ti Fair bld at Blaokst--ok on ýeedaye and*Thursday Iast, wae far iin Lvnce of any former, yoar. The weather 0 glôori6us and the sixteoi mile drive r town was a celightful one. Arriveod the village, we fotind everything i a tteo~f braatJe, idiating tlht son-ethiug )re than ixuual ires on the nuove. The ýrecoros, usider the able generalship of e geniad Seortary, James Parr, Esq., ir juat oorpleting the final arranige- nts for thae afternûon. After dinner muine host's~ , .Hlt, who always sets n ie table aWl pares no piins for the ac- ntnodation of hi,3 gueits, we repaired ,the Fair grounds and found the place at filling Uip with visitors, The H~all was tastefully decorated ýwith awy work of difft rent kinds, and ail very Dditable irsdeed to the ladies of the nor- rn township cf theiiding,. The dom- ýie departnnent, bread, buns, butter and her things, were very fine ; and the do- si uianufaûtiires, a ucli a8 rugs,carpets, lts, fannelii, etc., irere splendid. The 3play of grain, roots, ve2 'etables and I, was not large, but the quahty was go and a manrked irnprovenent ias no- jaabl in the n.eding. In pigs, somte yflie Berkshatres and Yorkshire Whitea re showra. The display of sheep, in tswolds and Lieceasterz, ws.s lange and rne veryy fao animais wene exhibited. ýe catlie consitteç (!f2Dunrhasand ades, among whioh irù rne megrand mimeue. There iras a great show of aesiai elak, and to one irbo bas ,aided this Fair for seveas years, a sked iniproveniexit is noticeable ; and jne instances the jungea, in insking- awarÊ, had iio ea2y task assigned 'ýig iL all together, the Fair ia an Xw scess 1 ist follioing ha the PoterbDro; S. le; Gouneillor iite, A Taylor, T White, Jas hite, T WVerry, EKee, S Swain, Lfliftal LU tU. Two swes-J Bnelish. Two Faheariný, e'es-i English. Two ewe ]ai-bs- J Erglishi, W Mount- jQy. SWINE-sulFoLK. Judge.-Satue as cattie. Boar-W ý'Wooley. Sow tliat~ has raise4 pigs this uoaon-J Jobb. So)w piz 6 months old or under-D Gelbraith. Baar-R Philp, P Holt. Soir pii 6 mionths old Werey lst and 2ud. or under-T1 LARGE D]3RE. Brood soi-G Steele, D Galbraith. Boar pig 6O months aid or uncter-P Holt, B Grahama. Soir pi, 6 montiýs old or undr-N ,ýMar- loir. POTJLTRY, Judes-Same as sheep). Plymouth rocks- P Hoît lat and 2nd, T Dmrcey. White Laghorn-Johui Quinn lat and 29ad, T Darcey. Brûwn leghorns-G Suggitt 1sad2d T Ddrcey. Hlamiburg-Jas Par st 2ud ,zid ard. JrîtaaB, lght-P 2lolt. Turke s-S Sheppard, John Beaoock, L Taylor. Geese-.i C Taylor, Mrs A McLean, W Woodiey. Ducis- W Hunter; N Marlow, A Bruce. DAIURY PRODUCIE. Judýg.-Jiohn J. Saddler, Toronto, Tub o! butter, ;50 Ibs or oven-Mm aT. Whittilid, Mrs Jas Parr, Mrs 8S Siep- pard. 10 Ibs butter-Mxs Jas Parr, Mrs S Sheppard, Mrs J.Y MeLauhiin. Loàf of bread-Mrs .Manloi, Mrs S Sheppard, Mra J Bea.cock. CJuIection o! bre.id aud pastry-Miss F Parr, Mrs S Sheppard. DOMESTIO MANUFAGTUTRS. Set bed-rooni furniture-PL MeNally. Pair gent'a boots, home-made, sewed- N Jeffery lat anI 2nd. IMPLEMENTS. Doubla cariage-G OCHaines. Single criage-G C Haines L5t and 2ad. Single Catter--G 0OFIaines. Fanning will-Jos Taylor. Sowingnahine-lH E'liott lat> and GRAIN, FIRUIT AND VEGETÀBLES. Jurige-Johu tiyle, »owmanville. Crohet work, Mra T1 Daroy. Fanoy knitting. Mrs T Erabroqider~y on, iasi B3 Fobon J3ead work, Mrs J Beaec Wax fruit, Mrs T Davey Wax shiela, Mr8 T D)aroý Artifloal fiowersnot wax Mrs S 'rgusos1. Painting in oil, Nlian S Paintinig in water colors, Miss S Moore. Pencil drawing, Miss S1 Cravon ahinzMissi S IJet4lerwore, 2VM3 'I' a Seed wiorli, Mrs S Fergusora. Har veth, Mna T Daroy. Berlin irool wreaflh, Mrs J Beaoock. Berlin irool 1-oirera, Mrs T .Darcy, Mts J Beacocli. Woolen tidy, Mms J aiacck and 2.~ Cotton tidy,Miss F Parn, Mrs T DM07,. Wax flowirns, Mrs S Fergusor. 1 výnd 2 Feather foirera, Mýrs T t>uroy 1 andi 2. Paper floirers, Mrs J Beoocir, Mr$ John Eeacock. Gorman raised work, Mrs S Frgiusn 1 andi 2, Homne-pade Cotton~ stookings, Mrs T Darcy 1 and 2. loime-mado gcotton socks, Mrs J Parr 1 and 2. Sofa pilloir, Mr.4 Johin Bes.eock, Mrs J Qu i in. Taft quilitfrsr J MeLaughliu, Lace irorli, Mrs J Beacoolr, frs S Forguson. Batting, Mr% S Ferguson. Orazy patch work, Mrs A MoLean, rsr T Werry. Piiow ahanis, Mrs B Freeboru, Miss F Parr. Geat's drawers, Mrs S Fergusan. Fancy braoketb, Mrs J Beacock, Miss S Moore. Gets lippens, B Freeburu, Miss F Parr. Outiine wrk on muslin, Miss F Parr, B FreeIborn. Outlile work on linen, Nirs Johnr Bea. coolr, Mrs S Ferguson. Tinsel irorli on veývet, Misa S Moore, Mrs S Ferguson. Teapot eosy, Mrs J McLasughlin, Mrs SFergusan. Toilet mai, B Freeborn 1 and 2 Baby's dmess4 B Freebornu, 1Ms J ?Bea. Coock. Ottoman top, Mnî J Beacoek, Mriss S Moore. Kensington pain ing.û, Miss S Mooe, Mnf Darey. - Pýib4boitte wirli, NMrs J Q airn, Miss S 'CE TO-DAY. Te opened out on Friday a large lot of U'ats, Capi Éim Caps, etc., part of a Wholesale Baultrupt Stoc ýe bought at auction. at less 'than haif price. We cE these goods 1058 than any other house paid for~ th( Our FaU Clothiug is II1flIrnnAc )w nearly all Vo handf uUIIQy UWIV&YriUMIUS large eb.oice of fine Suitiugs, Overcoatings, etc. îng Vo orlder, made by the i3E-ý-ST] TIAi loR Satisfaction guaranteed. OUR BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMEiNqT is ýproviig, a big sucoess. Very feNw people this season are above saving a dollar an~d you ean save very conitdeÈal by buying from a. The best America Rubbers at Iowar pdices thau Canadian goods have -beexn aold. Cail at tbhe most complete outfltting establishmnt in town, Somo o!f the prize winssens who read TusF STTS-NIÂ Carriege3 stallion, T J MetMurtry 2ndl. (Janiage tearu, D B Sinison 2,ad. BRodstcr tea.r, 1D B Simipson 1Bt and 3rd. StailIion 2 yrs Qiri, ORB Hall, Bowrnau- Square piano, D 0 & P Co, Bowiman- ville. Cabinet organ, D 0 & P Co, B-wna'a 1ville. Pears, Bartiett, Mra Coleman. "Beurib clargeau, Mrs Colemian. "Beurrea ' u 2rad. Tomatons, Mns Coleman. t" fig, Ms olean au2d. 2 lIbs mapi. nmlass6a, W Il Baldson. Three minute trot, Robert Boiih. Pony ruiniang race, 44 6& Pony trot-half mile, R B eith's Mary. -ffarnessing race, JPainton. Tem race, D~ B Simipson, C B Simapson. GSH Ai4WA. -J Bnglisbj 1890--WI r ; J IH Des ýt and 2u(l, J )rae, J Hl De- W TaylIor, W 'ulaJ Y albraith, L Ci 15i bauds and len, J Jobb. er 15 hanrs- T Nesbitt, S J Englisb, W ~.Wight, Tyrone; Gea. 1;jass. Gnshsam, Part Perry. with pedigre-H Mount- 411a nsd "ird. 1 heiferr ith pedire-T right, -fa% Cotesl. hefrwih pediree-T oteTs 2ad and3rI unden 1 yr-T A W ight IaIe sud thirca femaes- MUiki t ow'-J5s fCampbell, T Wliitfleld, fwo year olil heifer-T NWhifleld HI ouwntjoy.. One year aid hliier-T WlitflLéid, Jua necok, T Daseey. BUifer- caîf, iunder 1 yr-Jas CiiipboLI, Samells. Inn a,-W B.Saain, Yalentia; W, ~Blibun tar nu; AThompsou1 Port Yearlha,(ý rani-John Samelil-, R Phiip. Rlain ]Ltrb-Jôhn Samells lat sud 2nd, Daroey. Tfoewes---Jaý,a stssutand 3cd, T rey, 2n1d. Twoa shaavling 0jwe-J lHsnry, J Sain- I, T Daroey. Two eiro lanbs-P W Phip, J Samnelîs, Agd ap-J W Riobardsori. Yearlinc raau-J Wight. liau lstb-T Werry,iJR B Suggitt, A woevres-.Jl HSuggitt, T VmyJ ,ggtn J o.U WhardeoH Two ewe Ian-b-l{H Suggtt ltund y' ý ri N Manlor, EH Pollan, A Jas Panr, J E tlaacock, D J Ptarr, A Taylor. wed, J Devitt, A Bruce, N es, J Malcolm, R A Suâgett, R1 Turnip8, H Pollan, 1D Galbraith, 1R Phielp. White beans, J Parr, S Sheprxard. Carrots, J Satuells, A Dav'itt. Table carrots, J Quinn, Mr Curtild. Cabbage, J Devitt 1 & 2 PuaupIins, firat prize pnesented by Sain jetrery, punikîua ta beone the property of the donor, N Manoir, J Malcolmu. Beets, J Beanock, Gý Steele. Onious, J Parr, S Sheppard. Maugolda, A Devizt, G Steele. Winter apples, R Phelp, J Beacok. Fall apples, R Pheip, N Maloir. Rumset apples, 8 Sheppard, J Camp. bel. Sraow apples, J Camupbell, A Brue. Nonthern S p es, A Bruce, T Goulter. FMAI pears, J Beauock, L Taylor. Winter peaus, J Parr. Gnrapes, J Parr', W MoILsughlin. romatoes, J Parr, S Siieppard. Melons, J Parr. Citrons, J Beacocir, F Woodley. Indian corn, S Shieppard, J Campbell. Variety o! iiter applea, R Suggett. LADIES' DEPARTMkEi.NT. JudIge8-MnWm Wight, Tynone, and Mna Griumet, Bîsokatocki. Homie-made cloth, Mrs J McLaughltn 1 & 2. Hlomie-mnacle fannel, allirool, fr8 aA MUae ansd 2. Home11-m1ace flanuiel,mnixed, Mns S Shep- liard. Bpme-niade iroolen carpet, ivirs A Mc- Lean,- Home-anade rsg uspet,Mrs A MeLean. Home-mnade iroolen bleukets, laina J Quinni, Mrs S Fernguson - Home miade w oolen coverlet, Mrs S Shécphard, Mrs M Taylor. Horiie-nuade cotton coverlet, Mrs J McLaughiin 1 snd 2. H-oiîne-miade gentleman's plaid, Mrs A MeLean. R:omne-made ladies' ahairl, iroolen, Mrs W Neisbitt 1 snd '2;. H-ome.rnade fancy quiiting, Mrs J Me- Liu11Lrlin, i{loie-nade plain quiitirag, Mrs J Me- Laughliu, Mns S Ferguson. Home imade gentleuuan'a shirt, iMm 2T Darcy 1 and ?. Homo made pateli îork,Mlia S Moore, MUisa F Parr. Home m adieliait quilt, Miss S Moore, Matid IILauglilin. Homei-marié yarin mat, Mrs J Me- laughl-.n i 1sad 2. Ilomoiemade rs.g mut, Mis J Gilbraith, Mré J McLaoxghlii - »[ome-made stocldng jsrn, AMns J Parr, Mns S Shepliard. Hoime-marie ioolen saocli, Mns S Fer- guson, Mrs J Parr'. Horne-umale iroolen stocn, 1Mrs A ML u d 2. Ronue-nide woolen amitrons, Mie F Waodley, Mr% S, Ferguoon. bus, ane a usas i JIVason NEW GOOO - We have reeeived frorn Europe seveur- al eonsignments of New ]Dress Goods, both by the yard and inr Elegant Dres Patterns. We are .sparing -no ýains to mlake Outr J)iess GCdsi IDepartmellt eqIlal to any- thing in the Uomity, andt anyone wantng eithet' high priced or low-prioad aoods, eau see ua good a coie anid better valuo ut our store than anvwhere else. The sanieiniay be said of~ ail th? Departments of Ouir store. We want the public to understand and rerneumber the following Faets: lst.-We have naw, and !dways ~will keep), thre largest stock of General Dry Qaods ýM to'wn, Sa mueh- for choee ta select frour. IA.- Ouir reatest cure is to lcqap naotingz" but Oood Goeds. While we have tQ keep in stock bath low-prieed anrd high-priced goods, -we oi ti-ve]y w iii111aI keep trash,ad il'people want suoli stuif they can't buy it fim us, rd,-Qur prices are evr heàen. 0f course, sornte stores Ily jfud b attraet attentiont, slI soine linos at at iass for a few days; but the perseai buying bas to pay extra for s'Oia other lihe ta mlake up for it. We resort b no such tr4ery, but do briuess on thebqure anthIe puiwillw511 1id 4py eannot do better than deal ea4 JOEIN J. MAS~O2Y4S DRY QOO'DS & JENWBLEY ROLTeE, BOWMUAINVILLE 3tSUll, 3 Y18 lds the ami y0 The an fUiy of '90, Jas sabool as C imouag the mare and foal, Jas Mn. Jas. Sion of Gedar Dale kunps beisig prevalent 'ëaxi-adia dratght teana, J LoaBk, Taun-a, e dy üwandir85515 W1 pr4 LJ- J l'J i4.t ton,. Srd. 'wha ha% bien absent in England for oven Lady's saddle hanse, Miss Licl-, Osha- a year, basi retunned bomeé. ira 2..fi. L. Webster, formerly of Oshawa, at Durham bull any age, W<xt Werry, Se- prescrit gerreral maniager for the Gold lina 3rd. Miig Company, of!the LangIagate Es- Lgicestér rani, Allia 1rosNewcstle. tate, Transvaal, paid Mrss H.islnp, a short shearling ram, Alliha ro$ 2nd. visit Isat week on bas return ta Afi-:ca. 2 " aies, Allin Bros. À very interesting social sud recogni. 2 shearling aeae, AlIn rs tiern meetinig was haMlai tha Baptist 3 ewe Iambes, Allun Bros. chunch, Sept. 30, in. onunecton with dhe '~peu, Allin Bros.. recent Béttiemezit.of Pastun Wui, John Southt1ôw nai, L M Courtice, Cour- Scott. After a ve11 serveil repaet, the ticoHan. John Dryden presided over a public Sonth4own shearling rni, L M Courtice meeting. stad2û' .The Harvest Hoine services it the Meri- SoutdoNv ran lab, TL M Gôuntic letal! St. Clwrch were very interesting. and 211d. Excellent zormnuu iere proaclhed by Rev. 2 S h4 ishr lige w o ie . J M ,Pothick, o! Byraoiaae, N. 'Y. ia po shenli~g wes~L Çor- eocls are very ouraging-, thotrgh i ot tice lttand 2Ztd. quite np to lest year. Seine have. to lie 2 South&uirn oie lSabs, L'M Qurtice. heari troma yet. " peu, L M Courtice.______ 2 fat aies, Allin Bras 2nd. Brahmas, light, S îui 'P Jackman,(iUO Bowmeuville 2nd. Mr. Chas. McPheraon, a! Orillie, was Cochina1 pêrtrigo, Mrs T T C ileman, in town recently. Bowimanville let auri 2n , Mra. (Rev.) J. A. McKeen bas3 been Cochins, auy other, Mr T T Cuténuan, visiting friands ini Toronto. W R Ruiglit, Bowmnvilte, r.N .Hl sviii«le rte Dirkins, uaL white. W PBKnight. n .F alh iiigle rte Gaines. any othor, Nokes aud Peat, S John Foirlen, Mt. Horeb. andi P Jackiâus, Bowuinnvle. Mr,3. Quinn, o! Parry Sound, i, visiting Hnlab;urgs, sihar spanagleri, Mrs T T her brother, Mn. M. L. Travello. Coleman, W BR 'night. Miss Ada Kelly is vîsiting friands at Hauburgq, b}ack1 W il Kight,2adjT1rnti Hamburas, golden pencilled, Nokes lMrs ýJackson i. visitinglier~ sisten iho and l'est 2nd. i ei da roln lolau&s, S sud T> Jackmaas. l ei i i rai Boudnts W RKnlhtNoke su I rs. Budai, o! Belleville, is visiting at PeudaiPlK ýt NksadMn. Thos. dooper's. Blapk-ned gaine b.intanis, S sud P Miss Ada Arnold, o! Toronto, formierly Jaclsuan o!Newcastle, la thé guest ci thé Misses Ourse, ihita .lBrenan, W B Kuight Chapple. ,na. M~r 1Hauey, o! Perrytoiru, w ira'r Duchs,AyIleabury,WMrs T T Colemnulet thé otlier day looliing Up a site ta build a andr frnd. neaw heeae faetury. Hé got thre proime' Dueks, 1Rouen, à1r. T T CJoleman, W o! 300 cows. R Ki-ihlt. On the nizeteen honees whicli Dr. .Vucksanuy other, Mnrs Colemanl. Dickey took te New irok lhé ad ta p3y Guinea fowala, _Nokea aud l'eat, S and duty anuounting teoaven .$40. P Jacinan. Miss Scott, of Belleville, iho haai been Collectin pigeéons, Nokes aud Peat, S the uest o! Ir siter, Mrs. Dr. Tuoluer, and P> Jaacxan. Aleike ebover, J Ijeasir, Tauutoft far thé past tira inonthm, retnrned ttalher rotatia, any ûtlier, J Leask, Taunton. home lat week. 6 turnips, J Laasak, Taunton,. Mise. Givnus, o! York Stato, Mne. Wmi. 6 niangoldm. any otlier, Mas Colemnan , Tspson aud Mise E. S. Rose, of Bow- 6 turnips, Bauagtnsm seans, Jas Leask, mianville, irere recent visitors ut Mr. Tauniton, 2nd, Wmi. Henry'a. 50 lb firlcir buttaer, Mna Jas Richards, John Hall, Toronto, unrier the sklîful l'ickerino,* traatmient ai Dr, a. M~. Carveth, 327 10 iba butter, frsraJas Richards. College St. liasuo ar recoverflfroinis l& l t &i i&savore attack o! typheiri Lever a tabe -15 Ms Wm %White, Brooldiin. able ta be out o! bo-7NeaW S. 10 'cheese L ?MCourtice. . sALLOWaibe :vwls tqa e hiial- 41~ ~al ils are unupsç sameiey for ceu- lVillinery, Mrsr W H Piper. %ipai , ý, C. UITI) WEDNESDX,Y, Out. niait, lot 9, aon. nantli of !oIan çid lot ofli1orses, 0. auua c, SÂrTUEDAx, O0t. Il. impleaurents, etc., MovuxýAY, Oct. 13.-- 34, cou. 5, Darl wili sel fanm stoc turc, etc. Sale lange bil's. S. C. stoc~k, isplemeontB, etc., of south of!EHanmony. 2su~aronsgettifrg sale1 at Tua SrÂu ofix o ewi frce notice like thes abute up sale. Wliesn bills are nut prce is 25 cents per line eac No coratpetf ton osai Imderse son & Co. M.. A. James sella steaaru tIra beat linos sailing fromaiN ireil as itra'Dominion Lino. lN WED~E jr,, ai . 8.-Mr. rIrc