THE 'egitb. on 55 l ikDepar ions niada iii Europ Canasda. 1. J. eJON~EiS Clothing -ssed and Repaired by *ý P EÂTI lotiras Cleanar, lia as noonue wUll kn Lew when done. and Ontairo Stroûts, caivillû. anking Ruoinas Transfériâ (nits t. L l(E"o to Toronto. OINT Toronto, Ont. By PERET 1iA1UTL t RTer father,', houseù was nearlyr a mile lati from the eeï, butt th brcath of itV was ai- bh Ways ,trongý at thle , i'jows and doors in J'I the early irnoriniin,, and when there were r 1heavy sou(,ithv as o, rs" Iblowýfin the wini- lhc er, the wind bjrought the sharp sting of CON sanid Vo her cheek, aiid thie raîi an odd taste sti oif saitto lier lips. 0On 1this Pa rticullar Decem- j O ber ltenon b e, as she St(ood in, thel d0ooray, it seened, be smgularly ecalm l lin the souithwest tradles lew tut faintIly and u9' scarcely broke tliecrests of the long Paýîciflo ahI swell that lazi]y rose anid fLe )on the beach, 1 wb-ich only a slanting- copise of scruib-oan bel andl wilIow Ld from the cottaigeý. evertiie- to lees she kniew this league-loug trîpf)nofshiin- Pr( ning ialdeic betta ,r, it i,',1Vo- be feùaved, dis than the scanity flovwer grdnarld anid 1 stunlted by Uts cotigulity t lha& beau bier bh playgrolund wben she firsv caýme there, 9a Hl mothierless girl of twelv e, and jsheo had hielp- th( ed bier fathier gcftber its ecattered driftwood mri -as the fortunes of tlhe MNillerS wre nýIorth abova accepting ,thoeeoccaýsionlal offerinlge pi of their lordly nleighibor. wi 1I wouldni't go far t-aJ elily," said dci her fatheur, a,% the girl steupped f ron the sli threshlold ; -"Ido01A trust the we-atber at i tlhis seasori -alid besîdes you hlad better be h lookinig over your wardrobe fr the Obris L- f zosEve Party at Sol Catlin'!s" PIe "Why, fathar, you doni't finend Vo go Vo l thlat mni's ?" said tha girl, 1yloning uip witb a troubled face,. "Lawyer M1illr," as lha was caleed by his fw iueighbilore, lookedÎ slightly embiiarrassed. ey "Why noVt" ho asked in a fainitly irritated 'ea toile.fa " 1Very w !l iPo as Youlike,"hareplied, of ,with affeted car-elesenes; 1'only 1 hoaghit a' as we Cannet afford o go els3ewhere lis WV Chrietinas, iVmligbt lbe as well for us Vo taire gi what we could fii4 herm" Il "Taire what we could finid here V, IV was t so unlike him---be wbo had always been so C strong ini preservinig their little domestlio re- o fuiemients in thieirruide erroundiugsthattheir loi poverty hatd ineyer seemied mean, nior theirna seclus;ion ignoble, She turned away to Con- by Ceatliher iidignant clor. She couldi shara o the biousehold work witb aqa w andon, chinlamtan, she coaild fetch ,Wood and water.. Catiiia had patrouizlngly seen lier doiscg it, i but o dance Vo bis \vulgar pipinig-niever ! a 'Sho was noV long in reacbiug he saude hi that now lay biefore lier, warmi, svet-ent- h ed fromr short beach grass, stretcinig Vo a a dini, roek-y promloultory, and abscltaly uni- txýod by any foot but bier own. IV was thie virginity of secison that liad beeni charm- ai, iýg tphler gîrlhood ; fenced l n het'een tl'hir impeuetrablehledgÏe of scrub oairs 0ontheire a- side, anid tihe liftinig green walls of lireakels his tipped wlb heveaux de frise of White foam- b on the other, she had knowns a perfect seçu- i rity for bier sports andà fanciesi that hadl cap- a tlvaved be-r own-hradi instincts and native à fastidicusuese. A .few whit--wvinged eGa-eV birde, as prend, reee-rved andinaiclen-like ýýe ats berseif, badl heell ber oly cmaiis Aud it was niow the custodiaanif ber secret l -a secret as inniocent e ud cb ildflike as hier ~ previeus youthfnl fanc(ies-haut still al secret ' kniown ouly o lherseif.W Oua dlay she had cerne upon the retting sa ribs fa rc on the beach. Ite distance fromn the ide Iiina, iUs pos3itioin ad Us (le p le, iimbedding eof aand showed that it was of an- cient origin. Ailonieres eadar, of aIl pci that pertainecl te the blsýtory of Ciliforn,ii, h Jeimy had in fancv niten siled the seas ruin., scideruarcd t ku e p is causuennl",1ar1- know Vto lir rfather, LaS carefal irq Ilo lier parbit irad bud it was equ Lally uu1)ow', lo tira neigi-os. Fur tis shy, imaiVe yôaîcig gilifeigbtcea hlad cniaeirereeli tirat it nligirt tili conitain) a part of its nid, tr eats iie. Sire wnatld dig for it bierself witir- onit teliing ayoy If sire failad, n" o"a woalld iro it ; if sirhe wera u sier would stirprise bier fatirer aand perbupe re- trie c'a thir fortune by les vui 'gur 1eans tliran tireir present toil. Thiank VtO e se claded iocaity and tire lacVt ha. sirewa krlewi to spand bier laisure moments in waui- dai'i)ug thre, She coald woir wliot su-13 pcicien. Sacretly conveying a sirovel anda eW toils te tira spot Vire next day, sirest aboultlberzp, dilo s Vss. As Vira upper, worirs"wee4g'ee, and tire galleon nioV large hi Vrra wees, orkiug an heuortw 1 uci dy, slire iad mada a ae exc-av ation ilir steri. Sire bad bauitid many car[ionis thinge -thirefotsaiiaud jetsam n oproviens sterme neot tira treasare. To-day sire was- filled with a vagua hope of miaki3ig lhau discoveny loeaChritinas, Day. To baye beauakile te taira ber athar cni ilontirat day-if 0eniy aa ew nid cois--tire frit ofni-erown antsspected la- ber and intiio-neiit Vire resi i fvigar1 bartar or man1iai wag-Wnid lave11\beau com.plate happlnes. IL wits parape asea wirat visionany expectation for ani educated g irl. cf aigirteanl, buit 1ml tiug onia yoalg lifornlia girl, whio irad livad *in tirhiac glinur on f ti,ýireasrahantlng, ami in ýirae sensitive iaidividuullty anmle of its s11btle pe iis Td eu iostillad. lehito-day, sr adnetlirlng, Sire was eatdly bhidiniglber pick and sirevel, as -%as bier caistoin, -bivi sire disc2overed ltie ranesir trueir nfan alieni foot lunVire saad. Robinson Oruisce a was n1oV moeastoundalld at tire savage footir, thea Jaunýy -Miller uttVils duiuig proof ni ia invasion nf lier sucred Vrrory. Tire iootpriiîts camec fromi and retuIrned Vo tire copse nif sirmuhi. Soneaone mgit have seau lir a t wori! Buit a sicgiar chrage ili tire waatie, oýveloniredialber excitainent, irere forced iteefliuponi lier. A lgrV flilm over sca and sky, liiitad unly hy fitfui guets of Mixd, sieeured to bava suiddanly tbiickiu,ulntil iV becamie a opa tqie vait, naaurrrwiug, in cmr- cumfirence us tire wiud ']rle. irapro- monter>,ba.ind bier disuppeared, as if swal- lowuil. ap, tiredistance bera bier seemed Vo eenitrat ; tire oceaci at irer ida, tira cler oni dull.pewter, vaniished li a seeat i< uin rairs, and by te iratre sire raacirad Vrahboe,. bal ruiirrg, bial carried aiong by thIe qar. tevna force of the wind, a buill gale was beIng ll.tira avening, reachilg a climax sud fniry aV puet miduighit that was ramnem- hered for msny y cars ýalnng Vire coast. Ithie cridst of iltheV ira ad tlire boomnin o a- nion, aud tiren tire voicas ofni ghbers ii tire road. IlTlrte W seaid Vira voices, '"a big, steamner usiere juest alore tire bous." Tiray dresead cjicily sud nrauont. lluggirig Vira edge nf tire copsa te breathe suid evade thefir ey nifVirawind, tirey trzg- glad Vo tira sands. At first iookilg )eut Vo sas the girl sawiothïing ,buit, fl lowing tiî dIr-ection of a nieigbbor's an, fer in tVirt wildluiiatni an aboiee seemed1 peesef1t, sir4e Sw dinactiy heinre ber, se cloýse ulpon han 1ltuet irecould bave i-Vhnwa, pehjle onuhourd, tire irigirhnws nioaa s p, Iccecisvary nanesgava banrtira feel- inig Viat it -as alraady Saved, undc its ce- I, mlonnlted on1 a', eaico ',Musat itrageols andl bizarre as hiinself; aogthem. la another moment, wirat Irad. be awlem nV udiel iowas 0 orgcniec and 'actien. 2eeSedC eagerly around lmir, and lae ispereed naider Ibisqcjir comma opin g at iýs ieeswas a team -itîti mOt, hrouirti from tire riv-er, mlle' ae washierec, thiere andl everywhere ;c hoeliua tirrown by tire rochet from t arsirailing Vile men Vo iraul it in, an bc bail from lthocseonuboard abjoya rsft, pervadling everytbing and[ evi ritr Vire fnr-y of tire storm ; b old, in) )m1ineCering ef-etng , al sufflo' licceseful ! Aud lwben tLieboat, was 1, tie lasV mliglity imueiae fi loulder. Ha- rode at Vira halai i it hagn al of foam, arect uni )aut ! D,177id,' bewildleredl, eryl atlgl)iag, ehe hated hlm mnore than Theoat imad(e three tripe, birrn, itbl the aid of tire iawser, ail i ailors sire irad seau perisir hefore 1i yee. Tire paseugÎere-hey wera fi nptaini andl officere, foundl refuge ,Vber's bouse, aud wera loud lanthiri Sol> OaVhin, But lanVirat graVacfi l single gloomly voic ar-ose, tia vo: vealtbiy aad rouhled asagr ,va," ha saîd, I"fiva thousauddoa an41 who bnings nme a box (Àl seouiriti c My sae-oll."Every eya Vair ~ic Iv l VoSol; lha anewared. 011Y ren. "I, .Say Van thousaudl, and adC-blastad blulk Iboide togetier tm rager, lIlI do lt'-mne! You hear r acesSol. Catiu, aad Iwhleni e1ay ' )Y -, I(do i." ,Jeny's dcisgr rached its climax. Thea haro oi tent i a, single imoment of native mi vullgir avarice. Ha was gene; noV orriy twn heurs, 1 igirt hadI comae and they were aager ly iini,whenir le retarnedl among thlýeni,- id-ap V-haued.Ha Irad reac hip hie saiI, iti another ; found t aid Vnastad iief alonn wiG th ItV ýut l the surf lhacad o abandon iV miielf. IV had. perhaps dtdasir igbt ho baud; for lbîmsel, lire ahi s cdaimVto tVire rward. H-ad haie aehadlcc or moicrtifiedl, Jenny fait V .gbht, have relenitedl; but tia braga, i al-aifeso confident and h oï ver'. Naatris as bis eye sac air bier, slirewae cons Vnainedl, lunmer, icss, Vo add. ler own Vo )ber father's ucaS. "I suppose," shie Iesitated, ing hlmii, " that tis ile a manre noV uOL altar ail that you dil last nig aIs raailjy great aul) uslCI h. 1 We7 re ;oen neyer dieaýippoiuitdl, -M aid with exaspanating ab)ruptue,,s A few heure bter, alaried at wh ieh-ad beard of tire luroade of thre c ire rha isan highicrtban ever known tive oldeet sattiar-, and pre2ý,&ps minidfrri ytedyefootpr-inItsý,hsr- nght barC sacludad haunit. Tire wrc"tk w-,as stii thi but tire sea Ihad reaclirad it. Tire excaivati hetwaen ite gaunt rbe was ffIied wâh b d and tire seaw%,eed carrn(tie thraby tiree arrd entrappad ilu its mashesý. And thi tee, caught as ilu a net, lay tire woodenb ni secuireties Sol Catîlu bad abandoried tirh ss, This le tire story,, as IV was. toid te Tlire eiingility cvf coincidences hbad e] langad sema- peculation. J enny insise a thle turne aupon eiraring Vie mi reward Nv Catlu, but local enVties bava pointcI d that, frea, sbeun eveate, tins projý neotiag. For irirad marrlad bm A wemau raqaires ne tutor Vo eac i loe amid tears. Onaeal-proigheur whole yeare c o weigli. -['Ppe. Weakaeuss on bothir ss l, as wa kmJýuo tire mtten ofalqari.[otia A snuad diereis net se muchin(i natad hY Inover Making a mistake as1 A ede acquaintance witlr Vie wnr muest cnc every ial tiraIt actions, i won0sare tire mue eontarien nofVire attac menplt ni friands ; and Vial V(,ie met l11h professýions nif gond mwill are very far frc hein, tire surueet marks of it.-[Ceor Tire great ma is ho wio doas noV lose F cbild'sirrt-[ods AMauimd are iwysiappier for bavi býeau happy : so that if yen maire tir hrappyniow, y ou maire Viem happy tweîn yaars banco b)y thire mery ni it. -[sidiI He Was Whipsawed, "Oaa yen drive ?" ssked a fiair ynung Eo End dameel, as sire etood hy 1ire aide nfi adorer and guzed ont of tira wicrdew aÉt "O, es,"rapled tra yang ai, unthin irgly; 'mqtagoddir' And iV loke lire gond sieiglnig,"t girl %Vent 0on. Tire younngmani relapsed jute eilmr wbicir was Oecuplad chirflini mental iý otlations as Vo bmw maury leigir-rides ca rantsatesaoouldafford ou bis 11 week eaiary. "yenl slid yoculd drIv, didu't you ased tire grthtig ie sabjeet. Wel-er--.t'sbeau n long timue simo dîd nmuci r divlng, and I'm atrir i IVwon hardly ire sale for mie te udertake it," 'O, I'm S ýo serry; I wvas Just going ask papa te bhave tire cutter bitcbed up we could ake a ride." A. Society Note. Littrle Chioi-' Wirat dû ou entVh agly littie Vling Conta nadar yonir wl (1d1Han (,iro bad in advertemtly ira Vo] a dck'e ",iegg)-" I Cimi'V liVi, 1mY dej WVe've g etVo Putt up witir Vie creatuira,t ca uae he eongs te our sot, yüorýIue w" ii s iiigr na is nhta, Scrantc11, cl atwvuy tihern11 will be no more irritable thimn thoýse rodlicedl by any like instrumenit tbat le cou- Ficleredl innocent. The resuits of the exail- aions made in Vierna show thlat it i3 more vimportanit thet teiganisbe kep3t eanl thian le snpp)losedc. Svuyegtwere made anrd there were found iritykid of micro- coceighteen cdiffernthcil and threa, kinds l of nnr; cides, e"maman rnold spores were p ies ntimany instauLces. IV wouldi seeâm froc i this that t ÏesaeslIundcer the ýfingev aisware favorable biding places foriiimiiue orgaisýme whicb are more or less prjdcato health, and that Vierrin lies tire pois3onous element attrihuted Vo Vire nails, Furtliermoore, thlat cleauliness of Vhee nails le a vary important assential. IV le3 noV ,uili- dent Vo iuse nmereiy a muiie baa but ut tbe toilet a scail bui and pinty c f sa and -water sh ould ire eallad laVe oser vice. Sargeone long ago iearnied that dpst under tire naile were a menace., and dtat irrougli tVien wounds wcre ceas'ily poîsonad. ,This ed Vo extrema earrein ireicmatteronipersonal cdean- liesm on tliroir owni part and on Vire part of aIl their si, tns Before an operation is performed ail wilo toucAirtire patienit or tire instrumients wiricb are Vo be ased ilrst dean tirairls nde tiiogiy -witir eoap and water, bein epecialîy carefunitVo have tire spaceýs und(er tbie n ý P, ahs-oiuteiy cdean. Aiter hs Vire bande are pu1t into deaetn ou tions. Girls Who Make Peor Wives- I neyver see a petted, paipered grirl who lyieided Vo lu evary whiin iry servaints and parents, th-at I do noeîgb w itpy for thre n iiro will somne day be bier hiiuband. It le tire Moreiipped danigliter, who has heen taugirt that ber whimanpd wiýSiree are inpem t airoueebeIIld, whIo ma11es1mr- niage a failuire ail ber life. She baslirad lber way in thinige great and emnal; and wben ýsIie deeIr desepieasneres or journeye whicb were bayond tira family parse, she carriad Vire day witir teatre or sulirs, or pos- ing as a martyr. Tire parents sacrificed and saifiered1 for ber sake, hloping finally Vo see ber weil married. Tbey carefull iiy biber faulte from tire eitore wiro Seek ier baud, and sire je ever ready with emiles and ai- lurem-euts Vo win irhe arts of pmen,aud tira average mnan is as, dV h aleo pratty girl as aneyhacd bird le bliud Vo Vthe wormis upon tire tracs about hlm.Ife thinke lier lit Vie pet ieb wMays ara miere girl- lirh monde but when slire lbcomres biis wife and àraveals lier selfisli and cruel nature bie je gnieved aind b urt Vo tlciuk fate bias beeau se nnkind Vo hbui. Cemmnon Senge. Omm1non S(esejetIirekinackr of seaeng hige3 as they are, and(loig, thinge s hey oughit tVoliadon.-[C. E. Stewe. "Rnwldg, witbioit commpon sense," says Lee,.""je mliv ;without method.iV le i crowu of al lueulctiesý is emmion sene. set ercouglirVo do tiera igit tbiuig. IV bca doue ut tire rigbùtiltue and place. t knows wirat Vo do : tact iunwa whain 0oW te o t.[WMatbaew. c figura' wbich at manl maires in liSe, tira tec, wiir ire uceets wNit1in c comspanly, tem )paid bhlm hy Iiris acqauaitaaýc- iese depand as imach iipon iris good ()fndiljuldgmont, 'as alpon anly otlier hfiis 'cirace.AÀnu cf tire Ihast iens anlcldu.ire frirest rernovad froml jinstýicua ad violence çwoiiLI nover ira o mireiieai muirregarded, wtr mloderata sirare ni parts sILIud nder- a seusa aand exuLtad sanse are noVlirait lfui a'; comamonu sense. Tire ara forty :) wit lte ue ai nf eniea. leHa t urrintiig about hlm iibat gnid will ry day ut a meý3s ber readlar chang.- udt wiici)iicemmen seusa accordling Vo onant isVtre hast weçm TIrnow; ira hast pbilosophly is te o 0on's duities, :re wvolnd îas it cornYes3, saimit respect- Vooa' lot, blees tire goodness tiret vanI 1Iý nso emach iappînieesw itr, cvar It je, sud te des>pise affecta ion- pole wae one ofni Viosemmen Who posesai- every gif t cexccrpt 1lic-,git ai tire power miIess dispatcirad le business wa lldue, lsinse rmied is busines ýiI dene- are momnentse when silence, prolnnged Iud nurbroiren, re expressînve ur'ay ire Vian all worde aven ýpoken, bu the beavlt irasan lntnpt ofwhvlat ce heurt fallouther is aclg -[O'wena Maredit'a. New Mtether-in-luýw Jeke, .iu4s-lw-I car'i' unerstaDdvw-iry Vira tpapars show sncib md aste as con- [y te puiblisli jokes abolittheVireotion- rirr-i-laW--It le resbiyfVire greateet De, and 1 angIud Vo find a a nu t r'caomwf tsu eriadapto yciIptha Dâow to me." RILÀ.. Â"CHER, M D, 11100.o.0Ozord 2t., «rooklyu, y. Y. 1 l niu me4laaou Tm~ CmiTAtii5 OOMP»-T, 77-Muaa FOR SALE BY J. H--IGGIN)iOTHEA1 & SON BOWMAN-VILL 3riâ 0- Chfiýna H BOWMANVILLI Headquarters in West Durha FI NE Dinner and Tea Sets,' Chinawara, GlIassware, Or ockery5_ Hall, ±'arior and Hand 1 Fancy Cups, 8uaucers, Vases, Water and Lomonade E OUR FAM Highest Prices for Farm Pro Leadiug Seedsinuin the distr Always pleased to show goods. Inspection s MURDOCH BlR Vic> oria Buildings, Bowmanville. will be found in lis old shop, inex- ctoor to Express Office, B1OWM-ANVI-LT where lie keeps constantly on 1 A LARGE & COMPLETE AssoRI -OF- Coarse and Fine B1oots and ShE for Men and Boys', Womnen and Çhildren. Rubbers, Slippers, etc. Trunks, Valises, Satc Special attention given to Repairing ID - «I Best and Si ReZ W ýW f LDEl eda.e for Infants end Children.