ÂW7M.OUR TOWN JAêMES EDIOR AND >LUME XXXVI. Ný Seven- ta cordial invitation to the O! OUurlwm 1 and inspeçt their big display of ERS w%, days agý. 'T'ileý -n cartridgea UPU at liberty. KI BY, The namo of the pol Ï?tbis fellow i Aiiiýing you cawig tIh llng o-11 10 aynard, the JewolIer. where yo'i cal, biy watcesi docks anid ièwollory eheapi-r thaa any other place il) town Y'w u al as your vorkd<xe anit wilI give y5ugon satisfaction, andw&atd by Maynard, the Jeweller. WHY GO WVE-IST FARMERS3 LOOK< IkRE ton and 1Adjaceit Counties. Germany.1 and exhilarating, a to choose from. i Gloves. Guns, &C., 8E8T SM Y-:T 1 .Goods aund1 1the end1 of t to r'ise a ec the 1owest ba ,een in iiowman- Soap, veryne misa3 ue land, ve4 5 and, goc N., *%,, 1 and