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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jan 1891, p. 5

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UANDIIAN' \,ires the mintabsnate c(lasesif tu] pereeverlxgiY. 'ANDH AMIS COUGII BAL8AM bas st the test of yesar ftri-al. SANDHAM'S COUGClI RALSAM eau bc iten by the youngest cblidren, Le1 PLEASAINT lTK TASTE. pllectiys and PREVENTS CONSUMPTION,~ if taken tlwe. SÂNDHÂM'S COUGH I3ALS&M ila m ,tram a prescription of Establshed Va wbloh has been iu use fer years. lAIIQE BOItTIL£. SEAIU Pei IPBIOE 25 CTS. WHOLES&LE BY, LYMVAN,, SONS & C( YOU iy±ay1i1 Travel -77 .A.11 Don't puzzle over tbis, or how to nmîke $1 .A..round dollars' worth of goodei. Go ta A rou d Tolevn'oand ie ill elly)uhow the latter is dette. The, IlioHScnor L La'TCtuituCouusn.--The* sa Higli School Boeard at is Isat meeting de- W oriul , cided ta have a course cf Ire. public lec- tures lin the High Sohool.- ;The coumitte 'but pou cannaI find a r-emedy forcoeuglis ln charge -have been activejy lu carres- ançi eecla that wil give botter satisfaction pouding wth leturers sud we are able ta thau our Exeelsior Cough Syruip. It la ann,,unce that Mr. W. Houston, M. A.1 «enay te takeud everyoue uha tries it Parliamentary Librarian, Toronto. will ïproxieunces it the best lu the market. 1 1ethe ftest of the sories ou Tuesday Pnioe 25 cents for large bottie. FebI, 10th.-Subjeet:-"Threa Litetapy Masterpieces" riz. Shakspeare's ",Tem- S TTT8~ TT~'pet," Gtostlme's "Fauit" sud "The Bo S TO TT & JU R 3 cf Job." Mr. Houstox's lame as a entie- Sole Manufacturera. alahlir ase weil as lecturer le 100 wide ___________________ ta requirc omment f rom us. We tru&t -GRAND TRUNEk RAILWAY. tht ho will ho- greeted vith a fl» bouse. Elditmmg a coeuntrympàper le pechapa oe BOWMANVILLE STATION, cf the meut difficult positions ihas- bumn fleeliceau assume, Show us the rapan wha G01NG EAST 00151 WEST eaui do it without glving offeuce, sud w. passee...8 1 miMail ...... 557 anm wili point te the saine editor's journal ast Express.105M. m'Local:. 825ea m eue wthout au item of interest-in short hfix.d ..... .. 37p w1xprms'. 95--cai Lkocal . 70.. pmi Mxe4... .. 315 p smcouainmugnothing but quack notiies- No >ýý rail .l....p. Mail ........ 8 27 p - se Iide, wtu wili net attmtpito dû s<ich ~,,,J3zept Monda»s. an mpoisiblity ; we aeek ta please as f ac as passible, but supposing the truxth le Jan. 9th, 23rd, needed, wo muet-be caueidored a failure. Februay Oth, 2Oth, The ouip guide we -have ta f olio) w le cour Ma.rch th, 2Oth. ownides cf rigît,,sud when that faila Ou the abave dates chesp excursions dewn we muet go. Thase who criticies wi1llbe. cuais ta ali) aciýCoastpeints, us shouid at least give us ceedit for belag Rats, ~ .- ~teinere -ickering News. ,Thpp's. aur ----iRaessentimenits pxsotly. Coleulet Sleepetr, We have receivee tho fini uxmber of - Services aI a Parter, - The Canadian Dry -Goade,ais, Capsi, - Curtaius, Mattreesea, Fure, till'umery and Clothing Review ne- Pîlaws, Confertees, etc. prespxting the trades indieated. As For fulil partlonlars apply te ibero- ta no organ directly in-erested lu these important trsdeN The Iteview ebonld JNO. B. 0i. JUJRY., bave a wide fieldI cfnusefoinese, sud s Thre Ticket Agent, large zuossure aI support. V. got up le STOTT& JURY'S DRUG STORE. moat cedtable te the pubishes, being fer ahead cf sny ather Canadien trade journal in ibis respect, sud Its pages are filed witltiu-teestiug sud inîtruelive ~1w i4~z~z ~matter. We prediiet a speedy aud laslluui ________________ ___________popularity foc The Review It îs etllted by Me. Chas. Marriscu, who econpied theu BOWMÂNVILLE, JAN'Y 28, 1891. city edhîcr's ehair of ibhe Mail for soi-rsi _______ eare. The office aI publication is ai 6 Wellington Street West, Toronto. Local and Otherwise. M~any people cof South Dar ington wilh remembee Mc. Arthur J. Pacsons who We pledge our word ho tle Orone uown visiteti last sumuer at Mr. Levi Vesu- gatherer for this tcwn ihat wec all him Camp's, Stonyhurst. The' "Ilerald ef àProf. " ne more. Trutt" cf Jsîiuary 15, '91, cuntalue uhis Clething made ta erder by first-clase obitunry --"On the Gth J-snuacy 1891, in workmnen, lu first-chase style, at Coucli, Ein.gflsher, Oklahoma, tif consompiion, Jontn& Cryderman'o. .Ar~thuir . Parsons, aged 22 yeae, 8' Johustenmenthe suad 6 laye. The d.etased had Mlies Tlle Coulson loI t bere ibis week hou oen cuaaiu the pres-ran (f the te visit hec sistors, Mrs. A. C. Canteron, Mennuite Ptububishing Co., sud sas os- Toronte, sud Mrs. JD. W. Ualilduy, teem-ed hy bath empipers sud feilow ou- flowleh. picydes. Ou secoui cf faijpg healili ho Mr. F. Bleakley le net recovecinig very reigned hie poition aset Jiily, and inl 'fait Iroin the injuries received by bis laul hpes of1 regaiing bmis hoalth, weut te on th e. lu i Decomber, 1ie is quite Canada, but net improviug in healili ho lame yet. returuel tic hie home iu Elkbart. As a Roi-. B. McCulch, cf Hampton, dle- last hepe ho went te Kiugfiaher, Okiaho- livered a profitable discourue front the ilfe mna, where bis miteir residesu; but lu spite of Joslta a very large coxgregatie n lufetahi that medical akili could sud kind the Mtiiodiet çhurch Suuday pigtit. aitendiance coufld do, h. gradualy sauk Powsibly n~o clhurch in Ontario las ai ""til death reeased hlm, ati ho calmtly Luanr Orchestra mu cennectien wth it than feli asmep i 1film whou ho laid earned the Methodiat dhurchilu this tawu. They ta trusýt more tIen a year aga. Hie bo-ly, are inakiug spendid progrese under tho e bruttcEka. inistrucion i à1t M. JD. Mouwlaon. Wobegixi ta think that il le net ait We bave reeeived freonitthe publisbere "vanity sud vexatilon of ýVirit" ta be au -Johin Lovu'i & Sou, Montreal, Na. 118 of editor, for edueing the past ow daye we tle Star Series cf ehoice fictiou, "Worin- bave lied sone tangible evidoncos of the woc," by Marie Coreli, author cf lR,. goodueisecf min sul wcmaru, toc Thoe însuce af Two Worlds" etc. Prioe 25e. las twn days we have heen feastlng con s We have received No 48 of , ) ecls eon of Mc. I. L. Browu's noble bceed cf 'C xisdiau Copyrgt aeIeso c vll orMaruxioth Bronize Turkeye, generoualy jnigt srte choe. ictonpresouated te us, possihly in recognition I'Nasmo snd rame," by Madlin. Sergeusut, of anc goo),d conduicti during the past yoear;' suthor of "The Great Mill Street Mye aud ho apdd t,,)anc blils Mes. Samnuel Ileal, -try," etc. Price Mce. Fer sale at book- Maple Grave, brejui4ht us iu a bowl of -Mareps. ceal Devouehice crean (oxcept lIati k sas The o IndonaaIMr, and Mca. D. B. mrade lu Durham Couty) aud this deil- Fogg sucprised tibm on the nigît of Jan, cloue ereant aerved 31a sent lsiaus 116 andI preseutntent with a bandeacie Noriherp Spy apples, hakd, madbe a -china, ut, Mr. Jamens Gilfillan actinu' as deserot that any king might think aI witb cbstrunant. It <as the 151h snuiversary envionss desirea. A Lew slaye pceviously .aI their uinirage. Taz ST4iTEshttiN joins a simihar mucli apprecialed Laver sas re- in congratulations. ceiyed front Mrs. W. Alun, Front Road, ST. JOHN's Citumns.-Rev. Cann Mac.Easat, sud anullisr lady-a yonng lady ,nabo is lu receipi et information that No. this tinte-bas piaced us under Itither set op f tubular hiehnsbas acived at obligation by seuding a geai jar cf lovoly ,,ontreal Ircu Englaud, that s prolos. Aycehice crosse. 'Tis sweei ta be ce- ianai musician lias tested thent aud pro- ntembered'. Hcw aur epecial " likes" ho- mouriceci thoin perfeet lu pilaI sud tune, camne su e w.» sntwn ta whsat puzz7les us aund hat they wiil reaoh Bowmnauviiie lu uaw. Mlany thanima, dear fiaonds, ai ow -dap. A-slYoua nîurunswba have taken A. Szsmtn L .rWeuhd luse Kemap'a Hocd's Sarspailila whias they thînk of it, ,Balam for île Throas sud Lunge. Il lesud th. replies wiii hoe positive in is favor. curng mare cases cf Coughs, Colda, As- One lias been cured of indigestionu sud thma, Broudhutis, Croup and ahi iliroat dyspopsia , anothor fixdidet indiapensibie sund luug troubles, iban any ethor imcdl- for slek headache, ailiers repart rentark- aine. TWoM_,opietor fbas authorized any able cures cf scrofleis, ait rluui, etc. -drugglst ta give yen à Sample Botl, ocTruiy, the beat advertsing wlildh Roada te couviuccu yeo f lbemenît oaIibis getSarsaparilia reoel-ea is the hearty on- temedy. Largo boitles 50a sud $1. dorzentont af ilsa arny cf friande. evenmngon tue sanie suojectimn the near CURLING. BOW.NANvILLFI TUE vXCTeus $0 VAR. Ther big bonspiel nt Whitby fiibhed Saturday âfternoon with Bownianvil pvig the boat ourler.a o the teamas that saedoff f-or representation of graup 3 cf the Ousarea Taukard content, Thoe kon.1 et intereet was shown lu the cempetitien by a very large atteudance af tcwuspeophe,1 sud a great many ladies were present-. The score telle haw the battie wout Browsanvilie. 0O1hawa. R Beilli, fHMorphy, C L Munset,' A E Wjlcox, D Boith, Gea Rice,9 J Ruebottot, skip,21FM Putushon,skip 12 S S Edsail, -A Raukil), Dr Beîtb, W HRaulan, T B bMeMurtry, F Lambert., S Burdeu, skip, 20A Sy kes, si p 1n Total ....... 41 Total....... 27' Msjority for Bowwauviile, 1,4 shots. Bawmnauvilie. Lindsay. R. Beith, W afi $ipson, C L Muineon, J McLenuan, D Belîli, J W Eulwison, J 1Iu-bttom, skip 18J à MG-Loi), skip 221 8S S EdsKll. 'T Sadler, jr, Dr Beitli, H Fer&iusoni, T H MeMnrtry, J G Edwsrds, - S Burden, skip 20J D Fiaveloe, skip h1 Total ....... 38 Total ....3 Majority fer Bowmanville, 5 Rhots. Ec<wmanvllle. Wltby. R Beith, S a Gràhatu 0 L Munseon, Wm Boith, D Baitb, Win Hoed, J Ruobotteru, ship 22LouisSebert,sgkip 16 S 8 Edall, E Armstrong, Dr Baibli, J F Paxton, T H McMiurtry, C E ]Ray, S Burden, skip l8Juo Tyeedie, skip 14 Total ....40 Total ....... 30 Majority for 13owmanville, 10 shots, New white and, grsy cottons at the eld pricos j ust opeixed out at Couch, Johuston &Crydeuan's, The uad uewa toached liera Mondisy cf the sudden dealli an Sunday st Wimn. nof Mr Frank Prout, sou cf Mr'. MakF, Prut, wheeiright, af this towu. His father leIt for Winnipeg Mouday evouiug ta brlug dawua tho body. Leadiug physiclans recemmeud Ayor's Sarsaparillia QId sud youg take it witli perfect safety. It oie<inses the blod, streugtheuis the norveossud vitilizes île systuni. Popular expenience hais long placed tii mediciue et the head cf taule aiteratives. After iodg-e meeting Tuesday uight lest weekr, Vr. W Thiokson, the new presideut of Weli11gtor, Lodge, entertatued his breiliren ai, a rosi Euglislh repast served at hie reuuldeucu by Mca, s ud the Misses Thickeon lu splendid style. A right rayai tite was spent, sud ail pcououuced Bro. Thieketn a jolly good folle w, The bîrthdays cf Sic John Msecdoxisld sud cf the Reov Cànoni Mactmab. 1). D., occur ini tlQ g>jv inw'utb t t4 9f t4q yetç ren O-nàCaii suPremier falliag on the lIîh of Jain'y,arid that af the venerablereeter of St., J,,h's on the 2(5 th. The two repiark- able olTd'aud active moun have been peranal friendm, for nîeciy l10 yearH, andI nover Lail t exechaigo birtbday' greetings. Dr. Macnab lu3 by :tbiree yeacs the senior of Sir John, who paýs2ed lis 761h mile post on tbhe lth. West Shore ia unililus trated literary jouirnal publisjhed eveey Saturdsy at'Port. land, Oregon, and usn oxe cf the mont haiisoata llustrated papers lu the United States The privilogo c f aur p~week's complimLtay subsçciptioo ls grauted an a, specil fvi yr snd for the purpose of making yen aequaiuted wth Its morite. Qtu t tis jnotice, maii~4ht w Wost Sbi-re Pub. Co., Portland, Oregon," sud yen wiil eceive the paper troe for four wooks by mntionlug the BQwnanvillo (Oni.) STAT<sMAu., 1 say, frieud, do yen kuqow ihere you ~can buy groceriees ad provnonepathe beýt in towu i Why, ak rme soinoethng lard. Evecybody kxucws t4uat lawkýer &-, Ailin cenews ibeir îatu,1 eki ansd buy the best te bo obtainoed,and ine cueeever cen. plainacf thoir priceq. Tbtoy are content with a fair profit. Tlmey liave get lu a very clioice supphy cf Teas, Sugars, Rais- ins, Curats, Feels, Spicios, Extracts, etc., specially for the lialiday trade. They have a new Teas thrit for pleasaut, delic. loue flavor exeels any pou ever tasted, Lt la ealed a futnuy uan--RamnLai'a Pure Indian TTon, guacauted absolutelyi pure andi xnanmfatuced on the gardons lat India. Try a lb. ItVÉ nieo.- i SI Bear in miiud the sale of winter geode Dr.,John Rfoskrn'a Lecture. new going on at Cench, Johumîcun & Cry- 's 1deruau's. The Royal Templara' new hall was Mc. and Mes, Fred 'W. Leo, of FeeY, packed with Bowmanvilhe's best citizeus were guests of Mr. D. Il. Castes, B. A., te hear the lecture on "The Great Propli- Homner Villa, over Suaday. ecies in counection with God's der4in,-s Mr, C. A. Johustoce le able ta got with the Jews, sud the coming of Crs, h souud again aLler nursing a soprained lastFia ih yP.Jh okjQ anklefor 4 coupe of ooks C., of Toronto. 0 f course it waws to be Over-coats, blaukets, fLurs, dres goods expected that a gentlemen cf Dr. Ijcskin's aud ladies' jackets-ail seilhrg off cheap popnlarity wonld be greeted ith a good Sat Coucli Johustan & Cryderman s . audience in this tcwu where hitlase wehh IVI owmxivlleOdd Feilows celebrato the sud favorabiy known, having iived here 201h sniversary cf the erganiz ýtien cf lu bis yonngec days, but the attendaxice tho loge ero by au "At Home"'lu their far exceeded aur expectaticu. The hearu- lodgeroom to.uight. ' Every member ed lecturer spoke avec two-aud-a-quarter toed aud his wif e le expectcd te be preseut. heurs, aud had then te leave untonched Au enjo3 abie evening was spout t(n many iuterestiug parts cf lis subjéet. e a ondai. at the Epworth Leaeu- o(f te Teel etil atrecgil the Methodist church. The aubjeet was paper for two lectures. 0f the lecture safo, ",Missionary Work." Short "addresss itscîf. it le evident that nîuch careful n uWure given. hy Mr. T. E. Iigguibothain %bý,y.has bee11givOI1to its preparation us0cvleut esay wae resd by Mrs Joliffe , abiy suppored by Bible references, it bo- siude lame Ml-siens. img an expoition cfimuportant7 prophecies ,ale The Omaha Daily Bee of Jan. 18 con- lu the Old Testament sud familiar pass- tains a ieugthy account af the death of ages lu the Book cf Revalaticuscxplaiued aCE. Col. J. M. Eddy, gene al maniager, cf tha by the Seriptures theuseives. Woe au- International sud Great Northiern Rail- not possibiy do justice by giving au out- e raad , sud cf Dr. VanCamp), cf hue cf the leture, as nothing Short cf the Omnaha, a relative cf Mr., Levi Van- paper iu its entirety wouhd ceuvey au ad- [.Camp, of Darciigtou. bMany prominent equate idea cfits schelarhy chacacter. O.raiiroad men attended the funeral wh[ch Intleed, se fue it cf thotiglit, thatoe wasseooducted by the Knight Tenip- could hear it, delivered a second timo with' isca., quito as much inltereet as the firat, sud A Puzza.-This, probieni le puzzîug the only regret we have heard expressed thoueauds te-day, as the eld fif teeu puzzle me that Dr. Iloskin had net divided it i- did. Add any six cf those figures together ta two lectures, 1V la hoped that ho wili sud make 21: ho ablo te favor aur citizeus withl another lii explomion ffecta tihe cutry for miles arounçi, but dyspepuia, biliousxiess constipation, heauuache, lbas of appetite sud debility, affect himanity the warid over, The Edtor of th e ichell Ra- corder atates that he was ouroci of bilions. ness, iver trouble sud sick headache, by Burdock Blond Bitters. I. It net Worth tryiug 0ou sucli evidence i GOVERNXENTt Ohemist8 fJertify. "'îi othe purity, strengthefet 1çrene sa and constancy of composition of Clevelaud's Superior Bakiug Powder, 1 have adopted the sam, e for use in myhoe' ENRY A, MOTT, Ph. D. LaeV£Gov. Chemist. (As 10 tue Ingredltents.)' I fludl that Cleveland's Superior 13ak., 'ne Powder contains Oream cf Tartur, Bicarbonate cf Soda and Ficur."I .Late U. S. (7ev. (jkemi8t. L. G. LOVE. "Cievelaud's Superior Balting Powder 1 is the best in quality, the Iigiest iu leavening powertind perfectly whole. Bome.II A. F. UNDERWOOD. Cket.t fer U. A. Qoü'e, 1890. Clevelaud'.s"" Absolutely the Best. Mes, Donnelly le seliing her largo stock beiow ost.A Beautiful silk landkerchiefe at John J. Mamon's Dry Gods and Jewelry Roues. FIRE, LIVIE, ACCIDEINT Insurasice. ROItT. VwRTUE, Agent, Bowmanville. tf Men'.sud boys' caps fronm 25c. eaoh at Johnu J. Maison'e Dry Gonds anid Jewrelry Eause. Beatiful neckt.ies at very io w pria.. at John J. Mason's Dry Goodeansd Jewelry ktouse, THE STATismÂN ln wrsppera for mil. ing, price Se. Osl and arder eevenal for distant finds. Ordel, ail your Qunadiau, American aud Brictsh papers and magazines from M. A. James. Lowest prices'. Mr. David Oox can suppiy JeI<ry li qnantitieti te suit purchasers during the winter. Drop a card in P. 0. tf. Childreu'a woej. opats, caps, hoods, etc., are aeilinit at hujf prie. at John J. MziFan'a Dry Goodesnd Jewelry Heuss. GEnlTs kFueiqrsHulGs.--Youug n wanting the lateat styles and nmost uobby gonds will find M. Mayer's the place to bul. SM. Mayer' is seiling off bhe balanice of his, fu negoods nt very low prices for cash. Ncw ie the time ta bnp a&cheap set of f ues for next winter. Too tnauy suite and toa many overçoats. Pries are now very much iu the favor of the purchusser. ýSee T. Geo. Maean'. Clothiog Store ad. iu anoblier columux. We have miade watchee rua eatitsfactority after other repairer. have faiied ta do so. lf yau hbave lied trouble wth your tinie keeper.a al we aak is one tria.-John J. Masein's Dry Godsanid Jewelry Roues. :Beforo buying elsewhere dor't fail ta cail andmese the new sete<k of watchem, qjojkw, yeelr iverware, etc., tat John J Mason'a Dry Goade and Jewelry homse. ItiwiIi Qopen your eyes ta se haw cheap yen eaui get the very' newest, niceet gonds sud if you are ase intelligent au w e give y'ou credit for you will heBitate before buyinug aid shopworxi goade wlieu you eau get new as iow in price aud of btter quaiity. "PFrom Manger to ThirQne." This certifies that 1 have given a partial examination of 'From Manger ta Throne" and I cousider it a very interestiug sud ueeful bock. Anything froin Dr. Talra. age je gond this je considered oeeof bis beat. I dont think auyoue weuld niake a mistake wha wouid buy a capy of tiiis book. (RsV.) R. McGvttocH. Hanipton, Dec. 17, 1890. T. J. Cule, Box 188, Bowmqnvllle ie agent lot B3owmainviie aud Darliigtoru. What two whole xiumbers multiplied ta- gether make thirteen 1 Thirteexi and one. BobulEnRT GICO. WATTS, M. A., M. D., M. R. C. S., of Alion Ilouise. Quadrant Rcad, Cauonbury, N., Londou, Eng., writes: -lI osunot retrain froin tetlfyiug to the efficacy cf St. Jacobs 011lu cases of chronie rheumatismn, sciatica and neurai CANWr Do WITROUT 1Ž.--l have been a subseriber for Tan STATESUNi for over thlrty yeaa.' We tank ià wheu oid Mr. Clime was the publilher. We tago' fotir weeklV sud two daiiy papers, but we Cai't doe %w ii-jut TUF, 1Zç4 s at old residenuî f Dariugon. 1 incsee dollar for 1891.-Mus. A, G. C. BnowNr, Chicago. Why e.a ryi. bay.inohuch lke. S HED GRAIN.-I have for sahe a "quautlty cf Banner 0ats aud Blachepe Marrawfat Peap,.free tronm ail uoxioiis oeods. Tyrone P. O 0 . 6 an 4e. F, IRM FOR SALE.-South Est 1.L quarter cf section 22lu a fve fourteen; 27 acces broken. Log bouse, 12x2;; esable. gtran ary, geodwatec,eesy, accees to market. echoole. etc. 4ppiY tg AXPRD,& CHANtusfli, Glan. bure, M an.5- tf. C LYDESDALE STALLION for sa.le.. 1 offer for sale my wefl kewu lmported, GlYdeedale Stalllon, 'Glarniet Croten" on very easy escuts, an 8accounqt or moving &Wsy Av- ely ta lixesD AuR lTT, vLot 31, Concessiou 2, ~i1rke, or Newcastle P. U.1 -Iwo CiALF ASTRAY.-Au esariy spriug eteer Calf, red sud white, mostly ced. utrayed tram lot 27, cou 2. Clarke. lu October. Ploase report whereabouîste tu LLiq Bas, NeWCas5tle Or STiWrKBM4N lIeBw nvl. I-tf. T REB Y BI T AROH the stOre nauville 2 if T O Ds-Fo teni f 3era, "Gien goodbuiding an soi Adirabe er stock or, dalry. CUance for going extenslely inu Toronto milk businees or stock risitig for .rerican marke%. Meu wil capital oniy lARu2 FOR SAIaE.-100 acres beiug F..lot 19. con. 6, Darlingtou. ou which there are geod buildings, fine -orchard sud about 10 tieces standing timber. Situlated 1 umile nrth ot Hampton ou grav8l road Wit ho sedidnl eue lut or dlvlded ta Surt purcIa5er, -A vpjY te ', G- STaNflousir ou the presurses. or ta .uvt A. W. TaLx, ceai est-ste agent, Bowniuvillie, - 5-tf. -P'ARU~ FOR S.ILE.-Itmprnved farm, -R.beingSxouth West quarter of 28 Tf.7R 11 1i 115 acces broken; 15 acres pasture, ha y and Wood,, 75 acres ready for crop. ïtSame Ilouse, 14X8, ktoflen,1l2x20; Good stables, good spricug w4ter. Easy terme 8payateat, 351 tuiles fram Wa'ttanesa. Prices 2,500 Apply ttroF CuAmBesi, Glenboroý Man. 5-tf. F ARM TO lIENT -200 acres being lot Ne. !2,cen. f9, Pic k erlng. Twa heuses, of large cspacltv. Land lu gond State of onîlvation. Gotud grain f ar, exep- tie.nalht well watered sud Sveci slly adapted for grazit.g lj miles fraixi rail wsy stationdani of a mnlie fraaî Claremont village Tenus lUberal. Possession let April nexi. raI plowlnpralidone. Wileulssoseparately if desir.. ed. J. & D. MÂcNÂ;B, Ciareniont. 5-1Iw. TIORSES WANTED for expeot fromx 5 Lto 8 pears aid. souand d ighit. Gete. man's carrlage and hinntlng horsesa front 153 te 1.cfgostyle aud. c iou; good cob Weal bý2Iý' haydnau2ht horses or matres for the marzeî. Persona havtng horses te dis. pose c f Inl elties give street aud number. If la the c uutry. gf veo unty. township, cunces. sien ançi l tAdrs t .CCTN Iusg- Something wortii trying fbr 1 $100.00O nGoId. Thia is what THi LàDxzs' Brzn7xi11wr ive ta, the pçrson sendlng theni the largest number of sentences oonstru-,ted front words eontained mn the quotatiote: "Whataoever ye wonid that men should do ta you-even 50 tu thern."-Every week durlng the contest theY will give a Rand. Borne Farnrly Sewing Ma thilne valued at 0 toi the person sending thrn, the larcest nurntor of sentences that week- If preferrod they will gve the winner a Solid Gid Watch insteau of le Sewng Mchne. Specal prizes for Boys :,rad Girls. They do not offar ,imposaibllties 'lho above will be carried out ta ,ho letter Evarybody conpettug will bave an ejniil chance. No dictionary requirea in this com', tition send tOc, for sample copy 0f r,,r ADIS'lAzAR>Iand ful nstructions. TH I, LADIi~S BAZR,4Adelaide St. East,Toronto. What isthe queeu of bees iThe huik- ing bee; you eau tel liher by lier mil 'ar. Noetces of Births, $5 cents; lisrriagers. 50 cents; 1>atbs, 515 ent,, cd ucIos -but PZE ,F VU&IIGE, wIiuithe fuiseral cards are prlitted nt thi dellae, VIaRTUE-Near Ennhîklllen, Jan. 19, the witOs of Mr. J. J. Virtue, of a daughtee, SLEMION.-Near Haydon on Jan. 2-1. the wife of mr. Thos sienion, 0fa daughter-'rThe child, bas shxece died. SwAiN-Near EnnlskilUen, J an. 25, th e 'tlle of Mz.- Charïes Swatxt. or a son. RUa.urn.-Neatr Burketpn, Jan. 2), dis wife of M1ýr. Jno. HilUierot a 4augbter. MAXIRIED. 1B1mw-.tD -nwednesday, -Jan. 21, at 8t. Paul's Manse. Bowtnanville. byl e.R. D. Fi Jaser. M. A.. Samuel P3rown. iEsq.. aud Mis@ Caroline Waldon. both of Clarke. Monie.s-In Çartwý,right, Wednesday, Jan. 21, Mary Etta Morris. yùungest daughter of Abraha1m su ElzaletbrMorris. sged 15 years. BOWMÂNVILLE MARKETS, Carrected Iy Ji Hecry. eey, Y0 Tzenaya Fwor-,e 100 tba ........ $2 40 to $3 2() WEIE.T, FPU, e bush . 088 Je 0 95 fi Spring, el-... -0 00 f 0847 B"aLEr, 'Pbush, No. 1.... O 0 0 lO045 Ji 2.... 000 f 0 40 la ~ 3.... 000le 0 35 'i............... 000 f 0 57 OÂTB, . .... .000ri 0 45 PEt&s, Biackeye, VI bush... 0O00UteO0 U nSinali, 9', ... O 55 fi O 58 'sBlue, le ... 0 65il 0 60 BuTTni, best table, e ... 0 O14 ,0 15 EQOs, e doz .... ....... 000 ,0 20 POTÂTOEs, Vbuah .......O045 u0 O50 H.Y, tn.........5 00fi 7 00 Red Clover, 4,bugh... 460 ,4 90 .&aiske e sI,........5 O0 9 00 JOOK WANTED.-A.pi.Iy at once to Mu.D. B1uicz Sxmrt3oer i ver Street., Bowmianvile. 4 -tf. OWS WAýNTED -Wanted ta puir. h oase. b y tbe Iset or February, severgl cows, good jiikers, just renewed, or renew~i7ng osrlY.AJ.xen. Sollna. 5-3,W s HAWL LOST.-A liglit black shnivl ~3betwpeeuBownaniville and TIyroeieon Frlday hasft. Finder pleaee seave at SA-À Offie, or esi Joli,; 4Ât*Ne's. Tyoneb iARiM TO REWT.-77 acr'es of lob 18 IF con. 7. tiarlinglan, fahi xlowlig doe. eonsiderable medow land. Pomsession April lot Aply oR l-&NA.BOWsnanviue or A. HAý N. Eniakileu.A-tc. 0 FAflMERS.-An experiencedfrarm- Ter and wife want a pcIsition ta manage a iarm. Van give satisise tory references if re. q Uired. OLE àçs~Mauvers Roïad. on Mr. Uoo. Ilenry's farn or JiowmanvUWe, P~. 0. N4ew Dinner Sets, New Tea Sets, New Toilet Sets$, Just open,ed for Xmas tradai Fancy Cups and Sauecerîr F'aiey Ston-e and China wwae- of ail kiuds, specially ordereJ -for the holiday tirade. Christmnas Groceries of al- kinds-new, fresh and pure. Don't thctt erery 2'4l Doltar jnrchase of Drjl GooÈL* gives yozu one chance «t the $30 Dinnger Set «d loth«er prI*Ze8.ý Highest Pice iCash pa!i for llogs.- AU k4dof ?roduce takeà* d1o hiiMoMurtry. AUCTIIQN SALE Under aud by virtue of the power of ej» contained lu certain mortaagc, whlch wihl b pruoduced at the Ziie aof sale. there wil' ,beo CV t<red for ae by Publie auction. on WEDI4E8UAY, FEBRUARY 41 I89t,- AT 1:30 P. M. On the Preniiiýes, The F'ollowint VALJADJLE'FARM PROPERT? ON THIE KINGSTO-N ROAD- About two miles trornBowmanville, sudb>- lng iu the, Towushlp of Dacliugtou. ln t»~ Couunty of Duirbamansd Province ofet nrdè containlng by admeasurement eue buadre, andi twenzy-sl.x acces more or less, belng tb* asat haIt of Lot number Twenty inuthe seconN Concesion of the Township of Daclingion, anS siso that portioniof lte West half uf said XL0. twenty lyinug Seuth of the main travelled roa* knowu as the Kingstnu Road. excepting te* acres off the South end oftWest haif. Theo urouertyç wlbho seit u one or More parcels, subject ta a reserved bld. Mr. hillUs- baugb, who is living on the tari, wihj- gla4Ig show it ta inteutiiug ptirchasers. This willi tu a grand cance ta get a <MaI2i near 130WMRU11. ville on easy tdLLuls, Theco wlll air e 0es915 the follolitg FARM STOK AND INIPLEMfEI<T Bay Homse, agûed. Bay Maire aged. 10»a Mare 4 yeare olci, Market Waggou, 1 Deoi- crat WVaggon, Suljtey Plow. TEnM s 'on STOCc N 2D IMPL2MN"-.-.A suies of Texi Dollars anid uudec. Cash: oves- that aingut cight montheI predilt will ho gl'rew' ôh farnîshing apDrovet joint xnote. TExiM or $ALE Pon FiANt.-Twe Hundreti -Dollars as a cloposlt to u at the time of saleo, $4000 mnay romain on morigage foc s tarin " six per cent, sud the balance ou easy term* muids I-uown at finie o e. ai rcrhiaer i* bave the piviledge ta psy cash if hoe deseeV For Fuirther partioniars a.pxly ta ,JACKSON & JAMES Cc0ruer Bay aud Richnid -treets, ToroiiI. What 1 Neveri 6et Equaýl te auy Package ;Dye in the M&rkat# QOLORS ARM POU SALE.-Coisi8hing oI 31 tino h onoARv8ssltuated just "Ildehe ra- BRIGHT AND FAST, gaed hanse., barnansd stable on thepremnls, aater crosesi3 ontg reuau r e e t Seatfor Sample Card to T. S. Zaberte0a gooti c adiin" arometa rytbixi4 olu & Co., Auaers, montzoal. brpet wli sl eepsd guas era is N»I5sEs are ssi ftsu.oy4soe e3 thy e ent. vpI1 e M ,iie .r T a. cus .nteelj.5r o-r Ont. M adus» seais sud pea.el 1 I. WESTEBDHOUSEI DON'T WVAIT until the last thing to buyyour Christmas Presents. Start now. Cail at the West End House to begin with. They have ar.. ticles both usefail ai-d orna- mental : New Frillings, New Kid. Gloves, New Gents' Ties, New SiIlk Handk'fs» Just in per express for Xmas trade. And in our Grocery depart ment: Only

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