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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 May 1891, p. 1

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OU1U TOWIS 41W VQTJTY WORLD LYTERWÂ1WB. M.À. JAMES EDIrOII ÀWD FROPIS3ErQC, INiw Sxitins, Numm 664. BOViMÂNVILLE OINTÂR. 'ESDÂY, M.AY 6, 1891. VoLumE XXXVII., NuxBEn 19 nnru uuu[ilIl HAVE OPENEI) OUT OF NEW IRING and SýUmME shown by any housee in West Durham, In, Ivited to Cail and See IL, COtJGH. JDHNSTON & CRYBERMANO L~flViR5, Marêh 24, t8l~1. One Doer Weat of Post Office.1 :)PLE OF WEST DURHÂMi Dg sigtain with ouriV agons Ioaded wlt Darf 4Goodis, Gr4Mcric@, Tînware, Citlery. &C. Aw M~y CsQ E~ -wish to hank you for your, liberail ýg in th~e past, 1 still incerely soliciit your further patronage future. On aeeount «tfgettixxgin tnyacco" unts sowell lst year bl to pay cash for rny goods and can pl& them before you at xn doors, at the lowest pGssible prÎoe. I want ano'thou~sand Itaus, BQUes, Iron, Copper, Brass, Tee. and Eieavy Les.d, Wool, sýc to be taken in eecicange for Goods. Your humble servant, TravellhW ià ereJhant, BowiuRiilIC. 1le profit itfine goods sald for ]lower prices than we are now makirng Gen'tlemn's, Misses' and Childre's JBoots and Shoes. M,.Comae ider at the value we give. Fine goods and plenLy of the»'. ro ta find mwhet you want. Corne in and seo the best of Ig»i Bts, Shoes, Slippiers, :Rubbers, Tru>'ks, Valises, etc. e, Trusty, Serviceable Goods merked at Boek Bottom Sign of the Bfig Boot dlrawn by Twa Hersies. iient cures Burns, &o. iOouoh, Jobnston & rydermen are showing a fine assortment of 3Men'o Rate, * ,~*~c Ca~sr.-W qu in lil the latest styles. Thef r hate are ail reoently received fromi Miss new , Port Henry, B. C. "For Philp and Edger are fselling the popu- Dugh, croup, bruisesi, etc., lar phaoton oart lit~e hot cakes. It in the low Oill lathe boat thing I oart that "takeii" every tiâe and in mure ýd." tobave a large sae us A POSTAL IF Yý7nt samples and prices o' anything in dry oods or -,gen- eral Merchandise. Ours is the largest retaîl store in all Canada, with over three acres of selling space and half a thousaDd en-i- ployees. And a, postal card is ýn h0 enough to brîng all the façilities Ilcat mer o Tor. ,of the store to your horne just as t opp ,rnuch as though we were located in your Think of a clerk-ediicatecl to h n ' know fashîon changes, nierchan- dise, qualities, -styles and colors- 'ebeing at your bcck and call when- 0 i r ever you wish. Tha s sh n by il. c a g'_ ever you ýhf That's shopping by mail. ug T. EATON & GO. 190 te 200 Yonge St,, Toronto. 1ppnnauhytyh tw0s -Kabo. The "lboues" in th.e B. & C. corset are macle of it -warranted for a year, too. t It's a corset you can -wear a few weeks, and then get pour money back if it doesn't suit. But it's prçtty sure to suit --else it wouldn't be sold so. For sale by Coucu JaHfNSx'aN & City- DE5iMAN. ,x> LOAN at 5,14 and 6 per cent., ta pay off OLD MORT- GAGES, advances on SEC- OND MORTGAGES, and ta puxchase farms. NO COSTS for applications. NO DELAY or iinconveniencé. Loan~s van be arranged AT ONCE with my Local Valuator. FARMS Iought, sold and exchanged. AGENTS WANTED. WRITE or cali for parti- culars. E. R. REYNOLDSY 53 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. SHILOH'S CONSUiM PTION CUREU The success of this Great Cotigh Cure îs without a parallel in tise istory of medicine. Ail druggists are authorized to sell it On a POs- Itive guarantee, a test that no other cure cau suc- cessluliy stanid, That it nay becoine known, the Froprietors, atan enorrinous expense, are piacing a Sample Bottle Free îinto every home i the UnfLed tates and Canada, If you have a Cough, Sore Thruut. or Ironchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child bas the Croup, or Whooping CouRh, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If yourdread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Asic your Druggist for SHILOIWS CURE, Price yo ets., 50 cets. and $x.oo. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, vse Shiloh's Forous Plaster, Price 25 ts. SsrvxI&ssCOLD CUUsrn. , SR-fl xs.- .puy My inother was ettacked witis a very fort severe cold and eugis. Sise resolved ta bacl try Hagyerd'sà Pectoral BaIsam, and, on vols se dcing, found It did ber more geed thaen cf .ny etier medicine ahe ever trled. Mrs. chur KrEýNEDY, Hamil ton ont. maý, "MANY NItN. SANY NII8DS," bUt a311uMeRA and4 ai l ido 05750as to thse meite or Suînt au.%=aail nui augr-ceted. Sur( pRoSpaRou0 SOCIETY. *, present our reedeûra this w6eek with a 4 of thse Disciples' new hanse of wer- shi and a portrait of the present pastor, MË E. B. Bernes3. The enterprisoe x- hitütd by tise Disciples in thse completion of ler elegant aiew edifice togetiser with tisï aggressivo spirit which iu recexit yeg hae given a standing of influence in au wxi b as elicitcd thee rnost favorable cor4eut frouialal interecsl e i the muoral unj eligioua advancernt cf eux'coin. mx;ity. CAn organization cf the Disciples ha been hero for upwerds cf haif a ccxi- tuy ansd while always nsainteining a po âton cf influence their grawth ha nu euas rapid for variaus reasonse it îse ê1nd as thse principles advocsted by th 41would demand, Forenicat among tii ce ivb wich rcte.rded tiseir progres w house of worsip wbich served its nuos well but in latex' vears thse in- ns of tue mis swmess iii ver , this part of tise cousntry. Mr'. oans f Tapelca, Kansas, con- le exercise and uaintained bis record us e prince amng ehisrcis s, 3 tise intention of tise Discluýlea Vu) the dledicetion by e Series (cf meetings, but tise Dominion dcc- aling 011, tise meetings were defer- eginning Mercis lis and euding ti, one of tise rost successful ro- itise history of tise cisurlis was rhe interest increased from tise g and tIhe common to)pieo f cou- n -wes tise muetinig ut tise Dis- iurcis. Large audieýnces and de- stion -were characturistic throiigi- he preaciing -was rsimple, logical, c, tise metisod bein, instruction ban sensation, and Mr'. Reins sillislf a succeseful evangelist us n extinguifsiex cf cisurclisdebt, y regret about tise meeting wae ad te beccsed so accu. lu aIl, rty wene added te tise incuber. fter tise deperture of Mn. PBainsO, 1. Gaff', fromn Toronito, preaebied a week, witis good effect. The f tise Misses Joy wae e sbrong te tise meeting, and thicx'pow- xig are px'enounced by cempeteut EI depax'im>ent cf churcis work la Proua. Tise Sundey Scisoal is large end iel attended. Tise Bible classaelone bas oýý forty members. Stipeixitndenbt-Mr. J. Gilfillen. Seo t.try-Mr. J. J. Gilfilun. Bibý Class Teacher--Mr. E. B. Bernes. Otlir Tea eh es-glnls-Mrs. Gilffllen, Mlissa minle Manining, Miss R. Perey. Bp-i.Kimbail Morrisoxi, Miss .. lni t Clas-Misa Clara W indatt. TYie, iZders are :-Messrs. R. Windatt, G. McÇ 11, J. Gilfilan, R.LfH. Turner, J. A. J0 iston, W. A. Neads. Tho Deacons are :-Mtessx'a. M. D. WVilli iis, J. Pency, jr., J~ . .H-. Jury, W._,Williamns, 8. .J. Hall, J. B. erk-Mn. C. A, Joisueston.. freasurer-Mr. J. B. Mitchel. tien Endeavox' ls a stx'ong fac- hurcs. Its aisu le like tiset cf Ldeavos-to premote spirituel- ep4re tise young fox' greeter i cisurcis work. It is well et- edifyinig. Mr'. Jas. Mitchiel t nid Mise Minniie Mainning, Since its organizatioi, les Ugo bout 1$225, sfficieit te etiuig tise new churcli and $25 ,cisuseof curtains jsgmedietcly isour's devotion in heid cently orgaiizcd sate pros ýect of suecesa and tho)ugh ne- eut with eTory greeu avveptassco. . uunctes.ud a ln answer te e lotter cf inquiry. 2x'esident Greheni said : 'Iarn sure Yeu weuld do0 weUl te correspond witis brother EUli2 B. Bernies wvith reference ta iis becomring your preacher. Hc le a younig man cf ex- cellesnt cheracter and talents aiud 'would, I thinis, prove a worthy successor te eux' larnenteci brother Bauglisuani." lu fol- iowiug a pastor wiso, in tise judgment of tise congregation, wae just about perfect, and wiso iad se conieteiy cnshrined himif lx i tieir affections, Mr. Barnïes§ was plaoed in a very difficuit position. Tisut tise church bas prospered under isa sinistry and le perbuaps to-d-ay in btter condition tisan iii amy previone pexiod cf its history is tise best omrpliment that cani be paidhii. Re. M. Raine in a lettex te tise Christian Standard says : lb is a pleaure te liold a meeting witis lIre. Bernies.,lHe expects and labors for succeas. nie has a cicar bead, a warmi heart, ai-d is d-ligent in ail things. Es le young, less tisen 24 yeax's of age , but 1 ans sista ken if lie doees not prove te bc eue of our mnost useful pestors. We haveý limudreds -)f sncb con- secrated young mnen, and let us pruy the Lord of tise harvest for miny imore. And lIro. Darnes is ight whiere lie oughit te be. lie isa Canadiani, unidcrstend(s tisecuse- toms and habits cf tise people, and with others, I sincerely hiopelise will remiain iu ]3owmnanville many years. Country Preachers Assailed. *EnITOes, Sx'TESMAN.-Preachensi are neyer donc appeeling for moncy to scnd tise gospel te tise isethen iu foreigu lande, but some of bliese samie preacisers have ne compunction of conscience in 4- lowing appointuacuts t e bclcosed up on Sundey ontiseir circuits in this district. Lest Sunday on tisis circuit some churches were not opens for theo day, and tse prencesr were taking their case> I sup- pose, during tise afternoou. le it any wvonder if these divinec inid theiy congre- gutians gnowing greduaily siler and younig people drîfting înto habits cf Suis- bath desecration, wheu the sick perseus of their congregutions arc neglected, fassi. ilies soldoin visitcd unissetisere la plenty, of hay and cats fer tiseir isorses andi a "sumptucus repast" for tieseacves, and wisex prayer meetings are se infrcquently favored with tîseir'presexice andi Suuday services abandoxied ? Is it any wonder that tise Stewards have suob trouble te raise -tise salaries cf sucis preacliers ? May 4, 1891., T. A. W. De Yen Coucix?-Don't delay. Take Kcmp'ri Baisame, tise bcst cougis cure- It will cure coug.isa and <olde. 11 will cure sera tisroat or a ticklinglun tise throet lb wilI cure pains i tise che5t. It wfll cure Influenza aud broxcihtis and ail dis- cases perteining Vo tise lungs, becausie lb la a pure baIsea. lold it te thse llght and sec how clean and thicis It la. Yen sec the~ excellent effect after taking tise fir8t dose, Large hittles 50o and $1'-. Sample botte fre of d4ugista. IN ortlicote ; anduni aneiisr tableu -i Last Rose cf Sunier," in threc parte withswerds adapted te the occasion, wa2 sung by Misses M. -icILeugllliin, ]igIe, and E. «lover. Tise sanie trio also.sunn "Robin Adaîn," with muis -cxprcsnon. Befene tise "wedding Me1,rcis" was sung, tise Club, preceded by tise lishüre, escont- ed amercis, and befonetise chorus was finished twc grotesque foris wearing maks appeared et tiose ides of tise plat. forpi and joined very lseantxly li "Godi Seve tise Queni." Meseýrs. Wesley Allisi and J. Clismie actcd as usisers, tiseir cîçi fashioned ecostumies bigmuclisadmired; and Messrs. Fred. McQU'ung nd Arthur McMurtry as aeistunts, ciadÎ in eccentric gurmeis, and wvearnisgmeeks. Miss Emeslie, cf Tononto, gave severel cornuec recitations, and was wvell received by tise audience. Mýiss Pridisam, wsokindly gave lier scrvicea for tise occasion, sang "Ennai invlani and us an encore "Wisee und Fisl, Cs," iu tise firet part of tise programmse ; and O'x Venice Wat~- crn," and "WVithin a Mile cf ]ldiriborc,' Town,"' lithe second. She hasa aspîcu- didly culivatcd voice andi her slugiiug wa liiglisy appr-eiatedi. MisesIKato Archer, a youn.g violinist of great promise, aise pilayed remerk-ably wvell, and coinplctely captivated ber audience. fier selections were e "Concerto" by PeBeniot, "Slumii- ber Song" by Reinaid, "MLa7zurka," Wiev- aeki, and "RZomiane" Beetisoven, Wc must net forg-et e comic, tableau, ini wisicis Miss May Allen, as Cornelia Crab.- trce, and Misses R.LI'ercy, Hill1, Tait und W. Beibis acted renarkebly wel; also a kitchenl scenle, botliscf wlisici seesnied ta amuse tise audience irnnsenseiy. Alto- getiser tise concert was a succeas, anxd tise Choral Club dlesenve te be congratulated on tise cane tisey take, net cnly ln prac- tising and studyiug ,tiseir music, but on tise suocess of tise'entertuincnts tbey gave, botis lest yean and this. Tisey bave given, since tise club was formied, tisrce Cantates, "Tise Angels cf tise Bell,"' "Tise Gipsy Queu," and "Westwex'd -Ho," besides a number cf part son g s, and increaeed thisersebensliip of tise Club, se thut ài now numbers twenty euie yeiungc, ladies, wise nanaw are as follows : se- preni-Missos «lover, Sherin, Nosiwaxtisy5 J3ailey, F. Tiiley, C. Allen, M. N1cLaughi. lini, Binigiam, -Hall, Z. Enimlacenabe, W. Beitis, R. Perecy; second soprani-Misses MeLanglisln, Pingle, Tait, M.,.Allen ; contralto--Misses Ellfa «laver, W. Mer- isen, Jessie Hill, .Nellie Williepms, M. 1Nortlicote. The Onily Ttsing. Mr. James Boumiier, 158 Youiig St. Te. renta, Ont., writes: "I canniot give tco iruais praise to t.Jaicobs 011, and have great pleasure lu roecomniendin.- it as the enly rernedy 1. couid get tQe reliave aud clfcctuelly cure nie cf neuralgis. litise head. Ihabaasefasnd itcf groat basc- fit for' risennatieni, and aum never wtbeut fer skisa ýp provca z 3 s-*l.501Pu'i Â,~vK. - - - 3' flua nqW IlascIPLES Çxiuitc-t, BOWMANVILLE. QUEN'S BIRTEDAT. Tisecommitteje who have tisemapago- meut of the great denostration for' Mon- day, May- 25, are Ieaiviing nothing undoire to mlake tise day)s enjoysnent varied and complete. he are pbsnnirig for swue- thing enitirely new and iio effort or ex- pense is baing spared to give satisfaction. Tise bills and. prograws will bc out thia week and mev be had of W. E. 1'ethick,' Secretary. Large turnouts are propiiaed from Wiitby, Oshawa, -Newcastle, Orono, Hampton, 1lilackýstock and elsewhere, andc given a fine day, one) of thse largest orowds seen in Bowmanvileo for a long timie $s ex- poted. Furthier particulare uext week. THE OLD FOLKS CONCERT. Tho second annual concert of the Ladies' Choral Club, took place on TueH- day evening, April 28th, and was well et- tended by an enthusiastic audience. Thse entertainiment, this year, was li the foruai of an "Olde Foîkes Concerte," itnd the ouniladiles tricd to inake themeselved 1o.k as old as possible, sorne of theiw suc- ceediuig rcumarkably 'wefl, cspecially Miss- es Sherii. ]ihngle, 1Bailey, R. Percy and Carrie A. ' ise opening number was "Auld Lang Syne," in three-part har- mony, susig by the Club, before thse eux' tain was raised, and when that toak place two rows of anvient dames wore dîaclosed ta view, wearing ineet woxiderfully trim- med bats and bonnets, aprons, old sbawls, etc. Queo younig, or rather old lady heid an unbrella, whici tu j udge by i à appear- ance wiil neyer be borrowed, or ntolen, andid another displayed a pair of very hendsnxne white cotton gloves, which ahowed to great advantage, as sho restcd her bande on the shboulders of the damne who Bet lu front of ber. When the eux'- tain wcut do-wn fo)r tie lest timie a won- derful transfornmation Ltok place, the shabby garuients beiing quickly east aside, ai-d a toteily different set of ladies ap- peening the next tîime it roýse. It iwould take too long to desc'sribe ail thse iarious dresses, etc., someu of whieh wero reniark- ably good. Tise Club have been pracrising all win-. ter under Miss Ariiour's direction. and ---------- m kJOHNST CRYDERMAN

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