e, sieo.uoo do Legisi' 1pressed sud Repaired by ii Cothes Cieaner, à te lie as no eue willI ku roi uw wlien doue. ing sud Onutarie '&reets, Bowmaniyll. Buste os ra e 1ou sai 1ar' red tates anc loi ra tns nlar a or e rt. 10. Mçi9JLL, ,onto. unt ami.mciwà'and ee.ay it 01 breathle tlrougIlthe mouth vu oibeto breaitho throulgh not intelle t 1 t iwo ," says Ithe Lc'îdoniopt LOCAL ÂGECNT FOR Dominion Organis - LAINOS:p al#.jîWNANVILLE, - Otbr pntethe hepes audtf cama, thle loves and hate-s c'f cur ivsthýt wésar ontOr nenvo(-Us system su ad endauger the balan1c(ýe f the bralu.' Il is ntgurîyknowu htcmeca ,glycerine conteina a coosiderale proportion of arseniic. The tact should ho borne in mmlid bype~u who imnagne tiis ar-ticle to hoe -w harmls tChat it cin be uaed in almnOst anuy quatity. A r-eceumt medical journal rej- Ports a case,' in which a gentlemlan necarly lest his life through symp1jtoma'ý clos'ely re- sembling those cof chierau, b y thu use et a ohesap grade ef glycerIinie. Unles the giy- oernen il cheomlcaliy pure, it is ha-ble te pro- duce poisononas ymptoma whîen taken lu- temn1aily, Borate cf soda lu the tretuet et epieps was frst proposeedby Charles F. Fionl, ef Bostonl, in 1851. Cowems eported. tour cas"es treuted il thuheiedY, oe f ,which weruenetirely eturod. Lately,ALf St le, 1eic epocrtsý, Seno1r Djoud has triedl the nenedy bi oldi cases i which the bmtlshad been employed w-itheut auy- reai benielit. The duration cf the treat. men t withi the bborate of socde was front four toei ovun ejh, the dos~e,,ofthe remetly vai-ed frm onc te six graîpgme d One rare wsComplteiy curedAl and ail the othiers, except s3ix, wene muc i iuproed. The exýperoinionts bcretct3re miade piove thet the remedly cndirinisfithe, freqjinecy cf th e epileptic seizures in a Cjr 7lar-ge num-, be e cse -ich are net mnfftrencéd favor- %b4ly by th romds. The boiate ofsd, m1ay 'hogiv'-'i i eses ot Six grammues, daily withcout auy risk te the patient, bcut it is necee-sary te1eoinwit lieue <us' twe grammnes s day and gradosilly increasie thie dose. The fOlewiug formoiiils is rcomeuded ; Sedie 11rt111Y ..... I te 6 grammie's. Syr. auraln1. arb. .. l",8 9 Aqjun detilat . ".. .100. CHqANcX.E 0F 1BUSINESS. rîcruen people and persoins conuinea to their chamnber or their homes by chronic aimiente, niiay often be greatl i eiped (bytrienly cat by varnous littie tan)gible ùXpreCsÀlSioncf sYli- paehy, suld lu genleral, by sunshine br'olglit from the ctiewerid, althontgh, evN'Glu such cases, wisdlom la reqnuired. Butflu the case of theacty sick,vi- tors are comnmoui an evil. AsaLiie, theý,y remit to long, and wesry thlepatieut 'nit] mutintlcoy tslk. 1t should neyer be forgotteni thiat oeoaf the main coitiions3 of reoovery is coroplete quiet. The quesýtion Of tho, ad- missýion etf visitera should be1sef t asiti to theo decision) of the phiysicien ald the goed seulse OF the nuraoe. The ?resefvati9u of Our Gante. ]'Il the multitude cf coiipsers ,,,thero is wis dom ui:id we do hope Chat everybody iuterest ed lu the proservation of eus' amle iwill sn bis view-s to the on0tarlo fish anid game cm misowhiçh hlaslhold thri-ee ittinge inm Torouto and of whýlich Mm A. 1). Seatof Hlamilton ias,,ecretary, A score ofget- monei have givon lun their testhniiouy,, ailoli' them Lhein sveliuterested flu the hiLl preso-rve2s that are sprnuging iip ail over the land sudc othtrs whiose main interest flu ganie le aniloasijonal shoot ovcv public e Imin, Somlethgh that hunltiuig deor. wilth degs sbhould hoientiizely abolishied auid othersd that the exploration of ail gsiriie inccldiug docks, shoib stityrhhtd thers agatei favored a lice h eilig sttacbied to üevry gun and inoarly everybodly was luif aven etf die governuiienit sppoinithgi n.Jle wndIe1is. Thierc was alie a genieral feelinig that foreigners ,shiid ho compefled te psy a per- liit ee. 1iturîýl1y a question anose as to how fear settlers weno te ha allo-wed tg go flu the killing ef dees', and thie prevaililig opinionapeodto bho that they sliould ho coeed tOoboey the law as closely as ot her follke, A great deai ef evidence wasý givein as te butchary of deor olut ef s-)sen, ewitness sverring that lhe hadhoeen told by " an alleged sportsman " that lu onle year ho had killed 45 deer eut cf season, seme being deoeshev with fe-wn. Asa sample et thfe adice LgiVC'%'enwqutOetie followisug from -iMr. Arthur L.1'. Bryn, ef PQut SdeMukkwli stuggested:' 1. That Ihuniiý,Ng tthhçid or doge of aniylclnd, in the persuit oft deer ho pro- The uuidevsigned, wish. t o malk e kîîowin to the publie the follow ing. business arrangement, wvith a vjew to further exteilding- the business atd t (f)stittb3, tter acm idt uo es WVILLIALM EDGERwill have fuil eharge ,f fthe Blackesmithing Departmont and miI *1be pr-epared te execute LAIl ordejs and do ail repairs in hie Uine en Bh0L't85t nOtica sud beaýt of workmiani- ýi- guarauteed. The prices wvill be right. -O',A.- P Ï1LP wili ha>ve charge of the Wood and Paint Departmnents and wiIi spare no effort or expense to give Fetl;est satisfaction to ail cuiýtDn1ers, iiewan cld. Ag heretofore as first-cl'SIass ain' or will be kept and a specialy will be made o~f t hia branch, Alil-cep,,irs prolmptýly douje. JAMES MORRIS willi perraeually superiniend the Trimming Dapartuient, which ai! o a sýuffiint guarautee of the superiority cf the work tiirned out. The nian ufac tutre of Carrnages and Carnagile Tops wilt be ex- tensively carried o11 anld a large niunber of LATEST STYLE 0F CARRIAGES will be buit for the Spring Trade. FaIrmîkers auld olhcrs wiII do well to çive ç heila Cali before pah hi reu The old Porter Foundry is stiIl booming. are ready to supply ail ordIers for Castings of every descrip'- tion, the only plaice wht rie ail you cati be supplied 011 the shjortes notice in lte shape of w f orar longedl .astigs, large or small, Plow Points, the cele1brated d îteel ma~de f'or any plow iynarufctiiredl. Large Furnace Kettiýes always in stock. ire pay the Highest Price "for Scrap Iron av 50 TONS AT ONCE. Stove Cas!ingay of every description supplieii. u L ?A 1 1 N GJMaoh,,inery of -ail kijnds, AÂicul plementa, Stoves, Bicyces, Se chines, iu feot everything that W s worth repairing, wo ceau déo net have te keep auy peddlsrz and enly aupply reliabie agents. S. J. HQSRIN. H, J. W-E E uarig ...........- ........... . ................................................1............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................,... ................... . .................... ................................................................................................................................ . . . . . . ........................................... . . . . . .......~ ..... .... ........................ ................................................................. ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ............... ... 1 ......... ......-..... .................5.. Ail HARLES A. YOGSLIII CO~, Baltimora. Md. adiaii Depot: To~'oiito1 Ont, as Repaireid rlmmied If Deslred, 'l <ceF the label onthe1 rracrc. vil 91 lu-L 1- uu 1.