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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jan 1891, p. 7

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CGRATE~FUL-COMFORTINGIHO J H LD tjtil tender, but net luil hey fal &,art, rotbS2t W1IaiêbDn IoHêwke assO HO S H L .teDakest River. ADT DQ --take them out orefuly with a Silve ork, At a Speeilimeeting of the Lini-K.iln uu ybiniÇ CAOilIE l ?n he hy are ail donc pour the syriP CI-ub, calleil on F'riday eveniing, the sad an- F ýpf C JThe Wrap and 1Woof of Life. ov-er thern. ounent waS made that Brother Wliale- S Natire's effort to expel foreigu siib- liTTL ~The way may be to usse cdark and rarrow, HENIT x~CArEs.-One and one-halfoumps of bones Iowler had passed froin earth awan', stances frein the brouchial passages. BREAKFAST. our best efforts so lhedgied in and circule- brown sugar, one leup of butter, one cup of lit scellm that he stopped an ice wagon in Pregiiently, tbls camees inflammation I "Dy a thorough knowedge o the naturai scrbed;-1bulitif the "Wraip and Woof " of ohopped raisins, one teaspoonful each of cifl the id(dle of the Street to ask the driver and thie need of an anoâyne. No other p1 L . faws wrhùh goveru heoperations o0diestion xetrn orady seqlteL and inrir-yiton, and Iiy a careful appicîjation of our dauly lives be Nyoven ini with faithful namion, loves, nutmeçg and soda, three eggs, In what particular year Coumnbus discover. epcoato ndn 8euit the gre-propertiLes ci well-seleeted coea, Mr, hanlds, who shall be abe te decide in the fleur eneugh to roll ont. edAmerica,and whilethe driver was cnIsuIIt- Ayer'u Cherry Pectoral. Tt assista Epps fias provided our breakfast tables with a vast inispectiug roomi of the f uture how gori, POrÂrO Pur.-Takze two oupfuls ofcoid ing bis mem oraudum book a grocer's wagon lNatuire in jectillg the inuons, alsys delioately flavored beverage wich maY Save on$ wiil be the fabric? mashed potato and stir into two tabiespoon- camne along and collhded wÇitli Brother Row- irritation, induces'repose, and e the fMb M ludiclous use of such articles of diet that a The fraiIeýt fbaud may drop a good Seed fis of ineltedl butter, beating te a white Iler. The shock of that alone rniiht not luost popullar of ail coughi cures. M contitution imay be.gradually ul up until juegco( od l that shall grow up into a creamn before adding anything else. Tlten have kiiied hinm, but hie Iad hlid toouisump- Il fvte many preparatious Ibefnre tile dirneee HuIodres af subilenmaadesre iagraickent tree te shade and biees thoun put with this two eggs whipped very ligit tion, enIargement cof thelilver and the wea k.publie, for the cule of 1colds, cougis, Sick Headacheund relievcail (lie 1roubles met.- ý,N,ý,ttIgarun uready I o attack wlterever sands of waitiigpiigriiï's weary with the and a teaonpful of cream or imilk, saltiing te ness of the heart for nmany years, and With- bronchitis, ard kindred diseases, there dent te a bilions state of th, system, sueh as l~e isawveak point. We may escapemn ore flte taste. Beat ail well, pour ia a dleep dish in two bouts of beinig carried houle lie te noue, wvithin the range of luyepri Dizziness, Nausea. Dvowsiniessitýistress af er ezftal alhafiby keeping ourseives wtfortfled divirne trut le t linoahungeriing and haire in a quicir aven until it is nicely breathcd iis last. etice, se reliabie as Ayer's Cherry -Pec- eating, Pain ithe Side, &eo. hliatheir niost ,wthpre blood and aprperiy ourishsl-d Acl ietuhltfflnt eakbe ucs la ensoni uii trm.'"Civili Service Gazte. eu tdits h eeialshee wtrighit- *rowued. If Properiy mmcixd it wii corne Reinarks of Brther (lardnier: The Presi.- toral. For yelars1I was subject to colide, rmrai ucs a ensîw uc Made slmply wth boilng water or mnile.ns bat. out cf thre oven light, puffy aud nice. dent said than this was anotiber illustration foloeytril cuh.Aotfu eold only in acleets. by Grocers. Iabelied thus: * ~ * hc h î ai~ We e thînli: ye years agwhieu se afflicted, 1 %vita, ad.- __ J lii r' iC. Ioséea5seCss. Truthls îmeortai are gits o Cd, ey o teléséd to " y a ps5 aone Co.aet ad on i e trestad e m fu. Broter l. kr w s êdttrv Aver's Cherry Peretori and nis odn lal ir iuLladviïieci, adSl t esand Ha fl."Bote fw e as te 1ay al othé'r rmdisaid.I leadaclié yet CÂuRTv's LiTwLz Livr î ugo snllnot aca do audil iteiThe ?apt and the I'reent. aclose étu ent of Americnhistory. fe su, and wihln a w6ýeic n'as n'ellof my are equalfy valtuabieini Constipation. cur An ai uph> in elrd.ompaci e wsath. They are lu the skies, the fleids, The ages are telliug the glory of God -hadl settIed the tact that- Columibuls dis- cold andi couigb Since then I have and pravéntiug this anoyîng (c0111laint,wbtl hAvicl phad plaeed lu bis had fbyr tire ebrown anti yelow e f thé atumu icaves, "Thé Heaveus déclare thé gieryofGod, andi covered Amerîca, but was net quite satîefled alwvays képiibhis preparation lu the théy also correct at i ofÇt tetomnac1 haIniad pslc na he b ans yan 's l aas te yseeire." Even If ihey oely cured tébw IouI~o a simple tllé Sllcs)Iilne, thre fiower, meverythingtlti thé firmament showth bis handiwerk. Day a'ôthé dae It l ekgtha bueaniélcopatelstuaethlvtadreuate végetmioabe r e for th sped a p t Cedias, matie, Wé havé Orly ta ttuné unie day uiiéréth speech, and nigi unie ix that héie bly prishei. Ile diti net die - Mrs. L. L. Brown, Dénmark, Miss. - meaecremedy fonsthempson, anch is,-aur souis te rceive fbemi. We are then in- nihl, shoeéth irnowletige. There is ne iéading ia brilgade eof heerig men agaluet a "A few years ago 1 teck a severe colt! Cat reasb nd ansil tioqBroat hit e d o&eddetsan0ol"ate hn tech nor ianZunage where théir voie is not battery et beichingcaution, but histery which iaffécted My lungs. Ilhad a 1er. Affections, aso a positive and radical curéedowe waVe into thé fabrie ef our pwnlves heard."-Psufm 1.3. wouid Thh remémrsrgameantirecord bis riblelcouaire anti passed ulget alle for~~~~ ofvu sllyadalNévu on atrse immiiortal radiaue and beauty. Wirt a vision opens before us ai thé came on is pagés. Brother Howklter ber. nieghi).t ittdt le. Thé do ctr ave, W hsy wr fould be almstricélées topati for Nrvou Debilty nd al Nerous erf,-1"ttr""irt note o!ftWthi gan Iod Pai The rowed cnidérabi i eeun tieti Ayénd Chery Pectoal, habui frruaom ibhir g dsîn ltgen planta afer al tested lis wonderful Teaceh on, 0 teachers 1Hfoît i n}thé ips o~~ e nsé urn touéy a nd cle ii' ergno cave wbil reliéved i py lungq, inducéi sleeP, b fier aéyth éitho ode ry ea wnet end enatvépoér i touans f assoa f l git te aid andi guide thé weair and tai. eavéus ailgeorions withthé lîgt eoceeu an.affordeti thé, lest neessary for thé thèse ltile pillg valuabie in se. Mairt ways that cait e pows u in tiehokans tashe s afein8 oriugetrspiendént witir theé litéring stars et whther lhé tolti the truth or soieiétbm recovéry of imy s1rength. By thé !on. thé y wiIl not bevillitig te do without thein. fallows. .Acuated by ibis motivé and desire Strive ou, faithil motirérs 1 Wéave ia onight. Each and heur, ihe day ligliriand more solid, but lire aeae p lharr tinvualiuse o! Htoral, a p terann L utafter ehal ick héad io ehlve rumn sffrin, Iwll séd féethélilves 'ef your lutile eues thé golden the darr,- a révlation, a gospel in Sn'ée t men and only bis virtueshouilti bcrermant curé wase ffected."erch'rbaer tet rehare, tamailnhdsufira I , ibisen repe, ise tgoieeprî nituisacred silence, teUling thé giory e! Goti, thé beréd., Rookirigbain, Vt. A C Il = ofcagt i h esr t hsrcpýtmieson o thers, u yord erk ad firamentby day délaring iu messages of Remar ir Isaaco Walpole: Six TIsaac Aa0, H NU Ili German Frenoch or Englisir, with full hitden corners ot thé woriti! Rércironitî g gti, thé gioryaof thé Lord meist hîgh, Walpole sald tirai deaib loveitsii ahemg ls thé hune of sa mauy livés ihat béretîs 'era drcinfo rarnan hi. Sent ie othé vasi unéxploerergions cf thought andthe béstars by lniht: mark, anti rerItlowirer n'as a geoti déal Ayei Ch r Pectoral, * o té" our retboast. Our pillsecure lt audbrlcgin wtyoInternn'éit. Thothghathé> mu1- "Forever singling as they shine, ia shiner. Hé gý ptient, eveni-teémper - A'rcsLvluleaPîL revr sni Tr au bt ed l iip. goiucuei en J ee e héPdoPl n' ni éyeayt tk.Oc ttw ilamk W.Y.ANys8 'oés'Bo o iuties a a ie, ethéspbls otésééîng éyé, ai thinigs are révéla,- leéasi différence te, hiern'hether lhé n'as bit- Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., L.owell, Mass. a dosé. Théy are strietly vegeibled d ~*Y ____________tire fén'théré are worecognize théir Itrué tiens et thé pon'er divine ; te théeclng i.119tent by a ifiéen-ceni or a five-doQler do g. Dob,,nt gripéorpuge t y lblit3 toi actidn Uéwe liél e Iscan'e"ývrtih nili héc10tehém geme of surpassing ail voices are harînlonieus l isn rlé hitr 1t éhpéihn 'db etifri rugss re 1 ix $.~ aseai,, o séthént. lu via s at M cents; SiMply apply '"8Sn'ÂYNsi S OIlwTrMsia." No value, aniévén thé very silenice ls audible anti soméel)dy's cebbaes If i dryh lie,~.,Sl vryhr, r~n b al IJnternaI medicino e rcqutrd. Curés tettér, Strivé andi toil and t .E very priva- loquenit. Te ithéihotiglituilimmid ail thin)gs 1rnen'tirai thousanda cf waab-woiué azl'rdsaor éevt e éi ifII1 e. 1wYk eczeiiIt, itcb, al eriiaèios on thé face, banda, tien brings a ihoigliri. Evry tbo]Lght in béaven aboyé ndou thre crti bch- wel rjic.Honasaibtoubu aron saa rpivsewnfi lue Ifil iC n1 5~f Doe,' aýemvigheéailgsudeur, wtveanrInndéni Thhnh~ u ini-,1 lVld rjoceob t OL traiW, ~ evecté ks la, btéadbreaiks a tttér, Striv e tiucéei1g. Bun eRtir;,ail tilîes, ai sentonistic gé iIyé c isMebu ' s iota ! natBrnsm4bas htyvii. is bill i. U l LS u Lc. i lN 'cesIUÔV erré posséssEd hv no othér reauédy. Ask youriitr pe iety. Tah itY y liii xsepas o l I te f.,lg Ne doubt ie nahéo ea ,giomes t YNS0ITMFT.bin-yecrsz, te elngcenturies, in anc borron'ed iuoney, hut absence o! mmid etooti_______________-.---------- ~dvéeté~IU~ niîî fil witb ColiLo rtî 1 on s fthé hum- grad,éver-augmieningentbiemi, tireglo'y of lu is n'ay. BobçHwerne eéel Advice toMothers.blest toiérs. Evéry u e iLbécoutle ca ie yeere, as.'wel as thé heavene arebhiini in iihs renit, but lie bcdliguréti on Ar yos 4tstrbed at nght -ndgokn o itiabaud. lEvery tetter a crolvn etof thé glory of (led. Antui tire yar ( téifbtftéPrcndt put.1 vai ~by sck h1d stlring and! ry frédni) Oatidet ils testimouy 1e aIlte in u dbi to thé buitcher ct rcr ansd't oiés goi l~nilif l r R P N N O ing with pair of Cuttilg Téetir ? If se aénd Evéry pattern wevem inlufromt day t e day 'o y hrcéiét sélf. écuiitl i bu éu",idsa ~or i ai oncoeanti get a bottlé of * r.Winslow'lwibpure m cuesali 901re'1 se " aýlý fieaý.eïtuný- uii ieo lie i ls uatde hr baothing Syrup" For ohiltiren îeething proeécia perfect picturé. fon absh e rua, flée- ult icr.Wléal ls uiié,ièena livlue le Incelculabla. lb will rellaveEEvery lité-n'unr, howéver obscurve or1 mi- feynhic né thy be ltakful-the a 1geeti tiéci ot fleslirwaliing ronrîin'hich . lI or tléePa sit yécr witiiéssé {theonn'crd mcrch of!Dilicould, bave béén sparéte Smuld.uri thé pooer littie suffrer immédlatehy. Di complté, spént jiii thé serv ice cthin ,1gs hey anti trull. Ih was prédictèc il Remarks 4ofSainmuel Shitun fE TAT 1?ih11InTC1lTlI l pend upin t mottebr ; lies ela no isistakI' hénéfit aof ethétg will foi-filil wb u rpas 'ludécade cge hy a voic tiret thé bcdl grsat tiatthé sai néws vt n'au t te hlmwhilé ./H..LJ. , E J Ori BJ~ &USIN E SS..J~ aboutit. b aures Dyséntery ant! DiarrtS . iug valué. power te charx, that in thèse ciosing yéar, ccrryinfg homte a cu io! oystérs wbich h lied t revulatés thé Stomach and BTowels, our,-ý Ant i owevéi- imper fécithé ýpairu aý utfthé iuoeééth century thé church n'ould purchased t a a isceunitt ou accuont et thé Wljad Colie, softetns thre Gurus,reduces Ilu appéar iVu fuite vision, wciie wu frote 1 éSietsi$e9. f sd cay.Btteyas'av T a ttfe.lefl ieol h flamniatloii, eundgives toué aud énérgy t h Loftiié dpcct cthéa u a lnif i tiéca. rui-thyor en.éwcstee.Héfuil ne'o Luoirarefteiiig acothérestery.tNetvadtciy-"lbcd recélvéd ca crusbling blow (ou1théleut!d of- Theundersigued wishi to inA1e kruown to the pîublir tlie follow thé n'hole avte ' IlMrt,. Wlualow'so ar- spécting ronoautEterui.y, thé mlotivecuti but "grn'th," net "dcié"but "a 'l- théosé. B wasouy hédy11tré1 ing Syrnp for cblîdren teethiug le pleasant thé efforts n'il stanid eut lunbold acutibeauti veuceiug power, "is w,%riltu pon tébar t ht hé bcd met the, Hn'kr plieg eing business arranigemneht, witfi a viewv to furter extending tethe teiste andi la the prasrlptiln o! one ofui relief ; cuti thé gratitItudeof cuiug gen ttécurl Gd né emuityoftrnie hal fier, uti ris ,Nvýre icta h uins îdt îPntè eoro1ai uofes thé oldét andi beaiténale pirysicianoj and tatrcions n'îl hé thé gloiniuresnts. ofChestcnucl onethé -réticconuiiiit«vof ""thé ruip cfito andésr nl héi k hît tebsiesad conlpeecityp nurses lu tire United States, ant ielafor salé building tour. churiches every t-n'éult»-frotl " o ty YucRs cge Stiliui cuetlin h is ers. WILLIAM FIDGERwivihhave fulcharge et thé Blachismithirng Dopiptrlmént and by ail druggiste throngir théen'orld. Pcicé De oeyUuehape n er.Thtis'o ay irih mltr e habcdalriréy admléto, u hgbécavt! e ii épreparédti xecuté ah u rdérs antido )ail repoaire iii hie iino u ebof-ret ulice 25~ Cents a aiLOtlé. Be sureanti asirfol r ber luekee lIT? huilding hurchsayle geiuthou cuutuiy 'dn niasrt e tc rt oo'fnihs o 'rcee igaatét.Tépcswh ét8t "Mns WnaLe"a ee~e~éSyar,'sud Quiltéte éaipicsof bonnets7 , bu muhir ndt tet oee dénuition loie in l oee gkelr on'éd hlm i borr-ut icmeéy, bti i i tatkelnco othér kinit. wnf or n'écriug, Ithébest t io-odr. ané'1 temple tlethé gIory c(f GotiiSibisehé n'unît!lnt pies thé mlattér for a îuunth 1RB'T. A. EEILP wil!hi bvecharge ut the Wod ant ,i PaI Departnits sud Fil; FlsIIsh- 'tTb rekp rinleakiug bly bcîug tt-coilucut c very six lhonx. .But )ière antI i, il spaire nu effrt or expelse tiig ive follest satisfaction to al!uouiers, ie n dti . SirMruoMe-Meisere; rameuse d upide t!un'n flai 0n1tire greund, n'ith irsiiar igns efgren'tb ir arcoly tiré " out- fRéma4ks cf "W\aydown Licée Brother ld. As béretofere il fisi-clasî 1psiu ie wlireépcuiascs yijhénd itcingwatr o th to, wtt!ant vslbé sgne otn inn'rt!pewr; éhe sait! héconîdt cacely iréaýlise théecaiitis branch. Ail r(pairs proiplly doue. and tingiisg; inost, et gt ; wn'e by To runa athin-bltatlIii iIté reinti thé thelt ind(ue limni]NiI scét ius.1 anti prove uén's. Jusi eue brie! houer béfore thé n'oxv A E ORSci ésu lysprnet h Tlmu eaiét h sqraîoting. f alho'e t! e coninu rbhér eta " eIeîséinug, fui ice niîby irrésistibié foi-ce thé meighi pon' o!Go ie méte hinmBrothe(,r Hon'kér bcd celléti hb '~fnre{rn whchdie beét ati Qré- cuéisesyoIig o the salvetion ef thé seuls oetfmln. Ne bléiteto ask Iuns w\haitt year Willamcthésufficiént gue-rnece o!thisu Ileriurity o e irénonturnét eut. Sbooriiiing véry sure. HAN' nic is-iobfrwsigktiayéar sinicéthé grand )year ef Penteceetl wi1 Coquéror ietqin lu nit uto b alfilcake- OI'~rrMu~ stos théîtchng ctiAneédin, et., my hécosîdfortacshity; ' éedtisucir giorieuis ,tiige. T héprophet îbrsphtsopnetut!lh 'hem n atr fC irae ad ar geT swlt ee- ieals ulceratien,&.idilt(t! stuuacases rénovéslemcs séfnlthe ' lloul teLp shovvs if a tlnt f cete,,, pueke,,t a éna aé ç nitensively carried on iand ia 1ar-tc Iuurtber of' thé muinois. At drugisia, or by uîai, for aise, ilwNasbing lamip lilny.Ibèire is ighit upon b isreIl bi nyr 's lt act n'euld ain'ays héea Consolationi. 50 i, ents. Dr.Swan'en Son,Pbdladolphia. )oroQiebouit ou seIor shoré. W cry t hlm, Watcb-Hé lied iu own thé tiécéasét! for- tweéîy- ma Ja fiiIg c'AmIc(-iý:h ý%o oi erai lehl eu lerlblL TS StrTLE" 0 -e CAF AE Itft alwtledlt ,'e iesallth u- oanin'h ethe g ri" ibciee!Tasaos: h du yaseu!hébd ee hatihm 4Vf4 I-~.- fi ueall oen hé dulth eaicinou thé er-monig oémrnigITé hto'sps xress -tiislactien n'îth ý tbis loce. niur s uréan eth re o héfuoThé dlay ije hère!.Thé t! of rthé bard, t haItn'awic n i', é\nas liditup in ht i n'ibwiIl be builit for the Spring Trade. Nectues colfipeli cné,lui 1iug lbeds I, day cf lunivérsal riniteousésand, Ibère buhv77'y h cécii ttésctu-tr, tuléslpae n thé rhthci atism, cand am a ein paper wat!, ut th saieeut tnne tetir té Té abiem penCd tatedt hat '2,100 ohiokée bc hd gont t f a rn~ nili lLi-ý WiIIdo vweil tbgive tikeni a eail 1 ", Ï ,vbad! utdth bcd, n trudt\%t(lte 'iet at. ef thé cuigeIs isbeiing tralt e antnd',eéscattereétilailer tie nortir-two' 1Cm ijh 'rodr. plu o theliet. iito fletThé aig ès are sngleg ces théy foins suisunirs. Thé oit!vrlle te miaire shéets tn'o anti a l ia er eu:l( lr eG t utébgrc. Tééwr enme tohrsece i yard eeie "I nate g e to tbey shuelt éOncéarth peautcé, god'îllte nmen." thiýs strin, ant if-ter a commuitee lhat! hén zt oas tý"o ad i lenthandapnocinté edti ra! t resolitione sultable le thé tduce yards le bttér. Tirere nii hé piénty Eeti aunc caintémeigajuiéi FREEM N'& ~A ikelel'e n'orih of plastet ut parien'll iée- Ounu condtinici t'a nires louie ur - loosnet sekét wîh bdy i th seé amé.Il cy eanlu- G uns ef Golti anti a Oarpet of Geius. WOMPWESenough réeiiuig for eiioihér tuse. Mix taent déath., thé pater n'ithi acter te thsé ceusisténcy eù ee oeîacenn iîîu iing W. çS. Caire n'iiés us tram 7 indue of! hie 1ekaan t t'.c'o,?a«in tAc ir i créaint;nithile iité place a coabirtg n'ihiun tc ecicneut.Atigahntc isirte othé Maharajah of Baroda: eWe- t rz-cteder ai thé soIeic, cter tire oelibas beun caréfullyoiy réclvéi uth cret té ècgncrally n'ététakésn te thé oit! palace, i 1l e rat ofe4;t _,crpeé1 off, pet ih on thé lautp, prefse tltmlyariétultétdonygt.tréétytesetrtrcrére.Tw ~ C~ -~c4ddi anti allen' ilte remnaîn undisturbét! billdry. l ynuoro'Èuc nttsé u îgéhéc e etlly mu ii set!for- huninshuis néreouth palace stepe,-T A-liiIe adFiyRliin, anti iraudle îot. Témutinoffén- Thé ele etBarodia iý valuiectai£ 0- sivé iookiuîtg dîshpen, mey asiuéyen lke c0a sîrig Wc n'été firsi sbon'n thé jen'- A. Eundxe eut! £o'iy l~eliieae. (jrnineelmailtleut!, .Nuthiîîg issacte teyo ehre,ci truyth taraa oeale- ~Tireconcise anuoouniet tai ibère acéa A teu-tic s ago a néiglbber braug eli me c uclées nu linon' noibmnte oc huintirét! anti torlreIglusboié ieté hiibyeuknwevyg. uc iens, "Thèsleecousist c! a gorgeous cong égaions, n'lt i eciveti1'ith semiiyfra aittregnrain. Th r a différence betweén a gn with a as n'alnis, eraugét! in fivé rows, surrauti- - - surprse bymosi éopi n'boékieoléig ! roglir yclhen'paper, tiré tedt, iquailut itL- Té l dlriférent séiîs duspetleîerc eéthi iganio ie ot-ehoét li cap en lt!dune withount bit cen hédtect- cil hy c top anti htoibm row o! etieraltis et diflecril cctsýdoes iot uitbraemoreebarecPu et!udhy thé nakîti éyc; but c loctiéti ire thé camne sire ;thé pendant is a anieons doeéîu un twenby t thée iot, lilu tîea- 'étéin bbemnslves ntéresbmng, but th cc-a-li -ail~j~= [)cêisé lt he préinIary butlhi luissties. ý',whielir elbor B. assuirét!Ille site hatI - -'ho kiowéieh i l h diemonti allét! 'Thé Starutfthée Deca 'a by thé e uîsBureau frontW- hugbu rtiètiandt stét!, n'étémnore se. A chapfter An electrie wire shocaît!hé handîc t-i lh igréltte te miatch is -worn ilu tiséturban, tireOénrel-îx-rimèpleB pist, relt _uc oei cmt séiai e nis nséee lhaut!only, lis thé, danger i~eatly lu-idien u oljon'ci Strings et pearle of pérféci r ralSi-pilcifl, BIpissth ocreaséti n'en holh bande aire use . f l l out nesedateét!front thé sire et a pea W h IIe ere Y Scbn'rkfldians, thé Theosuphicid1 Soeîty, 'efthé tiies n'été étirély ow tbuIuse. ccscyt ar ot tchv 'r 'îtt hte a mni 'u!etrn t1 e Life and Advé,tUnoan!bernhCl PannaiIyDý1P u.Wiha phut hoth hands-t!on't do it,. uécilaces, pIchustau!sappiretéacedmubiés as tii1U1O t'ouap" wgiiht ofnpeopneIonsbésliideyes bhè drl ip ll tut ut iseskil. apli ig as gJ.Lra es± \ V a tni ii y e p len ' i i i c r e d s rnl l y n . u ! a h i1e t n é ! p e p iÇ,m x c p n e e r t o ul c h a n c î c c r i e n ' l e t i r a i hi a s a l î c uJ h i g!- c e g rE 'ap eY)ts .e a i o r Wîbbudedntot réa oîuiyant i al a it dien uslel autti a tablesp o conuacr OSa yoer way whllYu are staniinlg "Thé g réatést marveI oet il ila ecarpét, acloptedtancutinauy indépeurdént erganiza- fuie!f greuiglugér. laaquart o! boiling o h ruta urhd ' In hClmé c about lOxti féél, matie entrly oet strinigeof Where is hiei shop ?I li Neats Block, Kiog St., Bowmiartviihe. Al stirring octiottttéélcrefnt t h tpisté anicoieré!etîs, n'ilh gréet centrvai taSk. of! ihosé wbo lo aver ciurch union is tilt- bard, théemcccutid pihi. t\e h e n'ce orteeecn luhthheei-ilTicrpt Wa d o noiaou i H ste bn héo h hmmd fiId lh idéét!. If oly thé more uerons lurpreiveti by adduumig thé guatét itint!ofae! e ,ss you bavé ruirber boots or rubher tourbrééreem(eat ot£0,00 itigfrmn ~ecfrtr ba ailsl iitw nivcnt d'u.~nhaius eicét ir lho o ffeting limnor oranige. ric fi La pudding , b g vs u.This n'as oene,ot Khacde Ro's mtiidia, il uniy utofeuréiielinith regard lu peity anti drop mb obolit wcbeg.dul ourlu [lîedliug cny n'lré lYiug over auly et the ctin's iiteiidet! to hé senit te ecate Is lhé a 'ty'is uIter anti goot!fiter ~Ccn't bé atfla t o wn. andt thé more esetaltotr-iics night bhé bout S, If West futlile mulaseeý s il st!,ilondinatry streét Lvites, éspeially sueob as con- pléase a Mahoméitan lady b'Ôiat! tascîn- eatier, Ibot wt shah héc sait! n'heýr ienIii- Irequîtes kusecggs -, withoit , adtit irée, véy curénlts for. eloieclightinig, ltieéfa dry ea bêilm; but thé, scaidndi cfsucb ailthing , Does lhé keap cla' g -i at lci ofFine Worét!s, T se fids ()jérco ticg, Pantings tiret! itticeîuiuctinnsury utheir hé- Whal le lefti tay hé1rdebulet iay. handi lime tutoie1opurposé, et graisp tire N' ité iing douie hy at Hindo prince n'as too sri. ai lGents' Fînsi s C rpu-ts, E'c., a'ways o)fihaut! i Il-i t!oes. lifs a ttoeare intict!, lotirt givé Am xa unee Oépintet sifi- witb inaulaite i plchera.' An ottincny' eue, anti lb neyer léfI Býareýda.Hoabubspredesé l iep Nn lu'rqalybegt tiréni é~~~d imcci, hiait pilut \Wésit iai olasses cohcliu uy eoWtheodctro wernétéaIse tirei tesec tn'o gens, iadri Tbln!antupsbpuratseft pt ortaquarter pont utr u int ot urfoe dadiy cuntent. nF~ig20puts eu tslt oti, drd 'elsl e isr .A, én'ilohetQ éebuW " t g t erhé buter uii méii lassesr -,vbetghing ýyour banda are èonnofied n'rth e curva!o ortsljîithyiérdey n'iive abscceiccolt!.wPourvie ta;ti sirpaliioircof sis verhihean ert! ailAeuhrtcîîéé1 tiret ciffl a h-rnlforomterow Finit forfNewoomin' . gLB OY O ES ii, é.Baie ou a raý iiIdie, lkGw réaItifielty éxiýe-,pEniencet!n 7luumsthý- iterestiuig occtipaiiu T 'n FLES ON y Z NES , 1baitoqke BRCHT,' te chice fitsiices hîutIteiun'Filhcse in vigoroaoit ce.Continué to eep tiré H.DJ..LJ."'49 Xl. AT THE RTE0F A POUINtiA DAY. IARARAEsroru. thécoe te cto t tira leSt. bn iiactive. Rel temýmIs rsi ~ FEU4t.K~V TA-ISi iTJST AdEA$tL Ad0te-MIX. R1', Api Li-, crPèl anti quarter 10 Petersburg otiservately lai«,ses fct in nua u3 ,u'b cott' Etiqu pt p n iiy u Seur or 1'2 mden-iztppiés. Put 1 plut et Juné next. Svrléinn uiinl-StihI trouathé founit oftJoys dtili oso 500, n'aércu11,1pet renlaét suarou'e luting Ts chaikon'sit)ut! erlhavé cle- springs Fe f ,~COTT &~ BOWNE, o bainu animté eséa.Whuhbu liaoito te Ibé du[tc ull Rublein Sensé bitter 'er thé flowers ils bubbliné I'W Wý--- SCT ý lpin i lppies ai a tinté ; let tem bi feuintudé daling m th thé autisutities3. vénosu flîngsa i Corner Kiing eut!Lu ber y Ste,, llewiuanile. PORTER'S OLD STAND..

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