14 The Canadiant Statesman, Bownanvllle, Tune 8, lUS O IU R BLACKS OCK iReport from Queen's Park ALETARTHURRAHMSAE SV! erod athre inij Tompor. wo avean Taci Trono.spet heby Alex Carruthers M.P.P. ;occurred Monday, May 27th, O godcodgtee n T1968, ini Whitby Hospital, fol- L teTowniship Hall Mondaylen taking hiRe Crossl weekend witii the Ken Duns-, SIAE EATETO are ohr.Sbiisu lowing an ilness of eight I night, May 27th, to meet Mr. Leader Patrol Course at Boystmoors. ESIAEj DPRMN 0 are1mtes ubiisuder weks. E ** * John Pratt, the Progressive Club in Oshawa, passed alli Cartwrlght Bantams Dfleat SOCIAL AND FAMILY SERVICES this Act increased from 16 millionDT *N COeiservative Candidate, and their tests Saturday. M. J. Hebbs Bantamu AsoVofth lM Mlbrt bis. Pratt. After a brief in- Mrs. Roy Morrow, Htn1In lthe is nigRc' "r himn makn h rhrRh n ni vý E trqlduetion by B P erguson, spent a couple of days lasti Campbell and Grant Mc-ý House today to approve the estimates lars in 1968. rhur. Rahm aA nin v.1 Perésident of the Conservative week with Mr. and Mrs. Rich-! Laughlin became base run- o f the Department of Social and Family (6,-Te a Nre1e8A94PovnDrintn aonhïp ecem- i A$Ociation of Cartwright, Mr. ard Van Camp and faniîly. !ners, Jim MacLeod belted a Srie nth uno 07,9,0. h cial subsidies under this Act in- ber 16. 1894,NrsresAt:Povn arintn onshdele al isMHADWARESO'TPQ ALT PrItt gave an iwermti e M col a nd eotMrs. Nil m ,scoring athree runs Sevicsuin the story270 of00.,the ce d m501: to 80%ý. Expen- life in Darlington and Cart- questionsa qeston Gera1dolm an MCartwrigCatwighhtt disastroushiges sm i highestyof hpwcreasedshpsasafromr. adand ably answered by1 Kelly home from hospital andi fourth inning. allowing fu Department." ditures increased f rom $500,000. inntl hitw mnsh i n asa196r22________m the~ candidate. At this periodwe wîsh themn a steady con- runs - Willoughby, Kehoe,! The above statemejît, which for.n- 1966 ta almnst $2,000,000. jin 1968. In October, 1920 he mdrriedii~uN (e) - The Children's Institutions Amend- Grace Slute, and was a valuedý forai meting wakthrondopand .alecnde . A Drand ws o on and McKniHaw~ed thbeJopningremao i rk s tgh oor-ent Act: Operating subsidies for Camprighee orSmh roters I ask more questions of Mr.; baby Juanita were Thursday got one back for Cartwright,'aleJon armk, n reenin hs Institut ions have been Crwih,*o avxa Pratt while enjoying coffee1 uprgusa ndrcn tieing the score. estimates to the Legisiature, have a rie o8 .ad ae ihMLuhi b IiM and lunch. .fuprgetad ront In the top of the sixth atclrsgicnewh eralriedo80,(. Farms, Tyrone. He was a O ensa 33ladies ivisitors were cousins particularaain signifiurcance whenha we aelvninw t serea- (f) - Homes for the Aged Act: Provis- member of the Anglican adone Wednesdarohy en-Longford Milis, Miss Edith Ho- stain, soreou rnsizeta r lvn n htistrion has been made for municipal Church. L Goe u n oT ronoaham Mrs. . Cton ICre oughby and Kruitoff crossed1 ed an, affluent society. One wonders rest homes under this Act to care Surviving are his wife' anyd a stri theaToantr- r and Mrs. SCotanHall plate. Cartwright nlanag-1 what the figure would be in a perîod foQUsnsAeRgnusnTtnlyHl),Trn.L A.$8 anda tur f te AlanGar Mr an Mr. San allandforphyicaly ndmentally handi- Grace; two daughters, Irene, QUAR tor Mission; lunch ait CityMranMs.aeonPtr er Gould and Neil McLaugh-1 and Dorothy (Mrs. Lloydî Hall; a tour of United ChurchadSeQin.wreun lin scoring.TeDpat ntwhcad nies care. These homes are eligible for Beach), Burketon, andi ole: WHITEADALCLR buse; also Timnothy EatonaE uprget fM.ad The score going ioto thei some 15 different pieces af legisiation, a 50%,( grant on capital costs and son, Stanley, Blackstock: also1 Memorial Church. iMrs. Stan Rahm and Mrs.1seventh inning was 8-6 forail of which have been re-enacted or a 0 gatooprinepnd-1 grandchildrtn and one Friday evening, approxi- !Arthur Rahm. Hobbs. In the bottom of thel improved over the past three years, has tures. great-grandchild. Sold Only tYu oeHrwr mamlate prsnseno9d0 peveadrssaMrinFe- eeenh icoHwe ad adptd amat amleenhageai(gr-heChrialeIntiuton At: ThFenea-sevie a travelogue in the Parish Hall~ guson, Toronto, were Sundayjia ndsebei 1a TeC rtblIsiuiosA : held at 2 p.m. May 29th. fromi when Mr. and Mrs. Narmanisupper guests of Mrs. C. Hill' runners. Don Johnston camel philosophy and direction in its prograrn Capital grants have been increas- Northcutt Eiliott F un eraF' Dysrtof etrboouh sow an clle o th San ahslin ta pinch-hit and got on.! Of social services for. the people of ed from -$2,500.00 ta $5,000.00 per Home and was conducted by' Dyato eebTuhso-adcle nteSa amiGrn eapas am o ntro dadte vnial rain e.Not heegorTyH ardw areGr ed lovely slides of Europe and and Roy and Bill Fergusons. lbat and di-ove intewnin e n the Prvncaipeainne. .Nrte' fT'rn. .movies of Africa, which theyl Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Magee,1rns With the asn last year af the subsidy increased ta , .ren was i ehsa yars oenrseas. Theeing on, Torontdr e SunJak- The final score was Cart- Department af Social and Family Ser- (h) -The Vocational and Rehabilitation Cemetery. yas rounedoff wTitha ev vi sinToroso M res dA. rghwright 9 and Hobbs 8. vices Act, the f irst significant change Act: Increased living allowances Palîbearers were Messrs. LMIE licious lunch and social hour.,and the Fred Trewins. Cartwright's Officia] tookplc in the eat n'spio- have been granted ta trainees and * LloMan ah, Brsca enn5 IN At the W. I. euchre Wed-? Congratulations ta Mr. andi Venturers phy. Under thîs Act the Department capital and prtn grants for ard Slute and Marvin Hudson. HOWm1A nesday night, the followiingiMrs. Gai-net Wright, Por7t On Saturday, June lst, the, was enabled ta enter into agreements sheltered workshops have been Many beautiful floral tri- BW AVLEsoe were tewnes ihldPry ahfre Cartwright 1 newly formed Venturer ScouIts wîth and receive the benefits af the introduced. butes attested to the esteern PHONE 6324 Mrs. Elmo, Archer: low lady,'1 residents, who are ta celebrate! of Cartwright received itCnd AssacePn.()-Eely eros etes ct hc h ecadwa Mrs. L. Byers; high gent, Mr.j their .5th 'Wedding Anniver-p flag. Reeve L. S. MalcollmlCnd sitne ln )-EdryPrsn ete c i heldhe.cesd a W. H-opps; low gent, Mr. Neil sary on Saturday.1 presented the f lag ta Company The other main feature and change Grants and subsidýes have been Baîley. Mrs. George Fowler spentiPresident Bruce Fish, on be- in the Department's policy was the extended ta rècreational and social In the United Church Sun-i Sunday with Mr-. and Mrs. haîf of the Womnen's Auxili-' Family Benefits Act, also passed last services and for the first lime an day arn. the chair rendered George Rutherford and Mr.Iary year. Under this legisiation programs operatine subsidy is available. the anthemn "The Heavens De- and Mrs. Allan Rutherford at! To start the baîl roling,ýC N D clare the Glory of God." Rev.1'the former's lari near Sea- Rv P oerlwlcmd which had been under variaus categor- (j) - Legal Aid : Under the Legal Aid C N D E D P. Romeril preached on "«The!grave. jeveryone to the ceremonyï les were ail brought under the onc Act plan the Department af Social and Fruit of the Spirit is Kind-' Mi-. and Mrs. Frank Caokand introduced Bob Wheeler,l and benefits were based on a needs test Family Services assumes respojn- ness.", were supper guests and Mi-.?chairman of the Group Com- ateAtano amenNtsta RevVsiiltfath a ' In St. John's Church Rev.'ý and Mrs Bill Grace and mittee, who told how thé, ahrta namasts pevi iiiy fr te asessment oa need.A C NS R A VEOV RNMT R. C. Rose dealt with someý Elaine, ai af Beaverton, werelcommittee woi-ks and its fuor ' ously. .Somre 58,000 cases have been pro- Ancient Divisions af the evening callers of Mi-. andItions and responsîbilities. Af-! The significance of these changes cessed up-ta-date. ON JUNE 2 Chui-ch. ýMrs. Wlbert Archer. ter finlshing hds talk M-.j is revealed by the falaowing facts: <k) - Through the Canada Assistance Miss Li-raine Turner and' Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Dealyl Wheeler introduced Bru ce' (a) -Municipalities have been relieved Plan the Department has been en- i Fish, President af the Ven- ai up ta 25'. i o their case load abled ta pi-avide the additional FL C r lH E S r& tu e o p n , w otl ed o .i h t e P o i c converting over assistance ai dental care, drugs, pp un a~owth nd o t i e t p as 47,000 cases ta Provincial jurisdic- optical, prosthetic devices, etc. i OTU BRA D-DRA sutthe boys who enter the lion. Provincial expenditures in The debate on the Minister's estimates :H e W e K n acp s A utos company. After a short speech (bt-his area in:r::sed by75% to 111 centred around the nmesd cots the Bruce intraduced Bob Swahn,Yn e cese as, LIMTEDtheSereat-a-Ars. .million dollars in 1968. great number ai programs involved and 24BS IEBob read thç constitution, b eealWlaFAsstneAt h large staff required ta administer U 24BS IEBOWMANVILLE lof the company and its bI'- Under this Act a new needs test these programs. The opposition speak- PO E63511 aws and explained the duties approach as been adopted with ers in particular emphasized the need - U Erçi IS A MEMBER 0F Pre ficery, 'r-inleasr a rate ai allowances equated ta for consolidation through a guaranteedW .. J H er, egeant - ea A-, Trandr Provincial a]lowances. annual incarne program. This subject IO E J H Company Champion. The Ad. (c) - Child Welfare Act: Subsidies ta is receîving considerable attention at ';0_______________ vsiBria Rabb, la there to Children's Aid Societies have been the present time and is warthy ofaiT I aW S EM E IImaàintiain'order and ta advise raised fi-arn 50';,"ta 60<k( and the careful examinatiani. Pei-haps in the _______ CANA. CAR D gs seeh Province has assumned 100% ai o the next co1u,.nn the pros and cons of such HAS ALREADY ESTABLISHED HiM LFA AM N WH CAMAOCARD ~Fllowing Bob'sspehte ICORPORATION ajurrgo show was handed back to? cast for Indian Children and un- a program can be discussed. Bruce wha introduced the - WORKS FOR HIS CONSTITUENTS I TA A Rev fCartwright, L.S the cast was so good that they' Malcolm, who spoke on the j'oung D ra at7 sail were natural In the parts' Dramatits FORPRSGouts- VOE PRAT "AU Credit Card Program trtn c"cut nohsf~a the chai-actera they played. F R P O R S ~ ~* cammunity. Aftei- wiahing I The costumes were also par- US~ ANV.'. ..the Scouts gaodiluck, he cal- re e tiA f L m dtlcularly good and helped ta USE'ANY ed n Buce ishagai anP res nt -A ctC om d V evoke the atmosphere af theý ~ *:«CR~D T CA D ..presented the Venturer Flag______________tenes Much applause was1 The Stanfield Team Desere o r u p r ta hm o behif f th Wo ~.In "Flapper Girls", a one-lawarded the participants in, HE Emen's Auxîiary. gif and Mrs. Malcolm said act comedy, presented by the the production. People i-e- i moy.Buccige rea r- a nI ew woi-ds af thanks as this Junior Drama Group on Mon- marked that it Is regretfuli - moy rc edabifday evening, May 27th in the that "Flapper Girls" was onlvi- Ameleo Epre *Dm.,, Club *Corte blanche *Oit Compoey Corda synopsis of Glenn Malcolm's gift had caught her off guard. Tw aladtru ytepeetdoc si al e SMoW Notai Cedit Corda 0 Dooartmerrt Store Crui Cords 0 Ak Tovel Scouting y'ears. This was the After the presentation Rev., youthful cast gave a surpris- greatly enjoyed by many more J U NL Carda * a lolTi Iay Corda 9 Over 200 acceptable corda. big event af the eveni.ng, as Romeril spoke of the future 'ingly expert performance due people If put on a second even- *proii mon ON AppRVED iera. Glenn is the Fi-st Queen's cf the Cartwright Brownies, ta the skillhed direction afI i-s ng Scout in Cartwright. Glenn Cuba, Girl Guides, Scouts and! Bernar'd R. Kitney. The co-, ~ EAR T L AKSADMOES wspresented a hunting Ventureî-s. F a liao w i n g the i directors were Bannie Moîr-V O E C NRV T I knife w~~hich was engraved speech prayer was offered by rison and Margie Bell.Firngnlmae ro NEW ND UED PRTSVORTE (AUONSERVATIVE -letedVO th CRAIia NE AD SD ARS O AL UTS ftricm alwth boys in the Ven- Mr. Romeril. A social hour,ý The Junior Drama Ga Red Cross. It produces a dra- untl pni eer eenngtuner Company. Mr. and M's. arranged by the Women'sj5s sponsored by the Depart- matic cessation bleeding. N e are open utl9PM vr vnn Malcolm were then* called ta Auxiliary, when sandwiches,i1 ment af Recreatian . It la Iinlcuding Sundays for parts. the front and she was pi-e- cookies, tea, coffee or freshie conducted throughout t he; __ t'________________________________________ sented with a corsage. Glenn was served and a pleasantiseason by Mrs. Kitney, in-' L thanked hMs friends for thei- lime- spent. structress. "Flapper Girl-," by Anita f l ~ Mathers was presented by ar- uu S es ~rangement with S a m uel1 * cesaful production bei-e aller- ed amuslng entei-tainment, hlague, and the stage effets 1i-an kGoodnessFor well paced action and dia -e Welorod aridand ighting were excellent. Ig Ii Welyurl bdy Sgetngmrre adAnd the other.-your Savings Account- The set was the livlngroamn wants you for- best rimaans.ue ouofkptcshonhad nae rnus 1927 hi s I3 1 HOM EPLAN * Your puck cfumonthlynpaymentnDue Date Snc seemed ta be spaî-kling, n with excitement becaiuse ber frienda had assured her she paaraies iwuld get thei- votes for Missiwktce a Flapper Girl af 1927. Wendy Wihlidal clev env played the part af Crystal Car-fne in, iich, snooty, and un- sci-upulous, who was detei-m n xlr Chisholm was delightîul as swMoeing pools ndapn sister of the Brighton's apeM lui aspirant for the contest honora. Linda Snawden showed actt Ing talent ln her interpi-eta- lion of the difficult part oai At - -E A Jennie Eagen, typical andA A L B E A light hearted young fapr wha is bribed by ruthless CytltvoefrbiEvDillon was realistie as HettyOh w o dP out Haverlord, a top executive ofI the Flapper Girls' Society. Oh w odP The Brighton's youngcr e ig ysa o hemCOURTICE LMTDSHOPPING CENTRE L acheme had worked and ahe had been named Miss Flapper Girl of 1927.1 The denouement tank place, In Scene Il. Dolly bad askedL - - - - - - - ALN everyone ta meet at the BA KO O M R EBrighton home. and whe 5IEnI IAa*a i they assemhled. Jennie Lagen A UNT-TH E TC)b. ULD0 told of the bribe she accepte, .5 t t t £ t r 't t $ t. t' a, t' *4 e' t, l~t g' 'I il Il j: F t, i s,. 1, s