IThe Orono News Wl' Teach Piano ai Mu sic Camp Le~I. and Mj-s. Charles Gray. Church at Gravenhurst on' 1tyFand Mrs. Bob Lewis spent Saturday, June Ist. tweekend ln Ottawa and Mr. Wm. S. Moffat h aà were guette;at the Hendry - patient lni Memorlal Hospital,, ltYan wedding on Saturday (BowmanvÎîîe. afternoon ln the City View United Church, Ottawa. Mrs. C. L. Bullied returned; tO Orono on Sunday after i Mr. and Mrs. Reg Sutton spending two weeks at ber j ~d his cousin Mr. Stanley home at Stroud. EfMndtn. et Mr. and Mns. Charles Arm-1 rEngland v1sited Mr. and Mrs, vepncaedahous' red Dyes at Blackstock of n Peterborham pant Sunay.n oethere wth theirchlldren MrS. D. G. Hooper with Mr. Iter In the sumnmer. Mr. Ai-rn- and Mrs. Dean Hodgson Of strong Is the Manager of the Ajax ttended the Centenniul new .G.A. Store ln Peter- Anniversary af the Tyrone borough. United Church on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. Gus Wilson Mr. and Mns. Wayne HooeY recently attended the gradua- and JilI of Toronto spent the tion of their son M.r. James weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson at Queen's University,i Miorces Best and Ron. Kingston. Mr. Evan M. Quantrili left, Mr. ad Mrs. Robent Ruth-' lait week by 'plane ta visit' erford visiited Mr. and Mrs. relatives and friends ln the Everett Wood and famlly, Western Provinces. Bowmanviile, on Saturday ev- Mr. A. M. Johnston recent- enlng. ly attended an Assessons' Semi- Mr, and Mrs. Gary Hancocki Inar ut Sault Ste. Marie, have sold their new bouse en Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hooey the corner of Division Streetl attended the Durnan - Greer and Somnervilie Drive to Mr.1 wedding ln Trinity United and Mrs. Harr3r Cowan. Thel - Hancocks have punchased a! W eSh Om Ste home ln the Ochonski Develop- ment, West of Orono. n Miss Faye Nicholson of1 Sets Record ley 3 r.stndof saMr- 9 and Mrs. Charles Medhurst of F or Production na Qee' A purebred Holstein cow ln iKngston, when ' . aro the bord of Leslie C. Welsh Harold Burnhum of Oshawal Bowmanville, Ont., ha recent: received bis Bachelor of Artsý ]y completed a fine record of degi-se on Saturday, June I st. performance production test. Mrs. Ben MadilI has been a As a three-year-old in 305 duys patient ln Memonial Hospital, on twice-a-day milking, Don- BowmanvIlle. luron Dude Sully produced Mrs. Wm. Cochrane and Mns. 17,921 Ibo. milk containing 729 Reid Cochrans were anong lbs. fat, average test 4.07% the many wha attended the buttenfat. This record bas a Centennial Anniversany af the M Breed Class Average of 173% Tyrone United Church on Di for mlk and 192% for fat.. Sunday. h HOUSE PAINT4 (MOORTONE PRODUCTS) OIL BASE White & Colons LATEX White & Colors QT. GAL. $.50. $7.95 EXTERIOR PRIMER - 33$74,5 PORCH AND FLOOR ENAMEL...$.5$. PUTTY, BRUSHES, TOOLS, ETC., ABERNETHY'S Points & Walipaper 55 KING ST. W. rih BOWMANVIL] Home Hardware Stores t s.; CUSTOM MOWERS 19ff3 H. P. "'06397 4 CYCLE BRIGGS .AND STRATTO#4 22ff 3 H. P l #67.87'k '"RARING"f TO Gý THIS BIKE HAS NviTWf 3SPEED SHIFT ar mi m Nq te Sc Bi va th~ pi; of wl ln wl clt Hi Greenville, S.C. - Laurence the son of the late Rev. and Phi Mu Alpha and Pl Kapp [orton (seated) a native of Mrs. R. E. Morton. Rev. Mn. Lambda national music fra )urhain Cunty, and two of Morton was minister ai thelternities. ls piano students at Bob Newcastle United C h ur chl Pnir ta coming ta Bo' mes University ln Greenville, from 1938 ta 1945. Jones University, Mr. Montai C., Larry Kauffman, leit Mr. Monton did bis pre-col- was a member af the plani mid Wayne Johnson, will re- lege piano studies with Reta faculty for eight years at Texa )esent their school this sum- Cale Dudley, mother of the Wesleyan Callege. He ha Ler uttVhnee af the ]eading well-known pianist, Ray Dud- held his present position fô Iusic camps In Amerîca- ley. The BJU prafessor ut- the past 1l years. itional Music Camp at In- tended the University oi Two Bob Jones Universit, nilochen, Mich.; Aspen Music Toronto and was graduated ln ipiano students will study a ;hool In Aspen, Cala., and piano from the Royal Con- well-known music camps thi Irevurd Music Center, Bre- servatory af Music af Toronto summer. Larry Kaufiman,î ,d, N.C. with the solo perfarmer's di- junior piano major, will attenri Mr. Monton, chairman af plama. At the Toronta Con-. the Aspen Music School Ir he piano department at BJU servatony he studied with the A'spen, Colo., and Wayne John is been appointed ta the famed teacber, Alberto Guer- son. also a junior piano maj0r dana faculty at the 4lst season nera. will study at the Brevarc ýthe National Music Camp, Mr. Morton also halds the Music Center, Brevard. N.C. ,hich Is affiliated with the bachelar af arts degree with Bob Janes University hase Iniversity ai Michigan. Con- a major ln English fnam Texas large piano repartment withe Iered the largest music camp Wesleyan College ln Fart faculty ai 15 and affers pianc ýthe country, it bas an en- Worth and the master af music wark on the preparatory bigi olIaient ai aven 1,700 and degree witb a major in piano school.- undergraduate, and iIIl begin June 21 and con- fram Southern Methodist Uni- graduate levels. Of the nearl.: lude August 19. versity. At SMU he studied.4,000 students, approximateli A graduate of Bowmanville piano with Paul Valucci. 300 are enrolled each year ln Lgh School, Mr. Morton is He halds__memberships in the piano department. On Stinday, relatives gath-r part; Mr. and Mrs. Mervinrtendered Sgt. Powell and Sgt. V ered at the home ai Mr. and English, Oshawa; Mr. andiMayfle. Mrs. Frnancis John- Mi-s. Ernest Hockaday, and Mrs. Philip Balson and Trdd istan led in a devotioni ser- daughter Jean, ta express best Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Grant' vice. Lunch and a social time wishes to Mr. and Mns. Frank Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Richardý ended the evening. Wright, wbo have sold their Kouhi, %, wmanville; Mr. andp Mr. and Mrs. Everett Spires home in Bowrnanville and pur- Mns. Ivan Ellicott, Mr. Donald; were entertained at dinner. chased a new home in OweniEllicott, Peterborough; MrCby their famiiy on. Friday Sound, where Frank bas been and Mrs. Barry Browes and1 evening, an their 40th wed- made a foneman of the Good- Lisa, Sauina, ding anniversany. Later they yeur plant. Guests were the lwere very pleasantly surpris- honored couple, Mr. and Mns. An executive meeting for ed when about forty-five ne- LE Frank Wright, Owen Sound; the Cryderman-Ruse Picniec latives gathered at the home Mr. a.nd Mrs. Herman Taîsma, was held ut the home af Mr. af their daugbter, Mrs. E. UiMary, Lyn and Neil, Lake- and Mrs. Everett Crydenman, Wotten, Hampton, ta extend recently. Attending were Mr. their best wishes. and Mrs. Dave Crydermani Mr. and Mns. Douglas Flett and chibjdren, Peterborough; and Linda attended Columbus M r. aind Mrs. Howard Cryder- Anniesr n eeget 'man, Maple Grave; Mn. and nvnayad eeget TRACTORS IMn. Charles Dawney, Bow-, iMs .Fet manvîlle. Mr. and Mrs. Harny Knox 1 and boys attended Erskine MUWERS -i Solina young people taking Decoration Sunday and later part i the piano recital by were suppen guesti wîth ber TILLERS - ýPupIIs of Mrs. Dorathy Payne, mother, Mrs. Hilton Tink, and atth Oshawa Librany. last attended evening anniversury IManday evening, wene An- service ut Ebenezer Church. )Ie ntte and Collette Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Taylor ~ SEEUb Bre ;dSno1wden, Kathrynj~and family accompanied Mr. Wt»I Janâce and Brenda Yellaw- Bîackstock for an outing at Nvv' lees, and Nancy Knox. We' h epn oni lu NOM & h~avermany fine young pianists 'teepentudna Lin aur community and these 1Kee IYoung folk are ta, be con-1 Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Yel- gratulated on thein fine pen- lweswn udyvstn formance. with Mn. and Mns. Roy Grills, Valentia. Mn. urry Vcp ad Ms.'Mr. and Mrs. Orval Jackson Stanley Million attended ai n al shwadMs naen t Fairview Lodge,l .A ritn raln U Whity, anSaturday whenlwere recent callers at the Mn . Mnie Coteswashos-1homp af Mr. and Mrs. Bruce tesi ta ber felaow-gnaduates ai Tînk. MADE IN CANAD!Oshawa General Hospital,ý MilsPýr ec MADE N CAAD.'class ai '48. Atter lunch they is en1Lac as aj -enjayed a tour af the hospita 1. guesi with Mr. and Mns. Pency' Later they were joined bv Dewell an Sunday, iallawing Mrs. Robent Eakins and ýij: Hampton Decoration service. OSEE attended the Graduation Din- Mr. and Mr.DnadTy OUR ner far the 1968 class of'lon were recent visitons with awa Hopital.Miss Lillian Hoan and Mn.1 THE RObàWIDEand Mrs. Wightson Wight,! ~H COs WDEThere was a large attend-: Bawmanville. WIOE HANDLE RANGE ance at the meeting ai Eldad! n n u.BueTn WIDE HANDLE RANGE U C.W. last Manday evening1Mran s.BueTk ,- BANANA 0F when Sgt. John Powell and attended Hampton Decoratian T. EXTRA BICYCLE Sgt. Eric Mayne ai the Osh- Day and later were supper R RER TIE Ra Police farce gave an ex- guests with Mr. and Mrs. GERA IE ACCESS- ceptionally interesting and Pery DeweIl and family. i HEAVY TREAD. ORE informative talk and shawed Mn. and Mi-s. Murray Vice4 ORIES1 film an the illicit use 0flattended the 95thAnniversary ý9 ý8 8PRICEDI drtigs. Sgt Powell said theIat Columbus Church and bterj 9 8TO SAVE j !fing and inhain aetresIMrs;. David Beath. 1 contents was very rapidly i1 Miss Karen Yeflowlees Is Ii fltrating aur scbaols and spending several days with everything Passible shauld beI ber gnandparrents. Mr. and REGULAR donc ta combat use ai theseIMns. Ernest Larmer, Black- drugs and thein influence. He stock. > raid that india is an example1 Mn. and Mns. Wesley HillsE BICYCLES of what can bappen. The peo- attended the Centennial Ser- PRICED pIe of India bave used drugi vices ut Tyrone UnitedE frgenerat.ions' and this bas Chuncb on Sunday and were F ROM * * esulted in the downfaîî of the tea guesti with Mn. and Mns. 3 9 9 5 countr-y. The People have de- Cruigan aly genenuted in size and their Ronald Knox spent the ability bas been impained ta weel<end with Glenn Beebe. IN 2r, IZEsuch un extent that the whole nt tlieir cottage on Crowe 1fH 2oA' SIZER country is in a venY impoven- Lake. WITHSTAILIZR ihed condition and bai been Miss Ena Driver, England, WHEELS the ruination of their nation. was a recent visiton wîth Mn. 'Unlesa we imPness on our and Mrs. John Knor. Young People the great dan- Mr. and Mns. John Knox gar o thsednusths could and family, Mn. and Mns.4 buppen here. There was a George Knox and faniily ut- i rda , ~ question and anzwer period tended Decoration Day dst4 gi-eut many Points were dis- and were suppen guests with4 cussed. Sgt. Powell stressed Mns. Wm. Knox and Mr. and thc fact thaït they will go to Mns. Ken Pascae, Brougham. anY ai the surrounding com. Barlier Mr. and Mn,. John BOWMANVILLE MUnities, or any group meet- Knox had been dinner guests 1 ng, to belp nmbke avuibable ai Mrs. Howard Malcolmi, aUI nformation on this sub-IBrougham. jeet ta evenyane interested.1 Mr. Ken Knox wus a week- A hearty.4vote af thanks wa end visitor witb hi, parents. ja ON I BARi BARS SEAT LA RE WITH IXACTLY AS SHOWN - COMPARE McGregor H< LUMUTED 95 KING ST. W. PHONE 623-2542 EI~Fresh Young Ont4 aý0ýENTRE CUT POR1< LOIN TENDERLOIN END LOIN 3 a- SAVE 10o )b s MEATY QUART-6 o9 CHOPS ,,PORK LOIN ,n qgý Maple Leaf Brand Sweet Pickled SHP-M CNIEC I +NcoTTArG-E ROLLS adIOPWflI"doNFDN 0 ~ Vac 1/2's J c7IbahVNE t-UN Pme"IIM y HALTH & BEAUTY AIDS GRO( n New Improved - Size 2.5-oz. SAVE I6e Cooked la Tomai( IBOROMO SELIZER 6 LuncheG Giant Size Tube AVE 14e Swfun e o (NRESI TOOTH PASTE 59C onon0wJ 23ý-ow. Tube SAVE 2 ih el 'sHead &Shoulders Sham Poo s1,00 6 anu, $ 6 Varleties - 12-1 ryl« SvdyBeach Bag - Pack of"1Rosel, Ttn'2- 99C Mir -48-oz. Coni VAPERPLATES -9cii Liqui 10 Bar Poly Pack Dominion's Own Bakery IO ' tMtue Betty Crocker - I Richmeilo -24-,,. BAVE 3ce r CRUSTY BREA&D 2,5c Pe~u - icm llo - -z. SAE 10c' Voman SAngel Food Cake 49c Father 1 Shirt Cal Richmello Raisin or - 24-nz. BSAVE 13e ~PEACH PI ES for85csl9ý - -Fresh Produce Feath SMexican Nc. 1 Grade - Salmon Flesh Vine Ripened SPicked at the Peak of Flavour - Jumbo Size 45's «CANTALOUPES I IN CF AMPLE FREE Ail Merchandise Is Guearnteed T. Give 100%/Satisfaction WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Open Thurs. and Fri. Nights 'tii 9 p.m. >MINMION DOMMNON STORES LIMITE rupson Avenue (Kighway No. 2, East)- King St. and Sin 'rio Pork Loin Sale DAST79clb to 3% L Avg. 6 AÀST 65: (Slîced) 6, Maple Leaf Brand Rindless Breakfast BACON 1-lb. 7 5 c CERY FEATURES 4e Sauce - 14-oz. in SAVE lu. IETTI 5for$11.OO mil - 12-ox. Tin SAVE Mo >on Meut 2-89c Brand - 24-oig. Jar BAVE Se t Butter 49c ,os. Jar SAVE 16o telishes 3for89c 'betergent B79c10 k- Personai Size SAVE 10o Y SOAP 99C 18-0z. Pk. SAVE 29a ist Mix 3 for$1.OO nIf's -Bakery Feature 's Day CakIes ýke Silhouette Cake 8 85c W ures 417 NWELLO6-oz. Jar rANT__ n TEE ffOWqy89 PARKING .1 -1 to IJA g, 4 F 1 0 R7