on ai Âgenta for Cantada. LA GRIPB. MU1 rlV]MNTÀmVU AND tURU)MOI TitiS TERIB1LE DII2ARD. repar&tion emenatea from ocion. eau. andt a in etivwhallis Dr.. abl omeafe ~>r mal&,e. oa. Lnogrelui ITh~e STWTEM NO1l1?e Iprintlng laM e Mr . S.M.leme very beautiful me~niorial cade.Junçtiot. iwas in ta Mr. Eld. Basoett, of Toranto, W iein lev. HU. E. Mat town nt hie parents thla week. perance sermon S Fred, have you inspectel Miaer'a tihe right ring about clenring saie priaea onfutr gooda îQOooan tiickets1 PIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT JI mttammhipm fo10m, ROUT nr tTViUI, Agent, BOWMSnVille. tf. Mr. . Ohrra Misma ora Wilson, of Newcastle, hit parlor, in the preini bouc vititing relatives in town tii. put bv Mr. Ditvld Murr two wookas. emperanae.st. Heniry F. Yb1ung, exr-R.eove of Murray, Our lubbing pric la the Local Reformn candidate for Eastwth auy one of Northumberland. veeklilea ia$1.80; 0 Mr. W. Wintere, et thbe 0. T. R~. tation, adlditional dollar pa, le-theo owner of'a lion that fihe tj1tatil5th. PrfotoIBr Wood' ed outi a brooci of thirtecu chîc ena. ofthe ~gent autihori Moui,s, ouob, Johnaton and aryder- wil bave a paper niajn <ro ninking a peoialfy j uat now of forthooming Maroh hiournng goodu. Sou their ilow adv't ou r.lInyMoton f1rhti page. been Dpponted Bail M4r. Frankm Wndsor loft~ on Thureday ioCou çrt of themeï furhinhomj t Wodatock, having ob- plaeo f John MoDi; tained a situation In the orgail factoy i lb fa propomed tti that towli. diesaColage in Tarc The fourthl Spritig Qlydemdale Boran eme been raicived, Show will1 bu hold lu the. drilU ahed, To. Motodiata whio are rontio, 0onThurtiday, Nitroh 13. Pull in aarrylng out the pafftiqljirg ay .ubc had frein H. WÂDI, [vlpe 'qcrodl Licrûtary, Toronto. ILezarun' spectacles A. apeclel ofler for the. holida7 trade- give a pair of 81. !p' gent's gold' filled watcjxea from 8 20 up- ODISIlpurhse adi' )lkdien' oid gold and asUver watchem kept bonnnu ~et Jno, . la stock nt equally iow priooea. hains of Imâle. S0e dyti. all dekoriptona. H. 0. Brittali. Mrs. (Hon) . Dismolution of partnermhip extritlnq bc- lere on th . lTl twocn ThomaTod and Oharlos Tod jr mI n t te. 0o for the p~at 5 yeara taken place enrly in Onaited un v14412 March. W. muet raiae 67000.00 befor. of à braudli of the thon. Ou; ricoa paralyze oearythin~g. Lot cquality,, 110 Chiada i rùut b, old. Toi) BitOi. of aPiedioine. Ayi .Lev. Mr. Baughnian'ti sermon -A Word caoentriitud extrao te Thoce Withaut"in l thD8cple ohurch OtIuMcii t. lat Sutndt&y eaoing ~waa boih Inâtruotiv~e reconmenid It ne and iutec.tlng. Mr. Baughwiýu'a% dis. conomical mediain, courss arecof un earnemt practioai nature Dissoluion of pai and hime ongregatUon la ateadîly luoreasinig. tween Thomoe Tod The reamajriL aI o.<aîîd ~ for the past to yettwa Thegrot ajoit ofsocalei ooghMach. Wu. int~ enre d lttl uirüthaie~mpair, thé di- thon. Our priceu Piei e ftotioral and areate bile, Ay"r'aGooda muetabe oid. Chery Pctoalcrithe contrary, Mille It urs hecauzh donet latorf orewih Profoucir PULtnI by di le at n hu0 ice of the andi ùý aper. 1I u on' i Ontt la Io fiah have moue y to apend ýouId not pasihtiy over made by Tod Bros. for rldng down thoir gooda to Ir quick males. Seo their .or partiiularm. ttion of Toronto cliona r.G .Rosa, NMinnter of Tudy and iirged thit aGr should lie hoj4sed over bufidinga on days wliou are celebratod. Tiie Min- tic give effet obtheii.viewa Dn. K~QWLUl<~~-"XO. hawva, gae rk mifl. eatatei bgRt a fliati din o ba6ve tihenidon. ]u Tud, jr., RCO oerly lu )0,00 bofaro overthlug. 1t e -creat bargailis ay ' lato MIH5m Uson'laMli dl tho ;int8rtstoùk musmit nontil. Ail lia swlll ho ,. and 75o. ; alima rlbbonat bolpw caiti. 1tpiaundt Qwil prilcp. E vorytbuiig 1 out to malse rooya far UimAÂ WUI2PSON iuq» îfrein 4apiipa ia nta îdafcer hrylig ail inans no Purpao, ftfrindu par. j& Bltd Bittura,, A)ly !uredia-Nüle boNoilea A cula4JM eli 1tamnnt madA b y Bune- 1- 1j*ýw tain& o., of the number of bogô klleI4fotia tht. yca>r wth thome of luat aeaon,idi- oine a C~an ai icreaae for tiia momon of 5,164,. JOoft Latt aon the , nber Ikliod betwoon Mr. R. Nov 1and Jan. 22 waa 17,339, tiei year, er, returi 22,513. ,Monthis' The Icj&dIug pr for God Heumekes - hiea agoil In of Zarg&h , willibce Vdov tu >tilo 1oIiiîw miu4 act of "The E4qUOttO of Dining and et lYn Dintr givluig," the. dataila boing gather- Oud Othe] cd froin coversationti wtihh Goorge W. excetiiia Childà, Emsq, whoae eleganli homipitaity la bu0là D wolU lnown, uot only throughout car own ftolda we country, but widoly in the world lit large M038mara, OÂnE1ÂAUBS AN) UO 4RS,&0.,ford, whi large stockl of the celabratecl MoLaughUin relatives carrags buggies, top arnd Open pliea- saine at tonle. carte, ladea' and raad, aleu froinDmnc tweinty-ilve ta ±ifty of the. Ovoyageaïa. 01 pian Mowera, plough pointe, etc. The tundI ubova gooda havûcob eulought ~for' cash ptuped '0 and are ail warrantod b ei a mnufectur- aplesmed erp.' Look out for bar(gairlà. MoOlung D erl (%& 0J. ýlopiitS. S. ]Pdaahll'iihardware zoen t etoru. 8.lm 8311P Th'le intercmting fltact laannouneced by of eiI Memars.. harleii Soribicr'.Sons that they recognize fiFbve acquired froui 1Mr. floury M. Stan- neoune w ley all tho AAmorleen rlghta for him par- vitalit sonal tuarrative *> a0i üîac0pciiWnfor thoe alow in relief of Emn 1 aaha. Prior ta the ip- tiv as to uerance of the. complote work, SuribnriQ a earm Magazine will publuilai ~ artiule Upon hlm F , i laat, jotray by Mr. Staniloy. Tt wifl bc"d '3ei iluetnation and asjortiiii t»t e am jïpt)týiv dt anti a contribution ns eiy that biu everz gay iet appieared in an American Magazine. tTh Frankr Vincent, the. well-knawn travol. uually& or, enithar of tho roceitly publilhed bookc two la auf l'Around and Abouti South inerlaat," end may' bces tif a fortlicuniing work on Central Anieri- porimont ont, furulah3oii au dbortto eudlng artiolu rot-arneM on "Thao1]opublies of Coutrai Amocricg," 1ble, and in the. ?arch numiber of F3rnk Leelie'n ddreaa Motbly. (luaeamida, Ilogudwui'i, Saea. platiniy,a dur. Nicairlgua and (Jout t Rai re grepli- Win. 896 inlely dearlbed. "Tire Muala of all Varw, OC N'aticnab," as i qxopliled a ti th. Paris Mr Si lxpomition, "Whaire Qairtield wae CCanal-' mnierC b oy," anl acoouut of a leitiuroly voyage on tel, yenr tho Ohio Canial; "'Ph0 X'ltOrgrItPhii foreaini Aitoblopaphy of a Sinix (CM. " tç the fore'y Tho aerîal and atiort eoai iooarc idwayeaà aupaq le Bpecal fuature bo l apflar tnly, -bio E whle i hapictitrea ara mare nnnwroua and« of thebb, excellent than Over. and no a Mr. WltürChartrru hemf boughit Mr. iag evor D. oriuýifibabeur buaiiaous and émuni- lxenth cd tho proprlctozy cf tihe ma ms. Mr. Mr. W.j Chertrautn mbeen sa long witi Mr'. foromi i Niorrifson that tii. only chaingi) notiouabièe equala i %vil bc thu abaserap cf th~e lttiar~. Mr, Jtwi v bl Cliartyrau'a pleamng arid oblibi4ng xniaper mn ~un' ia niueh fl hic laver, eand the.butelusa wIi lng merv not fuloff eny by the. change. T)ir tiù efauti ver trec- bo- afl, b,,,, ~A! .,~ ........... el. D pai4 wlthlu ... . .. ..1.01ç Mr. 1 j)-iw