Th@e Caa6instateostan, Bowmanvmle, June lu, lm6 tien that each -individual mnust' 0 use Wood burnfng invata Mr.Gro llot edrc look Into deeply and answer1 are equipped wlth oven.Ti ntTre opeiedrn for himnself," the speaker as-' C on tru tioeSeofutshe alaceof he eetng ______Hope to B osruto nspt $oay S e ke etd 58,an amount that mksa r.Elotanucdta 11 eltâ vr iie'big dent ln an Indian aiysteteefrtedywd tugehejwent building of Canada, no motteris W Ilearn te use them theybcm ASritr redn.M k C o r ic t d e t G ve em.I mk ak ratmndelighted," Mrs. Milsel arMs usl ibr.Ti a to lad con±r bu itre- A spécial meeting of Bow- checked the proposais on the~ Councillor Dykstra move ed folwd yapryrsadb teurend a untry utIe l reat m1nvil1e Town Couneil was basis of construction and de- that the Works Superintend- The speaker dweltonpb-MsElot, r.G.Sak- quirs aallrhe- o grat eldin th~e Council Chamber sign and rec'ommended the! Inspiing A coun of H r scorage te:ake itr::R.Kssngent be instructed taextend lems involved wllh inaeution r.K 64Mis Ivp Myr vnCo trun Twist sangas edbndyevnn. "ThoutofR Ksig Art wndbyte Omnolyalet atn Shflitsar present, demanding1 Reeve E. J. Rundie, Council- Reeve Annie Oke, scne ville R.otary Club on Simpson the summer menthe s p- attntin ad ure. ihnqueitlrsze n W Nicols Glenn by Councillor Robert Dyksra1Aveue. This was seconded adicaily and grade 1ee a tions tJiat go along with any Fry and Leslie Coombes were movedathat oollow ing strajp;byRe Oke, and carnied littIe relevance ta Intelgne "A c :1v en t ti e iii ~ .'itize isIui,, conflîct are: Ifow did tstart? absent. c h:poa otelad oncliiY orMuir DykeMrs.Mills told themetgIn r In lber address at thé lun. account cf the knowiedge and how I can better contri-1 eprWn.i ro curn FficK ox e vtne ous- ousin Ctor orateon, a the srroe htteCek eIda osae c*eili meeting of the B&w- galned during the five day bute te thie building Of aain? he sen a ocr g fflotfteOnai nt HuigCrortoadth avleasti ie giTeasesaentig Corporation, attended the subsequent penttion toC tolebe ircdtea-mnle h tUmaville Rotary Club lest dventure in Citizenship held proud and uflited nation, simple. Cen answers be founidimeeting te advise councîl on ceuncil, tihe construction of range for occupancy Of theastcgvshmth ?hursday Misa Berniadette in Ottawa recently. The guest "I have aiso learned more betore lt is ton late, or must the progress of obtaining 14 Senior Citizens Units of new Police and Fire Station, opporttunity to learnatrd. thes fomow n- Durîlam gave an Înspîring speaker, a Courtice Secon- about demnocracy. To me de- the people ef the worid live Senior Citizen accommoda- rentai accommodation on a building by departments withi Problems facing Cnd dary Schooi student, was mocracy means a nation nfiln constatit conflict and only1tion. geared ta incarme basis on te police having priorityMrsskhile heir narestrival born in Wales and came to people living in unity and bloodshed put an, end to itl Nine submissions were re-, Nelson Street b Kassinger dolwdb h ý epart- idsctîssed ln detaîl b Canada with her parents afreom owvr ikepthsai? eve rScntaios. ..recommCed hrrmS.Jh' nUbig fea years age. Can-r"Centefreedom aldpece Kn o piandtatothe Mr. Construction, Llited, be ap- ment, then Mgthre~l..h fe er in essential that every a- 'antredm ndpa'Kox xlie hâte en- proved. This was caz-ied. It Court, and allocate the nee-Jfllwng list cf bocks frp0~mre ihel 7drn Four Perfect Attendance adian takes a vigorous inter- rise above it ail and remain gineering staff of the Ontario is hoped construction wil sary parking. lfiis motion'meet hid at lendaleSntîoo Pins were presented by the est in our country and how the only leaders for this Mousing Corporation hoad start inSeptember. was carried. Eskimos. i ice o a 9h Attendance Chaîrinan, Dr. AI- it lm governed. . werid? The development o "Anna and the IndIes y~ lan B. Sylvester as follows:1 "Our basic freedomes are:llove for our fellows, ne mat-Sruceviiie f"Theersvill 14 Years, Dr. G. Edwin Mann, freedom of speech, worshxp, ter what their celerlng, Story", "Split in the Sy Yvtehs lnaeta a past president cf the club; mnovement, private property,I birth, or cultu a e,lD ff Jessie Beatty, and 'Jdee'wthGep iiceti h Thiesurger A 1f e d iln t e rprse; edmfrom efar- tasktobacomihe numerouri u tenaeeyteFa ot" ug lora ptwt i ons 10 Years, President-Eiect Bill and enterpris;1freedom f shouldhbethernumbth"nebySis Four Years; and A. 0. Dal- reet; and the freedom ta lives and eaoh individuel rsien t Sumersfordobe Pn- rypi Fiv Yar.choose aur own political par- must do hîs job te sec i lA a ~a.irjr guihait et everyone presn tcepesi.teitrei Guests present at the lun- ty. Uniess ail Canadiens con- tihrough. How many years 'Or I Il ,jia n s 'a n d E s~i m os77 the weil-attended meigae caposi ih 2 cheon meeting were the par- sider ail other Canadiens as will it teke before mani realiz-takdMs iî o e 0pitadas e w e ents of the yeung guest equals, these freedoms are e that teeninan people havel a i* *ND U .formati'.e address, and as e eod o h unn ra speaker. Mr. and Mrs. E. Dun- meanîngleas and therefore died. Will there ever be an i 1J~ l E !showing the unique îeise1adtil up V~~ drvehem R.. shea, CIiff the hope et a truiy united answer te that question? i~J5 5 l iiVL L U slides. iAlcmeiosatne MOIdrv olmes, Port Hope, Percy nation is lest. "Athens was the birthplace JwwPrrteMsMlî'drslbaqtfooin teme- mios onldetl wth Manuel, Merry Faînt, and Bill "Tocrnake Our nation run cf democracy. In our moderni îPresident Sumersford cle nig elrecnfdntywih Minette, ail of Oshawa. smoothly and te understand weld it cen onîy last if peo- A reellstic account of the IndIen homemakers wege an forget that we neeci dedicated _ _ ualyI urnoMiss Dunham first thanked demnocrecy better, we must ple take a fulli nterest in difficulties faced today by unending battle te keep theleol__ _ashoe__oo thClcl etran frgiin ele n>ote ascprblm pliie ndteoefar fIndiens end Eskimos in Cen- fleers dean. pel uc shmeeoo th lca Rtaias o gvig ele nto h bsi pobers oltcsan se ehar mists and nurses te assist in: Ilt'aawondcRfuifeeling tûknow her the opportunity te take which we ail muet f ace. Every ethers. We ef Canada teke ada's northland wvas given byi Mrs. Milis cemmented thatthe developrnent ef our Cana-ý printeAdventure in Cîti- démecratie nation has diffi- demecrecy for grented be- Mrs. Raîph Mills, Teronto, tatet Idi have neyer see.n dan Idin0and Ekio gcu'y got the kind of auto zenship. "To be born a Cana- culties te overcome from cause we neyer had te fight a meeting of Trinity Unitedlor heerd ef a perch or v,,tiindin n Ekms nsmrne YouCeaucount on in dien is one thing but te be. adhievements and setbacks. for Jt. Church Wcmen held in theibule it le impossible for themýMany et the nurses I met on' «n Eoergency . if trouble corne.a Canadien citizen if We mnust learn te handle the "Complet-- freedom lm the Sundey School recently. ite esk that either be included!mytoreth nrhwreU H RIE SA S&SRVC one is net Canadien born le8 ons fecing our nation toclay. nerve et a demnocretic gevern- The presîdent, Mns. Keniin their housîng.' from Europe. *boiild pop up around home semething different again,~~" "Ma is iasd an be usmen~t. We knew thet people Sumnersferd welcomed repre-ý "At Moosonee the Air Force' Mrs. Mills seid that it is!- 401Seecio or even while you're on a trip skie seid. et his biased nature the Que- must be free te vote but they sentatîves et the U.C.W. of Auxiliary gîi'es seme assist_!ixtally important that people'______ mwoo the country. Quality in "To some Cenedian born bec versus Canada issue has aIse must be free te think end Ebenezer, Salem, Eldad, Tyr- ance in teaching Indien girls who ar on nrtipa- urnt o tisnaur i te people citlzenship le teken for anîsen. It is net enough te te edvance their opinions one, Courtice, Maple Grave, the domestic skilis of the w bItelticuler those who are planning grented but when you be- simply say we are biased and without being penalized. Hampton, St. Peul's United,lwerld. It is unfertunete thatteb ethpteIdnso .oly type we handle, so se0cocame a Canadien citizen, as I leeve It et that, nor is A "Ottawa stands for the de- Bowanvile, and guests fromîdue te the requirements ef thelEskimes. should receive suffi-; mw Woay. have, you learn the infler enough te ignore the problem termination et a free nation ether churce i ew, als rmed services that often ai- dent backgrrund information!~ meaning et helonging te e and say it will ge ewey. We te cenduct publice ffairs, andlMs H. Ivubenga, Kitwe,mstasenste uî on the native customs, tredi -, nham Irs. ilt. and languae.Titye country," Bernadette Duna must face It and solve it. The free dermeoracy. Yeu and alZembla, Afnica, e greduete members gain knowledge and iing e. Th tyen eo declered. question le how. otîher Canladiens are the only ýstudent at Covenant College, insight they are posted else..ioftrnng asotnb "Through my visit teO t "-I feel the cnly wey im people thet cen make this Toronte, and Mrs. W ian heeaa fe henrhneglected in the peet, she d- STUART IR,~ tawa I have learned that our through complete co-opere- vision et demnocrecy e living, Ellis andi ber caughter, Mrs. This holds true for almeet alied. captalis uuc moe tan ten nd nd.rstndig. t wrkig rahly. re -ouE. Wight, both of Vancouver, white people serving ln the1 The speaker strongly ativo-! capitl ismuchmorethanà tin an undestaning.It I wnorth ealate Ae yth-at aIl tpersonnelsnnedes-- JAMES ~ place et bistorical buildings like the marriage vow, ta doing your part?" Miss Dun- B.C. noiet orte okoaykn and old traditions, but rether quote: 'te serve, love and hemn esked in concilusion. Mrs. Gordon Elliott in ln- "Recentl y a department ef tinedrthe netb rceoveadeut ____BSELN D J M Sit is the beart ef oui- yeung honor, for better for worse, Robert Dykstra movet i etroducing the guest speaker, the federal gevernment receîv- brien ouhres efre aeîng -_BAS] and grew.irg country. Il; is a for icher for peorer'. vote et thanks te Miss Dun- tolti the gethening thet Mrs. eti a cheque for 300 rupees'sbren tetoersestefShe ased CENERAL INSURANCR city like others al ecrs "The issue most publicizet hem for her excellent atidrese. Milîs, Toronto, is e university1 (about $5 in Canadien meney) snthadice t S up- Car Canada, hubbling with young ie the language problem. We Presîdlert Ai Witiherspoon ex-Igraduàte ln Pehiticel Science' from a maternel, anti chut eadine agîve full C ntre Ltd andi energetic people, plan- cennot by legislation or force pressed bis personal apprecia- andi bas helpeti arrange a Sat-icare ergenization In Madras, ;port te this programn.Pickering 84 £lne St. E. flcwmanvllle ning the future. creete a bilinguel ceuntry. It tien te the yeung guest speak- urday etternoon Science Lec- îndia, wbich hati sent this As an exemple o! wbat cen, 942-1881 BS IEAA Office Residence "Through my meeting with muet be by voluntery ec- er anti presentet iber with a ture Series in Toronto. For menetery denatien for the ne-,be achieved for the natives 62-43other young people tram aRil openation. Yeu coulti ne more gîft as a souvenir o! bier vieil; many yeers Mrs. Mille was an lie! et Eskimos in Canada. . through instruction, Mrs. Milîs 2861parts of our country I bave force the old, Who ai-e set in to the club. executive et the personnel de- "C.U.S.O. (Canadien Stu- toId of work done by the Men- Open ti9pm rdy _________léarned more about Canada their ways te change, then pertment ci! the Robert SimP- dents Overseas) has accomp-ýnenites et Sandy Lake. "Tbeyi a yucudforce the rebellijous son Company, Mns. Ellilott ilsheti wonderful and much,bave dene a marvelous job Strasti6pn yocutaicetunusi MEMORIAL HOSPITAL said f needeti werk. But Jet us net'teachlng Indien girls how te __________________________ ,"~ ably eut deteti pelicies anti WEEKLY REPORT "One of Mrs. Mills' sens le ......... '1 deas. Week et June 10-16 Inclus. e diebetic, antiskie becameeone . '..................~..... "By bringing together the Admissiens - 9---------- et-goo the original organizers et ~ ~............... '"" ..V J/ ' olti anti the young of Canada Brths-5 maie, 2 female 7 tbe Canadien Diabetic Associa-'. . . . .." . .......... frL$-~'rîv we cen close the cemmunîca- Diechargeg - --------------- 87 tien. Through ber work in this »," b oday. Once this gap te cioseti Miner opei-etions --- 38 diabetic Indiens coulti mae ~:~tl4 ~we cen devote ail our time Emergency treatmentc;-- 74 f te bave e belancet diet. andi energy te the building cf Visitlng hure 3-8 p.m. daly i Mrs. Mille became active In .'-- Check ecîaîsa bigger anti better Canada. _____________ the Indien and Eskimo A;sse- . Chc uULpeia treat "A second centroversial le- B snesuledoy ation, anti was fascinatet by sue j the anadaversu u.s.the knowledge she acquired of yeurself to savings on rnilk, situation. Canadien people - the history, traditions, andI herdaryfooswhle are. complaining about the ACCOU n ianC y uostofetbetb these peoples A other diry foos, wh___US__________________ofln-New Mrs. Mille le keenly dustries in Canada. They say ___ inteî-ested in the present situ- "June is Dairy Month." thet oui- gcvernment ha s al- RAY.1. DiLLING - ation et Canada's Indiens antid lowed industriehiste from the Cbartered Acceuntant Eskimos, anti she recently U.S. to came into our country 93 Churcb Street completeti an extensive tour of ~ ' and remeve its naturel ne- 623-3861 __ many Indien reservations and PNAPEADOAG surces. I feel thet the people WM. ,J. H. COGGINS et EskImo communities In the of Canada are te biame antý Chartereti Accountent Yukon anti aise in the eastern o IEPL N net the government. The peo- 115 Liberty St. S., BowmanvIlle arctîc area. GAERI Hw~r«w.ui~m muhe ple are unwiiling ta invest in Phone 623-3612 Mrs. Mille Illustrated iher etidress witb excellent coleret prat eanadian corporations, leav- WILIMC.HAL des taken during her tour. 1«-Y- UI fe humb"! ng the enly alternative, ~n l Iprat B.Comm. At the outeet the speaker em- DR NKI.5. mtu lo ei SI." Maie metiss* ivmh18.60 la . tqu ht Tî,*A uiu IES 2~ Dairy products appeal to the whole ment. Therefore do net coin- 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa conditions on Indien reserva- mg3.IU faniy . .. add fun and flavor te summer plein but rathier inveet. Teehoe72-53 iessh asnt eer UIaDLO TE 4 q -.neals and snacks. Fer your converiience, ed Amenican draft iocigers BURROWS SELBY & CO Caugbnewagne near Montreal, A28 we deliver right te yeur deor . . . or, at inCndAi e nl a- 2LigStetWst BatorERe xmlr your favorite store. TOcbt lo orl5 0s 75641PO2-75Slvngi a6on9sctlmay le nDl y wie h e AernadthtIne Wlim .D S-y CA heel-Cnd. h et.n- 0 TO-,ES ~89 the U.S. jeopardizes the chan-! - - ous incdien peetese, the late IANlTYêJàRAIC DT Il g empiyment. "Yet cn we Ch ir opr a c i c Puline Johnson, anti Dr. G. C. UT 5 G leThis ler e_- .ice: eMnti s hweke nI 9a.m. te 6 pým. tally bher vividly descriptive adi- btù L à2 i Cioee Wenesday - Saturdayi dress Mrs. Mille gave ber audi- AYLUMU CHoir nuit 4« 1 l DR. STANLEY GERTZ ence a picture of the north tiat COCKTAIL 2M 59c CHEESE WIGE5O9OXCOSriasiii 67 King St. E,,Bowmanvmle tourists neyer sa". "At Mecs- înM yà TAlUTA N WWAÎI Office 1Houns: new moe 3 îap-S P'Lot 39CII Tlfftll01. cz 9 a n. te 6 p . dated landîng dock past môd- U S P I Piiir Iu rPRÉ 45 85 STYLEtS SAPES AND Monday through Thursday cm govrnrent buldings tô nu inmwS, Ka. COLOS T CNOSE ROM CloetiSaturdey anti Sunday modation et the native Indian CI EREJM O3c' "<1NAEtORNGS ttit9 evenbifcal, potet ns P han c e r"Deeppuaionthe speaker stat. .auxwî mî UAA a ae Ifyou Wear glassaes no623-7662 ppo 'their depresng CFEEH 3c PACHES PEI OAOS w5 I s r n e surroundinge the Indians nociw u.-CAIlA i AOE* youreyea from the harm. ONLDA McGEGAstruggiê te make the best cf MIEc SNAROAPMSqc FEHLIS- DONAID . MaGREOI their homes. One cf the worst CAKEmPU ATARSAPU ful infra-yod raya of theLIfe. Auto, Home lhandicaps there le the Jack cf iE m1 UM... FOR THIS WEEK SI Kinig nt. W., Bowmanvillewar.tlentncmofr ONY gOpticaI Co. Poo63-92 fter-cf a mile tn get water te FREE ADMISSION King ________________carry__ them te th e e wl omaeusr _________________ OUMs you complet S un- Mo rt1 galges9 S There k teatachoes. InIIFOt3CHLDE glesbaindividuatlv NOfacilitie. FR3C ID E SADuWf ILKMMA.TON -010N Mrs. Mille spoke of the hlgh U UI .grouad ta your euct Phone 983-5115 test cf furniture ln the nnrth.Tf ADU A I' TiatMg iag une She expleined that because of y«EI'IlIILLIIVt,.W qe dr v a i Ai-N 51lnAnL.,A. onm.Ou300,000 SATI$IIDCUSpom ptSitat tY Residences - Parmea their fornmer nomadic lite " ' '" s. WITH A PURCHASE OF $100C OR OVIRI pub. a yw. i. Who.. eiwaa~ tw o # T , a A S - o y e a~1 e f l d t > N U ~ P E I C E .B u in e s P r o p e r t i e s m a n y I n d i n s a r e n e t a w a r e '" A T Y O U R L O C A IC A S T O R E Y " . I g A e a c i S m U w y a u » i 17 BOND ST. EAST R01J3s:W. fMl!00l PSt.Omuit ofthefr lack of enôugh furni- Sud FLOOR math-ue. Thsrm 9 r "trp"*Tbroughout the norta inout D hA i1 .,n 2 1. I Ara .J2 mn CloWd AU Day W 8d4etMme I>w Prim&n.UflHa. DLI 0» O. cccking lu donc on an nid ail 'le I AF DhfOT.Bc*eas If R.quis'ed, Optoiorieilt druin with a fine underneath. oeii7201261 Satrulsy t M 9 p. mà 143ICUSt B. - Bowmanffle The food le boiled or frled. w.. w . wm ~ W enm m MuFI n a mmm f T!paon 232 ln the forth, and when the ~ -Prhlp. Ms e CmW~S~ UF.gdu 1g *Môn.~ M- Tues.- r. - M round la net frozen it becorn- Mpîww o m.wÏ401 14ain. toô P.m. es a sua of mud. Even govern-, BOWMANVILLE Wed. end Bat. - 9 - 12 ment- Indien homes do not '.~.Tbl&dUIV W-MIig h&a ve u» u1or porch go