S '1e canadian stateamen, Zoywmanville, :une 12, 1 DU Minister of Finance Speaks .,.Large Cobourg Convention Accaims Rssl Honey LibralStandard -Bearer .'(Cantlnued froin lîsi week: "'You know that for qui -ýL."Omnc tino wo sbared an o .-Ilce In the palianent bul. ,-ig.Iwant you ta know ah that Mr. Honey's caunsel wi .-ef great value ta me the: ..,,imd Ibat I continue ta see .adbenefit froin bis advice 'leMinister o! Finance statei Effectivo Member 'it ha. been a source c -Apecia pride for me ta watc .,* X usa Honey become anec ,-te mosi effective and r SSpected members o! thse HouE E Of Coramons. This respectJ anspiy denuonstrated in hi eleciion ta be Chairmanc the National Liberal Caucuý As foi' bis effectiveness yo needi only look ait the job h bas donc for you, bis constitu ents. Mr'. Benson spoke o! an in stance a iew nonthu ag when he was Minister of Na tional Revenue. "Mr., Hone, *argued sa persuasiveiy, iii lhe succeeded in hmving muc! o!fUicexed tape diUminateý that had faccd farmers L dealing with unemplaymnc Insurance and tax reductions, lie oxplmîned. "Canada and parliamer rseed people like Rusa Honey * Vaux' job la ta make sure wi have hlm, by getting hlm re elected an June 25th'. One of the things the Liii eomal Party la o!fering Cana dians in ibis election is a nov style, a new approach t( politîca itacIf. Oui' goal Iu tc end any suggestion that thb political procesla the pro. legative o! a fcw, that de. If Yeu have an 7hm Meanfew occesiom n Xi Ai "WbuuYeu need a fiend more Wbu whcn Yeu arm nvoved ini Mu avtomobile accident We'd Uko *Io bc that hfnin need. 1 YO op&ha-aad mc do w.- i*«a ccdent noer happons Io you. Blutif it dcs, Wo'lf b. m coe as the dial on thse netresi tcicpbone. Sec as for auto inurance that never sGafis àrOush goimg. JAMES'4X s'GENERAL INSURANCE et3 Kings t. E. Eownounville Office Realdonce ,u3-5468l 623-5493 :) csions are handed down for v ose by 7.4 per cent the Nova ite people ta accepi, but not ta IScotian governmcnt's expen- f. participate in. j ditures Increased by a whop- [d «Oui' Liberil Governinent pixg 24.5 per cent," Mr. Ben- [so will be one in which you wiIl son said in reference ta P.C. ,as know whmt i.s going on, and Leader Stanfield's years as n, to whlch yau pexsonally have Premier o! Nova Scotia. ek a chance ta costributo your "The Liberal Party wants 8thougbts and ideas. tgto ihtejbo ýd "Prime Minister Trudeau' u ildta g onawithftrejobno a mnodern man for a modemnbuilding Canada's fu teuan ofCanada. Ho is a man who be- iweuildng t.uta an it us eh loeves strongly in a single, i iigt ng it.You cn Rssr ofunited Canada, and yet he x'gbtnow by gactv supprs. ,e! periectly mirrors the essential tho.ne yarave supporths edumlity otihat we can have humle swith 50e He i o a oun fodpg racs si ttawa after June 251h ~ m a ano! eepprncileas an important member of is a maozn n th se mmtd the Liberal team and a Liii- Ofnotions and prejudices of oral governinent," Mx'. Ben- I. son urged. ne Four Broad Goal. A vote o! thanks ta the i- "Luberal poicies are dedi- guest speaker wms moved by ctdta four bx'oad goals. Mrs. William J. Bragg. Sev- c-1.A ted on nie Cn ral entertaining selections o ada witih equal treatinent and played by Miss Tina Kozub, ~ rght fo ml prtso! heR.R.2, Newcastle, a talented y country and ail Canadians. young accordionisi, w er e t 2. A just society to ensure mucli enjoyed by the audi- :h that ail are guaranteed fun- once. !d damental rights and ireedoms in as indivîduals. Not just legal WE L Y LL nt rights, but economic rights asi E L Y IL well. "Our' policies fox' a prasper-1 (Intended or lasi week) tous econonuy wîll sustain aur Co apwahrI ap y. national economic growth and Cold. ete'1 ap le ensure that ail parts o! Can- ering gardening operations, ada share in it. We msa have especîally where land is low plans for Canada ta, take its and heavy but with the -rightful and realistic roIe in amaunt o!fniaisture in thc -pronoting international har- ground growth should be vex'y ,v mony and co-operatian. rapid when heat cornes. Grass ýo Discussing Canada's econa- flourishes wonderfully. faster ;0 mic position, Mr'. Benson !han lawn mowex's can cope ýe pointed oui liai its Grass in saine cases. -National Produci bas risen Saturday was about the -50 per cent duxing the 1ai busiesi day on record in Uic five years, or three trnes the local communities, with Uic rate o! population growth. Eyden and Megit weddin1g in1 "Capital investinent in his Wesleyville church, the Moi'- country has shown an avex'- rish and Welcome ladies cm- age inorease o! 15 per cent tering for the Maxvin-Dubeau, a year since 1963. Industriai and Thompson- Mc C arte n production bas rison more weddings froin those districts, than 40 per' cent over thc past Port Hope hmd more eventsc five years. While the labor that couid be followed by force has incremsed bY 16 Per many people but several from cent durn this period, non- this area were able ta view farin epbynent. bas risen the activities in the park for1 by more than 23 per cent, a short trne ai leat. "Caruada's exporta totalled a record Il billion dollars On Sunday the family and1 last year, and we have arnass- close relatives o! Mx', and cd a ttal export surplus af Mrs. Ken Dinrier arranged a more than two billion dollars buffet dinner at the home o! during thse 1ai five years. Mr'. and Mrs. Percy Hoski, "Recent bond issues that ai Welcorne, in honor o! Mr. we have negotiated in the and Mx's. Dinner's twenty-fifth United States, Germany, and wedding anniversary. Those Italy reflect in a practical way rsn nlde eie n the confidence aur westerin and Mrs. Dinner, Mr. and Mrs. allies have ini us and on aur P~erey Hoskin and their farni- econoomy. lies; Mr'. and Mx's. Fred Hos- Economie Position Strong kmn andl family; Mr. and Mns. SIOU Percy Snell, Port Hope; Mrs. Ori couniry's basic ecoiio- George Dinner; Mr'. an&-Mrs. maie position is stroing. Ex- Bruce Dinner; Mr'. and Mx'.. ports were up 14 per cent Ross DInner and family o! over a year aga in thc first Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. Ken ihree months o! 1968. Iravest- Langman and family o! Tor- nent intentions show an in- onto; Mx'. and Mrs. Ernest crease o! four per cent aven Cable, Dr. and Mrs. Roy Cable 1ai Yemr. Consumes, incarnes aofitchester, .Y are h.gh, and bath industrial NY production and retail trade Mr. and Mx'.. P. Snell re- are MOVing stcadily upwax'ds. turned with the Cables ta Ra- 1 forecast an inorease ibis chester and Mrs. George Din- year in aur Grass National nex' went home witlh ber son,- Produci o! between seven and Rosa, ta Mantreal. eight per cent," the speaker Anniversary service was stated. held ai Weloome on Sunday "The ioderaI governinent is mox'ning with Rev. K. Nor- cauntoning the problem o! man a! Gananoque as minis- rising liig ooss by holding tex'. On account of thus sex'- the lino on controllable ex- vice, Sunday school bore wms penditures, by limlting growth held ai ten a'clock as it will in tbe size a! Uic civil service be nexi Sunday w&en Wes- and in salary increases for it. leyvillc annivex'sary will be "Duning the 10 yemrs be- at 11.15 am. Garfield Payne tween 1958 and 1968 when acted for the superintendent - federal expenditures includ- until bis arrivai, Wesley Best- ing pmyments ta Uic provinces and Nicki Graenevold receiv- ed thec collection, PhiUip Nlch- M * I > ols took charge of the ienter- mnediate boys in the absence IVI1chil"ii of bis faiher, and the coriclud- ing hymn waa played by ww PLobyn Clarke.I £ Mrs. W. Bec lefi lait Thurs- day aftcrno onm a trip to n t i s ' England and Scotland. MitéueUl's Cornera Horne & pi Mr. Paul Vinoent-SmIth Of School Assooimtiox's ncwly in- 17, Toronto apent Sunday in the atalcd executive tok charge : district sceing and talcing ai thc aeaaon's closing mcet-l-m pictures o! thec cverai farrinug reoenîly. be once owncd by membera o! Membons o! thc 1968-1969 Mj his family. Paul ls the son o! Executive arcsas follows: Pro- Wi the gentleman ln England aident Mx'. Carl Thompaon, Ile wbo made the Wade lettons irrt Vice-lýreàîdent Mn-. Lia- Mi available to us. At leut two nel Hart, Second Vice-ProusiS oi the houses remain, ane thc dent Mrs. Robent Whlteley, building o! one oi those was Recording Secretary Mns. Paul teî describcd ln mn 1825 leiter Sobil, Treasua-er Mrs. I<oth Er and the other in the noxt Stainton, Cornesponding Sec- a decade. In one of thon lot- retany Lns. James Ambr'ose ,JO ters witten ini December Social Convenor Mns. Hansca 1854 ltii. stated that "ini 1845 Geissbergen, Program Chair- c nearly ail Port Hope bouses man Mx'.. Albert Eddy, Ways 00 weire fraineand now are brick & Means Chairman Mrs. RaytO and ceai iron", Uic latter Larnue, Memberslp Chair-1 probably referring ta Uic St. man Mrs. Maurcen Pelersen, tht Lawrence hotel and i wau a Hospitality Chairman Mrn. E. cloffcidence that It wus un- Melvyn McClelland. hi veiled in ils original, Oaa-m It was announced that thec & jusi lait week. Annual Field Day will take "E1 OBITUÀRY R. IH. LANGLER The death o! Richard Honry Langler, aged 82 yoars, occur- red ai Memorial Hospital, Bow- manvillo, on Wednesday, May 29. 1968, fallawing an Illneas a! ihree months. Son o! the late Richard Langler and Sarah Elizabeth Okes, ho was bar aI New- castle, Ont., wbere be reccived his education. On Mmrcb 8. 1905, ho marx'ied the former Tryphenia Mmud Hamnbly who sur-vives. The deceased lived ln Toron- ta before movIng ta Orono wbere ho reslded for 30 yemrs. Ho owned and operated a bak- ery ln Toronto fax' 15 yeax's and was empioyod by tbe J. Anderson Smith Company, Newcastle. fox' 19 yoars. Ho rotired il years mgo. Mr'. Langler was a onember of Si. Gorxge's Churcb, Newcastle. Surviving, besides bis wlfe, are a son and three daugbters, Mrs. Rota Betiles ai Toronto, Richard Frednick o! Sarnia, Mrs. Charles Banker (Lillian) o! Toronto and Mrs. Har'old Scriver (Lorraine) a! Bow- manville; misa elgit grand- childx'en and iwo groai-grand- children. The funeral service was held on Saturday, June lsi iroin the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, and was con- ducated by Rcv. R. Hayne of N~ewcastle. Intermeni was In Bond Head Cemetery, New- castle. Among the lovely floral iok. ens, evIdence of the estecm In wlhich the deceased was hold, were those from thc J. Ander- son Smith Company. Palîboarers were Messrs. Grant Cooper, Joe Smith, Andy Wagenaar, Ted Martin, Keiih Adamns and Albert HuwIler. Business Directory_ RAY J. DILLING Chartered Accountant 93 Church Stroet 623-3861 WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comrn. Chartered Accountant 36%k King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 BURROWS, SELBY & CO Chaniered Accountants 323 King Street West Oshawa, Ontario 725-6451 - 728-7554 William A. D. Selby, C.A. G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. C hi r op r a cc G. EDWIN MANN, Î.C Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appoiniment D e n 1a DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.8. 75 King St. E. Bowmanvllle Office Hours: 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saiurday and Sunday Office Phone - 623-5790 Re. Phone Newcastle 987-4261 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. 75 King St. E. Bowmanville Office Hours : 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saiurday and Sunday Phone 123-5459 DR. E. W. 818SON- L.D.S., D.D.S. Office ln bis homne 100 Liberty St. N.. Bowmanville Phone 623-5604 Office Hours : 9 amr. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Wdnesday - Saturday DR. STANLEY GERTZ 7ing ¶OuS.E., Bowmanvllle 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Frlday Closed Saiurday and Sunday Phone 623-7662 Insurance DONALD A. MacOREGOR Lii., Aiste, Home Inmrmac1 as King St. W, Dewmavlle Phono 623-5962 Mo riga ges SAUl HAILTN - ORONO Phono 983-5115 Tirai Mortgage lunds Resldence, - Par=n Busineis Proçenties KEVW A. BULST, O.D. 143 m- '0anile SE9U&m.to 8 :M WOd.mn« sat. --e.- u 'ihuruay eVunlnga Cobourg Corners H & S )8m#*69 Off icers )lace ai the achoo on June 7, 1908. Mrs Robert Whiteley pre- M*ed "Farewell" gifla on xhalf of thc Association to dr'. Gary Robinson and Mrs. ffUliam Parry who will be eaving thc teadimg staff of ditdiell'a Corners Public ihool at the end of June. A retlring memnber of the «aching staff, Mrs. Margaret Pmions was premented with L"Farewell" gift by Mrs. >yce Cook. A gaily decorated ike further exp<ressed the Pod wishes of the Associa- in to Mx'.. Eznmons. Ms. Rie Zinck introduced he guest speaker, Dr. Gordon ,.Willey, Ptresident of Dur- iam College of Applied Arts STechnology. His subject, 'ducation at Community College" outined some oi the basic requircinents for stu- dents wishing 10 avail them- selves of Durhai'. post-sec- ondmry school opportunities. He mentioned, the country's great need for' people who are "skiled" and "informed"; and thxe importance a! communi- cation betwcen educators and the users o! education in or- der' thai Canada's community cofleges can make those courses avaiable which are mosi in dcmand. He issucd a plea to parents of elernentary school-aged children to en- courage the correct usage af thxe basics o!fxeading, spelling and aritbmetic. Thanks were expx'esscd ta Dr. Willey on behal! oi the Association by Mrs. Maureený Peterson. Ma n New President Change Name of TB Assn., To Place More Emphasis on Ail Respiratory Dîseasesl There was no doubt o! dyna- ratory diseas es"' yet three Accelerated activity Is un-! mie drive and urgency convey- hng ave happened. derscored on the OTA aged ed in the address of guesi t Reaiv uceanasbenincnhcio wt crnic' speaker William R. Dalglsh 1 eaiesceshsbe ncneto ihcrne of Public and Industrial rela- mnet In bringing tuberculosis bronchitis. emphysema, asth-, tions limited when he address- under control and keeping the ma, air pollution and personal cd members and guests o! the lid on. 2. The Governinent of air pollution caused by cigar- Northumberland - Durham Tu- Ontario's Interest In and con- ette smoking, and the Associ- berculosis and Health Associa- cern with TB contrai has in- ation will be principally In- tion annual dinner held at creased. This means that the volved in three areas: 1. Edu-' Trinity United Church Educa- OTA are no longer alone in cation programs that will as- tion Centre, Cobourg, on Wed- their efforts or planning and sist in the recognition of symp- nesday, May 29th. 3. The other respiratory dis- toms of respiratory diseases. 2. The Ontario Tuberculosis As- cases. have mushroomred in Rehabilitation programs des- sociation has now become The prominence and importance, igned to alleviate suffering, Ontario Tuberculosis and Res- partly through research and preserve useful 11f e and main- piratory Disease Association, partly through the contînuing tain the productivity of the in- and the Canadian Tuberculosis discovery of chest abnormal- dividual and 3. Basic and cli-j Association will follow this Mtes In the course of the work ical research Into the cause lead on June lSth and become In tuberculosis. This clearly and cure of chronic bronchitisi The Canadian Tuberculosis and defined, said Mr'. Dalgleish, emphysema and asthma. A Respiratory Disease Associa- the need for a province-wide network of respiratory clinics.i tion, he announced. organization of volunteers who operated in key centres Ini The reason for thc change, can deai effectîvely not only close conjunction with hospi-ý is that while the purpose of with anc respiratory disease - tals and universities is alreadyl the Ontario Tuberculosis Assa- tuberculosis - but wiih a num- In advanced stages of plan-, cation has always been to ber of respiratory diseases that ning. a prevent and controI tubercu- are killing, crippling and In- Mr. Dalgleish indicated tht losis and related contributory capacitating aur people. tuberculosis would -be dealtJi ,and similar dIseases for the promotion o! publie health, which means nefctrespi- U x Award Contract For R(MAP Rifles A contraci la being mwax'd- cd ta Winchester Western (Canada) IÀmited ai Cobourg ta supply the Royal Cana- dian Mounted Police with is; annual supply a! rifles, Rus- sell C. Honey, Member of Parliament ln the lasi Parlia. ment announced today. The value of the contract i. $42,134.40. OBITUARY LUKE HILDERLEY The death o! Luke Hilderley occurrod at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Monday, June 3x'd, 1968, following an illness o! about iwo weeks. Ho was In his 79th year. Son o! the laie Charles Hilderley and Rachel Povey Hilderley, hoe was born ai Eg- bain, England, and roceived hi. education In England. On June 4, 1910. he married the former Elizabeth Saundors who predeceasod hlm several years aga. He had resided ai 141 King St. West, town, for appx'oximately 37 years. Mx'. Hilderley came to Cana- da In 1927 froin Cobham, Sur- rey, England and !armed for a year ai Glen Arrn beforo con- Ing to Bowmanville. A gard- oner, he tended the flower beds and lawns ai many town residonces down ihrough the years, keoping thoin ln excel- lent condition and the homes mosi attractive through bis care, skili and artisiry. Dur- Ing the winier months ho was cmployed ai the Vanstone Mill for many years, and miso, for a turne, ai Bowmanville Glove & Miti Co. Dunlng World War II ho worked ln a mu- nitions plant ai Ajax. He re- iired about 12 years ago. The deceased was a momber ai St. John's Anglican Church and was a Sidesmnan for nuany years. During World War I ho served wiih the armed forc- es fronu 1914-1921 with the Royal Ariillery, mostly ln the Middle Eat. Surviving are a daughter. Mrs. R. Coonubes (Rachasi) of Oshawa, six grandc4uildren, Carol Coombes GUI, Dennis Coombes, Donald Combes, ail o! Oshawa; Mrs. Bon Christ- ensen, Pairicia Hilderley, both o! Peterborough, and Charles Hilderloy Jr. of Mimica, and five great-grandchildren. Be- aides his wife, Mr. Hilderley waa predeceascd by a son, Charles. Also survlving are two broihers, Mr'. A. Hllderley and Mr. J. Hilderley, bath of England, and a sautr, Mrs. A. Enuery of London, England. The funeral service waa h.ld froin the Northcutt Elloti Funeral Home. Bowmanvlle, on Wednesday, June 5th, and was conducted by Bey. K. J. Franupton o! St. Jh's Church. Interment was ln Bownuanvllc Cenuetery. Many beautMIf floral trib- utes, among which were those from Branch 178 Royal Can- adin Leglan, and the Plant Protection Social Club, Gen- oral Motaa attestsd ta the eseen liwhlch the decaaed was beld. Piibers wons Moeus. B. Vanstong. T. Dykstra, R. Dykstra, D. Hannah, E. Ross and L. Combes. ?IU£Lti NAWIIFE RE -wif w NwceAUA TOWELS 2 faI M102AI, UI, SfR*WIR!ORANt m JELLO'SAN 6 m HAIR SPRAY NYLOiNIE US 4 FoclIS SCRST OTPAT 3TUI MINSi f <U E x le mS PUA. IL ýRAZOR i LAVES 2iENFO MARNARHE SHORTEI CASI Wl 1615115co test i MS!TUSMcI E E ?NIRCE$ UN FUTURES AUNO3*2IUUS AISAE 1225501 UNE il,3, 1451AND51656 URLO SWIFT PREMIUM EEADY TO (AT SHOUDERSNi 09, D E R IGA CHOICE HALVES 14 ül IINS PEACHES4,111 FANCY WHOU KERNELCORN TINS NIB LETS 5 FOR4 IGA CHOICE TINS [OR PEAs VAN CAMP TINS WITH [OR 4e8EANSPORK6 q AYI.MER CHOICE (RiAM STY CORN 5 4 IGA W AXED PAPER 3 ë ï s cul T s AYMR (HOKE PEAS&CARROTS 51A DOG or CAT FOOD IGA SUNNY MORN TEA BAGS S c witb as the needi Indicate, ancra new nsIate of officers was with emphasis upon public presented by Miss Madeline education, tuberculin testing Rooney. and re-testing programas among Stanley Evanis, Cobourg, was children, assisting ln mass named 1968-69 president of the tuberculosis surveys, basic re- Northumberland - Durham search Into an effective tuber- berculosis and Health Ass - culosis vaccine and patient re- ation at the annual meeting habilitation programs. Wednesday at Trinity United This, as a whole will give a Church. He *succeeds Ben new balance between the his- Thornpson of BrIghton. torical involvement in tuber- E. R. Lovekin, of Newcastle culosis and the formalized in- is first vice-president, Mrs. volvement wxth respiratory Catherine Gaiger, Coboug diseases, and there is an es- second vice-president W. 'Ir sential need for a clear public C. Silver, Cobourg, honoràry understanding of this. new treasurer. balance for the need for pub- Cammnittee chairmen are: lic support.wîll increase. Dr. T. W.'Hawke, 1968*Christ. Mr. Dalgleish was introduc- mas Seal Campaign;, Dr. Char- ed by E. R. Lovekin and lotte M. Horner, MOH, medical thanked by Mrs. David Dick advisory, Don Retallick, case- who referred to the speaker's finding; l'vrs. J. Richardson, remarks as "a vigorous attack rehabilitation and social serv- on complacency, and a chai- ice; Miss Mary Darklns, par- lenge ta the work that lies ln cels; OPP Cpl. Ralph Tre- store in the future for the milis, transportation; Mrs. renovated associations." Charles Andrews, health edu- The meeting wvas chaired by cation; Mrs. Alwine Franke, Mr. Stanley Evans, President, publicity. Glen'Rae- Dairy BOWMANVILLE IGA CANDIESkfNt4 ' AC' W 'PAC% CHEESE TWISTS 2 nos 8 01, CAP IN C NINCH OR 7 O!. lIGE ! M UNCH O QUAKER CEREAL 3 Kts MOTHER AERq INSTANT COFFEE JARFO SLIPlP 2; URNOVERS3AKER I ASIT OIS D E DEM PSTES -à .-A3 2 c GRAPE JUICE 3 IFR 5516*2 PO'U STOKELY PIA.S. 2 I POLAR RANG CHIPSTEAKS 4' APPL pIEs 2~v NICIAs $PMD ANDSERVE5 WHIP TOPPING ::u '~ÀAPASS FOR ]Fjce3 CHILDREN T0 WiTK A P(JRCHASE 0F 85.00 OR OVIN! AT YOUR LOCAL MIA STORE lu mi lS mAS u ( I S3AS *11 .b t,$ ARAS Ca-,n ,IuS'S ANSAS I <OUI 1S0, iWIENERS I UNIONS IJ SPORK ISS. TSSS OiIES *012 F s -~ ~~~~TSU TML 1 tg- Ev 10 NUU. SS ie PECF en,2leRI1UMEFA5TEMt Bowmanvillle IGA Foodliner BOWMAN VILLE 5 ,~W' 1~ T Il f5 .5 4,. "w-. A.-- W. * t. '.3 '1,. -L W