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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1891, p. 2

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as' BLcz J3OW>1NVILLIr, ýYaI I t of the Toronto th, IUn vorsity, PhicltOa, S, SUR m- O'SETC c.(hiirch ian 1Pempeiranoe attended lroirn Dr. il iflkro B, C. HIILL D M. D .jý J'jnUi Feltow et Trin, Med. Colege, Mlember Cl, Phys. Suirg., ont. E h ER M~OF COLLEGCR OF PHYSICIANS LYJIsud >¶eoIIE. Ont&ario. ornr, eo OM n d eideree, I IniMkrn. 7L BI-1141OUK, D eiýsa1, SImý ee, Howmuï Ville. Solijcior for the Ontari Bank~ WIvaïte JoneyR loaned at th-ý iOW33t ratee IV.BINGRÏAN. TISSUER OF MABIAGE LICENSFS L ICENSED AUT0ONE ER FOR the Couinty of Durham. Sýalep attondud ~o ùn shortcst notice and Iowest rctes. Âddresa S. UURDEýN &Co., SUCTIONEERS for the Oounty of Duram Isurance and G*el AIgentv. a1it Ran eal Estate AÂrents.Salesan&d tir business promptly attended to. Box 712, 1Bowmativille P. 0. 6t V ETERINARY SURGE ON, BLACK ' STCK, NTDen1tibtry a peialty Îoisuttiou free. Blackstock, Aprilla1, 17-te Pianos Tand anud Repaired. 1 j>ARIESWISHING TiiEiPIANOS D~ by leavlng word, at the DoMiiNION O1R*ÂN 4 oiE, Bowmnivile A flret-e1ae uman fOURT. YOITG, V. S. f)FFIOE 1IN THE WEST DURHIAM YNews lIck, where hi!mself or awiftant, iill le fouid frûni Bam. to 9 pin. Night 03Ue ut rieBi2ece.dfr ctlyop'posite Dril Shed. CaU1B by telegraph or te1ephone willI rooive p rompt ÂUCOýJONEER, APPIRAISER, Real Estatê Agent 1iowmaRnvfIIe, Ontaiio. ESales attended i any part Of PrOvinco. A. A. FOWF4, A ROJITECT. P1ans, and Spefiioa*t Ç3.tiens preparecd for every elaes of bi1ding.b pia1 attention gven Io heatinig by stuarm Bnd hot, water. aiid te sanitary tarrbngenients, t )ffice: Qorrie Blook, Whitby n -ly R.PEATE, Tailoir Gentlemen's QIothles Made to Order. DEmfNT1 TRY O IBOPPOSIT E ,XPI,>,ES OFFCE. ý(>LtD FILLUSNG A. SPbEO1ALTY &RTIF10OXAL TEMTH INSEiaRiTrnWITHOUJT PLATES. Great Reductions in i rÎne on ail Dentta Work. VitaieC Air, oontty ln use pro uill1g Pabiless Oper61atiOnS, PatiOular atten icn vaid to the iguaton of Childrens' Teetji Wý'iLL WO1RK WABRRNTED.-i Branch OffiCe. Dr. RuÉherford'a Oiono J. MB RI MAÂCONBE D EN T l,%T. OFFICIE -R r of Messrs. Iliggnbotami & Son's Drug Store, down stairs), BQWMANVIIJLE 1886 Lex1ngtoxi Ave. Ncw York Ci',ty, Set. 19, 1888. I hwe sed~heFlax-Seed E mulsioi n st -veral ria' cef Ch-oieBvicli -ad Ithe eLrly 7Stages of JAMS K CROKm.D. I3ok ynN ., Feb. 114th 1SS.. 1 leuied rly-1rE, lsoin r. ce of 1 's couid not tu eCoa L1výr (M ial, , oim. J. 11. DROGE, M.D. 1 caa Sr0ng!y recommnend Flax ed Emnulsion as he1pfuI to theref!cf and poýssby the cure ofail Lurng, Lincba and Ne'rvoui. Aiffections, and a good geh- ~r1tni j ~ysca dbik~. TALMAGE, M. D. Trd !a Seed £mlusion as gretly superior to tiCod Liver Oil LEmuision, scigenctal in Lise D.A.G ()RT 0 , M. D. 137 West S4Ith St. wcw YrAllg. 6, 188,3. hàve used yôtir lax-Seed Etnauion Compouil i a sever qas of Ml-ariind ~the resiwa m-c th ':Iia "P d fnr-it was mteluand cou. tinuc 1-. qmmnit ci- ,fu1i ' to t 1c profess!i( Fald 1umiaxity at argz. M~. 11. GLE ,MJ.. SoId by L0~stPic I0O. FLIM-xSEED £USO D Late Foreign News., AN EXCITING fSOENE, EXTIRAUBDJNABY CASE OF sui-, QUDE. strftngteAdventures Or an Ecsapet1 Clonviet. The( new Chinese Minister at Paris, M. Tshiing-TsliaDg, is a Tartar by birth and a Etoman Catholic. Spain is abouit ta build two 9,000-toh, protected cruisers of 20,OOOhorse power and tweiity.two knots extremte speed. A suit abouit a <'af in Texas bas rësu1te in the death of ali the parties involved e x cept the caif. One of tho itigants shot the, other, and the Sheriff shot the ,ýurvivor in trying to arrest him. The caif wa8 valued at 6 dolars. M. De Ennatsky, the Russian gentleman who bet -25,000 roubles that liev would drive his troika from Samara tu Paris in eighty days, reached Paris on Marah 17, twenty- two lay, ahead ai tiime. Hie used tbree IîttieU ral horses, themaximum distance covered for any day beingà about 120 miles, Diamonds in considerabIe quantities have been cicovered iii the north of Lapland. Thec highest inhaboited place in the world. is Galera, a rallway village in Peru, 15,CI3S feet above theý sea. A master carpenter' at Saragosa was stabjbed by t striker because ho had cemploy- ed a noin-uinon inan. Louis Charles Verdier, onie of the two brothiers miaagng the Mio Doree, died two weeks ago. 1lie was one of the lfest' knlown men ini Paris. Victor Drumnont lias pubis 1ihed noýther aniSmtcVolume, Mwhiohcau . . ,Vono- yen) to ehallenge biniand get woundied at~the mleýtiing. The Gcrmtnai empire, by the Iast eu, ha,ý forty-ninc and a hialf milions of popala.. tMon, rrussia havinig of these thirLy millions, and the riext diviQàioni, Bavaria, having live and à 1hRIf million. Bismarck will move te eerlin, we arc told, havJig takeu two jarg bouses i the Koniggratzer-strasse. TLe Hamburg Bc- formannotinces that theEmperor andPiince Bismnarck wilI dine- together shortly with Couft von Waldersee at Altons. The longest pedestrian tramp ever at- tempted ià that laid out Jor hirnself' by Lieutenant Bachmoutoff of the Fifth Bat- talion of Siberian Infantry. Heelhas started from Vladivostok, on the shores of flic Sua of Jaf an for Paris. He has arrivedc at Toms , and start%thence to St. l'etershttrg. In four months lhe has walked 76mihis, batling with sniow and wind. Mlount I'iltushas lheretofope been &aved from having a raibvay biilit ip its side ,by the perpetuial cloild that reýts 0.1 its top. It lins becep iscovera"d that thlis clon d is never more thari 90 feet ligh, so xiow the complýIIy is ready to butild the railroLud and raise an Eiftl tow,ý,r 300 fert, in dianmetcr at its base, 840 feeýt in hieighIt, witki a plat- formn at t le top 120 ferit square. Krapp is to supply the steel, ai'd the uI~gi hoped$ for in 1893. The varlius German Chamb;erý, of Coi- uire re about to imie a very inteeting lndL 10openfl u lWIe4'rn @Il r iet ý'. Amoung the citieý slet Io the ex- perimient in Eiigland are V2cetr J3ringhiamn , i\er'pool, Nemslean A ienna Ëýcorresp)ondenit writes: -The' Emiperoir, attenlded by ail thio Arcb4uitkesc at1 the tiine in Viennia, will on Matrnday Thiira- day wt,ýh the foet of twelve olid nei at the, Rofburg. The feet-wakihing1i. conduicted with every manifestation fImpeIilmg- ficence. rii the absence of the Enpress, the üeremnony of vashing the fecet of twelve old' womieu wfll be zispended, athou)Igh the elect tweive venerable femlales wýill be the recip- ents of the cu8stonary liiperial )ouinty. The Daily Chroaiclestatesth, corig to intel'igence from ail enirnous fou lt' of naphitb a t been tapped 'n the neiý,hbourhood. TI)e ne w fo tintiain iS of unusuài size, and lias for the lat fortnight been thirowing up napilitha ant the rate 01 aboit 5000 tons a dlay. Itpur out in such enormlous quavtÀtiie'that i1t has foried a ýqma11 river. CrowdLs are fokn to Baku to see the streamn, which is p'obably worth several millions of roubIes to tie~ company that discoveired it. As a resuit oftlhis streftmlavingbeen tapped, the price ofnaph- tha lias fallen some ý0 lper cent. A Paris SCIhool of c her ai 1tel> been 'l ed JIes 'Simon pre8iintg and d eliver- ing the %ddreý. The insttiitoin Nwas; started] with funds accrubg from exhibitions held under the auspices ot the Association of Freineh Çýoaks. There is a grand kitchen and a larga lecture hall, and degrees and diplorn as will be conferred. -The PRiisian Ministry of Education bas addresýed a circular to ail school direotors andI ,upeintendents ordering thenm to cis- corgand if possible, to prev'ent Chris-. tiLwn students engaging Jeisi h 8o1ar8 tQ Irpeat with tLhem their lessons prepaoing fcthe approaching anual exainaiuti,)rts. Noroyc li Vrqma aid aahd'n eon4derc this a iie and- beneficial neasuLre. - t1 will precitide- friendship ,piiiiiig ap be-i tteen the Jewsý- and the Christians at thei sohoolso and collegýes. W e lave the bitteri eýxperien ce to see such unidesirab)le friBndship1 1aibeyondI the college days among the1 memibers of scholarly professions and worI- ing ils puirnicions influence il] sQo(iety." At a meetLing of the temperance societ~y 0f si. Ptrbr one of the speakers c&l. ed attention to the factb that vair glory or1 brgaoi ofteni the causue of drunken- ness. He had often seen women ildrinkling brandly from a flask just> to show tha t they coull w;iJIow as mreh of the sbtff us aany1 mian. IFoolsh parepts gve hiquors to their children to show their friends howv bravely their littie ones eau drink. lu villages and ' Brnll towns the ýcood Bstanding and hospit-1 aiity of the commuon people is estimated by1 tho amouint of spirits they order for wed.- dings and sociable gatherings. At such parties iti i ostomary to give to the guests strolig liquor, between fortyfive and fiftv grade3, first and jnake the stuf we&ker iiii a measure as the company geWts intoxicited and cannot distingisl the merits of thie drink. In the non&tery of the GrandeCht- u e ifr Grenoble, died a c-er*tRussian1 Geriia, cailed FLthe(,' Nicolas. The General1 ha~d takeii part iii the last wars in the C&i cLtul" agaii4S-lt ch il; at the storni-ng of the fo1rrc3 of Goibthe ast stronghlId of thl auc ancliefain. lie was sev&-e.I 1 ibl , cqiite unawaré of irs Ihistorieal value and who have in ail lik,,liiiood)c already ýold it ta sorne (Ad clothiesmaniýt equally n~n saoBof the trcajure lie niow poses 11. hiý- squvenr of the gIorieýý of the IFirsý Empire is the proper-ty of M. Che,-ial, xeii at Bourg- la-Reinle, in thf e dpiitnet of the Seine, and aias on Sýatulrda1y ighit carried off with a& quantity of sftver plate. The rob- bers, it is sugtgestedI, wanted somnethig lu which th1fýV Gold conceal their botYand were ttempitedl by the ample proprtionsý of the historical garment. The indlustrial facilitie>s of the prison of Grodiio, one of the largest in the Rusiaii empire, hvebeen cenlargEd Iýconsideralily. Besidie the shoemnaJing and tailoring shops which i were in the pïtiýonu, ihops have been ostablishied for six other stapleidute, witii tools and id auhnery. In the city, as well as by private coitractôrs, flic work of thie ronr is in constant 1nad; an~d the Prisonlers cnDjoy the wrk, so thlat niy of tbemi will flot avai1 hml le of the privileges of walking if tL h ý üwrkon' h1nd for 1 hihtey have a sp li~ ikinig. 1911 r 1l- the moey 1realized by lne illdutry '3f tua ir~res iput to thiei' credii, s oi that having eredtileir telrms ndrei3d their liberty they have something to11, "Il," with. One d-ay i lich week thie idsro Prisooiers are allawed to order for themiselves dalieacies according to their l'ijng, suchi as wheat rolils the regular prison fare provideB3 oly rye breadl,) tea, mnilk, and sugar. Un suilch d(ays their faiiies are0 allowed to visit thein. This treaktmt il seomisto prod-uQe a beneficial effeýt, as a higliet' moral toie p \-vI i fihe rkhpthn moghed Anlything that Illru te npymn o)f ickel bas an itr tfrCaliaians, who have tuddenly cdiscooered tha tl they are virtuaIly the sole p,)seýýsor.ï of a nlietLi that is destinedl to play IICh ani nlportant part in the art s ýnd of whiohi the supplv is pi-ac- tioally ilexhaustible. Following, up the te~sts made ast autumin at Annapolis t1w Unîted State-ý Navy Departmien t are about to mjake aniother trâil ini order Uo £urther Iearn oconcerning felic ~ i~ oero niklsteel armior pae.Acconri g to the inowspaper reports the ilmiediate obiect of the test is to asý,ccrtain 1he pro p er percentag of nickel to be pat in steel plates and aIso to test ýwhat is kcnown as thie 1Harvey decar- bonising (ic~ f nmaufaetiriag stel ; but in 17caity the exp nel1týsinvq1ves the OIld question as to whthr Steel p1atcs or iokel-steel plates are the best~ for vossel- arnor purpose4. The five plates thatarc to Uo used in the test will bc each ecighit fouet h1igh and 1- ýix feet wide, but instead of being 10~ i.1hes like the nickel plates tested last autumn these will bc only three inches thliclk Two of the plates will be of steel, one inade -with and the offie withou1t the with d i Jeront proportions of nickel, one being, made on the lHarvey process. Of ecris', the -un and its Powder echar'ge will bu selected with a view te the probale 0re- sisting powers of three inchels f steeli n* stead of 10k. Throe-ineh pla e p e used for the rea2Oflthat seine of th~e new United States -teel cruisers ,,recovercd wjth protective decks or tumçoçed hields of that anndd4 went tci Parnisfor res n miedi, a treatmient.~ There ho made the u qitaniiLlieo~ f Arhbislhop Dupa~nloup, by wh-Iom ilie -wms onvertedt> Rointii Caolie, and retired Co the monastury of ihu Grande Chartreuse as La iionl. Therce Mremtve viý,itois and cejoyed great popularUt yl thec Russiain arm'y lis naine is re lemb, rod 'ihgrecat 1.respect by the troops tJiait were lifider bis command. The nobility of Liefiaind Rusý;ia, are advo- cating before theG(overnmiexit thie abrogation of the Lam, prolbibiting the prf2o~of t'le (4rmeLh Cathdo ith to adopIt L&other reig ions ouifesýpin,, speiafly in caes lere their aýdhecrence to the 'Russiani ChicI wvas gainod by pressuru or, alhireilenti froni outsidle audnot throuigh ce~na onviction. NoVrOyp 1roimya~ is exaesperated at th]iý ', i tlt iluildeincn," as iIt terrnsit, and argu~es that thie ema population of th~be -altic provinces nustihave sone secret uencourage. ment from the eriemi-ies of Rlisn t othey would îlot dare to raise Suoh,1 a quesation. An esca)ed Russiaii convict, iYa1os1i Kostinkoff, whlo lhd avoided thaMIthoQticý for'fn1liy twel(cve years, Laud led thie life of a brigand in thé fo rests of Volhynil, has ~. captured in VLheiae of PiIeeilka, xlear Wýlna. 11e was greatly adxmred ý-y ti~e pemaiatry for hlis feats of bzavery ,ad cgier- osty, an~d no orùniina1 at can be trêL,-od t~o hini silicelie escaped fromn the pis'fl on 1 which he hiad been sentencua for murndur and robber'y sotne tfite2il yýts ago. But hie ,un-< flot show wh1-n', ho1u gaine(&a iveiioý)d for tlic 1as~ wL eyearý,. Hllwas fûtinid4fi ?. large barrel c6ored with straw-, whicli le had made hiý; abode this wiinter. NoThi bu', a lot of Brandl(y bottles was foulcni lis barrel. Tt is supposed tha, i~ e liaihcldeu treasur'es somiewhere ih1e fLrestof Ille The 1ogriVi8n eporL-its t a 'oyof à 1 *pliiinmenjlJ' appearance liasbeem borti iKazan. He has two imouths, aind Peuli o thei ssupplied Nwith its qwu 1tonigue, and, aiiitappai, with its &wn SYstemQof vessels. Wheà lie cies for food li issatistied i t îs ~din~erdthtrough leitliri~ oith. lHe1 has three notU; the middle one is Mie Iargest. His eys ae sonewht farther prt than in cihfJldi ofn orm~al con.strue- ti a nd reinarkable only for their unnal bt'i'iany. is hiead and entirü body is otheiý',icy quite normal This is scimething pr B3anum lto inquire after. We hiave aL Russian dog-facedgboy a amueu cLiily why should we not get a two-inoutlied and one-ad-&-alf osed qpeimen from iRUiisia. An exciting iincident occur-red on -Vonday at fire ln Colbornie Gardels Northi Kensingtonüi, Lond1on. Aii oilman's shbpj, kepG Iby Mri. \t A, RLtley, canghit tire. 'The ocen~nV~ wfe as lyngl dead in L, coffn in U ac roolm, an~d Mr. Rawley in atemip±ing to rernove the rmilefeu dowillncnpiucous. ffe wvas, homwever, resoued, and the body wis afely remioved. LordL Dufferhi and Avft sendls from Roilne a reunarkLably iliteresting report on the orge f Italy, drawii up by Mr. Dering, seretary of the Embassy. T-e shows fhat the wages of agricaltitual labourers (adu1t~) duigtewhole YeLar ',ily be put at tenipence (daiIy." ln the Sar(linian minies the local inrs average twosli11iný daaly, and otherin hstances are give1n. A case of suicide, in wiljîh the vietimi e. iknilarvr1 rnosdtntraorflinirv detepmiia. for end Children. Ciutrlmii s weladptedtoc= i caetoru Oumo lle, Oont!pvaton, recomen itas uperort an p ou.r Stomaoh, )iarrhmoa, Erucýtation. IL A. A,%cme."nL , 31.KD., YU t oin, ie sepanprmU b 111 oý OOord S. Booklyn, N. Y. fnoutiaua umedicatton. ~Lw~ ~T~&tR CQM.&NY,~7 Mur, treet, j;. FO OR SALE BY J. HIGGINZBdTHALM &8(N jBWMÂNVITL iý u~ay ne is pantrng and ecianIng, Jutinsgt o f reedlom and rest; Hlow ltrnrah crt that is bIeeding -ad( break- Wou d g adjly sin! on011 river's, breàsýt. Oh.~ G oct! 1to1 tink or uc misery and suifer- Ing i C ighitof oaur veyrcs Alinosî, 1I l e"'thoir desptiring weeping; Âlo.t 1lia their hpces ighsý. And tlem 1 away withi a frightüned shiver, A,, a viie, inri ong. is hboio ne the fiair, lcoiflg over flicnmooalii river, Frorýorthet cýs djn id gliro Thirbngh théair, as ria atrumpciT As il surges ftleng on it woyto the seal. And tuti I thlink of hearts we±h Cd dwn wVitli _)f li-esn Ilfull of pIç,ur.ýroand song, Of %vho~)i droead he thipug$h1s of li the mo- rOw And -of wlu)tc ar& uncioua ,to h te aiong. An (1 1 ry lto fathbom 11f e'., reat iyt AAs I raisi iy yes tô - ' &nflthe imoon cer:nsto whipexitn fonder pity, Patience. Tho end is driawing nigh.". So 1 tuin once more from thlicA 1 o the( river, Yeyes; like ,thi., aro our lives below, -Iill), hagillg,3i1ýe waveslof the iiver, Sobbing, si' ing, onward nwe go. 1mEary itUaIrt'sFa~rewell to France. Frow 11" ihe rCh feag. J3axewefl ,Oh lri~ and of]Fra~nce, o ~i. f'teiars budiiis imy eye '1Fareivc11, to I1cave theo is to (lie. X1ýiea t4y ioeau eelone.. Lort berwrung sigli, iand l a1ing tcar For iali nIy fawlr to tthou ata1irno 'I'l1e wifldai.(U , quit thy shore, Nor sobs, for tears avair for 1110, Thew\Va\ ý sserLt it', , 'Cr, To-Scotland and away f- unthoü, F'aruwef, Ohi, Sunfo nndorfiFran, The mi4t of tears bcdinismy eye Grad1e of m,ý K i"lOW$ iil n l, Thy j$roj1e's chivffo~acam ]smroyalwie ~Than charm ý hà t th 4 icient tci me, n uedi ;niy haren aufey hedlen The n tof t. edirns ny Qye; Cradle of rmyjoyauis ilifancwy, Yiicrel1, to leave thee je to die. Th(,, iglit of gýcnh¶s, love and Lamei, Upon rny youth too brightly shionc, The ý pell that fate wovu romid rny namie ShaU ,nonon stoo soo)n begonc. Apesgeohmllipnding doomf That fis iriýy ieart with boding, feýir,' i Coule, on the wings of gathijiJ'g gloon, - Asraffold r e cr ad rar. arwl.Oh, Su~fn n ;d 0uFP ne The miýL of tears'bediis ny oye; Oradie of niïiy jôooI, ýn 'nv, Farewl,1I, to 1eîrve thce is Io de Farowcl 1, wlien 'inid alarmý ilnd feiirs, ThfbcUaduIgt of orràinehaI[ be, A, in th)is day, that ,eeshli er , Rer eycs, lier1ieart sahturii to tboe. Oh, Ciod, nlready atefr 1Te vesoi ltst8'uc;b týh er s1ics, of linpe, nu more for ictu riýe. aeehOh. inny hm( rn J'jo Th o e.i.miiin5 r n a iy eye rdle of yu ia*, SOME NEWS,'P-APER BULLS. Fuiiny Mtrake Tat iCrdep Iiuto the eLji>- The riistakcs in newspiper :fflice.' ztarsing fromn faulty Phirographiy of oecasionnl and lregular contribuitor, lhave( led 1 U the prlblicaï- .tibniiofafews;pecùniens. Anr Oswego paper re- 1fersto oninsu Lceth1tofaSa ueclergy- mari, who gn %'-, ile rnnuscript of a SermnI of Iris tu a iupýwteir for the purpose of miak- ing anr abstract of thle cdiscourse for publina- tioný Tire tnamisript saidl of John Welsey ordainucd Thomaa C oke to the office of the epicopýwy." 'l'ie priere's pein0nxu ipdp wlýti 'soa l, :ho-wever, tbiat th~e reporter mialle olthi tteert Wmen nand read " though 0111y u Pre-sbytterial> 110 hitwýC1f orçaiiied his cor5k to the office of the cpisopa(ýy." A Brooklypl pa'per follow,ý this up by Ire- Ilitiincghow sQo9 rnannsipt of 1Dr. Tihnge cuine to its office a netime in ~ .hoc- curre4 thie worilS: "My test fixxdsthe Lordl." When the wo$ds -Féeýruc in priat tliuy were iiel'1y transformicd to read, "MIIY~ tall fiind(, our Lr. lloragc~e y' ll4nanuacbLtit twa a pzzle 'A 11-ost pcvple, arnd, tilorefore, it is not to be wonderrd ai that whon lie wrote : 'i true, 'tis pit.y, pity* ý'lis, 'lis irii6," the' types miie hii say z "Ttstwo, >tis fifty ; yes, 01n uj>,olhester daily a few yVearis ago ilre- poi-ter \wouxid up a sket~ch of a littie bo y, who lorid from tile effects of an explosýîi of Lireocakers, whichhle Carridl in. oke~ in~ ~~~~i thf od~ Ii fllicted and bereaved prt wil] h,,twe the sm ty"etc. The anomuceiIi&nt asit npiared in prilit wiU au oJfer of syiipathy Io -1U if atlictedandiiciburn- ed(anl . A New York comIpositor, acculstomed to ,Petinggtip the maxiine, news ofte paper, and who there o î[ fpundj convenient to set up mid ii atii, of c itiesandltowns alcng the Atiatiio coiest, mnrle hiznself famnous by an muigerror. Ris copy dsrblhow a geLtt ll an hadiet dea't1-),bythe, ,"hand of diheProvidïence." To sav e time hl( reached i li amonLt h i's it for the -,providence, of OWMANVILIJE, Headquarters in West Durham f FINE Dinner and Te& Sets, Chinawara, Glassware, and Hand Lam Fançy Oups, Saucers, Vases Wate'r and Leinonade Sets, OUR FAMII-Y GROERY. & ROVISI Is always well uppiec1 witht veryrbest, gooda at I0wes ré High~est Prices for Farim Produ Leading Seedsmen in th e district, Always ploased to show goods. Inspection~ solicj MURDOCH B RO0 Vic, oria Buildings. Bowmanville. HAINE SI CARI E wQR: GEORGE .0. HAINES, Prqprietor, oARRIAaE83 SLEIHS:OUTRSWCUN& uow on band a xiumber f vohtOiB(sdl n facturing a greaamfmoet ~ »tern~and best fini h ho i ~ù$ for sal atthe 11É piO ~o~te with duei regart WworlwlalIhip ad quity. The 11folwintr i a lst o the principal vohkles m"atured byme Dauble Oovered OCarnages .................................... : ... $15 p'Wa , i gle Phtoe B . ................ ... ..................... . . Open Buggy........ ........................ . ... 7 T op B3uggy................................ ..................... 9 Demoorat Wagon................................................... - 6 Lumber Wagons .................................................. - 5 L ight W'agQt........................ . ...~....... ..............- 40 Lixpress Wagon ...............~.........................1 'skeIeton.............................. ......... .... 0 St1Mky ................. .....................................4. As1fli the Wood vparts on1, ortt lieg3ar1ngýý ofbuggas Ir ined AUKinds of Veh-iles Repair At the Bhortost Not1çe, Painted and Trimmred if Demired. A&th Facor l so u Pan~ 1fing.Mhi, *Iu01lý,.1',rning n. w g with CrcoFji Saws, and preDarall 11kinds of lmbe f .orsoape ter d here tfor building pDrp > Qnaà en al ad Plain Pickets for fenci ta in every sty 1 ý.uired. made mio od6 i r ?uPtirchsers should ý:k ok te be gbun the BoxE If the adc- CI F10111OPO~D ST., LOZVDON, they ans, 1 hina

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