he rew, beavenl sking ourselves veu here andà it les ,st, La fore- realii eof God. Ives lit at evey- lit; Ithat evejiy- es-en; a., then) whaâ St. T loasof Aquino prayed for every bo ha-sonitQ ail km ýbay, it was, " Give mie, 0 Lord ?-Wht. Yes, the imot NoL se rnueiiweialthor famne, or s drtoteca '~sor to be avenged o11inie eiieraies, ormlc 1cht to be well apen of by a1il men-nokleof ulin ii rmi ththhLinglSm--no ;but hisday prayer waS, like t le falshima " gjiveme,-() Lord!, a noble ertw I owol, doa lt ear.thly affection canl drag down. " And what ,sluir and thie lux wsthe reward for whicli lie looked? A are malny it white robe ?f a golden street? a bolise uf rathier aminiýlg, ,o1iF? No but when 1thie visioni said to hlmi Othier vices ail 'Thonl hast written well of me, 0 Thomas, maev ifalse wliat reward dost thou clesire '?" Non celumn dugrading mono 4uS ledmu-ootier rwadthan thyseif etmaethe ete --was the i ieok and rap't replyv. Did flot bjad womÇIleuï for il FDavid oSy the s3,euel" Thon-, 0 od art the tlie is,,eiy of liie thing tlhat I long for. Whom haýve 1inl maliguiity. But e; heaven blit Thool aud there is 1nons 3upOiliwoul ieL acoin ,arth than 1 I desire like unte Thpe." Are love4 eaja ther a)ur souis in s-ny seuses of thLe word a-tirist belle es-chi otbiep fr Godl? Aid the eageri competian ef rjings wi ht e umiiness, in the rid dsire foi- pleasare %at idi rtisanus, " 'S'I] for gold, how nmny of yen are seeking a, imodern noe'eii "fir-st tsle ingdam liof God and bis riglit- be te- live la iia h eoses"Ahi, xny friewds, if - G d mud 1derstoodd lav Is righteouisness" b e our conception of boa- esOtHdùot %'ci We may abtain it, and that wiithout Iust far th lk1, nmoney îan without price.. Noir, I appea! lEarLh baslher price for what eartii gib ss us. ail totell nieme The.bggris txdfor ;a corner te die in; iv See tat lilew Tbce priot las iUs tee thaU cornets an i olrivü- ens Vlllni gaine for the grave )Vu die ir j an)d bouls our seuis our Iviwepsy; ,we eari with aulr whole iu'stask- leaven thiat i gnuaway, ýy God is-ybe had for t Ile aki ousimosbyau carctliueof the soul and the mmew cirth, i' is-br e. If Co e hothe anc abjEct of (et iidiuion witb Christ our ing-le L tirean iumr Li 1 )e flled." beowuns wbvAy the e iru a London le- Sthe szrs3 of the EUl il s tbeof caxul Ilicil th't weanniud ake t ci more bioýsed 4ifmen soug eiements of true bleýss.du wou)iid be but true rien, wooldbdli ho loy iidgr God mIleant them VoL')be! dul,1ge thJemooslves- iii tJe_ý be true mon and truiewa:o bjearjt is ev7er Iuriug wit aud sullen jeaLeuisy ad amnan or is holi a jac Thie man wvii bas te appetil& and dramll wbo is omittcn with b eucLiarti,ýs sd iives for suai ty.-is bho a man or te the s-pü or to the swii given over te lies sndma suikhinto, as lho bas li ourse? Expel from ,thel" remains of thesapesvi hi.s, the tiger'sfnry, the, f, andUlVUtftiti~CL. th e (alurtii thcs a ms-n if ho on]ly be [IdIt<hei the brute-s or likie 0 e"I will.' A seciety aof mon a. il i to e h, tatruc Churlh-T d' cý itO bierarchie uhurcli, & Chu hst the seli-g'larification'11ao rd ahsorIbed 'lu flu]cmiono3all snga true Chutrcli afCrist - Dr'. J, 0. Ayer & Pies $I; ix bottie, boitis.. il. J, STEWART Tailor and Cutter, BOVVWMANVILLE, ste i'sht heip, emli anca utQ in e esrth ed se for if ecdi ee swept bfr o-u wn l Shop on Seconrd Pboor ove.- Ted 111- deeortbe sts of lie uaw J nm-kuood & ca's. Dry GeOcds Store, Sidle EInre li5 e calos-2\11(1the cùýfeae ly wû I1a Vies,. îrotu treet. 7S es-ch ferourseeLlie nome sutl 1 Ilit othersdo iU ;for îV is et nis iug h0W mmcb Gentlemen's own xnateu'iai malle iln-and trimmed in Ors-clise style auuQ ~.dMrs. ivisgoogrni Has a Few TbiEgs to Say glood lits guaralutaed, Abolit (Ohlitma8;- for "wstbkionid av IL Ghrsia-is did Ye ex- haeMrs. mucG-119,Yl>-- rmei~ aller reld. 0fr1Pure Cod JEiver OU andi It is ainrasi as parlataible ais mtflk. 'ar better thn Lother s ale Ecsos ýv omndertfilash producr SCOTTeS EIJSO 5U5'5 «f f(f i ' i 'oIdel fqj Dealers a t ý Oeflpfr,"e .MfISe DON'NELLYý an merican JMiiIiiry and is bouu4 t. aelthem ast luw prices t,) oit the times. Sho a bis talarge iossort»uilt of Wtigs, Birlm, 1Ribboiig, Fatber8, Velvets, Plushee, tTntrimmed asud Trinimdelakts and Bonnets, in ail the iattest novelties3. Ladiles wishin, to purcisse wi.ll do well to es-il and inspect tho stock bel ore pur. chasing elsewlere. No trauble to show goods. ýýtra-w a.nd Feit FHats re- shapedinl UtJhe latest styles. 1>,eguatesthe StQrn-ic1h LiIver and Bowels, urdpç'ks theSert, OnS,'U rifiestlae- 13food and remnoves el imr- IIDricis fr a'Pi r, hI.e, 4o - LLIUSESES M0 UIPED EW W'hich are bceugh-t directiy blite (Ii'taict ith Cth remboving cii impu iti" fouioboy içssare ALL HIOM~E REFTEREIIOES. -is, C' ilu foui Tey're grti aui Ged .bicp b, t. euxt, Cty,: -werit. on the street uvet, ),, noe Cr laos Sa nu, ~red tth per.sory. -X-uug~ s-trqn~tbeued ~ Such X me T8tiOfl~I5Fr2ee ndiMen~tionThIG As, fpst-asthey %-crercevd Onte enimeiiets au jplfame1us ru1ishn r at ciebchconfers adi-e Al1um, Amis- E. W. G LLI ~ OEILR~M TK rTJ ii' amen 'Ire wim