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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Aug 1890, p. 4

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It w yout and Éowi in jýD r. jvisible tmom thcai, are sente auicîcut remianitie baya, tenaces, cav erne, clifRe, J Brautiesa, mnare abteiing $55 castharmka etCeltie enigin tAgsiii u ecavs, isiets3, anti tntstieallystiaped- J 14I: mt for uk araskI th arveet field. Ispeti by liii antivallcy, aroou t rivorc, o t e fauou lttq coatetof Cern. John M eJV urtry. tO 7ett (and Straw Hc 3ents' Furnishings, at a Great Sacrifice. m ~a0rr y, - Lr - tancashire anauaasnîre. 1t nei ra rough. lit Windtsor place ta tte (teueral Post tctTeeg tiul tdahnSee __ tic -et ram <reye via te pajpular Great Offie, tAntarket le beR ou Saturday. Mawgam Poxtb, the Zichot'yIslauds, a-Wçestru Railway te Penzance nlear tand's Pros» the Qastie Park, an elevatie» uear- Beacen Cove, Fiatral Bay, Crantack Bay, MU ER ~End in Cornwall, whcere the Bible Christ- ly lire hunçlred feet above sea-jevel, are Pofth Joke, tTolywell Bay,PeanSd, (A L P A P r la» Cci4erepçe is jo beliteldth iis year, several tnagrtifice-nt views. At Liskeard G-wythiau Poinit, and CIiggn lIea&. The SrÂrrSMAN»reatidrs bave hati a pretty we are near the. Devil's Oheesewriug, more remarkabls caves are the Bauquctiug la ail the Iatest desiguns. gUeucral description of the country through nurnerouis famous Druidical mopAtl»ents, Hall, the Cathiedral Oavern, tîte Bouldle, which 1 travelleti as fsr as Plymouth; and sud other traditianal relies. The'WcU 0of Caverui, the Tes Caves, sud the Nerzuaid's alto a brief description cf' tte district as St. ICcyne, ont wbiah Smitbey'a well-known Cave. 'Inland are tnany scenles ef teauty, far trust as St. Austdil. But as I have p.>em was written, is about tltree mies tncludrng the ViCe cf frenanciiLe, Lanherne z e apersa more cxtended trip thie year tramtce station, ther the Mýlocrswater Valley snd the Roche Rtocks, with the 20nz na e s tho Cornwall than evar beo re,1 shahl viaduet, 14 ht nleigrht, ire uuw speeti tiuy Saxon oratary cf St. Pin a sd the frm 0 triefly a portion cf the counttry awsy ta Deublebois, andi thence travel mmclld chapel of St,. Michael. tet 90cet. uore descritetinl order that this year's tîtrough sylva» scenaery cf the n-tst lavely M.A.J narrative miay be sornethliug like coatuplete. description, noticing, on the right, amidst Par R-ote], Cornwrall, July '01, 1890 I am; deeply indebteti to the officiai guide the treca, (flynin, bat by its righittul hieir te the O'reat Western Itailway for mnuch tbxoagh I a lunacy verdict abtaineci under (To b)conite. corate of the information I an permiitted ta place pýculiar- circumaitances by 'John (ilylnu efc mlxo, fee' m - tefore rny readlers. Cornwall, with its Ser-jeanit-at-lsw, on cf William iGlyinu, of perfbeit colexion fryreleen bplu- j1 grand rocky scencry, its magnificent waod- G lynul. St ila noirthceaet fLord VvianI, rbeisi ey>arl eu e Y ourlande, ita romrantic rivera, anti its luxu- aud centaine smre filue jaiutings t Opi cause few people bave perfvctly pure riant vegtationi, is oeeof the irnast at- andi Sir Jashua Ryolds. Prveew ire boo rAn e aet lfginth e u gn Ceilings.reuaarkable forth qaityf its atmno- cf Coloniel Gryfls, theu paas overWé'(stwood ýasparilla. Try it sud surprise yaur sphaere. Accurate observations hlave Viaduot, sud prcseptly sec Lanhbydrack rindei with the resait, -provedthte meantemlperatureet Falmioutb Park, the seat et Baron Raates cf Tinta, AUCTION SALES. iii ost o moe tohaveanti Penzance turin., ievemer, ecer iricli iras garrisonii fer- Charles I.,whrile ,illcostilo llor to aveber sud Jauuary, ta ble but eue dogree again an thc righit is al spot still calleti STU SJJX Tr. l3th-Thcrc will te saIt romstat ftll ppeedlewer thani theaof tite arne ui(tutte at kiug Otarles' Redoubt. Aud se ira corne au thc premises cf the laie Thos. Bew- roi ateul aee Florenceansd Moutpellier. Seeinig ',bat ta, Boduini Road, irtence a býrautieh lUne c>tcwuee t oshliefas the entire district almo abeunde in Inatural coirnuiinicates wtt Bodinîn snd Wade- lethenOpenof ggy, outerHanee, Idertdt nspid. bcsuty, the tinteL canuat te far distanlt bridge, its firpt station teing at Radiumi, etc. This will te a rare chance for 1 decoated han spiled. wheul Engliset people -will preter ta retainl thea ancient couuity town et Cerirýaîl, parties ta furnishi at their own priceý, as s- Engis aureud g-irtlewinerng litichieflyremai.rkleferita fine parish chur h UtraXîo reserve, Iani A. W. ToLa, tcWtrater thialito imoreassetheir witiis je çlargest lu Oornwall. Ameon- Autner expanditure sud lesse» their home* coin- ument teSLiT.teuatmt-General G iltert, ove - ---- -fortLs ty s prolongeai sjouri in the South 140 fet inl tighit, standls an Deacoi' Hi , Fi d n te rem820h onThcre illteeffee et Europe. Atdutloters te Wh10m11uclithe townspeople's favorite promienade ý A Ont reieasevdtth Q~rraMnz~tftnu u*questions îuivitt teilmaterial ironti fully Britishifertrese existe at Castie Canyke w bale et the reas]cetate cf te Iste Titos. appreciate thûc adautagecof dwellîng ua(in' ati)in ml itat In Bawdev, ceneistiug cf 1 brick dweiling, seteries, c3iItsiiig, 'é roornesud hall' mut muteintr climiate, while yet irithin a tenl town has a lttrary institution, a hospital~ . XÂI4YILLE, AUGUST 2 7, 1890.lhanre' journeyof thenetroplis-Londoen. a dispensary andi a toundatien griar 1 raoutk ani ll;i ca teg cotrame, 1 ________________ We tegan aur western tour ty rcsuning echeel. Dunrng the easoiau a csot uas 9rosadhl;1ctaefae our journey ever thc main hune at Ply- frorndin te Bascasite, a primitive stary, cenitaiugý,, 6(recuis anti hall; 1 AnêM aowxceamîssiuer for mentit fer Peozauce anti soon pause at little saapert ou ttc north coq at t ofqrî- dul rikles, tnscnsn nuaica Exhibition, balieves it monîti »cvouport, 130 miles tramr Bristal.- raI.Ani extens1ýiOof the t ranch fhem img, 7 recus is it hall tiicaci boume. te h etDevanpart jesni in auy respecta an ilutegral Bodmnin cemuiatsmthWdbrde ¶ertos suda ,,ofuiionsonu dey cf sale. aterially lute.mreto the pro- part et Plymiath, althougk inlce 18-22 it a Carniat miiývkat-temn ou to t anks cf La A.W TrAcincr austdian uxitiit if pictures et cur tas tecu gaveruiet ty ite cwnmniaipal- the Caînel. I. ts echef support is ticrivei iLit t cf'Fait Pairs. g cities caulti te prepareci sud sent ity. The tain sund nigbrhe, iet tfram ithe surr»uundirtg agricultursi district,j lacuuiteýdly caverail e5tensnve rater front(- XIse frount seinte etesve asd grýaniteTarante, Inidustrial Sea)t, s te 20 age 0ou tlie ofte almoaze, are quarries. 1-era, teeo, are Icati anti copperîids Cnrl' -3"2 arstan lab ol sc»~ essetiallIy a crecatien cf the Uniteti 2cr- mines. Wittîn esy rcach are ttc prettlly- Wýhitty 23 " 25- orsfor it ury okyusday- yîee,fer, tere sud in thec ncighiborîng dis- ituateti churches cf Eg,-lstayle anti st. 2 that ~trici cf Stenehause are sonie cf th(- largeat BPreck's, wiere are somne Druidical e- Ptroo et freet was. pot se seriona as tias teen naval sund mltary establishients tof ttc mains anti ancieut crasses. Suntce igt- Bawmauviile 245 ' 26 1 id. A large preportion cf ttce wtet kîngdant. Chief et tte local attractions tertoat fie PencarTrer, the scat cf ttche_____ in~~i thesu ah ftc eaadr Royal ]Jevonport ]Jokçyarirti t ich Ivoager Lady AMeiesaverth, irtiet stands Wby den't yen try tarter'a Little LivEr en utall muh o th, rniande wiliits affilitei tranches, ttc G un Whiarf arnidst the inloat earmiugly lsid>out 1911s Y Tbey are s positive cure for sick r advantcd as ta te able te ,witt. sud tte Keyharn Stcsrn Y',ia, cevers an greuis. Antieguthte, nearer coaset e- headaclie, sud ail the illm produiceti ty a slight fromt. arcs cf littie lcss than tire hundreti acres. ser.te rePezetj,.a îarm1ing hlttie fiet- disoidereti liter. On1l' eue pi1] a dose, _________________Ttc public cutrance is lu Fore Street, sud igsu 'atigstation; aise tte primitive rîsîtars arc couductetI rond ttc- irsk- 'seapert cif Patistoir, close to soeteof ttc Dominion c(ovarurnient tias beau sthops four tintes daily. Thc Rayai grandcmt rock scenery of Nortt Carua Il. 1Iby thc quar ac cubofâer at CGrae8ûme illiam ictulln Yard, altteugt luil, heap )excursiblns rnsr aise ho taken fresln hât Aiatlc choera lias appeareti Stoniebaulse, ismar strict'y cuotitreleetsyO"iefr; t adaIr Lai4tys i onon;arsCri, itlr ttc naval dcpartmcllnts et Devoupjort. caverne, anti cliffe at Esasl;Tintagal -As) U wdy nLndttoun arsiCam Here e p eiornions quanLtities of biscuLits,mcnat, Caste ; tte Delatbe- sate quarrica ; ttecURRIE N Ic-Obaa. na, hecrclIsacsniud otter stores are preparcd fer. tte slips iliBotiin utiioors ; Cardinhiant 4Ldge; recautiean; to prevaut ite initro4uc- cf ttceIRoyal Nsvy. On1 tte saine sidae f llauti anti its Jubilas2 Rock; tte ancieut ta Caniada aûeemsta bencccsssry. the mater are, ttc Royal Marine Barraciçe Celtie earttmerka et Csrtingtaîu Bury ;1 an sd tte Royal Naval Hospita. Ttc Royal Dsiastry Peol xith i"i vnild superstîtiousan eh oln;lalh'~en snt aMiitary Hospital ile in Loirer Stoke, on legeids af auicicut dtiss; Eona-nHilall" is oubawl hsya edathe apposite tank cf Stunathonse Laike, standing 1, 100 f eet steove ti seav; RlocheI Nerw o participatQ, in the ntctçs of the A ntongttter Gaovcrnent establishmtents Part Sse, tc VabeefÀLauhcth$j li@,4andcrs, ion -Yfle 4,sociaiw a ttaiwa art,,the&Aiuiahltytouseanad the«Govermn- 3edttlifSt s EiiQBdu~. h o eqmpctitions, sertent oyaî et2ibath onAMeunit Wie ; the Roati station, we sirt the Towèy1 n E I îîr ,. -jhnHr-w Àpdeiton , a ipioce moeuluge, É lie Naval Barracins, Étic Raglan tcrgh attiokPrk, tefoye ce Qfr\AII R ttecoeupaunity etfitcrest existiuig Parrdcks, Lqgd btracsk for thc Artilery. te Lastiittial, amons fer ttce ctagonalynw îetstcl ilihams wdu is dtant parts ofwtlc ide sheet otf mater Ituaiu as the, ocn-wek-Iianteru utfits <îttttç-stecple. _-- rt,l',tcabu t05eft 4bs»wi Ç larnio4zcis.ia hut-loeti d llee cmestuiary t le a tain et great interet antiantlquity Or s4L' [0 , W Domintiont. itlt s»coorinigs extentia aver tiare miles, au the river Fomcy, wit in i1664 iras te arAD mrsselsesmslsn wiilli couli if- deireti sfaord anoteorage testiquartera cf tc Panitiiiaetary troops -f StCrfixSla l'.C çrdr -prcaiblngempayee tamfor the wvtae British navy. Ttc towilet in Cornwrall, Ail coning bore ahoulti igin ii l, orfrequenitingalooms 18 Devanpfr lias snime goil tbarougt±faree, vimit ttc "'wtispering gellcry et Luxuýtlyatu rteqdcd over ail railread ines. It cf 'thîeh Fore Street, whrt-eis tc Geni- anti H1elmnen Tor. bout eue mile fmbs», e ;CtUaJ- ain îfringpment ofparsoual liberty, oral Post Office, je thé mt jnaiportant. sud an ttc norttcmn sie et ttc tain, leis15~ jgjt eetioie tesue aiîoa. t pseessea a Town Hall; a Free Litrary. mhat remains cf Reetoruiiel Castlc,nias»cly, righ retricionbecaiserailoadan a s-karet Honte. -Ttc prinicipal 'tte, Kccp, cverlookiug Ifestarînul Hanse, elitave the rcspounibityftîiai axarket fa heiti on. Saturday, suid Wdeswith its very picturcm'qpe gain-haute. It i i r u ~~~oz ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 cieapêhas i'buiesdy sa al-clcsiug day, Dcvenpart iras sncienitly ttc seat et ttc Barîs cf UUIUiTI. M liiIH I uSE' 1 Lcrus ta allai zuon of ussteady Parl sa pleasauit open spsc,oomintauding, Coramwal, Ttc ivy-snantied relie lias mails T - k ifan ae bcin- dc vicirs. Leaving tahinà us the Cýor, about ten f cet lu thiokucEss. Atter s mun to a ve aot.Mnti re. cmum-e nilt xrrks at Jcytausi, sud th lte cf four miles wve reset Pa-r, irtere a a -rge iirurcMaker Totem, wepreectît abtain ag dtrado e amc i donlini nerIciady _______ via et ttc Roal Altent ritigc, acroas anti granite. Ttho liina-day iuidustry ls .»steci di!to tckhi p iiw aah eettseic rte re rese Saltash, niotiîîg the river, flourishing staple, this valuatîs article cf istrcveinotckhs ,000, a uctease et ncanly 7400,000 ttc finle elti msirstips at sncor, andthte commeèrce bcing ebtiued freini large beis week, Black Velveteens, Black and - A uw;tictiy ass ao tc bautift3lly-avoodcd&locpes. Bttc giciry tiscorerable ataî pt.rsnglng fron t traÙe ipueof thc Unitedi States iras 3,929;- skill, tltc youngcr Buuel's Albert Bridge, Front, this tte china-dlay je ebtaineti, ty a 4'o Cnaa 2600. T îoîcoattiag f inten pas, thetc trepracesirticitresuits ilnttose shaIhear beda IRib.bon in al widths. Coin ja ad 000 eapc, u aidstjf artieli have s unitei lenft cf cf a liquiti like artitteaasî, wtich eau pupluii'iýla ,00eol,&n sfuad extuti acresthe amar, te pliiuly secilfron thttcraihway. 0On Our Rilbon Case ik well lie pouainnuttebret 4,49.rcti;ig ou a single esst-iron pier cf four ttc qnsy at Par arc thc silver sntcltînçrg me i i iewt ebs igres 41aw txat'Canada las grownt eahumnus standing in tte centre of tihe aorks, te linge liainayfwy t iet 15 240i$ ýtdaltetin wt.tebs Jqpteîyaft a fater rate ttsîî tIc river. Tihe totailcngtt ai the bridge je feet in hieight. Thec pilctart i flstcry pitre si1k Ribbomi ail thc newest Site, teta ierastiýtt 2,40 feet, ncamhy baUf a mile-longer by flo-.uiehes hors, Ou t)>» billabstee P y, 300 tc S~ts ty feettan ttc fautons BritauutlaPBridge. teiu aIre ttc Par <Cnoidtet Mines, shil ad.eau 1, hie tegnited Sats i as n- Sts greet iieight t ram .founiatian te wih i li tully repay inepectian. Par le sitca uinitis 260 tact. Jt mas opeci fer oe mile tram tht beauof St. Bszcy. ,The first shipment of oui' ________________Li se with tiuet state aud cerencny ty the Lcavinig Par, me c-eacIt procceti avec s mat-çoptcl s aouttepas.a y~Prinice Consort, 'stase naeuait receivati short tranet biine tFoeavy, articton -se-. >iported ral Tweeds have amiv- Alf cOllcl i abut o ps-,a b-u May, 1859. Leaving Saltast, ave nîay caunt ot ite bevcly seenemy, tas idl been- iereby ater tire present ycar, the observe tIc j unction cf te ivar8 Tamar deseribeti as a lttit Dartnmouth, oins a, cd. Now is yaur tiie, Gentlemien, eU 1a$ mvil uollect tiroir owii taxes. anti Tavy, ant il arigtt, lu ttc dlis- hantsisnt furteçai-cenitury clmret con- )jc of cf is chiangala toa rause 11 tance, notice Scaestion fort sud St. >_An- Ssîuing initercstinigmonumentsmt, aa te e agob ho>. 4 ftgur gnean neet in tte business anti thonyv'scchurel ta mer. We nuxt paie Suce tte castes-n entrat>»ï of its barbent, tas, antced. ~ tord, t bing iïoutt rearùnsd Suce Castie, an old iimauion ttc remains cf a tromg ortreas, erectedu hurcs of th barit-engt amht iginally eceuipieti by thre Killigreir ai- frits protection lin the reiu etfEdmard lie peopie paiti their sehool taxes ily. We n ioir spueetifrwarti,ievu IV. Close ty thcet1uret is Place Hnso ely ad wrethpa -matie plaiuily W'ivdeiseesnbe )u lik nou ar rigtt, andti ten fihe old aucestmalroanrsion cof thcefrysLIINEN DEARTNIENT m ,ss$ avre et fr tînt pur- . tIch eioîveeeir e cerne ta tramntiet lun 1457, thçt brv miec of the awlouyt as tC o ba u-ihettagigtano t Gras t TinsTêfVtctcot uc e 4 cqut mor ~lia tafineaid os-tn euotts aGeriuisuaiet rlsi a teutfiye -cntvAl a tsln w aejs Neats' Block, Bowmaa-vilbe. E ME. M&YEJt The Practiesi flatter. 25. tct JOSEFH HALLI4 CTOan r The Oill for genuiine satisfaction for al, sorts of machinery is !oColI's (ialobratad. Lardino AN])£JYIND2JROILS Bd by the la.rgest millimen la the country, and for sale Wy hardware mnen in eaeh town. Manufactured soleiy hy McCoii Bi-os, &Co., Toronto. Alr A. Pr eA. BOWERMAN aine. Tsyarca mSRE O E cTtRUCr, sttetù te wlc De fbis macb4uaery, stock, etc., ta trnthe substaxte P OT 12"O O ftiliteotiti ta5flntte recent flodanisd iSenow tram ilo3,,andWÂT. 4 prpaefor businuess. Tweaty.tStc thauesand FR«Zoa or trrm paunda of'waql wanted, for wttolt the bighcat the BzLopD, antils lInvigOrte Und 1I9 sad alilwatt guaranteeti ta te douecSunaa rst SSsrzN, wtcfbrakien woldprint s, cattans andi geal dry mental rCt ~Qkgoades lwsys onbadet reasoable prjcen. ecoesscs ant indi4ucre- BaunrIoi keep wlII) vth thetIintes. Call a$ tians. otey lavea the well-kwvn Mils, ad rau wSil alwsys b. SnLcxnc Actionton t Smszca SYMWEM u iberally desit wth. at miien anti wamen,A flff2ntAI restçring giosr CT A. A. TIJJERMAJN, and .correcting ait 23-yr Proprietpr. XV s i~s mentals f "nVtYles dm11 or fsaling, ore0l ffl physical pcwcrs flagging, shol nlisse aL. They 'wll resteahi ss t n rgies, »ott O L VI N E 4gial anti mental. at tc isapton «Waale» Millsm. Any guanUity VER WfMAM eblti tjre teta fgood Waal for wtich thec tigtesî cash prie siER s a ANa,,ii, cur ail tnp' wijlbe umd. )Tlhave s large stock ofC rme. il siolmess wben negîetei. for PtbY p1p; . pieta koeveafi suco MER si ta meG P1LG patronage sud ihetng the publio for past te f ythtul bati habits, andi strenigtltsn ttc Vour Obedient Servant, O0URO WOMEN xýhctc pnj-Lrs wijî DPTAYLORE , 7r suie by ail drug«ists, or wSl' e sent ulpan 21i. POR.T ,Splt of prias <tOc, par l'oS), b)' atl<Saessng ee1 tle fwedag ad rHn R. wi-rrzvJS s'VMED. <Co ee sysofwdigcr j B1rocýv iflie, nt. IrOeec at SZÂTSSUAN OffiCe. ,s selling out his entire stock of Surn- aer Hats and Gents' Furntslùngs at irreatly reduceci prices for cash. Corne tlong andi secure Bargains, as the stock, mnust be solti at once.

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