a' Ins LJan VA v M~ J Y. Joness, presicient was , ee,,,c, [din, officar ,and Mr. P. Werry Son ve. t-Be etarÏy. filed. eputation conaisted of Prof. A report f rrir gricultural Coflege, G uelph; Mr. to 'he eflect t-ha , and Mr. (;. C- Castor), of the tion with the wi J Simecoe. In addition to the eatieftictory. TJ re presont Hesr. a.C. Iloar, so mach larger1 erry, B. Werry, D. Dyer, Jas. ed t-bat a numb( .A. Wright, Jas. Leask-, Thus. found to be an.ý NV; J. -Roy, John Stainton), Thos. number cf pui Wne. MeLaughilin, Geo. Gray, B. tirat- week haid b 1W. L. Liiw, Jcniat-han Stephenis one hiaif came fi y many at-bers. ation. The rep THE TIL 01 TUEnumiber wouid vUl, TIL Y TE FIW.end of the mloni vst paper prosent-el was ono by had h)eenr paid mues on "The Soil cf the Farm," still duie. Refe ich a very iutoresting discutsion Inspýector Seat-i 3n var~t in by the. farmers Pr eson t. A report; froî 1Of tiles la ,bc uzed for ordinary Seatb, in rdfero was discusod, som. favoring t%-Wo its equipment, lorne two and a haif iriebes, pro. On motion belng givea to the former with by Jr. Ricý, ti re for a etraighit bt3t-ot the approval of th~ On the. quution of co8t, Mr. Jefis School Literary at one mile of drains ta overy ta give itý-jeje iwould cost- about $100. This, semibly Room fJ' ht âhouli be chârged to cipitai week, subject t- to permanient- improvernontfi, fot Principal or one jexpenses. The. int-ores3t of this, On motion of acre, wouli awount- ta no more Trebilcock, the a year and the irnprovexnent in C~ol. Cubitt and vation of the soit atoneo wiil more pointed a coni, t thîs. course of lecturi :dward Jefrà, of B'chdead, mcem- A resolutia» es tha f armer sl ta how ho Ho throw oi cheadn:.- 1, il h the imati nui1st.get a mnove ou Our Winter Goods. A few Fur' Cotats, a few Goaf. Robes, lots of Fur' Caps, lots of Imita- lion Lamnb Clips, Corduroy Caps,é lleiips-Ioads-of LJnderwear, Overcoats, Boy's Overcoats- JIt woulcl pay to buy an Over- coat uow and keep it over, as we are selfling them so cheap. IJIS We are ackunowledged Il L- for a good farticle of Reaid ig off a number of heavy suits ai LS, RUBBERS< We are ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ article le in this braîich is largely incre We have about -200 pairs of th- Cail and sec thern at T. GEORGE~ oi to wLnter weauner f cows, a weeding out ,s zhould be looked ti n yield offiiets the in rilk ; 4, eoo)nomy proper time -flot too l, THtTB.SDA&Y, Jan lot 11, con. sE aecs taidirý cedar ard hei Sale at 1 P. t lare. L. A. ýed iiiîhe c COXOeY TRUH ANÇD TAISB. intc 8naun e B3oard ad Ho1s TUtE 0PCHARfl5. C, Cautori, fruit gro w, gave a Very inter wýEIr of Sm rmsting piper Ue gKa dsd Tie. fol- rimwe or early1 ent and th. ýor fali varie- s, Rfhode 15- py, King ocf si Cco. are welI Jcnown. l'a la y be added, Wealthy, Piý aeodling of th e Duches,, Ci mniecan G)3lden Ruiset-. In ,3à he consi'dereci the et ph ig oowel bearing, ft t-o top grAft on Beedlingn3 of1 variot-ies.Iiithis - way ove] aider varieties rnay b. saucce8 .Tho saine prinociplo eam 1) LO pIume %and Pears9. Mr.C ( farmers ta do their own-r -uuiug. neict day Mr. Edward Jefi resting paper at Orono on s ioe. Mr. Oston one on soealli ewau- ciolder -Y lIouse.ý' Inighrt cail ýpecia.l attention barginis in Wool Knitted C1ïIre~aCoats, Hoods &c. which WC will se]li , 'ice. A Isoo uxstock of Mens vys Fur and imitation lur mthei gave mu h I ver ,ise3 'Mils. J 0 )artmen . GE now sell laul audi FL r, whiichi are the best ýmoieV wÔlha-ve everi n seli you a genuine Elgin watch for the you are asked to pay ns Faniousi Lt we love. %t lo %,0 , cea tha, love tihon i tbroughout thIe 1Domoaud eVýng the ticarty approva of all pttriot1 lotizeinm, Ai- The Zliit NE' hs don l mlarain helpgon th chnî3I by waringa adsoêflag ý movie H nt-. - I each ctixnt-y of Oiaario, but- the stimber of en- nuil$s froin al parts of the Domlinion qr ta o how ftas.c an be obtained b y et-er schools bai dett-,?m n àtho3 puiiisher8 0f NTHE ENPlil CEtaj oCssa a landsome CANAEDIAN FLAG yA. M. 'S CLO0THli We