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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jan 1891, p. 8

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West Durhamu Agrieultural - Society. The annuali meeting i ofthe sbovo oaci- et>' was hold lu the Council (haniber, EBowmanvillo, Wednosday aiternoon. Fresident George Gray waa u inte chair aud M. A. James acted as oeeretary in the. absence ai Mr., WindatL, .mong vthers present atone Mamans. M. Parier, treasurer; Robt. Beith, Zt vice plefeDot; -Thomase4aher, 2nd vice president; W. C. Ilackbumni, W. Worry, Albert Tiamblyn, ISaruel Allin, directors; W, E. Pollard, ,J. M. Jouesia, Johnt Qke, W. Olie, Lovi -Skinner, Cornelius Osborne, Ac3jt. A. Hlobts, L. M. Courtce, Johst 4haplin, James Stanley. TIItDE ieCTOUi' REP'ORT. Ta the rnürnbors of the, Wost ]Durlian District and Township cf Darlingtuii branci Agrieultuî.l Societdes. Your Directorn beg 1reqpctflUy ta euh- omit Lthe illowing tteinent of reccipts aud diebursements fer the pat year Vou wll regret ta notice that there le tie sonewhat serions defîcit oi $149. 22 in 4ho amnmnt zeceipte nicessary ta mieet -e ur liaiitiis. This waa Gcccatsloned part #y, doubtless by biard tinte.mand aoarcity oof maney; partlyi perlhaps by Iacii of the .iqual effort lu pressing the. elaints ai the socieLy -->n the publie, sud partly and - qrincipally aui account of the inerispie ious nature af the day on which the Fall Ohow wus held, Measureîs will have te 'be taken by the board ai next yoar ta ne- Monp Lb. Treasuner for f tnd3 a b s hie a j * "nced, and ta bring -flie expenditure_ vithin Lie incorne. Thie, your dinectora, euggeat, mmay bcho 4ee by' au earnest effort to inarease the mierbership, by reduciug *bre Pnize LiRt somewh,,at, end b>' discen. tinuing the SSpnug Showf, wlich reonis ta fiave outlived fie usefulue,ýsa, The fact1 thst the. attndanjse at these ahows yields wcul>' about half the. amoutt noceesar>' for êiiir Maintenance shows that the People take -ver>' littlee mteçet in hem. Tour Directons thik it ia much ta be eogretted that the peopleoaf the to Wushipe cf Clark sud Catwight aoem indiopea.- -e'd ta give up their local shows sud ta un- Lte tbeir enengies in tmaking one show wcrthy ai tic Biding. IL ma>' be needleeq ta neumank that tue WBsnt year hae bepti mo.t unsuocensful to 4o lming operationa iu the Rtdinigof'i -Anyi its histar>'. The. craps maîii>' e- lied ou have proved a complets failune, the. tost fanm eiing nen exception ta the cnie. A monuber ai your board toe'whom van, awarded lhat Eummor, the Provincial ieseocistion7o imodal for the, tet farm iu .tiis township, lcod twenty acres cf tvheatl #rhich ecareel>' paid 'fon the. batvesting. ?here la penhapa flot a man in the Riding ,0omace oougi froni hie farn ta meot tiis, necessar>' oxpense2, sudiniany>'are tsopeesely embarrassed; and the usual an ru eceosar>' reguit has illowed ta evory Ibranoh cf business. -Tii. future outlook fon the farmner in cetainly net promising. Uis oui>' hopea eems to lie in the iiniprov- e& znetbods of lhusbauidry; lunutilizing te the full Lii. kuowledge wiici science sud jcxpeience bas brougit to the subjet-i isow Itappil> withiu the reacý-h of all-and especisl lu inthé aecuring a iree maket fon hie produce, eud abandoning the lu. owe attemipt ai Iegilting egainet uature. Your- Directors reeommetýd that Lhe imbu happil>' exiatiug btwee.uflie Weat .ýrb(tamp pro, D'rlington uçiotiQs bo con-1 'ued dnibg the buming yesr. Your Directores sbiit herewith the, I!reaurer's tatment cf roceiptsansd dis- Ibursements; a clasfed tatinent of prises Sa.d and a lit ci members of tia societ>, eursunt La the statuites in tiat hehali. Al cf which ln respectinlly aubratted. GEoOG GuR, prosideuit. R. WI1ÇUATT, Secrett?>. Bowmanville, Jan. 21, 1891. On motion cf J. Oke, seconded by M. I'orter, the report was adopted. aTHE Pt~ER'S iTrio. The Report ai them Treasurer shows tbe -*llowng: REcEPi-î. Balance froiu 1889, fJ12.70; Legislative grant, $700; tombera' esubsciptione. $97; donations, $70; ad-, tnission oisair, 8521.2G ; rent, .50c; other Isources, $33;, Dalington Agicultural So, clet>', $2333.29, Total, 816G9.75. Expeildituros.- -Paid tcwn ship so>cietiee trom Legisiative grant, $,420: Prizes paid oi hanss , 334.û-0; cattie, $160; eheep, tU9; pigs,$56; poultry, $94,75; dai>' pro- ducte, $117; graine sud seecle, $29; onchsrd .and gardon proîlucft, $14450; machiner>' oe., $60; fi ne arts, $64; Ladîies'wonke, e66 75. Total, 11 Re0.Bot, lightiug, ~ieot.,$9;Wonking ex eusam $?ý21-1 4Ootlopend ------ - ý e.04, Balance due. n, orter, trem.uron, $4.9 A resolution moved b>' Abert Tarnb- $)in, sud seoouded b>' W. 0. Blackburn, vas carnied ecommpninitth ireI>tons te i54aontinue the 8 1pring stallion show. IL- -a alepecideftcontinue the. union ltion iu finir gîte. .The Diroctare adjourned a wet cn -gaturda>' Feb. letithLb.Counnil ham. ten at 2 p.ns harp. AijwayS me> ycu saw the advertisiemelit (TUrcSrTuAN U,6wien witing ta or on oua adrtidore. SUNDAY SOHOOL CONVEN.- TION., Theý fifth annuel conventijon cf the West Do, bain Stunda>' Scheel1 Association, waa lheld in the Preahyterinubi, Eiiskili(-n,on Wednesday sund Thursday last. The morcîng esesion was openeçi witii ingin g, reading s portion cf Psalir 19, and prayer b>' Rev, A. MacLaran. Thon. was a ver>' good attoudence. The treasiurer'report was read sud sbowed a hiýLàeof ai$14,45, Reports were read front several sciocia iu the. district, rucat cf thenu favorable. Rov. T. W. Jolliffe pneonted the report for BowmaurilIe Methodiet chuncii; Rev. M. Pratt for Tninit>' Congregrational; Ri. C. Hoar for B .titosds; 1ev. Mr. Mac-. Ltren ion Preebyterian aud J. Stainton fn the Mthiodiat. Enniekillen; F. L. Ellis for tiaruptunI; Gea., Waddell ion! 0ono Presby teri ku; sud Mnr. Tre bilcook gave a bief tabulated stetenient cf, 17 schoola reportead te huîua. The ec con, et officers followed with pRsSIDNTn~.-JIIiggmubotham,Bewmnanvîlle let vica t e-r J. V. 1itchell. Enuta- kIlleu. 2ud vîeca Para,-Thce. Wenry. 3laclrtack. TRsAsaE.-Abram Yonle, Boinanvillo. 5ECRUTAI1ES.-P. C, Trablcock. 1»owmoae' vîlle, W. J. Royr, Tyrone. EXECUTIVE COMtI1TEa. CARTwRîGSv.-S. T. r'erguson, J. L. Power. CLÂinKE-Jonas C. Thrnuton, John D.%vey, George L. Wi.ddell. JJ.tuLINGTON-JOooPh Clatwonthy. J4s. T. Pallook. R. H. Oomnpbeil. ÉowmAE viLLE .-R1. Wiudatt. M. M. Fou- NxwcAOL,-W. T. Luchart, M, P. 1'. AFTJIRNOON SESSION. AfLer devotional exorciseis, Mn. R. Winidatt, in ratlnfng freua thse poition of president, addnes,5ed the cýonvention, con~ gratulatisg.te delogates on the auspo-. îous openng, the narked intereeaned larg atendaca.Ho alla ded tete. great woîikbeing dons b>' SabbathSaioole, Iunented te divisions iu the cburoh, bé. lieving thet ta b, injuriaus ta God's Kjngdom, but nejocaed tht l in i swark ail met togetien as Chistianie. Mr. J. Higgiubotham, Lhe new presi- dent, dçlivened a foncible inaugural ad. drease and called upon ail engaged lu Sab- bath Sobool work te b. true sud faitif ni 'sud te -endeavar ta impresn the chiudren withite, trtlth cf God as iL le in the groe bulwark oai esiot>'for slgenoeratiens. 1Excedingi>' goad rnoats e e.givon Jy John Dure>' of Leskard 'scicol, Thos. Werry oi Blackstock Meothodiet, .. C Therritan oi Kirby, R. Momient af Orano Metiodiat sud Mn. fHancack cf Clarke Aiter iiiugîng Mr. W. J. eoy, doiegate ta Liie Provincial Convention ut Brant- ford,* gaves& mut iuterestiug acc,)unt ai the procooditîga cf that convention ion viiciheovas on amotion cf M. Wiudett, eecanded by 11ev. Mn. Jollîffa tLendereds heatty vote oai tituko. 11ev. M. Pratt spike on, Whet should -ho dloue viti acôhool contributions, -clai ing thiat Lie chilidren shonld be tnained te givo for te support cf the echool ifina- that tie scicol should net take money item the chuc-tlîen for misseiauy [and charitable purposoa. Rev. J. A. Mo Ieeni, B. A., Orone, bolLie opposite vîew, sayîng a school should net speud a cent of the. contributions for iLs ewn supý pont.' Rev. Megars. Jolliffe, mc0'xllou>gh nud Tioratoni)fayored Mr. MçTZeen'isewo Evening session opened witi President * figginbotlsam in the. chair. Dovoticual exorcises were ladase follove: siug ieg the iymu "lTuhug on" foiiowed b>' prayer1 led b>' R. H. Campbll aud C. J. Thorn- ton, anotber hyxun was sung ioliawod by pnayer, 11ev. Chas. Sing and 1H. C. Hoar. 11ev. Mr. Mactjaen ilhei delivened an ad- dresa of weloame. UeI traced vor>' con- cisal>' Lhe S. S. movemient fret, its lucept- ïan throngh aIl its progres nutil the. magniiceut pressent seenlUs ta ho an earu- est cf mucit btter thinge jte carne. Ho spoke, of te importance of icundation iayig-tlie broad field ie vilch vo cen w'ork without conflct,saîd churcies cwe a great deitt ta Sanda>' Sohool eacisrs, aelfdeuil needed b>' therni, sluded tu dïscouragemeutt i Liethe ecier, sud clos- ed with au loquent pencratipn ci vol- cone. An apthot vwas seun- by the choir vien Mn. J. L. Hughes in a very* cdean manner spoke on te oanitet-The Ttaci- or befona hi claga. A motion ofa pre- ciaticu vas mnoved b>' W. J. Roy> second- ed b>' Dr. Mitchell and cariedmnani-. Question dtawen wvao ver>'fullailsd tise gruawers given by Mn. lHughesa gave on- tire satisfaction. The session opened with iniug 1follov- ed b>' prayen led b>' J. Jublin, Bowptan- vlle, audJohin Davey, Leskard, ainging ano.enhy-u sd-Ay1- b>- ev .W. i 'BÊedirg cf boipture o>' iuev. J- ia1 - derteos. Singlng b>' tii.childral-",SafO 1 in Lie arme Qi J e8us", sud 4"When ho cern FFTuN MOTa Pns.- Piteon otbevo. J. W. TaLLe», iiof 0a3va, nionthla ago I hsd a bealxng breast. 1 gave au admira,ýble addnese aking for hie Lied man>' remedies but gotc no relief, 1 eub ject Tii. Snov" end 11ev. R. Mc' Lion tried Hagyerd's Yellow 011, which Calcutgi, Laumpton, aise spoke. gave mre instant eese. t le tire best thiuil alow te preparei a lepsc'n for teachag" 1lover;used ion eh irluda ..fipains or colds.," va ld >'11v, R. D. Fraer, M. A, ua Jh orir',S.Mrys, OntL. The meateniel La venrupon la chilîdren and BD otn atý.Clcuh the, instrument lanLthe Bible. Tii. prop. ~rWisWnr-od cuh aration ghould h- gin as seau us pass2ible. cestaumption, toacuroe t rBt andl second The toals: Bible and dîctionan>' aud van- sud prevent tietLiard -useoagvaard'Es Veo- joue lesen lhelpo4 Begin witli iie Bible, tarai Oslsani, Lie neve.feiing iaimily caretuli>' read it, and viti Lie difficuit-, mediolue for ah dàoaes ofthe tlrroatlnnge les Lake Lhe helpa. The exorcise cf cneis sud chest. A m'artol cf healign lu pl. avu minide dveloplug sud etreugtiien- ininar>' torplaiuLa. -Before Stoek-takillg - ng. _ Tmue prepar.ed, thorae uBatbc choice pofniatter, which je ver>' iport. ant.. ThEn the qioestioniDg ehould& be prepared. If thora la no time or doeere for Btudy, there should bu ne tcaulhing but with a little effort tinie can always be found. EVIWNING SESSION. Aiten singing prayer was offored by Mr. W. R. Clemene and Mr. Jas. T. Pollock, .B ey. T. W. Jolliffe in an impromptu, açidreseloquently portneyedi tho great- nous of S. ýS. wark,the noed oi intelligence, punctuality,eympathy and love. Rewards of tuis service-present rowrd-mental and spritual increase oi laborera. A salo wase uug byMass hayes' ' David'a lameut for Abeolom." 11ev. L. Pholpa. of Tyrone, ini a ver>' elosely reaaoued addreas aiter showxug ,he influence oi enviroument upan the làt sbowed the respo,aibility of ternal desin> dependa on the will cf the persan. ev. , Mi. MacLarea offered a brief critiojaniý and was replied te by MnI. Phelps. Miss Hiayes then sang "On11 sweetiy soloamn tloumht," then carne the Question Drawer by R1ev., T. W. Joll11 fe. Aiter votes of thanko te the people in and around Enniekfiîln for their kind and genenaus hospitalit>' ta the delegates and the church managera, singing "We'll ail gatber home in the morning" and prayet' by Rev. Mr. Totton, crne cf the bout annualosessions the convention has yet hçld was brought ta a close. TOWN QOIYNOZL. A special meeting of the Town Caun. cil wae hl on Munda>' eveng la5t. Xenibere ail proeut, and the Mayor in the chair. A pttion was presentad frotu W.HI. William.sud atere, pnaying ta b. exempted fram shovelliug snow aun Con- cossàý ion ti!o ; and frcm Thomas S. Bnagg, jle kreqluet, froiniBase Lin e tu G. T. R. station. Bof erred Le Ruade sud steoets Commaittae. Cana. Percey presented a report fnom the Pire Committee, nezommendinLg the punchase oi ?00 feet of new hase. Adopted. Moved by Court.'Parcey,es.conded b>' Cbun. Boase>, That the. ire Commit- tee ha autjhoized ta correspontd witlt the. chiei ougineera ci sevenal citleu d tawns, seuta what in thoir opinion je the bot brand of hose ; aud aIso carn- muniçate with the manufacturons ai the different brande of houe aud uecertain their bost ternis for 200 fetoot ai'hse, aud report te the Cauncil at iLs Mareli meeting. Canried. Moved b y Cour). Hors.>',s eonded by Couii. Perey, " That whereas, the bridge whicb wass i the west end of the. municipality cf the town of Bcwmau. ville, acros& the etroam known as Bar- ber'a creok, was cernîed awsy, with a large portion of the approaches on oitier aide, by a floodi an the lufth day cf June lest. And wheraae, the Baid ainnicipalit>' je 50 situsted in respect ta aaid atraam as te requir. for the convenience of the publie the. construction and niantain- auce, b>' the said municipalit>', of a bridlge o sre than oone buudred feet in And whereae, thse maititainance sud construction ai said bridge will require (hsavng regard ta the other municipali- ties cf the United Counties oi Narthumn- borland aud Durhami) greatly diapre- partionate expenditurè by the mid municipaliiy, as well for the number cf bridges in said municipalit>' 4e fralu the. coat thereofi; and ahso having roter- once ta the population sud assezeed value of the said muanicipalît>', iL will roquire for the construction and main- tainanco of such a bridge, excessive and greatly diaprop)ortioneatu hardons upon ,the ratepayera aif said inuniuipnhit>'. Thoeofore, be it resolvod, tht i t municipalit>' cf the town cf Bowman- ville ao, by its Chief Executive Officer, the Mayor, on or before the 27th day Januar>' instant, notnfy the Counties Council cf the United Counties ai Northumblerland and Duhnhum of ail the ioregoing ircumatances, and that thse uaadiniunicipehity cleiiiss freIn the sai4 Countiea Councîl contribution of a sharo or' perceutage cf 'the coist ai consttrtc- tion and maintainane cf such bridge, which thisintunicipality niay canetruot and iniantain in saiçi positian, and tîat euch notice and cl drn le given in pur- suanceocf Sec. 983 A. ai the. Reviaed 'S taLutes cf On tarie, Chiap. 184, as in- troduceç b>' Sec, 30 )f Chap. 50 ai the Statutes oi Ontario, paseod in the 53rd year ai the reigu afi Uer Mai est>' QuentaVictoria. Anid ho it furtiier resolved, that tie Useeva sud DeputY-Reeve cf the ssjd municipalit>', wth His Worbhip the . Mayor, Cocu. .Ilillier and. the rnoverp Overcoats,.Boy's Overcots-stili over, Tit would puy to btiy un Over- coat now and keep it over, as -we are selling, them s0 Cheeap. HEAVY SUITS Weare' acknioWledged IIEADQUJARTERS. _________________for a good article of Ready-made Cloth ing. We are selliag, off a number of heavy suits at cost.' C1TP~TflWe -are selling a god BON S,___________________________ article at very close prices, andl our trade in this branchl is largely inGreasiug. 1M1en's, fine boots at $125. We have about -200 pairs of this line, bouglit at auction. Cali and see ther n t T., GEORGE MA8SON'S CLOTHINO STORE .&UOTION SÂtL38. TuuiusnÂÀY, Jan. 29.-Mr. Jas. McNeiI, lot 11, gon. 8, Darlington, will 801115q acres standhag tituber, mlaple, beech,B cedar sud hemlook in haif acre lots Sale at 1 p. mi. See bills for particu- Jars. L. A. W. ToiE, airatiotieer. TiiB Rzn Riv R. -The red river of life is the lood ; if it be impure, healthç is impossible and lie aD1urdon; IBurdock ,, Blood Bitters, say those who have triedb it, is the beet blood purnifier ini the world. Miss Maud Carleton, Ridgetown, Ont., says: "Arn using B. B. B. right along I and find it a perfect blood purifier juest as4 advertieed. OUR JANUARY tLEARINC SALE. We are awfuldy in earîîest over this January clearance. We. are detarmined to get ail winter goods turned into uioney. We make it a rule neyer to cax ry over8 goods from one season to another -You would scarcely believe if :we were to quote some of the. prices we're asking for goods, cougequent-M ]y we would prefer to have you eaul and see for yourself. Years of hon- est effort to profess no more' thau we can really do, has given our business the standing it bas to-day viz. "The 1eading Dry Goods and Jewelry buse." We miglit eal special attention to Our bargains ini Wooi Rnitted1 goods. Oildrem; Coats, Hoods j Toques &c. -Nliicb we 'will seil at half price. Also our stock of Mens and Boys Fur and imitation lur caps fro 2.5 cents'each. Ouf 'Glove a.nd Hosiery depart- ment is not behind in bargainp. Jewelry Department. We are now selling a spcical line, of Waltham and lIgin Watçleb made to order, which are the best value for themoney we ever had. We can seil yon a genuine Waltham or Elgin wotch for the sanie money yon are asked to pay for swiss imitation. Don't buy 'till you sec our stock and hear, our prices. In Clocks, Gold, SÎlvor and plated Jewelry Siiverware-all we asic i% to have our goods and prices 1 ompared with others, -we have no 1fear of' the resu1lt. 1 Repairing ini ail tbe above lines satisfactorially done. John J. lVason's Dry Goods & JeNvelry House, MlLaURNIS EE,1BfONAND %VwE b Pire- à Pare tofrOl esalibeic ef. albi0rox and pare .berry wJnS. eeublfed tyJîh )oSce aroeatiel. Statutory meeting Jantiary 10. The nembers subscribed to the deolaration of qualification and office, viz : John MoKe<e Reeve; John FI. Devitt, Deputy Reere; 'Ansen Taylor, David Falla,- and Joâeph H. Taylor, Councîllors. Minutes rend and confirnied. John Hughes snd Wesley Mountjoy were appointed Auditors, salary $8 aAç. William McLaughlin wae appointed Au- ,essor, aalary $60. -John HghsWilliam McLaughlin and Wm. Barton were ap- pointed on the Board of Health. A petitlo ws presented by T. W. Robertson, signed by Wrni. Watson and 41 other ratepayere, praying for aid for Wrn Hughes, an indigent. 84 per montli Wa" grAnLed. On motion of Mr.As soni Taylor, second- ed by Mr. J.,1H. Taylor, Mirs. BHllmarn'a taxes-$2.60-were oaiicelled, Moved by Mr. Devitt, seconded b>' Mr. Anson Taylor, iliat the Ueeve have the town hall and contents insured ý town hall and counil room for $800, con~tents, $100, drill shed, $300. The Iteeve sagned ondera on the treas- nrer for indigent aid: Wn. McNally, $2; Robent Edgerton, $6; Mrs. Kisse:vk, Mrs. onhd, James Kirvn, J. Annis and Wni.a î Hu ghev, $4 each. Eloction ex. pounse * W. Lucas, $10; John Hughes, $9; A. J. Mocre, $11; Wrn. MeLaughlin, $11. Wna. Lucas, rogistering births, marriages and deathes, $8. 60; posjtage anud Étationary, $5; fees as Secretitry of Board of flealth, $3; total $16.60. Juhn Huhs, lary as sanitary Inpetor, $6,; Josfie'ph"Ompbell, road wonk, $10; W. E. Yarnold. D. L. S., service in conns- tion with the Seugog Marsh 1toadway, $18. 50; R. R. Losoombe, for 1 egal sdvice regardîng the Scugog Marsh l3toadway, $5. C ouncil adjourpod ta firat Monda>' ln March. How to get a Handsonie Husbànd. ,Wlën'er same luiçky Inadiau n iden ,eounid ered carin thefuskirig,, ,Muska!V ered they al together' 'Muekai! you bali have a bweatheart- YeunBall Uhave a hnndsoine buband. The handaome man always admiras the beautiful woman. Then simpiy make yourEolf beautiful. Itemove ail blotoheo, p impIes, "forked signes of turkey tracks" from your features, by the use of Di. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, a tonie ta the nervous, clrculatory and procreative syceare. Ite use bninge roses ta the cheekn and aparkie ta tbe eys. Take it, a you will, lîke the Indian maidan, lind a 11reç ear" in goocd healtb, an omen of future happiness. Gýwt-«eide agivel satisfaction iu overy case, or mnote paid for it refundod. What fishâi alwaye under foot? The. sol@. No aéther proparation combines the pas- itive econorny, the peculiar iuerit snd the medicinal power of Uood'sý SarsaparillA. What animal niever grows oIl The gu. Sm art Weed and Belladonina, comubin- cd with the éther ingredients nd in thme bout, porous plastorB, muake Oartar's S. W. & B, Backache 1'Irnters the. hast in the. nmarket. Prico 25 cents. What animal in mseod for weigbt I The aunc. Are free trans ail crudo and irritating matter. Oonoentratod medicine oui>'. Carter's Little LivenPl-Ils. Very emall; easy to take; ne pain; .no gripingu no pung- ing. Try thom. Fromt what country dîd cats corne Persis. That beautiful gloiàsy sheen, no rnuch adrnirod in hein, cari bo secuned bl the. use cf 4.yor'a Hair Viglor. Thore ta no- thing botter than thusý proparetion. for strengtmuing ithe scalp tind kueping it fre from dandruif and itchiug, eruptions. Wherois happiness fouud i luthe dic- tionar>'. Ex.rv"s zEe"-O-yioivjpracticediwe pwople boy cheap baking po'wder . The Beet snd cheapeut, and Impenial Creami Tartan Baking Powdez ià the bbout. Sold1 by all gracers.1 avouE 1N.-oPrIc sw ail nJoiZinrD.-OnllrI1 DYSINXss, The Township Ceuni of Danllngton, riz-,, Thou. Srnale (Reeve), Geo. AWde (Finit Depuhyy, Wm . Bran> <Second I)eputy), J. T. ollock sud Wrn. Treim, met at thme Town Hall, HampLon, sud imade lhe dlara.. tions cf qualification and cmosc. 1Tbe Reeve gddresseçl tie conucl, fullow4 by reaaks fron theb. aLer monitors. By-lawa ver. pasod ppointing Jouies ('ryderman sud NW. E Vollard anditors . Dr. Mitchell. Win, Windatt and Jamev Bundle, vith Lime Beere and Ctik, aor7- af healtli, sud the muembere of the. Counucl#' raad coînmiesiouens. SCammunicationm ver. n5ad front14Mn. Bow- man, tcwnthip enginjeor, xncloeiug bill of coiLa ion services in conneetion vith ad- jnstituent cf diaputed wae course came b... tweEn Wn,. Gimblet aud H.W. Burk.i The Cleik vas irstuctpd ta forward the bill te Mr G4mlt ad demand pyet e h borne, punaiut te uts statut. li htbeisilf comb~e, in rornce ta the account o-r Tevei ixig tLb. minut at $335. '-The BEeee%,s inetructeô te give the ordez for itsit smom4t. inu fllIattlemEnt. FrotI. L. Blrown, iu refarence Le tthe duties cf assesseer sud cumpensatiou for Laine. Laid aven te next meeting. Frani Cornelius Ovitone sud B. J. RZowo, pply ig fer said ûffice Laid over ta net meetîlg. Ou mojticv, lhe Iteeve sud FinaL Depty Iteeve voro aippointed s comrittee ta exam- ine sud report on te salidit.>'of Lii. trou.. surer's becurit>'. On motion, Ilhe Reeve 'vas instructod te granit hie çrdors fer tbe followivg anme : Jno. Brown, cedar cont raet, 81 r0; ClaLvorti>' & Johnp,,repabiiug wi luw ihall, ejo cents; M. lieacoin, tatute lobari elunde, z 225; R1. Windatt, registretion tete,. postage, stem tionery sud express cheargea, 133.15. TIte Connoil adjourned -to Saturday, 316t lutat 10 a.m. A. Wîuu.err, Cletk. Public Sohool Boaxa. Thir etaLmeetinsg cf lt Board for 1891 ltook place an the sveDirig et &lio 21st. The Seait eary-Tresurrn' ochtheocair, sud roported the eleatlom of Dr. BeitIs andt Mosans. W. Joues sud Johns Moçiellan. Ho thon called fon uomiînstions for Lie position cf echainmnau. Mn. Lyle vas requested la assume te duties for auoLlier yean, but dooelined. I>* vas thoan toved b>' Mn. Lyle, Eecoiçlad b>' Mr. MoCleilan, Tbat Dr. Beith hoe Chair- tan for the prcessut yean. Tii. motionx vas unanimanel>' agreed to. Tii. uew ehairman returued thanire and look h ies eat. Z The fcllowing standing cocti1 1 wre appoinlsd :-Properly Comuslt*ê--yles MoOlellansud Joues. ViaBtiig ocumlee- MeClelani, Me*iurtry avd Lyle. Finiance Comnitle-.-Ediasll, Jaues and MoMnir>. The firat nasned momber of the vanlouc committees la chairman, The Board thon adjennned ta the neit roBIilS? meeting, Feh. OUi. South Ontario Sunda>' Sciiools. On Thureda>' sud ynday cf lest vetIr . ver>' large assemblage met lu tiie Methadist Churcit, Pickerfrg, to cosûsiçer varions mat- tors pertaining La the SSuuday Sehoole of Souti Ontno, Tii. spacious building was crovded te itm utmcs5t cipacity, sud ou te oven standing rout. Such a Sunda>' Scicai Convention ias eldom seen iu a country place. Mr. W. J. Dale vas elected Prosidet; Mn. W, Purvis, tlecretar>', aud Mn. Bnlggm (re-elrstted) Tlrasurer. Sneaers rorna distance were tae Heu, S. H BlketheRev. Dr. MeTavish, Prof. 14m (MoMasten University),Mn. A. Day (rovincal eçcrtary, the Bon. John.Dry- do, nsd Z4na Alma Dale, cf Uxbnldge. This waeg a rray of talent, which vas eupplemented by the local clergy and Sun - da colteaciers. c i iirnve~)~ fi u e r ih n g f ie r i i n g e n r a t i o u . theIspakesperfnred thei port i a m ac ept eManner, sud Lie unive'rsel teMti- maony va as that a btter cotnut> convention wag nover held lu ttua t'art aofLthe Province. The Mothadist sud PreFbytantan choir,, wi,.iiMiss flarras ethLe orgim. cnnducted the Binginig, whici ,.dded net a liti lete tise intoroatotheL .proceedinge. Tho collections weno nearly 300 per cent, iu advsnce of Lie former yoan. Onderod clotiting, good it'guarnteed and atet '.lovest pricea Qausism ont irit1 good ivork at John J. Masau's- Dry Goids sud JeweIn>' Honso. We must get a move kou .our- Winter - Goods. A fewý Fur Coats, a few Goat. Robes,, lots of Fur Caps, lots of Imita«--t tion Lamb Caps, Cordurvoy Caps, &e. Heaps-loads-of IJnderwear, ,Men's

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