18 The Canadian Statesinan, Bewnanvil, Tm» 8, ISfl Reports from Women's Institutes M'e District Aruiual of the some good ies -the members West Dnham's Wome's In- lied as weil as &Ul the. lard j Stitul>ea wu held ths year on work done by our Institute Thoesday, May 15. et Black- ladies. stock United Church. Approxi- We Ilien adjourned for al Mately 75 rneMbers of the very enjoyable dinner served e%1ht brandies Of the distict by the Blackstock ladies. At registered et 9:15 a.m. Mrs. I te oaa hour a sale of arti- Munday, Prealdent, (Peedcl:s cotrbuedbythe.bren- with a poem "What is a ches was looked after by Mrs. SinUs", foilowed by the. sing.; R. Davis and Miss Pearl JUg of 0 Canada, the. Inztitue each.This netted the treas-J Ode and repeatmng the Mary ~ury of the District some $40 Stewart Cailect. The address whicii was very gratifying. ef welconie was given by Mis. To commence the. afternoon H. Bailey and replied to by session, a sing-song led by 3&s. C. Wilson of thie Nestie- Ms. H. McLaughlin with Mtis.1 ton Institute. The memoriamn Thompson at the organ wasi for the deceased rmembers 'n mucli enjoyed. the past year was conducted A short address on Junior j by M&à. Brown and Mrs. Girls Work by Miss D. Ha-1 White of Maple Grave. imiii, Home Ecoosomist, stated The president then gave that 158 girls completed the. ber report. She had visited aourse on "World of Food i aIl branches during the year Canada." There are 15 clubs and ah. also attended the i Durham County, 26 girls National Conference and the. received County honours and Presideirta Conferenice in Tor- Il girls Provincial honours. onto.Thie announcement and The project for the conimg formai ratification of the Dis- Fall îs "Working with Wool." trict Directors was oonducted The address of the after- by Mis. L. W. Hughes. Port noon was given by Mis. Hope, Board Director. Fol- Hughes, the Board Director. lowing the presentation of She asked each Institut. ta thie Pennies for F'rieaidship by please send a list to the Sec- the District Directors, Mrs. retary-Treasurer of names Muiday îead a dedication and information of their life poem. members. As she is retiring In the business peîiod, Mis. this year, flic reviewed many M. Wiseman read the minutes of the activities and miade an- ci the last District Annual nouncements pertaining to In- and the financial statenient stitute work. showed a smail balance of At this juncture Mrs. H. 35c. The nomnnating commit- MeLaughflin favored us with tee for next yeaî was to b. two lovely vocal solos. Mrs. the District Directors from Hughes then took charge of Bowmianviile, Hamnpton and the election of officers and Kendal Branches. The dele- instalied the foilowlng:' gate to the. Area Convention President, Mrs. R. Davis, ini Toronto was ta b. Mrs. R. R.R. 1, Hampton; lst Vice Davis, and the alternate Mrs. Pies., Mrs. H. Bradley, R.R. 6, H. Bradley. t was moved Bowmanville; 2nd Vice Pies., that e letter of thanks b. Mrs. R. Fraser, R.R. 1, Hamp- sent te the Bowmanviile ton; Sec.-Treas., M r . M. Etesman and aiso that we Wseman, Bowmanville; Fed. have Pennies for Friendship Rep.. Mrs. 1. Muiiday, Bow- *gain next year. The auditors manville; Aiternate, Mrs. W. gave their report. M*ils, R.R. 1, Ennisilen;, Then the gatheririg thor- Public Relations Offioer, Miss eughly enjoyed an organ solo Pearl Leach, R.R. 1, Hampton; by Mrs. Thonipson of Black- Curator Tweedsmuiî Histor- stock. ies, Mirs. C. W. Downey, Bow- Tolljowung this mi u 9 i c a 1 manville; Rep. to Federation nunber reort ofUicStad-of Agriculture, Mus. B. Tay- ing ommitee onveorstheloi, R.R. 1, Enniskiilen; Audi- Curaor f Twedsulr is-tors, Mis. W. H. Browin, Ma- tories and tie Public Rela- pie Grove, Mis. D. Park, Bow- tions Officer were given. The manNville. liua of $3,266.44 showed the Standing Committee Con- 'Vrious monies raised by the. venois: Agriculture & Cana- branches Ini the past year. dian Industries, Mrs. E. Cou- Mis. Wisemani gave a report roux, Kendal; Citizenship & of the Offioers Conference Education, Mis. L. Allia, R.R. whlch ahe attended in Guelph. 2, Newcastle; Home Econo- Mrs. Millgan repoited as Uic mics aind Health, Mis. Geo. Bafety Coumcil representative. Stapleton, R.R. 1, Newton- Then we had the irolla ville; Historical Research and answered by thie District Dii- Current Even'ts, Mis. M. Em- ectors tefllng the number of erson, Nestîcton; Resolutions, rnembers of the. branci, the Mis. S. Butteiy, R.R. 1, Biow- iimber pressait and an inter- manville. esgrlg W. r. trnp. Ths was A vote of thanks t alal was very nteres*ag te hea>r of given by Mis, C. W. Downey " à à - &-A £A à PWh~O TRIAT TURSUF Iro A no-FROST MON, .F Shop tomorrow and ail this month to make the glorious summer months aheadeven more glorious! ELITE LINENS i OFFRegyular 3 F Price! 1 Corne choose from this fantastic collection of some of the world's most beautifuf linens. Complets items are too numerous ta mention, but included are banquet sets, bridge sets and runners. Will make beautiful gifts for June brides. 'i A.FLORENTINE BEDSPREADS: Jaeuad..pettemned in sturdy motton, fringad with lace. Lady Colt ubstandards. Aaaorted coloram wr and double bed sizea. BO&. 19.98u. '1.R7 d.. (flot illustrsted) HEIRLOOM BEDSPREADS: L'lgance luxwry quafiey. Astiqu white, anow white. Twin and double bed aizes. R«g. 19.98.se. 12.97 et& 0. HOMESPUN BEDIPRIADI: Mardi Gros aubstandards linhigb#y woven cofton. Aisorted colore end sizas. Twi and double bed lies. If Firsu, 12.98 au. 8.27 e. BLENO BLANKETS: Viscose and wool blond. Plet quaity.72 x 84'., Reg. 6.989em. 4.77 om C. REVERSIBLE FORTRELO COMFORTERS: Printed French rayon, crepe reverses ta plain erepe. Cal-CIIO fiber, non-allergenjo filllrg. Assorted colore. Twiri b.d aize; Reg. 10.98 ea. 8.98 *a. Double bed size: %e. 13.98 #a. 10.97...6 0. FACE CLOTHS: Lady (lait fiot q.ualty. Solid colore cf pink, green, yellow, blue. R&50e.2 7 (net îllustrated) . S t.2 87 Jacquard end floral printed focs eloths by Lady (lait. Pinka, greenh, yellows, and blues. Reg. 590 .a. 2/for 870 HAN D TOWELS: Lady sIt tiret quallty. Pink, green, yellow, blué. (flot illustrated) Reg. 1.09 ea. 87 @a. Jacquard and floral prlnted lhand towels by Lady Gaît. Pink, green, yellow. blue. Reg. 1.09 em 87Cg.. BATH -TOWELS: Thick cotton t.rry Lady Gaît towels wrth dobby bordera, in solid shades cf pink, green, yellow, blue. (not illustrated) Reg. 1.98 ea. 1.47 oo.. Jacquard end floral printed Lady Gai# bath towels. Pink, green, yeîlow, blue. Reg. 1.98 ea. 1.47 m. IF. B EAC H TOWELS : Colorful Jacquard prinua ln big, generous 30'x W0 size. Rust or turquoise, predomninate colora. Reg. 3.98 ea. 2.57 ea. F. LIN EN TEA TOWELS: Gay patterns, bold *tripes, with arnd wislout ffinged ends ln thesoslection. Reg. 39* «e. àfor 87c. <flot illustrated) Reg. 490 «a. 2 for 870.. Reg. 981 eu. 87o e«. Printed kitchen terry towels by OeldwelI. Wlde amotment of dogigas and colore. Substandafde. Re&. 890 M..9 u Il. TWO-PIECE BATH SETS: Mat*MaNdd oumis in a varieofcfoyu, colore and qualities. Reg. 14.95$sà« 8.8 sa&. (flot illustrated) TEX-MADEO SHIETS: Fimgnl woven whit cotton. "Homeat.4" msbtandards..83' x 100". 2.57 as. 7r' x 100». 2.87 se. 81"' t 1001* 2.97 es. Fitted t"lnbed a. .07S? et.. PIUdouble b.d site LI ae. M atohing pilIow cases. 1.37 pr. WABASSOO SHEETS: "Carnival" suibatsdamda. Woven &tripes wfIh sol id borders. 72'xl 00". If Pirits, 4.19 am 3.97.@& 81 'xI 00". 8.97 es. Striped fitted sheeta with elastiec rnera. Double b.d sMm, VFbmia, 4.79 ma. 3.07 a«& Matching pillow cases. If Pirata, 229 pr. 2.07pa FLANNELETTE BLANKETS: Creamy-smnooth Tex-ModeO wfth pink or blua bordera and sturdy whipped ends. 70' x 90'. Reg. 4.99 pr. 4.37 pr. BO' x SM'.Reg. 5.99 pr. 5.37 pm. 80« x 100'. Reg. 6.99 pr. 7.37pr. EMBROIDERED PILLOW CASES- Exquisite cutwork and hend- embroîdered in rnany intricate patterns. Assorted colora in cotton. Boxed for gifting. Reg. 2.98 pr. 1.97 pr. MATTRESS PADS: l4eavy quilted padded canton. Elastie cornera. White. Twift bed aize: Reg. 4.98 ec. 4.07 sa. Double bed aime: Rej. 5.98 ta. 4.97 ea. BATH SHEETS: Caldwell cottori terry substandardu. Aasorted solid colora with dobby bordera. Extra large 29' x 54# size. Reg. 2,97 ea. 1.97 @a. COTTON-RAYON DAMASK SETS.- Caler overîsys*over white. Gold, pink, blue, or ivory. Boxed. 5-piece set; 52» x 52' cloth, 4 napkins. Reg. 3.98 àe« 2.97 à«s. 7-piece set: 52" x 70" cloth, 8 napkins. Reg. 4.98 àe« 3,97 *»s. LADY GALT DISH OLOTHSt Multi-colored cotte., with whipped. stitched edges. 16' x 16'*. Reg. 290 e.. 4for 870. -F-ABRIC SA VINGS BY THE YARD! COTTON GINGHAM & "OLD COLONY" PRINTS VNailles Ilp l'O 790 )-d<. 'C .Sav'e tp To220 À1Yard 57 d Woven gingham in %" and 1/' checks. Both gingham and prints in assorted washfast colors. 36" wide. DENIMS & PLAIN TERRY DRIP DRY PRINTS Výa lueé Up To 1.29 yd. Soie Up To 320, A Y'ard 97ed Pleins poplin, cotton terry and denim. Prints in poplin, "Spring Knight" and "Dan River". The two latter discontinued designs, AIl are easy-care fabrics in assorted colors. 36" wide. ACETATE, VISCOSE & BLEND TEXTURES VIuies Up l'o 2.49 yd. J 7 -Save Up 'Io720 ÀA Yardl.7 7 <i. Solid shades in "Noble Nobby" nub, "Cro- cus" Irish linon, "Ratine" nub and "Cavort" twill. Checks in "Cavort" and "H arvie" hop- sac. Prnted crepes. Assorted colors. 36" and 44" wide. ACETATES, COTTONS & ARNELe Value@ Up To 2.98 y d. 9 ' 7yd Satie Lp To 61 A 1 ard6i 0 C . Gay spring prints in "Hi-Fashion" honan, 100% Arnel "O ndeze'", 'American" polished cottons and "Holîand Shadow." Solid colors in '"Gab Fly" gabardine. 36" to 44" widths. BETTER WOOLENS Values To 4.98 2.97 yd. BROADCLOTH and COTTON PRINTS Values to 79e 3 yds. e97 KING ST. E. COTTONS & BLENDS Values Up To 1.49 yd. Save Utp To32 À l'ardJ.-*L7yd 'Plain cotton '"Sailcloth" and Rhythm Rib, printed jib canvas and Polly Esther. Assortedi fast-colors. 44" widlths. PLAIN & WOVEN FASHION COTTONS Values Up To 1.79 yd. Sut,« Up To 420 ÀA Yard @ 7 . Spring Plain 'C-Breeza" sailcloth, "Bonnie" hopsac prints, nylon sheers and designer- woven tufted cottons, in the selection. 36" and 44" widths. BOWMANV1 LLE r 16.- f À J4