ing f or intelligent discussion of matterse a po'Jtial during thls couteat. al Th~e Ucuse of Coûxmons iý couipoRed of '9 9.1 21 i ewbers. ûf whom the Province of us C Ontario contributes 92, the Province of " Quebec 65, Noya Seotia 21, New Bun. o wiçk 16, British Counibia (, IPrince Ed Pz'e) ward lsland 6. Manitoba 5, an~d the North Joli West Türxtories 4. job] O f the wünibers 132 are, inore or less, J*e1 closely bound together iii the Çonsa3rvat- W. ive party, while 83 formoed the Liberfil W. side of the Hou8e. 1J. 1 There rieyer hias been a full house Jas. Tho largest~ divis on recorded in thlie use J. lawt session was, wherx 199 niemnberh vot- Geo. ed.W. Tberc ii but one qualification necessary M for a tuemnbez' of trie Eouse of Counions, S.2 hei uat be a Britishi subject. W. ' 's. s clcor oenaines wero placed OIIw ag-o iill bce able to vote linttis ulection. E. Thore is no çvay by which an eector, Mrsi however wll qualilfed, whose naine il not M r4 'lready ou the lst cati vote J'T.N rery The fact that an ülection is to b li eld S.S when th~e votera lsts have riot been revis- Jcis. ecl for oiver two years, is a grave cause of MAr coniplaint against Sir John Macdonald'w Mis, Goverrixnt 'Joli Every young mnan ini West Dlurhami over C. I 21 yeairs of ago who has aniconie offlot Johi lemse tian $300 a year is possessed cf the 1)r. qlualifications of ai, elector could get his3 Dr. t namre placedl on the list. Jani There bas beeun no evision of voter's Dr. lista for two vears hentie a vast numnber of Ontý 4r. Cii '4w-e CI Il Ouse ~ lbraith 'CI loy len li Ï4 'illey [ter a few returrl it iSTOt 'Ç Caix- Reaso ns Ve!y jOur the W Laera ýant o te, ar44 ruiton. 4' '4 '4 a....... coun- f Min. ..... ...... 3,6 .......k..... ..... 3 EdIward ls1«and ....... 0 Columbia........... ýVet Territorie8 ....... 4 4' Coux'tioe '4 Solina. Clarke. SOrono. reat liopzl