aeift ,SAM b Siêm ea psrfectly ON, talc .LSAM is SMItAUrit DE ý25 CTS 'HOLESAL1I 41 W4EYAN o make home comfort st to rid the bouse cf f ishe makes up hon umin the question arises ne 't cea of doiug it. El clafums thut b s partic KILJ4S W hat woman mtroy flies witl tStott &Jury1 id and that if ýe happy sud1 CIIILUJI uld use oe or a S Two goodservant girls wanted. Soc 11,,boiftgCentral Exhibitio BeEt suitB te order far bc elow ý1Var ee the nw nkwear atl1 Errors in the Fair Priza List should be Bys'siUts a lizs balw repoe to teu3 at once. sl & o You' oucht fo see our flannelo ut re- Mn. Pickard ewasle duced prices. Ellison & Co. alith's apprentice. Mr. A. Yoetinsd EZav. T. W- Jolliffe Our local iiews is crowe( have returned from Montres!. fair prize lists ti week. Mies Br wel, of Highland Creek, The position advertie&1 eay te u lady raesti ek pnt r n t itit taskei Mr. James Elliott attended the funeral Mr. Thomas .Stacey, of1 stoOd, of Miss Jraund at Port Hope Monday. visting friouds here last WSee Cigars nt 5 and 10 cents escb t W. :E. igaretts in gresat variE bc ta- Pothiok's barber shop opposite Post Office. Pethick 's barber ahop opposit Remuants and portions ef stock dam- FIRE, LIIIE, ACIDEN' sale, aped hy lart year's tire, go at hait prics. RBT. VIRuEr, Agent, Bowr wInEllison & Co. Every day of the past ter enII Mr. W. Quiek had Mrs. Coleman'a fair exoept our Fair day. 1] vade prizs vegetables pbotographed in front of If you want a iret clasp vaiue bis store Monday. we can Rafely Bay go te A choice lot of boots aud Bshoes bought lothing store. fer spot cash, see wliat grand value yoti Dont fail te Fee the lovely can get t Mason's lothing, store. dress gooda j upt oeoedo 3. The STATESMAX as an advertislng" Jobuston éi ryderman's. n'edium,is without a rival in the charactor Yotieau get the best elioic and purchaping power of its; readers. Johne J. Mlaon'e if you wai O. Mr. Geo. Oockburn, of BlWiôdre, one dress. t willi puy You te se of the bot iudgee of horsee aeslu Cana- TUiE STATE.S331AN will be seý - da, was a juage at Bovsnville Fair. seribers fromi Oct. lst to Jan J3ownanville District bas beeu çetaclh- or 2 copies for 25e. to differoi table ed frow Toronto Methodist Çonerence Two very handeonie denm flics, and attacod to the Bay of Quintes Con- were shipped from Morx ad to ference. Works te Northumb~erland C *s te Yon eau buy watches, loc1ks and jer'ol. GENTS' FiUtNISŽINGS.-. 'very lry ebeaper at Maynard's the oJsweller's wanting the lateat styles an( cular than uny place ini town. Try him- and goods will llnd M. Mayer's ven will be convine& of the fact. bun.. Myfriend,look berc?you knowhiow weak A fine lino of uew huts in th and nervous your wife le, and you know styles le uow on exhibitiona [oned that Carter's Iron iPilis will reýlieve lier, hat aud gents furxishing ntoc that now why not bc fir about ir aud buy ber se theru. bers a box. TuaF ST-ITE-MAN waa favort ýd by LADIES INVITE.-I espeially invite aset week from Dr. and Mrs. theni the ladies cf Bowmnanville sud vicnity to et Rocheter, N. Y., who hac ethe inspect iny ne w f ur goode before investing ing a part if their boney'n 1 the a dollar. Extra value snd very latest Durham. rous styles. M. Mayer, SALE BILS-If yO want sud Tw excellent sermons, eminently the fariners te your sale adý ýrs as nrutiesi snd eouched in plain Angle. the STATESMAN. There a beet Saxon, woe preached in Queen St. clinrohlibouses ini this section intc .viug Suniday by Itev. S. L. Bartlstt, cf New- j ournal dees net go. IfOr tonville, te large congregations. ualetug flow We have a nies choice of blacK goode Association is uext Wedcesç ln henietta etc., with trimiminge te when a large amounit will h she match, aIse a fiue range cf black silk rih- prizes. Further inforuist~i have bons in plain sud watered. John J. fromn J. Bl. Mitohel, secretar fshe Mason's dry goode and jowelry bouse. asttarbtstJo bep Ladies, Mrs. Dingmuap base just recoived dry geoda snd jewelry boue EN a new stock of we-seletedl goode Hats, of a traveller's santples beug EN Bonnets snd Toques of the l1 e o' lis ouciu eea ii u alî et Straw snd feît bats re-slaped, Remieniber iu ,travs or feits at pices th' the place, oue door we6t cf W P.Prower's.. you. r /Muuy yonng oilidren become poBitlvely HAIR-CUJfTINC, AND SHAMP ?~reptilsive with sora eyes., sore ears, aud dies eau get :heir hair eut or ____s scalci head. Such affictions may be pooed l'y caîling at Mrs. A. -- epeedily reinoved by the use of -AYer'O Parler, Kirig-st., over M. IV LY.arspirilla. Young sud ld alike ex- Charges moderate. Stie h perience ths wondertul bontefits cf this really good and reliable hair t * 'To'r.- At 52 A nn Sti, Toronto, oit Spt. 27t the wite ef Mo. Winm. . Stoti. et a son. MILLSON-In Clark~e, Sept. IUth. the wlfe Mr, IHiram E. Milison, of a daugbter, JÂM-,ES.-Neut' Colunbui, on Sendar, Sep 28th. te Mr. sud Wra.lJhn James, jr,. danghter. PAice. -Near Solina, D irlinurton, on Moi dlay. Sept, 29th, to Mr. and ârs. Et[ Ptecoà, daughter. MA1RRIED. CLEI 81 tartar powder. uaEd are pure and publiahsd on every ovee ita euperionity, UIO POWDER CO., lteu st,, NOw York. .-A.ey quantity et ed, for wtiuh bigl- 1 t John Me[urty'e 1wzanlville. ýi sick beadacho a i3 int necessary. Pille will cure yen. Sail price. Sumal DIRD. SrTLTT.-At Moo0somnin, N. W. T., Sept, ltbi, .&udrew Sntitt aged '-0 years. Luxe,ýN-In Clarkes, Sept. 2nd. Jane Findlay, wife of Win. Luixon, aged 62 years., la Toronto, on Satturday. Soptember 2711i '90, Isabella Mow'ut, aged 21' years. WTANTED..-Two geod girls fb-r gen-. VIeral housework. ApplÏ te MlunDecil BR05. 4.w 'ANTED 5 SAppy te W, .-Tweo or three firat-, md iniproverq, aise tAin notmnakers. Apply te Br ZE CO., Brantor 39- .-5,000 Burrolsi Fal .PPles for whieli the hij I be paLd, Lrwis QQui ZAYED.-From lot 6, THE TALK 0F THE TOWN. e2ia Tnlat great Une of Kid Gloves oi worth one dollar for fifty cents. ~c They are going very fast and CJt, w e cannot get any more so 1" t' comie soori if you want a pair. will be Our ready-made IManties are having agreat run. Everybody S siays they are the cheapest i ndg newmapersure te buy. . Their la i to bo Peracus tra wee1k and trouble by ci Address, agency and pi ,d Otherwise. ýr Oct. lat sud 2nd, .Hausoâ are viitlng ýOntario. wrs, the best yet, as they nd de not break. Two taesyour oer te M. v's salse o te Mer. 1. . 1 prias fruit onrF l'c as lueky ai T lÙnRusE BuuNi.-The great rush bsgan ou 6uturday ut Ellisen & Co's, for oheap dâypoods sud lothiug. They au-. nounce their great annual clearng sale te continus til the end of the season, Ileavy discounts-15 to 25 per cent-on heaay goods. The public eaunly oni wat tney say, Their object is to couvert their very large stock into cash, lieuce teni$ing bargans await all cash buyers. Seadvt. TÇhe Anglo.Saxou et Ottaws cornes te us tbis mcuîh enlarged te 8 pagpes and with an attractive new heading. It le an ably conducted journal aud is werLby et the support et every loyal British eub- jee*. ts articles ou Imperial Fedonation are a notable feature sud the true ring et loyalty is sounded terth from every page. To Seus et Englaud especialiy ws coin- moud this menthîy publication as it cou- talimns es et the Order sud nmuch other valuablo information. Tho Queen's lat"Free Trip te Europe" hsviug excited euch universal intsrot, the publishers ef that pepular magazine offer anothar and $200 extra for expouses, te the per8en aeudingc thern the largeet last et Englieb worde eonstructed frein lettere. contained iu the three werds "BiuTi'sn NOuREAEEc. Additional pizes con- fiistiug of Silver Tes Sets, China Dinuen Sets, Gold Watche,French Mulsie Boxes, Portiers Certains, 811k Dresses, Matis Cloolis, and many other useful sud valu- able articles 'will alec ho awarded iu erder of wmeit. A special priza of s Seul Skie Jacket te the lady, and s baudeeme Shetland Pony te girl or boy (delivered free iu Canada or United States) seudiug the larf est liste. b'verycnoe sndiug alist oft e ss than twenty wrde will reoive a pre8ent. Send four three cent Ptampe fer coippleto miles, illutrated catalogues of prizes, and sample number et Tho Queen. Addrems TuE CNDINQuanx, Toroxito, Canada. The primae bj rt is te, raise money quickly. Elliacu & Co. 'The cearnpgsasle wiIî go ou tbroughout the geaseli. Ellisea & Ce. Seme goode will 'a soldaut lbas than atiction pricese. Ellison & Ce. At this sale we wilI seil ut lees than wholeOçae cost. Ellisen & Co. The very newostgoods will be siaughten. cd with the reet. Elseu &Coc. Dren t oboap sale pricos, due bille willl l'e taken sainease cash. Blleon & Ce. To eladirapidly, sud raises xoney, we throyr away profits this esaison. Ellisan oral 'iclet Agent-Stott & J ury's PntX$ Store. tt To THz LÂnra.-Mrs. E. Aê. Desmeond tukes ploasure iu annueine u qtho ladies et Bowmanville aud vieiity that ahe lias the beat selected stock et bats. bonniets, ribbona, stc. aven lrought te the town sud le ellieg for' lois iueuey tbs.u a'w ether bouse lu the country. Seven yeara expeieuce as s trimmen bas fitted her te pieuse the unet fastidieus. Rçixnebr the place opposite the lPest Office. Our bow pices will astonish our friends, Ellienu & Ce. Prices wilIl'e tmade te suit the. tises. Ellison & Co. Onr clearing sale begins September 27tim. Ellison & Co, Psy taxes befere Ct. 15 snd get the rebate. Seo Advt, J.TElRRY NOTICEiS. The New York Led g enfer Octebar 4 ie a mine of intenesting tact and fiction i's- gardiog the South, both theNew South aud the 014. It leade off with a briliUsnt cliaracter 'sketch ôet Henry W. Grady, journaliit, oraten and patriot, written hy Oliver Dyer, lu which the effcet ou the leçw South et Grady'e life'.work le lnuin- eusly explaiued. A cisp editonlal on "The Mi4rvelous Revival oif Prespenity in the South" telle its owu tale. of rny1 are Dr. Ge who wite againet th T. Bixby,) and the Co ingu andI so raa ploads au nd4We the Octobe sny issueC appeared. Thocon( ner oconl piere. liiese aire extra value. o, Gents cati and see our stock- of ready-made Flannel Shirts. ' wccc They are splendid value and fli w-Idl made. Our stock of 'a n"d Mlen's Underclothing is also el Jeî worthy of note.vil BARCAIN DAY,"out Oct. 4th, 1890. Ira>r onC We will, as usual, on Sat- F3 urday, offer a large v ariety of 1'l Special Bargains which., wil be away down lu price. IEvery- bar onie cati arnd examine ottr Bar- o gain Table on Saturday next. ma John MeMurtry. - 168a BQWMANVILIE TMARKETS. ad Crerted by' J. McWiirtry, every TuIia4y sp and tb ....... $2 40Ote $3 -20 Pbuh ..... 0 00,1 001 Y I il~ 0 88,,1J.00 lNo. L. .. 0 60,,0 65 s2.... 05, 0 60 I 3.... 050 ,0 55 ....... 50 uO00 .......033il 0 00 Pl us...0 85 i 00 Ji ..0 65Ir 0 00 ible,ýP lb ... O 14 ,0 15 .......0 16,J 000 ush ......O0 M le 0 40 525,, 0 00 5 00,,r 700 WANTEED Fer Fontb il! .-Largest ln Canada. We anrge l ensute sllccr Nur. lus exiier1ince net ueceasary; et sud energy eau succeed; ither salary or colmmisson; n, agents bave ruany advan- elli_ hiome -grpwn, hardy 4Jhnoe w So.ilih, R SiALE- MRS. DONNELI Ilas j ust receivel Qô,000 w orth ot Preni« sud Amierican Miilinery and is boundt ssii thora ut low pnicese te suit the timeqt Bue bue a large aseentrueut c Birds, Ribbons, Feathers, Pluses, Uutrimnied sud Tnimu sud Bonnets, iu ail the lateet u( Ladies wishing te purchase wi te call and inspeot the stock l'e chasiug elaewhere. -No trouble te show gYoods. ill do0 we fore pu Castorla, LMnm. westeral ton at Mas REPÂilIED rcpaired( ,fre the bui TA 59.8w. ý8. -