14 The Canadian Statesman, Eowmanvllle, June 12, 16 Il -I 1Ebenezer - Courtice Mothers Joîn Forces to Operate Kindergarten IManvers Council Ail members were present per supervision when deemed i nt the June meeting of Mani- necessary. vers Township Couflcil, with A by-law was intraducedl Rteeve Wilson Heaslip presid- and passed whereby Charlts izig. Morton was appointed an In- Lloyd Clar-ke called on the spector to enforce The Trench council concerning the wire Excavators Protection Act ini fente bonus. It was pointed the township of Manvers. out' by council that persons Cuncdîîr W. A. Richardson building new wire fonces on was appointed as Manvers township roads shou.ld first township representative ta approadi the Road Superin- attend any meetings held ii' ten~ient and make prelininary connection witti the proposed application for subsldy. The Kawartha Region Conserva-~ ma1tter of the roed being 66 tion Authority. frtwide is investigated and'iCuelacpe h fe the, new fence must not be Cuclacpe h ffr' buXt on tht road allowance. of the Department of High- If! the new fence is built in ways t.o eil to Manvers town- thé~ proper place and up toi ship 10.382 acres in lot ll, con- the,'line fence standard it wil cession 8, for $3.500, for tht be;eIgible for subsldy. Road Departmeni. lettr ofconratu .'A building by-law was In- A leterof ongatuationj troduced and given first and ils ýo be sent to Mr. and Mis. second readings, Henry Jakeman. on the occa-I Application is to be mode to sion of their 601h wedding1 the Municipal Board to seek anil.iversary, Mr. Jakeman, approval for Manvers Town- baving served on Manvers Ship. ho caBadt Coiicilforman ye.r i purchan a portable classroom Mrs. Ruth Law and Missl1at a $ 10,000 expenditure, the JuxÙe Bushell called on thelSchool Board having the re- council requesting that the lqulred funds on hand to make col4ncil give consideration taj tht purchase. the placing of a freeze on all, The 1,167 Tax 'Rol waS re- land uses for the purposesiturned from the Tax Colcc- the~ it is being used for at: tor. Total taxes for 1967 this time, namely, Agricul-iamounted to $183,318,99. Af- ture, Residential and Com-It er allowing for discounts and merdial. This matter would1ipenalties up ta May 6th. 1968, ant ail a Municipal BoardI there was a balance o! $32,- hearing. Council are securingj 353.34 uncollected. legal advice on the matter. 1 A by-law wvas passed set-' The Road Superin tendent;tUn g tht 1968 rates for the was authorized to have tht townshîp. The Commercial three towvnship g a r b a g e rate is up 5.3 and tht Farm duinps burned off under pro-ý and Resident rate is up 5 The citizens of Ebenezer there was a patential of 30 September 4th, 1967. Tht Tht second picture portrays and Courtice, long noted' for chîldren ln tht area who could school has been going t1ttyugtr twrpr their enthusiasm 1sand frmnenter-yhmbad prise have established a m st be enrolled. Tht church of-ever snc a d th pu is av rm g In a hy m ba d sucessul indrgatenscholcials were approached and been haviog a most enjoyable Their names are as follows: succes0sfuls.inerg artn eool oalo tentoueand worthwhile class under wisth 30 pupil s. Kenil sarte grita al thmtio Uen-direction o! Mrs. John DeCot Tim Barry, Katherine ButI., mast mear w he r. KndP thtehlisortheducaonCen-of Oshawa, who is qualified Kimberley Biekie, JAsa Bag- men mae u he mm tht te hll or ht chol. with a Primary Method course, Ile, Donna Creighton, Rabbit her five-year-old son was go- Tht mothers under Mrs.1 DaeH thrGenLri ing ta attend kindergarten, but Pamment's leadership set up They are now nearing tht Gla He, ahrGreien,Lorrie found there xvas nont in tht executive cammittees for vani- end of their first year and flot Har Gare Hy, Grel ari area. She and several other ous duties. They worked out only have eoough supplies on rKnHyMcalHr interested mothers talked it their expenses such as teach- band for tht stant of tht fa,,l Hanew, elly ame, San- aven, approached Dunham's er's salany, rent for hall, cost term, but also have a surplu daeLocke, MKelittJaesonJ- M.P.P. Alex Carruthons and of equipment and supplies and of $175 in tht baok. Each Ann McArthur, John Metcalf, the township's school board it came ta $300 a month. It mothen b tase contnibuted sameCaa Mcngt Jaete ,Without making too much prog- was a tight squeeze -but thtefhr iean forwt Meikie, Randy MacDonzild, mess. They didn't give up bylladies. schemed, scraped and two n,,others on hand each Wayne McDonald, Kathy Mc- any ilitans. Tht next step waslimprovised at tht beginning morning to, assist Mrs. DeCot. Mahon. Alisan Poole, Phillip to advertise that a meetingiuntil they weno able ta meet Tht pupils are shown in the Pamment. Angela Smnith, Allen would be held at Ebenozerjail the requirements and wore top pictune with Mrs. Pam- Tunney, John Walter, Peter Church when they learned ready ta stant operatians onment, eft, and Mns. DeCoe. Wiggns. milis lavec the 1967 tax rate. Commercial rate for 1968 is 88.5 milis on tht dollar; Fanm and Resident rate 80 mills on tht dollar. The separate school rate is 6.15 milis above the listed rates. Tht street light- ing and Fire Areas are 3 milis in excess of the above listed rates for those ta whom they apply. The Secondary School ti levy for 1968 is încreased by8 1$13,711.92 over tht 1967 levy.a Tenders to supply tractor il and operator to hauil tht a township weed sprayer for a 1968 were received: Lloyd b Clarke at $4.00 per hour; Rod Ponter at $3.00 per houn; Mur- ray Shea at $2.90 per hour. CI Th.e tender o! Rod Ponter was 0 accepted. t( Communications received and dealt with were from: Tht United Cotinties Clenk Pl _____-ni 'I Northumberland & Durham Health Unit Report Report for April 1968 campleted tht Initial stries o! Communicable Disease Quint vaccine, 20 children completed tht stries o! Quad, 0f 36 cases reponted during 133 recelved rein foncing Quad the month, 14 were chickenpox, vaccine, and 1413 neceived re- 8Gorman measîts, 8 mumPs lnfonclng Tnlad. There wene and tht balance belng roseola, also 85 reinforcing tetanus and infectiaus hopatitis, rod measles 20 poliomyelitls injections giv- and scamiet feyer. Two ralid en. Thene were 387 smalîpox animals were repomted by la- vaccinations and 699 ne-vac- boratary findlngs - a feline ln cintosgv. Hamilton Twp. and a fox in ntosgvn )anlington Twp. Rabies vac- Nursing lote for preventive tneatment Tht school immunization of fîve persans was dlspensed pnagram has been partîcularly to their famlly physicians. heavy since the beginoiog f Tuberculosis tht year. Routine progranmes At four chest clinics, 139 have undergone some ne- persons received an x-ray. Ont vision, w h i c h ecessitatedý .ew active case was reported more doses being given in the .urng the month, Treatment flrst four months o! thîs yoan Ibeing given at home under than ln tht whole o! 1967. th supervision of ber phvs- Last year, with tht Introduc- ian and tht local chest dllnic. tion o! tht mesIes pro- gramme ln the schools, a total Imimuiiization la! 2199 doses wene given. In Fîfty-three clinics were held tht first four months of 1968, in Health Unit offices and 944 doses wene given. This ihools. At these, 9 infants Immunization Is given for Health Inspector. Generai Remarks On April l6th, Mns. T. R. Bowman, Director of Home- maker Services, and Miss N. Mellon, Homemaker Services Of Ontario Red Cross Society, visited the Health Unit. They discussed wlth represeotatlves of tht local Red Cross Chaptens the posslbIlity of setting up a Homnemaker Service in the two counties. Dr. Horner and Mms. Cum- berford attended a ont-day seminar on nursing homes, held In Bnockvllle. jMrs. M. F. Trider, Officer inCharge, Medical Rehabilita- tion Special Services Branch O! Ontario Department of Health, vlsited Dm. Horner me- garding a Home Care pro- gramme. Open meetings wveme held In Cobourg Collegiate, attended by epresentatives of tht clergy, the medical profes- sion, and tht Alcohol Research Faundation, on tht subject of dmugs in the modemn soclety. Charlotte M. Horner, B.A-, M.D., D.P.H., making enquiny as tO tht e- iit~ eaupUm- and Director. *elitis and smallpox. _________ sidnceo! n ndient110i1 This programme has taken tal patient; United Countiesa lot o! clerical and nursing EBENE R of Northumbeland and Dur- a o ttmot o pnl E E ham Equalized Assessment nurses gave 668 hours to it. by-law on which 1969 taxes This naturally cuts down on U.C.W. Meeting will ho based; Dept. of High- tht amount of time available Tht May general meeting of way approval of the regular for other work. Tht extra Ebenezer U.C.W. was held 1968 road by-law in the tîme spent by tht nurses Is Thursday, May 301h in tht amount o! $54,300-00; Wm. D. also partly due to tht fact that church hall with president Johnston, Insurance Adjusten the nurses now handle the Mrs. Elmer Down pnesiding. me Fime in tht area o! Ponty- complote programme. Tht co- She opened wîth a humorous pool Garbage Dump on Apnil aperation o! alI school staffs reading about being the Per- 12th, 1968; Office o! the Fine in this work bas been excel- fect Housekeeper. Io tht ab- Marshall re making studY of lent.secofteRorigSr- Fine Prevention needs of thetAdimetseoce of. . e tht e in uese Township; School Consulta- AdomtytheMs. D.mOethinutwes tive Committet advising that Hearing tests were carnied o!fh ac meigwn Cartwright and M a nv ern Out In Bowmaoville, Darling- rea irce resident nas Townships will have ont Rt- ton Township, Percy Town- * ac.Crepnec a presentative on tht new Unit- ship, Hamilton Township, Port read by Mns. W. Down and tht ed Cuntes chol ]oar; Hoe ad Cmpbllfrd. business period contbnutd with Dept. of Highways advancing A total of 673 tests were sevenal reports and annaunce- subidyte anvns ownhîpcompleted, 46 audlograms wene monts. Tht meeting was then on 1968 Grants in tht amount mae seven retests wore tne vnt h omte of 18,50.0; agitrae Bx-found to ho normal, and 14 de- In charge. Mrs. J. Robertson toc enc,150.00 choqure orAnlet wene stîll present. began by leading a slng-song ter ncloingcheqe fo Apil fctsand teaching the ladies sevenal 1968 in the amount o! $23.08, Mr. Finlayson's Narrative new sangs and spirituals. Mrs. being Manvers share of Fines For April, 1968 H. Mackie read tht scripture for ta peniod; Fasken & Envlronmentai Sanitation passages from John 17:20-23; Calvin ne Boundary between A survey was made thmough First Cointhians 12:12-14; and Manvers aind Cavan towns(hip. the Alderville Reservations to Ephesians 4:1-6. Hymn 488 was Accounts ordered paid in' determine tht need for pnîvate suang; thon Mrs. Robertson cluded the Road account. water wells, tht condition of shared sovenal wothwhlle voucher No. 6 in tht amount oxîstîng welîs, and the pota- thoughts on United Fellow- of $4.165.96; Harry Shea, war- bilîty o! the supply. Tht find- shlp, thon led 10 prayen. Hymn ble fly spraying $488.66; Mur- lngs from the survey wlll be 358 was sung and tht offering ray Shea, warble !ly spnaying presented to the Reservation was received and dedlcated. $562.35; Ryley & Sons, warble Council, and to the Dopant- Mns. Mackie thon called on1 fly powder $131.43; Registrar ment of Indian Affairs. aur guest speaker, Rev. John o! Deeds $9.25; COuncillors The sevonth aonual In-Sony- Romeril who Intnoduced tht half-yeair salary $912-50; Rt-lice Training Course for PlIblic suhject of Church Union. Ho dctio Gnr fCnsad a de- r lth Inspectors, spoosored rofered back ta the scipture bulldong D69mps;$59.; Johr by the Ontario Branch, Cao- lesson as a background and bullozig Dmps$59; Jhn1adian Institute of Public said that the chunch was just McCrat Ltd., repairs to spray- Health Inspectons, and tht De- ont in the time o! Jesus. Tht em $16.89; Canedian States- partment o! Extension Eduéa- first division was between the man, advertismng 1967 finan- tion, Ontario Agricultural Col- East and tht West In tht year cial statement $72.90; Duke lege, University o! Guelph, 1054. %eformation betweon Equipment Ltd., sprayer parts1 was attended by W. W. Ford, 1500-1600 brought more divis- $2700; Welfare (17 choques)1 Senior Public Health Inspector, ions. Tht "tri' first movementi *Wn month of May $711.84. land by A. A. Standeil, Publie toward union was ln »67. Can- There's an even better way to save money!1 AlToronto-Domi nion Assu red Savings Plan givesyou money in the ban ka nd life insu rance (with a double indemnity mature.) Alir you doils choose a five year savings goal, from $OOOto $5,000. Thats your amount of tifs jnsurance from the minute you mnake your first deposit. Then just watch your mottey grow. Ask your local branch manager about the Assured Savings Plan. TORONTO-mDOMINION, The bank where people make the difference. LG.LAWTON, Manager 3 Tempuine.St. fonanvffle, Ontarjo ada has been among the frst to urge church union. In 1925 the United Church came lto being with the union of three churches. In 1965 both tht Anglicans and tht United Church agreed on the guide plan set up for union wlth the goal for unity set for 1975. Rev. Romeril gave severali reasans for tht union, then asked the ladies ta ask any questions thy had, and he would try ta answer them. Rev. j Romeril closed tht meeting, with prayer. se id A delicious lunch was Saturdays tii 6 p.m. by tht lunch committet. C'ITT1' grandparents for amsth LONG SA>UILT Sorry to report Ricky and Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk Steven Baker have been quite visited Mr-. Bpb Staples. Cour-1sack withà the flu. tice, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. G. Bernard Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Smith, and family were Sunday din- Bowmanvile, Mr. and Mrs. J. ner guests of Mr. and Mr C. Cook were Sunday supper Eric Gallagher, Norwood,. guests of th~e Smjths. Mrs. H. O. Williams ail t Mr. Harry Baker and Tami, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Williang, Oshawa, were Sunday after. Alderwood, spent Wednesday noom visitors with the Baker with Mr. and Mrs. Ryt Gib- familles. son. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Baker, Mr. Colin Taylor, Bo'vmran. Toronto, spent the weekend ville, was a weekend guest oý with their parents. Mr. and Mr. and Mis. Robt. CameronT" Mirs. G. Baker. Pamela re- and on Sunday attended witi turned home with them. hav'- th~e Camerons the Centennial mng been staying with her at Tyrone United Church. @ VOLKSWAGEN 401 HWY. Good Selectioin of New and Used Cars r; --~ V~MILE -- BASE LUNE RD. Pickering Car Centre Ltd. 942-1881 BASE LINE, AJAX Open fil 9 p.m. Fridays ith iu IF Yeu MIST MOW ne UT WITM Aau hilckNn DieI! IAWN-B OY cn àue IRNU % oi inOFOR yOSui MASTER MARINE &MOWER (JACK HOAR & SON) 725-1901 TAUNTON RD. E. AT ZION il- 1