I rs The Canadien Statesmmn, Bownmanville, D)ee. 25,loe* dl citesetrnghee&euEv heo. with a Furniture Finishing d rnment la unsetted. He~ Remnoves 'Power to Act' From Motion Ho! dN te raUoatp Banqugeetocfo _______________________________________organizing of a Model Rail- Northumberland anid Durham xni road Club, at present in its O ere "PrettY good" and t.he' infancy, also a Photograph1y pbliCountiesnsWardenhe bU J club which is preparing a o o n i s Wr e .VnCmps adâ Protection ommittee WiI Meet :: for the co:in: year a V~sud :vryoreaad heard B yof', r P o e o o m i t e W 01 e tI a adnW. I. ThhomasandhiskfiMh.n The purebeduHerefordherdiSco tTownndip, sn t a r! l ' o " 0 1 D S ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~Men's V olleyball W r e ci a p r h s d 3 r Ro e i k ro d T e !a m w s fO n el tILuirAnÎAntc reach the registration re- vilion, Cobourg. Some 300 Past Warden of the United Mr. Van Camp named past Freeman, BelihavenFrRondbir alc at~ ulscuss u-o.uce equ r m n s quirements and have been people oftheUnited Counties Counties, E Leson, Havelock, wardens: J. H. Lower ofR2.Ubde.hshrdcrsa ea westsus P l e R y ofIR A2.nold TyoNsteo.CutyadteSado.sd àac.e o li îeten attended the buffet dinner to W ar d en of Peterborough Clarke. Re. MCn Councll at the meeting held, Chie! Bernard R. Kitney asic-1 Mayor Ivan Hobbs reminded, The Swimniing clasa for hoo h 98Wre.Cut.Biho, Duglas Maybee, The haerd c4n5iedo pdalotpbldunsnth the Council Chamber on'ing when the severa, riatters council that a report emhody-, adults is still filling the need At the head table were Other notables at the ban-!Ry FtwelArthur r rBlnanch-aloae bfretepucas r day evenung, Dec. 16th. re-i he has before council will be n euests from the police for sqIlls in water saftey by Russell Rowe, M.P.P.. and Mrs. quet were G. Ross, Reeve of ard.,F. McMillan, F r e :rn kean a eda request from Police!1 ________ae____ wo an t Che o i eatetfrtr igpAbraiham, Warden and Mrs. Deputy Reeve of Murray himself. _ 199hdbeen submitted to! Jearn to swim or as mention- W. 1. Thom-as, Earl Walkey, Township; G r a n t Massey, Employees of the United thePrtection to Persons and e.irveters Immg. Deputy Reeve o! Clarke Town- Grafton; John Ewart, County Counties received pins pro- Property Committee on Aug. The Senior Citizens still ship, Deputy Reeve L. F. FIsh- Registrar and Mrs. Ewart; Meie b i Thomas. assist- 28 th and that to date this ho]d forth at the Lions Cen- r eveRt lakPrtMre TneMao fed by KeWyos Nra committee's chairman, Coun- tre. the second Thursday ev- Hope; Mayor J. A. Heenan Campbellford; Dr. Charlotte 1 Bralthwaite was recognized by cillor Glen Fry had not brought ening o! each month and and Mrs. Heenan, Alex Car- Honner, Miss Bennice Corbett, the Good Roads Association litup t be el with at a every Thursday afternoon.rs rutuhers M.P.P., and Mrs. Mr. ahMrs. Oliver Jhas- for 40 Years o service. member of couneil had receiv- kmno e, reading periods and Chairman Earl Walkey wel- 1ungs; George Stephen, Mr. and Buttars, James Gray. Helen 1 oyo h epr rmmsc comed the United Counties Mr ] Il Mitchell. Moffatt, Susan Stanworth I! Counillr Fy onthesug ,'Te Square Dancing Club people and Introduced Mrs. Deputy Reeve Lenah FisherDora thepholen, Rlpuh Stut, ai gestion of the liayorn hold orth at the Ontario Clake who presented a bou- presented a watch to Warden o! therGol d loghLifoe Councillor Fry, seconded by Street School Gym on Wed.J quet o! flowens to Mrs. W. I. Thomas f or "work well donc ams ne itr erde Reeeve Annie Oke, moved nesda and Thursday even- Thomas. beyond duty". eW amnErico! the rdGepagetî that a joint meeting o! theins The Club is divided in- Mrs. Clarke said iL was a Warden Thomas said it was ment. oftera pr Protection to Pensons and to two groups, beginners and privilege to presetit thewtoken an honor to serve the third P'ifteen-year awards: Regun- Property Committee and the adva.nced. There are 20 coup- to Mrs. Thomas, who had largest municipal body Ini On-! aId McColl, John McKelvey C. Finance Committee be held to les panticipating in this group.1helped her husband so much tarlo; he felt 1968 had been a Alvin Trew of the road depart- consider the report. and that The Drama Workshop has during the year he was Ward- tremendous year. With the ment.-Cobourg Sentuneî-Star.i the two committees be given a ag ru nsigo no! th e United Counties. oncomîng regional government Mayr Hbbssa th t ten-agers and adults. They Ms hmstakdeey he felt Ini the next two years Hobld b ery muc hen-are quite busy these days pre- one for their help and under- the succeedung Wardens will W "0I parung for their presentation sadn n etteya a have a lot of work before ?1 ih ed if pwer to act were to be of the "Boy Friend" to take been a wonderful expenience. he.IIII u given these committees Ini this place on February 5th, 6th, Mn. Walkey Introduced oth- Mr. Thomas felt the United l matter. As you weil know the 7th, and 8th ini the Town Hall en guests: Ken Symons, County Counties will grow rapidlyîin or May Your Home be report covers many Items and Auditorium. Mn. Roy H*îggins * --th, îext few years. He saidiR Filled with if! ail were agreed upon, th, js in charge of the acting cast, Business Direclory Hamilton Township, Port Hope 1R p r FiIled WltIl Police Department budget of while Mr. Ross Metcalf is in______________ and Cobourg have held meet-;, Beginning In May 1967,V eey oy$79,000 could e more than charge o! the musical cast. Ings under the title Diamond Quint", the antigen co roer It o a comttee witîî This Play Is sponsored by the A c u f ICV Tinlt ics abg ann ihhra eaue poer I to a ct," te ayorex Drama Workshop and is In -____isposal, sewers and many Whooping ough, Polio andW poertoac,"th Myo e-conjunction with the Depart- RAY J. DILLING other "headaches". Warden Measues vaccine has been offer- plained. ment of Recreation. Chantered Accountant Thomas thanked the Counties ed to Infants between the ages I1hsi lesasnfrrclm Councillor Fry then with- The Millinery & Pattern 93 Church Street for givlng hlm the honor of' Of three months and fine1 drew "power to act" !nom the Design Courses have filled a 623-3861 Warden last January. months. at Child Health Clin- S R A V ES motion, but it was lost when need for people in ths 115 a W :.J. .CGIN ebr of Cobourg Coun- 1ics. Aivny Infant who did not GENEA R AL NSR. A E Aoton b onclo dunng the past two years and Chartered Accountant cil attending the banquet ree this combined antigen warmfredhsad Leslie Coombes, seconded ~ actvities at this time. Phone 623-3612 Reeve L.F. Fisher, Councillox:sbyavnasngeiecono SUJM SDOUG JAMES Councillor Fry, that the Pro- The registrations in the ILIAM C . Huskison, P. F. Powers,1 Edmonston Measles vaccine be- (Il OJpOYUt oetn tecton t Perons nd Pop- dultactiitie aC.weE.atJohnston and Mrs. tween 12 and 15 months o! BOWMANVILLE eti o ttensons and Pthrop- Adltastivitie5a e wenda-.om.JohnEton, J . H. McCaig and age. amolli 1 1 ~~~and try to resolve matters per- iCatrdAcutn ert Comiteemee tg oter tnd ep ssorta.h nd hreedAcutn Mrs. McCaig, R. T. Love and Ini September 1967 the De- ot me, iuer hnc taininThe youth poliremreportl' 361, King St. E., Oshawa Mrs. Love, Councillor J. M. par'tment of Health o! Ontario Da reyRev udl t Thdblned autl.iogais w ' Telephone 725-6539 Lees was absent. .instituted a programme of- that t eoie hef'ndstrpt e at nmerai s o! r it iBURROWS, SELBY & CO Chairman Walkey compli- measles immunization for be- fryn ctoae sholdli dal wih y hean tenagr, nole n Chartered Accountants l mented the two members o! ginners In school. The North- fryt shold e dal wih b th ad .te er ivoled ni 323 King Street West paliament on attending coun- umberland - Durham Health enktre cao u en bil. ouncil o iaar viion f r s.o s ots a d;hawa, Ontario ties councl m eetings to listen Unit has canied this out by , Dyktata l agr eed bu pre d soc i activ tes. Rg eý 725-645s1 - 728-7554 1and discuss problems. i offering measles vaccine to ail uffering n out tha ai mater re ar- T e M nor Hoc ey eag e~ W illiam A. D. Selby, C.A. They sit ini on meetings for beginners Ini schoos Ini Our ing It would have ta be com- lis growing eaoh year and ai G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. as long as possible," said Mr. area. piled and brought to the next1 the present time there are' ______________Wle,"nfc hybt uigteFî !16 Walkey "in tct theyootr familyhe ont counicil meeting. The motion 1 590 participants companed to of cm t 1metng6ed8nth ter er 249 ladrne was c rnTde56 i gD cee o! 1967.lub C fi r o p ~r a C I i c sam e day as the opening orf1ginn ng schoo , and o ! thes e Coundil was also reminded Th1 iue ktn l s --arimntndIsil ont5.pecnthdadhedsbtfrte that Chie! Kitney had sent conducted on Monday ad Gî. ED WIN M-A N-N D-C_. knowhow nthendI smad tei 3.eas rad202pcenthda t h d notification Ini October that he Wednesdays from 4 to 7 p.m. Chiropractor openîng in Lim de"theevislnd2.2recen m alestfo will not sup ly h s c r f r i the Are a a d t ere s a 1O! iceR ussell R ow e said Wt w as a vaccine. T herefore there w e e transportation o! prisoners to increase o! 15 over last year'sI 15 Elgin St., cor. o! Horsey St. real eih ob ttedn ,08wide lgbet e the United Counties Jail after, registration. Phone 623-5509 nemdliheo ea hedn 108chlrnelgbe on nr- he congratulated people ceive the vaccine through this ~ mris fhldy December 31sL. The io oln ege Office Hours: By appointmenton holding office again after programme, and o! these, 670 Councillor Fry stated that h kcey an d"fi gu re s k at - the regional school board elec- were Immunized. The number V the Chie! had not asked that1 ing iswl attended each Deni ions and the municipal elec- o!p susceptible childnen Ini the1 s Greetings ineDei an extra police cruiser e sup- wek ithrowug91h the efforts o!_____ ions i some towns. He said IIgnn ng grades is only 171~ plied, just that hie be relieved Mr. Bennett and his staff o! -DR. .w7-. RUÙDELI-D.D.S. It was too bad the office o! per cent, but it Is regretted ! of providing bis car for trans- volunteers. 75 King St. E. Bowmanvllle Warden lasted for only one that permission was flot given!V the spirit of the portation o! pnisoners. Coun- Other activities, such 8-q Office Hours : year. by' the parents for these chid cillor Fry declared that after Baton, Tap, Ballet, Learn to 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Alex Carruthers congratu- ren ta receive the vaccine. It season to al aur the beginning of the new year Skate, Basketball, Oil Paint- Closed Saturday and Sunday lated xMn. Thomas on Lhings Ils hoped that many o! themV prisoners could be taken to ing, Teens Swimming, Boys Office Phone -623-5790 being well-planned and carnied received iL from their famly~ an ro h ji nlyColicge ym ad irs ym ar ion ll e- hoF.Necatle 87-261out while he was Wardef. He physician. thtcniu wniraf,1 rens cruiser. aelvl naon hs~Kn t .I. sald "We are living in stirring ILsepctdoth area. Ofic Bowmanvlhle surface but underneath things same basis for three addttional' TheDraa Casswil stnt 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily are moving." He felt the new years will make a case O!fI DE(DEATIfL In the new year, along with CIoe audyadSna regional government was a measles in school a veny rare- F. A K R A M P U~~E~IIhIEMII~Ifl the SkI Clini. There will blePhone 623-5459 ln-em ponmbthdOcrec.E I a r F.A R Man indoor Ski Clinic for boys potential for rapid develop- Charlotte M. Horner, RaVdEW S and to 13 years onSa- DR. Eý-. *Sïss-ON ment. MeicalOfcer o! Health y a REVIEW day mrningDecemer 21sl L.DS., D..S. 1Chairman Walkey Introduc- adDrcoG e -rga epr ai 99i the Town Hall Auditorium,l Office in his home ed Mayora Jack Heenan o! LT ime 10 ar.. 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Cobourg, saying, "Mn. Heenian GE CAHT A 'BO M N LE Mr n Ms rd rm ndSafA brie! report on Recrea- The Baton, Tap and Ballet' Phone 623-5604 Is doing a very Impoirtan tjob GO ROLDAPIR OANU Mr ndMs.I rdKrnp n Saftion ativities conducted dur- Classes hed their Christmas1 Office Hours : as president. o! the O.M.A. tFOR OLD A b IVCE BOWMANVILLE ing the period of September Review on Fniday evening, C9o ar..Lo 6 p.m. daily "The O.MA. takes prob- hocNOML E toDecember 14th, '1968. December 2th, ini the Town 1 lsedWednesday - Saturday 1uems and Ideas. dliscusses them. STATESMAN ~ N IKDLVR HTTA A Teeare some changes in Hall Auditorium at 7 p.m. DR. STANLEY GERTZ - 1 then decides whether to for- CLASSIFIEDS - s Teens Golf 'viii start earlyý 67 King St. E., Bowmanville 1wand themn to the provincial. Phone 622-3303o- i- nîmi- u- In February o! the new yean. Office Hours: government or reject," said ________________ As in past years the Pine 9 arn. to 6 p.m. Mn _Wley "Mayon Heenan Ridge School is involved in Monday Lhrough Thursday 'has rog honor to Cobourg S eaunrGeet ngna r Hockey and Bas- 9 a-n. o 4 p.m. Friday a nd to Northumberland and ketball Leagues. Closed Saturday and Sunday Durhm for being elected ta S ea on s re ti gsSpcil vetsPhone 623-7662 hi Pst" The Country and Western .te .thane hUnit- Jamboree, by large, one o! In s ur a nc e e oni, and everyone who T D F?. 'E I L the most popular famiîy ac- atendedteOMA ovn tivities conducted by this De- DONALD A. MaeGREGOR Lýîion for voting for him. He TT1T *partment, is attracting ail Life, Auto, Home fetthDimnTrageI J JV( tT 3TJ"L 'C types o! Country and WesternInsunance 'ev ipratadJ I I L ~ 'l\ L 1 Y .t singers and musicians. 152 Kin.- St. W.. Bwavil "'Yimortn n dhip ould Vin.TJ During the past four ycars mSAi PSthe COnmittee has investigat- cd possibîlities o! vanious ac-U MR . tivities requested by resi- dents O! Bowmanvlle. Some, of thee requests developed I i.nto newv activities which served their p urpose for the Iones involved and others fail- ed to materialize due Lo in- ij* sufficient numbers and a lacke o! interest.' AIl in aIl, It ta the opinion! F Ilo! the writer that Cammittee is showing a progressive at- titude in programmning for, this area. f1 ru We thank Council, clubs,i io Irga fîza tio Is, sta ff a n d resi- l ' h tp district for their excellent wiggh-ts suPPOrt towards the. Recrea- w cor We take this opportunity to sincerely thank our 'eth B ev e c'âg s yfriends and customers for their loyal patronage Ltd. to give you the saine quality service in the Wm. SMITH'AND STAFF, utr. BowmanviieFodne RusseII's Sunoco Service OSA ACEDRIC RUSSELL & STAFF DON MILLIGAN & STF J 96 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE 1 IWWINoeWM -~ - - .- v f ~ h 1