t.... f MIzabetti, Premier Robarts. 'The CanadlienSaemn oiavle Yn ,16 Russ1Honeý- M.P.. Alex - - _____ __ ______ Celebrate Diam ond VVedding 1CrrterM.P.P. ýHallowe1l aidNny r n[6h 11b t23 i.wt IMagistrate's Court Corn Silage Ir. ae .n.Wht, dwa HeId in BowmanviIe Souch. Torono(lle hi h ircino r .MCy J e3 and 4, 1968 !scene nf an accident. There1 were c*iarged jointly AprIl 29 lub M 4eeting prrts r n r.Hrl was an aut.omatie quspen.,ion'w't h possession of stoIpn arti rand Mr DnHrt i On Moday Mgistrte R.of license. He was granted 20 riles, cigarettes, %oap ad<a h i~ eua etn and cari-rntMr imCs B.Bate pesde wthMie av t py.ned gonds, valued at over $50. h ot Dra - Corn Grav. Ortlla;M.adM: orOdA piio ~~arrison or the Crown and Mr. Thompsoqm pleaded guil-' Arthur Norman Young, Les- Silage Club was held on Tues-,Le -alwIl eeSna Y'Trrvyn Kelly as duty counsel tv, and was represented by T. kard, faced a similar charge i day, May 2lst, 8.00 p.nl. atdîner us a r i Hallo- Og fo Lga id o ueda Jermyn. Evidencm' was that laid April 27. Ail three cases !the Department of Agricul- Magistrate R. B. Baxter wjth on April 13 his car side-gwip- were adjourned until June 25 ýtr n Bwavl h Assistantl Crown Attorney Ken ed another vehicle on High- for hearing. rmesidnt a opened by heand family setSna nPo.6130 Stuhington, Tom Jernyn for wav 2 on Brooks' chicken Joseph Quinlan. Warkwortb p ura Yllweei Legal Aid. farm curve inflicting $250 pleaded guilty of impaired !W peeadthnwred the H CLb Service at hlho Jn Robert Thompson, Bownian- damage. driving May 31. The fine was ___________and_______________________the_ voste, or 2 fnd $100ollowngdNshRad---e-d--ui-y f ndoheelasan utrnt vill, ws fned smo and Hans Wpin-heimer, age 22. "0( and costs. or seven days ~ as oapeae git o n tee a nIt Summer Assistant, John' Hr saFBLU "~D-N FE f conviction for leaving the drvn hl i icnewssseiio f lcne fr Murphy, lectured us on the under suspension April 27. three months. Constable Brun- cmposition of soi] and soiu S The fine was $100 and costs, ton followed the accused's "v mngmn hncu edr l ri htcniinI s S EAM LES or 20 days, and he was given vehicle west on Highway 401, Jum Rickard gave us a lecture YOU L O NO TC M R four weeks to) pay. There was observingth erratic driving.ý on the texture and properties I FLOO ING a further suspension of lic- A check of the driver con- thofpi it the soi]. Ii/I~ FL O I G ence. A second similar charge firmed bssuspicions.,H juhn ir ivisontse- laid earlier resulted in a Edward Crandeli, a 54-vear- i....lub and jnodisosfth ? ? ~yearssuspended Rsentence.P ld Bel;leleftirniture deal-' club thdthe uirsJohnMuRcrh nsa)ut') a"wa)îaetc)nddiscussed keeping crop records C L R O T I No i te de , ho was the investigating of- a d m i t e d a considerable dsrbd1h 98seirpo timie to instali a beau- ed for the accuseds driver's hy E. R. Lovekin ind pleaded Tescrtr.Jh La-PIE240 tiful Seamless Floor ini lioense hie produced one but flot guiîty of having care and $ $ SAVE BheImiutesMfNtheYo$ $ vour bathroom or kit- 'a check revealed that it waF:control of a motor vehîcle .. errad th eemingteandftheYorNmTrd-n Alwneo chen. udrsseso.His coun- while intoxicated. .....-- !mein mejueting bndthe sel explained that his client Paul Mallais applied for,.meigwsajundb h Ade~-Od4sea-300 For colour samples, lost his license last fali foi- work et Manpower in Belle-ýM. president. AdldresF1 5 installing instructions lowing an accident and cen- ville and was called in to cellation of his imsurance. At dfrive the Crandeil truck to : : T R IL rn nth~cuo n ozodcmr and prices . , this time the car was trans- Toronto to pick up a loed ofi ST. . Betheprud wnr o aBi cal! in at ferred intohbis rnother's name. furnîture frornvarious pre- ýM.L sal. Cno odkJnaaic14ClrOuft.. Ds visltd ettr. Ji Ster s, on cover the a t m tc esba o tk e uiu sbuttat certain lgsaiv it having one or two[ ,vstd tM.smSaks n aph BE N TH ' members are pressing for jailidrinks that morning, maybe Ronday Rhpso terms for driving while your. three, went along to show is 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robn- PAINTS license iq under suspension driver where to make the so isited their grandaughterm * & WALLPAPERS which indicates the grevity1 pck-ups In the city. Mr. Mal-,!ýn r.Ro oisno ;of this charge. He added that lais told the court that his Atendinhe Hl]wl 55 King st. W., :a 30-day jail term is usuel for: boss for the day imbibedi MCulocheding h a Trinit1 Bownianville a second offense. freely in Toronto and also 'ulc edn a rnt'v Walter Waugh, age 24, 164,from a bottie in the truckSauayweMran Ms "Dealers for Everglow ýGrenville Street, O s h awa,:comin9 home. Near Oshawa ChrBo anil 67 Kiiz~ Seamliess Flooring" Ipleaded not guilty of çarelessihe incurred the wrath of his John Stark, Mr. and Mrs. Sidj 2-56Bo.nli driving February 17. Convic- ý employer when he stopped at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jakeman ____________________tion brought a fine of $50 end' a service station for gasI costs, or l0 days, and he was where Mr. Crandeil did not On Saturday, June lst, Mr.1where they both grew up andî Park, was namned Jakeman~ i gantd to eek topay hve crditcad. hey0o- and Mrs. Henry Jakemen oflattended Drum School. 1 Road. He is a life member' He was represented by John tinued along Highwiay 401 and 1Bethany celebrated their Dia-,Jrn early y'ears Henvy .'ssist-i' of Granite Lodge A.F.&A.M.,! Humphreys.' some distance west of town, mond wedding anniversary,f ed on bis father's ferm and Parry Sou.nd; life miember of' Constable Kozak. OPP, in- the owner reached over and with many guests calling dur-! then joined the Militia Re-1 the Loyal Orange Lodge No. vestigated an accident et!plucked the keys from the ing the aternoon and evening( serve. He enlisted with the,182 elt Pontypool; also e Past CouriceRoadon ighay 2. ignition telling his driver to to offer their congratulations.'1 136th battalin ndsre inM trofLOL 102 t He found one car, a '56 modei get out and walk. Sixty vears ago Goldie Ver<tjhe First World War, receiv- Bethany; and a member of involved which went off the> He did just that. He accept- raI Hobbs, daughter of the ing the Queen Victoria Medal.I Brandh 402 of The Rayai Cen- highway 457 feet west of the, ed a ride ilito Bowmanviîle late Mr. and Mrs. James: Leter he went into t.he Bak-l adian Legion et Millbrook. intersection, across the high- where he phonced Mrs. Cran- Hobbs, and Henry Jakeman,! ery and Grocery business, Mr. and M.rs. Jakemen have way and 189 feet elong the delI for instructions. She to]d son of the lete Mr. and Mrs. ýfirst at Brooklin, then at one son, Percy, of Port Hope;FO A north shouilder, damaging four him to take a cab back and Walter Jakeman, were mer- Parry Sound. In 1939 Mr. andi and three daughters, Mrs. OU~R mail boxes to the extent of bring the truck homne if he ricd et the farma home of the ýMrs. Jakeman moved to Beth1 Herb Coppins (Marjory). Mrs. $5and into the nlorth ditch.! could. When he returuied to turîde's parents, west of Pon-'any where they have enG EMut (,s o iFA DRThe Waugh car was valtied the scene the truck was gone. typool village, with the Rex'.1velued citizens. Both are ac-IScerborough; Mrs Hoyle Bain IOVEIY V C T O eat $125. The owner said be: Constable H. Cnok, OPP, C. Chapman officiating. ýtive members of the United' (Elsie) of Zephyr, who were VV was on is way to wourk in-found it in the ditch, with the Mrs. Jakeman was born inChurch, Where he is an Elderiali home for this happy occ- tending to, turn ri gfh t et motor running, the keys in the Cartwright township 79 yearslof long standing and Mrs. ston. There are 12 grand- .Inlost olit of your Vacain(t EM NN piRE. . * Courtlce Road. He edmîtted ignition and the owner slumnp-iago. Mr. Jakeman was born Jakeman has held executiveý children and 18 great-grand- heir style that's as es oke pa ti havng iv orsi bersin ed over the wheel. A breath-na Ei1ehvlei Hopel positions through the years in children. II~ Q~..." ~ ,IXan Oshawa hotel prior to the alizer reading showed 2.6,tnwnship 80 years ago; boththe Women's Association andý The bride and groom re- lteig accident. !Parts of alcohol per thou.-aud. 'moving at an early age to in the Women's Missionary eived their guests in the li- 7nem "You are just lucky thereý He went to jail for seven!farms- in- the _ Pontypool- area,' Society. ing room whiih was decorated FrA pitet - Poe6323 marrîae - *. wes no other westbound traf- days and lost his license. 'adtTe Mr. Jakeman was reoentlyiwith a profusion of fl'owers, tehappiet fic," commented Magistrate On May 7 Walter Molsner,1hdt edsryd h w-honored with a Centennial manyofwih e gts and mont Batten. 502 Browning Street, Oshawa <'r of the property admitted Medal in recognition of valu- The tee table was centred .xciting part , net Mlod 7 Ws hre with wounding1 shooting et thie dogs thinking able service to his community with e three-tlered wedding of Mngot peo- Beach, pleaded not guilty tn a valuable liuntingp dog be-. they wpre strays. He said that and to th-e Nation. He hes cake flenked with white cen- plo'ta lives. a rereless driving charge laidl longinz to Melville Moore. he hiad lost quite a numbprserved on the Manvers Town-i dles. Members of the U.C.W. happy to b. ' was in\'etigating officer. whlch Mr. Moore and his son, commnercially because mother years as councillor and dep-fwh ich incared f the ilunchBKing Svi W. .> mh. ~. Th ~'ads ere overd L od o f hunting wolves rabbits w'hen frighteried îeapluty reeve, and was Reeve of 'vrnd as ved by Jewe r' ....' wit a shet cf ie at h & in March on the Molsner pro- onthrnet indeetlthto sipn192ad96.grdautrs Ms.Gdo jewely wih a heetof ie ai e teir estsinadeTtenlyte tonshi in 962an 196.1Moulton, h Whitby; HrryMrEN.UEHarrAN business. for time and there were highlperty in the 9th Concession of' squishing their young. He' He has been most active in Jakeman, Peterbor'ough: Mrs. LSE A we ge 10 sa ~'winds and blowing snow asDaintn Their two valut- showeri the huInters abx the Manvers tnwnship branch William Cornish, Part COSD ATRD YS4 .M a lot of this weil as high snow banks at. able hounds <an over a hillcontaiffing dead young killed of The Canadien Red Crossi Mrs. Carl Reamen, Mr. happmneqS in o'w CIItoMerg. the intersection of Concessioniand began baying, theY heard ii this'way. Society, holding several of- Wayne Kirk, Mrs. William' We're even hitppier to ho 4 and the township roed be- three shots and fouind the' Ine lerigthv .iudgment tI1is. fices and this year was award- Merritt, ail of Oshaw.a. S ArtCarved jewelers, for Art- tween lots 2 and 3 in Darling- dogs lying wounded near a week Magistrate Baxter gave j1ed with a long servi ce pin.1 A congratuletory Scroll we's t Carved has been the first ton Township. llie Milfordý barn containing nuimerous'qMr. Molsner the benefitofLsyerh w a.ohn-,eeidfom tePvnca chire.in wedding rings for pc-p~ r bbit flnt yar,, hp .. t ,,,i-.* .,.,.u reicenA when m the Provincial. farinrethn acetuy. vehicle, a rdpc-u ecrab t ,--. One..- .., ,ý Cs,,.,.. .....bl..., ,,,,,, edthePd. .. .a...re ..in.the.., 'Gvernmnentand messages of. * or ho Cnur. collided with a white station dead and the-otlier hurt so t ehalrpC. lage. south of t;he Athetir! congratilations from Queen t . wagon driven by Jim Power,I ...~.rHut Street, Rowmanvîlle.. J rx c.rved ! The officer estimeted damage, WEDOING RINGS to the Power vehicle et $30' and the Milford truck et $40.ý Mr. Milford seid he wes 7 unfamiliar with the road and: the truck w'hich he had just' !--- the back w'heels. He added I -he was driving 30 miles an' "That's; too fast for the' road conditions," seid Magis-' 7f/ .( trate Batten. "There's a bilI iI1fi1C r .r o i>r lit lf now hefore the legislature to '1JU î e..J~ e. 495 ~ ~ J 99 1 f you're looking for that ver,' car with faulty brakes. The jp .C,, e 'C 1r v apecial weddimg band, ask us weather was« a factor bore. j r7-IfhL1*L.1T if %va have it. hakstoArt- Charg dimissdd"1L0Il Al il î1 Ha& opened z~~r.,,- ROOM S r& î. Large Selection 'of:&a# e Jf)c.roi w Occasw nul at19KigSt E owanile ' "cofeby Kmoehler J rCluhL Ofil tLOOR SAMLS(2dinst ny at1 igS.E omnîl 0 off 2 commodes with deep drawer C / 3-Pce. Kroehler (Mia iih 0'cUe on (formerly Union Hall)I Reg. $18495 Ja Gci be a p lamp table wit mwr qaecmoe For Information, Transportation, etc. ýS"i39.oo Hand painted base, (some with marbie),fr.O silk shades, tri-lights. PHONE 623m7412 F.AKRMFuntrLd. Inserted by the Northumberland - Durham rninr Progressive - Conservative Association3741KN S.E.HNE63-77 0WAVLL