PER SQ. YD. 1001Co HERCULON KITCHEN CARPETÎI WITH LUXURY CUSHION UNDERPADDIN( A4 2.4 VAUE. aNOW ONLY e.e9,e95 sq. yd, 8 YIARDeep, Dense And Delightfu ~ VEARBroadloom That's Practical anc Comfortable in teKthn G irntee STINPROF... Yu eu ctuallIy apm tsktc Wear And Stan s totally non absorbent. Refuses to retan spills or soil. Coffet TépolyProPYlene afb- or stains. ENDS FLOOR WAXING ... Once you havé carpet The ruîn onlutain your kitchen youl! neyer go back to foors that havý absorb spilli or Stains .. . In il riéh oloura. ..thé longeai wearing, éasiesl éleaninl and theY wéar llke carpel available. Free of stalle, mîîdew-free, math proot iron. Ask about thé 8 and non-allérgenle. YEAR GUARLANTEE,. Luxury cuahion underpaddiag wil! make your kitchén réalfi and extra quiet. A world of différence. FAMILY ROOM (ARPETIN( BROADLOOM THAT CAN TAKE IT ... AND KEEP THINGS QUIET AND WARM Teenage Parties . ,.. ids laya, games and mess can't spoil thisa amazlng néw earpéting made of.9 100% Hérculon Olefia polypropylene fibres...09 it'a designed and wovén tb 1111 thé need cf a prac- Mial, staluproof and hard wearing carpet for active ec rooms. No othér carpet gîves you more luxury and surfacé for your dollars . PER and ne othér fibre ls more résistant le wear or more non-absorbent. It'a free of stalic. résists plling, fuzzing, shedl- SQ. YD. ding . . . hs mildewv-free and non-allergenie. Have ne féar . . . tbis la thé earpeting. 4STOP!!11 The Heat Loss .LTA, Save Fuel And Keép Out IEA i Drafts0a DOOR& SETAT'$# OWeathersatrip MAROwH 2pe. 7 ftl, 1 pe. UIU à fi., with nails. Wood and vinyl foam - -1.89. Mluminum and rubber --1.98. Pour Insulation MICA FIL 1.95 3 tu. ft. Bag Batt Insulation Red Top THERMAFIBRE j2" Battu- j3" Battu Rigid I nsulation elf Oaln rder Now and Beat the 1 E x 'in 4" - in do se i o é . C n d ' PERMFOAM AUl White or Natural Alumlnum, 2 track, 3 traci x ',Panel Ultra-Seal wltb twlee th. weatherslriplj BEAVEI LUMBER STORI NEW STORE HOURS: Closéd Wedaeaday and Saturday at Noon Open Friday TU! 9 - Weekdays 8 - 5:30 Phone CoUd!! k or sider 1top value ES e623-3388 CommercialiHockeyhad 3038-293-243 Tho Canadian BUtma% o oea, maavMl, c0t 3% IM IfDave Reynolds had 781 (260-L.Ehr lié 0e f 3àl. John Gould. fe reated up alter the weddingapp 764 (312-266); Ha p almer Wanda Hall_____ 757 (313). Did you hear about AvetagesTostaullug I iHap bowling 400 In sweeps Nom Cowle 31____V fi " ~on Fýrlday night. Nice going, Frank Smith __ Alleycats 35 20,08 Has n J i & Gl m Don Bagnell 740 (255), Frank Drinkie flehod# 29 10,3U1 LU Annaert 728 <265-284), Bruce Smnith ______206 OWal 9 1,3 It was a 5-5 tie bettoenl Randy Donaghuè countéd the soore-àheet tant»l the thlrd Jack Parker 714 (271). Bob Smith - o 198 R n -_ 15 18,478 Walter Frank Real Estate and twloe for the Superteat crew, perlod. Sorne roai big single games Murray Adams 191 Blgb staglea - ?4« Brooke' Superteat in thé open- thé others aalng tô Gary DnMMutrscrdU re l oones 3 5, B wk.ih Lx-Gay Ongr 10() BruAeamith2-241,.Mr. ing tamne of Suday mcm-IAkey, Jcè Reader and Perrls.DnMMre crdtreRl ome32,BlLu-GyWôIr16e Aasd824 in' ommerilHceyun o F.ryws h ia times and set ui> two.otiiers, ton 311, Loweil MacDougal John Luffinan 184 &12-22 ,y WoOI- gue dauble-header, wlth Ery. gam* standout, leadlng the Ted Falréy and Steve Burns 308, Dr. H. B. Rundié 294, Bob Bob Thompson 177 ner 224-221, J. Luftan 204- son'* Sinoke Shop crushlng BMal Estate *ttack wlth one each registered a pair cf goals Qianvlie 278, Dr. Keith Slem- Bil1 Switzer _____17g 254, Bob Smith 229. lé. Drinlgg ealong with three assista, and on 276, Bob Smilth 275, Jack Sharon McKni-t _ 169 221, B. t3witter 208. Mutton & Gould Sheli 10-2 goal and three assis. Singi e rge Sainsbury and 3oe Bond 272, George Stephen Marg Smith _____189 HIèh Triples - Mon in the second encounter. were counted by Bill Crossey. 8 sncletdàga n 072,Gorge _____23._____der10 After the firot period cl Howle Pollard, Ray Cromble 5Lio olce olal 0723 erg ee 6. BbGle ____ _17 Brucs Smith 786, M. A44Mi two assios apiece. Bruce Og- The I.G.A. tearn had a big___JO the opner ended 3-3, Prànk's and Lloyd Hamiliton. denaddtéohrSoetil,36,wieté BigJan Golder ______167874, J. rMeCIht 836, Guty led 5-4 heading mbt the third,1 Three players plcked uP p tly r rmMutn&Judht 2, ci ut and that's thé way lb sbayed live points and - two others optlyerfrmMtn&Gudhi C. Kn _________184 dos. until Larry Permis netted the thmee apleéda Bryton's un- AI Guernsey and "Eutch" 1304 for a single gaine. Goria m i~ath 1____ 59 MWIgb nlea - Wsn equlieratth 1 mnue eahe àpoen atakwhleCole were the Shèli marks- jhe fainous sportsmnan Dr. Bannie Woolner 157 C. lCnepp286, oau Goder eqaerate15mnuelkelhéd a Ptent attck, whfien. . Rundle bas taken over Susan Ailoway 188 231, Glo a q jt 210, Barb mark keeing uttn & ouldoff en.the lead ln the averages with Adla Adamis ____ 156 GMles 201. 248., AI Osborne la second, Rosi Hall 153 Milth Triples - Womte ' I1'Rundle's average. Day. Reyn- Lida Adams 147 &72. hizKid Lo e t Lidsay olds moved mbt third spot, Ie Thé Jury &Lovell Vili boys * 8*8 KINOMN $$ have taken over ist place in the beam standing having 16 5 et d iso ~.But Put Up Scrappy Battidons wedt eond A. i hav dptle t end .a dave ethdmé so by David Gohéen phens and Jlm Crawford Williams who wee n midget 15% poDita. Thé Insurance THE NEXT KINSMEN soe.last year, and new mmesbosrmLOvers a eare In their second home game cd Doug and John Taylor. Fredl third t1 points.SU R C R Of the season, Bowmanville'r In the Gaie:- Most of the Brown was out of hockey.SU E CA "Whiz Kids" were defeated players on thé Bowmanville The next gaine for the Nw~ Ie~E 6 to 2 by Lindsay Jr. "C" Whiz Kids" team were mern- Whîz Kids" la on Sunday. N w il-Stjarkvi iGN0 team, here on Sunday after- bers cf last yeam'î Bowman- November 3, when they play noon. R. L. Kennedy, Presi- vile Juvenile St. Mary's Ce- in Georgetown, and the nex B owling League N V M E dent of R. M. liollirigohead ment Redmen, the Ali-Ontarlo home gaine is Wednesday. FRIDAY..NO E Bi Corporation of Canada L.iTit- Champs, except Steve West, Novembeq 6tb, wthen George- Thursday, Oct. 24 at th. ed. producers of "Whiz" Car son of well known sportsman town are the visitors. The Averages Came Products, opened the Junior West, Bob Howes who game time is 8 p.m. Why flot Marlene Stacey ___ 199 PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE gaine by dropping the firai was with Whdýtby lait yeam, corne out and cheer your local Marg. Mcflonald ____191 ~m. ~m m puck. Michael Puk, Presideni Mike Donoghue and Harveyî boys on the victory. Dorothy Stark ____183 If4liUUP IIm IltI lfl of the Bowmanville Hockey -Gal Million _____177 $10,3 0 UIN E .U. I ncud~uing Association, assisted Mr. Ken- ua Marie Triru_______174 nedy. be Shw_ 174TWO BIG SNOWBALLS In the finIt perlod Bowman- .uiI' Joyce Stacey le8 ville started out well, having Dale Foran ___ 6 $1500 a two man advantage in the Olive Henderson 1ln th. Sharotb. la the first minute or two, but when Sth Wêek - lat Schedule JLander Hdwe.- 13 il 13 Bernice Henderson - 1.59 they couldn't capitalize they Averages Pepsi ---- 12 12 12 SilyMrel____ 5 I elhGi. JNO went into a shell. The de- Name Games Ave.W. Frank Grace Farrow i____ m5 SNOWBALL with a SNOWALL fence didn't offer voiler Douct Real Estate - 12 12 12 Lynda Nickerson ____143 (U Won In guarantee of (If won in Haesmch prtcton Dr. H B. Rundle- 24 24:1 Selby Grant Lynda Willsber____ 121 their passlng and checking AI Osborne ----- 24 243 Heating il1/2 12% 11 ' ahIgaa ____105 ubr) *,00t o 5 Uleu wa erai ad hi eîltdDave Reynolds. 24 237 Dykstra's_ Ellen Farrow 116_ î~ Brand New HOLIDAY MUSTANG (Faut Buck) in ethe Lindyteinsconîng Doug Carter 24 236 Food_ _ 10% 13 % 10% Freda Jeffrey 92 or 02,000 In Cash four goals, bwo by Jin Aber- Larry Piper - 24 236 Frank's 200 Gamnes $1,000 ln rn-L. 3 Special Games 12 Reg. Ganse crombie and the others b AI Si1 Trew'in 24 234 Variety ----10i 14 10 R. Shaw - 265 Game for 0150. *a. et 850. et. Burns and Juin Morasse. y w-Bmien Martyn 23 233 Beaver Lumber 10 10 10 D. Stark _____240 manville also spent mnyEmnie Perfect 24 233 Ken's Men's M. Trim ~ 220 Many Fr.. and Valuable Door Prizes miue nth coe" be Don Oke- 24 232 Wear ------- 6 % 171/26 i M. MacDonald --4--.. 217 cause of aggresslveness on the o anel 2 3 Bud Henning and Lamry M. Stacey20Pls4igE ly irGae part of some of the players, George Bebee 24 231 Piper had a real battie for Games Won (Share t he Weaith) at 7:30 Sandy Brown of Bowman- Howard Bromell 24 230 high triple this week. Hen- Phlox ____ 13 Buses at thé door alter the Bingo ville spent 14 minutes of the HUis Hately 24 229 ning nosed out Piper by only 2 Peony 12 ; , KmE' 88 penod n te pnaly bx b -Russ Halîman . 24 229 pins. Bud's scores were 321- Iris ________-i prodithpeatMxb-Luke Annaert 24 228 259-266 forabg84tolAse __________ ' cause of a misoonduct he me- aRuis Oke 24 226 -e ceived for arguing with the Ron Etcher_____ 24 226 referee. Elton Brock 24 224 In the middle stanza bath Bud Henning. 24 223 '.' E teami opened up and éturn- Clarence Oke 24 221 G ed to better hockey. DOW- Lou Wiseman 18 221 manville's passing improved John Gould - 24 219p l with the players controlling Frank Mohun - 18 219 G the puck instead of Just shoot- Ted Bagneil 24 218 ing into the opposing end and Hap Palmer 24 218 then going in after it. The Ed Leslie 24 216 psses were also more accur- Jack Parker ---- 21 215 L ae'than in the first perlod. Maurice Annaert- 24 214 Lindsay's passing was foiled John Carter -- 21 214 mo st of the peniod because ni Mur ray Tighe 21 213 the bard checlcing of the Mike Murphy 24 213 Bowmanville players. Matt Harrison 24 212 di The referees gave Mike Maurice Richards - 24 211 . Donoghue a 'cheap' miscon- Roly Coombes- 24 211 duct and If the referees hadn't Don Jensen 18 211 clamped down more in bhe Art Rowe ___ 24 210 Bil Westlake 24 210 n third period theme could have George Piper --- - 24 209 ' ýat been a free-for-all. Bowman- Harold Michelson- 24 209 " e, ville finally did get on the Jack Bond 24 208 ta score-board with twc goals, Walt Hately 24 208 4- one by Rick Woolner and thé Bob Lawton 24 207 ,-: ve other by Kim Rogers. Bob Konopaki- 24 206 S 1 It Iooked as if the . hi ami Piper 24 206 » gt OIrM g Kids"' could pull out a vic- Bob Kent -___ 24 205 9 tory in the final session, mun- Bob Smith --- 24 204 , ning their winning streak ta George Stephen- 24 204À etrb fith btercd il itre.Hwve.goil o b Saman ---- 24 203 -~ALte u o h itrcl Wrlwsbokd ofteBbWlim -_24 202 .. regardiess of the ....c you pay goladteecletcheck- Bill Luxton ----- -24 201 fU~*Oa M ing of bis teain-mates held Team Standing 4, the locals at bay. At one 'réam W L Ps point in the gaine the two Jury & Loveli 16 8 16 Pr ~ " * teains played for a solld five I. G. A.---15 1/z8 V 15 'hPur Glcol * minutes withoub a stoppage Nels Osborne of play. _nuac . 14 10 14 'inibtr & The visitors put thé gainé Mutton& out of reach when Russ Ste- Gould 13 il 13 GALLON stabilizers (QUART 750) SPOR DTOn PIrc ahouldn't présent any problem for nany years bo corne. Um N ta But actually weathem was thé problern, due la thé fact that fiooding caused condensation ta sébIle on thé beami and - . r04ýAi thé fans whlch usually lake it away, only sueceedéd ln draw- lng ln more bot air, and thus weren't of any benefit. And sa you curlers, it wftB uséléss ta paint thé ice until______________ evérything was back ta normal, as watér drippirig on thé âï surfacé would ruin thé job - and It Ia quite a chore. This RUST INHIBITOR & MOTO-MASTER DELUXE, SHOP-TYP WINDSHIED wéekend should see curling replacing golf - but perbaps aduffers mighb w. dame ta hope for one more lime. W t rP m Radiater Anti»Freez.Wa he Speaking f golf, we will havé a story of Intrest In nexb ub k , 'tpt.k esteir ~v .'B t tk't column Accurate therMoMeter . t t t tAdd ta, water or anti- A permanent, rnetaWlc te test permanent type Jumbo allon size "as. YOUTH BOWING CHAMPIONSHIPS freeze to end uquealcu seai, In cube form, to anti-freeze. Easy to le, soludon protecîs b Bowmanville placed four out of six bowlens on thé Zoné a.nd extend the water stop any leak I just 5 red scale, 35* beow. Cm» be J mixed doublés championshIp tbain. pm ie.mnts.Pgeavydt le lh - Thé following bowlems will represent this district at pm le iue.Pg ey uyMxdwt Toronto on Nov. 24, 1968, for the Ontamio mlxed doubles 20O ounce can 06 of 3 cubes .., 21eAU 00 »wa«o... U.dY championship roll off: " " A Ha « a o f Ron Selleck of Bowmanville set a termific pace as heoTA Aa AR YB U SC U OI bowled 1639 for six gameés. Ron'a average was 273 1/6 pins per gaine. Bob Burley was next having 1452. Bill Branton A PL O Wendy Lewis was top lady h.itting 1339. Jackie Patfleld --- had 1301 for second place and Laura McElroy cf Peterborough had 1273. Thé aboyé six bowlers will b. bowling againsl thé bst 160 Church St. Bowim nville RLI I; rnixed doubles teams ln Ontario and aUl bowlera wîsh thein lweU,_____________________ am