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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1891, p. 1

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t t'i fa, OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY WO RLD APTRW"1DO. X.. ÂJAZMES EnIzOR "1)àr~nPtopitixnoit NUMBIxE 663. ý ilUiPlU NX ORT O HAVE 0PE1NED OUT 0F NEW ?/NG a7Ul SUMMER shown by auy house ini West Durham. and, Seo ItL 1OUOll1 JOHNSTON & ORYDERMANI ~24, 1591. One Door Weat of l'est Offie.1 PIJE 0F WEST D«UREAMi -ain itJi 'ou~r wagons oaded wiUh Dry roods, Grocicseý Tiinware, ClitlerY. , f4,L'IIrY Ctr$TO-I1S,-I Wish to thauk you for your liberal in' the past,14 till sincerel%, aoliciL your further patronage ure. On.accoiunt f getting lumy acco, uts sowel llst year te pay cash for' my goodsanad eau pis ( thenl befor'e you at dors t the lowest possible pricee. 1 want one housand ,ags, Bnes, Iron., Copper, Brass, Pea and JEeavy Lead, Wool, to be takçen ini exehange for Goods. SYour humable servant, TJravellIing M1e~rcliauit, BowmafleI. a.Profit Down, ýn goodold ~o lower priees than we are now mnaking ntemn's, Misses' and Chi1dren's Boots and Shoes.,,u,Come ,I at the value W-0 give. Fine goods and plenty of them. to find what you waut. Come in and sea the hast of in Boiots, Shioes, 8lippers, 13ubbers, Trunks, «Valises, etc. Trusty, Serviceabie Goocis iarked et Rock ]3ottoma Sign of the Big oot dnawii by TwQ Horaeir TiNz-Sit down and Qeucli, Johnston & .Drydernxan are dyspepsia i. causad by showing a fine assortmca-t of Men% HFats th~e stornach; 2uid, that in al the late8t styles. Their hatts are al 1i ter a4eaigu.edte, p0w. Wethe stornaeh; <&d, E>ilp and Edger ane selling the popu- cttre Jysrpeps1ta and cat lar pheton oarb like hot cakes. It iii the a dose. Can yen afford cart tiiet "taêe>s" every tima and fte unne to have à large utla. BOWMANV1LIS ONTARIC ÂTY, APRIL 29, 1891. M4PLE ROB ies Adams Icaved for Manitoba will be held lierea ~t seven p.m. Wc've huiidreds of empoycs three-score separate depart. nts, and sales arc counted by the hundrçcl thousand. Our business is dry gonds anid home outfittings; that is, everythinig for personal and homweluse.wemyb ut Yau and w abcqie a distance apart, measured by miles, yet, by reason of our mail order facilities, wc're vir. tually. next door to you. No- thing in the entire establish- nient that you cai-'t have pre-. cisely as if yç»t stood in perso'x before any c>nter, and at exactly the -sane price. 1We send samples of all paailable mercharldise, frec, of course, If youiwant a house-. fui of carpets or draperies, a rnew borniiet ~or a twQth-brusb4 w e epect you tco buy iii per. what a help shopping by muia of the $irnday schooi hadl a very suocaefrul and mother bave bean ýu an idney dieemses, are ideci enecees. fiua pike %pending a spelit Suin. HA4MPTON. Our oheese factory wiil stant ou Tues- day, May 5. Mn. Wesley JoIli tarted for Brandon, Mali., Tuesday. Sonie of ou farmens are weil on witii their eeciug. MeusÉrs. Fred Mason an~d A. -Bl6c, Pickering, woea visitiug friandis lane Sun- day. Mn. Thos. Elliobi erpects to have his iii Iin geod bhape for turnirag ont chelce toiler flour this waek. Pieased to mea Mns. Win, AliIu ot to chutai Suuday, the second tins, in tan months. Mn. Allia h is lo able to be out again. Rev. S. T. Batlatt, JNawtonvi1le, preached liera Sunday niornini: and aven- ing, the congragatiaam being large, aud every pers on delighted wlth aloquant and instructive discouries. A sx Youxis Faus eABOUT 1.-)ýour dlstrsaiing oough eau l4e ured. Wa know ltb beeuse Keaap's Balsain within the. past fow yeare ha. ocured me many ooughs aud coldaiin'thi'oonmunulty. Ibm revaarkable sale lias beau won autiraly 4y its genuine merit. A.k some friend who hba uiad l wbat ha thinki of Kerap's l3alsami. Thaîi. ànin mdiolue so pure, noue soeaffective. LungesbottIes 30a and *iat aUdruggiits. ISaple 9fflefrm,. Mn. R. B~. Mitchell nased lite barns last, -"'j. VOLUME IXVII. NUMBER 1,8, PB 0 oVIDENLCE > What 12 the matter wih the base baUl club thie season ? The boys will groatlinmis one of thelr old cozupanions, Mr. É. Blackburn wha le learning the oarpcnterin- vwitb. Týe8re. Clatworthy and Johns, of H1ampton. SuoceHe, Frank./ A meeting i e o b.hold on Thursday night next for the purpoBe o *f a4(ortainiu- whether we are to haro auati niveraary this year or net. As exteue repair were execute-d Iat year, the troasI1ro'a purse is low. Providenooa a1ould koop if not improve on- ita now gQod repta- tion. Thin and impure blood i inmade rich ai-d hoalthfui byr taking Hoodz Sarss.par- îlla. lb cures scrofula, saIt rheuni, and ail blood dieordeu. NEW PA RK. Svhool report, S. S. No, 21, Manvere. Naines in ordor of merit:- Jr 3, EthEsi Boath, A Briabin, A Tennanst, L~ Terin i iv'1S *,Roberts, H Dvi;Sr 2, J Adani s T XcBobewt,, F MoRuoberto, X MoR h1 rts, W Tannant, 8 1Brown, M Tonnan,, 1 fi MeRoberts, Oi4ttle; Pt 2. FI Tonnant, J Tonnant, A Tonnant, E Wilsoi, W Thoipson; Sr Pt 1, E Tonn.~ ant, J Mo Robents, M Wilson; Jr Pt 1, F~ Adam%, NiM Brown, l Mottoberto, E Adams. A.verage 19. IL A. DyàN, ENISKILLL&. Oa Fiav a~i f Grnnnan Mr.AIbt fl~an- T. Staintou'ïs baud 1, lmproving na terly meeting at Mt. Vernon Suri-o 'hi$ i It's eas9y e oe4k i -the Bail corset. ýt cause it has cols of fine wire spins in the. sides. They clasp the 'figure closely, but th yild to every motion. M They"give", but they cornevil 9 anl bac1;ý So does your money Eci ti -if orfe -worn a Bail corset twvo or t$iree weeks, and f-c For sale by Couicu JORNSTON CUY DEUMÂN. 19 lafi to LOAN at 5y2 and erB cent., to pay offOLD M'ORT. GAGES,. advances 911 SEC- eh OND MORTGAGES, andi to purchase farms4. , NO COSTS frî for applications. NO DELAY or inconvenience. Loans can Pc 1,e arranged AT ONCE with xny Local Valuator. 'FARMS Es bought, sc'ld and exclianged. AGENTS WANTED. th WRITE or call for parti- cialars. da E. R. REYNOLDS, y th« TORONTO. du CONSU M MTON]c CURE., di ,The succesaof this Great Cotig h Cure is ci %,ithout a paralilelin the history omeiieh Ail druggists afe athlOtized to sel it on a Pos5- itive guarantee, a tet that rio other cuire can bric- cebsfully stand. T'hat it ,,,,y 1becocme sown, citi the 1'roprietors, at an enor.-ous expense, are piacllg a Sanlli1e ottle Free, into every homie o ia the United States and Canada- If you .havc o a Co)ugh, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for friE it wll cure you. If your ehild Ihas the Croup, orNWhoop-inlg Cough, Lise it prolptly. aud relief l is sure. If you d read that ïinidjious disease O Consumiption, uie t, M.k yonr Druggist for bls sHIILOWS CURE, Price 10 ts, it $1 .0o. If your Lun gs are sore or Back lamne, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cte. hm HoÂDsPECORAnL BALSAM.-Elagy. th ard's Pectoral Balam gives Promipt reliefPo ln ûoughls, colds, hoarisonesei, wbooping wi Icough, cloup, a,3tU'ý 9r bren ,hitis, It lu. t the most pleasant and Perfect throa~t Sandtri lung hoalar in the world for chiîdreil or f auts. Prica 25C. C~OSTIPATW IONCAIMS na"v victim- Ward offttisII8drend ollseais ubv the sape of isual Swugan.oated Uurdo't i 1119WIIl* au tfl, usec crutciies six wee.- .e bottles of St. Jacoba Oil and . 11ave iaad neo ,turzn of pain rraIl left at waek for Tenanto. epli Gou1dý Boston, wasî lutown Hlllyardk'& Co., have made an ing. ýý3 ý"- 'z. Hendan suri, jrL, started for 1.D Campbell arrivad froin lat week n Diekie is venering lisiienw -spl Phillips, o!fbthe Toronto ce, wm lit towii racently. Lhun Jones, son of C. A. Jones ired to Toronto this weelc. C. Iloyer, Torouto, liai beau of haer mother Mns. J. Mackie. os. James, Toronato, upant Sun- in tewn gueEt af Mns. D. Drew. A. Bolland, G. Lander aud k have gona to the Pacifie ceast. ~D. Campbiell, Isaemanager o! miii, Chatha~m, île Iin charge haire RoIiar mill, A. Maison, who lias been seubli e manter for the beuafit of liii expected haone shortly. A4. Thompsonef tie Vludicah. wio a iibeau forer aglt yeari collection of itamps, lias soe ome o! the rancît kuowu la cal. Tnu. -No better avi- Sthat Burdeçk Illeod i rcmiedy for ail bloed isked titan that af Mn. irnggist, e! Hull, P.Q, [?ed o! cancr by B. B.B. ori certain that the and that lb is now cnrad Kemip, formerly paeton t. E., Oshawa, but new lias beau visiting bis Ha lias sert tispaît hoe Bahama Islande the r t1abors, sud retuni te tion itibitie Mabhed- Damxe Experieni ny of j sure- Lended 0paina a Ex- Nro service cbnr-ii bere nez.t Sunday afternoon. The Division is stili boomiîg-two ini- dlations lait week. School was eloîed lasat week, owing ta messies, grippa, etc. Miss Phicbe 1Hezzlewood lin% beau visitiug at Mr. Jno. Dyen's. Editor and Mrs. M. A. James wae guaite at Braoside on Sunday. Mn. and Mnr. Jonathien Br&y and Mr. Fred Bray have beeiiquite.ill. Mn, Plowell and daughter,, Etta, ana an a visit to Burut ERiver. Eftta will ro. main lu Muskoka the wife off ona of the lîorth men. If yen had iaken twe o! Oater'i Little Liver Pille befete retiriug yenu wouid net have haad that coated tongue or bad taute lu the moubi thus merning. Kaap a viai with you for oceusional use. N~E WCA 9YLE. Quarterly meeting nwxt Sabbath morna in(, iu the Methodist ohurcli, and coin- mnunion lu the X'nsbyterian ohuroli. Rev. J. Thoms, of tie Methodist chunch, and Fev. W. F. Ailan. of the Praîbyter- lau, exohangad pulpits lait Sabbatli morn- iug. Mr. Hanry Garwood, iataly rettfrad from mission work near Capae lmas, Afrlca, will lecture on mission work ln Africa on Thursday avauing next lu the. Praîbyterisnur nrd ou Fuîday aven- ing lu the Mtiedist olinrch. , 4 Sabbath school has beau organtz(d la te lake-shore sohoal hanse, about bhreas mile> seutheait of our village. It promises inucli mcceii with Mn, Basker. villeansd Mr. A. Tiiompson as leaders aud thay are te b. supported by a safol of six teachens. (CrowdeclmutId i e eek) The Eigi Sohool Inaspector visited our zsoola lait week and fnem ail accounts mas well piaased with the stateuco! the record. Mr. D. Giave dîed on Moaday svenlng at the advanced ageofo 84 yeanî, ILi funarai taok place on Wednasday a! tan. neen ihen tic remain e mealaid in the famliiy plot at Pont Newcastle. The friande and acqualutauces cf Mn. Garweed mare mucli pieased to, meut hlm after a long absence. Seman four or fiva yeane age ho was a pupil at aur REigliÎ School sudsiluce that time li as beau engaged in mission wenk on th. wcest Coast of Afnîca uiuden Bîshep Taylor af tic M. E. chunci of the Unitad States. On Friday afternou ho visitad the Iigi Scliool and spent an haut Qr unoru exhib- ltisag the cuisitias lia brenglit mlthiii froni Af ries and telling about the a nne~rs sud custelus of!tiie people amonsg wi ho lied been labornpg. Hoe xpecta o remain iu tis coauntry sevenal moaxtha bafora returulug ta bis mork. Mitaard's Liniment cuea~Gargat laCowa. Mn. S. Biughani bas beau mtking a large sipment o!flieadfing to Peterboro via Bun]keton, Rev. L,,?halps lias arranged toeax- change pulpits mibli Rev, Oco. B liards, Orono, for Salibati May 24. Rev. Chas. Sing i.i back agaiu fnom hiri exami looking msemewhat nelieved but nathan thin as a rnsit oe!lhard study. On Wedniesday lait Mn A. E. Harris aud brothen-in-law Mn. Willii tDavison le! t Tyrone to seek their fortunes lu De- treit. Sema af oun citizelis atteuded service at Hampton lait Sibbath, for tha purpose of heaarng aur old friand sud pa3tor 1lev. S. T. Bartiett. Tyrona Division in aadaavornug ta ar- range for a concert tu bo hald lu their hail on the evenîig e! May 25bthin aid of the organ fund. P>artie Lilars lata.r. Capt. Williamiou being off duty iriti a eeaye attack q ' f a Grippe the aneetingg on Sabbath ware couducted by Lieut. Victor Cola and Roldiers a! the oorp3. MrU. Harry Rogers in the boy te do tihe teamiug rip iibli atues. sud dospatch ample proof o! whioh han beau givan in the way ha handlad the teara for Mr. T. T. Jardina while the latter gentleman iraz laid np with L% Grippe las# îaak. *Wa trust the subject cA a Meohanie' Inilittta li net ah send litalk. Such an iustitution would without doubt b. veqy adatageona ta ur youug mon, es- pecielly. a placa foruitbe,innoent amusement and intallectnai gain being a loug (ait waut. The uew Long Sault durcl i ch was beitg aracted a short ditance euýt cf the' eld Bite wili in all probability haveto ha m-oved, a diffieuity bavingr arisen ian regard te the tibia. LMr. T. Gardiner & Sans are rushlng the mark for ward aud me truset overthiug wm sea .aieably settied. 'The social held on Mounday evauling ut Wiitehall, the home o!fr. sud Lins. J. Tapa, was a decidad suceesi. Every avail- able bit of roin l taehoapitale anu. sien wax taken up and boreawore aveu compeiied tu stand outaida. In theab«h sanne of bthe Glea Club, Mn8. T. Creepar, Miss Cana Gardiner, Mrn. J. W. Collacutb< aud Mr. 1B. Gardiner, acjompauied on theo organ by Misa Cols, Bethaîda, !avpred tic cenipany mibli saver-al aloctionn. Financees amountig tu V.50wam very gratifyitig as a re2uit of noble offort of the paeuple of the Saisît, <apt. TjrQwU wieided thte hummer lu goQà style. Thnough thi ldiiesi of Mr. . inghara a goodiy load e! Tyrone peuple w0re prao- ont. p "Weex. tuel

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