The results or tne races wene: McCabe and dean wife a! 5 ta 6 yeans aid - Darlene; Ernest Gray, Janetviiie. rortsmith, Joy Yetes, Jane Lrarhem. Lise Messengen. 1 Surviving. besides ber hus-, -..7 ta 8 years .- Sandra band, are anc son and five' Wright, Bobby Forget. Cindy'deugbte'rs, Elgin Gray o!' Wright, Wendy Johnson. ýPrince Albert,M.s Arnott 9 yees-Dale Milîson, David Neals (Phyllis) o! Toronto,. Amer. 'Allen Glanville, Marty IMrs. Ian Havey (Helen) o!.; Lowry. ýBowmanviîle, Mns. Daev i d ýe-10 - Il years-Ralpb Part-; Wick (Anne) o! Ottawa, Ms.ý grnfl.ith, Ricky Glanville, Rabbie Stewart McQuade (Verna) of' Lowry, Je!! Lowry. , Port Penny, Mrs. James Alun r -The next event waSshabt- (Darathyî a! Coliingwaod. eut using balloons. The ne- 1 Ë,tIts were: 5 and 6 yer-! The funerel service xvasr ~anlene Portsmith, Lise Mes- held from bbe McDermott- I senger. ver-inyiPanabeker Funeral Home,, -7 ta 8 er-id Wright,iPart Perry, on Saturdey, Juîy' eandra Wright. ý5, 1969, and was conducted byi 9 years-Allen Glanville,!1 Bey. G. Teskey, United Churcb Joev Fonget. minister fnom Scugog Island,; I1(0 Ca Il years-Vallerie in thc absence o! Rex. P. i Ranget. Ralph Pontsmitb. :Romeniil the ministen o! Cad-ý -Next wes discus, using paper r mus United Church o! wbich: blates. The winnxers in this'rthe deceased was a member,1 event were: Denlene Part- Interment wes in Nestiebon sinith. Joey Forget. Bobby' Oemetery. Fnget, Ralph Portsmith Then the javelin, usbng, The maon' beautiful floral'ý @&raws. the xinners wene: ributes spoke highiy of ther f5a.rlene PortsmItb, Sandra esteem in which the deceased! eright, Allen Glanville , Ralph wes held. Portsmith. Palibeaners were fixe ncph-, -The long race was tWlce eds, James Gray, Kennedy! tround tbe park: lst Devid Gray, Eari Gray, Elmo Gray, A mer. 2nd Ricky Glanville,'Aflin Gray. and a neighbou.r, 8rd Dale Milîson. . Wilfred Beggc.r >The day ended with a base-'1 Vpll game whicb iasted sevený Flower bearens were bbc' 4à~nings and the score was 8'grandchldren o! bhe decees- te 8. The captains o! the' cd. Donald Gray, Sharon D'ars were Bill Perrin and, Gray. Todd Hovey, Geil Ho-1 David Amner. ývey. Donna Havey, Dale Mc- . We wish ta thank tihe par- Quede, Mi c ha el1McQuaedej enib, who doated prizes and Dennis Wick, Valenie Wick,! Eefrec3hment.s t.a heip make Lise Allun. Tracie Allun, Shir- our field day co successfui. ley Neals and Randail Neals.' but 1 t quarts o! weten is used instead o! the milk and cream. It is senved bat, and yau can add le!tovcn vegetables in any combination thet appeals ta your imagination and teste. But vichyssoise is my favorite version o! this trad- itional French leek and poato coup. It's perfect as a coaling appetizen and, when combined with salad and French bread, At makes a wonden!ully goad luncheon. VICHYSSOISE 4 large Leeks (or 4 lange Yellow Onions) 3 large Potatoes 1.4ý cup Butter SaIt and fneshly Gnound Pepper 3 cups ricb Cbicken stock 1 i cups Milk 1 'î cups Light Cneam Gannisb. chopped, Chives, or thinly sliced Scellion Wesb the leeks and suice the white part veny thin, less than 14'. Thene should be 2ý,4 - 3 cups Leeks. Peel potetaes and slice thin, making about 4 cups. MeIt the butter in a skillet and edd the leeks, saute for 3-4 minutes on untiil just tender. Add the potetoes, cbicken stock, one teaspoon sait and dasb o! fnesbly ground pepper. Coven and simmen fan 20-25 minutes. Mash the contents o! the skillet tbrough a caarse seive, or pure In eiectrîc blender for 2-3 sec. If a blenden Is used, be ceneful not to ovenbiend the saup, it wilI meke the texture boa smooth. Remove toa e aucepan and edd the milk and cneam. Heat on medium flame for several minutes, then cool and store in refnigerator. lb keeps wcll in covered glass jars In the refnigeretor for severel days. Serve it cold with minced chives or cbopped scellions. Serves 8-10. AVOCADO SOIT HENRI 1-2 ripe Avocedos "à teaspoan Onion .luice 1 cîîp Chicken Consomme 12 cup Saur Cream I., cup Light Sweet Cream SaIt end fneshiy gnound Peppen Garnish : dlash Paprika or crusbed Diii Seeds Wesh and peel enougb evocedo ta meake one cup. Combine witb the rest of bbe ingredients in an electric blender, or mach the avacada and beat wibh the other ingredipnts until smootb. Store in covened jan In nefigerator. Serve cold witb dash o! paprika on crusbed diii seeds. Serves 4. FRESH PEA SOUP 3 pounds Fnesh Peas 5 White Onions, sliced ,4 cup Butter Sait and Pepper ta teste 1V2 tee spoons Dried Basil 2 cups Mille (more if needed) 1 cup Light Cream ¾/ teaspoon Nutmeg Garnish: Chopped Parsley Sheil the peas. Tbree pounds rmekes about three cups cf peas. Saute the sliced onions in the butter for a minute then add the peas, sait, peppen, basil, and 1, cup water. Caver tîgbbly and sirnmen for 10-15 minutes, or until the peas are just tender. Add two cups milk and puree the peas (use elecbnic biender if possible), then add light creem and nutmeg. Add enough mîlk ta meke eigbt cups. MaWyr alIso be senved hat. 917MMER TOMATO SOUP 3 cups Tomnato Juice 2 tablespoans Tomnate peste 5 Scellions, rninced Sait and Peppen ta taste Dasb powdered Thyms 1/ teaspoan Currey Pawder Gnated nlnd of 4 aLernan 2 tablespoofss Lemon Juice Suger ta, Teste 1 cup Saur Creain Garnish: chopped Parsley, or slices of hard cooked Egg. Mix aIl the ingredients except the saur creamn and garnish, addmifg sugar ta teste. Chili in refnigerator. Just befare servtng add saur creamn, well w1bh spoon. Sprinkle each portion with chopped pansley or slices of bard cooked egg. Makes 6-6 servings. WHITE BREAD MiarvaBra&Sh ced 24S tOAf2lçuéo .SprRgt wet-or etBy Boneleus, SoIid Meut PORK BUT! ROASI '79ý sUic. Voue 0w, end sa»e SX BEEF BOLOGNA 87 the. Pige*4. SX Farmily Paoc COLD CUTS 70< Burns, Bull< BEEF & PORK SAUSAGE 5 9 A&P Brand,..Choice Quality Reg. Pr,.. 2 ins 3»c - SAVE 9% WAX or GREEN BEANS 5 9-ooztis8 9< A&P Brand, Fancy Quality, Whole Rn. Price 2 tins 4Uc - SAVE 14e KERNEL CORN 5 2-0-oz ns 99< paper lowels FEATURE PRICE! SCOTTO ELS ;kg of 2roms 53> Kellong's Cereai RICE KRISPIES Assorted Flavours TANG CRYSTALS Kraft COFFEE CHARM Houa. & Gardon (Aoros) JOHNSON RAID rote, Chips Alioy, Ch»o .Mut Brownios CHRISTUE'S BSCWITS FEAT1JRE PRICEI 17-oz pkg #5 5<ý F'EATURE PRICEI 431/4-oz pkgs 89< Rej;. Price 8Me - SAVE 10o 1i-ez ctnr 7 9< PEATURE PRICEI tl-oz tin 1. 3 8 Ree. Prie. OU - SAVE 4" %-oz kg 59< 1 [Frnu Po BLUEBERRI ES E&W RE>,EXiNA LAMG AV.i1 RADE 093 CALIFORNIA,.FIRM, Ri"#, A&P's OWN LABEL, No. 1 GRADE 14-oz TOMATES29< Ahl prices thown ln this ad effective 'through Saurday July 1th, 19Wl I I 5 Varieties FEATURE PRICE BURNS C.0 STEWS 5 rn9 apaghett & &font Balla, Chili Con Camae Beef etow, Chioloen 86w, Wiener, & Ben% Apple Strowb .ry, Apple & Raspbe" FEATURE PRIC I 'O'iAGlm le8 the W. B. Blennett Pa¶-lng M&The anamm nStates Materials Ltd., Oshawa. Ont.,' N v TN mi t open up a gravel deiosit inrig n.Gerg istos it ran Ms lot 3. concession 1, township of, Mr. and Mi-s. F. Henderson dowr, electrical appliances ONll otHp.StrafMcrgrJnsadfml 7 I E 1' W fIf I Y I Manvers, provided that the with Mr. and Mrs. Ai! Per- i ere affected, bulbs broken eeig tteIal said Company and the Owner' nin Were ln Toronto last Sun- and tinally the street lights MveissJatcthelea BnlngoC I ed e dalre in writing ta maintain! day visiting the new City Hall, were off bath Sat.urday and MisJculn Oser f Mr.C Brw aco - Mi. rceTiion duorPon 97423 the gravel pit 1in a condition.i the Airport and other points Sunday nights. Friday after-Sabruhwt j/l.Qwrshngaseedyrcovey as agreed upon verbally at, 0f interest. noan the whcle hydro sy8- w ed wth M. Gataneê.nd r. thIoni etn.1M.adMs Jiii the hrewa utofcrms,rnod.wee it MrtaDrottvstM. :wihn habitation shahpa st, lîcensenty all ast ndat tetr Vîu ors ast eek f wit Mrs Mr. and Mrs. E.hSarean () Ljr 1'r iî, tc 4~ges 1>cist Mrs. Percy Strong and Vin- Of Manvers used for human Ash meig In Cr uppers for most people. RyodBue O u r T r p t Ae s a s ptients in Civile Hospital, fee of $10.00 per month. ening Mrs. Robert BrownC. Burley Included Mr. and, .any ed a rs. qe pc I ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~Peterborough. Mr. M. A. Munroe WS a pone aeae a Mrs. Sid Bunley. Scarborougb: SunIyda a Mardae Pr.'DRIGON CE Newcastle - On July 9th, the buildings similar to thosel Our tour of the Village was Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth granted authority ta hang a8 ing the place of Mr. Willils Mrs. F. Tufford. Port Hope,: Mr.'and Mrn. RaynnTim:Lau tnig *t 830 an. wo cnloas o whih tey wre ued a lîingcompete itba col dink ! Sper.Bufflovisieon anae onan nuse roa alow- arrw wh hasresgned an Mrs H. urly, Cboug. tHteir ot-.W. . T.Pts adventure seeking Girl Guides in. There are two churches in!water, which feit refreshing Mr. and Mrs. Gervin Mulli- ance adjacent ta bis property; aft8r many years on thaet par-* On Sunday Mr. and Mrs.1tage Rt Kasbabog Lake]oia l i 22 net out on their trip ta Hur-Ithe village but only the Indian after walking rover three acres. gan and Mr. and Mrs. Walter nte Townip 0f Maned otes tniculacesjob. Walet B ;oug EalMcEen a!herm terbor- M revs. rqSuBn dTrn10 2 2 ont& the Indien village. ýChurch has been blessed andý We then vsited the Shrine,:Nealg during the weekend. çi r urea i ivdcara fteHl o- uly Heading westward on High.'Mass bas been held in it. Father which is a large church over-,Mner anship Counel isîd Mr. Mun re athe moed ch irman wof th bs eHal C M r. andu r s.Mevlly. e tMrarn M rs.uls1Hmtn7 6 31 way 401 ta, Toronto, north on'John de Brebuf's bady was bur- -Iookmng the Indien village, The Notes Une in order to facilitate main the same as before. have returned from their two seau tee was held. Slm2i Highway 400 to Barrie, weîe nteida hucFt-Cuc wsbhti eoy Ail members were present snow plowing an John St. in: Quite a few local people weeks' bus tour with the1 Mr. and Mrs. Clelid ae.CotieI l 3 branched off onto Hîghway 27 er Gabriel Leiement's body 'o! the brave Jesuit priests who for the July meeting of Man- the village of Bethany. : went out ta Orono Park. Wed- Ganaraska Prancers to the accompanied by Mrs.Anl aln Seri which took us ta Midland. -was found but was taken beck tnied ta teacb Christianity vers Township Council, with Reeve Wilson Heeslip was: nensday evening. for the an- Calgary Stampede, Banf! and Wade. Barry Lane anran enls apo 7 Alter eating lunch at thetO France ta bis parents., tbraughout the Indian tribes. Reeve Wilson Heaslip presid- appointed ta interview -M. J.! nual Talent Show. Among Jasper Park. Stapleton were amin h aitn yoe1 Huronia Picnic Grounds we' (These are two of the martyrs On our return journey we toued he ilage FistweWO wrekiled y Ioqolswen hme y te ay o! sng. 'Cunningham re tbe PontypoolIthe contestants were Mrs.! The new home being built congregatian Sunday mrig .Mc.a.Zo saw a 20 minute film whichlover 300 years aga.) Orillia, and bad aur suppen at Tbree severances o! land Fire Hall.JoceBrssadVky ar r.Mselofat roo nidCbc. R.aeSan3 told us o! the original Huron We then toured the Indien Beaverton. At 8:30 that nightl weî- raed A. urz oacin astkn de- ris frm tsecna refthe lter'; O C-Ha.eonanst spree ext r.and Mr.Bbe oin village. We learned that thesection and saw the first men-'nine tired Girl Guides arnived'that the 100 acres being the claring a, public holiday for"wnigscn.piefrbrt .H e&.i rges hle n obewt n reconstruction o!tevlaemd caa inCnd.W nN csle nonth ball of lot 20 in the 8thiOroino Faeir. vocal solo. ing r.LodCy, started ln 1963 and was com-went tbrougb a iangbouseI The lst Newcastle Girl concession be divided into 3 A by-lew xvas passed set-,M.adMs .Gle o- oa epe n Mmra1tDîypeLk vrSn pleted in 1987 as a Centennialiwhere the wbole cammunitv -Guides would like ta thank parcels o! land and be for! ting the miii rates for 1969,esd ayNigraFals nMWe-!Hatl , BowmD.DeanlieM. in- Mrd a nd iMrs. Earl Wle project. The village Is dividedllived. The Guides tben talked Mrs. Jean Wagar and Mrs. !1rnmer use onîy; ta Verdiane' Siclirand MateeKvinwee t heiacttge n ak <XTID( fA into four parts - twa for tbeto an Indien, Mr. Parker, whn Dorele Cherd for driving and Lethangue to sel] 5 or 6 lots ilrt ilb 8mlsa1bll esnr bc ibWd.woudewn o- eogae h ekn Jesuits and two for the now making potteny fan the making aur trip possible, off part o! lot 14 in the 3rd: increase of 8 milîs over the itbem. fan a visit. Wdwoudewn o-ChemE,'ov/Vth When the- Jesuit piets carne'buildings ta make lb 'look like by Ruth Paterson and concession, fronting an theý 1968 rate. The commercial :Reiontheausices. f he ilectMnaymnig Mr. and Mrs. F. Henderson VVfMr. and P'R/S o"prr fram France they built the Indien habitat. Jaet ga 'oryra nth es p- r i4 p 84,a iceseby l\'rs. R. Brown, an organ-Ison drove ta Quin-Mo-Lec motoned to Peterboruho -____________ ____ ___- - -~ - -proacb aPnyolvllg:O 4 li~ized playgraund Is being beld. Camp on Seturday ta pick up Sunday where they okte B T NY1 t Lame00urtn ta selC. arlot icntoria cut, P5 owNlmornings, on the local schoal 1their Carol, then on boat trip through telas P lA/OT BETHANY 10 tonby 200Nf. 3ta C. C .t hip eand-he coni o ! n-grounds, Supervisons beingita Peterborough where they from Young's Point. chîd anaidNo. 5 bgbwy thmbelan-Durem iilbeTudy Stacey and Linda Mac- ail enjoyed a boat trip. Overnight visitors, Str lie w ca st/eMrs. Robert Bernes and in thbe south hall af lot 11l. cantacted ta cee if the Couin- Dnid Miss Dorothv Eiliott was day. witb Mn. and Mrs od familv have left ta spend eaccso n 12.idg es wotld t 5 anr the Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Farrow: home from Waterloo aver the'ý Harris and femily wrM n month's bolidays witb ber Gounceillons John P a yn eidgonesbstwon 1.loots he!6attended the Decoration Serv- weekend. Reese Cummings ao Tnfs ýparent in Halfinconcession 1Richadsontan fltie ice et Little Britein, recent-' Mrs. Clinton Farrow and see. is twa sons and( rn Mr. and Mns. Clarence En-,Mitchell were appointed as a iii IVgbs eodoe . Mrs. C. Brown were arnong'son of Detroit, Daug.Tr S () ial and iratt. London, Mrs. Valera cornmittee ta inspect the lot A mong accounits ordered -Mr. O. Edgerton met with tI1oýe attending the trousseau and Harold, on their xa Hia memeen, r o ntoMr. o! Lavernoe iande rfort back < s16,634.27, Ontario Municipal" work early lest week. when ae Gardon Martin, Bowmativi.lle. ý camping trip. Mrs. F. Ferguson. Mrs. W. o! Mns. Ida Couchi and Mrs. aebe eetget it aCucle h et i Board $15.00: Leonard Trickz, faîîîng electric fan lijîred is: on Sat.urday night ln honor ofi Supper guests, Sundawh met1 dump conitrai officer $84.75;i head, requiring quite u-brdube.Drs r n r.F imrad Kray Mis Rna rag, Mr. Aa Smiswer Mr.andMrs Mr an Mrs WeterNeas. ng.Wilson & Wilson for edver-! ber'of stîtches. After treet-' Mr. and Mrs. R. Bowen o! Mrs. Leushner incliddM N. Butler and Mrs. Marie Lsi îde saa M William Sheen spent the A grant o! $15.00 vvill be adiHA V Y Gartshere attended the an- LeleAlieOhwM.weekend with !iends in Hem- givpn to the Blackqtack Agri-1 ti'sing $6.75: Gardon Strong~ ment and necessery repeirs. Bronte spent several days and Mrs. P. J. Rowe o!Jn nuel picnc a! the Readers of and Mrs. Reginald Woodam, ilion. clurl aiy for warble fly control $81620., lhe was able ta neturn home lest week witb Mr. and Mrs;.! ville, Mrs. C. Robb, M the Winnipeg Fnee Press held Scerboraughi, and Mr. and Their many fricndsq are Permi.ssion wes grented ta Stex1art Stroig S9540 James later in the day. IClinfon Brown. Mns. S. A. Rowe. ~E S JA T E at Senpent's Mound near Mrs. Robin Alldned. Lake _______________________________$__ 68.70; Durham Caun-1 Severe electrical storms in! Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones' Mn. and Mrs. C. M.b n ~ ~ OOO9350 Keee, n Wd. Juy 9h. -vFederation of Agriculture; this anea caused quite a bit of iwith Mn. and Mrs. C. H. Lane with Mrq. Bea Jones, M m ReeeanWe., ul gb. Shore. This wes the occasion 1968 ievy $505.95: Wefre lori dbýmage the latter part o! 1xvere among those et the 4Oth1 Mrs. Cerman Connich adES OEHA EVC havig uergoJaneseyesur p- sisaterMr. ob an Ms.chntC a persmanth of June $680.27. the week. Trees wene blownIAnnivensany Celebration hon-:famiîy, Orona, were Sna tient in Oshawa Hospitel,'.92nd birthda o! the twin--------- ~1*y.Semis. (lntended fan lest weekl Congratîs 1 a t i o ri s ta Mn. b a c ri Recent Toronto visitors with George Huber whose birth-, Do you remember bow satisfying that bowi of hot coup Mrs. Ellen Duxbuny were ber day was Dominion Day: also. deughter and son-in-law, Mn. Best Wishes ta Mrs. Nettie wes on a cold January day. Weil, meny o! us do flot realize and Mns. Fred Hall. and Mrs. Butler and Mrs. Winone Kay, that a cold coup senved in the summer cen be equelly Elizabeth Milbunn. whase birthdavs are this nefreshing. The saups are neeily easy ta make, too, especially __M.ondey, June 3oth_ guest, week. fyu aea electnic blenden in youn kitchen. It wes a - happy day for homemakens when blendens came Into being PIay roun OBIUARYfan they bave infinibe uses and they pey for thernselves in Pla gro nd BIT ARYno time. It will be perticulenly convenient ta use yu IMRS. ERNEST GRAY rblenden when you make these cold coups. eporiThe deatb o! Mrs. Ernest as vegetebles or as e seasoning. Many supermenkets carry b3' Helen Yates Grav occurred suddenly~ on, On Friday, July il, New- Wednesday, July 2nd, 1969, et lasol nFia n eudys hc hi via enstle Playgnouind ended the Peterborough Civice Hospital.ý bility with yaun gracer. As a lest nesont, you cen substituite AEPR R Week wltb a tnack and field, She was in ber 74th year. yellow anions for the leeks in vichyssoise. The correct pro- JAN£___PARKER day. In ail events the con-' h a u nyduhe nuncietion o! the word vichyssoise, by the way, is veeshee- II &.. testants were divided by ages.::o! the late Mr. and Mrs. Alex swahze. It is a basic chilled leek and potaba soup witb u . lie first event wes the races. McRe sse ! ilaubahr.Wnn' rrj lP ihA ee.I"~ r For Variety and Vol ue-Shop at A& P..=