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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1891, p. 5

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other ueme Con( AÂ new library cd for the Mechi lXMPTION~, If taklen ln GII BALSÂM i3 made of E3taltlished Velueo for years.1 S31ALL PIIEE. CE O5 TS. N'H0LESALE BY N, SONS & Go. FOOD1 these articles at iever before hlaerd rply of Oi. Cake ce $':)per hitg of nald bas 76 years old iplars intern4 giviug au- ýrt Feb. 6. atalogu~ e sbeing print- des Iiistitute. properily at Hloskin and East End. )ii, Torr-nto, bas beon .os. flirgham's. Hiieipton Methodists have bouAht the bell that lias s wung ini St. Johu's8 churcis for 40 yùarsi. THER TATESi1AN ilu wnsppers for mail' ing, price "o. OeIl and order s3uveral for distant frieuds. Mieserg, J. Rucbottom sund D. BeLith's curling riuks werc badly boaten by two Whitby riinke last weck. Mr. David Coi cen supply Celery iu queutities to suit purchaser.i duringrthse. winter, Drop a card in P. 0. t!. "Listed," as the brokers say, at "100' Doses Onu Dollar," Hloods Sursaparilla i. i5 always e fair equivaleiut for the prieu. Chidrou'e wool coate, cape, honda, etc., are oellinwent half price et Johin J. Mason's Dry Ga )da sud Jewelry HEouse. Ordered 01e t1I ;g, good fit guaranteed and et tise lW price consistent with good worimr, Jolin J. Mason'a Dry GoDds sud Juwolry Ulouse. The Wûe of cirayer was fairly well observed iu thie town. While these unI wceofotheb.yeur le appropriate in regard to tirae il je not a conivenient woek in Iowne. bIr. Srnith of tise Emerald Team prcacis. ed a capital sermon lun the ]Methodtst church Sunday uight and wlîh NMr. Webb sang hreu dluota th4t chermed the audi- ence. Mipms Needâ pnoidod et tise orga.n Mr, W. RutcismQn wrlte& fItem Winni- peg : We ara living eutiful weather ; have only had ou@ day t1$. winter tisat the tiserunimeter regi8tes'ed more than 10 degrees bolow; have flot ued e to)n-?sud- hlai!ceaI yet. No lighing but wiseeling flne. Mtr. Akmos Bond writes from Rolsnd' Mat.,-l amsu t lhre lu the 'ivi dwest ,WAY. 8 wanna. )ut mita Xmuas T churoh( on arouud 1 like thus ome eut Cal àe fin~e, ne could drive Mýiss Gibbarcl was visiting at Mr. T. Biîlgitm's. Miss Ma&Mie Furby te a gne8t et Mr. R. Mýit5s E. Rundie was in Toronto reccent- Mr John Calver, Port PJerry, vieited1 bis sons here las. week. Mrs. Fý ed. Metcalf, Cobourg, is guast at Mr. Hlenry Mtaf, Mr. N. N Cole, nmerchant of! Winni. P g, cal1d onU slast week. Mr. R Hardini, Chicago, spent hie hol. idays wit.h CouneilIor Perey, Mr. J. Piper, of the Cobourg Sentinel- Stitr spent New Yeer's hure. Mrs. Fred, Phiip, C.olborne, hias houa guetat Mr., C. L. Munson's. Miss 1Bertha Sherin lies retc.rnul froni a.visit with Toronto fr'id8. 11ev Father Wissel wes a lait wee k at M r. L o uis G - a rd's. Mr, Frank Sweet, of Erie, Ponn., spent the holidays with relatives hure. Mr. Chas. Mason, Dletroit, son of Mr,. John Meson, iowa, is visiting here. Mr. Jas, Rosevear, Port 1EIope, was the Mguest of Mr. J. Perey, jr. lest weeiv. Miss Rosvear, of Cobourg, i visiting Miss Neda and other friends in tone. Mr. 'M. Porter attended the !uneral of hia brother Jarnes et ltookword last weelk. Mr'. Minute Bruce, Port Pemry as been npending the holidays with friends here. Mrs. Eby and daugliter Nora of Tor- onto, wiere gueste at Mre. Ww. MMr try's. Mr. Jas. Darch aud Mra. Break, Tror- ontro, were guesta of Mr. R. J)srcb, last weok. Mr. J. Scott, of Scarboro, waslu towxi lest week, and wa5 veslting Darlington friands. Mr, W P. Prower, Managear of the Fur-. nituro Co , waes west ou a businue trip, last week. Seothe ladies' jackets whtch are selling Off ut one dollar cach et Ouuch, Joinustou & Orydurinen'. Mes. W,ý Wallace sud daugliter, Toron. to have rettxrned ho-ne after e visit at Mn. D. Fiteher',. Mrs. R. Youag sud diughten Nellie bave gene ic visit fiiends at Paieley, Meaford aud Barrie. Miss Mentie Curtis, Port Hope, sud M1ise Coia Williaixs, Cubourg, vi Ited M'sB NoBle Williamns, reeeutly, M. Mayer is selling off the balance of [hie f ur gda t vory low prices for c &e. Now is the titue te buy a chosp met of f urs ain as alwaya Ahead, Presetit U. S. Gov. Chweuist, A. F. Ut1derwooQ4> ys .Ji4y 16, $9u. "Llaving exarnincd and thor- oughly tested the lealing braznds of baking powder, purchsed by myseif in open market, 1£.xnd Cleveland's Su~per Bk- i ng Powder thebc bt iî2 quaflty, .the hbghet in Ieavening power, and per- fectly w1hoesome." J. S. G ovt, Çhlerlaýtj 1890. TIownship Agrioulturat Society. The asuai meeting o!fliais socety wes held in thse oouucil ethamber luit Thurs. day when the following oficlere were eleeteci for 1891:- P. Werry, pre2id, ut; W . Oke. ¾qée do; R. Wirditt, seretary-troasurer; DIRET~~OnS -JIIO. Oke, H. Ç, HIoar, J. M~. Jonesi, Thos. Pamcoe, NI. MoTavisis, S. J. Rall, D. G %lbraith, Sid Brooks, Jas. Stanley; AuDtreas,. ---John MMîrrW. IR lîmie. Mus. Donnelly lesUiegliahr largâ stock below guet. A lady osys somne Iovoly furs are being sisowu tis s eason by Mr. Mayer. .Beantifuil silk haudkurchieofs et J ohn J. Mason'm Dry Goode and Jewelry flouse. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Ins urauce. Roui,. VnITuE, Agent, Bow*manville. t! Beatitiful neclttipi3 et vory low prices at Joisn J. Mao' Dry Goodsansd Jewelry lieuse. FURSs RUP.ARED.-Ladies, tako ycur fur~s te b. repairtd or msade ever te M Maye'r before the bu5yy neazoa. inget my new fur goods before investing a Ia.Extra value and very latest styles. M. Mayer. Oh~, uhat a cough ! Well you heed the warninz? Tho signal perhaps of the sure approsoli of that more terrible dipease Cunwption. Aik yourpelves if you can afford for the sakie of ma% iig 50o , to run the risk and donothing for it, We know from experien.-a that Shiloh'ui Cure will cure yowr cougb, It never fai's. tf. BOWMANVILLE MARKElTS. Corrected 1w J. liuwtry. every TuesdaýY FL'OIR, le 100 lbn ....... WHTEÂT, Fail, P bush. Ji Spring, il BÂRLEFY, r bush, No., L. Ji i l il 2.... PEA-s, Blaekeye, e bush... Ji SmaIl l . il Blue, f . BU'rrun, tbent table, P lb. .. Eoos, P doz........... POTATOXS, e bush... POUR, Pl wt .......... RAY, e ton ..... ....... Rled Olover, 4 hui...... .&lsike o e il.... i $2 40 to 83 20 088il 0 95 000fi 0092 0 00,if 0415 0 00,,Je040 000 ~ 0 35 0 00 fi 0Ob57 0 00 ,0 40 0 00 ,0 9 I- 0 55 ,058 0 65 ,060 0 14,t,10 15 0 00 1 0 22 0 40if 0 45 5 60,5 75 5 00 , 7 00 4 60 if4 75 5 00 1' 9 00 Notices or Rirtlis, 2es cents; lWsrtiges. 5 cents; 1ieatIs i1t. eaebli lsortiten -but FMIC V CntuKIi hmn thea fuicseri carets are vuwted ai MUeS *1*ec JEi.:ais.-At Thornhifl <ittage. EKingston, o. Dc, 26. 1890. to Mr. and Mrs, . W0.C T. Jeu- ki 5st6 so . AdUTI nie of t' t i d-for Bale by] WEBNE8DAY, FFDRIJARY4, 18I( AT 1:30 P. M. On the Promises, The I1"olowb VAUABLE FARM PROPEI ON TIRE KINGSTON «RO A About two milse from flowmauvl1-. and1 Ing in 0! we) ïvhp of Darliwon, in couny of Durbain 8zid Provineof onta contanng bï aêmeaenreeueut eue hund andi tweury iii acres more or les, bein; East hall of Lot numiber Twç.nty in the suc Conceesejn ofthe cTownship of Darlingtopu also 1tiet portion of the Weî t haIf oreti Twenty ly'Lug South cf the main travsýlledr known as the Klngec tad, exceptTIlng vcreýs ofi the South end~ et Wccst bal!. The rroverty w111 be sold inunee or i payecils. aubjue3t to a roFerved bid. Mr.,i( hongha. who le U-ing on the farn», wI lgin show et te intendiog purcbseors. Thile i a grand chance te get a farni near tiowiý ville on easy ternis. Thero will asao De Bld thse fcllowlng FARIM STOCK( AND IMPLEMEN 1 Bay Horse, aped l3ay Mare aKed. 1I Marc 4 yesars old, 1 Market Waggua, 1 Dt crat Warggon, Sirlkey Pbow. TERM 2'R ETCt-AND sL.Mif suine of Ten tlollurï and under, Qash; usaI aviolint clght rmonth3 ere4ft wiU bu g on furntbhinX approvcd j iIuu xwe Trnsisop SLu ron,,ên.s -Two Bund Dollars a8 a depost 10 usat the lie efet #tQ100 uc y remain en mortgage for a 1ern six perecent, and the bal:wLne ounea,,iy made known et lime cf aa1e1Prn'cee b'ave tne prtnlledge te pay cagh if h,3 4m For FnttUsr particulars apply to JACKSON & JAMES atCçrurHay and Richmtond O hIMVortgage -lu BewmanvllleDec. JoIliffe. Mr. James dFrtnnle, daugiterof etOrono. crke. Jau. 5th, W- 2. lllpls Stutt, son, uate 1 in the s' JAN'? 14, 1~ -1 ecoen vez'y popular wzue 'janassuîns li The last mneeting of the 1189J0 thse Ohicazo Graphie, published every w as held Monday night when $1 Satuidey, ot $3 a year. It il 9mite eqna voied te R;eve Prower for his ax te the e w'Y ok illuatrated ljournels i vices as cheinnean ct thse Roa( mnay respecte, sud devçtipecial atten. Struete. Amoint aet tien te thse World's Far, or as ilt ter t otd yR atinteitei i "Thse Word's Celumbintu Expoition., pore yCouilliers Ootnièh, Addrepss Tha Graphic,69 Dearboru sîreet, James and Perey, wss lest. Lit- ýe, Chicago, MI., for a slimple copy. We are îness was îtransacted otisen then sure yon witi jike theper. aoccouts, though il aavr the The tr f"Pyot hrh he Enaerald Teasa-Mssera. Brooklyn," told by Misa. Mary Storre sud Webb-aiu e boit tempera th a Hayues,ln Tise Ohautauiqua for February, viv'iîîsîe that have yet viîitedBc . drives special întorest froun the fact that ville under tle auspices cof thse h I the preïent pester of the church, the Teplus sd w. heye had Fe. elry Roi. Lymn eA4bbott, D.D , le one of the eues Thoin meetings have beenc leadin.u Counsolors of thse Olsutauqua and tise general regret je that thE SLiterary and Scientiflo Cirole. Tise 1 soe sho;rt. Tbchy give a grand ett elwritcr cf thîs sketch lias a cdean, plain a xiiinl ieTw ll, and gives thse cernplete history o.fcfAdissxhbion i5 e owne. Eayt tise cisurel froni ils enception te thse pros- e. snt ent lime.Dr. Johnt Holkin, Ç,O., of and TripCnuMs.-The public wilî ba gîad il gRivoe alectue iii Bownaanv it te lestn that tise Ruetor of St. Johns Tuesday evoniug Jan. 23rd et 8 ,r 15 hurch living taien timete horoughly to Su;,etet "Tho great phrojThecteit test by cezpeteul prions tise errylng acetion with God's deulinige wi tr power ef the Ohitnes reeently eretad iu Jaws, and the conilrg of £Chnim hi the Tower, and foumnd< heni weutinz< lu purictual i3 dree erequosted tha rspct las ocde uonimmedizite- inspe)r,.enî tisai h openung H~e ]y t.planivg 11cm by a auperior Bet et a saudb er~ oel~îo 11oeil of over seven hundrcd dollars. At pac., whure thec'lecture will bc giv his demire our fellow townsmen, kuowax te bue ai:iound leter. )IYbe suparior musiciena, &Messrs,.BouEall, inivoraisatisfaction. ia invited te the edvertiso eh, Jopnstoii & Crydrman age. As oui' reers keow nt dlaim te)bu always selling ýf et cot-bnt at tise setue ne of eschis eson thuy do ,d. niay geods et greatly r,3- .Seule goode are eold for t, others at half price. Thisi aue purpose f f clesrîng out thse euable the firmu 10 carry out which liseyrhave alvrayi kept tt s of beginning och eeason nost entirely nuew stock of vY Dover allow old goods to gien tureiemg su mu t) the alnkie, Si helpbd i mue mot kinrdcd r Reaciig cOuýd bee bought ai once in a rr cerne woll snd about 'niOD,1 1 gay, fti So- E- E D .Lf-l- .-- zhIisPece f<»o Notice to Ci 0 TCAS H w.QUIOR. 1dir rchltci !u Plains GO r. writh a: ey yury eh( ens, On M 1 ,oui poratiou of mviii Ms, we 1 w-&-ft the c'il : Iý

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