pitches v-i:y direction the prlospect l415 OS5C y te iieC0 ïAt peace. A th1oLsaanld, esof ig Cm re liers erystallized wilin itise drîa( g pre sin Iemace, anid while yon 'gaet fm7i0 arcl (2s oe radet emlersth1 iat t1, em1 lm tasofa storiuc1 aot romaniitsdsuItli ma e beoldlikeisea living, and re lae it pageanit of tlie 1beatIy of To-day, day, for, ni ("Ilse are thse Pat a'tris e 1r1t hads thse gly beeD. Tere, iu tihe centre, niand1 he Cgrecsi: crowN 0 f si'. 0lis.ardl Lie p ,ant aopoîsof tfl anngte ng with ill1'tirOus, or pcuesuthiat ev-f be figures of Long Ago. YoIlllder ireilu to ýi1sCas ~tc a, looksb-,1 s+pdtittv 1nanLer. bon >LUWU sio)n, and 1theu ndt fa;r trouble to begli of the tuh n h of1- tisebo-ba e wave-mutmie s )f se- rwiha o d pic- agaîat 1m in illago she is oey Witlk self and tepllih suder, want to ki1ssow igm l-ay fori a mvà~ boress to the Ihoë :0 SUIS pression uas," s,- 111(:dï e <î ou. m - X'e.REÂRD ý J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, M; e $1 ; fat bottles, $5. Worth $5 a botl tiusIsa ears isFeis sulpren se ly ouver 1tue sa ;-t.y , wh le rnendcoiss sceso. Souitlivward ass ine, a cmai Mara iisiLu sedistance, (xtsxst ise gether. Towai'ds bleak rneof ths esîIan his ;eswadf esta ouely 1t0 ww AUhs consfBefWicL Lw asJ]1d1the dsoae ie rke inl Ba"sa 'ck ,o)s o leave tisesea;: mal lballowed death-Ib nor)lthwardý ,11od I eglistUiienigcytlof \-enerabjLe and "is tise F twith tise wIisil isses of (cm-Ilie wsons bis tou batedIsckitslike muS m was boped- A DI 0ýýITýMc biu bu-smu, A DIMONI ~ ~sIos:s lasnd on Ithe Inex rataof iPif, are hared t)tise Cimof wyexlnt Iaens. it i,ýsiuds a picnssre lis words s cn iooked U(Iupon t,,le but fîtlny suggest; but wben yoil oit po ---te lstefor it youeadily cnpebsdthccpride analdtiene hhiuteen att- passon itiswhih aScothîn loes sssheal i of ail the xw t -was ueu Id tise wold's 1 ne trup attL vas called to L a skicd wo ýgià hack. ~onStry c;til midr 0 .neoy 1 connection %ith VI tise Unite d Utao Vo tise Pre(Si de 1 tlier na tions a? lci evesîts ,inso p'owers, and thiere he.Fo r iust'iaïn1 e loli,,eloldt oftli mït heî o Lc rsie Uat Britaits, Esnpreu le Faitli, etc., etÏ iPridesîtlc of tli 'vi' lifR OF1 Pi isune Deolay! AcaSiri OrF5T5if PIItSÇT uJ s nln towc! I Iby tr