1rîr ntITMr. H. C. Brittain le atieuding tise Prof. A. H. Walsh, pisrenologist,~ wiIi 111E DE I I orologicalI nstitute, Toronto. be in Bowmanvilie nexi Monday, Tues. Thse valua cf SARSAPARILLA (Smiilax Mr'. Joe. Painton cf tise C. Miltary day sud Wadueada.y and wMl giv sisf w9finialis) as s Tonic aiterative and. Dia- Sciscol, Toronito, visited hie homoelut heur lecture iu tise Templara Hall Tues- pretic ia ao uuiversslIly ackuowiedgod' week. day nigisi. Go sud hear hlm. Seo post. ~ato »oed ne proof. Poople etten require New Celions, New Printa, New Hm. ors around tewn. timethlg te toue up thiai system, soea- broidanies jusite hand ut Couch, John. Attend the furniture sale Saturday. U4ip$ which il act as a sten & Crydernan's. Mn. John Box loft yesterday for Mont- Iii inn flhiittn 'Mr'. Wui. Ball sud famiiy, from Clarkeo real, DLOOD PURu IFIRic township, hava mnoved -on te Mr. Alex. Pure Maplo Syrup, Quebec mske, ai na they ssy. It being rented tisat SAR- Ketoche's farm, necar Brooklil. * moMurtry's. UP4.A1ILLA la uudonbîedly beneficial, the Mi'. W. Squires anid famlly front Pick. Mrs. W. E. Tiiley ies pendiug a few oeijy question ia whiois In&, have beoomq resideuis of ]3rooklin. days lu Toronto. i , ~Mr'. Squires has renied hie farm. Roy. Dr. Barrass, cf Pickcering, lias I ~)When you go te buy I{ood'si Sarsapar- beau speuding a four daya lu tewu. the bhel? Whila not advising every sut - lus be sure tc, get ih. Den't be put off Miss Cors Gardinor, Tyrcuie. ias beon forer from Iimpuriiy of tise bleed sud its with au luferior substtute. Insisl upon vîsîtin2 lher sîstar Mrs. R. A. Philp. atted4ant a1lments ,Oulaune u% ruptiono, ilood's. Mr'. John Grant of Toronto sud Mr'. Cisxonic Riseumai4mf, Serofuila,, &c , te try Eider Gaf, of tise Chrietiienhurch To- Lewis Grant cf Duubarton were present ail tise preparationa advertieed, wa only opto, sud lise Misses Joy have isoon as- aitishe funerel cf Pauser l'inchs. nek for fuir invotigsitiensud will mail a sisiing lu tise speciai services lu tise Dis- ,Mr'. J. JEL Mccellan has beau appbln. pamnphslet, giving tise chiot therapeuil ciple ohurcis. ted local agent for tise OntarioEx~pres iaslansd fuil directions in regaxd te treat- Se tise large cisoice of new prinits ai and Trausportalion, Port Hope. ment sud lise Usa cf John J. Mason's Dry Goode and, 3ewelry Mes8re. Sherin & Eirby have receivad Housa. Tisoy are selling fuet; culi sud a very tinie collection o! plants this teek seuresoismafethtie choies patterns.. whicis tiey invite tise public te eall aud 0Mr'. Frankr A. Buri', who has coceutly inspeot. raturnied front England, contributes t Tisa celebratlng cemmittea cf tise S. 0. tise May number o!frippincott's Maga- E. hava aucoeeded ilu securing Mr. W. ziie au entertalulng arcticia upen B. R. Stuart, s fine coie singer, fertisa Queen'a A RSAPARI LLA H. tise Prince of Wales.' rtdy Mr. W. A. Catin, snn of Mr'. W. Canu Mi'. S. W. Saunders sloed ou hie foot - te any' address, ou application W. J. MaMurtry's hardware store, Gait. Utes. upported by a pain o! crulcises, tise IN»Cflr -8EIS'Wilo s apbe cout utad we like cf wisicis he hu net been able io de ond guarantee unquastienabie ameliora- wisis hlm suooess lu hie now position. for noariy 4 yaarsg. -Unif tisa directions ara adisered to To iIUNT.-Tlis nortis part cf Lorne M'. John R. Cole, Baîisosda, won the Villa, Centra Street, occuuied for-pasi ion xold Wateis givexî by M. A. James te ttha The 'WlNDSOR M\fg. C5o. years by Mr'. John Mayua'd, jewollar, persan buying tise largetas unni cf ud foriner1y by laie Rov. C. Barker. goode frei TATESMAN advertimers d'Ur'- ~P ~Drawer 2050. iMontreal, P. Q. 'Possession April 15, Apply tei M. A. Deceuiber sud Januury. __________________________JAmms, OWDOi'. Net oeeil twenty ara free froin ose Tise May Lippiuoott'swilîl coutain au uittle ailmient caused by insaction cf tisa VAr a~rticle by Grace o Deo, entltled, "1Wiatý liver. Uàe Oarter's Little Liver Pill.- TT YO jR' C LASSESO. Country Girls Can DoY." Mise Dodgo Tise resoît will to a pieusani surprise. ____escribes varions tocietios organized by Tisey give positive relief. Durn te paSfewwees sv-country girls for mutuel Improvetueut, .Mr. Joseph Brawn,who witis isiý broth- g su teps fwwes e-ad shows isew country girls cen greaily or Johni carrte(i on s poiiery lun Bw- "exal customers have brouglît us add ho tisa intarests end pleasuras etf manlile over 30ysrs ugo, his eben spectacles whiclh were sold to them ecountry lite.1 visitlvg bore gueit cf Mr. John Ruddock by pediars as pobbles. Âlthough Tise concert by lise Ceagrove Famu!y, Hie present home fs lu Sauduaky Miehi- thie parties paid the price of pabbles, u'inr heasisofteMtodsgn chrhBaud, was s great success. The Mise3 Shaw has juat oponed oui a very we have never yet round a single atteudance weesme large tisai iundredm fine aeeortmenl cf Frenchs Flowers. pair that t'xrned eut as represented, had to be turned away. . Mr'. Coegrove Ladies' sud Children's isats n lu ahe tis i and we will uppears te ha a mnusical genius, sud lfseast stylas. Cal sud inspaci hornov stock capable cf drawiug nmustoecut ot sîmoât betore buying eisewhere. Iler aim la te -G LADLY LEN D anyihiug-is aes viole coccrtinlu iim-pieuse. self, sud ai every appearauce iras encored Mr'. S. Cotton writeTnr, STATE&MAN, - our pebblo tester to anyoe and tiro or thrae time.-Galt Reformer. from Edinburgis, Sootland, tisai ho allow them te test. Mr.'S. L.Tanbe, optician o! Toron'o, wou!ld sailipar Siberien, April 3, for Csn- lias appoiutod Mr'. R, J. Shsaw as his ada. Ha waunts 16 horses par month for THiE IR QW N G LAS SES5 agent for Bownia.ville sud viciiy, and siipmeutto le otieud. Flis lasta iipment persns wahin tagot tisir eyesikhl gave spiendid saltifaction. REMEMBERmuted te perfection wili do vell te beave Membore et Florence Nighitngale We ~.l1thorugby ~ad ~ their ordois wltis Mr. Sisawrasd Mn. Lodgo INo. 66, 1, O. O, F., are urgently We -ill.thoougby ad SCen-Taube il coen d suit tisemhimif. requesled te ba presant et tisa iodge room tif6ealy examinue your eyesight Perfect sioit guaraiuteed or money raf un- to-night, as înip',rtant businûss will a ~ ~ OHA GE1 .:Orders hy mail promptly le t~n4d b:foro the bode requiring thse earnest at liavîng ituported the best test case W13 are p4w,5 te note tisat Dr. John fr Mrar R Bu rt cl e hodin uqta snaufàtuýed ~for tlhll prpose. EIeskin, t , Toronto, ha. been again ridicule the porncioua habit of mb jectu , .eled Boucherof thtie Law Society of little chhiden te iritten examinatos;g -Peai'50C. te $tûêiv e will ellyoiXCanada, oaoupylng ajirominexit Place IHer thîapy is ltbat ~ thi im %ould be * hosaiequality o gasestht)w, an iots th 30barristere who voie eleatv- speut lu acquiring a taste for good litei'u- p4flas sll4tfrom $2 Î 5. *d teserve flve yc.arl. >Mr- W, R, iue. Riddell, Cobourg, bias alsa beeau oetd, Tise Salvationi Army held a very miic Sr.TOTT &TtJURY. k8tca me nr1t after ces! il coffe uppor, Meud&y yng' S T rg Its& OJtRcYa voe lst cf s.in bt Iou. y ke 15At tise preaeutatlon ofcolorm, thse Bar TheDrugiss &Optcîns* vote ro asurge ete Soa Ey. Bla eoaksa vas rowded sud a lively tima e or- Q. C, f trlarurerof he ocity. parienced. A numbar cf officers an~d S Tisere are ferty-tour pictures, O! the toldions tram tiesa rrouniding corps wvoe mest intenesting charlacter, in tise laut is- presont. sue of FIIANK Lrsim'a ILLUSýTR&TUD >Mi'., John Corey, Dairlinglon, won tise NizwSpApEB. Tise finit page ie a strikiug beantîful Five o'clock Silvan Te e rice ecen lun tise corridor efthtie Washington gvnb onMHrr otepro BOWMLNVILLE, APRIL 15, 1891. cf li. Oafie.niCrieaeilsratinsbuylrug tisamosl Dry Goods et hie store uote Cfria CStreetair Gambling lu March. Mrs. John Fegg won tise Ytbok, CArlBuntrekat, eganda oRiNewseconid priza-a pretty dessert set. Who mouark tsceuetriest, an ch.Il vntu pi Local and Otherwise. nod érescn. Pitn cents. ilwnftpl1 110 Fifti Avenue, Noer York. Mn Gilbert Slavons. lot 7, con. 4, Dar- Mr. Arthsur Scott, cf Toronto, ha beeu About 60 o!flise Newcastle R. T. o! T.inglnd Salen sect ion igu farstcipii- tifiiitig ut Mayor AUaen'a. visitad Bowmuanvilla Counnil ou Tuedayentesu mireilehi.,fart sondk, impeni. Mn. Neil Yeliowlees ha entered buoin- evûning. The chair wus cuid y20th. uinro, Testc, on Monbd andt ems vwi Mr. H1. J. Kexneo t Sraiford. Select Couniller S. W. Mauon. Tise *rl t is tc,.veib u .Mr'. Gao. Brinacomhe, fireman on tise pnogram including readings, recîtaions, same, Sheatptersoo ameswatn 0. T. R.,lhue beau spendiug a feir duys anging, sud e speech by Mr. J, Uglow, sm.Sopses i~ iome.y ias given by tise visiting Councij sud cor- Artiltic funesbesud substantial dura- Mao ýe istdMniat leste.ok ainly 8peaks mail for tise musical sud lit. bility ara tise characiari8iics of Miss Shaw, Mayr lle vsitd arkar lu wekerary talent ot Neircastle. Retreehuients thisanimiiliner's work. Sisehlas alnosrf hth ie officiai capiiy as Liquidatorre O ero aorvod during tise vening by tise rOceived groat encouragement, iseving the Speighl M'f'g Ce. ladies, been farorad vils severas1 orclers from As usuel Ceuch, Johiu rd Rev. A. B. Demîli, o! tise Demili, Col- leading familles. Uer au m il ha te g1v insu are showing a euperh stock cf Drose loge Oshawma, hue receutly tarted a rasi- enthre siatisfaction lu every transacion., Goodii lu ail tise laelt styles sud colore, deutiai scisool for girls ai 179 Beverley et. Mr'. Dobson cf tise "Bi, 20" le prepar. Tise patrons et Geneva Cheeae taehery Toronto. To Protestants this teas long ing te rush thinge in tisa wall ppear lino willî puy 1i cents por pound for isaving fait vent suppliid, as tisose viso are lefItisise year. He expect8 tire or three more their choose imade tiis suinter. Mr'. erpiasu e nom have a Christian homue siipmeuts thomeek sud inext fronthtie Edwa~iciCole le tise salestusu, sud a splendid eduesiion. Ail tise <iff beat Amoicen ;mnufacturers. Do't PRotoc R.&PHrils mil ho iutereed lu a ro9t branches are taugist hy tisa hast forgat te give iheis a llbefora buying. paper which i ii uappear iu tise May V~p Masters.Tisa Home ie lu cars of a mat. Ail paper trinimed free by a machine p lncott's, ontltlod "Tisa Expenheuces of a rno experiene, whose Christian char. made for tisai purpoto.- Jhotograpier,' by A. Bogardue, tise old- acier sud kindly disposition ana a glnaran- Mi'r. Chas. McKay, iri s ably filled est living pboograpisor. tee tisai avary tising possible wmli ha done Mr. Gilflla's place in tise Bownmanvilla, The Moruiing Edition cf tis a Dily te davelop a higis moral character lu tisosa Hligi Scisool lest year, lias carriad off lise Gloe tonitis ISis0f prh butis clseentrueted te her care. Mr. Damili doser- gol7d modal lu Triniiy Medical College li. C' loa f ù Offie. A te es metngff is Hgi Sisol ithi mtyfrand ler tndr ui Co. .Mtd., Toronto. usant Purgative Pellets. Tisoy ara iiny, foer oe sJ joung. Tise brellins _John A.WRL('Qh1&P NoNEO3M$.-TssO sgar-cested, puraly vegetabie pis, aSsud Williatu are boru mnsicians, thiar -whbave t,ed itsaeys tisai for tisa grippe pleasent as coutoctionary te tise ta8te, manipulation of sîniost evory concelvabie and ez~pecju1ly for tise ceugis Ihat bangs sud acting upon tise alomacli genlly but instrument mues impiy marveloum. Tisa jDn after thse diseuse iteesoi$(omis 'cured' effac-tnally, and as naturely aseNature Company lias given complote a tsfation, thoa is uotisigeq ual te Kemp's Balain ihersait. For slck hoadacise, Indigestion, sud wiseuovor tisey return o ToroutQAthey the b peoiIbc -toi' al l gerai sud lung dises. ilousness, constipation, and ail thoei'e- area sure ot a iseartîy reoptio.-ýGlobe. Bee ad tisa beat cure for cotugbe and sultiug- diseases, ne laxative equal bto rhis qoxpuuy is te appear lu Beirsuan- ca3.Tisai firat dose mil ceuince you tliem bas ever beau discovered, ville, Apnil 16iis. Tickets. 35c, 25cansd ofti e xcellenut effectt: Ail drugiassoeil FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance. 15c. Concert te b2ginai 8.S30. Plan of, ___N _ Miniard'o Liniment cures Ilistemper. Farmert, attend Mr. Stevens' big sale, Holida~y next. "Carrnage -Hospital" now open. Philp & Edger, manag-ers. Order your orumnpets and muffins at Key's Weduesdays and Saturdays, All eth purchased ai our store will be eut free of charg-e. John J. Maso. Ladies, attend Mrs. D)irinau'e millin. ery openinig April 9 and fo1lewing dayrs. L'hilp and Edger has Roeseh'ng pretty for farmers to soea athiai "VahiCle Hos- pital' Ladies eall at i-. Donnelly's and ses hon Ladies' aud ()hildren's drase hais for 35ets each. Pure Maple Syrup-very nice-jàst imported by John MoMurtry f rom Que- bec. Try a quart. Now Prinits and Sateens tise nost eoe gant designa new sowiug ai Couchjohu.- ston & Crydlenman'B. Ladies Germian made Jackets for' Sprlng wr. A. choiec assortmeni j net openod eut at Ceuch, Jolinston & Cryderm-axî's. rse A. Davis lis returued froiniSi. Thoemas aud reqestg ladies requiriog anything inli er fine to Pivealher a cal]. Gentlemn~ who appreciate a good fit- ting and waili made suit of lothes should leave their erder ai Oouch, Johniston& Crydermaii's. Morris' Carrnage Works is one of the b nsy places in town. They have a great rush of werk on hand and new ordere are ooming Iu splendidiy. Mrre Donneliy lias opened a branch miliinery store in Newcastle and she in- vites ail tise ladies cf Newcastle and vicin- ity teo, ali and inspect her5alook. Are yen golng te Manitoba or tise Norths Westî Sioti & Jury cau give yen lowest raies ai-d besi accommodation. Dcu't bny a ticket until yon ses theni, Too miny etileand tee many overcoato. Prives are noùw very muais in thse favor of thse purchaser. bee T. Geo. Maqon's Clothitig Store ad. in another columnn S 1. H. Reynolds butchar eshop will be closati every afiercoon lu future excepi Saiurdays or days before hioiidays nitil furtiser notice. 14-4w. If yen are iiinking of geing te the North Wcat, British Columbia or Manie". ba cet yeur ticket froni the C. 1'. R. CoImpaloy's agent at the Big 20. No tiouisia te give rateEs. Youi can buy Watches, Ook8, Jeweîry, Sil7erware, e, 15 te 25 per cent cheap. er ai John J. Mason's Dry Goodesud Jewelry flouse3 than any other place in town. Call and soee When yen. commence cleaning your house dea't forget thot the Big 2.0 are naiga secialty cf Wall paper~ this year. They have already received two shipuiente. More expeciad every day. Çqme anid êxaminine bafore hu.ying. Tise laraesit and ulcest stock of now Tweà ndWoriede can b3eseeu at Johni J. Mton' DryGoois and Jewefry Roe. We haÇin ade arrangemnt by whc w~e osu get up suite for legs money thfin<yen have. been in tise habit of pay- lý4i.LZiiNxny QrurNiN,ArRiL 91k A"i) FoLowi.çi( DAys.-Mrs. Dingman invites the ladies te call and inepeot lhen newr stock of Mlliuerye Raté, Bonnets, snd Toques, in iil thea latesi styles, and kwhich wili besoldcheap for cablh, Hatseashapod. XNext d -or West of W. P. Prewer's. WE CLAM THEs EntTn.-WVe aim tise earti8 leround, atiîd we bnow it's tue. We also ciaini tisat Hagyard's Yellow 011 cures sprains, bruises, burne, colds, croup, sore throat, rheuinatism, rieuralgia, sund ail painful or infiammnatory diseuses, and we kniow tiis letrua. Yaliow Oh laina tune funiuly remedy for lameneAs or sûe- ne8seiu man or beasaI. A GRIZATBLsîo-î.-I have taken threo botlem of Burdocit BIeod Bitters and find it a gool undiclua for c2instipatiol poour appelite. 1 will con-- tinue tskiug il as it je a ~great blessing sud I feel a great change in My health Einca taking h. MRS. S. V. GREEN, 5 Sydenisam Street, Toronto Ont. The many friands of Mi'. James Bray M. D., Toronto, wiii rpgret bo hear cf tisa deatis froni unatmia on $atnrday of hIle etimable voungwife,aee Mary Tremear danghtor cf Mr'. John Treameer formerly of Zior', Dirlingtcon. Tise funeral wiich teck place ou Mouday te tise Necropolie was a very large oue. Thé gifle o!f fow- ers were incest b-3autiful snd the expres- Ions of isympilaîhiy from, professional f riandsý, churcuu auteocitaës and others wore nuumeroui, Tise relatives wiso atteuded from tibis d,"trsct were: Mr'..snd Mre. ,John Troear, and Mr'. W. Stanton, J>RIZE SEED GRAIN FOR SAL.- 1 have blaock Prolffic or Tarlarian Oats anti a quantity of Sîx.rowed Barley. LuI 25 con. 4, ilteriiiigton, W. L. Lâw, Gardon 1Hill Farm, Solina. MRS. A. DAVIS, .Manufacturer cf FFINE HAIR iu ail tise latoel styles. HAIR T0NIC>u the heel lin1the muarket. SHAMPOOING sud HTAIR CT§TTJNG doue a5 s 1ual; aIse ST.&MPINGin l ehIlils branches. Ncade, Bý0ck' ovor Mayer'is Store, Bowman. 58 or tiscuilt Can be made wkth each pounci of Cleveland's Superior i3aking Powder than with the same quantity of any other pureý cream of tartar powcr. CLEVELAND B RING IPnw'u 'b '&83 Fulton St., t... eeIxs t beathaX,. buee ceuceh Inusertion -but FlItELOF (ILAII , %wlen thse fumeral eards are prtikted ai Chis 001 c. HiLL-Nearv Enfield .&pril 12th the wite of Mi'.Y Thonuas Hill of & son. CÂf~-eBowrnanvilie April i1h, the wlf e of Mr, W. Colnu cf a son. MÂa~v~r-InBowmanville April 6th, the wite of Mr'. J. B. Martyn of a daughter. Wmay.-In Watford April 121h. the wifo of Capt. R. 1, Werry cf a eon, MA1IRIED, MoDouoALL COLWILL.-At the Congregat- tonal Paroonage )lowinaneille WedneE3day, .prll8th, by Rev Mfgee Pratt, Mr. L N, Moc. Donga&", 0frIowmanville. and Miss Efta, yungest O aughter of Wni. Coiwill, Esq. MoDoUGÂLL.-Ini Bownianville .&pril 101h Jenet MoDougal relini of the late Wm. Me- Dougali, aged 81 years. TnuLL-In Darlington.April 111h, Alexander Trull, aged 68 years. MÂrcIKU-InTyione.April 9h, John: Mann. ing, aged 64 years, TRimBL.-Iu Darlington April 3rd, Flora third daughter 0f George and Sarah Tlrimble, aged 21 years. BRAY. -In Toronto .&pril llth, Mary S. be. Ioved wifo of Dr, Jas. Bray, aged 30 yeare. Piowun.-InBowuianvilo April 7îh, Oather. Ine Prower,asged 79 ytars, Fisrgkn.-In Bowmaville, April 4, George Fieher. aged 48 years. PEicx.ABx.-In Leekard ,Apr11 2,Baral)aGar but t, heloved wlfe of the late Jo4;ph Uieia by, aged 76 years. BOW14&.NVILLE MARKEITS. town.eted by J. Be3Iurtry, 0very Tuesday FOUR, f100 6.~ 20 to $3 40 ~W$13T, Fail, e b~ush ... 00 ilut100 Il Spring,.à .* . 000)Il 1 00~ il Il il 2.... 000 ,0 45 là il il 3.... 0O00 0 40 H , l ...,....... O0<)00 0O65 O.AT, Ji ........ O 050 0 êO55 PuAs, Blackeye, r' bush... O0 00 il 1 10 il Small, là ** 0 00el 0 70 il Blue, ilu 0 00Je 0 70 BuTn'uR, best table, V' lb ... 0 00 u0 20 Kocs, VIdoz ............0 00 0 O14 POTCAT0ES, P bush........ 0 50up0 55 Yoix e wt ...........5 00 u0 00 A[Y, e"ton ............. 5O00 7 00 Red Clover., +1bu3h .... 4 60 ~ 5 00 Alsike i.,.V.5 00 Ji 8 00 fiOUSE ~TO LET.-On lot 15 con. 7 Darlington. 9k acres land wsth gond dweiling hous andl etabling. A&pply to D. T.AYLoR, Wooien Mille,. Hanmpton. 14-4 W. BEUS ! BEL'S ! I-For sale a iiuenber of swariuo and also'a number of hives fur the swarniing season; and a lot ot aplarian supplies-ail for sale, cheap. A, atteN TBLickwheat. -1 have a quautity of beth on baud, Wil1 soUl reasonably. Any parties re Ulirjpg ohould ceau early, J ouriMAVRKAY, Caldonian AMille. TOG A$TRA.Y.-Came on my pr62. Lmiees about. March 10, a collile dog. The owner le reqjuosted 10tuprovo prep#3rtypay ex- Ose:adclaIte hinmaway. Joi»T MARTIL<. MrLneýi&Dlle, Entkil .14-3w. l OUSE3 TO RE-ýT.-That parb of a -Lorne Ville, now occupied by Mr'. May- nard, jeweller, containieg parlor sittîng and dininu room, live bodroome, kitc'hon. pantry, capital coler.closetq and wôod shed. 11rd and sortiwater indoors. gadon. Peosaon S HQP TO LET BY MAY lsb.-The s hep sudd wëlling occupied by J.* r'.Mann. ing as Grand Central, nexi 00cr toP. 0. Apply te W. >SANDIDCOCIr. Execiitor. or ANNE'PTA CO', xectix,. Lock Box .25. Bowmanville. F ARN FOR1 SALE.-South E4 st F quarter of section 32 lu flvo fourt(een; 27 acres brokon. L3g bouse, 12x2G; stable3, gran ary, goodwaLtek,easy acrese tu marktl, scheels, e. Alpply e o uu R& Ca'IMUERF;, (Gen. boMan.ý5_r NAN AND HTORSE WANTED- iLMan te drive p)eddiiug wagon and otiior work, muet be reliabie andi fair scholar. Per sonal application de6sired. Aise horae wauted net lees than 5 or more thLan 7 years old, about 1200 lbo1 quiet and stiOn. JOHNi G»IGo, Bow. manvl e. 1.3W. F OR SALE OR RtENT.-HlousEand 14 l acres for sale or tu rant. situate on Bcugog etreot uorth. The prerqise consiest of a goco bouse with every conveniûac, driving shed, stable, etc. TiRe gardon centaine a lot et the ohloicesl fruit of ail variate. Inmoýdiat0 p3ossession can ho givan. Fer parlianiage apply te W. FlouILEIe 11,BOWManVillo Ont. 19tr F ARMI FOR SALE.-100 acres beleg Jlot 19. Pon. 6, Darligton. on which thora, are gooci buildings;, fiua orchard suad about 10 acres standing tinber. Situabed 3- mile uurth If Hlampton on gravel read. NWiIlbe soiti Ie eue lot or dividad to suit puirchasei'ý Apply T. G. svernTEous on thopromaises, ortouLEcvi A. W. Tei,£, roal asi5ate agoni, Bowmanville. à-tf. '1ouS1 FOeR SAI WWy -!fi GRAND Induce- ments wo give tQ buyers DUJRING APRIL. COME everyone. Stock fully assorted and rnarked very low. GENTS9 Seo our Tweeds and Gents' Furnishi- ings'. Suits to ord on the shortec notice and at ti very Iowest price. Rlighest Pric paid for ail kind of Produce MOGILL UNIVERSIT A SPEGIAL AINNOtTOEMEiNT FAOULTY OF APPIJED SCIE" ha: been ?reparedttatîngthie detaill theNE O-ÀiRmLAouAKouns, Woi siiops,AppiBaism d otheritniproveei in its aeveral Departinents of Civil, M4 lng, Meobiau*cal a.nd Elaotri.eal Elngine ing and Practical Gbamistry, wisichv affoa'd in the Session of 1891-2 advaxttai not hitherto waasible tu Students WIii country. Copies iay be had Su application to underbigned, Who eau apiso aupply detaL announicenients of the other Faculties the University, viz. : Law, Medioii Arts (inoluding the Donald Course Wornen) and Yeteninary Science. J. W BRAKItNIDGE, B. C. L, 13-26W Acting ýecret9 T 0 RENT-Fortermnof years, ' gQod buildings and ili. Admirable for eto or'dairy. Ctance for going extansively ir Toronto milk businesýs or stock raliiug Anierican markeMe 1h capital or -VMRH FOR SALE.-130 acres, <1< L pose a outh part of Lot No. 19, Bro4 Frn. a *i lat*eaa milesfa the Tflio'inm Basbting for oatt1e eanorF tour cisernfi aise winl water. ror Ïurthoýr pariU prexujies or If bvletler Lu 1 _j RAVE BEEN FA~ TI¶ARM FOR SALE.-CnB!iego of waer roeoe psursîport , proponty vitibe sold eheatu anc of paymeut, .6vily toL. A. W: SIIeRT BOWMauviile. Ont. FARMS FOR Qi UI1" l ilpurch new bhi - 1