flTI ai' 7-1th the beeýt effeut jn rny Ïacîc çvu wndoirtful preparatio.n once saved 1n le.Ihad a Constant coughi, nighit sv -fsats, aras grc iIIy reduiced in Mih, b and ivenp lby my pliysiclin. Oase botte anid a haIf eofthe Jectoralcnrd v îî"-A.J. Eldson, 1,L D , Middleton, tý J.enucssee. lb " séeval ycars -ego I was severely ill. t], The dec2torssaid Irasin cnsitnn, j nid ihat tbey e (In& do nhg fur me, lh but I vs d me, a a last Aecit try Ayer' Chrry]?etca]. .Altr taM, thi mdicnetwo or three mentheÎ i was icured, naud my hea-Zltre'iainsgoo)d eý to the lpruseýntda."-Jaxnes Bircýhard, w Darie on lne L Hoieeys 131o ~wn liait, ýr & o. sts.- Pricc "Ne ; a id( agin ne lo" C '-Ied h tei a buirst of passion, Se ymmrg a man, fathr 0U' int;rrpcl thwbpti wth ,geintb( ituàmtcniiimasif calhing attentiut e ,0 'Itny irum etance alon t tmoLmhr penoen -Don'ttiaruee cati t'efatfie !' I amrnne father L-of yema Nope 0Iet ofor llood eve-r dîgraced henslvs; whe 11, yen, a couieno thief who forgn.d imy iname te pay yeur 1ow debte ! No ; yen are cetainy ne Sen eof ne F The sbe'plerd lanhcd sortiy. 1 don t see that yen are bettering t1ie liuain, e renrked, gIriirnl. "o. ever, thliyen bave neoeg eesfor mle, prasyen Mwil! net mmnd gIving me ,a little home aîewsý. I sbal nieyer trýoubl)e yen again; yen shah nIever again bear firin mpe or eofpme ; rme mMy face on this sude y e e gavebut AUilme Abo u ede homue this once !Yen11 cannot eaU mie trouble- se;Me-sir! Can yen illct even grant mne meruy enongli for tbis, favor ?." lhies was ne reply fer a littie, te answer cane: "u ;ihave neinercy oit thieves, yGel!" And h !ie fsahel itbrcw himslf dwn agaial niulighbis irýtohIi son. .lIu -v w , dy bioke, Élie tbree l nen.1started n11p be -ro1Ii. là eVer tbie bush lohsbentf it is ithe soet isolernnllity ef Il aind the ,f the ina g- wl 7 is like .5ý rnay loek red earth, iloshle lnnm." MA. Aacn, M.», D Ilis.or£Q4 sBQkllyai. . F'OR SA-LZ By J. RIGG1NBOTHAM LI SON.* B lîp ILMEN AN The 011e for genuinle rts of uiiaehinery AlND OYl1l UJSO( by the largeet udllimen in t men in e aeh town MêColl 13ros. IITs nd for salIe by S& Shoes, ide Qlothing, ,Uligs too minimer- ntention. ORON, -ONT. 15more or rwvo, 3 0 mne l No ? WU did the pastcen neit Isnaly tbi k il)-, too wiseù a mail îelvo lin rater andic (àing spursI L ýt.o Thle uma'! for a uonern J. t .ROBEUTSQN IMMoe'.,ce o f A. 0of theni tlio wholû of lus lrnaehlnery, s Qek.c, t> iihel PO0PT PE R R rrt sill Iair.l t vary ton tbs. 311 andi Boys, XVomen and B OWMANVILL' Hleadquarters in West ul B OW"MIAýNViI where he keeps constantly A LARGE Coarse -A T LA