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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1968, p. 7

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I SocaI & £Personai 19 Phone 6 23-3303 MIand Mrs. Alex GlU land, Saskatoon, Sask., visite Wivth Mn. and Mrs. A.M MOffatt, Prospect Street. Miss Laurie Slemon, daugh ter Of Dr. and Mrs. Kelth Vý Siemon, Is attending Car adian Jr. College ln Lausanne SwItzerland. recllJ inormtio ofyouý Visits away fnom home and o Your out-of-town guest.s. Jus, dial 3-3303. Mr. and Mrs. L. Koender. mrnan Sm. retunned recenti: fromn an enjoyable holiday anÉ business trip to Hoiland, whern they vislted frierids and rla. t1ves. Mm. and Mns. Bruce Clarke of londa and Mr. and Mns, A. J. Clarke, Lambs Lane, weme Thursday aftennoon visi- tors of Mn. and Mrs. Eaml Dirigman, Port Penny. Miss Sally Witheniy, daugh- ter Of Mn. anid Mns. Hanold Withemiy, left recently for Van- couver, B.C.. where she has accepted a position with the British Columbia Heaith Serv- ices Division o! Laboratories. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wright and daughtens Nancy and Robin, Mme. J. Humphrey and Mrs. A. Wright wene recent Sunday visitons wlth Mis. A. Wright's son and family, Mr. and Mis. Dick Wnight, Cod- rington. Wonder how long our Sep- temben "midsummen" weathem will last? One mari said "it cari continue uritil ncxt Febru- arY and theri wanm up", and It wlll suit me fine. What! No snow at Christmas - and 'wouldn't the skiers and skat- ers be disappoirited with no Jack Frost. Mns. Ronald Branrdeth o! Calgary, Alta., and hem sisten, Mns. J. M. Menison o! New- bcdford, Mass., spent a few days with Mr. and Mns. Clan- erice Goodmari, Wellington Street, whlle they were bere vlsiting their mothen, Mns. J. M. Rowe, who is a patient I Memorial Hospital. Demnis Lemon, Depatment o! Larids & Forests, Lake Nipi- gon, anid a former college chum, Mn. Leonard Ladouceur o! Cochrane, wene weckend visitons wIth Mr. and Mns. Kenrieth Lemori and family. Dan Lemon, twiri brother o! Dennis, is atteriding University at Waterloo. Rick Harper. Sunset Blvd., town, wiil make his second appearance on Western Jam- boree, on Satunday at 12:30 noon over Charnel 3, Bannie, and alse on the finst Sunday tri October on Tiny Talent 'rime. Rick la 10 years old and a negular on the Recreation1 Depantmerit Jamboree here.1 }Iis mothen, Joan, Is wel known locaily as she also appeans on J. C. Coyle's show. !r. and Mrs. George Povey ~Mitcham, Surey, Erigland, dtunned home on Satumday Mter spendlng two weeks with ber sister and bnothem- ln-law, Mi. and Mns. 'Wilfnedq Bennett. Mn. anid Mns. Povey erijoyed thein stay heme se much that they plan to neturn rext year. While they wenc b*,Mn. and Mrs. Povey andc M., and Mns. Bennett accom- panied Mn. anid Mrs. John REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Church7 Scugog Street Phone 623-7216 Minster : Rev. A. VandenBerg, BA., B.D, M.Th. Worship Services 10 a.m 7:30 p.m. 11:15 a.m. Sunday School Back To God Hour CKLB Every Sunday 6:30 dgEveryone Welcome"l 1i- Stainton of Maple Grove to ed Niagara Fals for a day of E. sight.seeing. Several wlnter reaidents of i.- the Brandon' Traller Park, W. Brandon, Florida, were recent n- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Forest e, Dillng. Guests included Mr. and Mrn. Wardlow Norris and to their daughter Velma, Bolton; ur Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow of and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur st Balley, Blackstock Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKee, Lake rScugog; Mr. and Mrs. G. lyDonnerai of Nestieton. Somry id to learn that Mrs. Stanley reMalcolm nf Caesarea, was a epatient ln Port Perry Hos- pital. Le Corngratulations and best es wishes are extended to Mr. e, and Mrs. Si Trewln who cele- brated their 25th weddlng îanniversary today, September a surprise party was held at -the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim ,Martyn, Dunbarton, and on l- Saturday evening friends gath- iered at the anniversary couple's home for another surprise *party. On Sunday Mm. and Mms. Lew Rundie held a sur- *t prise party attended by rela- dtives. "Si" also celèbrated is dbirthday on Tuesday. Qulte 1a busy week for the popular merchant and his bride of 25 years ago. Mrs. Mlddup and Mrs. Pollock of the Bowmanville Public Library spent last rWednesday and Thumsday ln tGan-cnoque at a llbrary work- -shop sponsored by the Eastern 1Regional Llbrary S ys te m, Ottawa, the Lake Ontario Reglonal System, Kingston, and the North Country Llbrary- System, Watertown, N.Y. The sessions were held In the new rGananoque High School Audi- torium. One session was a panel discussion on "How can rwe best serve our common public". For another session the keynote speaker was Dr. Daniel Fader, a professor from the University of Michigan and author of the book "Hook- ed on Books". His subject was "How to get the most reluct- ant reader to read, read, read". Wednesday evening a boait trip through the Thousand Islands, as far as the Ivy Lea Bridge, was enjoyed. On the return trip, the group stopped at Gordon Island where they were tmeated to a corn and wienem roast provided by the Gananoque Inn where accom- modation had been arranged for overnlght. ZMON Mn. and Mms. Jlm Stainton, Dave and Douglas, Jimimy Barlow and Bruce Hopson spent the weekend visitlng Mi. and Mis. Ron Jackson, Paris. Mn. and Mmm. Percy Flin- toif and Marie, Maple Grave, wcme Sunday supper guests at Wes Camenon's. Mis. John Germy, Mn. and Mns. Phillp Germy, Toronto,' Vislted at Mms. Alex McMas- ter's. Mms. Alfred Mohi and Chnis- topher. Gormley, were Tues. day visitons at Hans Geiss- berger's. Mrs. Deibert hintoff, Mmm. Glen Fliritoif, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Camenon, Angus, weme Sunday cailers at Wes Camemon's. Miss Laurie Stainton went on the bus trip te the Strat- ford Festival on Tuesday. ZMon U.C.W. Enfield and Hampton United Church Women weme guests of Ziôn afternoon unit for the September meeting. Mrs. Ray Cameron, unit leader, opened the meeting vith an anclent prayer. Mrs. Harmy Fisher and Mmi. Wiilis Sayeau conducted, the devotional perlod on the theme, "O! One Bq1ood." Mns. F. J. Reid o! Sunder- lad introduced the Study on Japari. She told many humor- bus stories o! pensonal experi- rices ln Japan and showed, rmany souvenirs. She aise dis- playeti interesting clippings which hclped to illustmate ber Laik. Mrs. Hans Gelssbengen Jr., Mrs. Nelson Fice, and Mrs. Kank Atkins scnvcd a delliclous 'lunch. -I TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. William M. Findlay, B.A., A.C.C.O., A.T.C.M. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1968 11:00 a.m. "THE PRODIGAL SON IN MODERN SETTING" CHURCH SCHOOL 9:301 11:00 11:20 0 ti Pl JE wu Il' Celebrate Golden Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan On Saturday evening, September l4th, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan were honored at a reception given by their daughters and their husbands, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hay and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allun, the occasion being their parents' 5Oth wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Hay opened their home for the occas- ion. It was beautifully decorated with floral arrangements of white and yellow 'mums. Members of the family welcomed their guests to a delicious buffet dinner, served from a table decorated with golden candles, centred with a three-tiered an.niversary cake, beautifully decorated. Guests were present from Oakville, Bowmanville, Peterboroughi and Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Logan were married in Bowmanville on September l8th, 1918, by the Rev. Dr. Best, minister of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church. They have two daughters, Ruth Allun and Jean Hay, four grandchildren, Joan Elliott and Sharon Allun and Bill and Don Hay; five great-grandchildren, David and Denise Hay; Karen, David and Christine Elliott. -Orono Times, Celebrate- Golden Anniversary Mr. andi Mrs. Leslie Collacutt During the afterioon and Solina. evcning o! Sept. 14, 1968, Mr.l ThertoduhrsM . and Mrs. Leslie Coliacutt, R.R.crbtJohnod(Patrs,MCosr 6, Bowmanville, meceived overBo Jonoi Pei)Cur 300 relatives, fnicrids anid ticc, and Mrs. Ted Hoar (Len- neighbors at Maple Grave ore), Newcastle, six grand- Christian Educatiori Centre te children, Donna, David, Robin clebrate with them the oc- and Wayne Johnseon, Diane casion o! thein Golden Wed- and Lee Anme Hoan. wcîcomed ding Anniversary. the many gucats. The mamniage ef Lela West- Mrs. Evenett Hoar, Bow- lake and Leslie Collacutt was manville; Mrs. Gardon Leask, soemnized 50 years ago at the Solina; Mrs. Donald Yellow- iome o! the bnidc's parents, lees, Tauntoni, and Mns. May M'r. and Mns. W. H. Westlake, Sommerville, Whitby, guests Reports fromý Women's Institutes MAPLE GROVE W. 1. business. The mol ail aUWhat Mr. James Oakman. of the I have learned froin someone Chlldren's Aid Society, Port from anothen cou.ntry', was, Hope, was guest speaker at answened by members and the first fali meeting of the giiests. Mirs. F. Stevens re- Wm 'sItitute Mr. Ok.ported for the "Good Neigh- man spoke of the wonk of the Oscomte.M Children's Aid Society and .ent eported for the Cana- also about the Legal Aid din Association o! Consum- made avafiable ln 1967 for. ailcrs. Mrs. W. Browin was ap- people. Ponted our delegate To otoe Mns C. Jeffeny gave a ead- in November. The Bowman- ing on "Human Rights". Mrs. ville W-1. are to be our gucsts F. Stevens gave the motta, for our meeting on Oct. 7th "Rememben ail nations smile on "Public Relations." It was iun the same language". She decided to donate $5 for help said, "Ponder iliat statement to the Institutes i the North and think what a smile West Territories. means, com&dng fnom a strang- Th etn coe ih er on the street or from a ti etn lsdwt friend. Sec what a smile does he epeating of the "Coilect" ta a face. If a mani is starv- nunason.Lnho pah ing or suffering deeply he shortcakc, tea and coffee was cannot radiate happiness and served during the social haîf good wil. To bring a smile, hour. unc must smile, for usually a unifie wlil be rcturncd." BETHANY w. L mms H. Bradley moved ai vote of thanks to those on the Miss Maria Battaglini ofi program. Mrs. S Doyle, Con- Campbeilfond, the province of1 veror of Citizenship, was in Ontario Dairy Pnincess o! charge of the program. 1967 who receivcd hef Crown2 Mms. H. Cryderman, î,resi- at the Canadian National Ex- dent, was in charge of the 1 hbîtion, was guest speaker at1i at the wedding 50 years ago, pnesided at the tea table. Other guest.s were prescrit fnom Blackstock, Nestîcton, Oshawa, Toronto, Newcastle, Tyrone, Solina, Salem, Cour- tice, Ebenezer and Bowman- ville. Best wishes, gifts, carda and telegrams wcnc graciously me- ceived by Mr. and Mns. Colla- cutt amidst a backgnound o! yellow roses, sweet peas and chnysathcmums. the meting of the Bethany Woe.' Institute beld on Monday niglit in the Orangel Hall. Misa Battaglini is aise a graduate o! Peterborough Taachers' College, bolds seven schelarhips i music and is Orgaxist at St. Jerome's Churcli in Warkwonth. Miss Battaglimi told o! ber many intenesting duties and experiences since ber crown- ing in comPetitiomi against 41 other C o u n t y Princesses, which includeti many speak- ing engagements ta clubs and erganizatiors, as weil as tele- vision appleararices andi radio broadeasts She went on a three weeks' tour to the Bn-. tish Ilies, acting as a good- will ambassador for the On- tario Milk Marketing Board. While in England she attend- ed Uic Royal Dairy Show and was presented ta Uthe Quecri and aother members cf Uic Royal P'amily.1 "Dairy Fanming is one o! the Province's most essential industries," said Miss Batta- glini."Twenty-two anti cre. haif million pounds o! cheese are exponted annuaily. The whole world depends on the Canadian Daîny mndustry. Milk la cur moat valuable ,food for infants and adults alie. The new imitation nmlk products are net nearly as nttritionai. We must encour- age the use o! ail dairy pro- ducts. The homely dainy cow as the Joster mother of the werld. Nothlng con replace hem." In conclusion Misa Batta- glinî sang a song cf hem own Com~position. "Gladys The cw" T'ne speaker was lntroduc- ed by Mrs. Lawrence Staples and thanked by Mrs. Ted Spenoeley, prograni convenor for Agriculture and Canadian Industries. Miss Bonnie Darling, for- nierly cf Fowler's Corners and now teaching at Manvers Grandview Public School., who is the Victoria County Dairy Princess for the yearm 1968 spoke briefly of hem ex-; periences. "The cowning cf: a Princess helps to promote, dairy interest. Farmers today face many problems stnug- gling to keep up with chan.g. ing tines. Production costs are always rising." Miss Dam ling further outldned the qualifications necessamy to become a Pnincess an red ail members to use more niillc and milk products. Mrs. John Neals gave com- ments on the program motto, "Milk, naturc's food and onc of the most essential iour diet," and conducted a con-. test on the names of milk products, wh.icii was woni by Mns. Robent Joncs. Mis. Addiison Scott presided for the meeting. Mrs. ThomasÉ Jenigs gave the firiancial1 report, minutes and connes- pondence which includcd a:1 letter fnom the Provincial t President, Mns. Everett Small.f Members will go on a bus trip to Vineland, Hamilton,N etc. on September 28th. à Mns. Carl Ponteous was ap- pointed as delegate to theJ Area Convention in Torontop in November. *Mrs. Thomas 'V Jennings and Mrs. Hammy Ryley wîll also attend. 1 Mns. Glenn Preston, leader d o! the 4-H Girl's club an- r. nounced that I3 members wil ES take the fall sew'ing course, a Mrs. Walten Failis is the new assistant leader, r Luinch was served by mcm- b bers o! Mrs. Specicley's group.p Mrs. Emcry Smith expres- E sed the thanks o! the mcmn- S bers to thc hostcss group and to the gucst speakers. TI MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WEEKLY REPORT Wcek o! Sept. 16-22 inclusive Admissions -----77 IBirths-6, female - - ---- -- 6 Diacharges ----- 87 Major operatioris .17 Miner openations -- 33 Emergency tneatmeits ---147 Visitinçg hnirs 3-8 .m.a n ENNISKILLEN Sunday morning our minis- ter's sermon was another ln the sertes on the study cf the progmess of thc church. The peniod was 300 ycams ago for the Reforni Church. Miss Doherty centred hem lnterest- ing topic around Uthelife o! Galileo, Uic great mathemnati- cian, physlcist, philosopher and astronomer whosc mesearches brought hlm fanie but were regamded as conifflcting with the teachings of the Bible and led to his persecution wlthout punishment. Next Sunday the sacrament cf Holy Communion will be observed. As an ad- varice announcement, Sunday. October 20 will be our special annual Thankoffeming service to be held at 2:30 p.xn. The guest minister wiil be Rev. J. Morris of St. Andrew's Chumch, Oshawa, with special music by our choir. Mr. and Mms. Geo. Irwln weme recent visitons cf Mr. and Mrs. P. Carreau and fam- ily and Mn. Rodney Imwin, Summerstown. Miss Donna Werry accom- panicd hem gnandparents, Mr. and Mms. F. W. Wcnmy to visit Miss Jackic Veale. at Albert College, Belleville. Miss Eva Briar was Satun- day night guest o! Miss Sharon Wcnny. Mrs. E. A. Werry. Miss] Betty Jane Werny, wene Sat- urday visitons cf Miss Winni- frcd Cole, Willowdale. Mr. Lyal Brock, Bowman- Lilîle, was a Sunday visitor at Mr'I. and Mrs. K. McGill's. Mms. Geo. Imwin and Mns.1 roc Brown wene Sunday sup-1 per guests o! Miss Kathleen WVebster, Mankham. Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton,] Mecssrs. Ronald and Ray, Hay- ion; Mn. and Mns. E. A., Wer- ry, Mr. Russell Ommiston. wene Sunday diriner guests at Mn. and Mrs. M. Stalnton's. John Aveny was an oven- night guest o! John Schooner-~ beck. E Miss Linda Avery, accom- panied Mn. and Mns. Frank Dorland to Linidsay Faim on Saturday.a Mr. James A. Werry, Mis., T. M. Slcmon, in companya with Mn. and Mns. Hanvey McGiJ, weme Satunday even- a ig dinner gucsts o! Mns. P *oreriza Mountjoy and Mr. and Mns. Chanlie Briggs, Nes- b Ieton.V Mn. and Mns. S. Lamb and p lmily wcme Sunday callens at h -Ur. and Mns. Don Lamb, L Bail ieboro.A Mns. F. Toms was a guest E it the Taylor - Card b 5 KING ST. W. - PHONE 623-5792 The Canadian statemmnBowmanvifle, Sm &p 2, 96u Rural Saf et y Night In Orono, Sept., 27th tThe Durham County Rural -Safety Night will be bcld on 1Friday, Septernber 27th at 8 pan. ln I.O.O.F. Hall, Orono.i Sehool Pupil Premetatlons Al .pupils whc were wlnncrs o! prize money last sping mn Uie Durhami County Sa! ety Cauncil Poster, Pocm and, Sa!cty Slogan Competitions "Il be pnesented with their prize money at this event. Pupils are asked ta bring their parents with them and some cf the othen children from their school as the prog- ram should be o! Interest te the whole famlly. Oscar M. Snyder, Famnii Safety Co-ordînator, from theà School of Agmicultumal Engin-i eering at the University o! Guelph will be the guestt speaker. Mn. Sriyder is vitallye intercstcd i home and fanmt safcty and bis commerits willr be o! interest te young ands old. Door Prizes To be eligible for door priz- es those atteridirig must be on harid by 8:00 p.m. so the event cari stant promptly on time. and eception at Stouffvilie. Mrs. F. Anderson, Mn. and Mms. A. Drummond and fam- Ily, Peterborough; Mn. and Mis. F. Pethîck and Bil, Scanbonough, wene Suriday visitons at Mm. and Mis. S. R. Pethick's. Mms. Geo. Irwiri was a Fmi- day aftcnnoon visiter o! Miss Demis Milison, Oshawa. Mi. and Mis. Ed Coombs, and girls, Miss Clara Page, Tronte, wemc visitons o! Mis. E. Page and together all visit- ed Mn. and Mis. H. Bradley, M'aple Gnove. Mi. and Mns. Lionel Hickey and family, Hampton, weme Sunday evening caKfens at Mr. and Mms. S. Lamb's. Mi. and Mis. Ron Clemens and boys. Hampton, wcme sup- per guests at E. Wright's. Miss Lois Ashton, a localt bride-to-bc and ber family, were entertained at a veryc leasant party at the lovely omre cf Mi. and Mrs. Stanley 4ovcil, Oshawa, when Miss1 Ashton and ber fiance, Mn.1 Keith Wordcn ecelved many( 1Men's pnlze - Safety HelmetIý kBoy - (15 and under)- Safty, -î Flashlight; Girl - (15 and unden> - Safety Flashllght; Are Yon Praetising Saiety In i Your Home and on Tour Farm? This week Gordon Tobey and A. O. Dalnympie had oc. casion ta visit the homes o!f number o! Tractor Club mcm- bers in Durhanm County. The purpose o! Uic visit was to check the tracter wbich the.'7 club member had used in the- Tractor Club this year. They were shocked to, note tic num- ber o! safety shields that wene missing on equipoient, thc ab.-- sence o! S.M.V. signs on equip- ment that does travel oh' the. highways and the genemal lack o! safety measunes. Undoubt- --. edly many are aise ignorin g these facts, and uridoubtedly-. many o! you are also ignrInng -ý safety mensures In youm homes. What are you dolng about- safety? Please let your neighbors know about this Safety Night and better yet bring themîî,. RECREATION REVIEWS 1Girls' Se! tball Tournament Stunrock's Fuel o! Uic De--: partment o! Recreation, Bow- . manvîlle, wemc finalists iri thé Pec Wec "IB" Division in a-._: tounnament beld at Zion last 2 Satumday. Stunrncks werc defeated by-.-- North Oshawa 17 to 16 in a vcny close and thrilling seven- inning game. Patti Coimer of Sturroeks bit twe home runs, willc teamniate Joy Ross bit a homer. Wendy !vluntjoy o!f te Sturrock Fuels was voted. most valuable pitchen cf the tournament. The Bowmanviile team was - coacbed by Bud Perfect and .' Eamle Ross. Stunnock Fuels: P. Coinier,ý-' W. Mountjoy, J. Ross, J. Per-,- fect, J. Marshall, C. Shap. Colleen Cook, S. Davey and-\,. IR. SLheeian. Super Soft Cellulose E g.2"f x 4" x 6"*« (c SPONGE lc cM IDA VIlES Vitamin Supplement Capsules B.AN Roll-on Deodorant sug9g1l st 66c BAYER ASPIRIN BRECK BASIC Hair Conditioner, Sugg. Iist 2.50 Delsey Toilet Tissue 608 Sugg. list 2 relis for 35e ---------------------- 6 ' 8 ENO FRUIT SALI 7 oz. Sugg. Iist 1.19 -- -- -- ---- 93C I.D.A. ELECTRIC HEATING PADeg. 4.95 377 LADY PATRICIA HAIR SPRAY Sugg. Eist 990 - 67C GILLETTE, 5 oz.', . R ICHI lisllu PRESCRIPTIONS KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUES 200'3 Sugg. list 2/43c2R3 c MACLEANS TOOTHPASTE DIPPITY-DOî HAIR SETTING GEL Sugg. lit 1.25 09 ALEX McGREGOR e DRUGS e 59C o z- 2.19 Bottie of 100 am. - Junior, Intermediate and Senior a-in. - Beginners a.nm. - Primary andi Kindergarten CAL VARY GOSPEL CHUR(H R.R. 1, Tyrone, Ont. "FUNDAMENTAL" ARCHIE CAMPBELL from CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Oshawa, Ont. SUNDAY., SEPTEMBER 29th, 1968 at both services - Il a.m. and 7 p.m. Ail Are Welcome Family Size 623-5792 3e77 879 I.D.A. REMEDIES 5 KING ST. W. PHONE

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