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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Dec 1890, p. 6

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'JE A Thrilliug Story of' ana Adventure. ci IT \xx. for Il force britE her mind br-ou to blerOwn that id once for aunC an d 3cii tenant 01 Mrs'- him, 1,t paýrttcnmariy want 10 nave 'half'Lu selvedl enfuic ônhe sarnd elo hour's cýuiet talk with yen, Lord Ross- placed fuontesnefortrev-orc"INo &i1'i was on. Thoeso 'lCeinl4,, Madame, " lie replied. "Wýhen yut biighter lin every wvay shah I-1V?11and wi benperfectly happy "I wîgo n --wil' ou corne inito mly hv tbarrier of retraint room when ry ou take leave of the littie one i," lnifef n Jack end lier lied "Certainily I an t your service,"helie d "Nu courteoouslyl .iga see far less of eech "Nav, jit le not for my, service exatly, "Th o do lu poor Ceo's eesait eiiig t Ihlm. Madar ýo dinner n-ow, noever Ho smiled too, and thon Ethel, who hll Loré lere with bier, and ai- been to fetch the mjestic rulimmes, carne trying see hier neerly every bacli agin, and very soon Madame betook "that )ut the saine tule ini orei aay £ tra aiever steyed e very 1Ys mut iLe, dear child " see aid relue ýe was, a lho believed, wlieni Etlhel begaxi a feeble, pro test agaluet ao" -cuiepot11fe hetotlier goin)g so soon. Iarc ng out aud it al ddIC venture to cOUPle bave somnething te do before tlion. 'B of the youig wîde(w Shte kissed lier and petted lier cheek, gave thatst been seinaya-t ioiiely lier liand to Lord Rosstrevor and also a mean- For ing lok as ho hoeld open the door. And pro- inito tl ring days ivore oý1; eently, that le after hif an hour or so, Jaick t1ln ud bri.glit, the trecs l' aise tooli lis leave sudinstead of tuinig wh 11 j pt on their tonderest down the starsEt enver wenit to the is îIaî) inert boxes in front of lift or the top of the stirs -wlth hlm, als sie l- 0OJi ,n to lie filleçi with ail iised to(do-lie aent on aud rang atMadane lested ~v-itl g .atm00 'oenski's bell Ethel , riuh-lmuod begeieas Ho was ebowu into hier bondoir, a into 11 1-and people cene and pleasanit littie roomi witb plenty of floarersesget it entertaiunents, clad 1 1plats about it and witli a tiny con-9 Unts ; inideed it w "" Iervtoryatoneaen. imonei thelbegn tefee lik '<one nl bre," silo said lbolding out lierprf enaided in the iidt of bu ohm W ha elsik1 oor to1 ' l itulrb)eçIthaniiu the oter roomei. I find iliime' e olt a god depl her- mry frienils have il wey of comilig unex- I qadanie IV oeniski was pecteffly and wishing te write a note to ter of frI 1- - AOiSic of seve *h'etaken Lord Rostrever fllewed lier mb llthelýl'l ieý, a lovely room andshle clesed thee door bohu tir with aninl- I"We ehaîliecquite, undîelnrbed hliee," se ,n thoneeand said. "lAnd now,1I dareay youi are avender- for friend'- in, ahy I asked yon te corne 1up liere b cily where 71 A ittlc," lie anewýered smmiliug'. -ahero YOu "Ahli! yee. Well-I aurn goîng to aslt yr years, and yen a ver.y plejin qcuetionl-pje$aape ahat meldetly te yeun aili thuli e avery impertinent quos- e oflier dnty tien-but Ian almost ilanotl werln, ste intrude Lord Rosstrevor, and I hope yen ail fer- ýd t largo. give nie if I ïeene ither imp ertinent er 1»- as com1plte trusive. But as yen miut linow, I take a ted boguin toa-ry great and deep initereet lu Our dear r owni, h lid lefriend, Mre. I)nnis-and Ilwat yen ,which weas te tti nie lue i the striçtet con'fidcle, Society dur- wheltlier yen have any strong feeling for nlieod te O hlir ?l ;vabecoli-in "certaînily 1I have," lie ri-ledl. ki.J end Ros- "Thon lt tme bte,"IIeid MameL Ulllow lhini. looling e>traiglit et hlmi, "thlat you are wVae alreadIy makng ber very nnhllappy, very uinhappy pae nt-", lie begeni, whien the lady ,tec hlmn. (j Reestroevor," ehe asaidi layinig lier ie arm-" I beg yen te ansrrnme -Wliat lis hthat hlie corne bet-aere lineesl at tlien know Trer',- froni1 tbat 1 foloaw and b; becau would yoit p Out a le tof aiUJliriiig Lear ma4' t sneflln lve for yen also. " oI did not thinli of that," ho said rdedly. 'lon you did suspect lier," eclioed une quickly. rd Rostrevor looked u- It'io lie gto doceive yen, Mýadamie," lie sald, t teuglit dîd occur te nie- Stan aras age enid-and 1 arn eslaimed oven to ilier it cf imysoîf. Please o dn' talk it nany more, I sliall nover tliinli of lin if I cee Il elp it.", 3utit thon," criod .Madae, ~"les it 11st 'ands botareen you h?" a mon ieb sat !ooking irreeQIlutely th fi re. "Mada e," o aid, " whilo nurder remaine saund iscovereùd, (; r, ý.body had eny confection witli the doan mai le to suspicion, and who, do yon thinli, labde te the suspicion e f being inter- lu i leaellias 1I-lIf I avore b marry te-rnorrow and sho over g et aie.ides or hiead--and r-cierne r, ii miglit sug- isoîf or lie suggesced te lier et any ent-tbiat I lied kulled hlm, 1 eliuld lie ýtly powverless te dlefeud myseif te lier put the idea eunt of lier rilnid,' et yen knew wliere yen avare et that " shie crîod. Ye, I lunew whiere 1I wes, but as a mat- ýfct I wae neot et Trovor HaI fl ot ?k of the gloomi and randour and lone- ýthat 1N'I wouto bNorwich, dined, did itre and siept et ealietel.-tlioy aiglit V le-the(,y miglit net. I got bac L t ,r Hall' juetilu lima te have get bacli Loiidon-il-w (do yenudrtedhAil 1 wondler et je tbat thiey didn't liul me tonce and ch-arge mne arillithe nrder. ' 'lie y dhid nct (do thet beceuso tliey heuc veclAyeur novni ntsden te Norfolki ,eek agiilla thtolerable ecu an id L50e yen wero well known boe ansd i certainly bave beeni identified lied inod uor eut." Poehi ! Som-ebedy à'muet have got iu or withiout being sceni-tht isie nless it done by soone wiîhin the buildling," saverod -es, that le se. Thon your greet object aind out whjo hilled Major Dennii's b" *t le," Aind yeon doni't niea i o a'ery lier Iuti] CREAMI PURES T, STRONGEST, DEST, CONTAI'S NO Alum, Am2uioxna, Llie, PhOSP4%tff OR AMy IlddUR(OUS SUBSTANCES. E. W. Q4LLE-T. vOnON1 ao, LL. MANUFACTURER 0F IRE CELEBRATZ3) ROYAL YEAST 06131. ARTE K~ SCOTTI Ha j ust receivE sand Arnerican1 te caIl and inispeot the chasing elsewhere. -No trouble te show e0vM"traew and shaped in al theç ama4Ucal o other lual to assiste allays le the~ well of my leiX IILI%,G ton in the 21 eure." tÇ,Miss. severe celd 1 liad a ter- niglit ef 1er Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by ail I)r-uggiets. Price V; sibottIee, $5, R. J, STEWART BO WMtNVILLE. yr& Shop on Second Floer over Ted &ç Qu'es. Dry Goode Store, Side Rotrance from Street. Gentlemen's Own material made and trimmned ini fîrst-clase style and good fits guarauteed. e 11me-anigof %as a wornan"M me ." eli nlaturl Le- i, ,wlion I ay S tle subject 1klinw that tthat Je kne w i." inething lies "Thon why di vilai h eepe e ~track ?" Nl Lg lier te bu- I wenld lave it, but Ethel wvou .-e convinced thai aelvely, ', "1 0Overahlni C it is pos- acane of getÈti LI ov -er haývce icoeseil wdp yen ailehing se yeni low i st île)(-,police a: w 1ne ~ tî dame, all the s, liconu4 ,/ te do I, SA CERTAIN CU WITHOUT MV ALL DISEASES ARE GCURED By 4Mr E WTDELEOTRT BELTS ANI WVhilh are brcughb dircctly loo ntaILct aith tIc disceacId pete; tict as )pe-fect absorbient,-,by çdostr remiuvinjg al i imurititce frorn the Loedy. , Liîeaseoe are suicceeîfui]y trecatcd by corre.spod(enice, as our gooda car KLL HfOM~E REFERENGESI NO FORKEIGN OR I4ANUFAGTURE1l T I 1onglit te have licou rnarriod ahe» ePeuawas M tniw, anid marrled le Major Deiei,." lie had net -I have lready gatliered t lo Sh e Ie. But eid. 111ow icI ho was But lier meother liept us apart -molliere havey bave somietimos as diseg reeanle way, of inter- M" s "eddferin u ir a ier'lv-ffieadthe, VIed i 1 aqIed yen marrÏages lhey mie do net aiways turc eut me'ySE~ hlmii. Andl, the beelîthat could have heen lronglit about. "b a%ho cered Inlu 111ecase-aveul,Major Dennîs s dead, tInt i 11 yoii eid asud I dou't 2mn te spoali agalut ae "Ld N( man, but for once I an bund to ay ht ife seh tther gled, " 1more unmibigaed ibrtute nver ived. Lia île G énotl~ irst plce hol-evas meûele tha tety yeer iet se moee Ian lde t1 thm h Eel, lu the secondl lie w as e9grt] ÂS cart, hliarea, ,dukn nl.Hoae o e getI ce.~ hoMii faitiful to+nhrn-ie ,tin,,ght nothilm o<f rali- cae.,1 'as iteraily iiinted doavm ,onian wio lied a grudge md arazs hlited cntL of th e gte etrance inte th e l lil yen uow-ndt at hieSeult ie a.~ at non0 a "l hlm) se le 1,0n-1 nm's nemle wats-b mloçiselçu Valevie," ho 5ined liertle ne," eaid eut lier ?»hlie xlaii- )thuag. She only askzed Major Denis -aras kli- et or leard of ench a "And y ou lid nt h "I old lier 1 lied nover heard of Valerie ase a eunamne," Madamne replied. " Well, eoto wiLli*yomer story pleaso. 1 ame deeply ,iy toiteetu. 1 yen ",Weil," lhe çQtinuedi,"Idon'ù say thaý on e Dennie over ectnabiy struck lier o etle a'hat -net ahen hoieaas sober, thetl-bth eoune, thouglitiuetiing et eatchleg hold eoflier il lie litt lei lcate arite aillihie brutal fingors and gripping theomt til they werc black aill coui bruises-I--'ve seon tleiem o enyseif, and [bting. liongli she tcied. liard le peenýit otfi decbsred rnany hieenfly lad eiglil at lier to sleedy hîmseof Nvhoao nd ail the rosi I've. bee lhalf-hanadened amford 3 Adla'emet oat ' ut- tedI cscut ald c l im ,ci ulnna ulltmeiSntn flur 1,'. W. Abbott' mîîhdî,,mpfLuk din six iii kn'themimand dwel Egraer,71 lRmng streot, City, rn, Lurd )rand lh "lnet if mIy waircing fin- L4d opened. il CHIAPTEPR'XXXIL vaE exTTA ! -- Nolhing co osferer te liglit, llanwat bas lic n ]çucg hldden" Il le ne o a -,gLeretieule e 1ay that Lerd. Ressbvvorjumpod lnearly eff lie chair, ae these impressive avorde bef bMadame. Woloekle lis-"lfrenmr1 Ine Crled. "Yee-ee-sh sîli, 'ee aid sootlng- iy, "bere iseno ueed lo be se startiorl about it. Yen uwent te linew, çdo yen eot?" "Why, ye-of course," ho stamm-ered, "biit,-ý 'But yen dld net IbinklIlneNw emtiythcg about lt!" se sa'ld lotking at iihlm at lier cabri broava oyes and sagravely qnlazieel ex. pression on lier face "Well.ataW-avmà1a I go onu?" lie asked. "Oortbainly, if yen pjee," he replied. "Thon see aid speakieg in.te arn quiet sud even toue, "I1aill put au nemd lo yqnr aiixielv et once aillent spinlcg m- ir story out.- hilied Major Dennis !" For somo mintes neitiier of Ilieni spolie -Rosetreror, ia fet, turned and etared at lier, hie lips aperi, hie eyes lu aritch as yet iliere avas ne roorn for auy other expression> fnll of unnîlerable emazeinit. CouId il lie possible blt this-tbiis hitghbred eidorly lady',ait lier clea' cnt, regu- {coenti?îerde Onrge ss. ddiçatice and Lame "' ' tov-e rkcity, let VapreokCIaciinlu our (days .grçs etroot, City, cuiracl f î uerStreet, City, -, tt, Liver td Edikueythe >tt' 1 4 King Strict vesi, ncptseoeesov nover toses i- î t, 178 jarie ,,street, ais, coutdlnot ho ieduced te St iea st,ÇCtty. Blimai cmpoatta-ureiluthree teurfly 1Bottend Iesoles. I wlth I weok stret wSt, flhad S î ',o si yars, ertircl,, Ibre inredle ogt , ks~tIt&IY L ât aed nsolos.Rev. R ichard F Hoot,o~oetareCtue ui Actine ±rcee lsfor e perneanenit cre-Ca- and1 tarrhI-H. S AIpx. Ro gers, Tohaccorit, City, declareci Ac- Caii t inawortm emoo. HIach.(-o E. Rlggs, 2 AoaietreOýt est, City, Catarrh huit cuoc hyActina. go jçhnThOmIs-ri Toroute Jojnction, cureçi cf y rumiir lu h Ey in t wo woelcin hy Actina. T $ o-s. Miss E.« m.FoDrsytil, rO I3rant street, Cils, >i reports alj)p drawu Iroin hule àhnci, tWelve Chas Sonte A.~.Sqtfod dvms everyhýoçy J. A, Jýjogstret Nvet ucý cured intufour week ~Jlit usetAcincoilIt Tcs, sthstreet, Ctty'. cho ~ petthrce waeeke eniý1 Wi the hopital, eyem epoiud lun twidye l. MrpýM'Liiu9Ohlifl84 Ce tre ete' Ctae LUre Krptfonulptrnr.ow chi to tu1tnd te lier W. T, QUoiWiliam OcaneCoi Ce.,sanys Ac- kil, ti siivlcb im ironcbitis and Asthlme d .H. McOarthy, Ag',t N. P. & M4. ar., Ji'tù- johi mnt 14e.ChrouicCtarh andcCteirhaI weçul Doafoes for aren ellYarm, eutirei$r cuired hy Ac- Aeuik tina, a NV TH SSJONON ,New Sarurn, sLiffepd avih peu1 WacLunge n ehm-unssrntee and AstLhma cured. , soy. ià Suoh Letters oue File ANYII4ELT Reqtuiring Vineègar or Acid ivili BuTIl th~eSi Ail Electric Beit Companies in Canada use Vinegar or Acids i their P, excepting this Company. Send for tIlustrated 'àHeaith Journal"',and isIt ofHome TestimsonIals Free tand Mcnt!o This CAT 31 pC .Ni Wu Te BAE R & C9 171 QUgEN ST. WEST, TORONTO. 'ARRM ~No Vinegar -USaGOP or Acid - ý Tà A ievo m neyve noeeny- ,ay but yen.'" uçt secret," 'bushlchel A IA P[ -' I:ý ;- 1 USED. BUTTERFLY BELT AND SUSPNSu"Y QNLY $7.00 [to, do 1 40ra

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