land, andireinari«eu wiat the Fa the Danube, Concerning Palmeo Rhealth and winter resort, etilogisti miony of the hligliest Character Il rendered by the mnost eninent of auithorities. This charming watering-place is proved to bc reiy. for its mild winter climiate and sit simalli mean range of temperature; is as noteworthy for the preva ~$brigb1: sunshine as for its freedoc f ogs. A striking protof of its sali the very low death rate of 10-.7' son for invalicla lasts f roin Nover, January, and the aum e sus Juxne to Octohar. Falmouth Bay, inito whiel, o esttiary of the Pal, is one ile ii(W istanit, asi sighit, th e ti ace of he from we rity is ba ai ea- ex~ er to G i from -ibe severe. Fo in, hl. F lt an Stra fmiany. as th, Genft s'Furnishili L -dýd ata Great Saii yman1 it, the aSSend,u mVL bt merci- er prow is sellingout £118 euure st( but àt mer Hats and Gen~ts' Fur mlinute, -I o tegxeatly reduced prices forc îucsal along and seoure BEarga1ius, -maille'dmust be sold at oxi during, ty pre- ojected M xte'de Neads' Block, Bowmanville, T passengers anid 1: cause them asalittis in- convenience as possible, but it is the sys- ed. TI buildin' CORNUWALL I-loso, 1 Falmou Wvas Iix ler out the day VI we met off t ýr Lino, Imup's IShe r- in the We saw ýf's, troig hiea4wirid , atrong ke4&twin4. 's, strong gale, big1h ,uioderato wind, rmir- s, iwoderate vinds, Srail), fçg, ice, 151 S., file, calmi, 7 a. In, ""d "'l'work guar.nteai TAI LOu'RINN Bun I koi p:i thoweolkwn MilUqf a: Re Je STEWART 2_____ Tailor and Cutter, BQWM4NVILlrýE.11MO ut 3ý15 a. oggy. Dis- at ) O and .ebec at 5 p. 1 ý he b