iThe ranadian statesman, newnanvifle, .?ime 5, 19o8 REE-I3YSXIL-RCiM9IFI-Fi DPEi EIIT 100acreyofnhescalves16andcon iast yetrlyar 3 BEDROOM HOME: 01 Il-Ontario, on or before the l2th C MN V N 10 are o te ai Lt 6 ndcotiuig eseryalong calves, one 2 ycar old Here- beatcd, 4-pce. bath. Large lot. 1 Roorn soiid brick, on lot day o! June, 1968, otherwisc e17 the said soutberly limit and its projection westemly acmoss ford bull, 8 scws and one boar, Asking $11.500. Oniy $3.000 106 x 253. Bcautifully land- thir daims wIll be disallow- ( Lot 16, across thc road allowance betwecn Lots 16 and 17, 150 laying liens, saine furni- down. Caîl: G. VanDyk. scaiicd lot. Two bathrooms. cd.ic ture Incudin a nne peceFireplace. Two car garage. Datcd at Cobourg, Ontario,1 and across Lot 17 to a point ln the westemly liît cf the uc nldn epee MAPLE GROVE: 3 bedmoon $32,000. Ternis. t1 6hdyo a, 98 IT S .R dining room suite, antique bungalow. Ou hcated. 4-pce. ti 6hdyo a,16.BR HM R said Lot 17 where it is tintersected by the southemly liflit dlocks. picture frarnes, toilet bath. Laorge lot.ALaniEncuo, o! the north 100 acres o! the said Lot 17;I sets, old jugs, beds, chest o! $16,7GeoLrge A.t Lalng, cutr,$1,75 per insertion, THENCE soutberly along the westerly lirnit o! the drawers etc, also 3000 bales of .0.Cali 623-3393 By bis Solicitors, said Lot 17 to whcre the said westerly lunit cf Lot 17 last year's hay and 200 bales 96 ACRE FARM: Highwaý.i German, Richardson,i of straw, sellng 48 acres o! location. Brick home. Ail!After 9 p.i.: Clarke & Stewart, Intersecs the water's edge f Lake Ontario; standing mixed hay and 12 modern conveniences. Two Ken Heekin - . 623-50551 C21u-3Onano THNC estrl log hewaersedge cf Lake acres of Rodney cats. Law- i barns, Asking $35,000. Ternis, 21-3ases 23372 Ontario ta the place of commencement. rence Harris, Clemk, Charlie I Cail: G. VanDyk. J payC asieddit 1Reid, Auctioneer. -~ 29-9'te er Pcs ai Mander Rafuse 623.-3605 JDipa Clsfed t FURTHER NOTICE Dn t -6364 aYo---623-30771 RESULTS COUNTI Morga es ,Dn munjoy 62-364 oeBarnoski -- 723-578171Conînît a Meruber ef the C S 'TheCeueliet he orpoatin e th Ton etBewian - - - - Pyllia McRobbie - 63-7159 Ross Gifbart - Oroco 983-5533!U~ ville on the 28thday of May, 1968. ameadedtheir ApplctinJMO E O O N Ro.Dviin-CchASHR RyPstr-Orn 83i0 for' Annexatien ef that part of the Township of Darlingte onl O E O L A IRs av o ehn 0ZRy otr-OoI93SO Weerred te above. te include oniy those lands Iylmg north *oî Firut and Second Mortrate George VanDyk - 623-7431 Weston Danister - at eaonbleRae. Wesley Anderson - 349-2669 Garden Hil 797-2215 L . Candin atonl ailayrihtofwa, est et the Harold Coutta 725-2649 . Ho'ward Forder - = rl bouzdary of the Town of Dowsanvil.e, southlà A. L. HOOEY -JDtirothy Samais * 372-2974 BroklÎi 655-3938ediefrC the Base Lice Rond and eu.t cf Martin Rond.I Real Estate and Insurance 'John Oudshoore 623-2984 George Beaton - MULTIPLE LISTINS SERVICEDedi.frC R. L. BYRON, 36 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville We List Photo M.L.S, o. er 95297O hawa & District'CI TonCir. .-j 2-76 cdEclsv Andy Suteh - Orono 983-9119 Ton2lrk 23724an x2uiv -O E 2-30 PHONE 623-330~ 23-11£~~A£L~~~~i z2-i Notices Notice 1 Auction Sales Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale[Real Estate for Sale Notice to Creditors1 *L. C. Maa>n. QC. LawAuction every Wed. nite Inthe Estate of Herber Office closed days untîl July P CA NOTICE starts 7:30 p.m., Bowmanville ORONO, 11/2 storey Insul brick, SCHOFIELD A. . Hooev Henry Richards. deceased. SP.i fieevnnso H E UIA ETN Auction Barn. Caîl 728-100)5,4 bedroomns, bath and fumn- L.Ail persans having claims 2n.I ie evenngs orTHEREGUL- 10ET30G 723-0976. Doug Gower, JIm ace. Cal 623-3777. 23-i AKER LTDND.gistth stito Hrbr 'Me 19-8 h Woods, Auctioneers. 22-tf INSURANCE Henry Richards, late. of the PUBLC SHOO BORD, HRE beroo brik bn- EALORSTown of Bowmanville, in the PUBLC SCOOLBOAR, THEE edrom brck un- EALTRS o-xmanville - 36 Liberty N. County cf Durham, deceased, F or Assistance T.8.A. DARLINGTON, wW lb WEEKLY galow in Bownrill: with 30Kn saa6376 h ido raotte2t CA A IN heîd on une 7,199,73 1.LIVESTOCK SALES fenced yard, located near bas- 723-2265 DUKE STREET-4BedOro a fJnay 98 rnee CAN ER SO IE Y r- o-EerThrs,7ZO . rivate sale. Phone 623-7156. $18,500 - King St. E., Oshawa fireplaces, garage. Lovely & Strike, Solicitors for tt Phone Mrs. M. Syer - 623-3177 AUCtion Sile Selling Herses, Cattie, Swine, 2- i Fve roi brick bungalow condition. Asking $18,û00 Entati, oBor7, Bowmanveille Calves, Sheep, etc. Charlie with garage, situated on a lot Low down payment. OarlofJn o e for68 theul9ath Mrm. J. Oegema - 623-2318 Auction sale. Wednesclay, Reid, Auctioneer and Pro- Il' 1 5 7' Has 2 bedrooms, GERESRET-3be-ula'rz of their dlaim. ____10-tf June lOth, Hamilton Bros., Lot prietor. 23-tf J-efer .isowai,Jr TV twr ie for Cable TV,'t k ~30 - 9. Con. 5. Darlington, 1 mile nicely landscaped with trees rooms, cenral. Asng $I,50 mmediately after the said IREALTOR and shrubs; has air-condition- $2,500 down. i9th day of June, 1968, the as- daily leptMunseum 5open adeofHamstein.a 45ie ired bvtr M el 6, cMinetbae,c- EERiNUAN er In dinlng-room. Purchaser NELSON STREET - Build- isets lof the deceased will be dallY xceptMondas 2-5 grad Holstin catle sred b torModel 5, gingmmlote pnsess$5.200.lotdistr$5,20tedistimongstmo the t part-t Monda"s when a holiday. Ad- Unit sires and bred to Unit swather, truck, full line of Up- 12 les entitled thereto, having re- mission, adults 25c, children sires. 50 Pigs, fullI une of UP- to-date Implements. pi-operty 5 King St. W. Bowmanville Call now for appointment ta NEWCASTLE- Attractive gard onlY ta dlaims of which ]OC, sehool classes free. Group;; ta-date implements, including of Arthur Rowan, Lot 3.,Con 623-2453 lnspect. brick home, 4 bedrooms, gar-th adslcorfrteE- da o eenn. lase adtwo tractors, combine, new 9, Manvers Township (Yelve-. . $27.300 - Florell Dr., Oshawa age. nice lot, immaculate con- tate shaîl then have notice. groups please make appoint- manure spreader, baler, rub- ton), on Highway 7A, 3 miles Orono!! -$1,500 Down ! Atatv ro pie- dition. Asking $20.000. Easy Dae atBwavlehs nment with the CuratOr at ber-tired wagons, tiller, double West of Highway 35, 4 miles 6Attrachoevwith grage. elhomeevitated onrvn o em.2s a 0f Ma AD. 1968. Museum or Phone 623-3427 or disc, etc., bulk tank, Unico, 28 east of Nestleton, Saturday. New bathomand furnace raced.5e' xo3e0'.Thi om aie lhas 3 Strike &o MyA.D 168 Q23-5890. -23-1 Nwbt n unc Pie 5 0' hshm a tie&Strike, _______-can capacity, DeLaval milk- June 8. Terms cash. Sale at for quick, sale.Atnw bedrooms and 2 bathrooms -Emnie Bradley - 623-3560 Soiios1o h ing machine, cream separator, 1 p.m. Don't miss this imple..ct w! 2 patios (1 covered), well Ken Caverly - 263-2632 Stateitofsforber lan sc pe H s u23 n e1 H enry R ichards, ture. Terins cash. Sale at 1 Spenceley, auctioneers. 23-1 This parcel is bargain priced. and bookcases and built-in Box 7, o'clo Jckso't nchrd, peCelerk; access to rek Only$750 electrlc range. This home also George iBiyleven Bowmanvllle, Ontario.' hh saaadDsrc as a 13' x 17' recreation room 21-3____________ Auctoners. 3-2Historical Society will hold3Aarens! and is onix' thrce years old. REALTOR __________ ___ auction cf "Antiques and Income property cnrl Cai nd sso tPhn 2-30N tiet rdtr Once In a lifetime suction Things", Saturday, June 15, located and In very good re-Ita yen. o nteett fDnl e TWSI OF sale. I have been Instructed 1ippri., Alexandra Park, Osha- pair. Terrifie value at $21,1900. CalM LD E GodnBvh -6355PhrnRbbatcfheow TOWLNHIP 0 by the following ta seli by pub- wa. Previcw 1l arn. - i p.m. 7½,ý% mortgage. orlM LD L odnBec 2-25Pesn oblt fteTw DALNTNlic auction on Saturday, June Muuic boxes, telephones, Md- o omn i n the County 29 at 1 p.m., the property, the son gramophone, ciflîamps, 3 Acre and Hm!!! t6353 Excellent opportunity for of Durham, Esquire, deceased: - NOTICE modern machinary and cattle writing desk, hall racks, tables, Maple Grove! 23-1 Vhe busine. Seresat in, il erisone s aviofthng of Mr.J. Harasimnwiez, three beds, woodcn butter bowl, etc, Real cozy 5 room bungalow-- garage and body shop com- Donald McPherson Robb, who t rp ryOwners miles north of Newtonville ta etc. Cliff Pethick, Auctioneer. with aIl modern conveniences bnd sig pie ol ido raottelt a t PrpryCrooked Creek, 1 mile east and Catalogues available on day Real value at $13.000. Terms* WW Frank Real Estae $13,900. Phone for more In- of August 1964, are hereby DESTROY \VEEDS 3/ mile south, Including entire cf sale. Proceeds ta renovate , 70 acre farm on which there Robinson House. 23-2 Jane Street!!! LIMITED formation. notified ta send to the under- *Notice lu hereby given to ail are two houses (one brandI Very attractive 2 bedroom REALTOR Orono ariea: 9 room bouse, signed Solicitor on or before persns n pssesionof and ne frme huse, oe lrgelarge barn and 15 acres fertile the lOth day of June 1968, peron l posesin f lnd nw fam hus), nelage Auction Sale, June l2th, bungalow with garage on large 21 King St. W., Bowmanville land. 11/2 acres strawbcrrics. their naines and addresses and In aeccrdance with the Weed barn, 6 acres of woods In 1968. 1:30 p.m. Dispersai Sale lot. Has rec. roem and 3rd Controi Act, 1960, Sec. 3, 13 which a good trout stream of Shorthorn cattle, property bedroom in basement. Asking 623-3393 Excellent for horse farm. Ask- full particulars of their dlaimrs and 19, that unless noxious runs through 20 acres of pas- of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Rowsell, $17,000, Terms arrangcd. Member Oshawa and District Ing price $26.900 with $10.000 and the nature of the securi- weeds growing on thelir lands turc, and 44 acres cf good ar- Oshawa. 7 pure bred register- 10 Acres Wit Stream!! ealdown. tar diyes if av) ed by t th e- within the Township of able boai soli land. and it Is cd cows, 4 grade cows, 4 . eiEtt or Bailieboro, close to and over- dlyraifidbsauor.e Darllngton are destroyed by completely surrounded by.good steers, 1 cbestnut pony (Sunny Located rigbt In town. Ideal Gravel Pit farin wi eLlakept10stone Immediately after the said date of JUNE 15, 1968, and fences, aise a new line of In- Girl), to be held nt the former spot for executive type home. amwt elkp tn throughout the seson, the ternational machinery includ- George Irwin farm, Con. 8, Caîl office for price. 110 A'cres with 60' face open house and barn. Ail work- lOth day of June 1968, the imunicivallty may enter upon Ing a ncw mower, plow, culti-onmiewscfteVlaeoAfr pit. Good streain for wasbing. abl e partly drained land. Ask- ast ftesi eesdwl the said lands and have the vator, 45 bllrand an 1H Eon ilcn, Dartheîilg oTwp., I 8 p.: Located West cf Orono. Ex- Ing price $26,900. b 0f tibtedsad eceeril Enrlsklle, Drligto Tw., ellnt alu at$60000 soi etited tamog heper- weeds destroyed, charging thel B414 diesel tracter with only Ont. James Wood Auctioneer, D. A. MaeGregor- 987-4267 cellentvalue t $60.00. on eg nltited theeto ain conts against the land In taxes, 675 hours, etc., and 35 head DugGwr ir.TrsPtrKwlJ. 6325 1 ceLksoeFri fae ov e: 4 bfredom re nhe daiso0 au set out ln the Act. lfcattie, mainly purcbred 62-25321hAcenakshreFarsfam oFornceIwhchthordea-gedSo'c of , ahnemseve er informa728105,72 23-1 Newcastle - 2,000' frontage broadloom In living room aý wor shall then have notice.~ The ce - operation of ail IAngsu with papers. (rhrto aî 2-05 2-0976. o aeOtro iiyfrwl eoRe.Lrelt etizen. In earnestiy solicited. details on machinery and_______________onLkOtao.Diyfrwl dcrte. age o' Dated at Orono, Ontario, cattlenext wek). Pan ta23-1 monthly milk cheque $1.300. suitable for V.L.A. Askingthsitda0f ay16 ORVAL GRILLS, 'attend this Important auction 1 om sldbikhmpie$650 agrtEey odn WedIspce, where a good investinent cn Auction sale, Wednesday, John F. DeWith barRn 3.solid brick hoame pie:0 $16500.wmnilOnaro Weed Ispecti 1 bemade.For futher nfor- une 1, 7:3plus. h2spondRE.LESTroadI front-u 2 ptns.f3onndagrntonWttwo roadseonBowmaonvsiWielim Ontario.t Townsaip.oFor furthernn for- Juite,12,730p. cmCesteRA ETT LMTD ages. Only $80.000. Asking price $6,500.WilmKaLct. Tonsi o Drlntomation caîl Charlie Reid, fiedsut,5cechoeui, Orono, Ontario.. 22-2 Orono 985-5914. 23-i chairs, tables, fîreplace screcn, REALTOR 20ArsSokFam ______234I Executars. electric heater, good used tires, 20JAreckok Ir - W. K. Lycett. Orono, On- box spring and mattrcss, nîteý 14 Frank St. - Bowmanville' New barns, 32 x 100, 40 x 70. jc tario, Solicitor for the Execu- ÎDZ _ P. 4682-67 tables, ugs, wicker chairs, 2 Phone 623-3111 Silo 20 x 60. 8 room home tors._ __ 21-3 treadle sewing machines, rock- 1 witb ail conveniences. Good R IC A R D Ing chairs, dishes, glasswear,J OSHAWA, ALBERT ST.: streain. Excellent soil, on RI C AR_ china, gardien tools, automatîc> 2 storey home, cil furnace, 4- highway near Norwood. ul W faeC rg s iron, 011 tank, doors. Hund- pce. bath. Zoned C.2. Asking equipped with ful l fneU& Ltd., Realtior W efr Ch g s eds of Items. Meet your $20.000. Terms. Cali: Don, farm macbine-y. $65.000 -D ONTAftIOfriends at tbe Bewmanville Mountjey. $300 on.63253Ieacn $12,97 21 THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD Auction Barn, Deug Gowe.' 10 ACRE LOT and 22 ACRE 10 Acres East of OshawaMaeGovTettlcstowlfr THE ONTARIO MUNCIPAL BOARD 1 im Woods,Au c t i on le c r s, PARCELS of land. OnIy 151 On main highway with ncwMpeGo Tetalcsofwfr i IN THE MATTER 0F Section 14 728-1005. 231 'minutes from Oshawa. Priced barn 50 x 25. Ideal for market Modemn 3 bedroom bunga- May was $12,972, but ase o! heMuncial ct(R..O Autin sleta e eldSa Ifrom $6.500 and up. loadnO usmy 1.0. 1w on 75' x 200' lot. 4 PCc pe ted rvri es from fed-i of Thbathiwipkoutcbasement wite eral and provincial subsildiesl -1960, C. 249) June 15, 1968, property of 2 CE FR:Vr attached garage. Good gardien in hreak mutt Tom Sikina, Lot 33, Con 4, scenic. Rolling land. Large 102 Acres - Oshawa land - raspbcrries, strawber-J $11,.157.20 tihe actual cost to1, -and - streain. Wood, orchard. BrickI Clarke Township. Farm l oca-hoe Ban Ca:Pyls Terrific 12 room brick home. ries. $22,900. the municipality will be> IN THE MATTER 0F an application ted 1/ mile south of Orono hoeJan al hli 2 Bathrooms. Niceiy land- l' St $1,814.80. This was shown inJ by tbe Corporation of the Town Sales Aena. 30 head Hereford McRobbie. scaped grounds. Large barnt t tihe report submitted to Towni - fBomnvie o anxaincattle consisting cf 3 cows due BOWMANVILLE: 4 bcd- pond, 10 acres bush. This is £hree bedroom brick buni 1ni on Monday eveni to, the town of part o! the Town- 3 cows, cal! at foot,' 14 year- with 4-pce. bath, large living Osbawa_ Askln ba th..TpJcon i wa sig $90.000 -pc ah o odto J. Welsh. ship cf Darlington, In the County ling heifers, 6 steers. Machin- rocin, garage, paved drivcway. Termins. tbroughout, $18.000 - $5.0001 There were 232 welfare re-ý cf urai, esmibd n y-awery: Manure spreader, seed Patio. In quiet part of tawn: down. i aipients in Bowmanvllle dur-ý 6-of hm escapplicn corpoain.dm111, Cockshutt cultivator, Caîl: office. 200 Acres - Cannington Parkway Crescent ing May, 13 less thani in April.' 630oth plcncoprto.set of harmows, hayrake, i1 aEVC TAIN nc 8 Rocin brick home. Land- Ecpinîyfn APP INT ENTFOR HEA INGhp.motar, bale elle- 'SRIESAINSnc cpdgonslag ban1Exetnlyfiebr1ck clectric NalFwatemtroughbar with living quarters on 17 'cpd u1s ageb s bungalow on large corner lot. FINE QUALITY ao,20acres. Near Brighton. Caîl: suten. This i eypo Inside and out thi, three bed- MONUMENTS AND TEOTROMNCPLBOlARD erb apinsElectric fence posts, odds and Dorotby Sms3297.75$ucte, an.P0.ed at ro om. aIo o eod TH NTRO UIIPL .~hrbyaponsends. Some fumniture, quan-Sas$5.0.roiom isaoytbeod MARKERS >1onday, the ltb day of June, 1968. at the boum of ten-tbimty tîty of hay, approx. 2000 bales. NEAR COBOURG: Loi ly' Don't buy untîl you sec this., c'clock In the foenoon (local turne) at the Council Chambers Termns cash. Sale turne i pi. roime bungalow, on No. 2 V 0 ce a'n $350NHA ¾ otae4~~ .j~ In the Town of Bowmanville, for the hearing cf an applica- Sjerp Vander Meer, Auction- Highway on large lot wfLth my scenic, can be sub-. Church St.iii --0 Us tien fom annexation to the Town cf Bowmanvilc of part cf eer. Rod Srnithson, Clerk. trout streain in back yard dvdd ed7oihm. One 4-room and one 5-room Ur"IT FF R 22-3 Oniy $2,500 down. Caîl: Runnin.g water in house and aatet Two fireplaces. BOS. LTD. the Township cf Darlington, more particularly descibed In Dorotby Samis. i barn. There are several good apartmntiohouhct Schedule "A" attached hereto. Auction sale cf fumnture isprings originatîng on this Garagecondition. throbut 9 Le al esos ntrstd nsupot !orinopoitonIfor tbe estate of the late John NEC,1E 5 romdfai h Ide fr trotît ponds or Garge. $18umo.h«com Let all ersons iterestLain sncprtnoftoeInVollageiocf1ncw brick bungalow. Ou is hhry. Near hîghway $2,500 down.FAi W to such applicaton then and there attend. Columbus, East Whitby Town-I hea ted, 4-pcc bath. Asking 7A. $27,500. HapoI V.L.A. O DATED at Toronto this l9tb day cf March, 1968. ship, four miles nortb 0f Osha $19,000 with $4,000 down. Cail: ModIenatrive 3 bed- i a wa, the contents of an 8-rooin-G VanDyk.' 50 Acres - Cavan rooni bungalow on 82, x 297'i Staford Brothers (signed) ed bouse on Saturday, June APPLIANCES AND FURN ilot. 4-pce. bath. Oil furnace. R. SOTT SERETAY 8 Noge rfrieraor, -hu-, TURE Stre s aGood streain rising on p rop- 1 80 R.SOT ERTR .Nrerfieao,4br-IUE tr sagoing erty witb pond sites. 3l Acresi.$15,800.Nonumeilis cm eicctric stove, cook stave, concemn with bouse, show- m~ cdd w an.Cn otg IIE SCHEDULE "A" sewing machine, chairs o! al roorn. workshop, stock, etc. besbdiie. ie ri hre rom.Cmpeev o 3 ALLANDSINULA tht orton f te Twnsipkinds, new cil space beater.iCaîl: George VanDyk. !ighwa 115. $15,500. furnished. Bowmanville Beach 1DdsStE.-Wtb ofDrintn n the County of Durhami, being more particu- sio ch, 2ook-tasets. rstokf OWAVLL 1Cuc 10 Acre Country Estates -$1.000 down. o! arlngoningchirs bck-ase cesto!Street, 8 Roomed brick homei Phone Whîtby 668-3552 lkriy described as fellows: dawers, dressers, washstands Oil heated, 2 bathmooms. Gar- $.00bs sei woeI!so Lk COMMENCING at the existing southwest limit of the and bcds, coal heater, sinaîl age. Vemy weîî kept and nîceîy land wlth strean- in Kend ali Haliburton. three hedmeoin tables, couch, new witing decorated. Akn 2,0. iil ra ny$,0 oniunse otg n28fo TwofBwavleweetewesterly lunît intersccts the 1desk, storage cbest, washing Akig$2.00 Hl r a nl $,0o. Excmiselncot on.298 oot watcr's edge nf Lake Ontarie;'machine, wheelbarrow, gardieni COBOURG AREA: 170 acre Bomavi o.Exelltc ondriin. oeauiu THENCE northerly along the westeriy limit cf the tools, bedding. pots and pans, tfarin A-I buildings. Lovely 8qI New N.H.A side splits. fu.ilgo ec ra euiu sidl T ow n n d i fn 1-ai e0a o- C thef estr.yli m;it of Lot11 idishes. M a nty other articles. iroom ed hom e. A U m dem n i basem ent. G enuin e s t onn P e $2 000 down. Phon6 2-203w t 4bs.$1 ýYKSTRAoSi (HOME 0F QUALITY) '-I.- evised ~SSIFIED 'ERTISING tATES CTIVE JUNE 1, 1968 EDITION FOR RENT, WANTED, ETC. per word. Minimum $1.50 ox Numbers or replies directed te this office rTS, NOTICES, CARDS 0F THANKS per insertion, 25 words or less )ver 25 words, 7c a word RIAGES, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS 25 words or less. Over 25 word., 7c a word IN MEMORIAMS 15 plus 10c per ihie for verse $2.00 per inch with a minimum cf one inch. 'nal insertions at the sme rate. T'he ahove rates are for cash sales paid by rhursday cf the week in whicli the advertisement appears. Otherwise a bookkeeping charge o! 25e wiIl be added. Jassifi.d is Tuesday - 4:30 p.rn. THIS FOR REFERENCE U FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. SERVICE IL Ir . - 17, Seven new applications were? filed and 15 were discontin- ued. Four were acrepted.I Employmnent was procuredi for nîne people. Welfare recipients during~ the mon-th included 31 heads1 of familles with 99 depend- ents, 20 single persans, Il de- OSAA FIC serted or separated cases with Fisl nursing homes, and 13 'emli g« F4 who received O.A.A. and O.A.S. supplementary aid. Direct Toronto Lins 922-7970 Expenditures for May were Listings needed br a Firm. as foliows. Direct welfarel $7,799.35, nursing homes s4.-Iwith a proven Record of Sales.. 379.65. s pe c iai assistance !Cali for courteous service. $533.68, supplementary aid $260. Local Representatives: Building Inspecter R. H th- e a1 o ma vle 6 35 1 erington's report for IesHll Mayil 63521 showed that the total cost of Fred Reaucage, Bowmanville construction during the moneh623-3711 was $210,100, and lihat 14~Oh~aAe fie building permits and seven Ohw raOie plumbing permits we'e issued. North 401 Park Rd. Cloverleat There were 27 building in-Mngr-FakSih spections made and 14 trencl Mnaer shFawak57n-0t30 inspections. Mr. Hetherington(>aa57-30 completed 23 invetioan' Lean- Tender Double Loin Loin Pork Chops Porlk Roast 79cb 69 , Fresh No. 1 LEGS or BREAST l Florida No. 1 Juicec Fresh ROT LETTUCE CART I Large l>f 3-. Hleads y C ~ 7c Bat Libby's Deep-Buttered 14-o.gave P EA S 2 Tins 3 c 20 Allen's ave Z20ea5 Pkgs.7 9 York Smooth 32-os. Save Peanut Butter 75J 8 Summit Kraft Jet Puffed I ce ream MARSHMALLOWS 7 9c 60a. 27c pkg'. White Sliced 24-os. B R EAD 4 Loaves 5C Dinette MARGARINE 23-1 i 23-l'