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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1890, p. 8

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f PrizeWiles as held on Tuesclav and mt, the weatle being al desired; but for ainie rea- lance did not carne up ta The iiide exhiit wDf& C oamparisofl witih mo ýutslie show ofr uve stocke wus aIS3 ont, partilsrly in the horse which con1tained as fine a lot a" ibe faund in any other part of io. As we have devted al Our Space t'o the prize liq't this week, ýv not ruoom uto art~ieularize far- The presence of Ne wcastle Mus- ocnctY's Band addled LrLaLly tb ýterest cf the fair on bath daîy. [Qwi~ 'Ba 1 t4 l~prize takerF, CLASS N-FIORSES. orteci raughlt broad mare -Cea ( Gray. ;-Gea Gray, adiali dranghit brood imare -JoRs Ohap p Little, 1%]Brown. yaair aid ge(lding or illy-A Power-s, McConaole.J L Powers ya-ar (,Id gecling or fly &D Xie- heJohn It1Man,Ja hpcn ;-.Thos Little, RB, njos Chiap. ~ sairecolt-G iay, NW Chpto sa13 -A A G~an: 2a,d P "chicks of '90-E B3ircli Turkey- -A Tamblyn Gese'EIirch. \A1in Broi :Dack, 1 .oien-E Dii oh lai and 2md S Aylesbury-' Pein-jB1ircb, Aluin Bros Pigeons-E Eirah, Jno Rinch CLASS F-GRAIN AND SEED. Wkieat, white-W C Blackburn. Peas. sral-W G Uancock. Oats. white-Jos Henry, Oats, black* -R Ard. Six rowed barley-G Gray, A Stp.iker Br<ý. Timothy e--1Ard. (.Js-W hapin. CLAS GK JT Apples, fall, dessert-A Fergusan, R and A clolwefl.. Apples, 'fall, ccolrng-T Smith, J A -Jer- Appies, winter, deert-W G Ilancock, P, Warren. Apples, seiter, aokig-,J A Jeraine, R and A Olel Tucles, N ~Sy-R andl A Colwell, A A Apples, Sno-W Clhaplin AllUn Bras. App ou, GoldenU Ree-Au ras, CBlackburn, Aples8, t hiigAFer-tuson. Apples, Tatakin Caunty Kýiný-Aà A Tlue- kccr. WV S Garnsby. Apls adi -XA A Tucker, W (ihap- lin. A pples, variet -A Tamblvin,W Chaplin. Pears, %wenite-Nirs R, sborne, Aluni Bras. PeAqrs, fall -J A Jerame, Allun Bres. Pears, varity-W Chaplin, Crab Appe- W' S Gamsby. A Ta)blyn-i, Grapes. white- w Ohaplini. Gprapes, purpe- - I G rapes, collection af red- -W Caln A Tucker. Ljlýws, collctioi- W CspiAé Ga-- OLASS II 1.--FLOWvýER ,S AND) PLANTS. Faeia ingle-A Peruo. Foliage plants-W S Garmcbyt A Ferýgu- son Piox PT)ninmOuii-'l A C(aaMSIy, W S Garnsby. Ten weeks stceA A GîaesbY, W S iby. tinta Asters-W S Galsby, M tion Of PetuniSs -W GmsyA by tionl af Dalia-A A Gaulsby,R Collection of Verbenas - W S Gsinshy, A r5S. AGar iy Cn(lt Flowers-W S Gaxsby, Mrs A A Gàmsby. las Table Banqujet-J Riicoh, A A Gamshy. IlandBouque-W Chaplici, A A Gam- W Flo1ralDs1-W S Uamsby, A A Gam- s by CLASS 1-VEGETABLES. .Uaiicy kniittian, cotiion, fine - Mrs U 41rd, * Montaue PBPaicding, cotton-Mrs R Ard. Collection of faucy woik-M Allibi, Jr * Ard. Table scai- L Ohapple, Mis$ 1B Osa'rnce Bead wrk--A Mnague. Chain stitoh-Mis Rcir. Pin cvishin-L Chapple, T Varce.e Foütto-L Chapple. H-rackts- A Sinnuons. Mru R11,Ard. lionita'n lap-A 'Montagne, M Rinab,. Arrasene-L Chapple, M Alln Cretonne work-T Varcoe, Mrs- R Ard. Applique work-M IlAllib. Panels -N Simmna, A Fergasqn. Kýensington paiting-L Chapman Oit painting, landiseape-W B3 Chaplin, AJ G Oobard,. Decorative pitigMb etguson, 'NI 12.ntigiip (n velve-t or stn Ms e~ son, L Cliap le Crayo)ntrewilg-S S Ganisby, A. G Or- ehard. Penail drawig-A (, Ouhard. Collection of Photos-A A Ayleswortli. Genit's shirt and cola-A A Gaisb)y. Col Phoo-R Varcoe, AAlýct, Shirt anmi olar-Mrs AA 4OatnsbZ7 Woolen Quilt-Mrs It Ard Cotton 1, FL Bragg, L ChaPPle Log Oabin IlDMrs IR Ard, Mrs M Brecu Quil I Drewkg-Mr's FRArd Plain Qilting-Mrs MBrli'p, r F L Bregg DISCÉETIONARY DrawSn woik, Ini VWilsýon. 'Tray co%,er- A Fergusan. Tfissue piper work- A Simuloas. 1 Tallet mat-A Simtnons. Point lace -Mrs R Varcoe. Lava wr- G Orchard. Coupt'-rpâioc in etchin -M Breeci. L air pin wvok-Miss Ferguson, 011 painting, plaqe-. F],tiney ight diess-- Woolen yarn-J Simpson. Cotton einbridey-Mrs J Hancock. Mexican work-J Dioksaon. j ubbard squash, winter, W FI ChaPliua. -Samilmer q1ash- I Btraid wor-Mrs T S Bragg,- P'eafowul- -Allin Bras IGuinea .Pigs -D Nclts By W T lockhart, six ro)wed b arley-l( Gray . 13, W T Lo-khart, snial white peas-' G 1-Ieuack - By W T Laclchari. M'1nm1Y Peas-- 1',yookT Lokhart, osis, whxite, J ReorY 13Y Farncombbi4i a, speimlen ai airaine 1bney. T Little, By C Wright, conai of butter- R Ard. H TO COMMENCE TO-DAY. d1 out on Friday a largo lot of Hats, s, etc., part of a Wholesale Bankrupt lat auction at less than hall price. "W Pods 105$ than auiy other house paid fo y al o an UIT8, O'VERU"OA choice TAIFLOR 1IN1% TlOW- Satisfaction guaranteed. UR BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTVE proving' a big success. veryV few people tbis seasc ýove saving a dolla~r and you can save very consid buyinig from Llas. The best Auwricau RuÙ1bers at prices than. Qanadiau goods have Ieen sold. ill at the most oomplet0 outtttbg establisi in1 towni, o T ýrnMu4e se0 , a s L a a CRIME OF 'BELLU. Sunday School Convention-.A.UTION SA. o 0 Ztte3t(*sw A meeting of the Executive Oouimittee of rý,S AOct. 1.-M . hURSn~-Spa1cil4 a ew aye thie Wlest Durham Suwlday SchooI Associa. l -1 inlo 0, cn.6 in youg town, 1I wa e ioh ruclr ilon wasbeIlu inbe CounealiChamiier hure the whoeêof his farn s hi the chancese iat have taken placuo n o SatuTday last. ments., Sale at l d ni e niy aojaurin there soma ear0115a- . M R, . Windatt, president, fill lthe posters. LEvi A. W. Ti iunprve1Xei~teare o ~oa ~ chair, and the f olowing gentlemen woroe er iPd , tht twaa M<ffisilt for nme to re- . ~ s., SÂ1TunDA-YOct. 4.-Then Jel}y--l Home i gusoli. Honeyj Doble Foster 2n ter 2nd ai] Single( JR Bar] Set IHa ,, Liý Cabinel Tweed U.nian- Waallei Flaune Ard Flaunt Mixeci Blanlû Clarpet Woalet counit Horse Wcnleý G ottou Breen Wool] Litte Mittsu gloaOS chich Sum lam e-R Ard yVa ofaigUrdein vealNT Selby, ",Patterns. FeCros.- G Gay,.1) Aruott. e are sparing Do pains ciri-,Warren, W Chafphn. ' Radislh-W Chaplin., N T Selby. tW make eur 1Dress Goode Mângle Miirtzals-P, Ard, Departiment e quali o ay- Melnsmus-~T SOýlby. Melons., wate- 4, W C lackhurn, thingl in the County, and Pépp]ers, rced(-A A Grimshy.n CLAS JDAIY 'UOUCE Ialiyone wanting-, either high- Cheeaa, fsctory-W ET- HanaY. priçied or low-priced Goods, Butter, table- -1lMay LRinchMr Rn can see as good a~ choice and rak-L gg-Mrs R Ar, ch better value at aur store presered--Mr W Px3Alli ay j b0 ~ - ý-W S Ganaby, Misa E. ColWal. 2The Saine may be said R' Ard. 1%1"s W B Alliai. ~-- ~ made Jread-D Arnott. R S Fer- ail the epartimeLhs of R, S F'ergivon, T Little. store. lu caub- A largicson, T,Littla, WTe want the public undrran aired-in UCULTUTRAL IMPLE'MENTS td]sadan ronU Cultivtor-W Plckard the followillg Facts, Cariage-» oAdeUlt, RU' W hv iwada- nd ancid r s. ehaeowan ql tiartiage--D McAlen lsI R 1'oa- will keep, the largest stOC Cia Elriird- rmtog Genleral Dry Goods inu te Caci Hret WAmsru, Sa mucis for choicesta se avy Hor2e Shoccl-W Pickard fam ýt Wrk-G Elbsck, A A TucIker j 2id- Oui- greatest care is to k - J Simpson, Lit and 2nd nothingy but Good' Go, -Mra R Ard, J Simpson W1e ehaetaCe J Simupson W iew aet ej ,n Bianket-hsLtl stock both low-prive&l c Cotton Warr-T Wacldle, Mca R hg-rcdgoa L-MANUFÂCTUE _ES ti vel y w iIll11ot leep trasb, ol Woolei-Mrs 1, Ard if peaple 'vaut sueit stuff t ~ : I capt buy it fromi us. Wçole-F Wlden rd.-ur pices are neyerbe i4xed-J Simpson 0f course, soine stores il 1arpt- F WValdeu uttntt&tatnin at-Mca B -RArd, A A (iaby Js tritatnin n Cvnet-J Stapletuli F Walden sorte lines at a lass for a arae-J Stapleton days ; but the persan buý àu Sbeets-Mr.s B Arcd bas ta pay e-xtra for s BlnLet-F Wadden tirhetamk pf n Stokiga MisMar LitleMra We resaýrt ta no sucli trick 1," Mca Rl Ad, Mca M but do business on the sqîi nSookýs-Mra j Sim~pson, Mary and the publiec will flud cannot do botter than deï --MyPinohi, Mrs M Bren .M SN ýF;-Mrs R Ard O N JMA N' on Yarn-F Waldeln, J Simpson MASSM-LDIE' WR~. DRY GOCODS & JEWELRY HO 'Ass OPIK.BOWMANVILLE ,hin-iaOsborne, Ms B Os _____________ mibrociiery -Miss R'tOsborne, Misa Frak Leli'q Popular Manthl: Otaber, 1890. A prtrait of ! ewoli-L Chapple. Mca R Ard Béeci, and a fli.'page iture 0f thse tcc work, flat -, Chapln, EMi. and Means Couamittee of the Boi tia f adis'nndrclthng--Mr ~Repre8aisîcs; - vIiçIsfonnmulatec Ai(I cl lade.iundeclohing -Ms JMcKtinley Tarift Bill, are izdlided ai ir, A Montagn,,ýe. th illustrations accompaying an int drei5se-Mrs J H-ancoak. ,Mca A A irig sud rapicy article on Il ThoeHot t set-Miss - >brne, Mrs QaOýbornaeP.n~e," yFeeik~ )n tidy-L Chapple, -A Montaguewi, n the Octolier nnmhdr cf Frank eLý ýe1àtiy-T Varooae A - Mulie1tcin, Populatr Montbly. A powerfal peeni, y tidy-A Simmiron, 4.AMontag i . Cyclone, " by ,oaquin Miler, is edi ndency 1 was i baveE ne I)wI away. Thiere 15 lre 1 saboula like. ta before mîn ext riat and that is a chiale of of onue of you',eh ureh- as yaurs shotld not be ional charin. 1 diai at a movemient in ibis1 tuplateci, aud with al t Gadaipeed ; for the ice of clinroh chimnee raec ;they uem to y air (if the Lord'a to the caraes eues, a iheit, steps ta 'Od'a ,he the spirit of prayer Q f Or ta ber ays elect keep- *ods. p in1 ha ohiurchie's 1ticase are hIabrualniausl y Ç' give fart h usul sweetniesu -a andi mout Mr. Tfr6biloack WR-s appo!ted deO1g&te Iin Brantford. chilery, &c., is à motin wassadopted recommn Iig the o'coackSharp. S estabishmient of iownsbip institutos,whlOk A. W. Toax, aucti Woual old meetings ai va-noue local een- TUIISPÂDY, OCT. 4.- tres. ill Bell on lot 35, ires _______ - valuablo fan Darlington 0ounactl, housulhold effectse -- Sale at 1 p.nm. Se TOWr?ÇH Iia,, Hamnpton, Sept, 27 1890. L. A. W. Taia, a Rogiar meeting 0of Counchl. Meinibers Tii wiîî disOTe ail presefit. The minutes of last meeting w- Co t b a were reed and eontiroeed. A. commuunica. 6,$Darlington, ont iais was presentted from t). B. Sinipeof L. A. W. Ta1, Eeq., on tblalf of Mr. John 0ke, coin- uD , c.1- plailning tbst the j udgnient of the court ini saleÂof 0cr. 17- the late trisl had Dot been oprried outIo wilsal e ! pfai ceut the part of the couiieil; ancd als>o laiming wltie rpaeyafIV dlamages f or lose of thie years orop. Rie- h r et ! ferred o committeecoamposed of the. about the rmldduat ReeveMea5rs, Pollock and Brent. A coin-,iesSobl.- plaint was mado as te the concdition of the roact known as thse Long Sault. Refer C. H UY recl ta the Reeve, Messrs. Awde andi Bren t. Messre. Allen 'Hayes, Luke P'ot- S-êTuncAy, OQ& ter, andi J. J . Virtue, appieci ta the yardsOhwS courncil for conpensatiafl for loua of Sboep plements, etc. kiUled by doge. The amounts narrned be. Euxi ,auto low were alQwýEd. The lerk was instruct. WB.DNES5PÂX, O ed ta notify Mns. Minns to move her Dish, lot 9, aon. fancs off the road betweenii ots 8 and 9 in »orth of ]$own thse 4th cou. The matter of change of did lot of o! s water course, on thse land of Mr. T has. aeat î1.. s JBurrows, was referredt t Messre. Pollock C. HLUNIKINGýC, auc Iand Awde, On motion the Reeve iU-! OCTNunê .c, t o ffr. n vant n,,ders on the Treasure-r ! kie. wilI Bel ilh iyare eso chim , selep danages, sale.1 da 6gs 66; Iprice is mrtice. o rni,ne r. fila 0di ng a . n. rSaturday vub. eU,.U oua W.INDATT, T. Ci. oil oul hnî ha avetis haver of fine Suitings, Overcoatings, etc. ing to order, marde by the iUtIgh ews 'acser-W C sua d 3d -W CJ BlackburuIi lt, 2ad ewe-, Shrot'shice. havinag sesn- x ra la iand ewes;Sri5ie ae ýý--Allin Brus, 4A Tamblb nci A Col will,W C Blacot- phz r Iiivig lad4piga, kiihire-W C >lackhurn, F u inthe -PO'ULTItY. iabug-E urh lst Illambuir,--E -Birchi v' bicka ! 'f - He.mhurg A Tamblyn, E Ham'nurg ohiclc Gf '90 -E t bu-. -irais1lai ta . 1

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