. W. Malley. 50-50 draw [Sunday, June gth, at 2:30 p.m. won by Mr. Carl Gimbietî. Guest speaker wIll ho Rev. A. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam SOD fGardner of Rockwood, Ont. vîsited Mrs. Rose Feeley, Toi'- qi Special music wlll be provided onto, on Sunday. r by The Golden Legionnaires, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook vis- SE Oe e Bowmanvill[e. A cordial Invit- ited lier sister, Mrs. George A' Oc yard ation Is given IÀa everyone, es- Wîîîs at the home of ber dau- pecially all form-fer members of ghter, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Tyrone community. Reed. Norvai, Ont., and attend- ALSO DELIVERED Sunday School will he can-, cd the wedding of their grand- celied this Sundaay mornlng. niece Miss Joan Pinchin ta Dr. AND LAID Ty'rone Sunday School ex- John Higginson at Trinlty PHO E 9 7-4 54tends an Invitation to parents United Church, Kitchener, on PHON 9874754and oung people, Monday, Saturday, June lst. - CI June Oth, at 8 p.m. Sgt. John1 Sympathy is extended te Ihe CLPHERE- - - - -Ifmyan relatives of the late Mr. Thomas Tabb of Orono, -formerly o! yoe This Advt. Us Worth $500Ms.R Virtue, Mrs. Lamne irand Mrs. W. Rahm were afternoon tea gests last week present it to our Service Department and 11! of Miss Mabel J.Twel.i1 nn,, Ul w wil pefor oI Mr. and Mrs. B. Cameron and Richard, Toronto, are visit- - Pe SSW OD CMASBR N SMESATYJEILing with her parents, Mr'. and PRSWODSCMAS RN S M E SA ETY SPE IAL I Mrs. R. Gibbs. Mr. and Mns. Lamne Phare ALV ALL spent Sunday with Mr.an MAKESFOR ONLY $bert WiLScks, Cobourg. ix______________ ~~ MODELS 1lMrGad Mrs. Roy Maynard N18o.BIl Our Regular Service Charge were Sunday dinner guests a! Mr. and Mrs. B. Klein Nien- zT for this Bumper to Bumper Inspection is $10.50 huis ad Brya, Hampon fo Have your car or truck checked now for safe, afrwl at o r.Hn o! England. Mrs. Hunt basO A SU carefree summner driving. heen visiting ber son, Mri. and Ms eleHunt and family, Charles Roua TamblynMawlHosBnuPck.1-o.J This Complote Inspection Includes: Hampton, for a month.a Mrs. Annie Hatherly spent son o! Mr. and Mrs. J. C ki~ the weekend aI ber homne on Tamblyn, Orono, received bis 88-Pon f udy Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ha- Bachelor o! Applled Science I S A T C F E 88 Pointrly Newtonviiie, Mr. and (Mechanical Engineering) deg- I S A T C F E W ritten Condition Report = Mrs. Bill Hatherly, Randy and ree ai the Convocation o! he& MITCHELLS CHOICE -4-: BlleOhawa, were ber guests. University o! Waterloo held on j Gaî-l AillaTi SMOTOR TRANSMISSION MM Mrs. Hatheriy, whe bas been May 241h. Ross is now worallingi Compression Operation staying for a period of limne as a meta]iurgist for Acn On Friday, June 7tb, 1968, AP L U C3 VavsAdjustment witb Mr'. and Mrs. Roy May- Aiuminum Company in Arv-jMiss Gail Allun, daughter o! 4 Valstn&RigSevc nard, plans to return ta ber ida, Quebec. _____Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Allun, %, FARMANS COOKED -12l.Tin Pis on ings ervi e Ihom e Iis w eek. R R0 Ji,, FEeon o BearinPlgs eaks. u potMr. and Mrs. Gordon Brent C<lTt'IE rad aefo m i e o s - SlPak PiGsket Lnkage - Standad and Christine, accompanied h)tiJLEM tha e eral Htefospitel's hoolS I OilLPan sketsprnas. Suppo i' rt ndr thssPolyofýaw ene Hsitls coo u NED HAM Ou Laks epot onail hlfing r. nd Ms. Rss oole o! "Where are you going", was iof Nursing.___ - Motor Mounts DRIVE LINE Oshawa to Devon, Penn., t0 the theme o! Rev. DonaldWHT SAN-2RiPk. ELattendnieralJonteivon Horse Show over uesiipigadesa uiWHTSAN-2RlPk. ELCRIA Uiesa oit :h attd ee n.Mr. Brenî Lutindyspiri ng rs a uiy LN BateryShocks - Rear cmebrn oLOnayNGhSevceonSndy.Rv.Lue J tbryea e reke Snd wihSericunday Shou n niv.ersay.SAU T BATH ROOM TISSU E Batr alsSprings - Rear bis son Daiwoasd nv.Lt HydoterCbe Tires - Rear there for aviwkho wagshdown was a former minister o! this Ruth-Anne and Raymond Hydromter l'is oweTek relpongtshow charge from 1950-54. Speclal Cameron were taken by sur- Ld Test DIFFERENTIAL Te eothv musice was provided by Sun- Prise b3' a !amily get-tagether 'te WHITE SWAN - 4 Roll PkX. ammte Oertining wnderfuil ime at Ibis day Scbool choir. The primary iast Satui'day evening wheiIHR O TS U mmdci O~~ertion:fair, wberc Ibere were over ciass sang "I nmust waîk care-Ms.WPearnM.ad DR etrtnrator 01iLak 1200 borses entered In the fully",. The Primary,Kndr Mrs. Wan Penwarden, and m Voltage Regulator 1comcîiion garten and Junior sang -Sweet ily, Mi'. and Mrs. Charles Pen- Disîributor BAE . stary of aId'. The entire Sun- warden and family, Mr. and 4 Distributor Points Adjustment was WondrfulGrac" ReBRanNvDle- ad Mi. an Mr1 Distribulo Cap & Roor Lining OBJTUARYday School choir's selection Mrs. M. Kellett and family, DOION ONBRN -1'lb Wiring & Cables Drums1 David Northey was In cag Clayton BrOwn and Linda, ailrk CoilWbeel Cylinders ISABELLA J. POOLTON o h evc.Ms e Shac- met at the home o! Mr. 'and 1;PA T M I BS U I MaserCyiner TTeimsing o! Isabeis la keton was organist and Miss Mrs. Robert Carneron ta celc- Moto Cr1ndr The sing Brake Lines J Cindy Craig the pianist. brate Ruth and Raymond's - FUEL SYSTEMI Cables 'Poolton came on Tuesday, May Mrs. Will Moffaît, Ôrono Birtbdays, It was lovely even- Carbuetor RONT YSTIM21st, two days after ber 89th passed away in Memorial Hos_- ing and enjoyed by everyone % CatRbureorFRondtionSTEMblrtiday, îollowîng an Iliness pitl last Thursday after a present. FRSHTST, E DR cR IlAisr Condition o! two weeks. long Ilness. Sincere sympathy, Johnny Wood and Donald' CoeAlignrnent I No. Poolton was barn atI s extended ta ber husband danteTyo wr hrs p 'Fuel Pump &GFilTerKngkin land and educated at Welling- Lawrence Squair andohr Raymond Cameron.D le IR Fuer lie&GsTn Tie Rod Ends t on Quay on Tyne, Engiand. relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Parkin- g oo deDrag LinkI The daughter o! the late An- Anniversary visitors: son and family, Courtice, ; G, E EXHAUST SYSTEM Toc-In drew and Annie Tait, she was Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster, were Sunday a!ternoon visit- SA aaaFnyGae-Cipa Manifold & Gaskets Shocks- Front I marrIed toi the late John L. Newtanviile. with Mr. and ors o! Mm. and Mrs. Rye Glb- ..Cnd ac rd rs i * Exhaust Pipe Springs- Front ' Pooltan on Feb. 27th, 1898, and Mrs. Samn Buttemy. son. D L LI MuferTre Fotcame to Canada In the year Rev. and Mrs. David North. Little Jennifer Davis,.O0ono, GRANNY MITH A W Tai Pipe MISCELLANEOUS193 She reslded wlth hem cy, Tyrone: Mr'. and Mrs. was i-ushed ta Bowmanvllle # OLN YTMSwitcbes e«daugbîcr at 120 Elgin Street. Bruce Staintan. Oshawa, with Hospital on Friday marning, Size D ghs; She leaves to mou.mn, ber Mn. and Mrs. Ken Shackleton. but Is home nawfo andfe9igc Radiator H se W}Iomns & Wipers m l-), g nE gt er) anc g Brad fayord; Mr . a ll, M '. and Lynn erD A nnae sayd ring0fanc X, RadiaA.lorhronesrae-rT Water Pump Instruments ~Gay s-dord; Mi'.. adMr. Wmd Jnn isferne sayn Trri-________a_________ Fa el011 Gauge ml son, John, and six get-grand- Mms. E. Faiey, irs. Hilda Cal- few days with their grand-, F etAccessories I children, al a! Bowmanville. well, Town, with Mr. and Mms. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rye Thermostat Operation Turn Indicators She was also the mother o! Gerald - Shackleton. Gihson. V1e Heat augeBodythe laIe Pte. John L. Pooltan, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Davies Mn. and Mirs. Wni Johnson' cealer Hase Paint lkilled In action In It.aly. and famiiy, Hagersvilie, wlth and IAnda,, Janetville; Mr. Hardware 1 Mrs. Poolon was wel e- Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig. Jack Johnson, Oshawa, were w CLUTCH Glass spected and loved by all, Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Lehnian Sunday guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Lo I shown by the beautifui floral and famlly. Miss Mlldmed Phil- B. Johnson. Operation Windiow Regulators arrangements, Inciuding anc lip, Ashburn, with Mr. and Mr. Sidney Cornish and i Adi usîment Door Check Links 1 from Ithe Ladies Auxilliary ta Mrs. Bob Craig. Garry, accampanied Mr. Ralph UI he Royal Canadian Legion, of Mr. and Mrs. Rosa Lane and Simp s a n, Bowmanville, ta J Ail Work Donc by Latest Most Moderni1which she was a lite member, tamily. Shaw's, Misses Ruby Kemptviile Agricultural' Col- Qualified Factory-Tralned Equipment: ' and also the Rebekab Ladge. Lane and Donna Wilcax, cge on Saturday ta attend Auomtie ecnilas.Allen-Tronie The funeral service wa.s beld Town, with Mr. and Mirs. their 201h year "At Home" Auootv eeecln.copeAcalysia on Thursday, May 23rd at 2 Lloyd Richards. They also vislted some places 9 p.m. from the Morris Funeral Mn. and Mrs. John Kinghorn a! Interest In, the States rec Chapel and was conducted by and famliy, ZMon. with Mr'. Iùmnlng home Sunday after- Rev. John Frampton. and Mrs. F. Blackburn. noon. iMacDONALD FORD j' Rhpalberer e ne- Mr. and Mrs. Don Welsfr MMr. and Mm.W.VaneykiS.Sms BOWMANVILLE la rhm RW.Eas M.adMs esl es. ofM.adM-.Pu aek Drive in now or phiono our Service ManagercuisLonlA Park- Mr'. and Mrs. Barry Cowl- Club 50 ladies will meet King St and S m s ager er Jr., Donald Childs and Ing and John. Mr. Larry Weish Tuesday evenlng, June 11, 623-2534 greatgrandson Michael Etcher. attended the Baker - Flynn with Mrs. Jack Johnstan and MIlMFLi qq L. ~ Ei She was laid ta ret in Bow-, wedding at St. Gertrude's Mrs. John Baker as program và cb L CLIP BER£ - -; manville Cemetery. i Church, Oshawa, on Saturday.1convenors.i W »î-V7 -W - % 7WW SAVE 10e 1.49 SAVE 2e 29c SAVE 6a pk. 5C KRAFT CANADIAN - 8-oz. Pkg, FS 65 CHEESE SLICES Pkg. of 6 Metropoltan49clE SOKELY FANCY - 14-oz. Tin SAVE 13e .Nh1I 39ci )LINA Md Crunchy Florida Grown the Fruit with the Tangy Flavour PPLESI FRESH LIMES Size AMPLE FREE PARKING es Effective Until Closing, Saturday, lune 8, '68, in Bowmanville 111 Merchandis. Is Guarante.d To Give 100%1oSatisfaction E RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. *n Thurs. an.d Fri. Nights 'tii 9 p.m. LIMON STOIRES LMITED on Avenu. (Highway No. 21, ast) a' f (I)l AIA 1 ý ý()1- m t Advertised Features Women's Bakery Feature 1 --w - %WÀFq 21bs. 39cl doz. 49C