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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jan 1891, p. 3

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,TH. 'S, ETC mperance 'ri». Upv Lge, g. ont. etcAN ýoets losned at the3 lowet rates >F MABRIAGE LICENSFS *, Enntskilisn, .C. HIIMKJIG WDA>UCTIONEER FOR inty cf Durham. Sales attended i»otice sud Iowesf rates. .ddreps ________ 6tf S. BiIRDIEN & Co., I'EERS for tihe Oounty et iInsurauce aud ieueralÂAgents. i Rosi Estate Aqot. Sales sud w romptir attondefi t. Box 172, 0. a-t and ELepalre.d.ý V. S. A tendon physician recezmiiends peroxide cf hydrogen as a reeniedy flibay-fever. To Le uiscd in the fcrmi of a spray. Water-fliniking in Tylid Fever. An erineut Frenicli phýysicien e mploycd as his principal treatroont in the mnanage- ment of typheid forer, water-drlnking. lic required is patients to dIrink net less than fivo or six qjuarts cf water daily. Ey 80 do- ing, great activity cf ithe kidnleys is main- tained, and the pisons fermied by the gcnins cf tiHi discase are rapîdly limlinated frein the system. Oilergymuan'e Sorn Thrcat, Wbhat is knewn as' clergyroan's soie throat" is due more tot unwbolosomo food and consoquentingeto than te preacb- ing. M inietsers are invitod eut to dline fîequentiy, and cf couirse theo "best," wbichi is tasaete"ihe, ineaesra boforo thero, aid flic wondcr is tht tbey have any tomnacls ormay thrcats. If the steînacb is eut of eider, te tongue te eut of order, and tite condition of the tbreat is affectedl. Tite vemedy is the removal of the cause. To Haîden thie 8ki. Soume agent which will h.sî-den the skin and thus prevent chafing, blisteîiug, or po feswating, is semletiroe servieable. tjhresnîc acideis useful for, this purpose. A solution censitiuig of eue part of clioie aeld dissoivedl in twcnty parts of water, sbouid be appied te the skin by meaus of a coinprcss cf ctten soaircd in the solution, wliioh msy ho kept on ovor lnight. The ap- plication may ho repeated a number ef times, or until the deired dogîe cf bardeniing is acquiréd. In thie treatroont tho t*in ha- coules bard aud dry ; the perepiration is v- dlucedr as well as abuermal seenibility. - WhLte cf Egge for Ruine, Theu whiteocf an cgg le an excellent appli- HIAM catiou fer a humn. It is better thian cello- sitant dieu, ,vsrniiýsb, or seuet il and cottoni, or àL ats tise ld fasýiiened cyu econisistinig of iOeIls equai pacte of lineeoed oil a111l iue-wter. Ifs Týýefli(oaicy ile 'o eprotection cof the lu- --jurcd surface frei contact with tite air. Rosi tarte. 'flauger ni flueStera,2 Thesodevrn subjeef cf griebas breuigbt to lgt a groeat mnmber of avenues,ý threugit .wichi the c'auissof disoase may corne in contact -with tite body. The fathier duster le evdetly ant excellent rmeane cfof kceping germes stirîedl up auid fioirtîung about intIse air se as te facilitate theiv incubationi. Evidotiy tite use cf thie article lu the Sicir-rocîn le witeollý eut ef place. lieuse- rives and ctrbrmiesbculd inivaribij preteet the moufh sud noso by tyiuig a hian c- koîchbef over therin, eo-by emipbcying somte otiter ferm c f traînier for the brcatb, wbsn ever tire iuse cf tflic duter le vquiredi, sud affe citho dluster lbas been ui sod, itle doors anai w,ýindolws beliuld ho eu(,,e te shcialow a froc irculation of air unitil the ,fie ting dut lbas bee rmovd.A roono eccupied by coin- euotie should ina-vet te dnsted luthis pucioe ranlgcd ail the way frein a dollar te twni dollars, it nan asier mtter te geüt rich1. Titesou bias lest soefisprimitivcvýi gOu r tho climiate bias cbaugod;7 the Ild rvne bave ccasod te hu o 0wll adapted Ite wbes.t Culture. Baîiey, whlich bas in a aesr talion its placias net been se profitable. -Mixed faro'einig le enly bcbng dov elopedl, and, iuntil env stcck cf lherses and1, cattie le mucli impreved, will net bîîpg bu the wealùb that usced te fiow inte the farmier's s,,tocinig. We mlut remnember tlint mouecy madle snet, b'y auy moanuis as if used te be, mnoney saved. 1lu thle eld days cf lumber waggeuis sudbeome- spuni, it est comparativcly littIe te lite ; the ceonditions cf life worcelcap aud simple. 'tle fajrmiiense was a busy hive. Trhe beys workirednlulic fild's and the daugittera in f lic kitobiensund the dairy. Thosewbo ocýuld be spared wect eut teueric. ousaen cow o tcl.The, fariner ow imut bave a bauideoiueatn or brick bouse, and nmort- gage bis laud lte build il-.Tt mut bewllfi- nishod witb brussels or tapetry carpets amii art furniliiture ; apiano, or at lest ',Isl organ, mut grace the draýwiug-roîn. The wagon le for, work on the farro, but nt feou o" or towii: the wll npbelsteved demiocrat, or patenit spiuig buiggy, taires its p lace. Jane nst bave muele-essous, aud Robert etudies Latin et th&nieaiest collegiate ientitute wi th a view te makiug bis mark in oe of thec earnled professions. Ini leesnothis l il asI mit ocgbt telie, Wo shouild rejoico that life for the frineri and is family le not tite drudgery that it ulsed te be ; thlat lhe bas risein l the social scle ; that ho eis able te keep hqS ielien about hlm iuisteadcl f sendinig theinamonrip stagr;that hle able týe oducato hli, senis, off ou witit the ksatisfacýtion c f seebtt, tbeu taire a positionkartooug 1thoninost Pro- rmnetrooen luthe çuty.Btthe -ocd ad- age nevcrtbelcss itolde god; T, hat yer can' t fyeur pudding aud keep it tc If the fariner sponde hie rooney in living,, lie wen't bave ifte buyv land i te *111 the traidi- tiouai stockîng; I iehobecomes ex-t ravagantl the resuit le qulte liirely tae hoa otae faimisud tnilrrutcy, Wc e hould remin beî titese thinge w1icen we asti whetbier the farinýer lei presporous,. Aniotitex tbîng wc sheuhldremiemrber ce titat there aie farmecrs and armie. Tbere are Caniadiani ainiers and American fariperis, and lu opr w cotry Eastern and Western aiiers. other, taire cev oppeitunity cf depreciat- ing Canada are very fond cif rawing a coini- j a ison betweeutte condition etoftho far iner cire aud ini the nibouigrepublil They, tell us ithat ble speý(2ve ýrtystcc on o thieside of thýe boundary, but a prespereus mal opuletii citizen 0on tie other. New I unidertalc-e te say on the bot atborîty this le nt truc. The CanadianLfamer le as well if niot bttejr off than hie Ainericatn ceceiin. Taire tise American nmagzines and newe- papers anid soc wbat evidonce they give; net a mentb passes wi;tbcu ttis questilon boiug' discn1se(nscd l eeof tite periodicals1. They ail 1bar orie testiniony, vis., thit tire Aierbâu eron ne pespros.Tbey aie oilv mited iu opinlion as te the fact, they itors, a fuwclauys uv. uding eroplloyes leYums Fand railreicaand expi( uts we are catlledl on te L The hends in nmos $20,000, sud f clly in zsiements are uder $1 'he dosire for accumula llatiele sat the bottein andA +thefirc'+. s+on the t+ înemaI sbcslddho iookednaftcer. diges tion ehou-ld Bfi rceiýve Lec cîib biter înay ho bcd fre 1In on thedi greund, an l(lebjacte raepedl wich fIe teth ehLould 0Mo thestall. Sncbl articles~ noceeeary fer use shuld ho one sustance theo borso can- cf, sncbi as ieun, wirc, 0or repe e fibre. Conw duug may ho a covoringý,3asmauly boises; ])uring luItevate ,bet-veon a bar roussie migitt ho usýed, ucir tho vice audst tlie ,amle ng mid sucking le dte use cf the lut le bucirled areund l'le inecir. It ffliciitiy loese teadrit cff cd sud cg rcadily swilwdbt at the tigbenegbtepoeufthie anlimal inig eut bis ýtitreat in bis lundeav- ýp dem iiair luextrerne casýes 'p spkseheuld bhttused linftito con1stant supply cof v'trshldril cd lnatthe stailsle cifoies addicted vice, togethier wlitb a two or7 d Ilump cf rock sait. Hlow te Take Life, lire a san, Taire if juet as tbiougb' àt is -ancarnlet, vital, esieonfiai .kýe it jue,1t as tbhOU y'(L en poio- bir te thte tak cf performiug a tl if -as t11e1ugIl the N rnd bad yeur corng. Taire If as tisougis g rand Cpportuuity te do and te ýocarrTyfoi-rmard great sund good to hielp mud cheer a euffcIrinig, nel tuhre nope tu i iiecevery an< ta ce pu, Ci cisc nl Likflmenaudt [aie good ai cases are leý tenthe cf t] 000. ing weslth b n iearly ever ubeonor je ped. in eUL7 wcase n w., ,,n y,< osted we prosocute unr0elentlel miust de 50 to dlefer othiers, an instances bave spenit fer more te man thissu bis embossezlenit amc BOWIVIIA-NVJLLI «Ifs au ill wind that blows nobody good" soya the old W. H. McCaw, of Fort, came into town and bonglit the tiggesi of Jewellery, Watches, Olooks, Silver Plated Ware, Spectacle, for about 45 cents on the dollar andi 'the peoplo of West Durhî te share the benefits. To prove the sts.tement we quote a. few prices. Note tl tuamble down":. Fine English Gold Jewsllery Sedtt, $40 feor $20 ; $3î f or $16 ; $28 f ort$V for $20. Diamaond Rings, Gem Rings ail descriptions fromn $40 don te $2.50, ke than hall price. dic,8 Clay, Wortha $12.50 for $,8 ; $8 for $ý6; $6 fer $4,50, Fine Silver Tes Spoons werthi $4. 50 for $,.3 ; Forirs, $7,50 for $4. 50; Castors, $12 down te $2-00, selling at hall price. GeM W\atches worth $75 for $50 ; $78 for $55 ; $50 for $35 ; $32 f( $17.50 for $12, Silver Wtchps worth $30 for $20; $24 for $16; $18 for $12; 815 for $1 for. $8. Silvor Tes Services, worth $62 for $40-6C pieces; worth $24 for $14-4t Ail other goods in proportion fLia whole' stock mnuit ha ckarcd eut before New Years;, HàAIN ES' GÂR.RI vGEORGE OG HÂINI 1id noue o! meuy scores aofciren c ery upurtanu Yattiearp ýs oounfry. It ltis e met unfer- depressin-,vas over- r d uluig thaf bui a large number cai dpr frcet(ate case the isease Imigbit bave xuucrep to otlticeaii euted juefi as welas nef;, if onî1Y be conesumyed athito, su r vcaifioslied becu taken. wcre makIiug lncîcased ,t f tise State Board cf Heaith oet titeir cru ucedgteieve shows vsry creadly that by the bail lui puces, sud te thli c, f careful prccaufionatry a duc. 'Tlho situation le lating tIsosc sîck frin i tis dtiscase, rollbng imille etftite cou orouglitdisînfection ef theo mcm- ouf more ionttan coul( flhe deaft or recoveyofitihe sud wcie for-ccd te seii tl ry large nunier cflilves ave beoot petit ion wîit the citeapei ave. Tis e ugiect cf titeseo.- Su mucb fer Eastern a geueraliy tho cause or bcgluuing ien. And baaouf isivo epidornic. Titis msgict i, ýeVory reaseen for behbovimu due te ignorance, but ignorance lui nertit-westoru Canada lt it avdty excusable t tiis timo,. prosperous tbia these mitay kuewledgc e sse gn- national bounidaiy. Th ffused. *Hew«el, it seeme8 the mess. rei8bbe jeurnal accutnt 'wittén hby oeeoetus aet 1 .tappalliIug plti itary conitemporaries, puIs- the ailure ef tho K su Iaine.a 4..+. rnce or ,tn,.,ai.successive yeais. A re( Odde And Encis, clbareiry, a profe5s vabf, onnnle Ic A AS titi t, n At the vis- uTinter i U id -0 - I ae pnd ue on av pne u 1 D - - .n,- -i flTUT. C .a 44 fuàoral, at wbicb the id et the cefinlu as ,T ]g tj LL restaoved, sud the Yeunv hhIdrcn cf tflueau- o e rere almawod te les the coîpso. If le Iievingleabise the nt snfrpvisiuig that o-re cf tho ciildisu ex- >i tios ame i Ftrst. peeed ras takien sicir and dbod thte samne day. >w pîepared ta do The prliet asud,]frlculds cf the cild apoiogizedl 1 Ghopping for thii- ir condtuet, by iutsfsiuig tisat thedîipit- ce2sîble notice. thons cof which tthe chiid died was niof the 1business, 1 tope te "«,cafching kind. " T ho acts enoesefret d, tronege, cc, that;tise disese ras cf the eseegt r-ýTCn rp] nn iD aigant type. riees te suit thte times SRY BURTON',ewre lB-lMauy sninal towns are prevenit d frem lun- trcjducîug seweis and ojoyiuig thoeprec 74 anitry conditions tbcrcby sccuîcd, b y the - -* faIse impression cf flic oxpeuse iuvoivcd ilu iufiducm utsoworegc systoîn. The oid- fîsue sewerage system wbicit providod for stcnwatev as ueli as sewage propor, rle- qloirod very largoe ewov pipes. T ho objection te this cystoin was the washing inito the - c ripes cfconsidorabl <quatitY of eand sud grave!, )riticlisformed dans at roquient lu- trals, cauing the sewvage te accumiulate in l pols, sud fitliîug'tho pipes witlh offeusive gasos whicb soonoer or Ister, ~f POWÎe feund thsir way bte the bernes cou- iiected r-itis te eowerago systoun. TIse Cen ir thir 700- odem iisystcet ecrerage previdles two sep- -- '2- rsate pipes, eoue fer csrryiog, away tite storiti waterfhc otbcr for tite seerag.tIfis fouuid tlcat sniabli p)ipasasisevthe pirpose ofseýwer- ago condctiosu mach btter t1Issularge pps -as tise treain fierNs more rapbutly7, l deeper, asud thus ireepe tho pipes frac freinSodim eut. û2îoZt' o(17S An iglt-incb ewe laid at a gradle cf oe ~IO 138 ~ foot ilu eue huudred, mnU lcarry away unuls ma Iss 3HI More s- aothaill1-10e i;l'e frgOie a rer of bousýe's, fcrfy fot front; two illes; long, cacis bouIse occopied by five porins, i -beiug e, nppeeýed that caris poison will urisb not lees tissu twe barioesper day t o wgf et contsuiiuated wa ter. Tisesysteiýnulecit ù, b ýe ipnse than tIse old siteÏest An ogt incbseower pipe can ho laid af an oxponse, inieluin i cf ( pp, o esths lais two titen- &nd cls i izr.The axpeuise teosoith 11PIIýhuil 8e ipy ho yfettoffront,wo-utd ho eu11y about Ç$10.,- "Illiqusr=diý.' eýI befory-to entsa yaror -ight cents per mauly rosl.i essai ccoerve uvw laelu ise refsix Imenthe etfteyear iu tihe 43 countios beard frein there 1,103 foeoiessre-aui averageocf *25 in c onnt y. if the,,63P)counfties unheard hanve tise samoe record, if, would gire forýelosotres lu theo'State, lu the brief of six menthe. This telle ifs ocru But Kauisas doos neft stand aicue lu mi>frtune,; Mssurnsd Nebraeeka ifs fate. lows sud Dakota arc telle' fo-rcis. Tt le Cbueriug te turu freni tis g picture te env ewn Noîtit-W est. Yeaî yoair the, farîncîs in Maniitobja bave grcwbniig ricit ; evenl last yeai, a sOSÉý oxetinai drouflu, tbey bcd a goed and did weil. Titis year tbey have tI oxtraordiuaiy yicbd, sud, niorwithstai the oss f rom a rot barveet, wmli toc biaudsoiee ward for tiseir labeur, Brandon Sun telle us tiero are Sec armoie ln titat district rite wili be comipaistively rbcb by titis y7esr's Crop) that mauy milli ale front $l,5 00 te 000, whilo a few large armiers %1il1 oven More. Mr. Ssndieýou, fer Inst le sid te bave a cr-opMworft $40,00. A lato issue cf flic samoe psper, Ne- iteade a colurnu c f news wttit leso ste sud bopoful werds ; " $56,000 a Ns Brandon brnis growbng wealthy. carryborne pocirts feuc firolney sud(d recobpte. Nearly 25,000 bushels et marktctd yeeto-rdsyý. Streotsý crowded loada cf iwbest sud the elovater, car taxed.' Blor If gives us a ctailcLd ac cf the yrbeat markret sud cf 010 excttraori scelle,, witncssojd during the vweA, set clindes lsy p redictLiug titf2,000,000 bi cf wboaf mli Leo roarketed at PBrandes' year. Tiis wiil br in g about a million baiL cf uine bttIse peekets oethf mesin titat istrictI. iser» is n sno te oeepondent the0 condition cif tl ise Caadian aupier. effot even cfIlle McKinley Billi w believe, bp onlly tcmporasry. Wu beavo country, a ýood tom c f gcoýierme glerious tradfifion. 1Avlew anit ilea mors aitb lu the future. eaild net te ho the cnby creature1 'e. Tise Sotb Amoirican bird cal!- met-mlot," ic letntuebruazilicu'- le actully boLus ibvismg ou suriv- aturfity. wtrll drnd-i th etail feafluers, if ýýl nts:atielled witb thic i natui state. ,htt wih ifs es cf the weh con cacis ide ferasepace twe inluslaviug a ucaut ittic af, teend cf eacb. Angele'Visite, seftatione are more biackuieycd tissu ýih speaira cof " angeis' vIite, fewv et reel. " Is asuy ligbitItisrownon)I -disputed source b y te fclbowing, te John iMorris, (<171ji,)wiichi Ieut ceuf numbLer cf tIse Eche ? Lding mre thlieIcys we dote uponI fisc het sud celd icititis way ýeu fum-e's ; lastby, taire ts bld aster, cdry tbeitisorcnghly, eo ce bcd. A weck or two et this wili cure cblîblains C-ffectiveby. ýin inithis dieciider le t hat cf 'in- i ; the bad-se l ave eegesfedl I. Tho effecotl itis treatmiot la'te the bof-vscete acf Épro- iHe beli t lui trouble ri Likewise a large stock oi Fnurnishings, Shirts, Collars, Hi'dk'fs, 'ruies, Cuiffs, StQds, Buttons, Suspenders, etc. .&Il of'which I1 amn ceten seil Cheap fer Cash. Neads' Block, Bowrnanville. Praei N.BBrn yeur furs for repaiieag hefo)rethe busy s ~" Z ~ ~ t t »çCC'~i~$¼~2K #~ 4 044 "\~s !2$ 4 P u itasere ehoul& hots e titis absi o tise )ozes a Y tt cV ose is nef 583, OSVOfli) ST., IsONDON, thopties Mvessrs. ruas.

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