p WEDNESDAY AFRIL 24 1891. STANIDAR D BAN K OFCANADA. Capital pald up, $1,000,000. Lest, $2600 J O Th.s 1ank i. propared te, do Laî ij mate Bssnktug ln ail 14s branches. .Fsrmers Lotas di5cçnunte4 ; Depos tes l'eeelved and Intereat paid ontamounlt( f $5 upwardsin Savings Bank Depsrtmneut DR HA FTS Issued âad Collection made in Europe Un'iited States, sud Canada., -W. J. JONB; Agent Gents' lothing Cles-ied, Dled, Presscd sud lteps.lrcd by T HOS. P E AT, Dyer and Clottas Cleanar. SceOde warreutad to te as-no one wlii kncw ttei rom IIOW whan donse. Corner o! Ktng and Ontario Streets, Bowmanvile. ONTARIO BANK continuas to no a GQaneral Benknjg Susiaiers BowIniaviile Branch. 1)FIpOS1IrT S Realved In Seri)nes -Bank Deartmient sud on rail atdinter'esteiiowea ecrrent rates No noticeoetwttdrawelunccssary. Alilde psits Payable on damland. EXCHANGE B 'ughtn-nd sold enfiDrafts iaeued uipnfiropo Ujnited States and Canada, aîsoGoîds rer andi Ui]lted Oites Qreenbeeksboagl4 opnd soit, COLLE~CTIOS P.omply madeuti urrent rates upon allyarb &Great Enitrain, te Unied Sýtetes and the Donilo ! CfCnada. TeiegrapJa Tranisfêe Matelçtl Cr ice î101l ums oa ail P't <Sna1blsila especially adraniageots o recsslivJin u]lle»aloba or thaNorth.p est i ehes I taeyale asOnce ai the pie'etnnas Otter particuLars oeil et ttc bat k. ILoLIts, . âcûoujnts Gio. McGILL. -manage1 Off to Toronto. QB. CHTANýDLER, N,3ecasde, oieé eJ )y private sala, or wllexcisasses for farmi Propry, alo ioîhMproer»y inuNewcastle cnsisting df Stores, Ressacs and Lots and vpiluabla OscIrd, dth osuaetedbelng one os te moe copletei thse county. em e s>. 6r JAMES %OPDYMAN 'LOCAL AGEN,'T FOR UodNrfruund Sourccs of WatlrSuppty1 -I1 tha- ro, ck suppisea oy artesimn watrr i 55 c iaj, DlY PETER IL MfRYC]5 M. A., M5.D., wiie et i'-t. Thomais ttey have obtalncd ua the rovicia Boad 0filcitt f te court bouse & fine susPtlyaend et otlte Scrcter1y of! ePontal o rlo lûtlo points suiphurous we'ter as artesian supl b)y boringe. Springs eut croppîng up thse vaiiaey of ecetie creek aet'St. Thoninas, ilow- WhLeu it le rasisamibereditetOur inlanld ing frein. tisa superficiel sýde and gravait towvnt, situated on1 strearne of yeer-ly dimin- are iikely te be develeped finalx for a isbhing volumie, hlave shertly, and nmany have publie supply. Arounid Lonsdon, be-lgete alrendy begun, to exploit local sources for te rock bave supplîad eulptwreuserels tceir eupPiy, we miutrecegnise how impeet- water iu sem inetau asnd lu othcprs ve ant becemies thie qulestion of nn11dsrgrduud e! o a perfect cisareetar. Tise ity et Londený watesfer publie put-poses. WJsîle the pro- watsr fnin eprîunnge sc pvf pe )l dks fon hh aqer atte blem of obteiniug risese waters fer r t-su jg srfc, e hetllle egtiebekott pu1rposas lenos 'a new o e, siave np t e sramaceatht-clsie ales he i ofSth ty present tbey have beau pracîically te sole d hanesi-ctremlsblvte(iy source ef our supply as ýtaken fromi weîîs, vet and the upply tas b cen aenormeunsly fiera. I therae au ha ne deubt tisa the popuhar ba- ieped by elmpily rusnslsg a gellery al i th ie liaf that tase weles are due te ttc thappy hard.pan fer, taif nLamile or 'se, and copdiiet- accident cf trikiug sema îelated spig tise water Se the eniali pmng battun. preaisvryessraiy Mnifetytepra- lee waters arc gatteted on thc hîgter fore, i5 le important te those cof us wtebave grunis, hct tete seis eiftis point te deal 5tt thoeapr-obleme cf publie water risc te aeariy 200f) eat, eud ara fermaed suplie toenqirete hatextlit we'> iargeiÏly of parvions sande afi grave] s. Ne suppto lie t eit-c t watent fora smay -tests tisa t I anaware ef, hava been madea of tien cf ttc difficuity ef ebteining public hvrain ftefo fteeiiIii water sppiies for et least cour iniend towns cn ig. At St. Marys,anesd 1 beeve The thir olue i cnt-mus ey a cn- t Woodetoek, artesinu water luý obteinefi. cluded frein our kaol«edga tiset wbere sur- Spriags ebouud aboya Batlin, e public water faces conisieýt cf icaf-miouif, humus, or sande eupply balng there obtainied frenintisein, andi gravais, au amnaS e!o water roughiy wiie Guelph teeise suppised nseisiiy hy ceiculetefi as et least equel te that whict peag-At Tilsenbnr)ug le tound aitfeina fiewe frein tha surface inte the streais nsdesfi wter, wtiie et -Duainvilia andi about Jet-vis rivrspoetrtesth solaund pasiag dewn- lu l4aldliipsesd Go ujty artesiesi water le wri-, oethrts tesou, i utra e totainiefiwittîn e few feetetfte surface. werd lecUber soreBrantluforberrasee reservoirs or fiows gradually aloag the bld- rautteror te aimegsflidanieppyoteùsedý den iiined strat, eppearingtae aund tere fenpreee ieli ntctrra egain whcdre tise strate taxe beau danudafi, 13 feat undar ttc sad and i gavel of the bas neu pngwjctaen'hlg tare benisimportant that n'a su- davelopedi, with a vian' te a Public euppiy. quira into te coniditious upon isicii]ithae atruSestsespt rol pîg toraiga c f iundergrond lwaters depende fermCtaipnDaes cre a foinfents gcrielly, but espacialiy into the condtitions Niegerl; iimeetonemneinsentis cftc wiict prevail la Onterie. It will ha riecm- City- About Terenit9, ne truc artea'n w bccd Sltat wa bave berdsrlng ttc province weter lies beqss, se fer, as I knew, ebteinefi, aiersg te eeSt an(] nertStt e nissid laili- atleugb Meyer St. Legaeu tas obtesîsêd eat enian rock, andf tat supcriiftised on S ' ie eiase nBie treuer9i and foliowýin)g eat etter la reanar order, Park getes, watcr rising, lunsa six inet thetrisc sOlutien and davosilan rockt, bor.istg, 189 bft daspte iti 0fat mestily cf compact limeetona or (clcareus Sesufce eile devra te ttc t-tocf sisale, 5111 tte river St. Clair is reaehed lunud11(er tiseClay et ttc Mimlicoien'ayli ventral western Oterie these havaeaaisvauiia ge oteinafi ne water, lier yet tisen tien o! overa eSiousendf tat, andi freintie over 1,000 feat cf rock tedl beau borejd. beiglt tise strate dip more or ies srgularyCruly oneugt artesianwalei obteluati luceydirection. Ah aevidancesgees te et Nswinsrket, situated on tise net-t sida show that et ttc(, close of the glecial Paried of tise Ont Rifiges, wtile Basrie andi Orillie thase rocks were covered iliisa hody of hoth aeIrl sa wtr9e1apt c 0 freb weter? and tht iS ateriais from tair te 150 tact, Smnitb's Felle lu tishe et tee dieluntegraeaf surfaces wara graduiallydcepes- n'oSer, parti y artesiesi, rieiug lun horlo)ge lu iteflinl a mors or hase quiet siiiand see su an) thc rock. Pcnetaag, endi Marlitein arei order depanding upen their chat-acter. '1u1devaicopin g eprings te obtaîn publie supplies,1 tae sisalloer weters tte teavier meaterials wbiic meet curions of ahi, Suudridgc, ou ttea cf beud 'ers and gravlcs faukt tqthebpohtoni Luetds sema fifty miles sentis cf NertSt or: nera ttrewss up on tieshses or dèpesît- Bey, is obteiniag abussdaut supplie's 0o! cou etalien' bnaches'sueny of n'tict eau tie atsiwaters et a dCp(ttietf100 fean. sean i ti tîghiatrdb' e!Wellington, Per th Srs iautcbifetpsil e and Mlureoéett taten tfrei nmemery oettttcunderground 1 Inasmucli 'e tise rinufal etauy ragien le sources cf publiic or privaeaswipply wtieis1 Ontarie mlay for prectical put-poses ha .ou- Jhav e been davehoped lu difi'erent partecf sîderefi as aveagiug e giving, anîcunt, say te Province. Ttay cieriy p int vo tise 30 naches as esnon' and reain nuelly, it extremaim nportanicecf tiseproblasu sobhicht mu1's e ecoma apparesnt tisaS t inill duend lia-s befors en fu Ature egnlr, juinttche it- uipen tisanatur'e and condition, a,- s lecpçv t- et sepplying eus-iiend tewne witt! the incliuatson of ttc surface straa, n'tat sxter. ITte ç;b yne meianis improbable tat proportion o! Sthis reinfahi n'iii sink t te tetsaproelin e!epplyjug te Stase undr soil te beconie tisa souirce o! tiseses under- gâoeuud se)nt-cee fer eppyi -ar'ge clsl g round waters thet n'a taxe beau iecsesig. ntet-le wýi1lh ha djisýeead te user future. [t wili furtter te apparent tiseSttce culer l1ir4ookhyn, Newn' e srtlon' suppiisdj lti o! t-rangseiieuitcf parviens and imlnpectviocis 30,000,00% eiosa day, t-oin ppea ýs rlvei bada", asb"n al ae tise tlslckntes 'f strate, ilute a -lend stretuin, witiiuvwenty feet et nsuý becom-e essentiel fectors in ccnsideriag tise sLItfUacend so nbuudait s ýtrie sipply the amiouint and i ccntancy e! ap uinder- Lule't- ihe vei sur face cf tong'isiansd; only grouil suply.Thus, Se lluetrate thlis n'a efa'fees aboya tise sea-levai Shts1Iperrons- haveonl torefar te ttcLevariation lu Cie ly cen bt-cm 125, 12 imetpipaser ' uled te-' uts-valant destt' tai oIthea watsr oe! ethe,, xidinnenhfn cnt 1#àn Phiiesophy hiath nleyer better carde to Show than when shecee keth in presnlmp tion, anid crossethI our vanity : whien lu peor earth sthe aekniowledgeth beri irrasolutien, lier waakness, and ignorne. E:xigeuc(ies creante thi ecessýary abilîty to mneat and te conquer, thein. Authors and levers always sifer semll infatuation fremn which only .bseenceeeau set Hope mnay be tut another nxefor (de- ceptien and dsapeltiet bu titb l supremei- happines lu ltself, becauise al possibililties le in it, and no(tb)linl it te yet irrevecable. Thera e no1 sort of wrong dleed cf which a* mlan eau bcar the, puuihmeunt nions; yeon cani't isolete jourseif and s.iy thet cvii thet is i lu enshah net1pree, .Men's lives are as thoreughily bleuded with eech other as the air tbey breatt ; cvii spreeds as naces- eerily as diseae. Wheat 15 the world ? What but' a spaclous hutrïli ield uvrîledi The very turf on which we treed nec ilvefi. Higliubîrth le a thing mwhich I ineyerknew anyone to disparagÏce-exceZt those who had it not;: and I neyer kniew eny Onle to bouet of it, whe ltiiaytinig cIsc e te rend I(lof. A fit of anger is as fatal te dignity as a dose of arseniic is telilfe. IIow f ull of error lste i(ugmient cf mean kýindc. They weuder at resuits whcnl thay ara ignorant of raoe Etiquette Las nie regard for, moral queil- tics. It le net expedlicut or vise toe examline orfrieudei too coel.Faw persons arc raie;ed luneux esteciby ae close axamsnatioa. Whiat we gain by expericn u je le nt North what we iota linilusion. A passioniate, womîrn'is love le eiweys over- shdwdby ber f0arI. Experience l- e tcextrae2t of suifering.. Tihe eyes Elrte windlows of a wenmn'e heert. Yýou may enter that way. A face that, tas a st(ory btaitel. How dif- fereat faces arc lis this priuIr ocf thieinspealc nt ; thcy are bock"s lun wict noS a huie le wrsttea, sexe perisaps a date. TIhat wtiet le cai1ý led fiinets ilu eking le ceiied eb)stinacy in a denkey< Wil be a Battie cf Giants. A naval anicouniter oceurred te ether cday lu a Chililin port between Gcveri-nmcnit and rabel forces.,(Ouaetorpedo eomnpieteiy clos- troyefi a, fieti1 ýdry dok.A. sinigle e hel from anl ireniclad blew aul ermned tag Ont of the water, killlng or wýonadsn;jg every mail of the cremw. Oaa broadeidle bo nt vassel kueckad a torpede boat te places, enal, auha froiin enre of the forts of tie1hrbe cxpIlodled a gun on011beard euOe Of the rebel vesltore, the whole quarter du out of lier, andc blaw ine essto atomei. Thfese brief partkLiIuare f hotand coin- In Black and White Ail s tetemeute couccruiug But-dock Blooi Bittars are mode con ttc evidesscea ettestimocniale tisat eau net b. dieýprovecl. Ttay at-c etrictly truc. ]B. B. B. Purifies the Blood. B. B. B. Regulates the Liver.' B. B. B. Strengthens the Stomaeh. B. B. B. Regulates the Bowels;S(- -Ail sncb diseuses as Dsceo Constipation, Bilieusuese, Jundice, Se ofùIa, Rlîeumnatismi, Caterot, Boal, Pimples, Blotchas, Sti"n Diseabs, etc., ara ceuaed hy wroag action efthSe Stomacli. Liver, Bowals, or Bîod, audfimay ha cuired by cerreetiugtis wrouig action andi rcgulating anti purifyiug ail ttc organe, tues retoriug perfect hcàltb. 1B. B. B. w111 de this promptly, eo!ely, and surely. IH sueceede wtare otter remadie foul. Even mony forme cf Cancer yield to its cura- tivepwe. Prica $i par botle, six fer 05, or lae Star. a cent a dosa. B. B. B.. Cures Dyspepsia.- B.B B. Cures Biliousnass. B. B. B. Cures Constipation.- - B. B. B.. Cures -Bad Blood.- 1 will be found ini lis oUi shop, nest cloc aoor to Express Office, 1B 0W M -ANYVI tL À 3 wree ho keeps constan.tly on hau&, A LARGE & COMPLETE ASSORZMet(I -0F- Coarse, and Fine for 'Meni and Boys, Womnen and Chidren. Rubbers, Blippers, etc. Trunks, Valises, Satý Special attention gi-yen to Repairiný aval ver7 sous s-o!- ual. "k JOHN SPEI VETERINÂuY SU B10WIiAN VILE FO'R Inseet Stîr Spre Eyes Eruption s Soré Feet Sorqrnes Qhgfihn Qalqa i Fema!e. - onpIaintc jMisquto]E Sunfburnt R-FUSE SUBSTITUTE'S $E'SOEIQ!9OTTLEý WàTMBU FWRAPPER É s.10FIFTAINWR . AN esslon n'euls of ton te rwatve zet are. 'ail t st c jas ofip e Sipreseast lna on-t- melsS cesumiioni, stase baing supplicil111 ony1ou -d s og f John .Wmaly, t-êeeof p e! wiscaopablaet of xs fren tceckae ren ûteblack Iitumie ' aeyttsnig thaï, leete eut o! tise teter, andi berne lying on tetop cf pt-atically un- Tisera arc ne _Mttodieisat n'ifi i hearno 0 o ra -st of te resu cF rbcimmense fient- ptvient els.y-s, nid bacolag dry n'hcn te retraint. ing ,foi-rt-eeso! steesi, 'tsct oderne eaU lins dry Seasen cone On. Fu1ttiser ecast O Wlit nay inoS eimeis cf enueil natuirel of!'ttte stipe;, aui testrieken snamy aretusiLôndon, Woodistoek, etc., atunfdasit taicutr do if tie ha fil cof faiiln ndl 'ud go dens its a tIseS waeère foriteneeeol i p-easara founti su LeS two ficçts cemlposefi cf sncb vessa tends andti gi-ees lyiîîg upea tisatope!fte ieal e nneige biocby cuise Sogettet- anti te stock n'iih moka tisa Clay. Simiier variationisceau ha pointafi ent ý reascuiugand arglimrit.ertis treumble. -as occurrsng la clcsslIy conignionisdistricts, FraetiakerCis, se caledt, arc saldoalos rri rF anfi aon'terGae t sy btter seau tan SGisinkare. Hueevokl ooin.V J. ises r ere '9 AUTorento. Whîlhe ner, tase sealiow Httoseulanti te boy mat e asuntt n'eUlsmay effet-fin lu may instances abunfi- ISpiriS and isipîileamt eOrstn. Areu-lts'uq euisu_\scig iej au Suppliesl'or thse purpoeefor' tettey 1Ttc Methediste do net maka iimpls"es axes-ea number o! tours-n'es-ted Ias -aln'ek's arc inteuidedit is apparenttat iueenlshantiI lut recelons tsth -icfofidary Ttc wcrk 1in tise chic! tada centras by tisa Iaad- JE FEu .ttth e TRaY ,o as t, at-enofteir ge(tbç.,iiigii grounde -il Bitin Te.'rtirnby vcry ituiitei, thirs-spplaes eau easîîy betotllly disclini aay chriss-raie o! uitytan sl eg induielu Bt-piem i. rTtc r e tu teshsso I ed'BloXi« tBwi-avlo extaustafi. LeSthailesuzrfce te îecaîîy te n'ritten Wqrdl.tbeau iseinof Tlnipled ycifrein r turmafieSe Whare do his stowIluadbo ct u.g HeiS t., BecrauvileiIrwo lý - erodad by ib aea-ccurse aund ws finfi, Ha n'tc govarijed tisanoiid i)cter \'a Se 1' NcfTrfc yasuiSIr u teeu Wa d ynaiolaet lm1H s is Mt-hat ale nhctv eseialyinte ans nd rive,ý r is-n ishiahtata cas-cf it ilawîsa wtqu aunlu, ni eotksusasiteS 0outIseeter vothiug fo)r msuy yens-e for tise hast familiessu Ite te cu n i vesust cropping eut, ocreatiug local toge, etc,,anti 0adeai Beo f Tondeý. Jdoadlty spcakiîsg, te e s ha pa sl utare sto fine reCtdcs, 3TeiaOro ting Pti preseatiîsg exsecly minegoSîse ocens gaucILrai. confit-ll La yelty of1etn'stisa liecaanltessentielt usbrenrdt ees reSut-n lamaystte osFiifiWote show TwtiseS Oeos regardeli Ov~ 'l irsas n'ould e spriag fier dewnnte cv e i ýilgionandfilt tIeusserry eny Mette- haniiciaftsmauî te nursber et toursnst-aundGants' Furuistings, Cairpets, Etc., aiways ou]ibau.d? ledoas. Sp ! dapl codai oleccp ie iSsoiifre.tutinlg ainee'es-ok bas uin te peet Hew about tis pt-lrs, dos e tassii ciseap ? N oue loyer, qutity beiog iiitcefirt -asc s asomer ronistn'olti I tuon te vlee erig e <tforty g ýenlrebeau usaterilly s-cdu cdi,; buillun steodard jE, ONT. causse it te dry cp, N'thile lu tiseltter te ludaigar cf prisiag it toociluet Santee)t ie casecf agricullturni anfi dock labouirese Ahlrigtit. 1.s1 ahl oon tins for rap ren suit for Naew Yeas'e. ___________ .low ef wter n'ouid lrot I e lsered ty Oeue lit e. te refuci tIion t as net beau se cunpeiucu. ____________________________ seasoui's dreugttr. IlsiSeetiasfi geucrly tetours o! bates As sprinigs ae eisiag sulmoeatisen sutface Oue tead iseat Se te au' engel, iset a man, have beau 1raducafi frein -'2 lun180 te In.l st reameis ey taconint ecrestýiïgns ian sidex'preaifelgea't nypu-es. o saenr, n'hiIce ship jùielae- work 154. The4wold Prer iyi silboorhng oftheicias !teeistne !udegcuf- c uxesath-s o furlinss t s o 190.Ttt-inc laSctln le 31 ers fler otrFîuryNsii cf isalociît o snb ndatgrunf eS-cae, lis religiin I arn fori s fan' innovationsaêWttIisacption cfluxe-ae, 'eat euil tt eiat-volume. iVa have is-ciis-dy t-c-1Possible. lýIlov-e t e lti wiu hat, n'es-t57 ltout-s par iikiSusuraînair, pinst- .mlî fers-ad te tise deptIs o1taese Lunder egrunti r0al gssîplng ralgieu o esp iaet-:su iei , sauh, n'esk eay5i11tours.' c'aioresfr"- f et-,is as e bng te 'semaeexteltat enuen'sst tefd tpc i te uncisie- epubtsiruhoeSoi itu-aeready tosîpply alodvsf) astings o every dessx of tisais- parannalchai acter. Rnescig 1nalse, anti cifcctsnlly dose tishes-ùk cf tisepet-weeleS te rula, but in Ilixasne",t t le011'pueeal ý tesourt-ce, eftheir supply n'a natuireliY ex- dcx ilin lultsanaine o!fte Lot-f. n'eat's n'es -17 ur.Saters iluuseo cn's toseol lc hr i o peetvssasn u te amlenaSt cf tlisaen' et n'es-krL cîy 51 ltours, but i l Cricil i latatafi eassiag e lt dith'cs-nt ceocf tise yeas-. Ihaieit n'es te ebviata tise supposition st eSsy stiii n'ork 60 ieut-e in suassuier. Ticaxuaissfollet' &n mevement'con- thet tSiss 'esk is eticfly owing Se te force Stosemsensin ScothLn(I 51ot i ours lu can hoe upplied oil She ashortesi ,notice in the chape 6'w acetia ti isr c Se -ard isubterraeîeenof nevclýtyStt auhprecing rtas se rnrly mmer ant i5lan'intco. T inl ls l <" eSt-ams. ii(mainy îureee t ail tili ttc e veity gIlnesk(1 tn-si'te nastse>mbrIT H igdiusiensof tise piciipl c f it n' as ove-.n's-ed 40 yeat-s ego. Castinîgs, large or saail, Plo w Pointsjhe celebrated diarnc prointsilu',te oengin cf epriag a i nas- Tiougîs I1u in'aysin i atet alii navet-elmd o-al po ilu'-hrd grrouan'atwaer courses, il 'ili te pr LL - atnt-t-y ; biseusaI navert- u'ic-ttae ny Tise Goves-amenit antiC. . R.' ~ 'raefra> in niuatrd f-1 e us , use ec nisider teusula itisais- ap-e-e 'es-k S:tanI eau 1Lgo trougll vitt par- Larg7e Furanace KeItýes alaysin stock. pCainte ibis province. Unfortunetely fet call mnes's efepirt-ISÀ Acspattehifrem Otten'e eye :-Tlse or- pelie)ca Y we lýte-e- eribitretion betwceu(Ste Dominion Goverui-Welpy te H- s Pi.fo crap I l am rei upoî ýsuissnject, lnanay isîvetigetiens Pcfeoiwyf'tste Hges rc o cap Ioj ad rf th ujetIiv ihef Le tLinotrafesencea Setise im cf Snite Canadien Peci- 5 0 TONS &T ONC E. sba c haatltte s-tPle, bejIea etLarvesSThse 1Mkadeo'e Appearanea,fie erising frein tish ae, tIdeuatîxe con- ta, udeet-aibeucehêtig at wti Hc - euasfi-s, nt niStove Castlinge, of every doeription supplied. cisse,-s i jsty riiianist Clumbia wilh t eeti dabout %May î%I1Machinas-y o! ail kinfis, Agricqîtural regaird Se horinge in différent parte c f tIse nions 1I have oftes ecuhl, aiays 1tsÉ. Ms-. W. D. Hogeee tmonaiK LipaatSevt Iyls aij provinc,_e, but ouiy ralateti Se osait, oc ile'lfinSd ÏSte saidiff[ICij n a1lyzijju y On'11fr Se s-oaclie ietofthe Sot- Butîis l E'E l u fa t verytigtics Seci, g; ls. 'T'ise mesS Shait n'ataon' le gethes-iimprassions, eor conveius ic etet foui te repnlaseforStecl fiungritchias .a.ron ton'ns endi villeges tara ant i ties-sIipacsive, rsatricd, cisugice, cdat-t, tes-- U e nortt rapairiog, n'a cer do it. vliiet h]ave utilisatiiealocal oiiioce foriraeatcou)iltan ance. I Itaxe sen it Lail tantt-nhieunwiltasl competi cf de net taxave t ep eusy paiflars and 0ouly supphy raliahis agents. - s-eir puopeoses ant inlu semainstacsfrda egltisrait o t iue s.Se ineclivir l lio iM-.T. C. saas-CE 5 J H. WLLJiIof domee-tie pus-posesý. On'u lScuni ottine e t Ne-goya, iantiail nigtt long lunteessaIdOa' a ntlli Ms- , C. rer ,i HO EIN-' S uicalntant sxspyiglfs-as a arvLi-e Sps-ng 1Zha1llse StaSiiro, autai rcepticas ,ýantiN.S.Oants ilt a ýo-ý,I ,q pAutigasiJVan I i . Et flon'sî ig is ,,iup eut cf 1Ste iUlsina fs-cm e courtaces-eosies;, but I neyes- nitnassad tish ov- e N'sere. Edn'as-tBlaeG.,.T.P O R E O 1i,ýmcdliiiesonestrtm)i o th, NaÏaa sghtsi lteatin. f its imý,d nmobil e fan- i fos-suntinKun-ilueaeobttins aS al dsptt u-e.Onyafltese-,eii a Se Besetcïe ani Castels rapresent te rfIitIl V I M l A U IM seur hinestoe et-atus cftiseNiagre lgeet a1Y ltratnite fre fi pr al t end ola1C. 'P ,andtictCOsowz rselnneiessMestse\s.fl'I JffII' U of 20beS aie S dettet40roeby>, clt fcetedeme afiony s-- t ns- eor triste plirRobiason, B. B. Osier, anti Dýýu N DSH pad a-Ssie n flow', wtie Ounteilleide sosisi 'o'ulfi, I Skiiiis,styla is iseare Cou-.tD. »gg. Cerne- rsg nasti Lb bacy Ste., Bo)wmnauvil(e. PORTER'S 0111)STAI uresusepringser conet sulpplict by st-int anti lofSg dîisconitauitill-lookinig. It __________ Bites waersflwing sloi- fa sas- pan 15, 2'_anislea ypicel Jspasa,,ea sf acc, Teiniseie cnch r aarHue l H ieu? 30 teet below Ilsous-ca peints.Vou sia1 sieatosnauina jeiato olel l-pe Hu e01nT MD o! n'eue. %n'set'etravshiug beusateuts, buittis enaetfNew'Brns ick ,ut go. 8e asyShir- -Tthe sasoofa dosssdnt tis Wlsy Ste W ept. I. L Gfaitobtainls ta fily supplg ef's-easiy sansapert lu etas-ecter as la eeaation, Leessard Tilia, m nt u tespeech fs-cmte question, anidti-eîsalg ecssn'es-eas folene: t i n 2000,000 gali0l,fon fs-misixeigbitiacth rlings tout,ýi uC n itesS ofiflsdjat-yUes anti tht-ouae antii thet tisegovas-umet lha. -"One snayha b a tmi, a plasee-r, a A lady calafi ou a bt-tend wte tiat t I O fl Oýý1 don'aot 240' becS, n'itusiu a qeto f ai nema t n'iSi ni l m net-he ticeuce lieviig tisaS t te te d comae for- te aboli- paintas-, anile'et xatanner,- anti eus- 1bIei au ess-ed a fenpeers, anti n'aseut-ps-i acre of goonLi icd. Wik 01eua leobtainiing aniiau lt-en-clatirefsafeai te te common, (.ean ien of tIis Lusalees Cliausas-, inteudt Sebriing ries-, ie stable boy aeanti yet ba chenui. Vo Sud teslu ea-s froua epiage ituaïtecl on oa sii ucgsif Nature etampefi it comascu lu tansut il l lu t ilie(l l 1 h ensd. Ptacticeilyte Colun- Hae au tcldisty n'esk, ant imfinti nt bte 1".1amn thiismesSuutappg n'omlanin Aise fra enpjp]ly ty gravitation. Vasions plaýesS taRtte sligistest btend cf tisa bs-sw l illn sasltluae sae lpat-dicty. But, if olie takes filtby substances anti 15 le al on11accounit cf my fbuttatf. la tamis-ten Cennty, -as about Forest -sud(j lu salutation eppeers to e htie eui t ofa paes n'oif te te )lien t'on' tisast tegtlaxe ilu is inoutti or stootiaçt, enichas rirun, "Wiy, yen- uebatiives fer pensali Wan'ckte'uispobtain fs-cmil anseni'sper ltisa elffetSof rainetant will. Onte badondtisais-arbersai habits. It is seit Ivwhisky, becs- or tobacco, tie n'îlamiS o vas-y 'He stage ett omne aitise tInta ; t l laye sens 15 fes aep es-ceiîr 'aS oieli Say titis is 'a Mikad f hpet t tisSby te se1n0pptst ftl-oSe Cou- disegrasatla stanet, n'tict neittes ciexes, gees ee ru oe anyrbi eemng Se n'itin twnty feat cf tiseesfaece, leobligefi tebeloug Se andttebon'baes-re the cil of ixnen' mentesetisarci as- or of weet finE, colo gine, or eter aubs)tenees van cf bis friaei Se tute bouise." r Lu Cisetten anti vietstty ae-t snuites-(o! toe-prêaalhiug presentL, tut wba navertSe. its abolition aeiil vo aboUIs lesure te pets eountpetI a 'il a1 nrbc?"YVes," replieàth Ie unfertu ate%%oii anstestsn aills I8comîang teteesutface, os-lest keape tis secset seuli.apartlunte stas-p anti taente Route n'ilvota itseIf eut et pnitting lit a badtrclief " 'hs- ea S4rnscso aasly eOon -m ea teptis et 641test. At auti grant toClaty Of!biSanavestess, and titjtiexistence. ISt Ivil if taesixs- usember do lexsSoeniyu'hbspas n'eu cebbig conuulsixýeiy, E_1gsul", in st .ese.iastns. nte te fat-.offeeompany cf antique St tto gefis. " net forgeS Steir ps-omises as otit anti eccentrie.nksceo-utr~l. ChIIdren tile , first- 1