injurd s, 1. Hoblbe for James 1. . . Capt, tBrown, of JLeeiard, ce Divis- bas hee4 spending a day or two et Mr. week. Fred Tordiff's. . , Mr. Alex. Smith ipo paring to build next eumm-er, we expeot a s qay the iiiamnon . . ..The News Ycaretee et En- to taL-e enalilnwae quite eauces but we piÉy ýod's Sar. poor lGilly that drove to arid from Hauip- tojn f tir times through th i rini, an oil- clo-h woud Le--e sc-rved betLter thenaefure CWat. ?, jnreýdýs There id no one article iiiielte ne ocf medli- tee3 Mand Cinse thet give s elarge e retums for the on friends money es e goi'd poruus trvngthi'ng pies- cl ... 3r ter, Fsuch as Caere's Swart Weed and alaeL the 1Belladonse ackeheýaters.' ýubitre if 3iAI>Llf (flOIB. AIe. J_ J, Mrv. Frarîkil Webster, Ca-mhray, je visit- es Berth ý.ing et Mr. Wnm, Foley'2, AMiýs Ada est wee)k. qure, niille, vet Mr. S. Jeffery'H, olwill, of M'iss EnîmeiR Punice, Courtwright, et Mr DeY Wth NI. Munifdy's ... .Tho itcrary contezt in ris. Join the Divisieri for the lesýt qurter wes a e t Mr. very initerestirïg ense ad iwee the causeeof n . Trewin e lerge number cif ini'tiationso. The de-u 3 3,cool. feated a8ide gave e very preas-worthy treet en Weduesday evening Nest... A 'e throat, sloigh.loed of our young poople went te ipýecuiar Noýwcst1e on Friday, evpsnrng ,lest and olled by spent eý ple"-sant eveuing 'with e number 8Cherry of friands cf t Ch ace..... . The oM1!irs of tef tekeýc the S. cf T. for prosent quarter are - ed te U11 W. P.-J. Steveiis, W. A-F. Were,ý. Tre-J xyQs Fin. S -T Iirkpet- riclr; Ohp-Sý. 2EundelleI . S-.,R. Slnowý- den; A. RIL .M Jeffary; Con-E, 3auspices attileý; £ -Sevene; I. S.-E. e on Dec. Snowldeý; O. 5.-11. JfferY; P. W. P.- excejejr NI Mndy ... . Don-i't feU 1tu lhear th e c 1.) itinCy e of lcurrEJdward Ç ireel i nhe DEEps 1or.Tegoonddeede that uuunemlied famnily liniment, 'e Yellow OP, during the thiir y bas been he3ld iii ever Mereig l by the publio, wonùld 111 voiLmes, M r mot hers on um rate alilits ooiof , but tbat ilt oaa h relied on as, a fet crop, ougscodes srs tilroetFr peins, goeeswithout eýytnjg. v - e Co Raev. A. Le Oprcaonhec un oxc eEr'e sermoi from Cor. k: .eiwurch . ..Mr. A. Odell, of S, inv8 Colegiate 1nstitute, ras Mr. Neil Stewart'e last wee Win. CarlyLe, of Hamoilton,j with his u-cole, Mr. Wmj. Ja, Mr. Thos. Smith, of (JroEo, h out thq stock of W. Il. Ro)bin village. ________ Pain froindietode too heavy eatiný, Fi relievoed m taking one cf Carter s litti L imme diately efter dinner. Du this. .DURKEJTONV. On Tuesday, Dec, 30'.b, about OUr quiet hamiet wae ecinewha by its illum~ination frorn the b ~Mr. Gretctoa>e bouse end conte] Wannaiaker head madle hie hý Mr. G-Teexton for some time, hu previcus to t1e tir, his epiri fihght. The b,îdy was etili in etrid was burïsed to a coF&l. TI suppoe.ed to have origiinetüd fre ....Some cf Our youug people theý Presbyterien tCea et Eunisb Yean Mii'e and dau Bowmrïanv!1le have orine to reei viIeçe.. .i~Etta and LiPi epetbtheir vaicai)i ahre..,.,. pElwit INew Yearein Toronito. FIL"FEN MONCTES FR- mon)ý-ths ego 1 hâd a ea~ling NE. W 1LA V.E. 10LIDA. aSAS WE ARE GIVING P (OJAL INDUCEME1NTS. E are bouind to outdo anythinig that lias ever been tried ini Bown The public know that of ail the businiess houses in Bowmianville wel largest store, the finest stock, and soul at the lowest picos at ail tini fQge r the next 30 cays we are going to astonish the closest buyers. Pr _fe 1 e lot be coiisidered during tisl tim'e, as we are bound to roduce oui-i :andi will give botter value than anyone else canl possibly do in the ordinary es.s. iRenember ail will be serveti aliko, but of course IlFirst come first serve to be our miotto. So clon't delay, but corne and see for, yourself the TIIEM1E] BARGAINS NOW BEING OFFEIRED AT JOHN J. MASON'S Dry Goods and Jowelry We- cannot commence to enumerate il our bargains, but to give you a stai, follwin :-adis hot conts at half price; Childrenus Wool Coats, Caps, Tuques, Hooc price; La-lies' WVo-,l ShawIs, nies assortmnt, hait' price; Ladies' IRubber Clireulars at 25c. It.isses' ami Boys' Hleavy Wýool Iose-the bzst value in town; Press Goods-new, ,tylish,i an~d Ladies' Uud(erwear-e-xtra goo)d valuie; Blankets and Comforters-a laige ehoice, away d( allUwool, extra wide, at 20c., worth 25c. ; Ladies' and Gents' Fur Coats,<fully 25 per cent. under ~ I We are making our vusualp L LI. ~ment of Silverw%ýare, which for style, r Leen equalled, and we- are very certain thiat s.nyonc eeeing what thcy ean get pi thiink twice bef'ore buying &ny old sty1'e, haif worn and re-polishied goods, whlie -v-w. -etGCy 1r-em are dear wnst vGiey originalny cobt. In WATCIES, UIOCKS and IJEWFItY -wo can give you botter valute for th than ever eforo. Tho cost Of theýe goods is so much less now than formier]y that yen will be te L]jnw bow ûLeap yeut can get new goods of the veî'y latest styles and ail the modern improv( Our aim is fe Show Our customiers tbe uewest and best aiticles, and ail we ask of yen is to cal mwbat ) ou cari buy good goods for Lefoe investing ini trash. MORE OVE P&DOATS, is.PoterBA., lhas retured etke p iaelcfhie echool owan, rot Duart amwe3 mis- MORE SUITS, MORE GLJOTHJNG, View.. . à' lomie" Ne Burk hasj vore, illnose of Toront, spent a fel .... MiS8 I iting lier Rer. J. H. brother in- in ail the c -ibined, and re than all times are c itiful with ti don't [oses YO 01 tsI hua)baud ael1i and tho entiri 011e3Wh-10by We are making Clothingl very close prices, far lower ti- been attempted in this town. fit and workrnanship. Our low prices for BOOT1S a is proving a boon to many. Te C EO0. 1N East *ýjop, N1ils' OIoci COUBTIVE. f 'r.jv..Mr. end Mrs. R.C. Cerrtitheri; and -1 -c i .A.t. m -Y andi teret tiXrch on Wednu rdially invited. ars to QQme. "Il i.F3 iIE) l. tend -. Stores in are probal .qandkerchief Man's Suit or