OUR 1,4 BOWM&NI '-TA K/ N pt-i vnu ,seat Bargains lin.AJ1 Departments fr the next few weeks. 3Iau1ets, Eurs, Over- LI Winter Goocis w1111 Greatly RWDUOTED well ais Cuinada worthy use but caru't çç for wh; PIC or mail h-, and cor ofaPei of the s hISI asWe and su we CIOUGHI 27, 18l GRYDERMAN. tti ng Timo!0 iust. was a& thieo oiaion tation as clo were prOvidý by Poiile of tl imuility, &a After au ei) spent adl re, tùý "pie, iginal they IThe proceedf ni tn fint [nter's racle has been exeeptioinally good be found amnong the mroirners, yet we have nt to seli and the sooner they are sold the l. We must begin to plan flor the Spring nt roorn and money to carry out the plans ý ecure these two essentials we shal 1-UBZBLDS QEF ent1re stock of Ladies', Gents', Misses' and ad Shoes, Rubbers and Felt goods; TruDnks, ,ses. T1ey must make way tür our SprinM wis the, time to buy these coId-weather ff but corne to the Deoapitating Sale. Nor-~ ;etric Rubber Insoles for cold feet, kept i la church and &ab iton haa been icher for niany leader of the a dozexn years. here has tiover a" but the groat TL Mr. Z. Mr. W.1 itiing hev the Glee areA highl Iway ( The aBig Boot drawni by Two Horgemo. au-sae.d ion eau he àonnm*a