Sodia?& f£Personal Phone 623-3303 Cub mexobers from this dis~ trIci are cmping this weel e t Uic Salvation Anmy camI Amnellasburg, near Picton. Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Os bonne, Brown Si., werze wee1k end guests o! Mr. and Mr * George Weekes, Windsor, Oni Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Franci and children Lanry and Judy * Los Angeles, Calif., are visil lng her parents, Mr. and Mn Dan Dudley, 30 Orcherd Viev Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Grahan Garfield, Gordon and Gregor, have reiurned to their homi ln Valeyfield, Que., aiteri week's visIt with anca rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. R. Byersata tended the wedding o! he gnanddaughter, Miss G al1 Forder, and Mr.- Ralph Ballar( In Port Perry on Saturday July lZth. Mr. L. B. Nichola has re tunned home afien spendlngi week wlth hils son and wife Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nich ols, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs Douglas Nichols werc Sundai guesis o! is faiher. -Mrs. Reg. Cramp returne( REHOBOTH Christian R.formed Chu rch Seugog Street Mister: Eev. A. VandenBerg, B.A., B.D., M.Th. Phone 623-7407 Worship Services 10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Back to God Hour Dial 1310 Radio Every Sunday 10:30 a.m. "Everyone Welcome"l 'home 1ai week from a three -k week viaitln i Kelowna, B.C., p, wlth her son, daughter-ln-law, grandson and twln grand- s- daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ted KCramp, Monty, Cindy and s. Cathy. it. Miss Jenny Ballantyne of ,js Toronto was a recent guest of Y, Mr. and Mii. W. Maindonald, t- Lberty Place. Mr. and Mrs. s. Maindonald speni the week- &r end ln Si. Catharines wiih her nnephew, Mr. Paul Symons and ,-y family. ie Mrs. R. D. Woods, London, a vlsited her sisier-in-law, Mrs. kGeo. W. James, on Sunday. Mrs. James' nephew and fam- t-Ily, Mr. and Mii. Gordon r Wod n agtrDbi -d day visiiors. o!Mr. and Mrs. John Killeen ofShaw's have returned a!ten *spendlng a few days wlth Mrs. Nora Hornlck, Tilbury. Miss a Rosemary Killeen and her e, brother, John David, spent the ltime wih their uncle and aunt, 'S Mn. and Mrs. Abert Munneke, [y Orono. ýd Mr. Thomas Poolion, Mr. -~and Mrs. Richard Poolton and CaterieBlyih, Northumber- st. Paul's United Church Minster : Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organlt: Mr. R. Metcal!, A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M. 10:00 a.m. Trinity and St. Paul's Congregations join in Public Worship. Nursery Service 011 provided land, England, am holldaying with cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Graham, Georgann and Susanne, Jane St., and visiting other Canadian rela- tives in towfl. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wrght, Patricia and Jeffery, London, Ont., visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Byers and called on relatives and frlends in the district. They also attended the Bal- lard-Forder weddlng in Port Perry, July 12. Miss Forder ls a niece of Mrs. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Perfect, 78 Ontario St., recently re- turned home after a dellght- fui holiday in British Co- lumbie. Durlng their stay there they were guests at the wedding of their niece, and also visited Mr. and Mrs. B. Holden, forrnerly of Bow- manville. Mr. and Mii. Per- fect report a lovely fllght to and from British Columbia. Last week, there wasaa speclal f)arewe1l presentatiofl 1at Pine Ridge School for Supt. H. M. Hooper, M.B.E., who Is leaving to become Supt. of the Mimico Reforma- tory In Toronto. Mr. Hooper was presented with a paint- ing done by a student who has now graduated. It had long been admlred by Mr. Hooper and he expressed sin- cere appreciation of the prized gif t. Mr. Hooper is being re- placed here by G. D. Stewart, M.C. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Martin for the Harvey - Martin weddlng on July 5th were Mr. and Mri. Alex~ MeNeil, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson and Ruth, New- market; Mr. and Mrs. Alec Martin, Tom, Don and Greg, Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Martin, David, Shelley and Lianne, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. George Stapleton and Keith, Newtonville; Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Stapleton, Ajax; Mrs. Frank Blngham, Colleen, Deanne and David, Toronto. The group on a bus tour to Western Canada and the Unit- ed States with Mrs. Nance Colmer is really having a wonderful trip. The weather has been Ideal with cool nights. Three days were spent in Calgary and every- body went to the Stampede and had reserved seats for the Saturday evening per- formance. Sunday they tour- ed Calgary, aiso visited its famous zoo and dinosaur park. Monday ihey vislted Banff, Lake Louise and the Icefields, then stayed overnight ai Golden, B.C., rightI n the magnificent Rockles. Tues- day they coniinued through the mouniains and stayed ai Penticton in the beautiful Okanagan Valley. Ail are reported to be havlng an ex- cellent time. On Saturday, July 12, Mrs. Goýdon Martin held a tea ai her home In Bowmanville for relatives and frlends. The tea was in honor of her daughier, Mrs. Malcolm Harvey, who was recenily marnied at the Ontario Ladies' College, Whit- bty. Greeting the guesis, as they arrlved, were Mrs. Grose, the groom's aunt, Mrs. J. Hinchliffe, the groom's sister, the bride Mrs. Harvey, and Mns. Martin. Mrs. Alec Mart- iIn and Mrs. Frank Bingham escorted the guests to see the beautiful glfts. Mrs. Robert Hendry and Mrs. Stan Allln presided over the tea table, by the rose garden, In the afternoon. Out-of-iown and local guesis enjoyed the tea served on the patio under the trees by Miss Karen Mac- Arthur and Miss Gail Allin. In the evenlng Mrs. Ralph Campbell, Mrs. Lawrence Cryderman and Mrs. Everton White poured tea. A speciaî thank you Is expressed to Mrs. Lyle McMahon for her kind assistance during the day. GET CASH TODAT FOR OLD APPLIANCES THROUGH STATESMAN FThe Orono1 Mr. and Mns. Archie Fer- guson o! Kamloops, B.C., visit- ed Wednesday to Sunday o! lest week wlth hils sisier and brothen-ln-law, Mn. and !4rs. Alex Watson and ihein house guesis for the past iwo weeks, another brother Mr. William Ferguson and Mrs. Ferguson, from Paisley, Scotland. This district was shocked to hean of the sudden passlngý on Tuesday, July l4th of Mr. Bill Wllilams, age 27, ai his residence ai Agincourt and formerly o! Orono, husband of Mrs. Dianne Evenden Williams whom he marrled in June 1968. Brother o! Mn. Jack Willilams and nephcw o! Mr. Lawrence Harris, both of R.R. Onono. Funeral ai 2 o'clock Thursday afiernoon fnom Orono United Chunch. Inierment Orono Cemetery. Mrs. Elizabeth McKenna, Mr. and Mi. Wm. O. Cady, Cathy and Colileen of Me- chanlcville, N.Y., were over- night guests o! Mr. and Mrn Alex Watson on Mondey. Mrs. Bern Thornton icit from the Toronto Internation- ai Airport on Sunday for Fort William after three weeks visit wlth her sister, Mrs Hector Bowen. Mr..and Mrs. Tom Hardy enjoyed a motor trip lasi week Graduate Maureen Martin graduaied nccently !rom tlb Oshawa Genenai Hospita School o! Radiological Techý nology. Miss Martin is 1hq dm-ughter o! Mn. and Mrs James Martin, 14 Summerfiec Court. Graduate Tom Henderson graduated lu May from Ton- onto Teachers' College anc will be teachîng i Scarborough High Brook Public School. Mr. Hendenson, son o! Mn. and Mns. Ken Hendenson o! Orono, grad- uabed from Queen's University in 1966 wiih a genenai B.A. r, to Parry Sound, Sudbury, Ottawa and Algonquin Park. Mrs. Florence Ellioti Brima- combe of Orono, age 95, wldow of the laie Fred Brima- combe o! Klnby, passed away on Friday, July llth ai the Memonlal Hospital, Bowman- ville. Funeral was fbrom Orono United Church on Mon- day at 2 p.m. Interment Onono Cemetery. Mii. Oscar Adams bas been a patient ln the Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Bonnie Kimberley and Sean Hogg o! Millbncok returned home on Monday afier spend- Ing a few days deys wiih Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Don Siephena of Somerville Drive, Orono, have purchased the Dave Hlooper HoUse on Church Si. North. Miss Mabel Patton, age 83, Iand CGIT resurne ln the 1 Why not offen your help?1 leaders o! these groups ' N ew scertainly welcome any h N e w s Ithey can get. A vote of! Ibm to the leaders for aU il an aunt of Mr. Roy Patton. work over the past moi paSed away on Friday, July wlth these groupe and 111h at the Golden Plough maklng thein camp outint, Lodge, Cobourg. Funenal was success. on Monday at 3:30 p.m. from So, until next week, di the Barlow Funeral Home. In- cmefully and remember, termeni Orono Cemeiery. hmndful o! common sense Mirs. Evereti Porter (fn worth a bushel o! learnlng! Davey) o! Sherbrooke, Que., Bye now! was a house guesi 0f Mns. Howard Linton 1a week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kim- mcii recenily purchased Mrs. Robent Allln's bouse on Church Street South. Ris sister Miss Lois immeti of Nepane is' visiting wlth ihem for a few 0R weeks. Mr. Ephriam White who was a patient ln the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital for two- weeks R P ~ bas returncd to the Memorial R P R Hospital, Bowmanville. _________ Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watson The Newcastle Detachrin of Watendown spent the week- ofte Ontario Provincial1 end ith is prent Mr.andIce investigated 30 accidenti Mrs. Alex Watson. whc irtnroswr HAMPTON ft Mrs Grace Chant and grand- Côutts were Mr. and Mrs, Dave idaughtens Candy and Chris Coutis, Oshawa. 't Carter, Thornhill; Mr. and Mrs. Mns. Sandra Miller and fam- .s Vern Chant, Highlands, New ily spent lasi week visiting s. Jersey, spent a few days mi with ber parents, Mn. and Mns. the Chant cottage ai Oak Hill H. H. Cummlngs, Brighton.1 y Lake. Mr. Ted Chant came Sundmy visitons wiih Mn. andi ýk down for the weekend te bld Mrs. Bnil iller and family1 fare*well te Mn. and Mrs. Vern were Mr, and Mrs. Harold' Chant before they neturned to Miller, Brighton. Miss Rose New Jersey. De Groot is a guesi ibis week Sunday afiernoon callers with Mr. and Mns. Miller and 1with Mn. and Mrs. Steve Art- fmmily. ym and family were Mn. and Mrs. Doris Holroyd spent Mrs. Harold Powless, Oshawa lasi week visiting with Mn. and and supper guesis were Mn. Mns. Stuart Lamb and !amily, Sand Mrs. Paul Chomniak and Ennîskien. Psons, Oshawa. Sunday visitons with Mn. and Recent callers wiih Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holroyd and !mmily Mns. Harold Salier wene Mns. were Mn. and Mns. Alex Rog- Gordon Van Camp, Mrs. Charl- ers, Chnistal and Alexander Jr., es Downey, Bowmmnville, and Believiie. Suppen guest wms <Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith and Mrs. Doris Holroyd. Recent cal- Neil, Tyrone. lers with Mn. and Mrs. Fred Visitons 1aI Sunday wlth Holnoyd were Mn. Gordon M r. and Mrs. Gilbert Adcock, Boyd, Toronto and Mn. Larry were Mn. Raymond Adcock and Lee, Bowmanvilllc. Mn. and Miss Gloria Brooks, Oshawa Mrs. Fred Holroyd and Lyn- and Mn. Steven Adcock. Sun- cite. were Fridmy evening cli- day callers ibis week wene Mn. ers mi Mn. and Mmi. Amos SMorley Hastings, Toronto. Brookbam, Oshawa. : Mn. and Mrs. James Smales Mn. and Mns. Jack MacNab had as their guest for a few and fainily spent a !ew days '~days 1ai week Mrs. Kunt with Mn. and Mrs. Len Steph- Losch, Toronto. ensons aI Ihein cottage nonth Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Rural O! Peterborough. Master Gor- e an !milyvistedon n adon MacNab and Mn. and Mns. ie aindMn fanyvtd ors nd Ron Stephenson are spendlng9 al nethM. ad . Gibbs, N~ew- a few days vîsiting Ibene ibis le Weekend guest o! Mn. and Glad to report Mns. Sela s- Mrs. Roy Melcal! was Mn, Balson bas now returned te ber Frank Trenouiki, Toronto. own home much impnoved Sunday evening visitons with since hier faîl. Mn. and Mns. Pency Dewell Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smith were Mn. and Mrs. Harry Day- and family attended the 121h les, Marion and Johnny, Bow- Of july parade on Saturday in manvlllle, Miss Launa and Lindsay. Chnista Dent, Onono. Mn. and Mrs. Carl Smith Mn. nd rs.Hug Cottawere surprlsed on Saîurday Mr.andMrs Hgh outscvenlng when fniends and and !amily visiied on Sunday nelgbbors arrived te give them wîtb Mrs, Hilda Conquen, a bouse wanniing panty. Mn. Norwood and thein dughter and Mns. Smitb bave punchased Miss Beih Couits who Is vac- the former Rogers home. They aiioning thene. They ml wene bnoughi lunch and a gifi o! a visitons on Sunday with Mn. toaster was presented be Mn. Conquen who is a patient ai and Mrs. Smith. Mn. and Mrs. St. Joseph's Hospital aI Peter- Smith thanked ail thein fniends bonugh Saundy aienoo and neighbons for the nire dur- Mn. and Mns. Hugb Cotsamnd prise and a social evening was family attended the UAW P'C - enjoyed by ail. nic mi Oshawa. Fnidmy evening Miss Katby and Kimo Buck- visitons with Mn. and Mns. ler, Oshawa, spent a !ew daya visiting wiih their grandpan- ents Mn. and Mns. Melbourne Graduate Prime. Mna. Carol Buckler and Blake wene Frlday evening * supper guesta with Mn. and Mns. Melbourne Prime and Kaihy and Kim retunned home with them. Mn. and Mrs. Mcl- -,bourne Prime and Susan were Sunday luncheon guests witb Bowmanville. Mn. and Mns. Melbourne Prime, Miss Susan Prime, Mn. and Mns, Wendell Prime wene Sunday suppen * guesis wiib Mn. and Mrs. Wal- - tan Prime, Kitchener. d'- Saturday visitons wih Mn. h and Mrs. A. W. Prescoit wene Mn. and Mrs. Jacob Kesalen and family, Bolton. Mn. and Mrs Cecili Slemon y aîbended bbc 601h wedding an- nivensmry o! Mn. and Mii. E. Bnooking, Bowmanvilie, on Sundmy. Mn. and Mns. Ben Klein Nienhuis, Brian and Bernadette wene visitons on Sunday with Mn. and Mna. Les Hunt and Ruthe Henderson family wbo are vacailoning at daughben o! Mn. and Mns. Ken Stungeon Lake. Henderson o! Orono gràduated Miss Joan Rogers had as ber In May frein Peterborough weekend gucat, Misa Jo-anne Teachens' College. Miss Hen- Stevenson. Sunday visitons derson will be teaching at with Mn. and Mna. Thomas Newionville Public School. Rogers and !amiiy were Mn. and Mrs. Jlm Rogers and Mike, Toronto. t Mn. and Ms alVrli G rad a e nd !mmlly bad as Ihein gucat ___________on Sunday, Mn. John Versluis wbo la vacationlng bere fnom Hollmnd and Miss Aile Veraluls, iW biiby. --- - -.1 Gregory W. Cooper son o! Mr. and Mrs. J. Cooper, Prince Si., recelved an L.L.B. (Bachelor o! Laws) degree ai thc Convocation on June 11 o! York University and The Law Society o! Upper Canada (Os- goode Law School). He recelv- ed the Butterworih Pnize of $900.0 in Law Books and wae mwanded the Golden Key pre- sented by bbc Legal & Liter- any Society, o! wblcb he was Presideni, and also was the necipient o! the Mounted Gavel presenied tb the student con- j ibuting mosi bo the Studeni Bdy and Shoô]. Mn. and Mrs. Les Hunt and family speni a !ew days vac- tioning ai Sturgeon Lake. When people today iakp a look at bbc youih o! today, ihey are ofien lefi wlth a feel- ing o! sadncss and bewilden- ment. Like so0 maiiy respon- ible aduits ibey are apt to ask Ihemacîves "What weni wrong? Who is responsible, Where have we failed? And fnally, wbat can we do ta belp those who need our help? Across Ibis country lots o! peo- ple are engagcd ln programa wbîch do involve tbe belping and developlng o! our youih and tbey will bell you work- ing wiih young people at times la Inying and exaspenmiing but the neaulis anc for the most part a source o! great pride and satisfaction bo them. In every community people are cryng oui for leadership. This applies jual as mucb in bighcr levels o! govennment and In- ternational affaira I suppose. Wby la Ibis? Most o! us are In no position to, casî bhe final atone, because we may ho ln thal category o! bavlng failed ta offer oun belp ta somne or- ganization ln oun awn corn- muniiy. You know bbc perqon with tbe greateat capacity for leadersbip is not always the one wiib the strongest lunga n Uic greaiest urge to pusb forward. Sn. wbp-n bbe varions PtI1vities lIkP Scoutz.Tyros, Guideà, Browniea, Venturers he Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvfle, Ju1y 18. 1969 Win ~Lnk ANNUAL SUMMIR is ALL WEATHER and SPRING COATS SAVINGS pIr UP TO Su CYO W ATCH NEXT WEEK FOIR I BGSIDEWALK SALE Zènut Pol- ts ln ! ln- jured. The detachment also ln- vesiigmted 76 generai occur- rences from July 3rd ta July 101h, 1969. The detachmeni has hmd many investigations o! Break and Enter. The Crlm- mnai Code provides thai anyone cbarged with thc offence of Break and Enter of a dwelllng house couId, If convicied, be sentenced 10 life, or to 14 yeans lmprisoniment if Break and Enter is committed in a place' lothen than a dwelllng bouse.j M HATS ½/ PRICE ALL SALES FINAL KING ST. E. DRESSES Drastically Reduced -NO IREFINS Szoppe BOWMANVILLE PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SAT., JULY 19 Wilkinson Blades 31 5 Blades Sugg. list 3 75ec 9 I Ir duz Plastic Raincoats Ladies'. n purse ýe pouch25 ALBERTO VO-51.99 Hair Spray, Sugg. llst 2.98 Band-AidBrand - 40's Sheer Strips, Sugg. it M73 Paper TowelS 2 pl5y by Royale, 2 rolis Sugg. 59c c 6]l2 Insect Repellent9 12 oz. 1.66 soz. uize 99C N eet Cream or Lotion 0 Depilatory, Sugg. llst 1.35100 I I NEWI1 KODAK INSTAMATIC [Beach- Towels 36" x 60" Assorted Stripes 1099 Cool-Ray Polaroid Sungassel 50/oOFF; (urad lors'3181.27 "lOuchless" Bandages 1.4912 F.D.S. DEODORANT 13 3 oz. spray, Sugg. iist 1.7513 S.L.S. BABY POWDER L 9 oz., Sugg. list 79a 6 C Sugg. list OINMENT72c. 44 Camera Special 10.77 KOTEX Mitchum Anti-perspiralt 7 Reg., Super, %Sienderliflo Liquid or Cream, Sugg. list 3.25 e7 Sgg. listT NY TWO89C Sug.Baith1.O1.33 4 OFF Sugg. list of 550 muDIPPITY-DO I.D.A (ORN REMO VER 37C GEL or LOTION EVEREADY Transistor Radio Batteries Sugg. list No0.216- No. 1015 1.25 Qi Card of 2 Il aro V Your Choice 93C~ 1.78 value 1.49le275'1.20 value 99e84 Klenz"BOUTIQUE" BAN Roll-on Lotion 89C Bathroom sugg. it 1.05 _________ Tissiie BUFFERIN 49 Tablets 9 4 rolis L Sugg. list 88e 69C_________ forc C AME Creme lins. with Body00 S EA BREEZE 8 oz., Sugg. list 1.39 99C Antiseptie First Aid (lairol Great Bod3 Sugg. Instant Conditioner, 1,711 it f09 sugg. list Sgg. list 2.25 JF7 w 1.50 1071Gillette RIGNI GUARD nai AdornHam with FREE Sugg. list 1.98 7 oz., 1.59 value for 1.44 ______77 C IR SPRAY WEEGIE SEA & SKI SUNTAN LOTO 8 E2 oz ., s ugg* lits 110 ___ ____ __ 8 8 C 1.'033 ISUPREL Mistometer with 319 -]ÎFREE Oral Inhaler, Sugg. list 3.7, Kotex Tampons KLEENEX "BOUTIQUE" 9 Box of 40 BROMO SELTIER61 Sugg. list 1.97 169 Sugg. it 79e 61C_________ PRESCRI IIONS M L.A. REMEDIES ALEX McGREGOR DRUGS 5 KING ST. W. ?BON£ 62-5792 J SUMMER SHOES AT REDUCED PRICES SUMMER SHOES WOMEN'S *Naturalizers Summer Dress Shoes Regular $14.98 $R.99 to j1.99 WHITE » BEIGE$L9 S~9 CLEARING AT - 1 Reg. $8.95 - $11.95$69 t 8,9 Teon Age Flats ALL (hildren's Shoes White, Beige, Black G A E by Over 500 Pairs to Clear L UGGBeige, Brown, Black Reg. $4.95 to $6,9 U G&G .$.95LEIING$27.95 CLEAING~99 o~ WOMENS SADALSVISIT OUR WMS SANDALS Bacrgain Basement FOR MORE FAMILY SAVINGS MANY, MANY OTHER SUMMER SHOES GREATLY REDUCED LLOYD ELLIS -SHOES 4KING STREET WEST BOWMAN VILLE 'Il rý 1 1 0 d%àm..o