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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1890, p. 4

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PARU. rei ar 1 have a very fine assortment of WALL PAPEF ini all'the latest designs, Bronze Fa persi fromn 20 cents. Youx ît Will Cost no more t~o have your rooms tas( efiully papered and decoraiked than spoiled. R. Trebioock. -eQwbfAVILLE, OçT' S, T18N. -U1Qn. J Qh»; Dryden and lIon. 1' La- courXt, tho two liew merebers of the On- tario cabinet, have been re-elected by 0,wing to the action 'of th lil nliar%7coin- Un in lncioeaahig the price of flourbazeirs hav~e advanced~ the price of bread. While everythingthat workingwen have fo buy is uwcrease>d in4r ueby tariffe andl coin- bineg thee sno increase in wages. TIIE tàvocates of!110 land have apparentlys ,incimg Lard Salisbury - ùf the justice and wisdoi for il lesmnmewmied thai hters are preparing a in 41me office of Lord J4êm> for Ire- lu cau- followers compcrition, in 'wnîcu several ountice odist Uy, eompeted, we ooncluded ta puy hlm a visit, niext lc have a chat and. lake a look over hiswek grounds. Highifield Farnai,3 situated on pawers lot 26, in the th commcession o!fJDarling- zis Bru. ton, a hait mile west cf Solimma and con. uuch 1 tains 150 acres. brethren W. were af course very kiudly receiv- ienst a p ed by Mr. Pasca., who lu bis hearty euggest1 Aiiglo-~Sxon imanier sliowcd us 1tlitouch aelectin hia flue residence sand outer farmn buird- they aij luge. The. oter buildings are nearly they hav new sud are sitnated on an elevated pioe u ieo o of ground. No expeus. bas been spared yar cho ta, malt e aah eommpartmt as perfatxt as good iiu mney, united with forethought aud uecktics. architectural skil uould accomplielm. The. limse wv dwellimg lheus. e s aatone strxuture,,30x tical ide 40 feet with sisted roof snid ea model o f teachers compatn.ess and neatness, interually and ta bc tar extrnally. fui of th The barn je a capacious structure, 30x time cong 123 feet with batsemnts of tihbast atone lime wor nimaonry an~d moat durable and mruera bishops. fttings that can be conaalmuoted. The fe~'rces gardais also le aethodicalUy laid out move pi with samall fruit trees af varions kinde. MNetlmo)di There la aleo s flue orchard on the prezu- samie wa ises of well seectedt apple sud pear trees gauized ail well kept and beslniiy in appearauce. specialk The. farm is slightly rolmur, having inaturafl sufficieut siope so that no undar drainuig their Pre whatever la required. »uriug aur vlsit one beec we obtaiued an expansive sud iot beau- proýelihe tifuil view of lthe eurroanding country, way for1 several villages and the. Iovoly bltie waters toadiedt of Lake Ontario. Tii. fields are well laid lttle tin out, of good sie .asd well fonoed ou tbe they begi iuoet approved ruethode, and the soile s ad spur in ai hi-ghly prodtutive et3te of fortilit7 t>e monc snd niceIy f ree from noxious weedsqwe hhey hiv Undeorstand. Thero is a beautfll eckeit eco l runnink 4tbxough the farni which bias a if they1 pleutif ni supply o! water uhroughouIt the spirituial driest mseonisa natter Mr. Pasco. ha successfulty followed mimerai faruming aincehie boyhood and h. informa gcreater us that miixed farumiuig i3 thi. surest nme-h- beacon1 ai! foe agriclturalists t3 follow in iis juta thea part of Canaa. whieu s C We fotund hie stock of thoro'-br.d snd lion and bigh grade cattle in excellent condition. ta b. it Heelbas a very fine flo)ck af Ootswold and f orcible Shropsire Down aheep sud soume very church In good barêes; w. soticed s very tiue teama club" w] of driving horses (grays) sud soin(, heavy separated work herses besideaseuome proniing one uum Young stceck. programi Aements, af wlmmelm hiehas e alwaye stored ilu bil b ouses when ual iu use. hairid always ha fonnd me neighborhood le to b. d shold feel justly prend midst 80choice.a farni as icl abreist wîth tb. hast ýViîce. sy we were lclndly enter- id Yrs. Pascoe sud tiseir di 4dmutiomsons and agters, A cammemdab e bv M. Pacoei3 that r J4au~ suiirliaz tnsu tne inueli as tho Gran presideni lloue ire emtertain socil MEi -The 0 loie., il s i1he, mat e.Atib vho eo ý n dea that rs nd th u i-ght, ti ýile goodl igregatia: )rk. ln 3alumool ,s of time pries's. list Ur p b as been cutting thafr ~es tIbo latter Id. 0 trm of Mur. t Raby Head. Oi;r eteened westeirn neiglibor, Mr. iJame Prkins, intetids leaving shortly ifor bis new houa~ near MtoefieId. His i on Henry wiII tak- charLqe of the farm 1where hae now rasidei aud tike a partner te maçe hii FapY. Our esteetmecl ni1.lbor Mr. Daniel PolUrd, is vetiring froaifruiý on ac 1 cuiit 0f ill h,)mlh. S-e notice of sle. Mr. and Mnr. W. T. <)Ie. "Stewart 3Farim," bave beau visiiting relatives in The~ re8ldence ina course of mrotion for EMrs. C. W. Qaýborüe reflece s eredit ou the builders. When eompleted it will be a hardione dwellitg. For the Wondcerful 8ucess of HoocVls 8arsaparIlIa~, the Most Popular antd Most ExtensiveIy SoId Medicine iAmerica~. Ase a nu ,h is mn 1 a beeu the greit Imi Lforce lu the 4mi. ebuin ýo! fact lthe pios lity, i )US iu auy Jocality, are t~u extent than te pew lit wbich guides the fk.If Ibis lie trmaof t chmurcelmreafll lias a epiritua I te salvntiou of sel rec ite main abject, lmow mu me such aiu argumenit lis dlegeneratud maitoaa muüre lthe sermio ad siuî d from esach other by pro uboer j uslas nmuch aspai me as lthe othier. It seei Metropoiim eliurehi h. mueitili right ta, eleut il F mile Club lias tiie riglit t( nt. Th inims of lime lira ( eomi-ewhat çdifférent, the himnin stthl a ie sanrie, len deiiatea thei b oth 3Weat Art 0' t>etter 0, but1 e usir elecionswoul no take plce ntilIlltiiieutl on tietopis Otthetime3. warningte. Ma, The l a. i ~ eiaaing agrioulturaland w.ekly pa- able and un __pers____aien an and the aïly obm bas dresses gel be.a a constant visit<,r for y.srs. boots. 1I mLae advices kpm nChin~a showthatthe %~ returues houseward benefftled, in- mary "cii coe elals afrer 1mvinhg emplye i~iish etrted4 ad hitgly peseat ei n ny are g mefiers ta briug thi e vpoth pro bably tihe hast farm in Ihis ceuni ddumaiof ah adcame tes the conclusion limateven yet lamprealon desired tanidard of efllciency, are uouV goôd Iarming do.. psy. There are mnyoy ur unddi getting rid of thoe ofeqers. -ýdiiiral vermy auperior f arma saraund Salin',, sud a s welh writt Lang , h ascoe, auch olak e Ch~ia more respectblWe or bote l w as of wall- writing dles a maitie poerliasbee drien ntoto-dûyeoumen couid lardly be foundin junualely, lbe ~ m~ltnmepoierlie bon rivn ltoCanada, and w. are pleaseci ta son limaIthvin ful c weaîijuing, andl his plac0eJ5 Waenby a na- they are devotiugg raaetrattention te adinty slape tive eCommander. Tiie Cinese ovid.ntly breediùg iigies grades of farrn stock, are wefl eeni iZ-an that noa European powyer slialllold etpecially carde, mieep aud swine. well expres ~a pedoimlant influence in, tieir inilitary 1 ~qumnik.JB or naval affire. The G. T. R. and 0. P. R. pression ai limat go to i you that yc Tjiiu iimclueivenidi 7eween Grieat A COWLBIN&TIO2N OF INTERESTS IIETWEEN fspiey, haugi Britaili an4 Y rneewithrepec imte- TI~IFS WO ORLAT LTINE POSSIBILE. Bsune.. 1 - -1 - a ietter if 1 iýewfouuldlaiid fisimries will expire witim M TRAmuaL, Ct. 3, 180.-From ltime it ou rendint the presemt 1f3ishmm 55onand&tb. Jnii-te tim cruiiors hiave pou. forth lia ne-again, »a P"ial au gotaions were an foot ketwcnee Grand on one Of t4zt n T su ad ,mndiatsPaigoRai 5 Bdon't ]et au3 vie 'w ofîte fee lu nNwfouumile%d itlooiglote.auion of these two gelat es oByorel. casenot b.c Ne~9. Kwspapers aup- -or, if net s union , aI least la loues vs- e suircesful1 portlug the S'aiisbuiry govermnt~~s are urg- la ioncandui, ppnimapm ea poollimg o? receiple. reader "wis in htFrance should b. grive4îeriîey tier. snythiug in il ?' le ttie question liven liaIor a interested publoime s sked ? h ]Jug iu Africat or the SoatlliSoa nl exclhauge far appareutly fiiere ~bai net, but eh.. WEST I for the sureid~er of ailie i ghjs qonlthenmore the attention of the publia is cou- :b'ewfoilud1lzkudclcoanal, and Gret Britains spscui#uaIy drawn ta lies. ronde sund the, We bier.b liberaliiy toanmds Francea i the. rQeeut knowing eues asert lima this lime united NWest Ridiný sub-dîiviei<i of o!Africa iamy pave tie, wy msue islucontear!oted. The. prolouged with a rasa: visit o! Sir ,Joseph T51er ;is vieiltaethe lasI Irmeltuh for soea. sud> otho& af settling time Norlh-west, aud lime proposed hostile t.g- t, s,,deith, Newfolind]nud d: dflcuilty. isîstion treatei by lihe Unitdl States tiiral papea - - towars te ie.twa greal roads, vive iis. 1891on eal ta varions rumore, andîtbe questilon 15is usltitute fo GO NORI?$W13T, YOUN saýsin aked, "What aihi b, lime resul?' emal snam o MAN<. Wilî îiiey combine te proteetimheir mutual Livr interesé Time wili tel; but, lu th. RuRA Mvr. Josephm garris, lime welr-vn To- imeantioae. liera ls 0ue malter uptmi waiich in ronto grain in1speCtorlias just returued tiare conueced with beas, great ra&ilways CI. te the City after a twa weeks' holatin iiiaSimsy eagrea, uanely, that Nasal BE1 ,sutwen l laritd>a. Hespa ingo- l isee ony remedy for tie effectuai The folio cueofo!coud lu the. iead snd ostarrs, in *a î. receil ing terms o! the waii4erful beauties ad ail forrmsansd stages. ThG.followiugtoFah- willi b. duly -farmiing facilities o!flimatm part o!flb.emest, manly froin twa wall-leewn officials of JAS. PAR Zkild .ays t lie h.i3 leamptcd te go bacir lisais hase bear Out Ibis asertiori. Mm. Tuos, WE tib1re and! start ftrmngh1mclP 417111-J.D. Kennedy, 0. T. R. agent, Brook- G.O .Gis. ~veshng a4 ~.ville, aye: "A shot treatum:nt wiIs ALBEsR T, e-Q4 di li,,r lit-l daMeTheOffy tome of xuy câlarrh. The. preparationi le . C., O< pl ir b kew oa heý»sit t - _4allage pieasaui aid easy te use and gives me PÉERW waap5~neai ap ~~uU. as Gordon Starr, C. P. R. agent at Brock- eve thru wuiild 4ahlie large, he th'ogiml. ville, Eays: "ForeaBorne yeaasI1 was troubi. dorrec Ile eays tiat tb.tre L a hig iricat crap i cd with a severe case o! otarrh, aud was ~a~u ~alIba~ tj t'e M Itip!O a seldousi free froni catarrhal boa<iace. I Sprisng f ret vricy ofhaiýj)ts. he relried mny remedies, but withou avidi citrons, 2 W Wli ou~ aeI procured' a baIlle of Nasal Baise, sud Single dr igroera1lJj goo4> and thlIm e dy lamatian a we*jr y headacimes bad Dickey-ins fs(UtjQr Dl4iiýba lyopla 1» nagreatr diEappeared, togetber witii ail eoher Weelleu b ýjpaccefor cattIe-.rsg, Mr. - 4,i asertsp syzimptomna of- oatarrh, 1J hoeve Nasal ShrpshirI 'aullwi 4ba.4 d ha teo vo o b ai jas booni ta ail sufféring froin this uer. terrible malady," Every suffer f rom Mme W S' q;iihsin i1V' for th e 115 ni, tOýk colci in lima ieacior caarrh ebonici aI onces retloery et 411'L fte 4ii4gun 1w dvaxtaesprocoure a bottie of asal Baise, No other 8SnSowdei and 4lokeoflb wa rnpovnes 'r, re e an pcstily takitplaie., Dom was net ail Harris wound up 1ï bag -.<"Tellthe sale by ai 4alcro, or seut pos apild ou eau aometEa Youg en f togtotK l1h. Northi- roelpt eof pria. (50c. amnait aise sud 61' W ays wsat I Tiat's lime placea for themisif they large ise belîlea) hy acldressing FtTFRDxrxz yr. lentieu iwant la mmaie iuoney.'> s& Co., flrockville, Ont. of W Little 0 uis sw. îieai ncomfortabie ha' tmuh etsblaw Il think we littie sunces" are lest, gaiusd, 10), tlii latter bliat by it 1upoi soeis.ahle g or aur doiug. tteu lEtter le net askaare fl ot co wa8terapor ba 'f questionalhe es sud witeblng rsgh if they carr ressd, undier li 3ut, girls, Il le t hit evidences o exake th. favori ssr ormepondetr sIt latter 13 a res L'osld nt siO f Imw 1 wer a mywi sis, as~ Hood's Sor.aparilla possesss great 1 and medicinal miet, wlichi t poit-ively Il LOO dumionstrates wlien fairly lried. iuuc I s niost econommical, heinm, lhe r he 2 offy meeicine of wh-ich - io godiy Doses One Dollar" caii truly be said. unda- ItL 11 prepared by a Coiuiatidn, Àna 3 nuses Proportrin aud Process Peculiar to mere Itsecf, unknaown to otlmer preparatlons, lil a and by which ail the rmecinl value of nday the various ingredieuts le secured. ILteffecta memarkabe cures 'where f ho 4 otber mmediines have utteriyfailed oC 11-1e teo ay good whalever. ust asIL is a moderunmediclamu, eriginated or as by expoiençeçipharmacists, sad Sstill carefully prepared under thicir per- ss of sona supervision. lImhe ILt l ean, cleo.r and beautiful in 6 appearauce, pleasaut ta bLake, and always of equal streugth. SIt ms proveu itseif W jbe posîtive]y 0m ad 7 the Iet remedy for serofula and al ýtürs, blood d4sorder, anmd the. hst tonic for bl4jY tlat tired feelinmg, ls of appetite anmd e- by the medidane itself. ad ta A PoinTt for Youa. ,, if you wout oa blood purifier or hg strengtheuing mediclue, you should get >re the best. Ask for Hood's SarsalpariILat, 'he and imelt upon having it. Do uot let ion aelY argument or persuasion influence its I do to b uy what you do not want. Bc sure ta get lthe ideal medkcine, les 0 5ry oldbyan1 dnrugsts. 91;six for $5. iPrepared only ý. yC. 1. IIO#r>& CO., Mot1 soaries, Loel, Mgs. in, ri 100 Doses QOne Dolar 6h. uîvxm, roWaEs M DURHIAM 1 3by uollfy the. ng of Duorhamnhi )utioli paBsed te mxeeting, ire mer of lime aub sa t) their sddri air beeonumng n or said year, s of5 cetanl, Yjs. T, vocis JOvgwM TIS t.x, uwrax. IïA-ýLY'Ti Qono. ~Aizp, Salins. .OE, Boanvi1e. Vmaty, Secretary, T3 Etions on Prize nIheat lmearded, I1il fietpize on 11 )Wait na oaci 1 adthe Cnsopoita~n irnediately Re The modern magazine niay be taken as miber, Cn!y ?250forte ~twe. eoebodying the best literature of the worl1d, as thme ~maazine editor pays thme highest pdoces ta novelis ta, sientists, Whon you need a g004, safu laxative, statesmueu, uslermand a4veu ldngs and as1k yQu1r mdruit for *a box o yer'e princes, for. the hast they ecau furnisli in ills, and you wil find ta te g the literary lino. The w.1! edited imaga- perfec~t aifacin. For indigesion, ~zine becomae sa educatin"gnflenc intorpidl ivear~end sick uea1oIsch, tor i the. farnily cirai., whose. imootc a nçISIOC2- ntin upro. ýaciphyeanra- not b. ovef-estitaated. Thea children, as commend tbemz. they grow up,, are aracted by its illus- 41BLEY W2~~,.-M.JOUX trations, and so coma inl time. te have a 3 M'4Jýv h Clduci il rtý taste f or roadiimg. Thora le always eorae- t Vle 7> thuan vhIïo thing that las tranRe, uouiething that le and tworivd (6rei. Vil ê ethe 71l i te r.e ti ng ; a nd w e co n id e r th a t w e a r e e t H . « I o O S ) (/ e I a ? doiing our reaaa osi p tive bonofit if we feu uree it all. F( 1rmîers rltott7d g$re 1him a are lfstrtimentil in placing euch a publi- -11 b7ef are sell ing eswe-~ cation within their reaioh. The. special I~IMEIAL FEDERATION-iti no214pre- arrangement which we have umade with setan opportunlty tao e ndthe. fanmp the. Commopolitan presents vary tuusal of Dr. Eowler's Extract of Wild S-traw- inducernents. That magazine ie alroady etb ufilorny recognized as onme of the most interesting ber teunaligrmeyfo hooa publications of the. day. It je seekiog dr3ntry ad all su er complainte, ta elibserlbere everywbere and obtaining evrypat ofthe mpireW ld traw~- thern. The proprietors believe that thebry ee.fis CosmopQlit5a1 has oxly to be exanmined t,) secure a permaent ulrbsoriber. That i8E VAL .Ricrf.-,A.11haVOequ'a rights why we are enabled ta rmake, if the offer in 1: ea'n liberty an! lthe oursuit of ap, le accepted bef are Jarnuary next, such a ~Puiess, but many are!. icpedi very low rata, by whiell our readers cari race by dy'apopsia, iounsac77 obtain the Oosmopolitan for l11112. nilre energy, nerveus debility, weélnoss, con- than the. cost (,f this journal alone. just stipation, etc., by cumploto1y removing think of what the. cembination men . heo complants Burdock Bloo4 Bitters Yots obtain your owa home journual at conmferg rnitold bonofits on al tufférers, about the reaular prioe, and hiave thrown f Hî-nria iANDr>Sn>àooiN.4- a- in a magazine which giveu yau, i a year,' dies eau get their hair out or heade ehavi- 1,536 pages of reading mater by th". r>od by callincg at Mrs. A. Davis' Hair ablest writerna ofthe. world, including over Parier, JÇ, cver M. Miiyer'qs tore. l,300 pageof illustrations that are u- Charges nmderato. She has losm surpaqsea in point of interest aud exceu- roally goo4ýandeid ehrtnizfr ae THE IIAPP'ày TltOhJtIT RANE 1 MADE IN -Flou 1890- FORT Y-EftIT DIFFER4NT SIZES AND Pertect in OIperuitiou, I~IeaaIii Appeai-alce, Durable lu contrwution. T1ie Le.idngq Rang~e iiA eia We confidently affirrmïhat~ there are moire "fHappy Thougrhts' sold every year an~d more ini use iiow than any otiher Range inb CJaada; and what is more, they ail giv-e 0ntire satisfaction iii every particular. We presentitheRFanga for 1890 in au entirely new dies. The ex- te3 nal appearance lhas beezi oompletely chaziged, rilie, beautilod, making ilt an exceeedingly b.ztdeoui Stove. The inte~rnat construiction remains the same, W E BELIEVE IT T EPràRFECT Al the peculiar features of superiority will be retained. Thie only PEEFECET AND INIMITABL~E 1DUPLEX 1RAE, Buek'rs patent UNOBSTRUCT- -ALE I)AýrE for the thorough ventiltitoni of the êoven, will 4XJl be foatures of thils 1Rage. Every Hppy Tlought is carefully made iand lisg ou~r guarantee of p.ffec oa ringaiti Sole Àgency for West Duhrham, where cn e oui, , ufl e. 39-tf UQ WANVlLL Wînter is Gominl -0-, I haveo ned out a lagstc of Fnt'e in S. S. Sea.l, ?Beaver, Mink and Coon. Newest styles and splendid value also in Capes, Coihirs, Caps and-Bas Likewiae a large stock~ of Gents' Furiishing,Shirt0s 4CoIars, HW4k'fs, Ties, Cuffs, Gloves, 2Mit$, Studs, Buttons, Suspenders, etc. Ail of whioh 1 am~ determined to seli Cheajp for Cash. 0ýj-ff W1 E N Ju4IIE PAlID FOR MA~W f Uns. Neads' B1oeký:, owasviile. N. -34ug youi, furs for repairing befoetesy season sets iu,, M.M BawmamsvUîe, oct. 1 80 Annual Clearing Sale. T~E3E EmST ~T I Our Great Clearinog Sale of Dry Gosids anc4 CloWlng wifl begin z Saturday, September2lth, andi b. kapeftigoing in full blast til4 thetpend4 of th~ e aon Wt chie£ object of the iÇ1eang Sale ii 'to rai.s6 a large smouzst eofnoney, quicly, the pr ccs will need to be tho lowest ever seen in Bowin ville. In thie heavy goods sueh as Qottons, Tweeds, FlanneIs, ul.ot1s, Silks, Shirtings,, BI&rkets, Dress Goods, - Cash Discounts of 15 to 25 per cent1. will b. given. At tlisý Sale the question of profits ~will be altogether left out, and lPrices outm dowIaso lowr that people will b. tensptod to buy freelv. .AU remnants and portions of Stock fbat passed throtig h lire oflt e oor wilgo at41t alfPrice. Country dealers buyinglage unttiswill Iie Jiberaffytreated. Suits to order freim 83 to S4.00Qess tan nenal plice8. 1, NV. B.-No pmater hlw ow th~e pri*es, ail Due Bills willI Ue taken sane as cash. Bowmanville, Sep t 1, î1se LL.ISON & 000 lui. m & y E R, 1 Pmetical Furrier. CO, R' 7 bavc ugod v

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